My Loving Mate (The Silver Li...

BellaDemont द्वारा

213K 5.8K 477

Elizabeth Montgomery has a mate. He is over possessive, he is a jerk and sometimes he can be that perfect mat... अधिक

losing hope
did you miss me?
pretty boy
wild flower
strong bond
in heat
the rescue
I'll be okay
I still love you
giving birth
twice the fun
the wedding
literature teacher


8.1K 259 16
BellaDemont द्वारा

Liz's P.O.V

"What is wrong?" Liam said as he got up from the bed.

"Nothing, everything is alright." I said as I covered my neck with my hair.

"Why did you get up like that Liz and I'm not going to ask this twice." Liam said warning me.

I gave a sigh.

"I was dreaming that I had a miscarriage, my dream felt so real that I had to see it for my own." I said.

"But your baby is fine." Liam said.

"Yes." I said nodding.

"Then get back to bed." Liam said.

I slowly walked to the bed and lay down making sure to not show my neck to Liam, as soon as he turned off the light I got next to him and closed my eyes tightly.

'Why did this happen?' I asked my wolf.

'I have no idea, what were you thinking before you went to sleep?' My wolf asked me.

'Max.' I said.

'What?' My wolf asked me.

'I was thinking about Max, about how much I love him and how happy we were on Prom night when he said that I had his heart and nobody else would.' I told her.

'Oh.' She said in a worry tone.

'What?' I asked her.

'Max and his wolf have a very strong bond with us and no matter what Liam does he won't be able to break it.' My wolf said.

'What do you think Liam will do when he finds out about the bond?' I asked her.

'He will try everything to break it, it is clear that Liam wants our power and he will do anything to get it.' My wolf said.

I looked at Liam's face, he seemed about to fall asleep. In a way Liam looked like Max, except that Liam didn't have childish features like Max did, Liam had dirty blonde hair, green blue eyes, and he wasn't like Max was.

In a way Liam was beyond beautiful but he was not for me.

Liam gave a small sigh.

"Just go to sleep and stop looking at me." Liam said.

"Okay." I said as I buried my face in his chest, the room was cold and his body was providing me the heat I needed.

A few minutes passed before I decided to speak.

"Liam?" I said in a soft voice.

"Mmmhh." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Do you promise that no matter what happens you won't kill my baby?" I asked him.

'What are you doing?' My wolf asked me.

'I need to know.' I told her.

"Yeah." Liam said in the same sleepy tone.

"Do you swear on your life?" I asked him.

"Liz, nothing will happen to you or your baby. I promise and swear." Liam said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

I looked at him and close my eyes, I knew what I was doing I was fully aware of it but I had no other choice. Without the bite mark I will have to do whatever it takes to make sure that this baby will be born and live.

'Are you sure about this?' My wolf asked me.

'I will have to do this.' I told her.

I closed my eyes and imagined his face.

Max, wherever you are please forgive me. I thought as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I just hope one day he will understand why I did this.

Abby's P.O.V

"What do you mean? Why would Liam kill her?" Taylor asked.

"Liam will make sure that I won't be able to have her or any other wolf, I know he will make sure of that." Max said.

"But there has to be a reason for Liam not to kill Lizzy." Zac said as he frowned.

"No, there is nothing else he can do to get the power Lizzy has." Nick said as he looked at us.

"Actually there is." I said in a soft voice as I sat down in the bed.

"What?" Taylor asked me.

I shook my head.

"Abby." Taylor said.

"I think it's better if you don't know; if Max doesn't know." I said.

"Why shouldn't I know?" Max asked me.

"Because it will hurt you and it might make you change your mind." I said.

"Change my mind about what?" He asked me.

"About Selene, you would think things differently." I said.

"How, why would that happened?" Max asked me.

"It could make you chose Selene as a mate and reject Lizzy as such." I said.

"I won't do it, but tell me what the other way is." Max said.

I gave a sigh.

"The only way for Liam to get the power even if he doesn't mark her is if Lizzy has a baby, if Liam get's Lizzy pregnant." I said.

