It's Always Been You (A Keato...

Bởi audgee23

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Keaton and Valerie fall head over heels for each other. Their relationship starts out smooth until one realiz... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

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Bởi audgee23

Wesley's POV

I was on my way  back from Kenny's. I just wanted to clear my mind from all this Valerie drama. I shouldn't get in the way of her relationship with Keaton. I love her but it's not fair to her. I guess me liking her is causing her pain and the last thing I want to do is hurt her. If we are meant to be together, then we will be together. It's as simple as that.

The radio was turned up loud and I was jamming out to the music. I saw an orange light ahead and I knew I could make it. I don't know why I was in such a rush to get home. I guess it's just one of my pet peeves. Why waste your life waiting at an orange light when you could be doing something else? Plus, it's not like this street is even really busy, I don't know why that light is even there. I made it though. Barely, but I made it.

I was going pretty fast when I took the turn into my road. I should have slowed down but I didn't. I couldn't have known she was going to be there. I saw her run into the street with tears in her eyes. She didn't even notice me. But I noticed her. I tried to stop. I slammed my feet on the brake but it wasn't going to stop soon enough. She lifted her head up as the screech of the breaks erupted. I heard a murderous scream right before I hit her.

I shot forward, being saved by my seatbelt. I just hit Valerie!? I unbuckled and ran to her side as fast as I could. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed as loud as I could. Keaton was instantly by my side. It was almost like he was already outside... which makes me wonder what had just happened. Why was she in the middle of the street with tears in her eyes anyways? What did Keaton do to her? It looks like he was crying too. Well I mean I just hit her with my car... I was crying.

Drew came outside seconds after on the phone with who I am assuming was 911. "Yes... she was just hit by a car.... I think so... 17215 Elm Lane HB Cali..... Yes, please hurry." He hung up the phone and ran to her side. "Is she breathing?" He asked calmly but with worry clearly in his voice.

Keaton put his fingers on her neck looking for any sign that she was still alive. "Yeah. I feel a pulse, but it's small. They need to hurry." Keaton said with a shaky voice.

What do we do?" I said with tears coming down my face. She's barely breathing and it is all my fault. How could I be so stupid?!

“There’s nothing we can do Wes. We just have to wait until the ambulance gets here.” Drew said.

Keaton’s head shot straight up and looked at me. “This is ALL your fault Wes! How could you be so careless to hit her with your car? What!? If you can’t have her no one can? So you try to kill her or something?” Keaton screamed in my face.

Does he really think I would kill Valerie just because I couldn’t have her? Does he think I’m that cruel? I told him at the airport that I would back off as long as they were together. “You think I tried to kill her Keaton? What kind of person do you think I am? Do I look happy about this? I feel like shit dude!” I screamed back just as loud.

“Well you should because she’s like this because of you!” That hurt a little bit. Okay, a lot a bit. But I knew he was right. Why was I even speeding? I hit her with my car. I could have killed her. I might have killed her.

The ambulance showed up just then and pulled us aside so that they could get to Valerie. I mentally cursed at myself the hole drive to the hospital. Drew was driving because he was the most relaxed. I don't understand how he is staying so calm in a situation like this but he has always been the strong one during situations like this. Keaton was in the back tapping his hand against his knee. Something he always does when he gets stressed.

We arrive at the hospital in what seems like hours but is only about 15 minutes. We all rush inside to the front desk. Keaton and I can barely speak right now so I’m so glad when Drew speaks up.

“We are looking for Valerie Harper. She just came in here after being hit by a car.” Drew spoke calmly. After hearing him mention she got hit by a car, I started to tear up again. It just reminds me on how real this actually is. This isn’t just some nightmare that I can wake up from. I hit Valerie Harper with my car.

I was snapped back out of my horror thoughts when the nurse behind the counter speaks. “I’m sorry but she can’t take visitors right now. She’s in stable condition.” For someone who has to give bad news regularly, she is quite good at it.

“Will she be okay?” Drew asks, again speaking for mute Keaton and me.

“She’s in a coma. To be honest with you, the doctors don’t know if she will wake up from it. She is in surgery right now for her broken bones but there is a lot of bruising on the head. She is in severe condition. She was hit pretty badly and well, it’s a miracle she is still alive right now.”

