Par This_Is_Zahra

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„Small Bean!" „Don't call me that in front of your friends." _-_-_-_-_ Mira Hashimoto who had a terrible chil... Plus



997 35 0
Par This_Is_Zahra

"Sharks are very dangerous animals.
Like the Longfin Mako Shark?
It's the most aggressive shark."


As Yuki promised, he did. After the race, which didn't go well for him, but despite that, Mira was proud of him - after all, why wouldn't she be, being the only Japanese among the drivers -, he sought her out. He was glad she wasn't near the McLaren garage or their MotorHome. She stood with Lily and Kiki, Pierre's girlfriend, in the middle of the paddock, laughing at something.

Lily introduced Kiki to the girl when she finally managed to pull her friend away from the VisaCash Motorhome. They still had some time before the race, but Oscar had some media obligations, and they were subsequently filming some short videos with Lando, so she needed her friend not to be alone - it seemed a bit hypocritical to Mira because she couldn't be without her, but when Lily left her for Oscar yesterday, she didn't feel good. Mira let Lily be when she distanced herself from her yesterday and found entertainment on her own, but Lily wouldn't leave Mira alone and had to be with her when she didn't have her Oscar.

Fortunately, it didn't bother her because Kiki was a really great girl, and they hit it off right away. Within five minutes, they exchanged phone numbers and were already making plans for various events they would have to attend together. Kiki even didn't forget to mention that she was a huge fan of Mira's, so the girl promised her a ticket to any of her future concerts of her choice - she even promised two tickets so that Kiki wouldn't have to go alone and could take, for example, Pierre.

"I keep my promises," Yuki told her in Japanese as he stood next to her, which startled all three girls who had been paying attention only to their conversation, ignoring their surroundings.

"I can see that," Mira smiled, "too bad you didn't do better in the race. Aren't you sad about it?"

"I definitely expected a better race, but it happens. I just had bad luck today, but next time, I'll kick everyone's ass," he replied, and Mira laughed at the last part of his sentence.

"I think you'll have to wait a while longer for someone like Max, because I'm probably saying it wrong, but your little ass is far from Red Bull," Mira told him. She wasn't a big fan of Red Bull, but she knew it would take a few more years for any team to overthrow them from their current throne. And she knew very well that the VisaCash team wouldn't be the one to do it because it was a Red Bull junior team, and Red Bull wouldn't allow them to be better than them.

"Ouch, that hurt, you know?" the boy made a sad face and grabbed his chest as if it had hit him right in the heart. Mira just shook her head at how childishly Yuki behaved at this moment, but at the same time, she was glad he didn't try to act like an adult. He missed out on most of his childhood because of go-karts, so he shouldn't try to grow up quickly - everyone deserves moments when they can behave like children.

"Did Yuki find a girlfriend as tall as he is?" the tall blonde who joined the group asked. He stood behind Kiki, whom he immediately hugged around the waist and gave a kiss on the head - Pierre Gasly. He didn't startle the group as much as Yuki did, but that might have been because the blonde was actually tall, and with an Asian, you were just glad when you spotted him when you were looking for him. However, Mira couldn't make fun of his height because she herself was five centimeters shorter than him.

"Don't be rude," Kiki nudged him in the ribs.

"Yeah, it's obvious that Mira is shorter," Oscar, who also appeared out of nowhere, joined Pierre. None of them were as tall as the others, so they all walked like cats because Mira hadn't heard any of them come.

Mira just smiled at Oscar and showed him the middle finger because he talked more than he needed to. The others just laughed.

"Let's go to the MotorHome, which is for all the drivers, are you coming with us?" Pierre asked, slowly heading towards the gray MotorHome, which was, as Pierre said, for all the drivers. Before or after the race, some of them could meet there and just chat and relax. Mira didn't ask anything and automatically went with Yuki, even though she didn't know if she had access there as someone who wasn't a Formula One driver. She calmed down when she noticed that Oscar and Lily also went after them, and Kiki and Pierre followed them right away.

"Tell me, Mira," Yuki began in Japanese to keep their conversation somewhat personal - the others didn't need to know what the duo was talking about, "do you have a favorite animal?"

"Is this how Mr. Tsunoda builds a relationship with a woman?" Mira joked.

"Laugh all you want, but your answer can tell me more about you than you think," Yuki stuck his tongue out at her. Pierre, who walked behind them and chatted with Kiki, was surprised to see his friend like this. He was used to him doing all this in front of him, but he had never seen him behave like this in front of a girl. He didn't even behave like this in front of other drivers' girlfriends.

"I really love crocodiles," she replied.

Her love for crocodiles began when she was little. They lived near a crocodile zoo, and Mira spent a lot of her free time there, even finding her first and only job there. She started as a souvenir vendor and worked her way up to being a caretaker for the young crocodiles - if she hadn't become a singer, she would probably be taking care of crocodiles now, living in London, surrounded by animals that always understood her.

But if that were the case, she wouldn't be entering the MotorHome for Formula 1 drivers with Yuki Tsunoda, the first Japanese Formula driver since 2014. Lily probably wouldn't have offered her a visit to Bahrain for the race, and even if she did, she probably wouldn't have gone because of work. Everything that happened in her life - moving to Rome, discovering her love for music, realizing her talent for creating music - led to these days. If all that hadn't happened, she wouldn't be entering where she was entering now.

"Crocodiles are awesome," Yuki nodded.

"So, what did my favorite animal tell you?" she asked him curiously, as he insisted on her telling him what her favorite animal was.

"That you're cool because you chose something as your favorite animal that not just anyone would choose," he told her.

"And you? What animal has captivated Mr. Tsunoda so much that he calls it his favorite animal?" she asked him, because she was really interested. She didn't ask just because he asked her, but after she answered him, she really started to wonder what animal he chose.

"Lion," he replied.

"Because it's the king of animals?" Mira asked him.

"That too, but it's really a majestic animal that fears nothing. Actually, it's the opposite - it's an animal everyone fears. It's strong and doesn't give up," he explained.

"Do you know which animal everyone is also afraid of?" Mira looked at him with seriousness in her voice.

"Which one?" he asked her.

"Shark," she replied, "I'm afraid of them too. Sharks are scary. I watched a documentary about them, and I'm telling you, I don't believe nature created them. That animal is a perfect weapon."

"You're afraid of sharks?" Yuki asked her and chuckled a little.

"I don't know what you're laughing about, Mr. Tsunoda," Mira crossed her arms over her chest, "sharks are very dangerous animals. Like the Longfin Mako Shark? It's the most aggressive shark."

"I don't know, if I were to see a shark, I would probably be most scared of the Great White Shark," he joined the conversation about sharks. It surprised Mira a little, because usually when she talked about these things, everyone around her changed the subject so they wouldn't have to talk about it. The girl loved these random conversations because they never ran out of topics - you just say the most random thing and wait to see if the conversation flows. This is the first time someone has joined her.

"The Great White Shark is terrifying, I admit, but mainly because it's the most talked about and, of course, because it's among the largest. It's also the center of attention in every movie about aggressive sharks," Mira nodded, completely ignoring all the drivers around them. The duo sat on a free couch without interrupting their conversation. The other drivers just looked at them surprised because even though they didn't understand what they were talking about, both seemed deeply engaged in their conversation - Danny really wished he understood Japanese.

"It gets the most attention, so it's probably the scariest," