I Fell In Love, But With A Ba...

Von XxMaskedWriter

9.9K 149 34

Danielle Thomas is a 17 year old high school girl she is smart, pretty, and friendly. She is 5 ft 6, have bru... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
[Author's Note] important
chapter 16

Chapter 13

348 8 3
Von XxMaskedWriter

New Chappie Guys 

Hope you love it guys 

Pic on the side is Emma-Rae----->


~~Chapter 13~~


I open the door and look inside my room, there was my baby, my everything, my daughter Em. I wanted to introduce her to Dani, I like her very much so i wanted to introduce her to the 1 person who matter the most to me and the person that always came 1st in my life. Emma-Rae Holder.

I motioned Dani to come inside my room, when Dani came in em stop playing with her doll and look at Dani, Em face was full of confusion and she looked at me and back at Dani. I took a breathe in this is the moment, the moment if Dani will stay or if she will go. I turned to Emma and said

'Em this is Danielle.' Em kept on looking at Dani with her big brown eyes

I turned to Dani and searched for any emotion the only one i could of find was confusion so i decide to make her understand better

'Dani this is Emma-Rae.' I sucked in a breathe and let it out slowly. this is the big moment where everything change and i said the word 'My daughter.'

Dani eyes widen with a shocked expression she turned to Em and then so me and back to Em and then me

'Y-you have a daughter?' She stuttered

'Um ... Erm.. Yeah?.' I sad which more came as a question and i rubbed the back of my neck

'Oh why did you tell me this before?' She said softly looking down

I walked up to her and lift her chin up so i can see her face

'I wanted to tell you so bad Dani but it wasn't a right time yet, plus i didn't wanted to scare you.' I said

'Oh i should go, i'll let you spend time with Emma.' She said with a fake smile and turning to go out

'Um.. Dani.' I said as i grabbed her hand 'You can stay if you want to.'

She looked at me then at Em again and smile a little 'Are you sure you want me stay?'

'I'll be delighted if you stay.' I said smiling widely

She laughed 'Okay, I'll stay on one condition you have to stop smiling like that it's creepy.'She said and pretend to shuddered

I laughed and extended my hand to hers 'Deal.' I said and she shook it. Somehow it lift the tension in the air gone

I sat on the bed and she followed me on the bed, She turned to me and opened her mouth and shut it, she turned and looked at Emma watching her as she played with her doll in the doll house

I figured she wanted to asked me questions about Emma but she didn't say anything but i will tell her

'Um Dani did you-.' I started to say but was cut out by Emma hitting my leg. I turned to her

'Yes Em?' I said smiling

'DA DA, up.' She said as she raised her arms and tipping on her toes

I laughed and pick her up and rest her in my lap

'Hey Princess, you hungry?' I asked her as she suck her thumb

She nodded

'Want to go get ice-cream?' I asked her, that was her favourite thing in the world

Her eyes widen and she clapped her hands and shouted 'Ice-Seam'

I laughed and looked at Dani she was smiling. Dani was smiling at my daughter. Maybe she warmed up to the idea of me having a child, I think i liked that, hell i loved it.

I heard the door opened and i turned my head and say Sarah popping her head in. Em got down and ran to Sarah and shouted 'A-Wa! A-Wa! DA DA, ice seam ice seam.' She clapped her hands again and Sarah chuckled and pick up her Niece and asked her

'Daddy carrying you to get Ice-cream.?'

Em nodded and laugh

'Well go get your shoes.' Sar said putting her down. Em got down and ran in the closet for her shoes

'So i guess Rique finally told you.' Sarah said sitting next to Dani who just smiled and nodded

'So how did you take it ?' She asked her, I wanted to know to so i waited for the answer

Dani looked at me and looked at Sar and said 'Um Sarah you know Enrique is still here right.'

She laughed and looked over her shoulder like she now remember i was here 'Oh my gosh i forget you where here Rique.' She smirked

I laughed and said 'You forget this is my bedroom and i can kicked you.'

Sarah held up her hands ' Jeez i'm going! I'm going!. Bye Dani Love Yah.' She said backing way and headed through the door

'Love Yah too Sar hunny.' She told her before she shut the door

I turned and looked at her. She was fumbling with her fingers and looking down.

'Hey.' I said lifting he chin up so i can see her eyes 'What the matter?'

