The Fiancée | Adrien Agreste

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Adrien Agreste is not single, not according to his father. Isabella De Luca is not single, not according to h... Daha Fazla

Coming Soon
Chapter 1: Origins Part 1
Chapter 2: Origins Part 2
Chapter 3: Stormy Weather

Chapter 4. The Bubbler

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AlphaStilinski13 tarafından

Marinette was asleep when she was awoken by her cell phone. She jumped up and sent Tikki flying. "Huh? Happy birthday... ow!" She jumped down the stairs and hit her chaise. "Happy birthday!" She exclaimed when she realised it her Adrien's birthday. She got onto her computer and turned it on, revealing her desktop background to be a collage of Adrien's photos. "Ah! Happy birthday, Adrien." She gushed. She giggled as she leaned in and began kissing the screen, horrifying Tikki.


As Adrien brushed his teeth, Plagg flew into the bathroom. "Happy birthday, Adrien!" Plagg exclaimed as he brought a piece of camembert cheese wrapped with a red bow.

"Ugh, Plagg! Get that filthy piece of Camembert out of my face!" Adrien plugged his nose, trying to protect himself from the smell.

"Huh?" Plagg said, confused. He looked at the cheese and shrugged, he ate it. "Mmm." Plagg hummed as he rubbed his stomach.


As Adrien brushed his teeth, Isabella was working on part two of her birthday present to Adrien. She stood outside Gabriel's office and knocked gently.

"Gabriel, are you busy?" Isabella asked when she opened the door.

"I have a few minutes, what seems to be problem?" He asked, not once looking up from his work.

"Well, it's Adrien's birthday today." She paused. "He's first one with proper friends... I was hoping that I could compose a small get-together for him and his friends." She suggested.

"No." Gabriel said.

Isabella lost her smile. She knew what Adrien wanted... he wants to have a birthday with his friends. "I'm sorry, I believe I heard wrong... it sounded like you said 'no'."

"I did. Adrien won't be having people over."

Isabella was determined. "I refuse to accept that. Adrien wants to spend the day with his friends, especially when his own father doesn't even say hi to him."

"Excuse me..." Gabriel was stopped by Isabella.

"You're excused for your behaviour." Isabella said. "Have you even gotten your son a present?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Of course, I have."

"What is it?"

"Nathalie has it."

"So, Nathalie brought him a present, and you don't know what it is." Isabella said.

Gabriel looked at the girl in anger. "Now, you listen..."

"No, you listen. You don't even choose the presents for Nathalie to buy. So, she gets him a pen, year after year, disappointing him. From now on, things are going to be different. This year, Adrien gets a party with his friends and he will be showered in presents because that is what he deserves." Isabella said, she walked out, leaving the man shocked.


While Isabella was getting dressed, Adrien sat alone at the big dining table. Just then, Nathalie walked in, tablet in hand.

"Your schedule, Adrien." She said, as she handed Adrien a tablet.

Adrien took it. "Thanks, Nathalie." Nathalie made a move to leave but Adrien stopped her. "Hey, um, did my father get back to you about my birthday party?" He asked, his face lighting up, hoping the answer was yes.

"Well, um... He doesn't think it would be a good idea." Nathalie said, her heart breaking at the disappointment on his face.

"Course not." He spoke softly.

"Actually, that's not true." Isabella said, she sat down beside Adrien. "He said yes." She looked at Adrien with a big smile. "Happy birthday Adrien."

Adrien let out a small laugh as tears filled his eyes. "You got me a party?"

"I got you a party." Isabella repeated.

Nathalie watched the young teens in awe. Only been here two days and already she's made Adrien's life better. "Happy birthday, Adrien." She said and left.


Outside the school, Adrien and Nino were talking, Isabella didn't come with because she had to finish something, but promised to be there as soon as possible. What Adrien hadn't noticed, was Alya and Marinette hiding nearby out of sight, spying. Chloé and Sabrina were in the school but were close enough to see what's happening.

