If Only I Could Kill

Von slthughes

12 2 0


Leaving Home

12 2 0
Von slthughes

Today everything is going to change I won't ever see my home again. The snowy castle is where I grew up. Running through every corridor and every room. Today I am going to be put onto a ship. With other girls from the castle. I was not a queen nor would I ever be. I was just a lady. King Eric was sending the ladies of WinterRock over to Aluvia. Aluvia was the richest place in all of the kingdoms. From what I heard it was warm and beautiful place.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Katarina wake up we are leaving today." Said a excited voice from behind my door.

"Just a few more minutes." I said knowing that I was not going to get those minutes.

"Katarina you are so stubborn." The voice said with humour.

In stormed Ysolda. She was a pretty girl. She had a very small and frail frame. But her blonde hair and brown eyes had most men at her altar.

"Get out of bed. I want to be on the ship early so we can not be kept in those terrible rooms with the rats on the bottom floor of the ship." She said, still with excitement in her voice.

Ysolda was never used to slums. She never had to work a day in her life. Unlike me, I had to work on the farms until I was 15. King Eric and his men took me. They took me from my family. He said he needed more pretty girls like me. My mother died in childbirth so I never knew her. But my father said I had her eyes and her hair. My father was a humble man. I was never allowed to see my father again. King Eric said he would kill him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ysolda.

"Someone left this at your door." She told me while pulling out a letter and a package.

Ysolda looked at me. She obviously wanted to see what was in the package. But I was not going to open it. I packed it away quickly in one of my crates.

"Katarina they knights will be here to collect your crates. And please do not forget to put out your fire." Ysolda said, a bit annoyed that I didn't open the letter in front of her.

"Ysolda I will meet you at the castle gates. I need to get dressed." I said trying to shoo her.

"Okay Katarina but wear something nice. We need to impress as much men as possible." She said laughing.

I didn't care much for finding a husband. But Ysolda wanted every man so she could have every luxury she ever wanted. Most men in WinterRock were pigs. All they wanted was whores. I always knew had to how to make men break at my will. I could make myself very alluring. I had to. I learned it was the only way I would survive. It was all I was thought by the older ladies when I came to the castle.

I made sure that I had my finest dresses packed away. And I left the letter and the package. As I looked back at my room that I will never see again.

As I make my way down to the gates. I see Prince John waiting with that smug little look on his face. He was waiting to see "his" ladies leave. All the ladies hated Prince John because he was a pig. But some loved everything about him. Prince John always had whores. He was next in line for the throne. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very handsome but I despised every thing about him. Every time I would see him in the castle I would always give him my fake smile because if I didn't he would pay a visit to my room. He never came to my room. But he did come to Ysolda's room. She was terrified of him. She would shake so much when she saw him. One day she almost ripped my dress that's how tight she was holding it. My thoughts were interrupted by Ysolda.

"I'm so excited!" She said way too loud. This made Prince John looked over.

"Shhh Prince John will hear and I just want to leave." I said under my breath.

It was too late now he was walking over.

"Hello, your grace." Me and Ysolda said, while bowing at the same time.

"No need to bow ladies. I made sure that my ladies had the best ship to travel on." He said with his terrible tone of voice. His voice always gave me shivers.

Ysolda hated Prince John more than I did. He would hit her all the time but she couldn't say anything or she would go "missing". A lot of ladies that tried to speak up about King Eric went missing. King Eric interrupted my thoughts.

"Ladies you look beautiful." He said grabbing hold of Ysolda's arm.

She looked at me with shock. I needed to do something.

"Your Grace, don't touch her!" I said grabbing his arm.

"Don't touch off me you whore!" He yelled pushing me up against the wall.

He got so close I could feel his breath on my neck. The snow in the wall started to slide off onto my hair and my dress.

But then I gave him my look. My eyes could compel any man to do anything. He looked at me and then he smiled.

"I get it now, you are jealous Katarina." He said so happy with himself.

"Most definitely, your grace." I said using my alluring voice.

"Me and Ysolda need to leave if we are ever going to get to Aluvia." I said trying to leave Prince John.

"Goodbye ladies, hopefully we meet again." He said, thinking that I was madly in love with him.

As we walked away I noticed that our carriage was ready. Me and Ysolda walked over to it. I never really left the castle. I was never allowed.

I started thinking to myself. I was never going to see WinterRock again. I would never see snow again. The thing I was going to miss the most was my father. Knowing that I would never see him again upset me. I always believed that when I was married I would be able to leave the castle and find him. But now that would never happen. I am leaving never to see WinterRock again. I had to make a new life as a lady for one of the Princesses of Aluvia. But I made a promise to myself that I would find out what happened to my father.


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