The Love Triangle of Alec, Al...

נכתב על ידי Doyleluver

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Alec, his sister Alex, and his best friend Johnny had all been friends since before they could remember but a... עוד

The Love Triangle of Alec, Alex, and Johnny
The Love Triangle of Alec, Alex, and Johnny

The Love Triangle of Alec, Alex, and Johnny

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נכתב על ידי Doyleluver

(The Cover is from left to right, Johnny Alex and Alec. The picture on the right is Alec and then Johnny when they were younger.)

The Love Triangle of Alec, Johnny, and Alex

Speakers blasting, always to loudly, Alec and Johnny were speeding down the main street, wishing to escape the two horse town and escape Alec's little sister by three years in the backseat screaming her lungs out trying to get them to turn it down. Johnny screeched to a halt on the bridge that was the only in or out of town. Laughing they jumped out of the car leaving it on and popping the trunk. Alec grabbed the two beers left in the cooler and threw one at Johnny.  

"Alec...where'd you get those? You're going to get into such trouble." Alex's voice was almost creeping to hysterics. Johnny took a swig while rolling his eyes, Alec laughed leaning into his sister.  

"Not if somebody doesn't tell...I don't think I'm talking about Johnny." The beer sputtered out of Johnny's mouth as his hyena like laughter spilled the beer all over himself. Alex pouted at her sixteen year old brother.  

"That's not funny."  

"Not to you," The remark sent a whole new round of laughter. Alex walked back to the passenger side of the Sedan and sat down thinking about how she would get them back one day, just they wait.  

Johnny jumped up on the wall of the bridge and stumbled, Alex's breath caught in her throat while Alec just laughed. By this time they were both way too tipsy to be dancing on the edge of a bridge that had, let's face it, seen better days but against Alex's better judgment that's what they were doing. The crisp July night was no night to be dancing drunk on a crumbling bridge the week before had been terrible with storms and the storms had swollen the river to twice its regular size and made the current stronger then it would have been had it not been hailing the week before.  

Alex sat there watching her older brother and his best friend since before she could remember dance like the drunk idiots they were, gasping every time they became unbalanced or were in danger of going over the edge. Sitting there she smiled at the thought that they might be drunk but on the bright side every time she thought of drinking she'd remember this night and how they would be her homage to anti-drug commissions everywhere. She could see the commercial now, 'My brother and his idiot friend my anti-drug.' She'd go home and paint a picture of this and it would win her a position in a famous art gallery. An homage to drunk dancing and how it should be outlawed.  

She didn't know they were getting drunk on purpose. At least another one than to just be drunk. They were hiding behind a façade of happy emotions. Behind them they were afraid. This day they went to the beach about 30 minutes out of town Alec's dad was at work and his mom was expecting and couldn't watch Alex so they had to take her with them.  

No one expected it, all was quiet this night, besides the drunken merriment. All the clouds were barely moving against the night sky, beaming with moonlight and starlight enhanced by the darkness that surrounded the small town. When a gust of strong wind blew from the southeast Alec held onto a post where he was standing by, laughing wildly, Alex screamed and jumped up and ran towards where Johnny was thrashing his arms about trying to grab onto someone. Alec and Alex grabbed his arms but being thirteen and being a little bit tipsy they weren't strong enough to hold on to Johnny.  

He slipped from their grasp into the thrashing water below. Alec and Alex's eyes widened and Johnny braced for impact by squeezing his eyes shut and flinging his arms around trying to fly. Alex screamed as Alec dove into the icy water. Alex couldn't see either of them any more but concluded that they would end up on the west side of the bank and ran to greet them grabbing a couple of towels from a beach trip that hadn't gotten put in the wash or even in the house, they'd have to do.  

Alec found Johnny rather quickly and pulled him towards the bank of the river thanking God for the sobering waters. He hoped he had time to save him, he worried about Johnny he didn't even care about getting into trouble for going to the hospital. He'd scream it out loud for the whole world to hear and go to jail if only Johnny didn't die. Please don't let Johnny die. Oh god Alec would have no reason to live anymore just don't let Johnny die. Alec surprised himself with these emotions but he reasoned it was because of his impending death he was feeling these things for Johnny. That was it, Johnny's impending doom.  

