The Butterfly Effect ~ A Harr...

Od NinjaNutella

87.7K 2.3K 641

Ever heard of the butterfly effect? They say that if you travel back in time and accidentally step on a simpl... Více

The Butterfly Effect ~ A Harry Styles FanFiction ~
~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Epilogue ~

~ Chapter 21 ~

2.4K 131 47
Od NinjaNutella

*Authors note*

Yo nobody particpated in my character ask except for one or two people, thats okay, it was really for your benefit, you could've found out anything, but that's ok.

I've had a really bad week so yeah, cheer me up pls.

Sorry the update is late, (next one will be too most likely)  its long though, be proud and YOU'LL FIND OUT ANSWERS

Remember, flashbacks are in italics!

Vote Comment and Fan!

~ Gabby

~ Chapter 21~

Lazy Saturdays were always boring for Harry, he was young, he was famous and he really just wanted to go out and get drunk at parties. Louis on the other hand was perfectly content watching movies all day.

“Please Lou,” Harry begged his best friend, placing his hands on Louis’ knees and shaking it gently. Louis looked down at the younger boy and rolled his eyes at his kneeling position.

“I don’t feel like it Haz,” Louis whined, pulling his leg away from Harry.

“I should’ve just stayed in Anna, I feel so stupid,” Harry groaned, closing his eyes, Anna sat upright, crossing her legs and just waiting for Harry to continue. “I should’ve listened to him,”

“It’ll be fun Boo, I promise, we’ve done it plenty of times before,” Harry reasoned, pouting his lower lip at Louis.

“Harry, c’mon, can’t we just stay in?” Louis suggested, sinking deeper into the couch he was laying on.

“But it’s boring…” Harry complained, jutting his lip a little more out and doing his best pleading eyes that he knew Louis couldn’t resist. Louis groaned in frustration and turned away, doing his best to not give in, but it was no use and soon Louis couldn’t do it any longer. He finally gave in nodding at Harry who brightened instantly.

“Tonight is going to be great! Loads of booze and shots, man I’m going to get you so wasted!” Harry gushed with excitement, seeing Louis smile at how happy Harry was.

“Yeah, it’ll be great, let me get changed and we can go in ten minutes,” Louis stood up, grinning down at Harry who smiled widely in return.

“Maybe if I had just stayed in for one night, things would have been different,” Harry sighed, staring up at the ceiling. “I probably wouldn’t be in this situation but no, I had to be a bloody idiot and have to go out and drink,”

It wasn’t long before Harry and Louis reached the club, and they had fun, definitely, the night was filled with dancing and craziness. Not to mention the endless amount of alcohol both boys consumed.

“I should’ve stopped him from drinking so much, so he could drive us safely, or I should’ve stopped, so I could, but I was just so fucking stupid,” Harry whispered to Anna who just gave Harry a look that told him to just stop blaming himself and get on with the story.

Louis was giggling and tripping over his own feet, much like Harry was. Some shred of sense told him that it was time to go home, and he dragged Louis out to the car, placing Louis in the passenger seat and Harry in the drivers.

Harry and Louis were, of course, both drunk out of their minds, neither of them registering that it may not be safe to drive. Harry drove on to the highway carelessly as Louis giggled crazily in the seat next to him.

Their reaction time was so slow that Harry didn’t even realize he was in the wrong lane until it was a moment too late. The 18-wheeler struck their car, hurtling it straight off the highway and down into a ditch where it rolled thrice before coming to a stop.

Harry, fortunately for him, had his seatbelt on so he stayed in his seat as they rolled. His ribs hurt a lot but he could deal with the searing pain that had jolted him sober.

He frantically looked around in the upside-down car for Louis to be dangling next to him, but he wasn’t to be seen. Harry dragged himself out of the car, trying to walk but just ending up helplessly falling to the ground, his right leg totally numb. He crawled around in the ditch searching hurriedly for Louis.

He picked himself up carefully, leaning on is left leg and hopping around until he finally found Louis’ mangled body. His left leg and arm was twisted in a way that it was certainly not supposed to.

“He looked dead Anna, dead! I thought I had killed my best friend,” Harry cried, letting Anna cradle him gently.

“It’s not your fault, Harry, you don’t have to tell me more, it’s fine,” Anna mumbled into his hair but after a while Harry shook his head leaning away and launching into his story once more.

A small groan from Louis made Harry shoot into action, suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that Louis was alive, alive and he needed help. He dug around in his pocket for his phone and dialled the first number he could think of.

