Heartless I.Revenge


1.7K 165 55


2.Protegee 1
3.Protegee 2
5.The turning
6.The game plan
7.Meeting the devil
8.Gelous much
9.Building alliances
11.Deal with the devil
12.Sleeping with the devil
13.A playmate's soulmate
14.,,The cell"
17.To kill or not to kill
19.Time's up
20.Angry devil

10.Prezent meets past

56 6 0

     In the plane on our way back to LA everybody was quiet and the tension could have been cut with a saw. I guess there isn't a good way to react to,,Oh hey, I left you behind but I did form a team of vampires in the last two decades, and you are supposed to get along..."          

     I made mistakes in the past... I ended my friendships or better said neglected them when they wanted me to turn them into vampires. But I would do that again cause vampires aren't even near good beings, I saw myself at my worse, me, Miss Morality... go berserk and killing most of what I'd bump into on the streets and have I mentioned I have very bad people skills?That's how Natasha and Vlad got turned. The only one I turned intentionally was Bryan and in short time I lived to regret it. I am not myself and I hope they get me back on track, if there is somebody that can do it that's Jessabelle.

     But as I can see she's really affected. I never saw her like that, I guess she feels... betrayed, and she does have the right to be upset. I think... I don't know anymore... I can't difference the good from the bad anymore, I put everyone in danger and I didn't even realise it  till somebody else came and pointed it out.
Mephis: How many are they?
       Suddenly Luke's friend Meph asked.
-They're 5...
Mephis: Do they know?
Mephis: You were careless. I was told another story.
-Yes, I made mistakes, and also yes, I used to be different. Lacking a heart changes a person.
Aimee: Katty...
-Yes Aimee?
Aimee: Are you sure they won't feel... cornered?
-I don't know... But I suspect they will.
     They won't like any of it that's for sure.

     Meanwhile my phone rang... it was Tessa... the phone was off all the time I was away...


Tessa: Tyna, where in the name of suicidal devils are you?

-On my way back?

Tessa: Okay,from wherever hell have you been, I called you the hole week!

-Tessa would you want to come to the airport and bring somebody with you, we need 2 cars.

Tessa: What? What happened? Where is yours? Wait... why 2?

-I ... we have company...

Tessa: Who?

-Friends of mine, old ones.

Tessa: How old? What friends do you have that I don't know  about ?!

-They're 8.

Tessa: They're ... Wait, what...?


Tessa: I'Il get somebody to come with me, text me the details of the airport and I'Il be there when you land.

     She hung up. She wasn't happy.Well ... fuck...


-Running away are you?

-I would love it if you would show your face!


     I saw a tall figure leaning against some cracked open door, he looked so defiant in that position, but it was dark, I couldn't see much... just that he had long, curly hair....

-Let me see you!

-After you start believing in...


Jez: Sis... hey... are you sleeping?

     I feld my body shaked, sweaty and Jessabelle's worried voice . I oppened my eyes and everything was so foggy ... I must've doze off.

-I'm fine.

Jez: You we're talking in your...sleep?

-I have... nightmares, or something.

Luke: Kath... since when do you sleep?

-Luke it's no big deal, it was a nap so time passes, it's annoying to just wait for ev...

Luke: For everything to explode in your face? Since when are you so... stiff?

     Luke is... observing differences from before to today...

-Shut up and play nice!

     We did land, as we got down and went towards my car, I saw 2 cars, Tessa's and Tasha's. They were waiting, as soon as they saw me they got out of their cars, Tasha seemed scared, but why?And why aren't the guys here?

-Why is it you?

Tessa: What are they?

-Tess... what do you mean?

Natasha: They don't smell like us...

-Oh, you mean... they're humans. With powers but humans.

     They we're worried about a fight, we talked from a distance and then they got closer to us.

Tessa: Gabriel is a dick, Bryan is upset, Vlad is furious and we are waiting for explanations but not here. Let's go to a bar... Maybe Drunken Rat, we can lock in from the inside.

-Okay, Tessa is the bossy one, the other is Natasha. And girls these are Jez, Matt, Aimee, Pierre, Renee, Beatrice, Luke and Meph. Get in the cars, Jez and Matt come with me, oh, and Luke.

     Well, this is awkward, I thought to myself as everybody sat down at a large table.

Tessa: So... you aren't vampires and you aren't humans... what are you?

     I surprisingly heard Tessa asking the group.

-Well answer the woman!

     I say trying to engage them into conversation.