Finally making it to the shore Alec, hardly stopping to gather his own strength, before he started checking Johnny's vital signs. There was life there but something was blocking his airways it didn't take a genius to guess what it was. Giving him half of the CPR he should have. Alec was rushing and pushing down harder than he should have but it didn't matter after a few pushes Alec realized he'd have to breath into Johnny's mouth. He hesitated but then blew into Johnny's mouth. Only Alec didn't know how to hold his nose so he just blew into Johnny as if kissing a girl. Johnny's eyes fluttered opened to a very shocking scene of his best friend kissing him. Then something clicked unexpectedly instead of pushing him away Johnny kept still waiting for Alec to push away and Alec did the same.  

"ALEC, JOHNNY!" Alex had gotten lost on the shore of rocks and now finding her brother and his best friend ran to them relieved. Johnny's mouth now filled with water and Alec backed away to allow him to spit it out. Johnny coughed and gasped for breath as Alex toweled him off and hugged him and cried over how she thought he was dead and didn't notice how neither of them were telling her to shut up and she was crying and how they weren't paying attention to her, only staring at each other wondering what they should say or do and she was crying. The car ride home was silent except for Alex insisting on taking him to a hospital until Alec told her to stuff it which did not meet well with Alex's smart mouth and limited patience, she had finally had enough of their silence.  

"Johnny! What happened to you was traumatic and you have to talk to someone about it. You guys, you just can't not talking about. Like it didn't happen." Her sternest voice was silenced by Johnny.  

"YES WE CAN! We can forget all about it and never speak of it again!"  

"Don't yell at her," her brother came to her defense, "she's right! Something happened on that beach, (I don't know about traumatic) but we can at least..."  

"No! I don't want to talk about it," was Johnny's feeble reply. He didn't want much from life but this was not one of the things he even thought about expecting. Sitting in shock at the turn of the conversation Alex interrupted their fight not knowing what they were talking about. Usually they didn't mind people knowing they had gotten a bit tipsy and had done some stupid stuff.  

"You guys...?"  

"SHUT UP!" Alec and Johnny screamed together. Alex did as she was told, which was a first for her but they took no notice too wrapped up in their personal spat.  

"Alec!" Johnny warned.  


"I'm not gay! I've slept with women. Lots of 'em. Ask Charlotte!" The school whore, being no nice way to put it or lack of a better word, was not a deterrent for Alec but he lowered his voice unsure of his own self. He had nothing against homosexuals but had never really thought of himself as one.  

"Maybe you're both?" He suggested but Johnny was adamant in his refusal.  

"Um, guys," once again more confused than anyone had the right to be, Alex sat in the backseat wishing for the loud music to drowned out the sound of her two brothers fighting. Though Johnny was not her brother per say she always thought of him as such.  

"SHUT UP!" Johnny slammed his fist on the wheel.  

"Shut up, Alex! Johnny,"  

"Don't! Say it."  

"I think, Johnny," Tears welled up in Alec's eyes for, more than anything else, that his best friend was rejecting him. Nothing else really mattered. Did he think the relationship would go anywhere or even last a month? No, but he was at least open to the possibility that his best friend, the person who knew him better and who he loved more than anyone else on the planet could be something more. Not like Johnny, just shutting off and pretending it never happened.  

"Shut up-Alec," Johnny was less open minded more focused on popularity and what others thought than what in his hear the knew was something good or lasting. Although his last statement was less forceful and unsure about what he was saying and more thoughtful. Alec saw the opening and struck.  

"Johnny I think I'm in love with you and... you kissed me back."  

"You-You said it, You-You..." Johnny couldn't think of a bad enough word or a response to deny it; tears silently rolled down his own eyes.  

"Uh. Guys?" Alex sat in the backseat more determined than ever to understand what was going on.  


"I was talking about Johnny falling off the bridge, What kiss?"  

---10 years---  

Though awkward and sometimes embarrassing when people remarked how close they were, Alec and Johnny remained friends. They made Alex swear not to tell anyone and they went through the rest of high school with their attraction for one another a secret. Alec tried to see other girls and other guys but no one held as much attraction for him as Johnny had. Johnny dated the head cheerleader all through the rest of high school but was never satisfied they broke it off shortly after prom, they both won the crowns for prom queen and king as well as best couple in the yearbook. Much to her dislike, Alex kept their secret. She even took her brother advice.  

