Take Me Away | Phan

By phandabbydozi

10K 453 492

Dan does not have a great home life with something deeper than just abuse. Most people don't care for him and... More



1K 49 47
By phandabbydozi


"So where are we going today?" I asked Phil as we ate some of the bread and peaches we got. I only ate two peach slices and one piece of bread since I was hungry but could hold off on that. He plopped next to me. His bare chest was intimidating so I tried not to look.

"I don't know how to explain it" was all he said before we switched the topic.

We didn't really know what to do with our old clothes so we really just pushed them in the front pocket of the backpack. We wore the same jeans every day though.

I noticed as we were leaving the forest, Phil had only a shirt on. There wasn't a design except for a lion on the pocket.

He looked hot as hell with the sun beaming on him. Then I wondered if he ever thought of me like this. What were we exactly? A couple? Friends who kiss and cuddle and hold hands?

The walk to wherever took a long time so we had to stop and get water from McDonald's. It was strange because no one suspected anything.

We turned corners and walked from alleyway to alleyway but soon came to a group of people looking worried. Phil walked right up to them without any fear of them. The sun was setting and there were ten people compared to us.

"Excuse me sir you can't be here" One guy stood up and walked to us. Phil chuckled and handed him the big bag with the three jars. "What's this?" He peeked in the bag to see all of it. So this errand was returning the guys money to his minions. I guess that was nice since we didn't need it.

"Something happened to him but don't worry. Here's your money back. Do with it what you want" Phil smiled politely. The guys were looking in the bag with disgusted looks.

"Look asshole. I don't know what game this is but it isn't funny. Did Frank put you up to this?" One of them asked. He had tattoos and piercing about everywhere one could.

"Oh.. Frank did this himself with dealing illegal drugs" Phil shrugged with innocent wide eyes. The bigger guy with disgustingly huge biceps puffed out his chest and stepped towards him. I reached out to pull Phil back but he took his knife out of his pocket and held it up to the guys neck.

"You wouldn't you pussy" he tested. Phil laughed and used his height to tower over him probably freaking him the heck out.

"That's what Frank thought. No one would mess with him but" Phil made a popping noise with his mouth and waved the knife around. They all backed up with wide eyes. "I know you wont turn me in either because trying to find a clean way to explain this wont work" Phil smirked.

"What do you want? Heroine? Cocaine? What?" The guys asked frantically. Being left without a leader must suck. Imagine how everyone felt when Gandalf died.

"I just want you to stop selling this. You think giving a seventeen year old boy drugs is okay? I wont turn you in but you all need to stop. He's gone so just. Get out of this while you can" Phil sighed. They nodded and relaxed a bit as they realized Phil wouldn't hurt them. "I think I hear the cops coming. Run while you can" he looked around a bit confused making them run to the other end of the alley and go separate ways.

Phil smiled at me but then bit his lip hiding the grin. He took my hand and walked me back through all the alleys. We didn't say anything on our way out though it was peaceful feeling like a real couple.

The sun was gone and we were bored. I doubt anyone has gone to sleep yet though. What to do was beyond me and Phil seemed the same way.

We were walking down the street towards where we needed to be for the next kill when Phil pulled me into the shadows hiding me from god knows what.

There were deep voices coming from just around the corner but what they said was inaudible. Suddenly a woman came into view about late thirties with a very weird style. Short shorts, and oh how I mean short, were riding up showing her butt. Her tank top hugged her body and was so small it was probably for a little girl.

"Go you whore" the deep voice said. She whimpered but started walking down the street. Phil didn't hesitate to follow her and act interested.

We almost caught up to her when I saw he had a literal boner. Was he for real? I couldn't find the right words to describe how I felt about this. Heartbroken was an understatement. Disgusted worked in a way but still.. and understatement.

"How much?" Phil whispered in her ear. She laughed lightly trying to be sexy but failing. Her voice was broken from the cigarettes peaking out of her purse and maybe even swallowing too much of... well I think you know.

"For both?" She raised an eyebrow at me. It was smothered in eyeshadow. Girl. If you want to pick up a boy like me at least have style. "Fifty... each" she smirked. Phil bit his lip but pulled out what we would owe her if we did this. Were we really going to?

"Lets get a hotel" Phil gripped her side roughly. She did that laugh again which made me roll my eyes.

After walking about ten minutes to a hotel, Phil made me get a room and then we rushed upstairs them giggling and me falling behind rubbing it in their face that I have the key.

I slid the key in, not all the way, and sighed when it didn't glow green allowing our entrance. "Maybe they hooked it up wrong?" I shrugged acting confused.

Phil took the key but didn't let my hand go and put it in the slot all while looking at me straight in the eyes. When it glowed, he smirked and pushed us both in.

The girl sat next to me on the bed ready to do whatever she does but I was ready to crawl in a corner and rot away. Phil came up to her reaching into the bottom of his shirt about to pull it off when he pulled out his knife.