“Hello?” Liam’s voice answered on the second ring, Harry gave a quick sigh of relief.

“Liam please I need your help,” Harry pleaded, a small whimper escaping Louis.

“What is it, Harry?” Liam asked, his voice changing to concern but before Harry could reply Louis interrupted with a groan.

“I hate you,” Louis opened his eyes and looked at Harry with such venom and hatred, Harry pulled the phone away from his ear. Louis head lolled back, his eyes closing once again.

The phone slipped from his grasp as Harry sunk down to Louis, holding his body.

“Louis! Please, don’t do this to me, Louis please!” He cried, shaking his friend’s body thoroughly.

“Harry? Harry what happened? Are you okay? Harry?” Liam’s gravelly voice shouted questions through the phone. Harry ignored them for a while but Liam just didn’t shut up.

“I’m fine, Louis needs help though!” Harry yelled back, crawling over to his phone and picking it up.

“Is he breathing? Where are you? I’m calling an ambulance,” Liam told him breathlessly.

“I don’t know, Li. We’re next to the highway, hurry,” Harry answered quickly, hanging up and dragging himself back to Louis. His chest was not rising, and it was not falling, it was just there. So Harry wasted no time in titling Louis’ head back, holding it there with a ‘pistol grip’ like he had been taught, pinching Louis’ nose, taking a deep breath and pressing his lips on Louis’ blowing air into his friend’s mouth twice. He turned his head and listened for Louis’ breath. It didn’t come so he hoisted himself up and placed his hand on Louis chest, lacing his fingers together and pushing down. Repeating it twenty times in a steady rhythm and breathing again into Louis’s mouth.

He listened for breath and again, nothing. So he pushed himself up and pumped up and down.

Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump

The steady rhythm pounded its way into Harry’s brain until it was all he could think about.

Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump,

Harry ignored the red and blue flashes that lit up the scene, focusing solely on the timing of his rhythm.

Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump,

“Sir, are you alright?” one of the paramedics called as they slid down into the ditch carefully, Harry ignored it.

Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump, Pump,

Harry dropped again, listening for anything to come out of Louis’ mouth, anything at all.

He listened, listening for a sharp intake of breath, or a slow one, or just any one.

He listened, but got nothing.

“Harry, stop now, it’s fine you can tell me the rest tomorrow, it is fine,” Anna assured him as Harry broke down in her arms, sobbing helplessly into her shirt.

“I couldn’t get him to wake up, he just wouldn’t wake up!” Harry cried, shaking his head and clutching at Anna’s shirt.

They stayed like that for a good twenty minutes until Harry calmed down. He sniffled and hiccupped a bit but he did let her go.

“I rode with him to the hospital, they wouldn’t let me touch him, they were too busy and he needed so much help…”

“Where are you taking him?” Harry cried when one of the male nurses finally managed to tear him away from Louis’ moving stretcher, trying to contain him as he thrashed around in the middle of the hospital doors.

“Sir, he’s going into surgery for his broken limbs and head trauma, I need you to calm down,” The male nurse tried to calm him but Harry just struggled against him until Harry’s back was against the floor.

“I NEED TO SEE HIM!” Harry screamed, clawing at the nurse.

“You will, sir, as soon as he’s out I’ll tell you but I need to take care of you first, you did suffer from the same accident and I can see your leg is broken,” The nurse replied, and Harry relaxed a little.

“As soon as he’s out,” Harry repeated, looking up questioningly at the young man who nodded firmly.

“You’ll be the first to know,” He smiled and took Harry to a room to tend to his broken leg and bruised ribs. Harry learned that the nurse’s name was John.

“Do you think he’ll be alright?” Harry wondered, watching as John wrapped a bandage around his torso.

“The doctors will try their best,” John replied, pulling a smile onto his face. Harry’s face fell dramatically. Try their best. That wasn’t yes, but it wasn’t no either.

“There are three boys waiting for Mr Styles, should I let them in?” a nurse popped her head into the doorframe. Harry was up before John or the other nurse had time to react. He strode down to the waiting room, he didn’t particularly want to see them, knowing they’d blame him but he could find some sort of comfort with them and they would probably want to talk to him.

“I’m going to kill Harry; I told him he couldn’t keep doing this!” Niall gritted his teeth as the trio sat in the waiting room.

“I don’t care, kill me, I deserve it,” Harry interrupted and all of their eyes snapped up to him. With all the stupid mistakes Harry had made, he should die, he needed to die, to get away from everything.

