Regona City: Tempest (BK3)

بواسطة voif1d

217K 14.5K 3.1K

Given the chance to return to Regona, Sahara takes it. Times, however, have changed. Lithium City has stumble... المزيد

The Calm
The Return
A New City
A Fleeting Moment
Unwanted Reunion
Double Trouble
Just Like Old Days
A Moment Together
A Troubling Question
A Seed Planted
A Forced Hand
An Offer of Help
Decision Point
A City Awakes
Gain and Loss
A Sacrifice Made
No Boundaries (final)
Author's Note

A Phantom Intrudes

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بواسطة voif1d

Wind tore at Sahara from every direction, threatening to tear her board from her grasp. She held on, her eyes watering. The buildings below were growing steadily closer as she continued to plummet. The figure that had jumped ahead of her smoothly twisted in the air and landed on his in a perfect crouch. Sahara could only marvel at how without missing a beat he continued to board.

Deciding it was better to stop the uncontrolled fall now than later, Sahara switched her board on. Almost immediately her falling speed was reduced as her board fought against gravity. She rocked back and forth, struggling as she tried to stand in a not so graceful way.

Terrell made it look so easy, she couldn't help but think.

Another struggle and she was up. The next moment she switched her gravity pull on, not trusting herself without it at this height. She was a decent boarder, but she was no Terrell. He's crazy, she thought as she shot him a glance. He had slowed down, giving her a chance to catch up. How does he board with no pull like it's nothing?

As thought sensing her gaze he turned his head and shot her a dazzling smile.

When her bracelet vibrated, Sahara swiped across to pick up the call.

"You ready to go get back our twerp?" Terrell's voice sounded as clear as though her were standing right beside her.

She nodded.

Orion pulled up beside her.

Terrell nodded at him. He then proceed to pull up his mask to cover half of his face.

Being a mysterious Phantom as always, Sahara couldn't help but think as nothing but those green eyes were left in view.

Terrell turned and shot towards their destination below.

Sahara didn't hesitate to follow.

Her eyes landed on the large building. It stood some way from the center of the city, the fact that it was white making it stand out from all the silver around it. Within that building was the target of their rescue.

As they drew closer Sahara was able to make out the commotion going on around the building on ground level.

"Roman, you take some of the Phantoms and make a commotion around the building. Draw their attention," Terrell's command echoed.

Looks like he's doing just that, Sahara thought. A moment later her heart sank as her eyes darted to the roof of the building.

"Terrell!" she called.

There were several LCS members standing there, pointing at the approaching teens above.

Though it was only five, Sahara could see that they were aiming something. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to make out what it was.

A moment later she saw a flash. Something whizzed by her and she heard Orion let out a yell. Another flash.

There was a crack. Sahara saw something fly off the edge of her board. She knelt down, her board slowing down. Her fingers went to the chip in the side of her board and she felt her blood run cold as realization hit her.


Orion crashed into her, moving her out of the way as suddenly the flashes began in succession.

"Don't stop moving!" he warned her.

Sahara's heart pounded as her eyes turned to the roof below.

The LCS won't use live rounds that easily, Paige's word echoed in her mind.

It seemed that the girl had gotten that part wrong.

Sahara let out a yell as something whizzed by her, way too close. Are those bullets? Adrenalin filled her as she sped up, deciding that she need to make herself a hard a target as possible. When her eyes scanned the area below her heart jump into her mouth.

Terrell had turned his board to face straight down. Crouching and clutching the front of his transportation, the boy was diving, twisting and turning at a rapid rate to avoid the shots fired at him. The closer he got, the quicker the shots as the LCS tried to hit him. And yet Terrell wasn't put off in the least.

From above, Sahara watched in awe as her boyfriend twisted and turned at high speed, avoiding the shots. And then he was upon the culprits. He shot to their level, ramming into one with his board and knocking the other out with an outstretched arm as he shot past. He was off his board in a second. It flew on, knocking the weapon one LCS member held right out of his arm. Terrell followed up with a punch to knock the startled man out.

There were now only two left. Terrell headed for one and threw another punch. It was blocked.

Sahara dived, heading right for the roof. She opened her mouth to yell a warning as one of the LCS raised a gun-like weapon. However, before he had time to fire it Orion landed behind him. He hit the guy who stumbled before turning around, weapon raised.

Behind, Terrell threw another punch which was blocked again.

Orion moved swiftly. He grabbed the weapon and jammed his elbow into the holder's stomach. When grip on weapon loosened he jerked it out and used it knock the guy out.

At the same time Terrell had dodged a punch and in one smooth motion turned. His leg flew and he hit the unsuspecting LCS right on the side of his head. The man swayed for a moment before crumpling to the ground.