"Dude, seriously? Your dad is actually letting us throw a party. How'd you manage that?" Nino said, blowing bubbles.

"I didn't. Isabella did. It was all her idea." Adrien said.

Nin wrapped one arm around Adrien. "Awesome! First b-day party dude! Will your dad be joining?"


"You can do it; you can do it!" Alya said, encouraging her.

"I can do it; I can do it!" Marinette repeated.


"No, he'll be working." Adrien said.

"That's not right. You know what, I'm gonna have a little convo with your pops." Nino said.

Adrien shook his head. "Don't waste your time. He's not gonna change his mind." Just then, a limo drove up to the school. Marinette and Alya watched in confusion.


"Who's that? Marinette asked, Alya shrugged. They watched as Adrien ran to the limo, he opened the door and out came the same girl who was at Adrien's photoshoot when Stormy Weather attacked. "What's she doing here?!" Marinette whispered to Alya.

"I don't know." Alya said. They moved closer to listen.


"Sorry, I'm late." The girl apologised to Adrien.

He smiled and shook his head. "It's fine. Come meet Nino." He said, dragging her to Nino, making her giggle at his excited state. "Nino!" He called out. "This is Isabella De Luca, my best friend, the reason why I'm getting a party and finally..." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "... my beautiful fiancée."


Marinette let out a loud scream causing Alya to pull her behind the wall when everyone looked up. "Fiancée." Marinette whimpered. "He's being forced to marry her."

Alya rubbed her back, comfortably. "I'm sorry, girl."


"No way! Welcome dudette." Nino said, bringing her into a hug. "Good job getting Mr Agreste into agree to having a party for my man here."

Isabella smiled. "Thank you Nino. Sorry, I'm late, I had to grab Adrien's second present." She said, reaching into her bag. She pulled out a gift-wrapped box and gave it to Adrien. "Here you go darling."

Adrien opened the present and gasped. "Oh my god." He said.

"What is it?" Nino asked, but Adrien couldn't talk, so Isabella poke instead.

"It's an engraving of him, now, with his mother, who has a halo on her head, on a glass block." She said.

"Holy crap." Nino whispered.

Adrien looked up and stared at her. "Thank you so much, Isa." He whispered, bringing her into a tight hug.


Marinette watched in horror. "My scarf is nothing compared to that." She said. She watched Adrien while he wasn't not looking. "I can't do it; I can't do it!"

Alya face-palmed. "Uh, no you don't, girl. You've been stalling all morning. Now's the time." She pushed Marinette over to Adrien, but because of her bad aim, Marinette fell right into Isabella.

"Ah!" Marinette yelped.

"Isa!" Adrien exclaimed, as she fell to the ground. "Are you okay?" He asked, as he helped her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Isabella said, she looked at Marinette who was still on the ground. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Marinette nodded. "Um, he... Hey!" She stuttered, getting nervous as she held her gift behind her back.

"Hey." Adrien said.


"Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?" Chloé panicked as she watched what was happening outside. Sabrina checked her tablet and gasped when she realised it was in fact Adrien's birthday, he made excusing noises while smiling sheepishly. Chloé was about to yell at Sabrine when she saw who was standing behind Adrien. "Bella?" She whispered and ran to the young couple.


"I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make... I mean, gift you a give I made... I mean..." Marinette continued to stutter, nervously.

Chloé yawned while Marinette was talking, then shoved her away. "Out of the way." She changed her behaviour to act sweet. "Happy birthday, Adrien!" She threw herself onto him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Mwah!" She looked to Isabella. "Bella!" She squealed and threw herself on Isabella. "I can't believe you're really here!"

"Yeah, thanks Chlo." Adrien smiled, surprised that Chloé remembered.

"Typical, of course she's evil, she knows Chloé." Marinette muttered to herself. Alya face-palmed again.

"Did you get the gift I sent you?" Chloé asked.

