Summer Complications (Camren)

נכתב על ידי camrenisforreal

441K 12.6K 8.4K

{COMPLETED & EDITING} Camila is an uprising senior and is set on spending her summer break with her friends r... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

13.9K 397 101
נכתב על ידי camrenisforreal

Ever since I woke up this morning, Dinah has been bothering me about confronting Wes and Keaton. She's taking this way too seriously and all I want is to move on from it. Her obsessive nagging is giving me migraines and it hasn't even been one full day yet. I keep telling her that we will talk to them once they've separated themselves from the Einstein pack because I am not having that conversation with Brooke there, especially if she is the mastermind behind the whole thing.

Astrology was absolute hell with Dinah there. She would alternate between bugging me and throwing death glares at Keaton, who was unfortunately in the class with us. I don't know how I haven't realized Wes or Keaton before because I coincidentally have a lot of classes with them.

The bell signaling the end of class rang and Dinah instantly shot up. "Let's get to him before he reunites with the bitch." Dinah pulled me to my feet before I could even respond and we fast-walked after Keaton who had ran out of the classroom.

"Where did he go?" I asked when I could no longer see him through the sea of students.

"There!" Dinah pointed down the hallway and started weaving her way through the crowd as fast as she could with me trailing behind her. We followed him down the stairs and into the lobby, but before we could catch him he joined in a huddle with Brooke.

"Dammit" Dinah and I sighed together.

"We'll get him next time" I told her.

"Yeah we better" Dinah huffed then stormed off to find the rest of our friends.

We met at the fountain like usual and we all decided to stay in and play video games since I am incapable of doing any physical activity without getting hurt, even though I did run for my life from Dinah yesterday. I tried to reject that because I don't want to be the buzzkill of the group but they all insisted.

We ordered in pizza and cheesy bread and just relaxed for the rest of the night. Dinah seemed to have been upset in the beginning, but the group relieved the tension with the normal jokes and teasing.

The next day Dinah was back at it. She would scope out the people around us in search for the two boys but could never find them. The one time I actually want to see them, they're nowhere in sight. I don't even care about confronting them anymore, I just want to find them so Dinah can shut the hell up.

Finally arriving at chemistry made me feel slightly less annoyed because, well, you know why. Good thing today is a lab day and that Dinah is partnered up with Normani or else I would take the Bunsen burner and light myself on fire. The first ten or so minutes Lauren explained what we would be doing, but I didn't listen to that. I was too busy drooling over her because of the tight and short jean shorts she chose to wear today. God, this girl is killing me.

"Ready Mila?" Austin brought me out of my very dirty thoughts.

"What?" I asked and he laughed.

"I swear you're taking after Troy."

"No I'm not!"

"Sure" he chuckled. "C'mon, I'll explain it to you again." We got up and shuffled to our area to start whatever we're supposed to do. Austin was telling me what experiment we're doing, but I didn't hear him. Lauren was bending over her desk for something and I couldn't stop my wandering eyes. The dirty thoughts from earlier were back and in my mind all I wanted to do was grab her hips and pu-


"Huh? Uh, what?" I asked, shaking those thoughts from my head. Austin laughed at me again and a blush crept it's way to my cheeks.

"You're such a horndog."

"Can you blame me?" I subtly gestured to the source of my impure thoughts.

"No. Not at all" he shook his head, staring at my girl.

"Watch where you put those eyes, Mahone" I warned.

"Hey" he put his hands up in defense. "You told me to look."

"Yes. As in glance, not stare you fucking pervert" I hissed.

"Don't worry, Mila" he chuckled, putting his protective glasses on. "She's all yours" he winked.

"You're damn right she is" I mumbled as I put my protective glasses on.

"Do you guys know what you're doing?" I heard her sexily raspy voice ask.

"Oh um, yeah we do" I said.

"Why don't you tell her our plan, Mila" Austin smirked and I glared at him. Little fucker. I looked at Lauren to see her waiting for me to explain what we'd be doing to her.