Terrell turned as Sahara landed. Orion stood, staring at the weapon in his hand. He slowly looked up, weapon raising.

"Were they shooting live rounds?" Sahara asked as she jumped from her board.

Terrell's eyes were trained on Orion and the weapon.

For a moment the two boys stared at each other in silence. Then, Orion let the barrel of the weapon drop to face the ground.

Terrell's gaze turned to Sahara. "Looks like it."

"You're crazy." Orion shook his head. "Heading right for them like that?"

Sahara lifted her board and turned it over. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the metal object stuck inside it near the back. Actual bullets? Her mouth went dry. Just like in my world. She hadn't been expecting that. With all the technology she had thought that they would use something more futuristic... Like lasers.

"Firing live amo...that confirms one thing." Terrell turned. "We're in the right place."

"Just be glad they're distracted by everything going on below or there would have been more." Orion shook his head.

"Remind me to thank Roman." Terrell walked toward the door leading into the building.

"You don't want to take a weapon?" Orion sounded in doubt.

"Have one right here." Terrell lifted his fist into the air.

"That won't help against bullets." The new voice made Terrell freeze.

Sahara turned just in time to witness Marcus, another guy and a girl, land on the roof. Her eyes lifted to the sky as she wondered where exactly they had come from.

Orion scowled.

"Why are you here?" Terrell asked the question on Sahara's mind.

"We decided you could use backup."

"We?" Terrell's eyebrows rose.

Orion reloaded the weapon, making the other guy and girl shoot a glance in his direction.

Marcus jumped from his board. He too, was wearing a mask. "I'm here to keep you out of trouble." His eyes darted to Sahara. "And to stop you from doing anything stupid." With that he walked to the door.

Terrell's hand shot out to grab the boy's arm as he was about to walk past. "This isn't part of the plan."

Marcus shrugged. "Deal with it."

The Phantom leader's eyes narrowed. "Out of all the did you get chosen?"

Marcus responded by pulling his grip free and continuing on his path to the door. "It's my turn to Phantom sit," he called back.

The other girl hurried after. "He won rock paper scissors," she informed Terrell as she went past.

Haven't I heard that before? Sahara cocked her head to the side. She had a feeling that game had a lot of authority among certain crews.

She and Orion were left watching as Terrell shook his head. "There's no way you beat Noah!"

"Noah was disqualified..." the other guy who had come shared as he too, walked past.

"Under what reason?" Terrell wasn't about to let it drop.

"His hair was too red."

The Phantom Omega's mouth opened in protest before he seemed to change his mind. "Make's sense."

Sahara and Orion exchanged dumfounded expressions.

Marcus was by the door. His hand reached out for the handle.

"They have weapons," Orion warned again.

"I doubt they'll fire within the building," came Marcus' reply.

Orion scowled. "What makes you say that?"

Terrell had joined the other three by the door.

"If I have a weapon they'll be more likely to shoot..." the girl was the one to answer.

Orion shook his head. He turned to Sahara and held the gun out to her.

Sahara's eyes widened before she shook her head. "Don't know how it works."

"You just release the safety and pull the..."

Sahara was already hurrying after Terrell.

"You're all re crazy!" Orion yelled after them. "At least arm yourselves!"

"We're not here to kill!" Sahara called back.

Marcus held up a hand for silence. He cracked the door and peered in. Nodding, he pulled it full open to reveal a staircase.

The group paused.

"If our information is right..." Terrell gave his board a small shove. As soon as it was through the entrance it dropped to the ground. "No boards it is." He grabbed it by the end and pulled it outside. As soon as it was back on the roof it began to float. "Guess we're on foot from here on out..."

The group was left staring at the stairwell. A breeze tugged at Sahara's hair. Shouts drifted up from the city around them and the smell of smoke hung in the air. In the distance the sound of crafts going to areas of chaos could be heard.

"You think they'll have a lot of people stationed inside?" the girl murmured.

Terrell's eyes twinkled. "Absolutely." He disappeared through the door.

"Hey!" Marcus protested before jumped after him. "Stay in sight!"

The other guy shook his head before following.

"You're the loudest intruders ever," Orion muttered as he pushed past and followed. He dropped the gun on the way, seeming to come to terms that they weren't going to use it.

Sahara stood frozen to the spot as she tried to process what she had just witnessed. Why do I suddenly feel like I'm on an outing with children?

The other girl turned to shoot her a glance. "You coming?"

Pulled from her daze, Sahara hurried forward. She started down the stairs as the others were already disappearing ahead of her. Behind, the other girl followed.

"What's your name?" Sahara attempted to strike up conversation as she tried to figure out why exactly the group of three had doubled. The stairwell was light by the light from the door.

