
بواسطة LebstarHorayne

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
very important
The Powerful Reject (Rewrite)

Chapter 5

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بواسطة LebstarHorayne

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up with to my alarm beeping. "Shut it off." I hear someone complain next to me, so I quickly shut it off and rolled off the bed to get ready for the day. "Come back." And that told me that Ares still hasn't given Liam control.

"I have work to do. Do you wanna help me? I would like to spend as much time with my mate as I can before I get the meanie back." I said and Ares groaned. "Hey! You spent time with Mystic last night, don't you think it's my turn now?" I pouted.

Okay I'm up." He said and walked out of my room to go get ready while I get ready in my room.

I went downstairs in the kitchen and found him sitting on the table, waiting for me. "What do we do first?" He asked.

"Make breakfast for the pack." I said and we got to making breakfast. I found out my mate is useless in the kitchen. "Okay, let's do this. I make breakfast while you set the table and we'll do the dishes together?" I proposed and he eagerly nodded.

"As much as I hate these idiots for what they have been doing to you, I don't think killing them would be appropriate." He said and I agreed with a kiss to his cheek.

"Oh!" Ares and I looked at the person standing in the doorway. "I came to help but it looks like you don't need it at all. I'll make sure to tell Denise that you're fine." Luna said.

"Say hi to Ares, Luna." I softly put emphasis on 'Ares' so she knows it's not Liam with us, but his wolf.

"Oh." She said with disappointment in her voice. "Morning Ares." She mumbled before leaving the room.

"Liam is going to break her heart so badly." Ares said and I only nodded because even though it's painful for me to admit that I'm going to be rejected as soon as Liam gets control of his body, it's still the truth.

"Liam is still asleep, so tell me where you're running off to." Ares asked after a while, which made my eyes widen because I haven't told anyone that I'm planning to run away yet, so how did he know? "Mystic told me that you might run away when we were talking last night." He said and I understood.

"I don't know. I still haven't decided if I'm going to run away yet. I don't want to make Mystic suffer because he can't be close to his mate, but I don't have anything here for me. But I think I'll stay." I said to him.

"Mystic told me that you might wanna stay and endure pain just so he can be with his mate, that is why he asked me to tell you to leave. I love you Niall, just know that, but I also don't want you to stay here. Please go- so what do we do next?" Ares suddenly changed the topic which told me something is wrong and I should play along.

"You help me take the food to the table. Is Liam awake yet?" I ask to make sure he's the reason Ares stopped talking.

"Yes and he wants his body back, but he can wait for a few minutes." Ares said and something told me his definition of 'minute' is hour.

"How many hours do we have?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"The whole day. Maybe even tomorrow." He said and I started to laugh when his eyes flickered from gold to brown and then back to gold.

"Let's celebrate, My Love!" He cheered and did a fist pump, making me laugh even more. "I'm taking you out on a date tonight." He then said to me as he walked closer.

"Well I'd love to go out with you." I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. He leaned in and kissed me, but that was short lived because we heard someone clear their throat, making us jump apart.

"Well it's good to know that you're thinking about us, Liam. I was waiting for you to come tell me who your mate is." His father said.

"Don't bother." Luna mumbled. "Ares honey, are you and Niall joining us for breakfast?" She then loudly said so we can all hear her.

"I have stuff to do." I said and removed myself from Ares, who had pulled me closer to him. "Have breakfast with your family, but please don't give Liam control. You still owe me a date." I said and was about to walk out of the kitchen when a hand stopped me, but I didn't flinch like always.

"Please, son. Join us." Alpha said. I just roughly pulled my arm away from him and continued to ignore him, but his facial expression stopped me.

I told that Mystic told me I have powers that will be activated after I mate, right? Well we might not have completed the mating process last night, but we did mate. Which means I have my powers. So I tapped into his mind because his expression was scaring me and guess what I found.

Yep, he was planning to start wars with packs that are powerful so that he can rule them too. He's planning the very thing I told him not to do. He's planning to use me as a weapon and he thinks since I'm his son's mate, I would have no choice but to help him.

"I told you not to do that!" I snarled and his eyes widened.

"Do what? I'm not doing anything." He said quickly. Way too quickly.

" I told you I am not going to be your weapon, didn't I? Do you think I was joking around? Fine then! Go ahead and start those wars but I promise you one thing: your son's mate or not, he hates my guts, so I will not even feel the slightest bit of guilt when I help the opposite pack. I will gladly kill this whole pack with a shit eating grin on my face." I glared at him and then stormed out of the kitchen, but I did hear Luna shout at him for even thinking that.


I spent the whole day with Ares. He even took me out to buy some clothes and claimed he couldn't have his mate have 2 pairs of clothing and then he gave me a huge stack of money and told me in case I needed it in the future, but I understood what he meant and smiled gratefully at him.

The Alpha also to apologised when he found he found me and Ares goofing off in the kitchen. Well Ares was doing the goofing while I was making lunch for the pack. He said he wasn't thinking right thinking I'd help him when all this pack has done for me is cause me pain, yeah right. If you ask me, I'd say he wasn't thinking at all.

Right now I'm in my room with Luna and Denise helping me with the clothes I will be wearing for my date with Ares. Denise turned around with a pair of black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt and a blue shirt to go over it (A/N I'm sorry but I'm not making Niall a slut like all the fanfic do when they want to impress their dates with ripped jeans that shows underwear.)

I went to the bathroom and changed before going back to them. Denise gasped while Luna's eyes filled up with tears. "Your eyes..." Denise said and raised his hand to fix my hair a little. I looked around around and found my white sneakers before putting them on.

