The Sociopath Who Ate My Cere...

بواسطة not_invisible

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Lucas Michael Avery is everything a girl could ever want; handsome, smart, funny. Everyone loves him. Correc... المزيد

"Pull a Jack the Ripper and strangle everyone with pantyhose."
"Would you be comfortable with Jeffery Dahmer living in your town?"
"He's literally like a real life Norman Bates."
"The Buffalo Bill wannabe murdered my cat."
"I had just spooned with Charles Manson's Spawn"
"Son of Sam had a hard on."
Character Profile
"Its the Candy Man's lucky day."
Meet Lucas
"You're about to become the Bonnie to my Clyde."
"Stockholm Syndrome was apparently my thing."
"Lucifer the light bringing morning star."
"Call me Lord Voldemort's whore."
"Ted Bundy came to town and pissed all over everyone."
"In my obviously superior view they're shit stains on Hitler's panties."
"Aileen Wuornos had nothing on you!"
Next chapter Sneak Peak
"Imagine a younger Ed Gein as Freddie Prince Jr."
"Emmett and the dead girl."
"American Psycho Killed it at the Big Exposition"
Help me now.
Lucas Michael Avery Part 1
Life Update
"Go back in the house Clarice."
"I was going to do it looking and feeling like Kim Possible."
"Awkwardly hot demon who wants to steal your soul."
Lucas Michael Avery Part 1.5

"The Zodiac Killer could play better than Bach himself."

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بواسطة not_invisible

Chapter 5





My foggy brain fought against reality. I hadn't slept a wink and there wasn't a single coherent thought crossing my mind.

"Why the hell are you up at four in the morning? Are you even human?" A groggy voice murmurs from beside me.

I jumped out of bed and in my heist to get up I ended up landing on my butt. I groaned in pain and I felt my face flush in embarrassment. Flashes of last night flew through my mind as I struggled to get my thoughts together.

Lucas Avery had yet again threatened my life. To make matters worse he had slept with me. And not in a fun 'we slept together' kind of way.  Not that I'd ever think of Lucas and I in that way at all or anything...

I felt like an ice cold bucket of water was dropped on me when I realized what Lucas was becoming.

He was truly becoming a fixture in my life. One I could happily do without.

I couldn't let this become a normal thing. He had to butt out of my life. Now. Before he'd break me in two. And again not in the fun break me in two kind of way. In that soul crushing defeated kind of way.

"Get out. I let you sleep here. Now get the hell out!" I said my voice breaking just slightly.

Lucas just sat up in my bed. He looked beautiful. I hated it. His brown eyes were glowing a wolffish gold his bed head perfectly messy. I could feel my face heat up as he looked into my eyes with his bedroom ones. "Now darling that's no way to treat a friend." He groaned and stretched out. As he did do the blankets fell from his body and I gasp and covered my eyes. His top half was completely bare. His muscles flexed and as I peeked a little I noticed the scars marring his flesh. I felt like it reflected his soul, beautiful absolutely artistic but so twisted. So imperfectly perfect. But regardless holy hell was his body magnificent. I mean damn God definitely spent some extra time on him. Too bad he's crazier than Lucifer himself.

He smirked at my reaction but otherwise ignored my childish response. I was grateful for it because I would not be able to live down the fact he actually affected me.

But in my defense I'm just a mere girl. And he is sex on legs. "But I guess you're right. I should get home."

He walked to the window and looked out below. He studied the scenery for a moment before looking back at me. I blushed a little as I realized again I was obsessively staring at him.

I was again surprised he hadn't made a snarky remark. It was not like him at all.

He looked... Off. And not the normal 'I'm Lucas and a crazy psycho felon.' He looked concerned. "Lucas, are you okay?"

He looked surprised that I asked him. I was kind of surprised too.

"I'm good Candice."


Ten minutes later I was alone. I was surprised at how anticlimactic the whole scene had been. After lasts night excitement I almost expected...more. But the morning was calm. As I looked around my room nothing was out of place. Not a thing looked out of the ordinary.

It almost felt like Lucas Avery had never entered my room. Until I noticed a singular thing that just wasn't right.

Under the bed was something that shined in the growing sun light. As I crouched down to inspect it I stop half way.

I knew what it was. It was a knife.

The knife that could have so easily sliced through my skin and cut at my life's blood.

I groaned as reality finally set in. After one day Lucas Avery had turned my whole life upside down. He was going to pay. I wasn't sure how yet. But he was doing to burn in hell.



"Candice. Did you pick out your piece for the exposition?" Anthony asked as he walked by my side on our way to Animal Ethics.

"No. I don't think I'll be taking part of it this year." I said.

"Why the hell not?"