"Kimble," came the answer after a moment of hesitation.

They had reached the bottom of the stairs to find the others standing before another door. Sahara turned to shoot Kimble a smile. "I'm..."

"Sahara." Terrell grabbed her arm and pulled her over. A second later she found herself smothered as he drew her super close. "Stay close," he murmured.

"C-cant breath!"

The grip was loosened slightly and air rushed into Sahara's lungs. She glanced up to see Terrell's eyes glued on the door. He nodded to Marcus who cracked it and peered through. He stayed for a second before he closed it.

He lifted fist then raised three fingers. This was followed by him pointing left and then right. Terrell nodded, seeming to understand at once.

"What is it?" Sahara hissed.

Terrell's hand clamped over her mouth while Marcus glared at her. Terrell lowered his head so that his lips were right beside her ear. "Three LCS in the hallway," his breath tickled Sahara's ear through the mask he wore. She shivered out of reflex.

"It's too early to engage," Marcus whispered.

Orion pushed his way forward. "I'll distract them," he volunteered.

Sahara's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Too dangerous," she tried to argue. With Terrell's hand still over her mouth it came out muffled. She glanced up to see Terrell was staring at Orion thoughtfully. Seeing that he was considering she shook her head to try and tell him not to agree.

"Ok." Terrell's words made her heart drop.

For a second Orion looked surprised.

Sahara pulled his hand from her mouth. "We should stick together," she hissed. "That was the plan."

Terrell shrugged. "The group grew. What can we do? Besides..." his eyes turned on Orion. "He volunteered."

The look of surprise was gone from Orion's face. He nodded in agreement.

"Ok then." Orion hesitated. "Do you have an extra mask?"

Marcus snorted. "LCS know what the Falcon's look like. Besides, why would anyone carry around an extra...?"

The other guy with them had reached into his pocket and pulled out a mask.

The others watched in stunned silence as Orion took it and slipped it over his mouth and nose.

"What?" the guy who had miraculously produced it asked innocently.

"The world has gone insane," Kimble whispered solemnly.

"Alright." Orion turned to nod at Terrell. "I'm ready."

Sahara watched in horror as Marcus pulled open the door and reached out. In one smooth motion he grabbed Orion by the collar and shoved him through the door. "Good luck!" he hissed before closing it.

"Harsh," Kimble commented, her voice laced with admiration.

"Really?' Terrell asked Marcus.

"Hey, you said it. He volunteered," came the defense.

On the other side of the door yells started up. They were followed by the pounding of feet.

Sahara's heart pumped furiously as she feared for Orion's safety. More pounding and then silence.

The group in the stairwell exchanged glances.

Marcus tugged the door and stuck his head through. "That was surprisingly easy," he announced before casually walking through. The others followed.

Sahara glanced left and then right. They were in a long hallway lit by florescent lights. There were no doors on either side, instead, the hallway disappeared around a corner both ways. It was abandoned.

"Do you think he's ok?" she asked.

"He'll be just fine." Terrell grabbed her hand and pulled her along as he hurried down the hallway. The others followed.

"How do you know that?" Sahara protested.

"He's a smart guy," came the confident reply.

They rounded the corner to find themselves in another hallway. Terrell froze. Before them two small drones hovered in the hallway.

"Nobody move," Terrell warned.

It was too late. One of the drones turned. A light appeared as it began to scan the group. A second later it flashed red.

"Warning. Intruders," a female voice announced. The other drone turned and together they buzzed over like angry bees. "Intruders." A serene went off in the building and Sahara threw her hands over her ears in an attempt to stifle the blaring noise.

"So much for that dude distracting them...I think we pretty much alerted the entire place!" the guy with them said. Red lights flashed all around.

As the drones got closer something popped out from below them. Horror filled Sahara as she realized the objects looked like guns.

"Stunners!" Marcus warned.

"What do we do?" Kimble yelled.

Terrell shoved Sahara against the wall just as something zoomed past them.

"Run!" He yelled.

Sahara couldn't agree more. She was ready to turn and make a dash for freedom. To her surprise the four others began to do so...except in the wrong direction.

Escape is in the other way! Sahara thought.

She watched, mouth dropping as the four Phantoms fearlessly charged the drones. The group dodged shots, seeming to catch the electronic guards off guard. Usually they would shoot targets that grew smaller as they ran away, not the opposite.

"Boost!" Terrell yelled.

At once Marcus and the other guy sprinted ahead. Marcus rolled and dodged a shot before he came to a rest on his knees. The other guy did the same, coming up right next to him. Before the drones had a chance to aim at the sitting targets, Terrell and Kimble had sprinted up behind the crouching pair. They moved in unison, neither slowing down. As one they each used the back of the one of the others, propelling themselves off and becoming airborne.