After nagging him too much about his feelings and tired of telling her to shove it, he told her to become a therapist then he'd listen to her. So she did. When she graduated Alec told her she was a smart ass and he was still not listening to her. Johnny got a scholarship and went to school but dropped out and started a band. It hit huge with 'Keeps Us A Secret' and is now touring the United States. Alec became a mechanic/plumber/carpenter and never did escape the small town he so much wished to when he was a teenager. When his sister asked he said 'Too many memories.'  

It seemed the only one who really got out of the small town was Johnny, and he didn't seem to miss it. He barely called his parents and he stopped phoning years ago to Alec to make sure that no rumors were leaking from his sisters mouth. He was too busy with his band. Everybody didn't know what, and by everybody I mean his sister didn't know what ticked Alec off more, that he was too busy to pick up a phone and call his best pal or that he was successful with his new career, he complained about both of them in equal amounts in free therapy sessions, which consisted of sitting in the garage at Alec's work during Alex's lunch break. Her lunch break consisted of sunflower seeds and a coke from the machine outside and listening to her brother complain about things and then not doing anything about it, just complaining about them. Her dinner consisted of a steak a coke and once every three months listening to Johnny complain about things and then not doing anything about them in free therapy sessions. Always during a steak dinner, Alex always wondered about that and if he psychically just wanted to ruin her meal by calling.  

What could be worse you say? Having a fourteen year old baby sister crazy about Johnny's band. "Oh the drama" as Alex once put it. Soon the town would need another therapist for the town therapist, with surprisingly affordable rates.  

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I can't believe it! They are actually coming to town, wellNewPortbut OH MY GOD They are actually coming HERE!!! EEEEE!" Reye squealed and screamed with delight as a commercial came on about Johnny's band coming to the New Port Arena. It wasn't even near a city named New Port or a port that was new no one really knew why they called it that, it just was.  

"Anyway we can turn that off?"  

"Nope," Alex responded with a dull sound in her voice then looked back at Alec confused "We're talking about Reye right?" Alec smiled.  

"Yo, Spazy McSpazitron shut up. I'm trying to listen to the news." Alex hated watching the news...what this has to do with the story I don't know, I just thought you might like to know how much she held her sister in contempt not to say she didn't love her sister she just wished for a younger brother so she could at least pretend they had a reason for not understanding each other.  

"Oh, bite me. Like you'd even know what I'm talking about! You probably don't even know any of the band members."  

"You'd be surprised," Alec whispered. Alex laughed as louder he asked "And you do know the band members...personally?" Reye pouted. They knew that Reye had the silly idea in her head that if she could meet just one of the band members they would fall instantly in love with her.  

"MOOOM! The twins are being mean to me!"  

"We're not twins!" They said at the same time then looked at each at the same time before responding at the same time. "This proves nothing." Reye knew how to push their buttons, too. Though she never knew exactly why she knew it pissed them off and that was all that mattered.  

"Brown hair, brown eyes, same family, both ganging up on me like I'm stupid or something. Am I missing something?"  

"Yeah, the birthday, unless Mom was in labor for three years." Alex sharply inhaled a deep breathe of air and feigned a look of pain.  

"That'd hurt" Alec nodded his head in agreement though he could never fully empathize. "And we are not saying you're stupid. We're just saying everyone else is smarter than you." Alec laughed as Alex sat their smiling waiting for the expected and overly used come back.  


"What is going on now?" Their mother came into the room with a wary look on her face. A look that became more prominent as Reye got older.  

"They're being inconsiderate of my feelings." Reye stomped her foot and looked on the scene indignantly expecting for them to be punished. Their mother looked at them both for an explanation.  

"I'm a therapist I think of everyone's feelings, but only for an hourly rate."  

"Yeah, and I'm a mechanic so I have no feelings except to cheat you out of your hard earned money by overcharging to fix your car." They nodded in agreement to each others excuses. Shrilling from Reye commenced again until their mother asked her to stop or she would be grounded.  

"But Mooom! They are always so mean to me!" The commercial came on again and Reye screamed kissing the television screen. Their mother looked to see what all the fuss was about.  

"Oh shove it, Reye." Alec shouted over her squeals  

"Have you ever looked up your name in the dictionary? It's kind of gross, Reye." Alex stated having already looked up her sisters name and used it anytime she wanted to make fun of her younger sister.  

"Isn't that...isn't that Johnny...Johnny Kolbe?" Except for the blaring of the TV announcing tour dates and band info the house got silent, silent as the grave.  