"Well, uh, you see what we're gonna do is um take these test tubes," I stuttered picking up a test tube, "and use them to do our lab." Lauren raised an amused eyebrow at me, probably sensing that I have no clue what I'm doing. "Austin, why don't you take it from there, yeah?" He chuckled but continued explaining for me.

"We'll mix the substances in the test tubes and test for the gas omission with a match" he said picking up the tube and the matches.

"Easy, right?" Lauren asked sarcastically with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah" I muttered. Lauren gently squeezed my forearm and moved on to help other students.

"Know what to do now?" Austin asked jokingly.

"Shut it" I nudged his shoulder laughing then picked up a test tube. "Let's do this."

Austin and I had no trouble with our lab. We finished a few minutes before the bell, just enough time to write down everything. Normani and Dinah are a different story though. They spilled the mixtures, almost burned themselves, and dropped a test tube and broke it. Them being partners is not the best or safest decision. Lauren did her best to help them, but I don't think a professional chemist could successfully guide them.

The bell rang but the two goofballs weren't finished yet. "Uh Ms. Jauregui, what do you want us to do?" Normani asked.

"You can finish up tomorrow. Is one o'clock good with you?" Lauren offered and they both nodded their heads in agreement. "Okay, see you two then."

Everybody filed out of the class, leaving me behind with the lovely goddess. "This is starting to become your thing" Lauren smirked.

"What is?" I asked amused.

"Staying after class to 'talk' to me."

"What can I say? I like 'talking' to you" I smiled.

"I do too" she winked. "So what are we talking about today?"

"Well, I wanted to spend some time with you..." I trailed off hopefully, but the look on her face crumbled my hope.

"I'm sorry Camz, but I have tutoring sessions until nine tonight" she said sadly.

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Booked too."

"When are you free?" I asked and she searched the papers on her desk, looking for her schedule.

"I'm not completely free but as of now I only have morning sessions on Saturday and will be done by one-ish."

"Then I'm claiming you for the rest of Saturday" I stated confidently and she raised an eyebrow at me. "What? I'm gonna need an extended session time. You know, to study" I smirked.

"Then it looks like I'm booked for Saturday too" she said smiling at me.

"Can't wait" I bit my lip to try and suppress the growing grin on my face.

Soon after, Lauren had a tutoring session to go to, so I sadly said goodbye to her and went looking for my friends. I found them all at the fountain like usual just joking around and laughing it up.

"Mila, girl, what took you so long?" Normani asked suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing like that" I assured her, "I was just making plans with her on Saturday."

"But you promised you'd play a pickup game with me" Austin whined.

"I did, didn't I?" I said as the memory hit me. "What time is it?"

"They said twelve."

"Perfect!" I exclaimed. "I won't be hanging with Lauren until one."

"Oh, that works out great" Austin stated happily.

"Yep. Who are we playing?" I asked.

"A couple of friends from my Lit class" Austin said while giving me an incredulous look. "I told you that yesterday."

"No you didn't, you told me we were playing them tomorrow" I told him confused.

"No, tomorrow we play Jacob and Shawn" he stated matter-of-factly.

"Dude...really?" I deadpanned.

"What? I told yo-"

"Oi! Stop arguing with her, she remembers everything dawg. You probably just got mixed up" Dinah interrupted Austin.

"Oh yeah, your memory" Austin whispered to himself as realization came back to him. "Sorry, Mila. Tomorrow is Jacob and Shawn and Saturday is Riley and Connor."

"Thanks for clearing that up" I rolled my eyes jokingly and laughed.

We all went to the soccer field and played a friendly little game until it was time for dinner. My team won, of course, since I'm the only one who plays soccer for my high school team. I'm not the best player, but my speed helps me out in scoring goals. The cafeteria was serving macaroni and cheese tonight so we didn't want to order in pizza again, which we do almost every night.

We did, however, order in pizza for the rest of the week. Wednesday night they served veggie burgers, Thursday was some kind of meat on a stick (no it wasn't corn dogs), and Friday was what looked like chili but tasted like something I would find in a barn. I don't even know why I tried that awful concoction; oh yeah, Dinah dared me. Good thing they served waffles this morning or I would sue them for giving us inedible food. Not kidding.

