Ghosts • Stiles Stilisnki

-voidylan tarafından

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"WE ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE THIS MANY G H O S T S" "So what brought you to Beacon Hills?" "Someone told me to... Daha Fazla

Summary+ Disclaimer.
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7.8K 223 139
-voidylan tarafından

08; Peter is creepy what's new.

Brett is slammed on the table by Stiles and Derek, so Deaton can give him a incision. Why? Because a crazy bitch tried killing him and Hayden tonight, which wasn't Hayden's cup of tea. She broke down in Stiles arms and he held her like it wasn't nothing. Hayden wish she just did it in her bed where Scott and Melissa were asleep and no one saw her. Crying made her weak, and Hayden wanted to feel powerful and do something for the Pack. Try to save people, not find them.

She just wished she could find out what ever the hell she was so she could maybe help someone. Hayden felt useless and unwanted which put her in a bad mood.

Hayden snaps out of her gaze to see Brett seizing and foaming yellow at the mouth. Hayden turns away grossed out. "That's disgusting."

Stiles gives her a look, "What's happening to this kid?"

Deaton speaks panicky, "He been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane." They continue to struggle holding him down and keeping him steady, "Hold him! We can't keep him still the incision might kill him."

"Hey derek how about a little werewolf strength." Stiles spits out sarcastically blowing out, licking his lips which Hayden tries not to notice that was really hot.

Derek glares at him. "Yeah I'm not the only one here with "werewolf strength".

Stiles gives Derek a surprised kind of look while Brett jerks and throws both Stiles and Derek off. Brett gets up and starts to run causing Hayden to back away from him, but Peter cuts him off and punches him in the face, knocking him out. Derek watches Peter with cautious awe, and Peter looks at him with glowing blue eyes. "I guess I still have a little "werewolf strength" myself."

"Yeah, maybe more than a little," Derek replies, which makes Peter smirk. Derek looks down at the claw marks on his arm, which aren't healing.

"Okay then." Hayden mutters narrowing her eyes at Peter who keeps staring at her like he knew something she didn't. "Can I help you?" Hayden spits sassy crosses her arms over her chest giving him a glare.

Peter smirks again shaking his head at her, "No you just remind me of someone I use to know."

"Use to?"

Peter doesn't respond looking away while Hayden starts to get creeped out. She looks at Stiles who looks at Deaton breathing out, "He's not breathing."

Hayden bents down at Brett looking at him. Stiles noticed at reaches out to squeeze her hand while Deaton cuts center of Brett's chest, releasing a puff of yellow gas. Peter watches as Derek's wounds heal, and Derek looks incredibly relieved to find out that that power isn't entirely gone yet. "He'll be okay, but probably unconscious for a while."

Brett starts to mutter something and after a few seconds it's loud enough to hear, "The Sun. The Moon. The Truth."

Deaton tells them that it's Buddhist, and Peter realizes that their  must be alpha must be Satomi Ito.

Everyone is silent in till Hayden claps her hands looking at Stiles questionably, "Ready to go then?"

Stiles nods grabbing her hand pulling her out of the room, Peter still watching her when they go out the door. They make it outside which Hayden shivers from the sudden coldness getting into Stiles Blue Jeep.

"You alright?" Stiles asks driving down the road silence in the jeep. Hayden turns her head from the window to look at him, "Stiles stop asking me please."

"I just want to make sure, you really scared me tonight Hayden."

Hayden let's out a laugh rolling her eyes, "You were scared? Okay Stiles. You weren't the one who almost got killed by one of your best friend's."

Silence is filled in the jeep, Stiles not responding just nods and looks out to the road. Hayden starts to feel guilty for snapping at Stiles, He was only trying to help.

Stiles pulls into the his driveway stopping the car. Hayden and Stiles get out and go into the dark house climbing the stairs in silence trying not to wake up The Sheriff, if he is even there.

Hayden trips onto Stiles shoes in the middle of his doorway, her arms grabbing out onto Stiles shirt from falling. Hayden looks up instantly taking her fingers off of Stiles shirt. She could see some of his stomach making her flush red in the cheeks. Hayden coughs embarrassed backing away while Stiles smirks.

"You want something to sleep in or are you just going to sleep in your leggings and sweater?" Stiles asks raising a eyebrow at the girl who bit her lip looking back at him nodding.

Stiles handed her a shirt which Hayden took still standing there. "Um I'll just turn around then." Stiles spins around awkwardly focusing his eyes on the wall. He could hear Hayden drop the jeans on the floor and shirt which made him tense a little bit, knowing she was going to be His, His clothes.

