Mytho (on Hold)


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A world filled with mythical monsters and creatures, theirs six fractions. But lets go back to a single child... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 the Adventure
Chapter 4
Chapter 5; Giant Burger!
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

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  Lynx soon entered Wi'Darg's cave holding Nirea and the gem, feeling a bit uneasy inside the damp cave with it's smell of aged scales and many many gold objects which smelt bitter. She walked towards Wi'Darg's opening chamber his eyes gave a glowing essence effect in the dark cave which made the cave a dim white color. Lynx walked over to him and set it down speaking soft Nirea shuddering into Lynx scarred, "Wi'Darg I got the massage and brought to you." Wi'Darg grabbed the gem and felt along it and gave a warm smile as he spoke, "you've proven to me you are worthy to become a Mo'Darg'Spar." "Mo'Darg'Spar?" Lynx asked tilting her head. "A mortal dragon speaker, which is the highest honor I can reward you Lynx and Nirea," Wi'Darg said as he moved to show off some strange looking armor which was pure midnight black like a knight's armor but looked lighter but also stronger and much thinner. "Take the armor Lynx you'll need the black-steel armor," Wi'Darg said as he moved over and laid on a pile of golden objects of all sorts. Lynx walked over holding Nirea, she ran one hand along the soft yet perfectly silk soft metal which formed the armor before looking at Nirea than to Wi'Darg asking to him, "What about Nirea?" Nirea looked at Lynx scarred and afraid but Wi'Darg's words seemed to calm the young owl down fast, "soon we will go and get a blacksmith to make her armor and talon weapons as well just for her." Nirea opened her wings and flew up and onto the armor stand, Lynx grabbed the breastplate and put it on which felt weightless but also very very protective, soon Lynx put on all the armor except the helmet feeling not wanting to wear it. Nirea flew down and landed on Lynx's shoulder saying with a surprised voice but also happy, "The armor makes you look different in a good way." Lynx smiled but before she could respond Wi'Darg reared his head up and spoke, "if you wish you may stay I have an extra chamber just for Mo'Darg'Spar's over their." he pointed with his tail to a wooden door with a metal shield on it. "Thank you Wi'Darg," Lynx said as she went and entered the door into the roomy chamber fit with a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and living room. Lynx laid in the bed and Nirea rested on the head of the bed soon they fell asleep in the bed room happily.

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