"Uh, no." Adrien looked confused.

"Oh shoot." Isabella said, making the two look at them. "I forgot to give you her present. She had this lovely idea and she wanted me to make it so she knew that it was excellent quality, but I forgot it in my room." She looked at Chloé. "Sorry, Chloé."

Chloé was thankful for the lie and played along. "Oh, Bella. Don't worry about it. I'm glad you were able to do it in time." She hugged her. "Thank you" She whispered to Isabella, who nodded. she wrapped her arms around Adrien's shoulders. "Happy birthday, Adrien." She gave him and Isabella a kiss on the cheek and left, humming a happy tune to herself.

"You're giving her one of your gifts to me aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Get back there! Don't be a pushover, literally!" Alya whisper-yelled to Marinette, still hidden from sight.

"Mmm." Marinette sighed, looking defeated.

Alya just looked frustrated. "C'mon, you can do it." She pushed her.

"Hm!" Marinette grunted with determination.

Just the, a limo arrived. "We have to go. Photoshoot." Adrien said to Nino, he grabbed Isabella's hand and they entered the limo and left.

Marinette sighed to herself and looked at Alya. "Why can't I just mean what I say?"

"Uh, say what you mean?" Alya corrected.

"Exactly." Marinette groaned.

"Looks like I've got some business to take care of with Adrien's old man." Nino whispered to himself.


Outside the Agreste Mansion, Marinette and Alya stood by the gate as Marinette tried to open the mailbox.

"This mailbox won't budge!" Marinette groaned.

"Just ring the doorbell." Alya suggested, pointing to the doorbell.

Marinette looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you kidding? What if Adrien answers the..." But she didn't finish, Alya had already rang the doorbell, Marinette panicked and screamed. A hidden compartment on the wall opened and a camera appeared.

"Yes?" Nathalie said.

"Um, hi. I'm in Adrien's class and I, uh..." Marinette stuttered. She showed Nathalie the gift through the camera. "Heh, did I already say that? Umm..." She smiled awkwardly.

"Put it in the box." Nathalie instructed; the mailbox opened.

"Uh." Marinette yelped, she put the gift in the mailbox. "Thank you!" The camera retreated and the wall compartment closed. "Oh! I hope he likes it!" She squealed.

"You signed the note, right?" Alya asked, Marinette made a surprised face. She didn't sign it. "Ah, girl, girl, girl." Marinette groaned.


Nathalie entered her office with Marinette's gift in hand and placed on her desk as she sat down.

"Who was that, Nathalie?" Gabriel's voice came from the intercom.

"A friend of Adrien's. She was delivering a gift for his birthday." Nathalie informed him.

"Did you remember to buy him a present from me?" Gabriel asked.

Nathalie looked surprised. "Uh-uh, but you didn't ask me to."

"Of course I did!" Gabriel said, angrily.

"Yes, Mr. Agreste. I-I'll take care of it." She said.

"Good." He disconnected from the intercom.

Nathalie covered her mouth in fear.

"Uh." She looked despaired, she looked around thinking, then, her face lit up when she saw Marinette's gift. "Ah." The doorbell rang and she composed herself. "Yes?"

"Uh, hi." It was Nino.


Inside the Agreste Mansion, Nino and Nathalie stood in the foyer, waiting.

"He'll be here in a minute." Nathalie said. Nino nodded in thanks.

Just then, Gabriel entered. "Adrien's not home yet."

"Uh, I was coming to see you, du-sir." Nino said.

"Me?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah, that's right. I was hoping that you would attend the party, seeing as it's his birthday, dude... I mean, sir. It's all he wants."

"No." Gabriel denied. "That's final."

"That's messed up." Nino scoffed. Adrien and Isabella entered without anyone noticing. "He never screws up in class, he always does whatever you tell him: photoshoots, fencing, Chinese, piano... he's your son."

"Nino? You're here." Adrien said, informing everyone of their presence.