'I-I don't know, i'm just nervous i guess, i mean about meeting your daughter and all, she might not like me at all not saying that she doesn't like me she maybe does like me and i think i like her not that i think i like Emma i mean i like her and what about her mother where is she not that i am prying into your business and all not to pry but i wanted to know and i get it if you didn't wanted to tell me that's okay not that i wouldn't be vex or anything when i vex i eat ice cream not that i want to get fat - .' She rambled before i cut her off

I chuckled 'You ramble when your nervous.' She opened her eyes wide

'I'm so sorry, i guess i better leave.' She said getting up. I didn't wanted her to leave i wanted her and Em to get a long

'Um you don't have to you can stay and go with me and Em for ice cream?'I asked i screamed in my head please say yes please say yes

'Yeah sure.' She said I sighed i know she wouldn't of come wait did she say yeah oh shit she said yeah

I grinned 'That's fantastic.'

Em came out with her shoes on and tugged my shirt 'DA DA ice-seam?' She asked

'Yeah lets go.' I looked down at her feet to make sure her shoes are on right which are on wrong i chuckled and bend down and put on her shoes properly and headed out the door with Dani following me. When we got outside Dani stop me and said

'I'm going home quick and come back, don't go anywhere.' She said and with that turned and walk to her house as i watch her ass swayed from side to side. I like it.

She come outside in less than 5 minutes with Lily, Lily had on a cotton pants and a pony shirt and shoes on while carrying her doll and sucking her thumb like Em, while Em had on a purple dress with a white diaper cover and her white shoes with a purple hat she looked so cute and yes i dressed her she had her doll in her hand and her thumb in her mouth

'You don't mind if i bring Lil along right she was nagging me about going to the park every since but i didn't get a chance to.' Dani said when she got by us

'Sure, i won't mind at all.' I said she smiled at me and we started to walk to the park it wasn't a long walk but i had to lift up Em cause her little feet get tired fast we eventually get to the park and we sat on the Bench while Dani give Lil rules

'Listen Lily, Don't eat any sand in the sand pit, don't eat anything off the ground, don't push the children wait your turn okay and most importantly don't slap the children nor beat them those are the rules and if you break them you cant go to the park anymore okay.'Dani said to her sternly but i have to admit though Lil will start a fight even though she is dead wrong and if she don't like what you are saying to her and go and slap the children in their faces and walk out like nothing happen i saw it happen at school no wonder why she is always on time out or her mother always at the school

I put down Em and told her 'Be careful okay and don't pick up anything off the ground.' She nodded and i looked a Lil and motion her to come to me

'Lil you are a big girl and older than her by a couple of months so i want you to take care of Em okay.' She smiled and nodded and held Em hand as they went a play

'So how longer do you think they can go before one start to cry?' I asked

Dani laughed and say ' hopefully long enough to enjoy them self.'

I smiled 'Hey Rique.' She said i turned to her her expression was serious

'You're a good father you know.' She said sincere

'Thanks, and you are a good sister.' I said and we laughed together we chatted until we heard a cry which sounded like Em then a loud voice saying 'You i- dot, run and run fast caw i in slap you.'

Dani looked at me and i looked at her then we took of running in where we heard the scream when we got there we see Em crying on the ground and Lily on top of a boy slapping him. Dani went to pull off Lily who was still fighting with the boy and i went to Em

'Shh baby daddy is here.' I said as i pick up up and went to the bathroom to wash the sand of her hands when i got back out Dani was not walking away with Lily who was poking out her tongue at the boy we sat down on the bench and put Lily in front us

'So what happen?' Dani said

'That boy Wushed down Emma and made her fall down and cry and he didn't say sowwie so i run he and beat he.' Lil said and folded her arms

'Well you shouldn't beat him next time tell me or Enrique and we will deal with it okay?' Dani said

Lily nodded and started to cry 'I in wubble?' She said through sobs

'No you're not in trouble Lil but next time tell me okay, come we are going for Ice cream now, i think we had enough at the park.' Dani said while wiping her tears with a tissue

'How's Em?' She asked

'She's okay, I mean she going to have worst falls right.' I said and shrugged I'm glad Lily stick up for Em though

We walked in silence to the ice cream truck. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable one when we got to the truck i ordered a chocolate chip for lily and strawberry for me and vanilla for Em and lily. We walked to the bench and sat down wen a man walk to my table and pass me a note unnotiable so Dani couldn't see it 

'open it.' He said as he walked away

I opened the folded paper and My eyes widen in horror and i swallowed a lump of saliva that was gathering in my mouth and re-read the note again


Don't think i forget what she did and the deal you made, meet me tonight at the pier #7 boarded village alley bring anyone and you know what will happen.






Who is she what did she did and what deal did he made?

Think Dani has warm up to the idea Enrique have a child or most importantly will Enrique child get along with the girl he like

lastly what did Enrique get himself into?? 



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