"You, know-Hottie Johnny?" Reye's voice came close to hysterics. Alex and Alec scoffed at Johnny's nickname.  

"Why, yes don't you remember? He was Alec's friend. Well, I suppose you don't you were only five when he left, but he and Alec used to be best friends...I can't believe Alec hasn't told you that." Alec grumbled that it was because she had never asked.  

"That's impossible he grew up in Texas." Reye had read every magazine that ever wrote an article about the band she knew every band member, where they grew up and all of their family's names. It was kind of creepy. She considered herself an expert on any and all matter's having to do with the band.  

"I believe his parents have land there sweetie but he grew up here. Don't you remember Mr. and Mrs. Kolbe? They baby sat you when you were little." The screaming before was nothing compared to the squeals that now came from Reye's voice box.  

"Ohmygod oh my god ohmygod. I have to call everyone. I can't believe that I know the Hottie-Johnny!"  

"Well, technically you don't,"  

"Shut up Alex. Eeee I can't believe this! Maybe I could even get back stage passes, he'd do that for you wouldn't he, Alec?" Alec opened his mouth, "Oh of course he would! Then we'd meet and he'd fall in love with me then we could grow old together and have tons of kids! Oh then we could..."  

"Now hold on just a second there young lady, what do you mean fall in love with you? Even if I wasn't against it don't you think he's a little old for you."  

"Don't worry mom I don't think she's his type." Alec looked at his younger sister disbelief colored his face along with a minute traces of anger.  

"Oh what would you know?" the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them from flowing. Alex now looked at Reye with the same look of disbelief that her brother was giving to her.  

"Considering I grew up with him and Alec, they used to watch out for me so I had to hang out with them quite a bit. I have living memories of him So I think I know quite a bit more than you do, Reye." After two commercials the ad came on again.  

"Okay now they're just playing the commercial out of spite!" Alec grabbed the remote and switched the channel where the same commercial was playing frustrated he switched off the TV. The front door opened and Alex crossed her arms becoming a statue, frowning, knowing who just walked into the door.  

"Oh Reye, guys, I'm home and you'll never believe what I have!" Their father was an accountant who had been having an affair with his boss, his secretary, and a married client. All three of whom went to counseling or therapy which was Alex's territory. According to doctor/patient confidentiality she could never tell anyone although the whole town knew except her mother and Reye it seemed. Sometimes Alex thought her mother did know but Alex never saw a reason to stay with her father after the affairs so she pushed that thought from her mind.  

Now she and Alec sat on the couch hating the man from every fiber of their beings. Reye adored their father though it was no wonder, he knew Alec and Alex couldn't be bought off by being bought expensive things. To them love was love and you couldn't replace it with materiel objects, but Reye could be bought off in thinking their father was a saint.  

"I swear to god if he says tickets to next Fridays concert. I'll kill him." Alec stared him down as their father walked into the room.  

"Backstage passes to the concert next Friday!" He held up the tickets, of course Reye screamed and their mother looked pleased the happiest little family in the world had it not been for the fact Alec and Alex spoiled the mood.  

"Oh, Damn. So close." Alex muttered in a monotone voice.  

"I've got engines to rebuild." Alec responded in a similar monotone voice.  

"And I have peoples lives to rebuild. Can we both skip?"  

"Oh come on guys, it's Johnny's band! You used to hang out together all the time!" Reye asked if everyone knew but her, nobody answered. "Plus I kind of wished we could you know kind of hang out together as a family y'all have been kind of avoiding me lately... and I went through a lot to get these," At this Alex snapped.  

"Oh what did you have to do that you haven't already done? You know what, I don't want to hear kinky sex stories but you now what? I'll go. It'll be good to stick my tongue out and ignore Johnny to his face and not to the telephone. I can't do this, I'm going home, good night." Their father hung his head knowing the damage he inflicted to Alex especially Alex. She probably could have forgiven him had it not been the continuance of two of the relationships and his refusal to tell their mother as if he had done nothing wrong and he was completely free of any guilt he even suggested the audacity that it was her mothers fault. That she could never forgive he was forever damned in her eyes.  

"I'm still not..."  

"Alec, you're going! If I have to go, you go! I'm not facing your emotional drama by myself." With that Alex stormed out of the house.  

"What do you mean by kinky sex stories?" Her mother called out after her.  

"Emotional drama?" Alec scrunched up his face.  