"Anything for my best bud." Nino looked at Adrien, he looked at Gabriel. "Show some awesomeness, du... I mean, sir, please." Gabriel looked at him angrily.

"Forget it, Nino. Really, it's fine." Adrien tried to convince him.

"Listen, young man. I decide what's best for my son. In fact, I've just decided you're a bad influence and you're not welcome in my house ever again. The party is also cancelled. Leave now!" Gabriel demanded.

"What!" Isabella yelled.

"Father, he was just trying to do something cool for me." Adrien defended Nino, but Gabriel wouldn't hear it, he left.

Nathalie stood in front of them. "Goodbye." She said to Nino and left.

Nino started to leave, but Adrien caught him outside the front doors. "Nino, wait! I'm sorry. My father...he's pretty stubborn. It's just best to stay out of his way."

Nino became furious to learn that Adrien's father was colder than he expected. What type of father wouldn't attend his own son's birthday and even cancel it. "It's not fair, Adrien. Harsh, uncool." Nino crossed his arms and left, leaving Adrien looking sad.

"Thanks anyway, Nino." Adrien whispered, as he watched his best friend leave.


Isabella made her way to Gabriel's office. "What the hell!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Watch how you peak to me." Gabriel sneered. "I will not have you manipulate me again."

"I..." She pointed to herself. "... did not manipulate you. I spoke to your fatherly duties which you are failing at."

"Enough!" Gabriel yelled. "I will not have two children call me a bad father. I have the final say and I say there is no party. Push my further and I will cancel this engagement, send you back to your parents in London and make sure you are never in Adrien's life again." Gabriel threatened her.

Not wanting to call his bluff, Isabella left, failing in un-cancelling Adrien's party.


Nino sat on a bench in the Place des Vosges, filled with anger. All he wanted was to make sure that Adrien had the best birthday, now that he had friends, he knew that he would have wanted to spend it with them. He sat at the bench, blowing bubbles with his bubbles wand, hoping to calm down.

But he was distracted by the sound of kid begging. "But, Daddy, please!"

The father took his son by the hand. "No, it's not playtime. You've got your chores to do." He said, dragging his son behind, as he complained.

Once again Nino was filled with anger. "Ugh. Adults ruin everything all the time." He muttered to himself.


Hawk Moth's window opened as he sensed Nino's anger. "Desperate to help his friend, but feeling powerless. How frustrating! It won't be long before frustration turns to anger!" He summoned a butterfly and transformed it into an akuma. "Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize  him." He demanded as the akuma flew into Paris, searching for his next victim.


Nino was blowing bubbles, trying to sooth himself. But what he hadn't noticed... was the akuma flying into his bubble wand.

"Hawk Moth is my name and Bubbler is now yours. I will help you with these horrid adults and all you have to do in return is help me get something from Cat Noir and Ladybug." Hawk Moth's voiced in his head.

"Yes, Hawk Moth." Nino said as he transformed into the Bubbler and flew onto a rooftop and crouched. "No more adults means total freedom! This is SOOO sweet! Off the hook!" He took out his bubble sword and flew over Paris, leaving a trail of purple bubbles behind him. The bubbles started capturing adults, then turned green and flew away while the citizens screamed.

"Help!" A woman cried as a bubble took her away.

"Look out!" A man yelled as children cried watching their parents fly away.

"Perfect." Hawk Moth smiled from his lair.


In the Agreste Mansion, Adrien and Isabella were eating lunch alone, as soon as he finished his meal, he stood up.

"Wow. That was a birthday lunch break to remember. Yay!" He said, sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't convince your father to give you a party, I know that's all you wanted." Isabella looked down.

"I know... but the fact that I get to spend my birthday with you... is perfect." Adrien said, he grabbed her hand and walked into the foyer, with her by his side.

"Nathalie? Father?" He called out. He shrugged sadly at Isabella and walked outside... only to find a crowd of his classmates cheering.

"Yay! Woo! Happy birthday!" They cheered.