Luke: Well we aren't vampires but we sure are as strong as them, except that we don't need the blood, that's gross... so our strength, vampire's weakness.

     Luke answers with a huge grin on his stupid face, and winks at her, why in the name of small devils would he wink? Stupid much? Way to go, of course, annoy her, then I have to stand her overblowing fury. Tessa suddenly smiles, infuriated I'm sure, but smiles and answers.

Tessa: Well I think we could make a test for that power of yours, just to see how good you really are... or not.

Luke: So don't you wanna have the test now?

     And I see the moron jumping to his feet .

Tessa: Of course, no problem!

    Tessa almost yells at him. That's it, I don't want her kicking and screaming, and I put my hand on Luke's shoulder and pull him almost through his chair, everyone else was gasping with surprise, they don't know the actually violent impatient me, well except Tessa and Natasha, the only reaction was that Tessa smirked and sat back down. He makde a frown, he didn't expect that, I'm sure Tessa was sure she could beat him and I won't say a thing... Normally I would let them do their thing but I need everybody in full strength. Now the tension is higher then usual... Everybody is staring. Shit...

-Stop that. I need everybody to work together! How in fuck's name am I supposed to plan against powerful vampires when you are acting childish.

Aimee: This isn't happening...

     I heard Aimee gasping and I looked over at her, she was looking at Luke, behind me, I looked at the chair he sat in, there were feathers... double fucking shit, I got up fast and put my hands on his chest tugging at his shirt.


     I softened my voice, him getting nervous never has a good ending.

Tessa: I thought you had balls but seems you just have wings!

     Shit Tessa! I knew she was standing now. Luke is trying to stay put, I can feel him trembling from fury.

Mephis: Step aside!

     I heard Mephis talking, who is he talking to, I don't dare letting go of Luke to see, I don't need this...

-Tessa, you think you can treat him as family?

Tessa: He isn't!!!

Jez: Well actually, they where together.

     That sounded so ... wrong. Jessabelle was quiet but if she is talking it must be out of line.

-What? That is not...   

     I interrupt her. But decide that I need to give Luke some credit, at least put him in a good position, in any way I can.

-He was actually my partner in every sense. Absorb that and sit down, you need to be able to get along or all of this was for nothing, cause you should be more calculated than this, if you can't get together how would Vlad or Bryan or...

    I let Gabriel out on purpose, I said enough. Luke is different than...family, I did take care of everybody here, just that the older me had a heart, and the guys at home haven't had a good experience with me, neither did Natasha or dare I say Tessa. I was better in the past, I... fuck I can't feel sad, happy... only annoyance, fury and desire to kill, and I function on logic, not by heart.

     The body in front of me relaxed. I felt a hot breath against my face, his hand reached my chin pulling it up.

Luke: Nobody knows about me?

-I told you they know nothing, all of you, I told you... what were you expecting?

     I withdrawed my arms and turned around, Tessa's hands are strongly holding the back of her chair, Luke is disappointed, I didn't look at him cause if he hadn't seen any emotion, I don't think he would have calmed down..

Luke: Baby...

-Don't! Ifound myself screaming at him... 

     That's wrong, pfff what am I supposed to act like? Beside Jessabelle, everybody is confused... A strong hand grabs my arm and turns me around and another hand raises my face by tagging the back of my head.

Luke: What... what is it? What's this about?

     He held me still just to look into my eyes...

Luke: No, you didn't... you would never do that...

Aimee: Do what?

     Aimee asks slowly.

Luke: Katherine's emotions are ...off. I think. How could you? And you didn't tell us?!

     Luke constats by my lack of words or reaction. And I heard Tessa talk again.

Tessa: You have no ideea what happened to her so just leave her alone...

     Her voice just breaks off... so... she is on my side for now, upset but by my side. I smiled a little.

Aimee: Is this true?

-Yes, Aimee, yes. I'm broken. I suffered so much and never recovered. I went berserk. I killed, I drank vampire blood, I don't regret anything by the way, just so you don't feel surprised by any other thing you will find out. I feel a warm hand on my cheek pulling me backwards, behind me was Jessabelle. I looked to the ground,I so used to lecture her about everything and I ... am a wreck. They are leaving, I'm sure.

Jez: Sis... you... we should go and meet everybody and just share what we and they know. It's obvious we all love you, either you do or not.

     I looked at everybody, it seems that they agreed to what Jez said...

-Okay, Tessa, you think we should try? Try to compromise? It's officially between you and Jez...

     They looked at each other and nodded in agreement....

     A few hours later...

