Married to the Sexy Stranger...

king-princess- tarafından

504K 20.7K 2.4K

Lucas Mitchell is engaged to his girlfriend Kristina, who is pregnant with his baby. Lucas receives a call fr... Daha Fazla

The Big News
Dealing with Two Lovers
Enemy In Love
I Smell of Regret!
You Are Being So Unreasonable!
Suggest We Play Pretend?
Mutual Agreement...
Am I Okay?......That's A Good Question
This Game We Play.
Well, Fuck!
Don't Say It!
Is It For Real This Time??
I Just Jinxed It...
You Shot And Missed, But Don't Think I'll Miss Too
Let Me Take You Away From Here, From Everything
Is This What You Meant?
Big Day...Catastrophe
I'll Make It Up To You. I Promise..
You and Me
Oh My Gosh!!! I Love You!
Bonus Chapter !

Engaged again

29.1K 1.1K 194
king-princess- tarafından

Lucas stood outside the huge mahogany doors, adjusting and readjusting his tie. He fixed his hair and straightened his jacket.

Ruso elbowed him. "Stop you're making me nervous, Lucas."

Lucas ignored Ruso and fixed himself one last time.

When the mahogany doors started creaking open, Lucas slid his arm in the crook of Ruso elbow -as his mother basically yelled at his to do- and plastered a huge fake smile on his face.

They walked in, everyone on both sides of the room were standing and clapping. Lucas noticed a TV crew and his smile faltered a little. He wanted to tell Kristina about their little 'obstacle' not for her to find out on live TV.

Ruso stepped faster and gently tugged Lucas along. "Stop zoning out." Ruso snapped at him, with a large smile still plastered on his face.

Lucas, squeezed Ruso's hand tightly as his response. To any onlooker it would have looked as if Lucas was nervous and gripping on to Ruso because of that reason but he was doing the exact opposite. Lucas released his grip when he heard Ruso suck in a sharp breath.

Lucas gave a real smile this time, a smile of satisfaction at the pain he caused upon Ruso.

They finally reached the front of the room.

They stood up there and the applause soon died down. Then everyone sat down. There was a medium sized rectangle table behind them with their names cards on it. The rest of the room had this set up as well, with round tables on both side of the room. There were three people to a table, and a long white carpet running down the middle of the room.

Ruso and Lucas stood at the front of the room looking around at their surroundings and tried their best to make it seem as if they were in awe of the place, when really they couldn't wait to get away.

There was the sound of someone tapping against a microphone. Lucas turned to where the sound was coming from to see his Mom tapping a mic as the glass podium off to the left. "Is this on?" When the sound echoed through the whole room, she brushed her hair out her face and cleared her throat.

"Hello, everyone who has come to celebrate the engagement of my Son Lucas Mitchell, the second in line heir to Empire Enterprises and Ruso Sanchez the Heir to Sanchez Inc."

Loud cheering erupted in the room and Bethany beamed with pride. She shot her son a glare in case he decided to say anything to ruin this. Lucas rolled his eyes. He would let his mother have her way now but after maybe three months of this marriage he'd divorce Ruso or break it off before the marriage date.

"Quiet down everyone. Quiet down." The crowd died down and sat back down in their seats. Bethany stared out at the crowd, her smile increasing in size if possible. "Now, the reason why we are here as I've already said is to celebrate their engagement. The reason why the relationship has been kept private up until now is that the two had wished to live their love life in peace." She paused her gaze flickering over to the two before back to the crowd. "Now that they have decided to get married I believe it is the right time to release their love to the world. I will now let the lovely couple step forward and answer any questions you may have."

The audience started clapping and Ruso and Lucas stared up at Bethany with surprise. Bethany giggled and beckoned for them to come on stage. Ruso started walking and Lucas clutched on to Ruso's arm for dear life. "I thought you didn't like me?" Ruso whispered. "Why the sudden change of actions?"

"I'm not clutching your arm because I want to nor because I like you. I have stage fright okay. The last time I was on stage was my high school graduation, the moment I looked out into the crowd I threw up and fainted. I decided never again."

Ruso snickered.

And Lucas delivered a glare his way. "You dare to laugh at me?"

"It's funny."


"Don't worry, Lucas. I'll be right beside you, it'll be ok." Ruso smiled down at the smaller man his smile genuine for the first time that day.

"Why would you help me?"

"I don't want you puking all over my expensive suit and shoes nor do I want you embarrassing me on national TV."