The boys eyed him, taking in his curls, hanging limply on his head, just from exhaustion, his eyes red and puffy from the crying.

“You’re a fucking idiot, Harry, I’ll kill you!” Niall pounced on him, lashing out, Harry just stood there, waiting for his punishment. He was an idiot, Niall deserved to kill him. For Niall to be so angry he must’ve done something real bad, and he did. He put his drinking in front of everything else and it could quite possibly cost Louis his life.

Liam jumped out to restrain Niall and Harry wanted to scream at him, just let Niall go, let Niall kill him, just leave him be!

“Kill me, please, Niall,” Harry begged, sliding to his knees, ignoring the pain in his leg. He could see Niall’s eyes soften, the anger nearly disappearing. He didn’t want that to happen. He wanted Niall angry, he wanted to die.

Niall shook Liam off quickly, “I didn’t mean it,” he sighed; running his fingers through his hair and crouching so he was at Harry’s height.

“You don’t deserve it,” Liam interrupted, smiling at Niall and Harry before turning to Zayn who was still frozen in his position in the chair. Harry did deserve it, of course he did, they were lying to him.

“C’mere Hazza,” Niall beckoned Harry with his hand. Harry thought for a moment but eventually fell into Niall’s arms, sobbing painfully into his shirt. “We’ll get you help,” Niall mumbled into his hair as he rubbed Harry’s back, “I promise,”

“We waited hours for Louis, hours on end, we just sat, and waited,” Harry told Anna, rubbing his itching eyes. “We were kind of expecting the worse, well I was at least. I was dreading the moment when I knew they were going to come in, with that sad look on their face and tell us that he didn’t make it,” he sniffed, wrapping his arms around himself.

“But he’s alive?” Anna questioned and Harry nodded and gave out a sigh of relief.

“Thankfully, they came to us and told us we could visit him, but they said to be careful, they didn’t know the full extent of the head injuries,” Harry explained, avoiding all eye contact now. “So we went in and, well, he couldn’t remember us.”

“Do I know you?” Louis asked politely as Harry ran in to the room, tears stained on his cheeks, the question made Harry pause; just as he was about to hug the living daylights out of his best friend.

“Please tell me you’re joking,” Harry shut his eyes, his voice barely a whisper.

“I’m sorry, am I meant to know you?” Louis questioned innocently as Harry’s fingers curled into a ball.

Harry,” Zayn said warningly. Harry nodded, tears flying from the corners of his still tightly closed eyes. He took a deep breath, calming himself down and then he slowly lifted his eyelids, letting him see Louis who had his head tilted to the side like he always did when he was confused.

“I’ll go get a nurse,” Liam volunteered quietly, slipping out of the room, Louis’ eyes following him. 

“Are you sure you don’t remember us?” Harry whispered and Louis attention snapped back to him.

“I don’t think so; you all seem familiar like I’ve seen you on the street or someplace but…” Louis shook his head, not finishing his sentence. Harry didn’t need the answer anyway. He knew it already.

“Just-” Harry held up on finger, stepping away from the bed, his voice breaking, “Just, give me a minute, sorry,” he took a few more steps back, his eyes not leaving Louis’ gaze. He shook his head and turned, scrambling out of the room.

Harry’s words soon turned to snores as he fell into a slumber halfway through his sentence, Anna looked up from the bed when she realized Harry had fallen asleep. She smiled and pulled a blanket over him, leaving the room so he could get some well-deserved rest.

Anna plonked herself between Zayn and Niall as they sat on the couch, chatting with Liam. Niall instantly pulled Anna to him and let her rest her head on his chest.

“Harry was telling you about Louis,” Liam stated, nodding toward Anna who dipped her chin slightly.

“Fell asleep halfway through,” Anna shrugged, looking up to Niall who had begun to play with hair. He shot a friendly smile at her.

“Where was he up to? We can tell you more if you’d like,” Niall asked,

“Sure, I don’t think Harry would mind, he was saying that he had just run out of Louis’ hospital room as you guys had just found out that Louis had lost his memory,” Anna looked to them, waiting for them to reply.

“Well, Zayn, you can tell her, I went out to get a nurse,” Liam glanced at Zayn.

“Fine,” Zayn sighed, “Harry had just run out the room and Louis was pretty confused…”

“Is he okay?” Louis asked, staring at the doorway where Harry had just run out.

“He’ll be fine, he’s just- he just doesn’t know what’s going on,” Zayn reassured his friend, who looked back to him.

“Right,” Louis said, biting his lip, his voice full of uncertainty.

“Oh! Sorry! You’re probably confused as to who we are!” Zayn said suddenly, walking forward and sticking out his hand. It felt weird because he already knew Louis, but, quite obviously, Louis didn’t know them anymore. It wasn’t hard to tell, even if he didn’t have a PhD, Louis was suffering from memory loss. “I’m Zayn and Liam’s the one who went to go get a nurse,” Zayn and Louis shook hands and Zayn pointed over to where Niall was standing, “that’s Niall,” Niall waved, “and the guy who ran out was h-“

“Harry,” Louis interrupted, smiling.

“You remember?” Niall gasped, “You idiot Harry’s probably crying his eyes out!” Niall fumed, stalking up to Louis as he cowered back.

“N-no, Zayn said his name before,” Louis shook his head quickly.

“Niall, back off, he’s not kidding around, he wouldn’t do that to Harry,” Zayn reminded, placing his hand on Niall’s chest and pushing him back.

“Sorry, I um, I’m going to go find Harry,” Niall left the room, brushing past Liam who had just arrived, doctor in tow.

 “Hi, I’m Doctor Jordans, can you tell me your name?” The doctor smiled down at Louis who only shook his head.


“You can’t tell me your name?” The doctor asked.

“No, I don’t know my name,” Louis frowned, looking back up to Zayn. “What is my name?”

“It doesn’t matter at the moment, please, just listen to me and then answer my questions,” Doctor Jordans got Louis’ attention back, smiling warmly at him.

“Do you know which year you were born in?”


“Today’s date?”

“Got no clue,”

“Where are you right now?”

“In a hospital,” Louis rolled his eyes.

“Which country?” The doctor sighed,

“No idea,” Louis shook his head.

“It’s worse than I thought,” The doctor frowned grimly, turning to Liam and Zayn, “I need to talk to you two outside,” Zayn shot a reassuring smile at Louis and followed the doctor out of the room.

“Have you called his parents?” Doctor Jordans asked and Liam nodded. “Good, it’s quite obvious that he’s suffered severe amnesia, it’d be best to let him go back to his hometown and remember his family first, or he might want to stick with you, it depends on what he wants, you can tell him the basics, his name, age, where he came from, but it would be better if he remembered the rest on his own, if there’s anything you can do to jog his memory then you can,” he took a deep breath, “I suggest not exposing him to your fans, I imagine it was hard to get used to them when he had his memory, let alone now that he doesn’t. You just have to make him comfortable around you, he may get his memory back, and he may not,”

“Shit,” Zayn breathed, covering his face with his hands.

“We were all kind of freaking out,” Liam interrupted, “Harry was the worse though, when he found out that it may never come back,”

“Never… never ever?” Harry whispered, sinking to the floor and combing his fingers through his chocolate brown curls.

“But there’s a great chance that he will get it back, Haz! Think positive!” Liam pulled a smile onto his face, looking over to Niall who was glancing over to Harry, his face full of concern. Liam had found the two in the cafeteria; he was in search of a coffee machine for him and Zayn, ending up bumping into Niall instead. He had quickly told Niall and Harry what the doctor had said, which had now left them like they were now.

“But there’s a chance he won’t, right?” Harry spoke up and Liam’s attention snapped to him, a grimace playing on his lips.

“Well yeah…” Liam replied lamely, watching Harry’s eyes fall.

“I’m going to call Paul and head home,” Harry mumbled, his eyes glued to his feet.

“I’ll come with you,” Liam volunteered himself just as Niall opened his mouth to speak.

“Are you sure, Li? I could go, I don’t mind,” Niall asked and Liam just shook his head.

“Don’t worry Niall, you should go introduce yourself to Lou,”

“Harry stormed off after that,” Niall commented darkly, “didn’t want hear about Louis all that much,”

“Niall!” Liam exclaimed, “He was upset!”

“I know, I know,” Niall sighed, tightening his hold around Anna.

The conversation fell silent after that, everyone not knowing what to say. The air was tense, Anna could easily sense that Niall was annoyed with Harry, which was unusual because Niall wasn’t annoyed with anyone ever.

Anna fidgeted in his grip anxiously, waiting for someone to break the silence. She didn’t have to wait long because after a few more quiet minutes the sounds of shuffling feet were heard and then soon Harry was standing in the hallway, staring blankly  and directly at Anna.

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