The Bubbler stood on top of a bubble. "Hey, hey, hey, birthday boy. Guess what? Daddy's gone. While the cat's away, the mice will play."

Adrien looked at the Bubbler with a strange expression until he realized who he is. "Nino?!" He exclaimed.

Isabella looked at him shocked. "What!"

"The Bubbler's brought all yo homies together for one single-sole purpose, to ce-le-brate!" The Bubbler said.

"YEAH!" The teenagers cheered.

The Bubbler jumped down from the bubble into a DJ booth. "Let's get this party started!" Everyone cheered. The Bubbler played party music and people started to dance. Adrien looked surprised and ran back into his house dragging Isabella behind him.

"Come on, everybody, I brought you here to party!" The teens danced to the beat, but what Adrien and Isabella hadn't noticed... was the sad and terrified looks. "So, dance or else you'll join the adults up in the sky! Hahahahahahahaha!" Fireworks were shot.

"It won't be long before Cat Noir and Ladybug show up to meet their doom! Mwahahahahahahaha!" Hawk Moth laughed from his lair.


Adrien looked at his ring as Plagg climbed up to his shoulder.

"What's your problem? Relax! You're getting the party you've always wanted." Plagg said.

"But Nino's been akumatized! I've have to help him!" Adrien said.

"You may never get this chance again! C'mon, let's have a little fun while your father's away! Then we'll save Nino, trap his akuma, and all will be good." Plagg said. He wanted his owner to have the best birthday for as long as he could.

"He's right Adrien. Just for a bit... enjoy, have a little fun. You deserve a party on your birthday. Then you can save Nino." Isabella said.

"Okay, you're right. This might be the first day in my life that I actually get to do what I want for once." Adrien said.


Everyone was dancing and Adrien (for once) was actually enjoying himself.

"Yeah!" Adrien walked over to sad-looking Rose. "Hey, nice party, I guess, since it's my first one." He said. Rose smiled and gave him two thumbs up, then kept dancing and looked sad. Adrien turned around and saw everyone dancing but with a grim expression. He knew something wasn't right.

Nearby, Chloé was went to the DJ booth. "I'm requesting a slow dance." She said.

"It's a bit early for that, isn't it?" The Bubbler asked.

"Ugh." She groaned. "It's for Adrien. His first slow dance. Mm?" She said, gesturing toward Adrien and Isabella.

The Bubbler looked to where she was gesturing. "OH! You know it, girl." He changed the music to a slow dance. People paired up and kept dancing with sad-looking faces. Chloé walked up to Adrien.

"Is it me, or does everyone seem a bit weird?" Adrien asked.

"Forget about them, go ask Isa to dance!" Chloé pushed him towards his fiancée.


On the balcony, Ladybug watched as the Bubble changed the record to a slow song and Adrien walked to Isabella. He held his hand out and she grabbed it, then they moved to the centre and danced along to the song. She watched as Isabella and Adrien leaned in.

"There is no way this is happening." Ladybug muttered to herself. "Lucky Charm!" She yelled without thinking and in her hand, landed a record. "A record?"

Ladybug chuckled, then threw the record. It hit the ledge, sliced Isabella's arm in the process, bounced over to the DJ booth, hit the volume all the way up, landed on the empty spot and begun to play dance music again. Everyone broke their pairs and kept dancing. Isabella jumped away from Adrien because of the sudden loud noise. The Bubbler realised that the music changed. "Dude! Who just hijacked my mix?" He yelled.

"Yours truly." Ladybug said, then her earrings beeped. "Better bug out quick before I change back to normal." She jumped off the balcony and landed outside the Agreste Mansion. "Spots off." She changed back to normal, Tikki came out of the earrings and landed on her hands.

"Marinette!" Tikki scolded.

"It was an emergency." Marinette defended her actions.

"Yeah, if by emergency, you mean jealousy. You know what happens once you use your Lucky Charm. You only have minutes before..." Tikki said, but Marinette cut her off.

