Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

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It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... Xem Thêm



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Just ask her.



No, she'll think I'm weird. 

You are weird. 

Shut up. 



Ask her!


My thoughts getting the better of me caused me to look at the beautiful, curly blonde next to me. Her blue eyes were like sapphires dazzling in the lanterns lit in the classroom. She's as beautiful as the first time I ever saw her, and rather than continue to be weird and stare at her...

"Hey, Kelsey?" I asked and she looked up from the potion at me.

"Yeah, Remus? What's up?" She smiled lightly at me before looking down at the instructions and adding fly wings to it causing it to turn slightly brown, which needed to turn into a deep black color.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? Do some homework? I'm sure Sluggy will give us an essay to write." I joked lightly, trying to ease my heart rate. 

"Yeah! Sounds good, why don't we meet in the library before dinner? Then we can head down together?" She asked and I nodded smiling back at her.

Okay, so that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I thought.

I saw James over Kelsey's shoulder giving me a thumbs up and Lily just rolled her eyes at him, but winked at me.

"Okay, so we need to add wolfsbane next."

"What?" I asked dazed and confused.

She laughed. 

"To the potion, Remus." She said to me. 

"Oh, okay. Here." I read the instructions and chopped the wolfsbane up sliding it into the cauldron. 

"Okay, and that's it. Professor Slughorn!" She called him over. "We're all done." She said as he got closer.

I looked at our potion and saw that it was in fact now a deep black color. 

"Well, I dare say," he inspected our potion closer. "You've both made a perfect batch! Not shocking, however, both of you are the best students I have next to Lily and Severus." He smiled widely at us both. 

After we heard a small explosion and all of us turned to see Andromeda looking very pissed off at Peter, who somehow had made their potion sprout legs.

Everyone in the class laughed, except Severus Snape and Andromeda, but it made sense why.

Soon class ended, and I was right when I said Sluggy would give us homework.

"I want you to do pages 51-53 and give me three feet of parchment on Amortentia and why it shouldn't be used!" Professor Slughorn called out to us as we filed out of his classroom.

"I'll see you before Dinner, Remus!" She called over her shoulder as she and Andromeda headed off to Charms. 

"Well, well, well," James slapped my back as he and Sirius walked on either side of me. "Got a hot date later I see." He winked at me and Sirius chuckled.

"Just be careful, Remus. While I may not like my brother, he wouldn't think twice about hexing you if he catching you with Kelsey." He raised an eyebrow at me as if asking me if I understood. 

"Who's got a hot date?" Peter asked finally catching up to us. 

Sirius pulled him into a headlock and gave him a rubbed the top of his head, making his hair stick up everywhere. 

"Dear old Moony does." He said.

"Shut up guys. It's not a date, all we're doing is working together on our parchment for Slughorn." I said as we walked to Transfiguration.

"Whatever you say Moony. Come on Padfoot! I want to catch Evans before she gets to her Transfiguration." James and Sirius ran off with Peter trailing a bit behind. 

I walked all the way back but stopped a bit away to help a crying first year.

"Hey buddy," I crouched down to his level seeing as though I'm fairly tall. "What's the matter?"

"I can't find my common room." he started crying more. 

"What's your name and what house are you in?" I asked him. 

"Jackson Smart, I got sorted into Hufflepuff." He said.

"Hufflepuff's should be in Herbology right now, shouldn't they?" I asked him.

"I forgot my book in my common room."

"Oh! It's the first day of classes, you'll be fine without it."

I saw my watch read that it was about five minutes before his class.

"Just so you know," I turned and pointed him toward the stairs I just came up from. "Those lead to the dungeons. The first landing you come from, however, is the area by the kitchen. Your common room is down there. Worst case, find one of your Prefects, okay?" I asked him and he nodded, gratefully. 

"Thank you! I'm going to run to class now!" He took off toward the Entrance Hall and I laughed, heading up the stairs to Transfiguration.





I caught up with Andromeda after class and was asking her about what happened to her potion, which I knew that hit a nerve with her. 

"Don't talk about it. Luckily Slughorn is going to let me go back after dinner and make the potion myself. Peter pisses me off! I don't usually hate Gryffindor's, but he's a reason why there's a bias that they're stupid." She said as we walked into Charms.