"I have to go gloat to all my friends!" Reye shouted running up the stairs completely ignoring everyone and thing but her own selfish wants, as usual.  

---Next Friday---  

"Ooo I hope he sees me!"  

"Like he'd recognize you without your diapers on." Alex giggled at her brothers snide comment backstage of the largest arena within 150 mile radius.  

"Now get it right or you're fired!!!" All three of them looked towards what seemed like the manager yelling at a mike check boy with black hair and holding several mikes in his hands.  

"But Mr."  

"No! David I thought you knew what the hell you were doing?!"  

"I do, but Mr."  

"I don't want to hear it, get to work!" With that the gangly man turned and left David with his head hung not knowing quite what to do. Alex whistled and David looked up immediately as if she had called his named.  

"Oh no not a rode!!" wailed Reye quieter she whispered, "People are going to think we're poor or something."  

"Yeah or something, look little miss perfect go stand with mom and dad if you think they're cooler." Reye snorted but took Alec's advice and went to stand with her mother and father who were talking to other backstage fans excitedly about the show.  

"What's the matter?" Alex said as soon as he had slumped over to them with the gloomiest look either had ever seen mixed in with suspicion about the two strangers who want to know about his dreary life and at the moment his dreary problem.  

"Mr. Krebs told me to take these mikes to the main stage and plug in the red3 with red4 instead of green6 with green7. I'm just filling in for my brother and I have no clue what to do..."  

"Call your brother?" Alec suggested. David's eyes went wide.  

"Um, he's kind of on, like his honeymoon and all. I didn't really want to disturb him and you know..."  

"Be chewed out for disturbing him in the middle of whatever he's doing?" suggested Alex.  

"Yeah let's go with that." David looked very uncomfortable talking about his brother's sex life so Alex changed the topic back to the main subject.  

"Anyway go up the front of the huge stage thingy and there should either be a box or a panel with sub-panels or it should be divided up into different colored boxes then you just count however many plugs you need. There should be a green and red sub-panel." Alec and David looked at Alex.  

"I dated a guy in college who worked here part time on the weekends. I know exactly how you feel about being given instructions and not knowing what to do. Dated him for quite a while." David and Alec still looked at her like she was insane until David snapped out of it and replaced the look with one of gratitude.  

"Oh oh thank you thankyouthankyourthankyou thank you! Um, where's the main stage entrance?" Alex and Alec laughed at the sheer idiocy of David.  

"Alec, Alex where's your sister?" Their worried mother called walking up to them in a hurried rush.  

"Oh crap." They both replied in disdain disbelief but when they thought about it, it was just like Reye to sneak off.  

"We could just call her over the main stage speaker can't we I heard them testing them before I showed up for work and that was out in the parking lot." David suggested. "But like I said I don't know where it is and one of you will have to come with me I don't know your sisters name...or either of yours for that matter." It didn't escape Alec's attention that David was only speaking to Alex and she stared only at him.  

"Ahem," David and Alex looked reluctantly towards Alec, "Can we find Reye? Please." The stadium was already filling up with people, when they had finally made it to the stage entrance. The ads on the outside of the arena had said it was a sold out event and by the way people were filing in Alec was glad his dad had got them backstage passes even if he did get them at a cost Alec didn't agree with.  

"I hope I'm not going to get my brother in trouble for this."  

"Don't worry we got connections." David looked doubtful at Alex's beaming face. "Oh don't be so pessimistic, my little love." Alex patted David's cheek before running into Alec's two handed boost hands and doing an acrobatic flip onto the stage, they both watched as Alex having no shame nor embarrassment grabbed a microphone and cleared her throat.  

"Ahem, check 1,2 check Will Reye Wilcox please come back from whence you came... Motivation such an aggravation accusations don't know how to take them...Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine gotta gotta be down because I want it all, it started off with a kiss how did it end up like this? it was only a kiss IT WAS ONLY A KISS! All righty ladies and gentlemen have you heard the one about the duck? Ha, Ha neither have I!" The audience was laughing and clapping at her two songs and stupid joke she told. All did not find it amusing, however, you could tell by the furious expression on the managers' and security guards face as they approached her. Alec jumped up on the stage and was chasing her around the stage saying 'gimmie the gimmie the, ALEX!' David was trying to shimmy up onto the stage but it was a too tall for him.  