"Well I honestly don't feel like it. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the crowd and I'm helping organize it. It wouldn't seem right if I was apart of it." In complete truth I was afraid of I was apart of it Lucas would do something to sabotage the whole event. I had spent way too many hours helping plan it. There was no way in hell I was letting BTK ruin this for me.

Anthony just stared at me. He didn't say anything but I could tell he wanted to argue further with me.

I would never admit it to anyone else though I was glad I wouldn't be playing.

I'm not sure why but I felt nothing but relief when the deadline to sign up passed.

"I'm not sure what I want to play. Tensely is going on and on about playing her own mashup of an old Linkin Park song and Metallica. Like that's going to work. It's a shame. She's so talented." Anthony went on to say. His lips turning down ever so slightly. "I mean don't get me wrong I'm down for new age shit but it's an exposition. There are going to be some important people watching. And she's going to play some metal trash. I mean come- Ow! What the fuck!"

I smiled happily as I realized Tensely had come upon us and heard his comments. She then proceeded to kick him right in the nuts.

She and I were currently smiling widely at the withering man at his knees.

"Fuck off you twit. You wouldn't know real music if it fucked you in the mouth."

"Tens, language." I scolded.

As we stopped walking and stood outside the classroom I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A tall handsome boy was pressed up against a small brunette. His large body was rubbing against hers as she gyrated back against him. Their lips ravaging each other. The were eating each others souls.

At first I was disgusted at their so public display of affection. "Get a room!" I said loudly, trying to get them to break apart. Anthony grab my arm and Tensely stood up straight beside me. Somewhat surprised at my outburst.

The couple slowly pealed themselves away from each other. I could see their slobbery saliva separating from their lips breaking apart.

The tall handsome boy turned around slowly. His lips quirking up just slightly. "Candy Cane you can't tell me this doesn't make your lady parts light on fire just imagining yourself in her place?" The brunette just giggled at what he said. Was she stupid? "But I don't mess with prudes who don't know their pussy from their asshole."

I glared at him. The tiny brunette with him ended up being Michelle O'brien. She was sectioned off into Hepburn. I hated to say it but she was an incredible actress. Her last performance in A Dolls House as Nora made me cry. Mr. Ibsen could have been proud.

That aside too bad she was dumber than a bunch of bricks. Her head was lighter than a feather. There was nothing floating around up there.

"At least I'm not dumb enough to catch every STD known to man and a few others. But don't worry little Lucy, I won't let everyone know that you ended up being everyone's bottom in prison and that's why your asshole is now artificial."

He just smiled widely at me "You would know little miss perfect. You've only dreamed about my naughty parts for your whole life."

My eyes widened. He better not talk about that. No one knows that we know each other. And I was perfectly okay with that. He better keep his dumb cock sucking mouth shut. "You're delusion if you think Candice would even think about you for a moment." Anthony said.

"She might not but I sure do!" Tensely said.

Lucas raised an eyebrow and the blunt girl. "See Candy this is how you should be talking. I like you. What's your name?"

"Tensely Adams. I'm five feet tall, I like Chinese food and pick the cheese off my pizza. I don't like water and I like watching cartoons. I also don't give a flying fig if you've murdered hundreds of people and ate their flesh. I think you're hotter than hell and I'm so down for having your babies."

"Tensely come on that's gross!" Anthony shouted at her.

"Desperate much?" Michele mumbled.

"I eat those too." Lucas said looking her dead in the eyes. His face completely serious.

"Eat what?" Tensely said dazed.

"Babies." With that he walked away from all of us. But not without giving us all a sinful wink.

"God he's sexy." Tensely said breathlessly.

"You're disgusting." Michele said. "Throwing yourself at him like that."

"Oh please piss off. You're not even worth one of my genius witty comebacks so scram."

"Whatever." She said as she walked off.

"What happened? Yesterday everyone was scared of him and now someone like Michele is making out with him. And I was also walking by a group of girls who thinks he's the hottest thing since Hot Cheetos." Anthony said his voice clearly disturbed.

"You didn't hear? This morning Leah McGurie and Sandy Harper saw him in the auditorium playing the piano. They recorded the whole thing and sent it to Jamie Ricker who sent it out to all those meat heads who basically sent it to everyone in the school. I personally deleted the message as soon as I realized Lucas was involved in the video. But apparently it sounded as though Mozart, Debussy, Chopin, and Beethoven all took over his body and we're playing through him."

"What there's a video! Why the hell didn't I get it?"

"It's because everyone is afraid of you Tens." Anthony said with a grimace. "Anyways since then everyone's opinion has changed of him. But of course from what I heard he's just about as indifferent as he always has been. But I'm not sure about that now. Seeing as him and Michele just got hot and heavy in front of your locker Candice."

"He wasn't in front of my..." I looked towards the lockers Michele and Lucas were just pressed up against and realized Anthony was right.

That Hannibal Lecter wanna be just tongue screwed his prostitute in front of my locker.



