PlayBoy Bunny *coming soon!*

بواسطة Baby_CA

432 6 1

Meet 23 year old Rachel Merts, a PlayBoy Bunny in the 1960's. The reason? Money and more money. Let's not f... المزيد

PlayBoy Bunny *coming soon!*

432 6 1
بواسطة Baby_CA

"Now, you girlies play nicely all right!"

George grinned at us heatedly, he closed the door behind himself as if we would dare to make any corrupt movements. We didn't dare, this was all we had, all we could support our families on. I'm sure that if he'd left us in a dimly lit cage that we would have not left either. The 1960's was a harsh time on the economy and none of us wanted to bring burdens upon ourselves never mind others.

"Lucy! Come here."

The grey haired gentleman called over to one of the youngest heaviest-asseted girls. Young Lucy looked like she'd just come out of the fresh waters, a bright southern belle tan, blue pale eyes and glistening pearly teeth. She seemed like she should have been in some hairspray commercial, rather than here.

Lucy obliged, in a shuffle she prepped her tail, patting it studiously. She then applied a new thick coat of red lipstick and shuffled the hell out of here. She sent me a grimly knitted smile, opened the mahogany door bedazzled 'Babes' and we heard George practically jump the poor girl outside, her feigned girlish shrieks of excitement.

"That hussy!" Claire shrieked.

Claire was also a blonde, but small chested plain girl. Something about her saucy and pouted lips earned her customers- I didn't see it. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement, pathetically.

"Don't you care Rachel?"

She adjusted the top of her pink costume, eyeing me expectantly. I shrugged and evened my bunny ears. I looked at my reflection in the large vanity mirror, my even chest, brown simplistic hair- never to mention my red suit. I was a red suit, and I took impeccable pride in it. All of us girls were ranked in order of popularity, whites like Lucy, then reds like me and finally pinks like Claire. Those were the top ranks. The rest of the girls were yellows, purples, greens or just anything that came to mind. We were the top three earners, and we took pride in it.

"I care, I just...don't care, I guess."

I sighed. My life was far too complicated for girly dribble, I lived with all of them though, and needed to learn how to put up with the lot, if I was to be successful.

Being a PlayBoy Bunny meant the following for me:

1. Money

2. Money

3. Fame

4. A chance of a rich marriage and my ideal life.

Can I just mention that I'm twenty-three, I have been here since eighteen and I'm still a virgin?

Now, HOW did I manage that!

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