The Alpha or the Beta

由 MyBabyBlueEyes

27.9K 627 43

Leann Smith is in foster care and has been there basically her entire life. She tried her hardest to make it... 更多

(1) Going Out With a Bang
(2) His First Reaction
(3) Clouded Thoughts
(4) Make it quick!
(5) At Least you found me
(7) Well Aren't You Cute?
(8) Are We A We?
(9) Complications
(10) Cinnamon
(11) Could You Have Two?
(12) Biggest Mistake of My Life
(13) Pack History
(14) Stop Fighting!
(15) Whipped
(16) Kind of Kinky
(17) Death is Never Peaceful
(18) Perfectly Made for Me
(19) A Little Bit Crazy
(20) Flashback
(21) I Love You
(22) Sitting Ducks
(23) And That Was Saying Something
(24) Delainey
(25) Was I Ready For This
(26) Betrayal
(27) I Still Love You
(28) The End is Near

(6) Nighty Night.

1.1K 24 2
由 MyBabyBlueEyes

Hey all! Thanks sooooo much for all of your support! It really means the world to me. On the last chapter I got 3 votes. Ps that's the most I have ever got. Thanks for that too!

Any who school is going pretty good guys. All A's and one B. =) By the way I know that it has been awhile since I had a Liam POV chapter's one.




Liam POV =) <3

Why had she fallowed me? She didn't know me. For all she knew I could be some creeper that killed girls like her.

My wolf instinct answered for me, she was curious about me. If she wasn't a human I might actually like her. She was sweet, sexy, smart, beautiful, and smelled amazing. Too bad our kind cant claim humans as ours. They are only humans and don't count as anything on our food chain. Instead as an alpha our parents pick out a suitable partner and we were suppose to claim her as ours.

I don't actually like that part of being an alpha wolf. We have no say in who we are suppose to fall in love with. Crazy I know but its true. You don't even get to meet the girl before you become hers and she becomes yours. And guess what my dad has his eye on the daughter of another packs alpha. Which is just great for me because that means that when we become one I will have to take over her families pack and treat it like my own. Trust me I don't want another pack, I don't even know her name or what pack she is from. Actually the only reason I know anything involving this matter is because I "overheard" parts of my fathers conversation with her father.

I think that poor Leann is emotionally scared. She hasn't stopped shaking since I found her. And it's a good thing I found her when I did. One of the Lori Creeks high ranking wolfs was stalking her and getting ready to make her his next meal. But no one would be hearing from him anytime soon so it didn't really matter anymore. At least she was safe.

"H-hey Liam?" Leann had been sitting on her bed for awhile. But that's was actually all she was doing. Just sitting there staring off into space shaking. Actually I forgot she was there, I was used to having my own room.


"Thank you." She spoke so quiet that a human wouldn't have been able to tell she even said anything.

"Sure, don't worry about it. But Leann can you promise me something?"


"Don't go into the woods by yourself, there are some really dangerous things out there and my mother wouldn't like it very much if something happened to you."

"Th-then where did you go? Because the last time I saw you was heading out the door, but when I went to find you, you were gone."

"I went down the street to my cousins." I hope that she didn't notice that I was lying. It wasn't likely that she would but you never know.




"So?" We didn't say anything to each other for a long while. I actually thought she fell asleep.

"Leann, you awake?"


"I'm sorry that I am not going to be the most welcoming person..." She cut me off.

"This is where I get to say don't worry about it. I'm used to it. You may not know this but I have been kicked out of twenty-three foster homes since I was eight years old. I don't take it to heart anymore."

"Where did you live before you were eight?"

"With my only living relative, my grandma. She was eighty-six when she died. Before that I lived with my parents."

"How old were you when they died?"

"I was two and a half. I know everyone usually says that its alright because they don't remember them anyway. But not me, I remember a lot. I remember how my dad would smell after he got home from work. He was a mechanic so he always smelled like gas and oil. And I remember when my mom and I would make chocolate chip cookies just for the fun of it. Or when I went trick or treating as a lady bug and my mother went as a bumble bee and we got the most candy on the block because I made her stay out much later than most parents would allow their two year old. I remember them clearly as if they are still here with me."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up anything that might make you sad."

"Why would that make me sad?"

"Because it's a touchy subject."

"Not for me. Actually I love to talk about my life before I was eight. They were the only happy years I had. After that it began to suck and I try not to remember it. Foster parents are nothing compared to the real thing."

"Yah I guess that's true, but I would be sad to talk about my mom and dad if they were gone."

"I understand, but that's you not me."

"Yah. So did my mom get you all signed up for school?"

"I don't go to school."

"Hey I know its probably hard considering you move around so much but you have to finish high school."

"I did."


"I skipped a grade when I was seven."

"Oh so your like super smart?" She let out a little laugh and smiled. I love that smile. Its just...perfect.

"Yah I guess if you can consider skipping second grade smart."

"Well you graduated a year early so yah I consider it smart." Her smile got bigger.

"Ha thanks but actually I am glad that I graduated a year early because it made it a lot easier to go from place to place and not have to worry about having to transfer schools."

"Yah I bet."

"What about you. Are you a geniuses?"

"No I graduated when I was suppose too, when I was eighteen."

"So I was in the same grade as you?"

"Yah I guess you were. What school did you graduate from?"

"Hanford High in Washington."

"Wow that's not very close to here."

"I know. What about you."

"I've lived here in Willa all my life, so Willa High."

"Oh lucky you."

"Why? Willa High isn't a what most people consider a great school."

"No not about your school. Just the fact that you have lived in the same place your whole life."

"Oh yah I guess."

"So what is there to do around here?"

"Not much." I smiled over at her. There may not be much for her to do but there was WAY to much for me to do. There was no slowing down when you are an alpha everything is work, work, work. It gets really annoying after awhile.

"Oh okay, I'm sure ill figure something out, thanks."

"I have to worn you though. I'm not here a lot of the time."

"I thought you said there isn't much to do here."

"There isn't."

"Then what do you do all day?"

"Um, I work."

"That's actually a pretty good idea. Where would be a good place to work around here."

"Well there isn't much here, and what is here already has people working at it. So it would probably be best if you didn't try to find a job. Actually just dont go into town at all." I really didn't want her around a bunch of werewolves all day. She is really the only human in town.

"Oh." She let out a soft yawn.

"Leann, go to sleep okay."

"Okay." I stood up and walked over to the light switch by the door. After switching off the lights went back to my bed and laid down. It would be hours before I feel asleep but there was no reason to keep her awake with me.

"Hey Liam."


"Thanks again for not letting me die." And with that she fell into a deep restless sleep. Tossing and tuning all night.





So I know that this one was pretty boring but it was more of a lets get to know them a little better kind of thing. Thanks again for reading. Adios =)


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