I found myself in the auditorium staring out at the seats in front of me. My feet were every aware of the wooden stage underneath me. I bowed in front of my fake audience. I walked as gracefully as I could to the piano.

I sat down and adjusted the bench to my height requirements. I straightened my posture. I lifted both my arms simultaneously and let my finger tips just lightly brush against the keys. I took a deep breath.

I let my mind shut down. I closed my eyes as I felt nothing but the smooth keys under my fingers.

Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23, No. 5 by Sergei Rachmaninoff.

I felt my body go numb. I knew my fingers were moving. I knew my body was rushing to catch up with them. I knew there was sweat dripping from my forehead. But I let my mind go white. I saw nothing but pure white.

My blood rushed through my veins.



Play harder.

Don't think.

Don't think.


Just play.

Just play.

There was nothing I loved more than this piano.

There was nothing I cared more about than music.

Play perfectly.

Show my dad in heaven and my mother on the ground they could be proud of me.

I would show him that I could play. I was perfect. This piece I was playing was perfect.

I would show him.

His eyes ingrained in my mind, his smile haunting my thoughts when suddenly my fingers froze. I stopped playing. I lost the music.

I was breathing heavily as I came too. I couldn't finish.

My fingers were shaking, my hand was shaking.

I could taste the salt of my perspiration.

I stopped playing.

I heard an echoing sound throughout the auditorium. It became repeating noise. Filling up the space. It was irritating. I squeezed my eyes hoping that soon the noise would stop. It was breaking my focus.

When the noise didn't stop my head snapped up. My eyes scanned the place until they came upon Lucas. His eyes staring into mine. His hands clapping together.

That echoing sound had been his clapping.

I grew more and more annoyed when I realized it was a clap of admiration. It was a mocking clap. He was mocking me.

"Candy Cane how wonderful. How perfectly played." He continued to slow clap as he walked up towards me.







He jumped up onto the stage and glided to me.

"It was perfectly played. It sounded perfect."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as his face dipped down close to mine as he sat down on the bench next to me.

"You don't deviate. It sounded perfect." I let myself accept and happily take on his comment. That was until I heard the next part. "It sounded mechanical."

His fingers brushed against the piano as he absentmindedly started playing Concerto No. 2 in C Minor Op. 18 by good old Sergei Rachmaninoff.

I got off the bench and let him play. It sounded very different that what Rachmaninoff had originally written it. It was more upbeat. The tempo was quicker. It was more passionate.

I was in awe as I watched him almost dance with the piano.

I watched him lose himself. I realized this is what he meant. It was not perfect. It was nothing like how it should be played.

But it was magical.

I felt like I could feel the wind on my face, the world spinning. I was transported to a whole other place as I listened to Lucas play.

The Zodiac Killer could play better than Bach himself.

It wasn't perfect. It was sinful.

I didn't realize my eyes were closed until the music stopped. My eyes fluttered open and I found myself staring into the golden sunset that was Lucas Avery's dangerous eyes.

"Going to scold me now Candy Cane?"

I couldn't answer him. He just sighed and got up. He walked to the edge of the stage and jumped down. As he walked past the chairs I could feel his energy. It was electric.

It wasn't until he was at the doors that I fully remembered who he was. Because as he walked towards the lockers straight across from the auditorium he took his fist and bashed a few of them. His fist hit the metal so hard some of the doors came unhinged.

I heard that awful banging sound for a good few more minutes.

He did destruction so easily.

It was second nature to destroy.

I had to keep reminding myself who he was.

It took me a moment to get my thoughts together but once I did I grabbed my stuff and left. As I walked down the empty hallways I took in the damage that Lucas had done. So many lockers were busted open. Papers and text books scattered across the floor. As I went to pick something up I noticed a red liquid on the ground. It almost looked like paint.

I realized that the red paint had dropped across the titles of the school hall. I got up from my crouched position and followed the trail.

It wasn't paint. It was blood. Lucas was bleeding.

I walked faster and faster as I followed the trail of blood. Until I got to a door.

I looked up. It was the infirmary.

Even Lucas being who he was he had gone to get help. I was surprised though. It was late. Even the nurse probably would have gone home. But I could distinctively hear voices on the other side of the door.

I reached my hand out to grab the handle when I heard a moan.

I froze. Maybe it was a groan. Maybe Lucas was in a lot of pain. But as I pressed my ear to the door I became more and more aware it was a moan and groans. Or more like grunts. I heard a steady thumping sound.

"Oh fuck. Yes right there. Harder." A woman's voice moaned.

"Sshh. Be quiet. Someone could hear you."

"Ugh it doesn't matter. Fûck me harder please!" I heard a deep laugh and the steady rhythm of thumping got faster and louder. The woman's moans of pleasure got louder too.