"I turn back, I know. But I figured, The Bubbler, he's not going anywhere, we have time to get you some food to get your energy back up. Then, we'll get right back out there, I promise." She said. She put Tikki in her purse, entered he party and started looking around. She headed to the food table, grabbed cookies and put them in her purse for Tikki. "I've got to find a place where I can transform, fast." She muttered.

"Where have you been, girl? I was so scared something had happened to you." Alya walked up to her.

"Me too!" The hugged.

"I'm sure Cat Noir and Ladybug will show up in a minute to save us all. They never failed us. Meanwhile, come with me, I've got something for you." Alya said.

"Uh, there's something I've have to do first." Marinette tried to leave.

"It's about Adrien." Alya said.

"Okay." Marinette changed her mind.

"Marinette, The Bubbler." Tikki whispered, urgently.

"Okay, okay, in a sec." Marinette shrugged her off.


She ran after Alya to Nathalie's office. The girls snuck in and saw Marinette's gift on her desk.

"Look! Now you can sign your gift." Alya said.

Marinette gasped. "Ah, yes!"


"Did Ladybug just changed the song then leave?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah." Adrien said. "She really is weird. Not in a good way." She took a sharp breath. "What's wrong?"

"The record sliced me in the process." She said, holding the wound.

"What!" Adrien yelled, causing the others to look.

"What's wrong?" Rosa asked.

"When Ladybug threw the record, she sliced Isa's arm in the process." Adrien explained, the teens gasped. "I'm taking you inside, we need to get it clean." He said, taking her to the kitchen where they had a spare first-aid kit.

"Be careful with her. I don't want anything to happen to you." Isabella said as Adrien cleaned and wrapped her arm.

"I promise, I'll be careful." Adrien promised.


Meanwhile, outside, Ivan was not dancing and the Bubbler came to confront him.

"Hey, you. Why aren't you having fun?" The Bubbler asked.

"None of your business." Ivan said.

"Then I'm going to make it my business." He chuckled and took out his bubble sword.


Back in Nathalie's office, Marinette sighed a post-it.

"Love, Marinette. There." She stuck it on the present and gave the present a kiss.

"Right, we're good. Spots on, Marinette." Tikki said.

"I can't do it now, Alya's here." Marinette refused.

"What'd you say?" Alya asked.

"Go ahead! I'll meet you in the yard." Marinette laughed, awkwardly. Alya gave her a weird look and left, Marinette let out a sigh of relief. Behind her, Ivan could be seen in a green bubble through the window. "No! You were right, Tikki, I never should've waited this long."


Adrien stood on top of the DJ booth, holding a mike.

"Hey, Paris, how you doing?"

He raised the mike in excitement, but the people didn't respond. The Bubbler, behind Adrien, silently threatened everyone with his bubble sword, and they cheered. Adrien jumped out and Ladybug could be seen on the roof. "Ladybug?"

Ladybug threw her yo-yo. It hit the power strip and unplugged everything. Ladybug retracted her yo-yo. "Sorry, Bubbler, but the party is over." She said.

"Why do you have to be like that?" The Bubbler said, angry that she was ruining his best friend birthday party.

"You made all the adults disappear, that's why! And now you're imprisoning anyone who isn't having fun." Ladybug said as Adrien and Isabella ran inside.

"You will not bust up Adrien's party!" The Bubbler yelled, he took out his bubble sword and casted two bubbles at her, which she deflected. The crowd scattered.


"I think I've been a complete idiot." Adrien said, pacing in his room.

"No, you haven't." Isabella stopped him. "You just wanted to be a teenage boy for a while, it's normal." She smiled. "Now transform."

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien called out and transformed into Cat Noir.


Ladybug and the Bubbler were fighting. She threw her yo-yo at one of his bubbles, but it just bounced back toward her. Cat Noir entered and hit the yo-yo with his staff, causing it to go up in the air.

