Keep Holding On; corey crawfo...

brendan-gallagher द्वारा

62.5K 1.5K 302

"You need to decide if it's worth your time to keep holding on." - Copyright @brendan-gallagher. All Rig... अधिक

"It's me, Corey."
A McFlurry and Some Success
Money Troubles
One French Vanilla Please
We're Different People Now
Car Accidents and Important Patients
Caffeine and Surgery
One of the Best
Drinks and Trauma
Blood, Burns, Blisters
No Patients, No Surgery.
You're Cheating on me.
That Isn't Your Shirt
Wedding Planning and Surgery
We Need To Talk
Fried Chicken
Important Authors Note
We Loved and We Lost
The Biggest Trauma Yet
After Traumas
After Disasters
The Calm After
No Going Back
Can't Help Falling in Love
Drinks at Marty's
Dress Shopping
Airport Farewells
Bachelorette Parties
The Wedding Day (Part One)
The Wedding Day (Part Two)

You Did Everything Right

1.9K 48 4
brendan-gallagher द्वारा

Updating today instead of tomorrow!!
Alright so ily all and enjoy this chapter after the cliff hangers in the last two chapters
(Also I typed this on my phone and the auto correct is dumb because I type in like 3 different languages on my phone so if theres massive spelling errors let me know because I haven't edited it yet)
" Write drunk; edit sober " -Ernest Hemingway

My hands clenched the ends of the arm rests so hard that my knuckles were white. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his heart monitor. His heart had to keep beating, I had to make sure of that.

Almost every five minutes I would check his chart, hoping that there would be something to tell me why his heart stopped. Why it stopped. Yet it never changed, there was never an reason for it. Just that it happened.

"Peyton right?" Doctor King said as he walked into the room.

"No. I don't know you well enough for you to call me by my first name," I told him off. I didn't need to hear about how I should be treating patients.

"Well Doctor Martin. I'm impressed, you ran a code on your first day and did it flawlessly. You are definitely a stand out intern," He complimented me.

I didn't smile or acknowledge him at all. I just kept staring at Corey's heart monitor. He kept talking but I tuned him out. He had been trying to get me out of this room and to other patients.

My brain had been doing such a good job of tuning him out until I heard him say something about a surgery.

"What? I'm sorry what?" I asked shocked.

He sighed, "We allowed the intern that we think has the most potential scrub in on a simple surgery. Usually an Appendectomy, and we give them a chance to run the surgery themselves."

My jaw dropped. He couldn't be serious could he? He wasn't trying to tell me I was the most promising intern. That couldn't be right.

"I think the chief is going to choose you, and I would love if you would go and practice medicine before going into surgery." Doctor King explained.

I looked back at Corey who was sound asleep, heart still beating strong. "I can't just- He doesn't have anyone here. I'm his family and I have to be here when he wakes up."

My heart hurt. A surgery on my first day would be amazing. It was the dream, but I can't just leave Corey all alone.

Or can I?

"If he wakes up, I'll have someone page you." Doctor King suggested, "How's that sound?"

A small smiled made its way onto my face. Before I realized it I was nodding and agreeing to that. Before I left his room I checked his vitals to be sure he was okay.

"Listen Peyton," Doctor King stopped me before I left. "You did everything right in that code. You were flawless and I want you to remember that he is okay because of you, and that he will continue to be okay when you're helping others from the car crash."

I nodded before he added one more thing. "I can already tell you're going to be a good surgeon."

I smiled, "Thank you doctor."

He nodded and gave me a slight push out of the room and towards the ER. "Go save lives now!" He laughed.

I'm not quite sure how I got to the ER since this whole hospital was a maze, but I made it there without getting lost. It felt amazing to know that I have a shot at getting my own surgery today. Considering everyone told us we wouldn't even get into an ER, it made my day.

Before I could even scan the ER for patients who needed help a nurse handed me a bunch of charts. "Beds 3, 7 and 10. Now."

My first patient I went to was bed 3. Looking at her at first glance there was a cut on her leg that needed stitches.

I cringed slightly but composed myself before sitting down next to the patient. "Hello, my name is doctor Martin and I'll be your doctor today. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

She looked annoyed. "What's wrong? Well your the doctor! I've waited for an hour to have a doctor ask me what's wrong! You should just tell me what's wrong!"

"Miss, I understand you're upset, it's been a crazy day for you and you probably just want to go home." I started off and opened up her chart. "I need to to tell me a few things before I can help you though. Things like where you feel pain."

She sighed. "My leg is hurting obviously. My stomach hurts a little too I guess from the steering wheel hitting me."

I wrote down a couple things, "Oh I need to know you're name also Miss..."

"It's Sam Talon." She looked annoyed and checked her phone.

Jotting that down I set her chart at the end of her bed, "Okay I'm just going to check your vitals, and then stitch up your leg. Also I will need to examine your abdomin if it's okay with you."

"Just get me out of here please." She sighed.

I started off checking her vitals, and making sure everything was in check. It wasn't a lot of work, infact it was a little fun to get my first vital exam done. Lastly I did a quick Nuro exam to make sure she didn't hit her head and not realize it because of her leg. Everything checked out with her.

"Okay I'm just going to gently press on your abdomin now and make sure that the steering wheel didn't cause any internal problems."

She rolled her eyes, "Just hurry up."