Class ended quickly and soon it was time for lunch, then Herbology, followed by Care of Magic Creatures for me and Andromeda. 

I saw him before he saw me. Running up behind Regulas and jumping onto his back, kissing the side of his face making him scrunch up his face was the best idea I ever had. 

"Hello, Kelsey." He said, his other friends walking away leaving us alone.

"Hey! I am starving." I said as we walked to the Slytherin table. 

Andromeda was already piling sandwiches onto her plate and as soon as I sat down, I followed suit.

"How were your classes?" Regulas asked, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Potions was good, Remus Lupin and I got top marks and the Charms was simple enough. We're going to be doubling down starting tomorrow for homework though, because of our O.W.L.S." I said taking a bite of a turkey sandwich, Regulas nodded in understanding.

"If you want to come to the library later, Remus and I will be there working on our Potions essay," I said to him, and also to Andromeda.

"I have to go remake my potion remember? That little rat fucked it up."

I had seen Andromeda mad a couple of times, but this was one of the worse times she's been pissed. 

"Right, forgot. What about you, Regulas?" I asked. 

He seemed deep in thought for a moment, as if my question was lost to his thoughts.

"Reg?" I asked again, this time getting his attention.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I said, Remus and I were going to be in the library later working on Potions essays if you wanted to come with me?" I asked him again. 

"That Half-blood scum? No thanks." He said, snorting into his goblet of pumpkin juice.

I raised both my eyebrows this time, so did Andromeda. I knocked his arm off of my shoulder and glared at him.

"What?" He asked, clearly confused.

"First of all, don't be a fucking dick and talk about my friend that way. Second of all, forget I asked," I grabbed my bookbag and another sandwich and stood up. "Come on, Dromeda, let's go to Herbology," I said, walking away from my clearly frustrated boyfriend.

The last of my classes passed quickly and soon I was off to the library to meet with Remus. I told Dromeda I would see her at dinner and she walked down the stairs to the dungeons, while I walked up.

The library was silent and cozy. I walked to a table over by the windows and got out my parchment to start writing my three feet worth of an essay.

"Sluggy, you're insane," I said under my breath, but I understood because this was one of the hardest years we would have. 

"Hey, Kelsey." I heard Remus say as he placed his bag on the table and sat next to me.

"Hey! How were your classes?" I asked him, jotting down a good point about Amortentia and its properties.

"Boring, the most interesting part of today was me telling James to leave Severus alone before someone else came along and he got in trouble."

"Why does he bully him so much?" I inquired.

"Because of Lily... because Severus is best friends with Lily and she can't stand James." He explained, beginning to write his own essay.

"You know, if James wasn't one of my best friends, I would punch him in the face," I said to Remus who snorted. 

"Honestly, I wouldn't stop you. He could use a good punch, so could Sirius depending on the day." He responded. 

We did this for a bit, making small talk and writing our essays. Soon both of us were at about two feet, and it was time to head down to eat dinner.

"Thanks for coming and meeting me," Remus said.

"It was no problem, you and I work well together, so it made sense." I smiled at him.

I saw an emotion flash past his eyes but made no mention of it. 

"Regulas made me so mad earlier," I began telling him as we walked down the stairs to the Great Hall.

"Oh?" He asked.

"He called you a "Half-blood scum," and I got pissed and went off on him." Remus seemed shocked at this.

We stopped in front of the doors to go into dinner.


"Oh, Remus, you're one of my best friends too, why wouldn't I stand up for you?"

"I mean... He is your boyfriend." Remus trailed off.

"That doesn't mean shit if he's just going to act like a dick to my friends," I responded and he nodded in understanding.

"Well, thank you, Kelsey. I'll see you tomorrow in Defense Against the Dark Arts." He smiled and walked away to the Gryffindor table.

I was happy with myself as I walked to the Slytherin table, ignoring the glare and annoyed look on Regulas' face, I began to talk to Andromeda about our essay. Hoping tomorrow would be better than today.

I felt Regulas grab my hand and I didn't pull away. I knew he and I would talk this out later and that was all that mattered. 

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