Max was speechless but I could see it in his eyes that this wasn't what he ever wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"As long as he doesn't kill Lizzy I will be okay with it." Max said but I could tell that he was lying.

After a few minutes of silence we all went back to bed, I was wearing some black shorts and a long sleeved white blouse. I got to my side and went to sleep as soon as Zac turned off the light and got to bed with me.

I was in a mansion that is what it seemed to be, I walked around the mansion which seemed to be empty as if it was abandoned but it was clean and there was no dust which mean that there was people in here living. Suddenly a strong scent of vanilla and roses hit me, but there was something else in that scent it wasn't from a normal she wolf. I followed the scent to a pair of white doors; I open it and saw that there was a girl. She was clearly a teenager but she was pregnant, I could see her little bump and her smell was of a she wolf that was pregnant; I walked slowly towards her and when she saw me she immediately covered her womb trying to protect it.

"Who are you?" She asked me, her green eyes were full of fear and her voice shook when she spoke.

"I'm Abby, who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm Lizzy." She said.

I stared at her short curvy frame, dark wavy hair and green eyes. It was how Max had described Lizzy; could this girl be his mate?

"What's wrong? You seem troubled." Lizzy said when I stayed quiet for a while.

"I think I know who you are." I said.

"You do?" She asked.

"Do you know by chance a Max?" I asked.

Her face seemed to brighten up when I said that name.

"As in Max Coltrane, because he is my mate Max is my mate." She said in a happy tone.

"Yes, him I know Max." I said.

Then Lizzy looked at me.

"What happened? Did something happen to him?" She asked me worried.

"No, he is fine. Well, not exactly fine Max misses you a lot he is mourning for your lost all the time but he is not will not rest until he finds you." I said.

"He is?" Lizzy said her voice was so full of hope.

I nodded.

Lizzy smiled and hugged her stomach.

"Is it Liam's?" I asked her.

"No." Lizzy said as she shook her head.

"Then who is the father?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a 'Isn't it obvious' look.

"Max?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"How did this happen?" I asked her.

"Prom night, it was the last and only time I was with him." Lizzy said in a sad voice.

"Does he know?" I asked her.

"No, he has no idea." Lizzy said.

I looked around the room and saw that she was in a cold place there were a lot of trees outside and the weather was cold.

"Where are you? Where are we?" I asked her.

Lizzy was about to respond when we heard some footsteps.

"He is here." Lizzy said her voice was full of fear.

"Who, who is here Liz?" I asked her.

She ignored me and got up.

"You have to hide, you get out of here. If he sees you he will kill you or he will kill my baby." Lizzy said as she made me get out of the room.

I heard that the footsteps were coming from the left so I went to the right down the hallway.

I could feel my heartbeat increasing, and I was trying to make sure that nobody would see me I couldn't put in risk Lizzy's life much less her baby's life.

I went downstairs and as I passed by a room an arm pulled me inside.

I was pushed against the wall; I met a pair of blue eyes with a hint of green.

"What are you doing here?" He said his voice full of anger.

"Liam." I said scared.

"What are you doing here?" He said again.

I sat up and notice that I was still in the Motel, it seems like my abrupt reaction had woken up Zac.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

I just shook my head.

"Abby." Zac said as he touched my cheek.

"It was just a bad dream." I said.

"About what, what was it about?" He asked me.

"I don't even remember, I was just scared and I had never felt that way before. But the dream was so confusing." I said in a soft voice.

"Why?" Zac asked me.

"Because it felt so real, the dream was so vivid." I said.

"Just go back to sleep." Zac said.

I laid down in the bed and tried to go to sleep but at the end I couldn't because somehow I was convinced that it wasn't somehow I knew that it had happen that I had talked to her but how if she was probably miles away from where I was?

At the end I gave up and left the room, I went for an early walk to think more about everything that I saw in the dream or vision. It was huge mansion and I knew where Lizzy was meaning in which room, there was a forest outside and it was cold meaning that it could be in the north part of the country but what exact part, she could be in Washington, Alaska, Illinois or even what was my worst fear she could even be in another continent and I knew that with the baby Lizzy was in a constant danger since a she wolf would do anything to protect her baby and there were no limits to what she would do to keep her baby alive.