Time seemed to slowdown as Sahara watched them fearlessly glide through the air. Kimble reached one drone just as Terrell drew back his fist in seeming slow motion. Normal time resumed and Kimble's drone was snatched from the air and thrown to the ground. She was upon it in a flash, pulled cables and causing it to sputter and die. Sahara's eyes, however, were glued on Terrell. His fist had connected head on with the other drone.

Task accomplished, Terrell dropped to the ground and calmly turned. Behind him the drone hovered for but a second before it dropped to the floor – dead.

"How many points do I get for that?"

Marcus lifted up seven fingers while the other guy showed eight.

"Only?" Terrell shook his head. "I got the thing head on! You gave Troy ten the other time."

"Troy's exploded," Marcus told him as he walked past.

Sahara watched the exchange with her mouth still hanging open. Terrell turned to her. "You'd give me a ten, right?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course she would." Kimble told him. There was a whirl from the drone at her feet as it spluttered. She stomped on it, killing whatever life was left. "She's your girlfriend after all. I bet she'd give you a ten even if you missed."

Terrell bounded over to Sahara. "You okay?"

She shook her head as alarms continued to blare around them.

"I thought you said run," she said, hands still covering her ears.

"I did." Terrell shot her a quizzical look.

"Doesn't that usually mean away from danger?"

"Ahh..." Terrell rubbed the back of his neck.

Sahara's eyes widened as she remembered him punching the metal drone. "Didn't that hurt?" Her hands dropped and she reached for his fist only to find it perfectly fine.

Terrell shrugged. "Drones have a soft spot. If you hit them right..."

"No time for this, lovebirds." Kimble warned as she cut them off. "We have company."

Sahara heard the pounding of feet.

The group drew closer together, eyes darting to either end of the hallway.

"Why is it that we can never just quietly break into a place and take what we came for?" Marcus muttered.

Terrell pushed Sahara behind him.

"I feel that the name Phantom is completely irrelevant," Marcus continued.

Kimble nodded her head.

"Oh, you realize that now?" Terrell asked. "I was telling you that months ago!"

The first group of LCS members appeared around the corner.

"What's next?" the other guy asked.

Sahara wondered when a good time would be to ask for his name. Something told her now wasn't it.

"It's called backup," Terrell informed the others. He swiped a finger across his bracelet and it flashed green. "" He spoke into it before his hands shot out to cup over Sahara's ears.

Marcus' eyes widened. "Oh sh..."

An explosion rocked the building. Even with her ears covered, it was still loud and Sahara found herself being thrown off balance. It was Terrell that caught her and kept her on her feet.

"Now we really run!" He pulled her along once again.

"Hey!" the others ran after them, coughing at the smoke. Lights flickered. Alarms continued to blare.

They passed by LCS members who had fallen to the ground, coughing. Drones were scattered all around, life fizzing out of them.

An explosion? Sahara racked her brain but couldn't remember that being in the plan. She lifted a hand to protect herself from the dust and smoke. "Terrell, what about Naomi!" Fear filled her. That was reckless! "You could..."

"She's fine. It was a DK."

"A what?"

"Drone killer! Sends out a pulse to kill our electronic flying friends!" Kimble explained as she caught up to them. They rounded the hallway and came into a slightly clearer one. "Sometimes its pulse is a bit strong and it...well, does a bit more."

"This isn't time for lessons!" Marcus told them.

Terrell grabbed the handle to a door to his right He threw it open and they sprinted down stairs. Sahara was completely disorientated by now, and yet Terrell seemed to know exactly where they were going. The next few moments consisted of them flying down the stairs at such a pace that Sahara was sure she would fall at any moment. And then came the sudden jerking stop.

Footsteps and shouts echoed below them.

"What floor?" Terrell asked.

The guy, whose name Sahara still didn't know, glanced at the door his stood by. "Five."

"Good enough. Go!"

The door was jerked open and the group spilled into another hallway. There were more drones on the ground, a few sparking with a last defying attempt at life, and yet most were silent in their death.

"Where next?" Kimble asked.

"Left." Terrell didn't even hesitate.

As he pulled her along Sahara couldn't help but shoot him a glance of wonder. He wasn't using a guide map of any sort. Did he memorize the directions from yesterday?

They reached the end where the hallway split into two. As soon as they turned, Sahara's heart sank. Four LCS were approaching.

"Not this way..." Kimble warned.

The group turned in the other only to find three more. Sahara's eyes darted back the way they had come to see another group. Her heart sank even further when she saw that they were armed. The Phantom's and one Falcon shrank together.

"Well...this doesn't look good," the nameless guy informed the others. "Any ideas?"

He was met with silence and the LCS came closer.

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