
By hatersmakeyoufamous

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A love triangle between three best friends. Max is best friends with Kristine and Sam since past 10 years wh... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

173 28 8
By hatersmakeyoufamous

Kristine's POV

Something changed. I am not sure what but something has defiantly changed.

You know that sinking feeling you get when you are a kid and you are having great fun at some party but suddenly you realize that this time is going to end soon, the joy you are feeling only being with your friends is going to end soon and after that you have to go back to your boring life which consists of homework, school and bullies.

That's how I felt last night. When I was in his arms I felt secured, unharmed, peaceful, happy but when he removed his arms from around me the sinking feeling came back.

We were quite on the whole way back to our homes. When he parked at my house we just sat there in his truck for a few good minutes. Not sure what to say or how to react.

This was new to me, to us. Being best friends was easy, natural even. But knowing that your very best friend loved you without dropping any hint before is new. And we are still trying to adjust, to make it work.

I broke the silence.

"Umm I had a great time Max. Thanks a lot."

I really did have fun there is no lying about that.

He smiled in the dark but I caught it.

"I had a great time too Kristy. And I will like to do it again." He breathed out.

His eyes were warm and he had hope in those brown orbs.

"Sure. I would like that too." It was out of my mouth before I can process anything.

He came to open my door and we both silently walked up to my front porch.

What now? Is he going to kiss me? The last time I kissed him was out of anger, jealousy and hurt. But after I agreed to Max to give our relationship a chance I do want to kiss him sometime, but not now. I still need some time to process all this.

I was fidgeting with my hands when his hands covered mine and he brought my hands close to his heart. His heart was thumping all wild and crazy like he had run a marathon.

"See what you do to me. I don't want to rush things with you Kristy neither I am going to force you into something you are not ready for now. Take your time. I have waited a hell lot of time for you and a few more weeks or months won't hurt."

With that being said he kissed my forehead and left me standing there looking at his retreating figure, as he took his car out of the parking and made way to his garage. I was still watching him when he disappeared into his house.

My heart raced from his words.

I was slammed with hundred different emotions. He stirs something inside me that scares the hell out of me and I am not ready to acknowledge that now.

"Ummm, teacher are you okay? You are staring into that space for like 10 minutes now." I snapped out of my thoughts and moved my gaze to the 10 year old adorable kid with round, chubby cheeks with a hint of pink on them.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I was not supposed to bring my personal life into my work life. I was currently in the middle of my class when I dozed off.

"I am perfectly fine, thank you. How about you take your seat and show me what you have done?" I asked her while caressing her cheek.

I took in the majority of young kids drawing around, playing and teasing each other. The board which was hung on the side wall was full of the work done by children here. I sighed happily, it feels too good to be true.

Yeah sure, these kids can be a little too energetic sometimes and they can worn you out but the best part is that they always bring out the best in you. You think you are the adult one who can teach them better things but sometimes it's the other way around too. They will teach you in the most beautiful and unique way ever without realizing that by themselves. We've lost our creativity in this world of hate and jealousy but they are still pure as a born baby.

Soon the bell rang and the kids rushed to pack their bags, excited to go home. I also packed my things and grabbed my timetable for the day and placed it in the folder which was handed to me by the principle and moved to the staff room where the teachers were given the lockers where we can place our stuff.

It didn't take long for me to adjust in the school. Yes, it was new for me, my colleagues, my students but they were all so corporative that it felt like I have always belonged here.

I thanked the teachers for their support and bid my goodbye to the children who were passing by me and made my way to my car.

I stopped dead in my tracks. When I noticed that Max was leaning against my car wearing his black ray bans and a tight jeans which outlined his muscular legs and a shirt with first three buttons undone.

My heart did all kinds of somersaults.

When I got closer, I gasped. What the hell?

"Max what happened to your face." I almost yelled.

On the right side of his eye he was supporting a purple bruise which looked a lot painful.

"Hello to you too missy. What? Don't I look handsome anymore? That's such a shame you only like me for my face." He winked at me.

His tone held humour but there was something which was not settling well with me.

I slowly brought my fingers to touch his bruise gently and he winced.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little."

"Get in the car Max. I am not taking your bullshit. You need to see a doctor." I opened the door to the driver's side and slid inside not waiting for his reply. He opened the door to the passenger seat and sat down.

I turned on the AC as it was so hot outside and was about to put the car in reverse when Max put his hand on mine.

"Can we please not go to the doctor? It's not like I am going to die. I will put on some ointment."

"Promise?" I asked, knowing that he won't do as much as taking a pain killer and putting on ointment is such hard work for him to do.

"Ughhh. No! You can put it on me later. Alright?" He heaved a sigh

"Good. Now spill? And don't give me that crap again?"

"Okay. But can we go somewhere else?"

"Okay. Dad won't be around so we'll go to my house."

Max was upstairs as I went to search for the ointment so that way he won't have to find an excuse for not taking care of his bruise.

When I found one, I took a clean towel from the cabinet and got it slightly wet and moved to my room where he was sitting on the edge of my bed with his head in his hands.

I knelt in front of Max taking his chin in my free hand, forcing him to look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, softly.

I know there is something wrong he is not telling me because I can guess from his stiff posture that something or rather someone is bugging him. And to make it more worst he has a bruise which makes me want to beat the living shit out of the person who did this to him.

"Sam came to my house yesterday."

I felt myself stiffen.