"Looks like I made it just in time." Cat Noir said.

"I had it under control." Just then, the yo-yo fell on Cat Noir's head.

"Bullshit." Isabella scoffed in Cat's ear.

"Get the Miraculouses. I want those powers, NOW!" Hawk Moth demanded.

The Bubbler threw a stream of small red bubbles to Cat Noir and Ladybug, and they fought them. The Bubbler snapped his fingers, and the bubbles turned green and started circling around them, some sticking to them until they were both captured in one big bubble. Ladybug struggled against the bubble as the Bubbler laughed. "Give me your Miraculouses before you run out of air." The Bubbler demanded.

"Dream on, Bubbler." Cat Noir scoffed.

"Total party poopers, just like adults." The Bubbler scoffed.

"Kids need adults." Ladybug yelled.

"False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are controlling and bossy." The Bubbler said.

"They're like that because they want to keep their children safe and protected. They care for them, they love them. Yes, some adults don't show it or they aren't present in their children's lives, but we don't know what they are doing behind the scene." Cat Noir said, referring to his own father at the end. "You must bring the adults back!"

"Nope, never." The Bubbler denied. "Know what, since you care about these adults so much, why don't you go float with them for a while?" He ran at them and kicked the bubble high up into the sky. Cat Noir and Ladybug screamed and the teenagers gasped.

"What do you think you're doing Bubbler?! You're supposed to seize their Miraculouses!" Hawk Moth yelled.


Cat Noir and Ladybug were currently in the green bubble floating above the city, trying to escape.

"Use your Cataclysm!" Ladybug yelled.

"We're too high. We'll splat." Cat Noir said.

"We can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever." Ladybug said, then smirked and leaned forward. "Or could we?"

"Okay, I'm so ready to kill this bitch." Isabella said. "Kitty, activate your cataclysm, burst the bubble and use your staff to trap it in the Eiffel tower and get the bitch to use her yo-yo to swing you to safety." Isabella instructed.

Cat Noir face-palmed. "Cataclysm!" He touched the bubble and it burst, causing them to fall.

"Should we see if you land on your feet this time?" Ladybug asked.

Cat Noir: "No, thanks!" Cat Noir yelled as he threw his staff so hard, it got stuck in the Eiffel Tower. "Got it." He yelled, he grabbed Ladybug's hand and took her yo-yo. "Hang on!" He threw her yo-yo and it caught around his staff, and they swung and landed safely. "Good thing cats aren't afraid of heights." He said, handing Ladybug her yo-yo back. "We've got to get to his bubble sword, that's got to be where the akuma is." Just then, his ring beeped. He was running out of time. "We better hurry." Cat Noir warned.


"Where is everybody? Get out here and party!" The Bubbler yelled, trying to get the party going again.

"Sorry to burst your bubble." Cat Noir called out.

"Ladybug!" Alya cheered from the crowd. Ladybug waved to the teenagers.

"Hey, Cat Noir's here as well, he's the one who actually does the work." Isabella scoffed. Ladybug and Alya glared at her.

"No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler." Ladybug glared at him.

"What's wrong with all you guys!? Why do you have to be such haters!?" The Bubbler grunted, took out his bubble sword and captured all the teens (including Isabella) in bubbles.

"NOOO!" Cat Noir (worried for Isabella) and Ladybug (worried for Alya) yelled.

"Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps, and they're never coming back!" The Bubbler yelled.

He jumped from roof to roof and Cat Noir and Ladybug pursued him, flying to the Eiffel Tower. Cat Noir and Ladybug started climbing it while he threw explosive bubbles at them. Cat Noir's ring beeped again. His icon showed that he was very close to switching back.

"I'm going to switch back soon; we need to hurry." Cat Noir said.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled, summoning a big wrench.

"Your... plumbing skill are going to help us out?" Cat Noir asked. Ladybug shrugged and The Bubbler threw more explosive bubbles at Cat Noir. He dodged them but ended up atop a beam. "Could use a little work! Is that all you got?" He yelled at the Bubbler.