All the confusion left and all I did was smile. He rubbed it against her cheek being all careful and shit... I couldn't stop watching him.

"Tell me... where does your boss live?" He asked. I knew exactly what was going to happen next. Which it did.

"I c-can't give out that i-information" she stuttered extremely terrified of him. She was now fully on her back with him on top.

"Nope. You'll tell me or I'll slit your throat and find him myself" he threatened. It was a lie and we both knew that but she had no clue. The lady held up her hands to stop him before stuttering out a reply.

"On the E-East side of town. Find the big Asda then walk a couple miles. It's the only b-building there. There's nothing but that house for a c-couple blocks" her lip quivered because he has yet to set down the knife. He smiled before shoving the blade into her chest.

Needless to say he did what he normally did. Writing in her blood what she was to society and then we grabbed her little money as well as ours that we gave her. He rinsed his hands before we bolted to a hotel a little ways down. It was a good idea to stay in one. Maybe shower and do laundry for once.

We fell back onto the new bed after all the chaos. His hand held mine tightly from running across the road and I guess we just never let go.

"Phil?" I whispered not really sure why but didn't want to speak too loudly. I still had a question about that girl. He hummed waiting for the question. "How did you get horny from her?" He snorted at that but then realized I was serious.

"Honestly?" He looked at me slightly worried. I nodded and waited. "Well... it wasn't her" he shrugged expecting to end it there.

"Then what?" I turned on my side to see his face. He bit his lip before rolling on top of me.

"I imagined you. Naked in bed. The sheets were a mess but I saw you perfectly. You were touching yourself and staring at me. Your face was pink, your hair a mess and your- your strokes were fast yet increasing each time" he kissed my neck.

I knew now that he was attracted to me. He felt the same as I did. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

For once, he seemed unsure of his next movements. His shaky hands moved my shirt off my body and rubbed my chest. His eyes were that dark color they were with each murder I've seen him do.

The next thing I knew his knife was on my chest where my ribs parted almost ready to puncture me. I slapped it off since I wasn't in full vulnerability. His mouth gaped open as he realized this.

I pushed him off of me and ran out the door with my shirt in my hand. He said he would never hurt me. Why did he try to kill me if he said he would never hurt me?

Migraine pounding as hard as my feet on the ground, I went to the only place I knew at the moment but probably not the best choice. I was scared to see the reaction of me being gone.

Climbing up to the window I saw it was dark inside almost as if this room hasn't been opened and no one knew I was gone at all.

I then saw post it notes on the desk with the same writing. I'm sorry. One for each day I've been gone. I heard a shout from downstairs drawing my attention away.

When there was a smack of skin, I ran down to see my father beating my mother. I don't love these two but no one should put up with a bastard like him. They paused when I entered.

"Daniel" they said at the same time. My father grabbed the rolling pin and turned to me fully. I knew he was going to beat me but I had a better plan.

"Geoffrey" I swallowed hard trying to show him to fuck off. He snickered obviously drunk.

"I miss our fun times!" He sighed and unbuckled his pants. "Hands and knees. Just like old times"

I quickly ducked under his arm and grabbed the largest knife I could. Just like Phil's. He laughed at this and went to grab me but I sliced his arm.

"I'm not fucking around you bastard" My breathing got heavier. I felt myself wanting to see him limp. His body open and his blood on my hands.

He started backing up but I kicked his legs making him fall. Hurting him like he's hurt me was one of the best feelings in the world.

"You want sex?" I spat in his face. He goes to hit me but I cut his arm again. I lowered the knife into his crotch hearing the scream fill my ears almost making them bleed. I did this over and over until his screaming stopped turning into painful groans. Then I did his chest as roughly as I could. When I was sure he was gone for good, I did his skull just so he didn't come back.

I took a moment to enjoy this before sliding off and leaning against the wall. The knife was covered but I wanted more on it. My mother jumped at something but definitely not me.

"Dan?" I heard. I glanced up to see Phil with the most terrified eyes. He then looked at the surroundings. My mother curled in the corner, my father laying there and me wickedly smiling in the corner.

"You tell anyone" I pointed to my mother who flinched "and I'm coming after you bitch" I threatened. I left the house without another word even to Phil.

Halfway to the forest, Phil pulled me another way.. to the hotel.

We were silent the whole way. There was nothing to say. Nothing to talk about.

When we got into the room I pulled off my jeans and shirt and slithered into a real bed just wanting a good nights sleep when Phil pulled the covers off waking me up more.

"Phil what the f-"

"What was that about?" His voice low and gravely. I stopped complaining. Our eyes held the others before I smirked and rolled mine.

"Let's just call it a feeling" I shrugged. He chuckled then joined me in the covers. Phil watched me with admiration as I tried to get comfy.

At this moment I knew he wanted me to help him. Not just be with him but help him.


oml that was wild.

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