I can’t take it anymore. I use all the strength I have and run out of the hospital. I can hear Drew following me. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I am pulled back and spun around to be face to face with Drew.

Drew's POV

I know Wes is upset about hitting Valerie but this is getting ridiculous. Freaking out isn’t going to help anything. For either of them.

“What do you want?” Wes snaps at me.

“Dude, you need to get your act together. You being stressed isn’t going to hel-“

“You don’t get it Drew. I HIT HER WITH MY CAR! SHE’S IN HERE BECAUSE OF ME. IT IS ALL MY FAULT!!!” He screams. I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s killing himself over this. “I killed her.” He whispers barely audible but I can hear him.

“Hey! Don’t do that. Don’t give up hope.” I say trying to comfort him.

“You heard the lady Drew. It’s a miracle she is still alive…” He drifts off.

“Exactly! She’s still alive! She fought through it and she will continue to fight through it Wes. She’s strong and we both know it. She’s going to make it.”

“How do you know?” he whispers not looking at me.

“I just know man. It’s times like this when you have to believe.” I say. I walk back into the hospital to check on Keaton.

I see him by the front desk sitting in a chair with his hands in his hand. I can hear him crying and I sit down next to him, his head still in his hands.

“This is all my fault.” He mumbles into his hands. Not him too. It’s neither of their faults. It wasn’t her fault either. She just happened to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time.

“This isn’t your fault at all Keaton. She was just at the wrong spot at the wrong tim-"

“No Drew. If I didn’t flip out on her and if I had just let her explain herself to me she wouldn’t have run out crying. I didn’t even let her speak. I just yelled at her. Now she may not even make it and the last thing I would have said to her would have been me breaking up with her.” He cries into his hands once again.

Both these Strombers just have horrible timing. The doctor calls me over, seeing that I am the only stable one and pulls me into another hallway.

“I have some good and bad news about your friend Valerie.” She says looking down at clipboard. “Would you like to hear the good or the bad news first?”

“The good news please.” I say.

“Okay. Well the good news is that she is stable. Her body is all wrapped up and she has casts on her left leg and arm. They should heal nicely and she should be okay to walk again in a month if, and this is where the bad news comes in… if she wakes up again. She is still in a coma, and with the brain damage she has I’m not sure how long it will last. It could be a few days till a few years.” A FEW YEARS! I don’t even know what to think right now.

“What would you say the odds of her waking up are?” I ask the one question repeating in my head right now. I am freaking out on the inside, but on the outside I somehow manage to stay calm.

“I would say 50 50. I am so very sorry.” She says and walks away. Wow. 50 50 chance of waking up? I don’t know if I’m happy or sad. This is so much better than what we were expecting but it is still not good news.

Keaton's POV

“What did the nurse say?” I ask Drew. I see Wes walk back into the hospital and sits next to Drew. We give each other an ‘I’m Sorry’ look. I know he is beating himself up about this. I’m still mad at him but I can’t put all the blame on him. It’s my fault too. If I hadn’t yelled at her…

“She said that she’s doing a lot better than expected. She’s still in a coma but there is a 50 50 chance she won’t wake up from it.” He said. I almost broke into tears again but I have no more left in me.

“Can we see her?” I hear Wes say from his seat. I was wondering the same thing but couldn’t put the words on my mouth.

“Yeah.” Drew gets up and we follow him to her room. “Come in when you’re ready.” Drew says and walks in the door. I stand in the hallway with Wes and we just look at each other.

“I’m sorry.” I hear his whisper looking at his feet. He feels so bad. He is blaming everything on himself. If only he knew that it was my fault she was on the street in the first place. That it was my fault too.

“Wes. She was on the street because of me. Because I broke up with her.” His head jolts up but I continue talking before he has the chance to ask any questions. “I hears her talking to Drew in his room on how she had a dream she was married to you. I thought she was cheating on me or something… I don’t know. I didn’t even let her explain. I just walked out, and she walked past me outside onto the road and…” I couldn’t finish what I was saying. Wes just pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and then we pulled away.

 It was time to go see her.

Let me know what you guys think. Would love to hear your thoughts and Ideas. I have one chapter left but I was wondering... SEQUEL?? Let me know.. Thank you!


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