By this time they had reached the podium on stage. The cameras flashed and everyone stared their way. Lucas could feel himself getting anxious, this caused him to clutch Ruso's arm even tighter and try to bury his body in the side of the Larger man. Ruso looked down at Lucas and noticed that even though he was smiling all the color had drained from his face. Ruso pulled his arm from Lucas's grasp and wrapped it around him, pulling him tight to his side. They both stared out at the reporters in the crowd of all the guests.

(A/N - All reporter questions are in italics and bold.)

"Why has your engagement only been kept a secret until now?"

Ruso looked at the reporter and smiled. "That is because we wanted to spend our time together in peace and not running from paparazzi. Also because my Angel Lukey, has stage fright and I couldn't know that and put him through all the stress of having cameras bombarding his personal life." Ruso looked down at Luke and kissed his forehead, drawing the man in closer to his side.

A large Aww sounded through the crowd before the reporters got right back to the questions.

"How long have you two been engaged?"

Lucas looked up at the crowd briefly before slightly uttering. "Three months."

Lucas had thought back to the false love story his Mother and Miriam made them go over in case reporters asked these questions.

"What was that Mr. Mitchell?"

Lucas looked over at Ruso hoping he'd repeat it to the audience, but instead Ruso squeezed his shoulder and said to him. "Go ahead Luke, repeat it. It's okay, pretend the cameras aren't here just focus on me." The sound of Ruso's voice echoed through out the whole room.

Lucas looked up again, this time with more confidence. "Three months."

The sounds of cameras taking pictures rang in Lucas's ears, his heart dropping with the sound of each shutter. At this moment, the only thing holding him up was Ruso's arm. And as much as he disliked the man, he was glad that he didn't let Luke embarrass himself on stage.

"How did you two meet?"

"We met at a dinner banquet between our parents' companies. We were both uninterested in the dinner and stepped outside for some fresh air. That's were I saw him. On that balcony, I fell in love with him at first sight. Although I had to be seriously persistent in order to get him to date me." Ruso chuckled. "But everything I went through was all worth it."

"When do you plan on getting married?"

"We have been dating for over a year now and have been engaged for three months so we plan to get married in the next couple months or so."

"What is your favorite thing about each other?"

"I love him, everything I can't just choose one thing about him."

"I love Ruso's smile, it's full of warmth and can brighten even the darkest abyss." Lucas stated, very much just dying to get off the stage.

"We will take one last question. My angel, is starting to get a little restless from all the cameras."

"Can we get a intimate pose for the cover page of the news article?"

"Sure, why not."

Lucas turned to go ask Ruso what in the name of Jesus Christ he was doing. But what he didn't notice was that Ruso had his lips positioned to kiss Lucas on the cheek, and when Lucas turned his lips and Ruso's lips touched. Lucas was too shocked to move.

Then Ruso did something that shocked Lucas even more although it seemed to make the crowd restless. Ruso placed his hand at the back of Lucas neck and pulled Lucas more into him and continued to kiss him. Lucas's eyes stayed wide open as he stared at Ruso's closed eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity later, Ruso pulled away and smiled at Luke. Ruso turned to face the audience. "Well, it has been wonderful talking to you but my darling and I would like to spend the rest of our engagement party in peace so I am asking for the reporters to be escorted out please."

With that Ruso placed his hand around Lucas and lead the man off stage and through the crowd to a small room in the back of the ball room. Once inside Ruso set Lucas down on a chair so he could calm down.

After Lucas had calm down, he sent a deadly glare Ruso's way. "Who said I was your angel?"

"I had to give like a cute nickname or something to make it seem more realistic."

"Why did you kiss me?"

"That was your own fault, I went to kiss you cheek you moved your head. Therefore you are responsible." Ruso grumbled.

"Ugh, whatever."

"Have you calmed down yet? We have to get back out there."

"Just to clarify once again, I didn't do any of those things because I like you. I did it because I have to." Lucas said.

"Same Here and you don't have to repeat this sentence to me each time you do something. I know already." Although he was brushing it off, Ruso had to admit he felt something when Lucas was pressed tightly onto his side.

Lucas stood and adjusted his tie for the umpteenth time. "Alright, let's get this over with."

Ruso stood next to Lucas and wrapped his arm around the man, the fluttery feeling in his chest returning but he ignored it. Ruso opened the door and lead Lucas back out into the ballroom. The crowd welcomed them with loud applause. This meant their fake smiles and fake loving act were back on.

The whole night Ruso's attention was elsewhere. He didn't focus on the poshly dressed men and women nor on the conversations they tried to have with him. What he did focus on however was Lucas, the beaming smile that was ever present upon his face and the melodic laughter that rippled through him.

Yes, Ruso was aware that the laugh and the smile were fake but it was captivating all the same.