"Jesus Stiles stop thinking like that." Stiles mutters to himself rolling his eyes. Stiles still has a girlfriend and he was thinking about another girl, That wasn't good. It confusing Stiles that he feels something for this girl that he doesn't feel for Malia. Malia was a good girlfriend, Stiles told himself. He has to stop thinking about Hayden and him together. It's not fair for Malia.

"Okay um I'm done." Hayden squeaks out. Stiles turns around only to have him stare at Hayden with wide eyes, staring at her bare tan legs that were open and Hayden only having his tee-shirt on.


"Nothing-Nothing," Stiles shakes his head, "You can take the bed. I'll take the floor."

Hayden shakes her head at Stiles, "No I'll take the floor, Stiles this is your room, Your bed."

Stiles sighs then picks up Hayden who lets out a gasp, dropping her down on his bed which she landed on his pillows. "Your sleeping here okay."

Hayden smiles rolling her eyes grabbing a pillow throwing it at Stiles which he ducks it laughing, "You can sleep here with me then. We're both too stubborn so there's no point with you sleeping on the floor."

"Fine." Stiles climbs in but not before making sure Hayden was okay and turning the light off.

"Night Stilisnki." Hayden sighs happily, her nose in his scent, clothes and pillow. She hopes Malia never finds out about this or she's dead.

"Night Collins." Stiles whispers back to her but looks back to see her fast asleep.


Stiles eyes open to the sun in his room making him groan, rolling over only to find a girl on his chest, brown hair sprung out all over him and Hayden's cheek resting on his chest with one arm resting on him and the other wrapped around his waist. Stiles smiles looking at her natural beauty for a minute then closing his eyes, not wanting to leave his bed and wrapping his arms around Hayden tighter.

Hayden wake's up relaxed, she hasn't slept that good in along time. She brings her head up only to find Stiles sleeping and she's practically on top off him. Her leg on top of him, and her arms wrapped around his waist. She woke up to his heartbeat and listening to his breathing up and down. "Dear lord."

Hayden bents over to unlatch herself from Stiles only to have him clutch onto her waist tighter mumbling still obviously sleeping. "Stiles god." Hayden says taping his head trying to wake him.

He doesn't move.

"Stiles Jesus christ." Hayden tugs trying to get out of his warm body and grip. "Stiles!" Hayden yells hitting him in the chest making him open his eyes and jump, falling off the bed landing on to floor a minute later Stiles saying "I'm okay thanks for asking."

Hayden doesn't respond getting up out of his bed and scent going over to her clothes that were folded on his desk. Stiles rubs his eyes still tired and smiling when Hayden turns around. "Get ready it's 7:30 and we still have to go to my house to get clothes and i need to make myself at least presentable."

"Aye Aye captain." Stiles says going over to his dresser taking his shirt off giving Hayden no warning to turn around and give him the privacy. Hayden stares at his toned back muscles and spins around almost falling over. She walks over to his bathroom grabbing her leggings and black tank top.

Before she goes into his bathroom Stiles says "Wait!" then a blue and white flannel is throw in her face. "That will look good on you with the black, plus we don't have to go to Scott's house."

"Thanks Stilisnki. Guess what? Stiles is stylish." Hayden giggles when he gives her a look. He pointed to the door telling her to get her ass on the move.

"Alright! Alright!"


Stiles, Lydia and Hayden walk into the office in the station following Mr.Hottie that was the newbie cop. Guess his name was Parrish, Hayden was honestly thought he was so attractive she could stare at him all day.

"Sheriff won't be back for about a hour or so if you guys want to wait." Parrish says turning around to look at them from the files he had in his hands.

"We aren't here for my dad." Stiles says pointed towards his dad's office while Parrish raises his eyebrow and they all walk in, Hayden closing the door leaning on it while Stiles and Lydia talked.

Stiles shows Parrish the deadpool list which shocks and confusing him. "Do you recognize any of the names?" Stiles asks.

Parrish then says the Sheriff had him runs the names last night. Stiles and Lydia show him his name on the deadpool making Hayden roll her eyes. She was on it too, right next to Scott and Lydia. She was the second most wanted supernatural creature in Beacon Hills, 23 million dollars. Yay.

"What's the numbers mean?" Parrish asks fear laced in his voice and worry on his face.

"That's how much you worth." Hayden speaks up walking next to Stiles and Lydia.

"I'm worth five dollars?!"

"Five million," Stiles corrects.

Parrish points out that he only makes $40k, so maybe he should kill himself, Hayden laughs at that.

"Why am I on the list?" Parrish asks confused looking at Lydia.

Stiles dodges Parrish question and says instead, "The reason they're actually there, which is to get the third cipher key. We want you to take us to Eichen house to talk to Meredith."