My pickup game starts in a couple of minutes, so Austin and I are warming up on the court with Riley and Connor warming up on the other side. Austin and I make a great team; we are the ultimate duo because we read each other so well and basically know what the other is thinking. We beat Jacob and Shawn with no difficulty and they both are on their school's varsity team, while Austin and I only played basketball in middle school. News about our win spread so as I look around now I see a little crowd forming on the sidelines, with Norminah and Trolly in the front row.

Dinah and Ally were definitely precarious about me playing these games, but I assured them that my ribs stopped hurting on Tuesday and that I was fine to play. There's no more stinging pain, just some soreness and aching, but they don't need to know that. Additionally, I've been extremely bored with 'taking it easy' as Ally says; I'm an athlete, I need to move! It also helps that these games are just friendly, so not much unnecessary physical contact is made. It's not the rule but we all know this isn't a real competition and we also don't want to hurt each other. I don't know Riley and Connor as well as I do Jacob and Shawn, but they don't seem like they would try extra hard to foul me or Austin.

And I was right; Riley and Connor were keeping it friendly but were also giving us a run for our money. Austin and I were only winning by six with a little over one minute to go and it was my possession. I was dribbling at the top of the key with Riley defending me a few feet away. Austin and I shared a quick glance before he ran into action, setting up a screen to Riley's right. I drove to the left, Connor picking me up so I didn't have an open lane to the basket. Immediately, Austin rolled towards the basket, setting up the classic pick and roll, allowing me to bounce-pass to him without looking. Riley kept up his defense and jumped in front of Austin, blocking his lane to the basket, but I ran behind Austin to the right side of the lane and Connor went under the unintentional screen, but too slow to stop me.

"Hey!" I called for the ball, and Austin quickly passed me the ball leading me to the basket and I easily laid it up and got another basket. I gave Austin a high-five as we were getting back on defense. Austin picked up Connor and I picked up Riley, staying low and attentive to Riley's moves. He's had a tendency to dribble the ball away from his body, leaving the ball vulnerable and easy to steal, but he quickly recovers it when I make a move to it. I hold my ground so he won't drive to the basket while patiently waiting for him to move his eyesight elsewhere. Riley foolishly glances at Connor, so I take this as my chance to swipe the ball out of his control, knocking it to the other half of the court. I chased down the ball and expeditiously executed another layup. 

With one minute left, Austin and I know we got this in the bag, we just can't become cocky and let our guard down or we could lose. Which is what Austin did and he blundered while defending Connor, leaving him wide open right outside the block. Riley passed it in to Connor and I dropped down to help defend him but Connor swiftly kicked it to the corner where Riley was, effortlessly swishing a three pointer. "My bad" Austin muttered to me as he passed the ball in.

"All good" I huffed out breathlessly. "Alley on my go" I told him quietly and he nodded. I dribbled across half-court and to the outer-left wing and casually stood there, wasting some of the clock. It counted down to forty seconds before Riley applied some pressure on me. I slightly turned to guard the ball and nodded at Austin, signaling him to run the play. He ran to the top of the key and I passed him the ball, waiting for him to square up before I made my next move. Once Austin squared up to the basket, I made a short run heading for the end line to fake Riley out and quickly ran behind Austin, who was holding the ball behind his back. I grabbed the ball, dribbled once, and looked for Austin who was running towards the basket with an open lane. Hastily, I threw the ball up towards the basket, and Austin jumped in the air to finish with an alley-oop. The crowd cheered and 'ooh'ed for us, especially Dinah; I bet you could hear her yelling from Kansas.