It wasn't that Ruso had fallen for the man he was merely drawn towards Lucas out of curiosity. Lucas was someone Ruso didn't understand. Lucas wasn't like the people he grew up with in his posh British institution, who were all tight lipped and snobby.

Ruso looked down at Lucas, who had one hand around Ruso's waist whilst the other held a barely touched flute of champagne. Lucas had a beaming smile upon his face.

Seeing Lucas all smiles was strange for Ruso. As far as Ruso knew, Lucas never smiled, well not at him anyways.

And that lead Ruso to think about something else about Lucas that puzzled him. That, was the fact that Lucas never liked Ruso even before they uttered a word to each other.

Ruso was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Lucas calling him. Not until Lucas waved his hand in front of Ruso's eyes.

Ruso shook his head and glanced around at everyone staring at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry my mind was elsewhere. Did you say something love?"

"No, it's just that you seemed distracted." Lucas smiled but to Ruso it looked like a grimace.

"I was looking at your handsome face."

Lucas gently hit Ruso's chest. "Oh, Stop." He mumbled as a blush traveled up to his face. Lucas genuinely loved compliments.

"Where's the fun in that?" Ruso smirked at Lucas before kissing the side of Lucas's head.

Lucas's blush deepened. "Stop, there are people around."

"Ok, I'll behave for now."


Ruso carried Lucas's drunk body back to their room. Lucas's head hung over Ruso's arm, as he struggled to open the door.

Once in the room, Ruso walked over to the bed and placed Lucas in it.

As Ruso was about to crawl off the bed when Lucas reached up and wrapped his arms around Ruso's neck. This caused Ruso to stare down at Lucas.

Lucas stared up at Ruso with a seductive smile. "Hey, there stranger. I'm feeling kinda hot, if you know what I mean?" And then Lucas winked at him.

Ruso was shocked but still chuckled. "I think you're drunk."

"I am puuurfecctly sober." Lucas purred pulling Ruso closer to his body so that Ruso now laid on top of him.

Ruso had both hands on the bed on either sides of Lucas, trying to push himself off of the smaller man but Lucas's grip was strong. "No, you're not. If you were we wouldn't be in this position. You would never hold me like this."

"Pshh. I'd be a crazy man and a fool to deny a sexy piece of man like yourself."

Ruso was now laughing. "Really, You think I'm sexy?"

"Of course I do. Even the a straight man could see that."

"What about your pregnant fiance? Kristina, her name was?"

"Herr? What she doesn't know won't kill her right?"

Now Ruso was past shocked. Lucas the man who strongly refused to get engaged due to his fiance who was with child could just easily brush her off when he was drunk.

"I don't think, we should do this."

"My mind is screaming and thrashing bloody murder but my body wants to be pounded by you until our bodies are molded into one, until I'm screaming your name at the top of my lungs, until all I can see is stars and the only thing I hear is your voice of pleasure. I think you get the point. All I want from you is Hot, Steamy, Sex." He hissed the last word next to Ruso's ear. Causing Ruso to shiver with Lust.

Ruso bit his lip and stared down at Lucas. He saw the lust there and he felt the need to ravish Lucas and fulfill all his needs but that wouldn't be right while the man was drunk.

"I'm not gay, I don't..I don't feel that way about you."

Lucas licked Ruso's ear before biting it. Causing a shiver to run through Ruso and Ruso to let out a groan. Lucas bit Ruso's neck, releasing another groan from the man. "You can't pretend like I don't affect you." Lucas mumbled next to Ruso ear. "I can feel your hard on pressing into my thigh."

"Lucas.." Ruso was cut off my Lucas kissing him. The kiss was full of passion and lust. Lucas hungrily kissed Ruso, by this time Ruso had given up and started to kiss Lucas back. It was fight for dominance but Ruso won out in the end.

Ruso then pulled back panting and gasping for air. He saw a smiling Lucas under him, and all his intentions changed. "I think we should stop."

This time Lucas's hold on Ruso was slacked so Ruso managed to get out of Lucas's hold and sit up on the bed next to Lucas. Ruso ran a hand through his hair.

"Come back." Lucas pouted, reaching for Ruso's arm.

Ruso stood up and glanced back at Lucas before leaving the room.

Ruso got so caught up in the moment he forgot Lucas was drunk.

But, the minute he saw Lucas smile at him, he realized what was happening. That man would never smile at him if he were sober.

Ruso ran another hand through his hair and then stormed down the hall. He decided it was best to move away from the room before he lost all his control to his lust and ended up taking advantage of a drunk man.


A/N - Author's Note

I am back with another BxB, since the first and second one I wrote received such good feedback.

Anyways comment or vote to tell me how much you enjoyed it.

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