I started off and gently press near her stomach, and directly under her ribs. The bruise from the steering wheel wasn't there though, it was closer to where her liver and pancreas was. Infact I was shocked by how it felt. Which even on my first day I knew it shouldn't feel that way. It was hard, like something had been punctured and possible had internal bleeding. I also appear to feel like a bone was mix in there making me think it was a rib.

"What's wrong? There's something wrong isn't there?" Sam asked a little panicked. "I can see it on you're face."

"I'm just an intern, so to be sure I'm going to order some tests and page another doctor okay?" I did my best to explain. "There's nothing to worry about yet."

I saw Erika finish up with her patient and sign off on their chart and decided to ask for a little help. She noticed me wave her over and happily joined me, "What's up?"

She was extremely cheery. "Can you believe our luck? First day and there's so many traumas!" She whispered a little loudly. Enough to make my patient look up a little scared.

"Hey I need you to go check out beds 7 & 10 for me. I need to take my patient for an abdominal CT a-sap," I explained and shoved the charts into her. "Thanks have fun."

Erika sighed and yelled at me as I wheeled Sam to CT, "I was going to take a nap but I guess not anymore."

I gave her a thumbs up as I walked away. Funny enough, I know I'll never get lost on my way to CT ever again. The location is burned into my brain.

Surprisingly enough there was no line for CT. It was easy to slip Sam into CT. Finally I decided to page Doctor King so he could look at my patients scans. It would take a few minutes for them to process giving him enough time to get over here.

Especially since he is supposed to answer every page at a run.

I leaned back in my chair and watch over Sam. A couple minutes into it I decided to give her words of encourage meant.

"Hey Sam, you're doing great. It won't be long now and we'll have the scans," I told her through and intercom.

"I'm starting to feel a lot of pain in my stomach." She yelled.

"Just hold tight Sam okay? Stay still." I tried to help.

"It's hurting a lot more than before. It feels like someone is twisting my guts!" She yelled in pain.

I tried my best to calm her down, "Sam. You're doing great don't move now. Once this is over we can take care of your pain."

Just as I reassured her the scans popped up on the screen. I made sure I turned the intercom off. "That doesn't look good..." I trailed off and went to page King again.

"It isn't good." I heard his voice behind me, "She's got a lot fluid in her abdomin. Looks like bile from the liver possibly. I need to get in there and fix it now." He explained. "See right there, that's how you can tell there's fluid." He tried to teach, "And right there is a piece of bone. Looks like it's from a rib."

"Do you want me to prep Sam for surgery?" I asked.

He shook his head, "I'll take care of that. You go book and OR for me. Tell them it's emergent."

Looking one last time at Sam I felt bad for her. She waited for at least an hour in the emergency room for a doctor and now she would need to go through surgery.

"Do I get to scrub in?" I asked curiously.

"You won't get to actually do anything but you can to watch if you would like," Doctor King said as he left the room.

Despite feeling bad for Sam I couldn't help but cheer for myself because I would finally get to know what the inside of an OR feels like during a surgery.

Surprisingly it wasn't difficult to book an OR. The only one left open was OR 6 and that's the one I got them to prep for Sam's emergency surgery.

15 hours into my first shift ever as an intern and I was getting to watch a surgery. It definitely made today better after Corey's surgery.

Corey. Crap. I forgot he was in the hospital. My heart beat quickened because of how worried I suddenly became. Chances were that he was fine, but I needed to be sure before going into a surgery that could be hours long.

His door was half opened when I arrived. It was mostly so that any hockey fans wouldn't recognize him. The hospital security kept the paparazzi out of the hospital thankfully. It took abouto an hour before it made the news on all the sports stations that he was hurt. Then the Blackhawks organization called wanting us to do a to screen on him.

Of course I knew Corey's results for that would be clean. He didn't even cause the accident.

By now all of his tests should have been finished and he wouldn't have anything to worry about when he woke up.

I smiled an gave a small knock on his door. "Corey? Hey are you awake?"

He was reading a magazine when I poked my head in the room, "God anything better to read in this place? I'm bored as hell."

A small giggle escaped me and I walked over to him and gave him a huge hug. "You're an ass. You almost died on me Corey!" A couple tears formed in my eyes.

"Right. That. Thanks for not letting me die by the way," He laughed a little.

"I'm serious you dork! You're heart stopped and I have to shock you more than once to get it beating again," I pulled out of the hug and a tear fell. "It took 5 minutes before your heart started again..."

"Pey- I'm sorry, I didn't know my heart would stop." He apologized.

I sighed, "Don't apologize... Just don't let it happen again please." I asked and wiped the tear away. I'm a doctor and I'm not allowed to cry anymore. "I actually have to go to surgery now, but I needed to check up on you."

"Go save more lives than just mine, okay?" He smiled softly making my heart happier that he was alive.

I nodded and took a deep breath to collect my emotions. "I'll be back in a few hours to check your vitals." I stopped in the doorway, "We haven't back packed across Europe, or uh skydived yet. We should finish all those things on our bucket list sometime okay?"

He had a huge smile on his face and laughed. "Sure Pey. Just go to surgery right now and kick some butt at it."

He didn't know that I would just be in the back of the room, but there was no time to explain that. Instead I needed to get going if I wanted to be on time. Giving Corey a small wave I jogged down to the OR to scrub in on my first ever surgery.

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