Someone was having sex in the nurses office. I should tell someone. I should inform the headmaster. I should do something.

But my curiosity got the better of me. My hands tightened against the door knob as I quietly opened the door just a crack. As I peered in I saw two bodies mangled in a passionate embrace.

The man was standing thrusting his hips as a woman clung to the front of him. Her back was to mine. Her golden hair falling across her back. Sweat coating both of them. The mans hands were digging into the woman's back end his fingers pressed against her flesh pushing her into him further. I noticed the mans hand was bleeding.

My eyes slowly scanned the screen until they focused on the man. He was looking at me smirking as he fûcked the woman. Her arms around his neck. She was screaming profanities and dirty phrases you'd have to get from a porno.

Lucas was watching me smiling as he fûcked the woman harder. He was punishing her. He was punishing me.

"Shit that's so good. Oh Fùcking shit."

"That's it. Good girl. Take it like a good little bitch." He murmured into her ear. "You're such a good girl." His golden eyes stared into mine. His thrusting became more earnest as his face morphed into pure ecstasy. His eyes still meeting mine he said "oh yes I'm going to cum."

My heart beat quickened and my abdomen clenched. I felt heat course through my veins. I found myself wishing to be embraced in his arms.

His whole body shook as he poured himself into the woman's body. The woman too finally lost herself into her own pleasure.

I was in awe at how beautiful he looked. Sweat was matted into his hair as his eyelids were heavy as his breathing slowed down. He finally broke eye contact with me as he dropped the woman. My eyes took in his male pride and I was shocked at how huge it was.

Oh my god how did he fit that into his pants? And how was it still hard? I mean I was a virgin in every way. I hadn't even seen a penis outside of sex education. But I was pretty sure after a man came he shouldn't look so... Well endowed.

The woman was a crumbled messed on the ground. As she hit the ground in surprise I saw her face. Her blonde hair plastered against her face, her green eyes which were normally framed with perfect makeup application were now sex hungry, her eyeliner smeared across her face. She was a mess. But she was smiling in delirium.

He took her hair and yanked her to face him. "Now Nurse Cathy take my cock into your mouth and clean yourself off it."

She didn't hesitate. She swallowed him whole. He nested his hands into her hair and drove into her mouth without giving a thought to whether or not she was in pain or not.

His eyes met with mine once again. He took the nurses head and shoved it hard against him. "Candice. Well haven't you turned into a little exhibitionist watching like you are. You're actually quite a pervert aren't you?" 

The nurse tried to pull back in surprise but Lucas' grip just tightened as he thrusted his hips to meet her mouth. "I bet you're as soaked as my little hot nurse is right now." My mouth must have been hanging wide open because the next thing he said was "damn I want to put my cöck in that perfect little mouth of yours. After all it'll finally get you to shut the hell up. Since it's no good for anything else. You always like to make gay jokes about me in prison. But want to know something little Candy?" He paused and groaned "damn watch your teeth!"

He smiled at me apologetically as if to say sorry for the nurses poor teeth control. "You're right. I did partake in some scandalous actions in jail. Mostly involving other man sucking me off. I bet you'd be a great côck sucker."

"Ugh yes." He had again started thrusting harder into our Nurses mouth. She was struggling against him but he didn't give much of a thought to her. "Candy Cane. Such a stupid dumb bïtch. You like to think you're better than everyone but you're not. I bet you haven't even been kissed. Much less anyone to fûck you like this. You know why that is? It's because you've got the worst personality. You're self righteous. You're fake. Even your piano playing you're so proud of sounds like shit."

I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't let a thing he said effect me. It wouldn't bother me.

"Look at you. You're clearly aroused watching us. I would bet you're wetter than Niagara Falls right now. You're pathetic."

With that I watched as he came in our nurses mouth.

I felt numb as I watched her drop to the ground again. She was a heap on the floor. I just silently backed away from the door and walked towards the exit of the school.

I wouldn't let what Lucas Avery said to me get to me. He was a no one. He was nothing. He didn't matter to me. Nothing he said could make me feel anything.

I was Candice Warring.

I was perfect.

I was still chanting that to myself when I was in my bed that night trying to get some sleep.

I was still chanting that when I felt a pair of warm arms embrace me that night.

I was still chanting that when I felt his body press against mine.

I was in denial when I realized I may have hated Lucas with a passion, but as he kissed my head and snuggled up to me close: I was addicted to that asshole.

I was addicted to his mood swings. I was addicted to the excitement I felt every time he was around. I was addicted to the adrenaline only he could give me.

I was addicted to Lucas.

I was an idiot.



Sorry about the late update.

I know the last part is a bit choppy. I need to go over it.

Warning: things are going to get a bit darker from now on. Drugs, sex, alcohol. You've been warned.

Let me know your thoughts.

Vote. Comment.

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