"We argued and got into a fight. He said you are his and I told him no. He said he is going to win you back."

The vulnerability in Max's eyes was killing me.

I placed the towel on his face to clean it first and then took a small amount of ointment and gently massaged on the bruise.

The whole time Max was looking at me, he didn't even asked me why I am quite and not saying anything. He just sat there, examining me.

"He shouldn't have done that." It was not something I should have said but those were the only words which came out of my mouth.

"I provoked him."

"Either way he shouldn't have hit you."


I took a seat on the bed, next to Max.

"I came by your school just to see you, to make sure that you still want to do "this" and to make myself believe that you are not running off to him. I wanted to make sure that you are mine."


The last word he said was barely audible but I heard it. Loud and clear. And for some odd reason it made me happy. Ecstatic even.

I took his hand and interlaced our fingers.

"Max you have nothing to worry about. I understand you. But you need to trust me too. I was the one who he left unnoticed and trust me when I say this that i have no reason to go back to him. Just have some faith in me. And about "this", I want to do it, otherwise I wouldn't have been with you now. Okay?"

He brought our interlaced hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles, gently.

"I do trust you. It's him I don't trust with you."

"I understand."

"So tell me how was your first day at school?" He asked.

I was thankful for the change of topic because I didn't think that I can cope any further discussing about my ex best friend/boyfriend.

"Max it's what I have been dreaming since I was a kid. I still remember when I was 9 I used to play teacher with my dad. He used to look so huge sitting on a chair pretending to be my student while I used to teach him like I know this shit. But I know for real now and it feels great to pass it on to someone what you have learned, who can actually value it. And to my advantage all the staff is so welcoming and they have warmed up to me in just one day. And then the kids are so cute that I can eat them alive."

I didn't realize I was talking for that long but when I looked up to see what Max's reaction is about my out burst, my heart just melted. He was sitting there like he can really feel me and he had this huge smile on his face which made me smile in return.

"I am not sure I want to date a man eater then."


"You said you can eat those kids alive, I said-"

I hit him on his arm, while he let out a loud chuckle.

"I heard you, you idiot."

I tried to hit him again but he caught my hand in his and pulled me into him, that way we both landed on my bed with a 'thud'.

With me on the top of him. I became aware of my body pressed into his, his hands on my waist holding me against him, firmly and my hands on his chest. And like my eyes got a mind of its own and my gaze travelled down to his luscious lips. The moment my eyes met his, I was a goner.

Max brought his hand to my face as his fingers traced my chin, cheek and then lips. Oh so slowly, he rubbed my lower lip with his thumb and my lips parted and I heaved a sigh of delight.

The whole time my eyes never left his. I don't know what came over me but I leaned in and placed a light kiss on his bruise. He didn't flinch but his hold on me tightened. I know it must've hurt so bad and I couldn't help but think the two of them fought because of me. They could have been best friends and carried on like that but because of me standing in the way, Max lost his best friend. If he wanted he could've taken Sam's side but he stayed faithful to me. All the sacrifices he did, only for me.

"I am sorry."

"What for Kristine?"

I love the way he calls me kristy. But whenever he calls me from my full name, I don't know it does something to my insides.

"For you know, this." I caressed the skin just below his bruise to show him what I am talking about.

"Are you crazy? Why are you apologizing?" He asked while looking a little mad.

"I messed up Max. If it weren't for me, you and Sam would've been friends. I came in between you two and destroyed your friendship. I never wanted to do this but somehow it did happen and I am to blame." I said as a tear rolled down my face.

"Listen here missy and listen good, it was my choice to take a side between you two. And what Sam did was wrong, not only that but he even had the nerve to waltz back in your life like he owns it. And it's about damn time he realizes that nobody is going to take his shit when he is wrong. And trust me, when I say that we'll be okay. We've been best friends since I can remember, he may think that I am his rivalry or something but when the time is right, he will see past this and we'll become stronger than before."

He kissed my tears away. And laid me on the bed next to him. And looked at me. Really looked at me. You know when a person looks at you like he can see through you, see through your soul. That's how I felt.

I felt the mattress move and looked up to Max who stood up and he looked like he was ready to go. I felt my heart drop. Is he leaving already?

"Kristy I um need to go, day after tomorrow is my first day at work. I need to see if I have all the things prepared or not. I guess I will see you soon." He said, as he ran a hand through his hair. A habit when he is nervous.

The first day at work is day after tomorrow and he wants to leave now to make sure he has everything prepared or not. What the heck?

And if I will ask him to stay then I will look like a clingy girlfriend which I don't want to be.

"Okay. I guess." I stood up.

I felt disappointed that he wanted to leave. That our intense moment is ended. Maybe this is for good.

"Bye. Take care sweetheart." He said as he kissed my forehead and then he left.


Sitting in my room alone I became aware of my pounding heart. And without even thinking I placed my hand on my heart. With the speed of light, I let it fall back to my side.


Why is it beating so fast?

A/N: Hey guys! Long time no see, eh? xD I am honestly so sorry for delaying so much but can you blame me I am not getting as many votes or comments as many as the views. I want to say to the readers who read my work and look forward to read more that try to vote and comment because otherwise the writer loses interest so from now on I am going to make you guys a deal. I need at least 50 votes on my upcoming chapters and only then I will update otherwise I may delete the book because people are losing interest and I promise to update more often if you do so.
Love you guys please keep reading and appreciating my work. (:

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