A Bush Blessing (Alaskan Bush...

By TravyBearNLT

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Book Four - Noah's Story An Alaskan Bush People Fan Fiction More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - Final Chapter
Book Five

Chapter Five

1K 34 4
By TravyBearNLT


Two hours later and the men were back at the skiff with everything piled in. But Angel was nowhere in sight. They had thought she would've been back to the boat by now, but she wasn't. They had been waiting for nearly twenty minutes now.

"What could that girl have needed that it would've taken her two hours?" Noah asked Bear.

"Dude, I don't know. She's a chick. Chicks need...chick things," Bear responded.

"Well we can't wait here for her all day. We need to go find her. She can't be that far."

"I'll go back out towards the dump. You look in town," Bear said and took off running down the dock.

With a sigh, Noah walked towards town. The first place he stopped was the Misty Bay Café. He asked people in there if they had seen her, which to his dismay they said no. He went by the general store and still nothing. Finally he just resorted to walking around, hoping to find her. And that was exactly what happened. He found her roaming a small neighborhood, confused.

"Angelina, what are you doing out here?" Noah asked from behind her.

She jumped and turned around, her eyes wide. He stepped back and held his hands up.

"Whoa, whoa, it's just me."

She let out a breath of relief. "Thank god you found me. I got lost."

"How could you get lost? This town is super small."

She looked down at the ground, embarrassed. "I didn't know where I was going and you sent me off. What do you expect?"

"Haven't you been to Hoonah before?"

"Only once before. I didn't memorize the whole freaking layout. Give me a break," she began to get angry.

"Alright, let's just get back to the boat so we can head home."

"But I haven't gotten any of the stuff that I need..."

"You mean to tell me you've been wandering around Hoonah for two hours and you didn't come across the store once?"

She glared at him with her hands on her hips. "No, I didn't," she said. "Now, Mr. Cranky Pants, would you please bring me to the store so I can get what I need? Then we can leave as you so please."

Noah raised his eyebrows, surprised at the attitude she had with him. She barely knew him. What gave her the right to act that way?

"Whatever," he mumbled and walked off, not looking back to see if she followed.

He stopped by the store once more and waited outside while she got what she needed. She exited the store and motioned for him to lead the way, not saying a word.

"There you are!" Bear exclaimed as they came running down the dock.

Bear wrapped his arms around Angel and gave her an awkward hug. She patted his back with a weird look on her face. Noah couldn't help but to smirk. Looks like his brother was failing at getting her attention.

"We were worried about you! Where were you?" Bear asked her.

"How about we get into the boat and she can explain on the way home?" Noah suggested.

They agreed and started up the skiff, heading home. Noah once again listened to the pair talk back and forth. Bear was sitting next to her, listening intensely. He spoke comforting words as she told him about her so called 'scary' moment when she lost her way around town.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said with a smile on her face.

Angel looked down at the bottom of the skiff, her face turning a shade of red. Noah rolled his eyes. One minute this girl was cringing because her brother is giving her a hug and the next she's blushing because of something he says. Unbelievable.

As they pulled up to the beach, Bear let out a loud howl, signaling to the family that they were back. Howls could be heard from a distant as the family replied back. Soon enough the beach was filling with the family. They said their hellos and helped to carry back all the items that had been scavenged from the junkyard.

The first thing Noah did was retire to the tent. He had yet to position his newly made bed in the area he wanted it and there was lots of other work to be done. It was an hour later when he was disturbed by someone entering the tent.

"Ooo, it looks good in here! I like what you did with the place!" Angel exclaimed.

Noah didn't say anything and continued working on the light fixture he was creating to replace the ones that had been shattered while they were gone.

"This looks comfy..." she said and it was silent for a moment. Then he heard her plop down on his bed.

"What are you doing? Get off of my bed!" he yelled at her.

She stood up instantly and blushed. "Sorry. It looked comfy."

"You took my other bed. You're not taking this one. Now if you don't mind, I have some work to finish."

"Your mother wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready," she informed him. "And also, I wanted to say thank you for earlier."

"Thank you for what?" he wondered.

"For finding me. I was on the verge of a panic attack."

He shrugged. "I would do it for anybody else. Like Bear said, we're glad you're okay," he said and then cleared his throat. "Tell my mother I will be out in a few minutes."

She nodded her head and exited the tent. Noah just sat there for a second staring at the door. He had been extremely rude to her today and yet she was being nothing but nice. Who was this girl? And how did she end up here?


What's going on between Angel and Bear?

Noah is getting more and more curious...

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