Riley and Connor were fast to bring the ball back down, looking a bit frantic as the timer counted down. I'm defending Riley at the top of the key so I can't see what's going on behind me with Austin and Connor. I see Riley pick up his dribble and step to bounce pass it, only to bring it back up and throw it over my head; good fake my man. I hear the ball bounce off the back board so I turn around to see that Connor performed a post-move on Austin and banked a hook shot. I see there's only twenty seconds left, so when Austin passes the ball into me I take my time bringing it down the court. Riley quickly jumps on me before I could cross to the other half and starts to nervously swat at the ball. I crossed the ball over to my right hand and went back to my left just as fast, and crossed it over between my legs and faked driving to the right, then went behind my back to go left. Riley looked like he got whiplash because he didn't even try to recover from his mistake. Conner played in the center of the lane to try and defend both Austin and me but I jump-stopped at the elbow and swished a two pointer.

The clock counts down from five and Riley just stands and dribbles the ball, knowing that the game is over. When the mini-buzzer goes off, we all shake hands and say 'good game' to each other. Riley and Connor went their own way while Austin and I stayed on the court to do our handshake where we interlink our fingers, unlink them and fist bump up, down, then forward and end in a hand explosion. It's lame, but that's what makes it fun. The four 'cheerleaders' came up to us and excitedly congratulated us on our victory.

"That was so awesome guys" Normani piped enthusiastically.

"You dominated!" Troy exclaimed.

"Y'all were amazing!" Ally cheered.

"And that alley-oop! You two crushed it out there" Dinah praised us.

"Thanks" Austin and I said in unison.

"By the way Austin, throughout the whole game a little Miss Becky was calling you" Troy smirked at Austin, handing him his phone.

"Ooh, the girlfrand" Normani teased.

"I should call her back" Austin said, walking off for some privacy.

"Speaking of girlfriends..." Dinah trailed off looking somewhere behind me. I followed her gaze and saw Lauren standing beside a building the camp doesn't use. She was watching from a distance and subtly gestured for me to go to her. I wonder how long she's been standing there

"She's not my girlfriend" I told Dinah.

"Sure" everybody dragged out and I glared at them all before picking up my stuff, saying a quick 'bye' and walking towards Lauren.

"To what do I owe the honor of your presence, Miss Jauregui?" I asked in a British accent as I approached her making her giggle.

"I was just watching your game. You got some skill" she winked and a light blush made its way to my face.

"I thought you were busy till one, it's only twelve-thirty" I said changing the subject.

"Well I was, but the student I was tutoring said there was this game soon, so he cut the session short to watch it. And I don't blame him."

"And you just happen to stroll upon the game?" I smirked.

"I asked him about it and he told me why it was important. Two kids that don't even play basketball defeating varsity players intrigued me" she explained but I raised an eyebrow at her, knowing that wasn't the whole truth. "And maybe the mention of a 'Camila' playing peaked my interest."

"I figured it had something to do with me" I said smugly.

"No, I thought he meant the other Camila" she replied seriously.

"Like there's another Camila here."

"There is, sweety. You're not that special."

"Oh yeah? What's her last name?" I challenged.

"Giorgi" she didn't hesitate.

"That's a lie" I called her out.

"Really?" she scoffed.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p.'

"How do you know that? Have you even met her?"

"No" I admitted and she grinned pompously. "But I've seen her on TV" I evilly smirked while her grin fell. 

"How did you-"

"I like to watch tennis when I'm bored" I cut her off.

"You're lame."

"Says you."

"Great comeback."

"Great insult."

"Touché" she said and I laughed.

"Well, I have to shower because I don't want to be all sweaty and stinky for the rest of the day" I told her.

"Okay, then I guess I'll see you after?" she asked and I nodded in response. "Great, meet me at my room when you're ready."

"Okie dokie" I chirped giving her a thumbs up and a toothless smile.

"Like I said. Lame" she chuckled, slowly walking away.

"Well I do learn from you" I countered, walking away as well.

"Says the girl who didn't know what configuration of covalent bonds was."

"I was distracted that day!" I defended.

"Whatever floats your boat!"

"Shut it, Jauregui!" I yelled and she laughed. Gosh, that laugh is just so angelic, it could resurrect a million souls

"See ya, Cabello!" she finished then walked off. I'm not going to lie, I stared at her ass, which she was purposefully swaying, until she was out of sight. 

She is going to be the reason I have a heart attack tonight.

המשך קריאה

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