"My baby is growing up. Your first date." Luna said. I think it's best to assume she's in mommy mode today, so I believe calling her Luna is inappropriate.

"I'm leaving." I blurted out. I just couldn't hold it in when they were both looking at me like that, with love and pride. "And Ares and Mystic are one hundred percent behind me. Ares was the one who helped me make up my mind this morning."

"We figured as much," Mommy and Denise sat me down and then sat on both sides of me. "That is why we decided that when that happens, I'm going with you." Denise said.

"No you can't go with me! Greg is here, you have to stay and make things right with him. I know what he did was wrong but he was - still is - scared. You can't just leave your life because of me." I pleaded with her. I can't let her do that.

"I know, but I'm not letting my baby brother face the world alone at the age of 18. Baby, you might have had to grow a bit quickly because of all you've been through but I'm not letting you be alone." Denise said.

"And you have no say in this baby." Mommy said to me. "You have to understand that we're doing this because we love you. You need to leave this place and you can come back when you're ready."

"I love you guys." We did a group hug that was broken by a knock on my bedroom door.

"That must be Ares!" Mommy jumped up. "Go on and have fun, we'll make sure everything is okay." I knew what they meant by that.

"Ares gave me money so I can survive, it's under my pillow." I told them so they can pack it along with all my thing and they nodded.

I opened the door and found Ares looking amazing. I just wanted to eat him. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that clung deliciously to his body and he had on black combat boots.

"Ready to go?" Liam held his hand out for me to take. I nodded and took it before he began to lead me downstairs.


"I had fun you know. I've never had this much fun before with Liam's previous dates, I just wanted to strangle them and then proceed to kill Liam for making me go through that." Ares said to me, effectively making my heart beat faster.

"Thank you." I said as we walked into my room. We sat down on my bed after removing our clothes and the cuddled.

"Tell me something I don't know." Ares said. I had to think hard because the pack knows all of my business.

"The day our father died." I took in a shaky breath. I've never told anyone this, save for mommy and Denise. "Dad left me with Greg, he told him to look after me and protect me. Greg was thirteen, just shifted, and I was 5. He wanted to prove to our dad that he can be a warrior, so he wanted to leave me and fight. He left our hide out place and I followed because dad instructed I stay with Greg no matter what, so I followed Greg out. We went to the living room and there was no one in there, but we could hear what was happening outside. I quietly followed him when a vase fell next to him and the next we knew, this huge wolf was standing in front of us. Greg jumped behind me to shield himself. I tried running away, but Greg was frozen and he had my shirt in a tight grip, so I couldn't move. The wolf jumped at us and I braced myself but the impact never came. I opened my eyes and found the wolf had been tackled by dad. They were fighting to the death but I could see that dad was distracted and I knew we had to get out of there and hide so he can concentrate. I told Greg that we had to go, but he still was frozen and the next thing I knew is dad had snapped the wolf's neck, but he was deeply bitten on the neck. I tried to help by applying pressure on his neck but it was no use. The pack found us like that, with my hands around my father's neck and Greg with a horrified look. They asked what happened and Greg saw the way they were looking at me, as if I'm a monster, so he lied and said I disobeyed my father and got him killed, he said I was trying to snap his neck when they found us. They immediately started to punish me, they didn't even listen to me. So while they grieved my father's death, I was left to look after them." By the time I was done, I was crying and Ares only held me close to him.

"I'll probably be gone before you wake up. I don't want Liam hurting you in the morning when you're the first person he sees." He warned after I came down and I hummed in acknowledgement. "And I would like to make love to you tonight. Just me and you, not Mystic. I want you to know how it feels to be loved." He said and I could only dumbly nod.


It's Sunday morning and I'm making breakfast for the pack. Ares was not there when I woke up, just like he said. If it was someone else, I'd probably be mad, but he did warn me and we both knew the consequences if Liam found me next to him.

I finished and left the kitchen but I ran into Liam and his friends and he stopped me. I knew what was coming next the rejection.

So I just stood there and listened as he insulted me. It's not like I can defend myself, he is the future Alpha. So I stood there and took it all because I had prepared for this, the moment when my mate rejects me, when the person who is supposed to love me eternally tells me that he wants nothing to do with me.

"I Liam James Payne, future Alpha of the Blue Moon pack rejects you, Niall James Horan, as my mate and future Luna of this pack." He said and I was supposed to feel pain, but it was dull because I can endure pain.

"I, Niall Horan, except your rejection as your mate and future Luna of this pack." I said with a smile on my face and his smirk faltered a bit.

He moved closer and punched me in the face, which opened the flood gates for everyone. He left, letting his friends take care of me, but before he could disappear, he looked at me and said something through our link. "Tell anyone about last night, and you're dead meat." He said and then disappeared from my sight.

I felt exhausted at that moment, so I let darkness consume me.


"Wake up." I heard someone say softly and gently shaking me awake. I woke up and saw that it was Mommy and Denise. "Come on, we don't have much time. You and Demise have to get out of here."

I got out if bed and and gathered the bags that they had for me. "Just get out of this territory towards the North border, I have a jet waiting for you there. It will take you out of the country." Mommy said as she quickly ushered us through the house and downstairs. She gave us hugs and then we were gone. Denise and I shifted and began our journey to freedom.

We got to the border and I felt my connection with the pack snap. Denise and I howled and we heard the pack respond.

Well at least they won't have a constant reminder of the person who killed their beloved warrior and beta.


It finally happened! The rejection. Niall is leaving to protect himself and Ares, Mystic, Luna and Denise agrees with him.

How is Liam going to react when he finds out Niall is gone?

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