Life as a Goth Queen(vampire...

writergirl101 tarafından

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Life as a Goth Queen(vampire love story)Chapter 2

993 19 4
writergirl101 tarafından

Chapter 2

I woke up in a strange room.There were bloodred and black walls. I looked around and noticed that i was lying on a king sized bed sleeping in some guys arms. I was still exhausted so I didn't really care. As far as I'm concerned I'm far away from that boarding school and my aunt and her crazylike personality. I lay back down.I looked down at the guy and he was totally hot. And somehow he was cold like a block of ice.He had natural black wavy hair like mine. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and i was staring

at these amazing turqaurise blue eyes so blue that i felt like i could fall in them.

I looked away and from the corner of my eye i could see him smiling. And then he kissed me on the lips and disappeared....

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