"Twistin' the night away hey, hey!" The manager grabbed the microphone from Alex "Heeey," She protested. She pulled her hand back in a fist, before it could spring out at the gangly four-eyed geek hiding behind the security officer, Alec caught it and pulled her back towards him and away from the tazzer the officer had ready to shoot the moment she tried to attack either of them.  

"The fun time Is over." The manager said, emphasizing his remark by pointing the microphone towards Alex.  

"Then you better refund all these people's moneies back 'cause that's why their here." She said into the microphone, she pulled away from Alec and raised her hands above her head towards the crowd. There was a shout of approval from the crowd and Alec pulled her back.  

"Not helping," He whispered in her ear, "Look sir, we're just trying to find our sister, that's all and my sister got carried away, so if we could just..."  

"And who told you, you could do that!"  

"I did sir." David said finally climbing up onto the stage. He was risking his and his brothers careers Alex smiled at him beamingly you could see the admiration in her eyes as he sauntered over to the execution block.  

"You're fi..."  

"And me!" Shouted a voice from behind the manager. They all turned to see the Hottie Johnny stride onto the stage, the roars from the crowd were deafening and the flash photograph blinding. Johnny smiled and waved to the people in true rock star form before jogging over to the group then scooping up a squealing Alex in his arms swung her around once. He put her down and squeezed her hard.  

"Good to see you, Sis. You're still just as fragile as I remember." He remarked after examining her at arms length.  

"You're still just an ass who listens to music too loudly." She giggled like she was mad in the head and squeezed him hard. David didn't like that she knew Johnny he stared at them with a sulky expression while everyone else expressed shocked, except of course Alec whom stared hard at Johnny his long hair his athletic build his beaming smile, his tired eyes squeezed shut in the pure joy of having a true friend just not someone who wanted something in his arms. A;ec now understood the expression that David gave his sister a few minutes ago, the wanting of something you could never have. Alec now knew why he couldn't keep a girlfriend or boyfriend because he wanted Johnny. Johnny was the only thing he ever wanted.  

Alex let go and Johnny turned his attention towards Alec. The reunion was an awkward one. Alec wanted to hug him as well, but his pride and Johnny's image prevented him from doing so. Alec stuck out his hand and Johnny grabbed it but paused slightly before pulling Alec into a huge hug. Like long lost brothers finally reunited, that was a good way to describe it.  

"Good to see you in person, Alec not just in photographs." Whispering into Alec's ear made Johnny seem more sensual to Alec and more desirable not to mention more unattainable than ever before. It made Alec feel alive.  

"Photographs?" he whispered back.  

"Me, you and Alex at Nero Point the day..." 'That will live in infamy forever, the day he got drunk and fell off the bridge.' they both thought but thinking better of it he pulled away giving Alec a beaming smile.  

"I found myself." Alec's breath caught and was quickly pulled into the present with gangly mans' voice.  

"Mr. Johnny although the arena is glad that you have decided to tour here at a pay cut but really I must insist that you..."  

"Hey look I own this arena for one night and can do whatever I damn well please that includes let my friends make asses of themselves, so if you don't mind back off. You're just here to make sure I don't trash the place." The gangly man went bright red.  

"Sir, I must insist,"  

"Insist nothing, my rules are my own and I have fired more people then you have hairs, for being less incompetent than you, please leave the arena and don't come back until you can behave yourself properly." Gangly man looked very awkward, obviously he was used to being in charge. To have Johnny publicly humiliated him like this hurt his ego very much, and he had to lash out at someone very quickly. He set his sights on David who had been contemplating if Alex really loved Johnny and if he could split them up.  



"Pack up and call your brother you're both FIRED!"  

"THAT'S RIGHT! Then you guys are coming to work for me. I need some people to stay in my house in Beverly Hills while I'm on tour and clean up the place. Do you have any references?" David should have been flattered but instead seeing he was good-looking, rich, funny, kind, and famous he knew Alex was in love with him and now unattainable.  

"Well," He looked at the gangly man, "No, not really."  

"Yes he does he has me," exclaimed Alex. David had a flash of hope in her exclamation.  

"And if Alex says you're okay, its okay by me. I'll see you later gotta go tune up." He kissed Alex's cheek and walked off, to a groupie waiting just beyond the curtain he whispered 'I love those guys!' He walked off leaving the groupie crying that she had missed her big chance at hitting it off with Johnny.  