            I was sitting on my bed, everybody was in the backyard around a fire, I sure hope nobody gets thrown in, and they are talking about me, yes... they finally got that it's not about them it's about how I ended up and how they can manage to accept that or not.

           When we got home I just past them by and went straight to my room, I knew Tessa wasn't gonna let the guys be stupid and the others where freaked out about my previous outburst so everybody should behave, at least that's how my logic thought. There where a few high pitched voices but in rest it was silently well, Gabriel was going to tell the part that involves the present me... and Luke will tell them about past me... I know it doesn't sound good, any of it, I guess I'm willing to give up on them and go straight and kill Abaddon with my bare hands if nobody wants to help me after this. I brought the past here because of the present, the present Bryan got scared and I felt it, he was worried for everybody, they've been the only emotions I could get in decades, his.

           In my thought of leaving and go search for Abaddon I heard footsteps up the stairs and I felt my pulse fastening, sure as hell it was Bryan, I hope nobody is on fire literally. I watch the door and he stops just in front of it, doesn't say a word.

-Bryan, what's wrong?

          I don't hear fighting or screaming just story telling, real life, my life, but story telling nonetheless...

Bryan: Tyna, do you know what's happening outside?


Bryan: They're talking about you, and it's not pretty to listen to...

-My life is anything but pretty.

Bryan: But are you sure he's telling the right and true things?

-If it's one thing I'm sure about is to trust Gabriel and Luke to talk about me.

Bryan: And why aren't you with them?

-They need to listen and take a decision... to stay or to leave... I'Il talk to them when it is needed

Bryan: When will that be?

-When somebody comes stumbling the hallway and right through the door.

             I didn't hear any answer, he just leaned on the wall till he stop dragging against the wall, and sat down.

             We kept it that way, quiet till everybody outside stoped talking or at least that was what I thought... I hear Jez talking.

,,-She couldn't have possibly done all of that, it just sounds... too monstrous, heartless."

             That was it, I could sense the emotion in her voice, distrust, dissapointment... discust... I've become everything I told her to stay away from. Awesome! I should've just of started everything with: don't turn out like me.


Bryan: Yes...?

-How is it when you're hurt?

Bryan: I don't know what to say...bad, I guess?

-But isn't it better this way? My way?

Bryan: What is that way like?

-Not feeling the hole sadness and pain. I mean love gets everybody hurt, caring also... we're better  off without it, shouldn't we be?

Bryan: No...

            He's right. It isn't good cause no conscience=killing spree for me.


-Yes, Bryan?

Bryan: Do you remember love?


-I remember it destroyed me...

Bryan: I think... I believe you shouldn't give up like that. Not who you loved destroyed you...

-What would you know about that?

Bryan: I listened... I know you where too... to Gabriel.

-Yes. If I wouldn't fall in love the guy would have been alive and well and I would be rulling the vampires.

Bryan: Tessa said...

             He stopped.

-Tessa wha...

Bryan: Shh, somebody is coming upstairs....

          He was right, high heels, Tess or Jez... Shit two pairs, both of them, crap, shit, shit, fuck!

Tessa:Where is she?

           No answer, hmph the coward pointed and walked away.


           Great way to start a conversation, I'm Katherine now? I was annoyed beyond it, I got up and went straight to the door.

-Katherine?! Katherine???? That's how you start?

           I yelled at her, I was mad, I guess my temper din't leave me like my other emotions...

Caius: Don't!

         He came in through the window and grabbed my hand pulling me back.

-What the fuck are you doing here?

Caius:Ladies, excuse us a minute or two.

           And he closed the door...

Caius: Now you listen to me! You where so close to slap a girl who loves you more than the moon loves it's stars. Do you realise that?

-She loves nobody, that's gone! She loved a person, I'm done, I don't have a heart anymore she can't love somebody like me!


-So then what the fuck do you want ?

Caius:Why did you bring them here?


          I looked at the ground, I brought them because of Bryan...

-I was willing to put  them at risk for... Bryan, for revenge?

Caius:If that's a question, then yes, but beside Jessabelle and Lucifer, everyone thinks the same.

-Where do you know...

Caius: You have no ideea how old I am or how much I know. The way you saved her and kept her at your side seven years, how you tried to put her to sleep, or fill her with magic to keep her safe, how she kept playing with death... How Beatrice, Renee and Mephistopheles followed her  around like bloodhounds. You hold under your control actual hellhounds. They we're worst than you just not as powerfull and you kept them in line with a heart, now? Now they're freaking out, they think they will be living, breathing sacrifices.

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