"I...I don't know what to use this on!" Ladybug said, looking around flustered.

Cat Noir groaned as he continued to dodge the bubbles, he looked around and saw her a vent, a vent pipe, the screw connecting them, and the wrench. "Got it!" He ran towards the pipe while Ladybug took his spot and started deflecting the bubbles that were subbed for Cat Noir. She loosened the screw and the pipe came off. It went up to where Cat Noir was standing. "Ladybug, cover me!" Cat Noir took the pipe and threw it at her. The Bubbler threw more bubbles at him, but the air flowing from the pipe deflected them. The Bubbler raised his bubble sword once again, but Cat Noir threw his staff and hit the sword out of his hand, and caught it as it fell to him. He broke the sword in half with his knees and the akuma flew out of the sword.

"Get out of there, you nasty bug. No more evil doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug opened her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She captured the akuma and closed the yo-yo. "Gotcha!" When she opened the yo-yo again and she released a purified butterfly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw the wrench up in the sky, and the magical ladybugs' cleansing light returned every adult and teenager to safety. The Bubbler transformed back to Nino.

Nino looked up and saw Cat Noir and Ladybug stood in front of them. "Who?" He asked. "Dude." He realised.

"Pound it!" They fist-bumped.


But in his lair, Hawk Moth was filled with rage. "You can't run forever Ladybug and when I catch you, I will crush you! I will DESTROY YOU BOTH!" He yelled as the lair window closed.


"Nathalie? Did my son like his gift?" Gabriel asked, through the intercom.

Actually, I was going to check right away sir." Nathalie informed him.

"Good." He disconnected.

Nathalie looked around in despair and took Marinette's gift. She sighed, crumpled and threw Marinette's post-it in the garbage. She went to the dining room where Adrien and Isabella were eating. "A birthday present, from your father."

"Thank you." Adrien smiled, before changing his words. "I mean, please say thank you to my father for me." Nathalie nodded and left, while Adrien looked happy at his gift and Isabella watched Nathalie as she walked away, before turning back to Adrien.


"Hey girls!" Adrien said as he and Isabella got out of the limousine, Adrien was wearing a blue scarf.

"Hey, where's my scarf! He's not wearing my scarf." Marinette said to Alya.

"Hey, dude." Adrien said to Nino, his arm wrapped around Isabella's shoulders.

"Yo, nice scarf, Adrien. Off the chain." Nino said.

"Thanks, Chloé had Isa make it for me, she even put my name on the edge." Adrien said, showing off the scarf. "What was weird was that my father also gave him a scarf, but it wasn't my style." Marinette looked surprised. "He's been giving me the same lame pen for three years in a row. It was weird when he gave me something different."

"Wow, I guess anyone can change. Adults can be cool when you least expect it." Nino said.

"Speaking of adults, I know my father said you were a bad influence, but..." Adrien said but Nino stopped him.

"We're good, Adrien, don't sweat it. We're buds. Always and forever." They shook hands and walked off.

"Chloé!" Adrien called out, grabbing her attention. "Thank you for the scarf, I love it."

Chloé looked at the blue scarf and smiled. "I'm glad you do." She hugged him, she looked at Isabella and mouthed thank you again.

Alya turned to Marinette. "You have to tell him you were the one who knitted the scarf." Alya said. "Maybe he'll change his mind and wear yours instead of hers.

"But he seems so happy about his dad. I don't want to spoil it for him." Marinette refused.

"Aw, Marinette." Alya said, they hugged. "You're amazing, girl. You know that, right? And someday Adrien will figure it out too. Promise." Alya said. The bell rang and everyone walked in. Adrien and Isabella walked side-by-side, with Marinette glaring at her.

Author Note:

Who would you like for Luka? New OC or existing character? I read a story of Luka and Chloé together and I absolutely loved it.

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