"Reye! Shut up!" called Alec.  

____________________After the concert____________  

Johnny's tune up room was huge, but empty as Alec, Alex...and Reye sat in wait for Johnny and his band mates to finish their concert. Reye was fidgeting around the room, going through the various tables and their personal belongings. She got so fidgety and excited she started going through their garbage.  

"Ew, Reye sit still." Shouting could be heard from down the hall and Reye did sit still, innocently in a provocative way it didn't help her case any. As soon as everyone was calmed down in the band room no one even noticed her and only spoke to Alex and Alec.  

"Ah, So they are 'the twins of my subconscious mind who look nothing alike'. Cute, the brother's not that bad either."  

"Are y'all really twins," asked a young blonde blinking rapidly at Alec.  

"Nope," they both responded in unison.  

"God, I hate it when that happens," Alec nodded in agreement with his sister.  

"You used to love it when you were little," Johnny looked at Alex strangely until she had to look away all the groupies in the band room giggled. Alec as was most of the other men in the room were confused.  

"I bet you thought she was a cute kid Johnny," One with platinum blonde hair shouted out.  

"I was a cute kid, totally gorgeous I won a beauty competition, when I was six." Everyone looked at Reye like it was the first time they had realized she was in the room with them.  

"What's your name again?"  

"Reyelia Martha Magenta Camay Judith..."  

"Reye, her name is Reye. R-E-Y-E."  

"Like the disease?" Alec and Alex plugged their ears just as Reye took a deep breath then squealed. The body guards awaiting the band outside rushed in confused beyond hope and plugging their ears as well.  

"Damn that girl has got vocal chords!" Screamed a band member to another. Reye stopped and breathed in and out heavily. Alex walked over to her and flicked her ear.  

"OW! What was that for?"  

"Moron." Picking her up by the ear Alex walked Reye to the door and threw her into the waiting arms of the bodyguards with much difficulty as she had not yet given up hope of scoring with Johnny.  

"You can't...!" Alex slammed the door in her face, Alec walked up to her.  

"Subtle, very subtle," Alec said to her as she walked by. Alex mumbled a rude reply and went to go strum a Gibson sitting in a corner. Alec walked back over to the party and sat near Johnny but not close enough. Almost immediately another band mate, Derik strolled over towards Alex and kneeled beside her striking up conversation. Immediately following Johnny got up and stood beside Derik. He whispered into his ear and he froze in the middle of what he was saying and quickly left Alex's side.  

"What'd you say to him."  

"He wasn't for you." Alex punched him in the arm. "OW, what was that for?!"  

"Quit it. It's bad enough Alec rules my lunch hour. I don't need my other brother taking over my night life."  

"Alex I have something to ask you." Alex was suddenly distracted by the boy coming through the door looking very awkward. She smiled widely at David, he spotted her and smiled back walking over to them.  

"Sir," David spoke holding out his hand to Johnny.  

"None of that here David we're just buds got it?" David nodded and stared at Alex. Johnny snapped in front of David's eyes whose attention was brought back to the disapproving face of Johnny. Johnny pulled David away from Alex ear shot and whispered. David nodded and they turned back to Alex who had disappeared. Johnny called out for her and walked away from David. David walked out of the room desperate for air. He walked out into the night where he found Alex looking up at the night sky on the top of a cars roof. He looked around before walking over to join her on the roof.  

"My brother is so over protective of me. What did he say to you?" Alex just stared at the night sky so David didn't look back at her either and answered.  

"He told me that you were dating him and if I didn't want to get my legs broken I should stay well away from you."  

"Guess whose going to get their legs broken now?" She laughed giddily.  

"Are you two really going out?" David finally looked over to Alex who was smiling brilliantly at him.  

"Ew, I would never date my brother in a million years." Alex looked back up into the night sky. David continued to stare at her.  

"He's very rich though and..."  

"Totally not my type." Alex looked back at David who was now very curious.  

"What is your type?" Alex laughed loudly sitting up and looking down at David.  

"Where would be the fun in telling you. You have to guess." David propped himself on his elbows looking curiously at Alex. Alex laughed again and jumped off the car's roof. "I have to go, David thank you for saving me."  

"Johnny saved you."  

"Johnny didn't do anything that didn't make him look like a complete jerk-wad in front of my brother." Alex laughed as David looked confused again. Alex turned her head back up towards the sky and smiled shaking her head.

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