There also something that was bothering me I knew how Liam looked because Max had describe me such how he looked but I knew Liam from somewhere but from where?

Liz's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this?" Emma asked me.

"Yes, I saw her. She had blonde hair and gray eyes. She told me her name was Abby, that she knew Max and that he was looking for me." I said.

"But it was dream." Emma said.

"I know it was but it has happen to me before, when I found out I was Max's mate I started to have dreams about a gray wolf and I even had the dream when Liam was going to kidnap me." I said.

"So you're saying that you had dreams that were visions of the future?" Emma asked me.

"As impossible this sounds it's true." I said.

"So do you think Abby the girl you're talking about will get here and find you?" Emma said.

"I hope so." I said as I looked out to the window.

"Who do you think she is?" Emma asked me.

"I don't know. Why do you ask?" I said.

"If you don't know her how can she have a relation to you or Max?" Emma asked me.

"Maybe she is helping him, but why could that girl sees me and not Max, I have dreamt about Max but not the way I had the dream with Abby last night." I said.

"Maybe it was because of the mark, maybe when the mark disappeared it triggered some kind of connection with Abby." Emma said.

"But why her and not Max, why couldn't Max see me?" I asked.

"I don't know." Emma said.

After a while Emma left to finish her chores, I stayed there in Liam's room which was now my official bedroom. In the morning Emma had come here with all my clothes and placed them in Liam's closet next to his, Liam and I would now share every meal and of course the bed. It was a small sacrifice compared to what I was saving, I just which I could see Abby again in a dream and tell her where I was. To be saved from this nightmare that never seemed to end, to be taken away from Liam's claws.

Abby's P.O.V

I got back to the Motel where Zac was waiting for me outside the room.

"Where did you go?" He asked me.

"For a walk, why do I have to ask you permission?" I said in a mad tone.

"No, but I woke up and you weren't with me anymore; I was planning to take you from some breakfast, but since you were gone I went and got you this." Zac said as he handed me a bag from a coffee place.

I open it and it had a coffee and some chocolate chip cookies.

"Oh." I said taken back by his gestured.

'You shouldn't be so mean to him, he loves you.' My wolf said.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that." I told Zac apologizing.

"It's okay, I get where it's coming from and it's been a hard week." Zac said as he kissed my forehead and went inside.

I stood there by the door drinking my coffee and as I did that it hit me.

That face, his dirty blonde hair, green blue eyes and that evil smirk.

I knew who he was! He was with Gunter when they had killed my father!

I felt panic and looked around and next to a building a saw a person, even thought he was far I could tell that it was Ben, I was right he had followed me.

Liam's P.O.V

"What do mean by that?" He asked me.

"Are you stupid or what? I'm telling you to do it Ben!" I yelled at him through the phone.

"Why? You said I could keep her." Ben said protesting.

He was just like a spoiled kid, acting like a little rich brat.

"But I changed my mind." I told him.

"This was not part of the deal." Ben said.

"Mentioning the fact that she was Seeker was also left out of the deal." I said.

"A Seeker, what is that?" Ben said confused.

"She can see Liz, she came to her dream last night and she saw me. I knew her father and if she is also a Seeker I have doubt that she will be as powerful as her father that is why you have to do it." I said.

"But Liam I can't-."

"It's an order Ben, or I will get you instead." I said.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" Ben asked me.

"I don't care how you do it but I want you to get rid of her. I want you to kill Abby." I said.

Abby's P.O.V

I looked at Ben who was talking at the phone; it seemed like he was alone but why risk himself here? This was no longer his territory.

I was startled by my phone; I picked up and heard some weird noises. I could tell that someone was running on the other side of the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Abby." A woman's voice said.

"Yes." I said.

"You need to get here fast!" The voice said.

Then I recognized the voice.

"Savannah? What are you talking about?" I asked her confused.

"He is back." She said.

"Who is back?" I asked her confused.

"Gunter." She said.

I felt my blood freeze and then I felt anger.

"What?" I said mad.

"Gunter is back and he is looking for you Abby." Savannah said before I heard some gun shots.

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