"The last time Lydia saw her she almost gave her a nervous breakdown," Parrish says crossing his arms, Lydia cocking her head to the right while Stiles and Hayden sigh.

"Please?" Hayden asks hoping she asking would work, Parrish looks at her puppy dog face attempt and nods giving in.

"Yay!" Hayden yells putting her hand up for Stiles to give her a high five and he accepts giving her one, while Lydia laughs muttering "I'm like the parent."


Hayden is currently swaging back and forth on her feet waiting with Stiles, Lydia and Parrish to go in Meredith room.

Suddenly a guard catches them and snaps the keys away From Parrish hands. "You do not just open the door for anyone with a badge." He says making Stiles roll his eyes and back into Hayden's chest. She looks at him giving her a weird look as to why he backed into her.

"We need to talk to Meredith about a murder investigation."

The guard nodded giving Stiles a glare. "You can talk to her but Lydia and Stiles, especially Stiles, have to go. And that girl standing next to him." Hayden huffs crossing her arms over her chest, she didn't like this dude.

"They're crucial witnesses in an ongoing murder investigation. I wouldn't have brought them here if it wasn't absolutely . . . crucial." Parrish says standing tall not backing down.

Brunski get's in Parrishs face spit flying onto his nose, "Come back with a court order then we'll talk."

Brunski then turns around but stops getting into Stiles face which Stiles backs away from him, glaring. Hayden grab's his hand and steps in front of Stiles to see Brunski.

"And you," Brusnki points at Stiles, "Come back with payment in full. I guess those government jobs aren't as reliable as they used to be, huh?"

Stiles looks down and looks upset which makes Hayden mad. "Your a dick." Hayden spits out looking at Brusnki annoyed before he can respond, Parrish cuts in. "But they do help when you need a favor. Like how a month ago Canaan PD helped you get home after blowing a .1 on a breathalyser."

Hayden and Stiles look at each other and Hayden tries not laughing while Stiles looks thrilled. He groans in annoyance and hands the key's to Hayden walking away. Lydia gives him the birdie when he does and Hayden mutters, "Bye bye Bitch."

Stiles grabs onto Parrish's coat, "You-You? I like you. We're gonna keep you."

They walk into Meredith's room to see her sitting chris-cross and looking relaxed that it made Hayden uneasy. Meredith looks up and smiles at Hayden and breaths out.



"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"I know you." Meredith says looking at Hayden like she had two heads. Stiles brings Hayden and Lydia down to sit on the bed across from Meredith.

Stiles begins to ask her for the third cipher. Stiles offers that she can give it to them in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs, whatever she wants. 

"I can't. I gave you the second key because I wanted to help. I can't give you the third."

"Guys," Parrish speaks noticing Meredith begin to shake her head. "Go easy on her." He mouths.

"I'm sorry he doesn't want me too."

"Who?" Hayden asks getting up from the bed only to have Stiles yank her back down.

"The Benefactor."

Hayden gasps throwing her hand in the airs while Lydia starts to get inpatient. "What's the Benefactor's name?"

Meredith stays silent.

"You don't know or you don't want to help us?" Stiles says raising a eyebrow.

"I c-can't help you guys anymore."

"How do you know the Benefactor?" Hayden asks again, Parrish giving her a look.

Meredith starts shaking her head rapidly in  distress. "Guys i think we should let her be." Parrish tries letting them back off but Lydia isn't having it.

"I-I" Meredith starts repeating making Hayden wince from the shouting Meredith shouts loud, "I don't know!" Meredith brings her knees up to her chest rocking back and forth scared while Lydia backs into Hayden making Hayden wrap her arms around Lydia, noticing Blood running down from her ear.

"Stiles." Hayden whispers.

Stiles looks at Lydia and eyes wide from the blood. "Are you okay Lyds?" Hayden asks softly looking into her eyes which she looks lost for a second but then nods tired. "I'm fine."

Parrish grabs Lydia gently out the door, Stiles and Hayden following after.

Hayden stops following Stiles to look back at Meredith.

She looks up from the little breakdown and smiles making Hayden feel goosebumps run up and down her arms, Fear prickling on her back. "I'll see you soon Hayden."

"What?" Hayden breaths out, freaked out by how Meredith knows her.

Meredith doesn't respond because Hayden is out the door before Stiles can notice.

THIS IS NOT EDITED btw. sorry for mistakes.

A/N: so that was a fun chapter. cute little stiles and hayden. lol don't give me crap about how stiles is being a bad boyfriend to maila, let's be honest malia and stiles have already a bad relationship. and this is fanfiction so it's not real don't remind me i wish hayden was real.

comment and vote! did you like this chapter? want more funny or cute moments for stayden??

Why does peter and Meredith know Hayden?

thanks for reading -jay


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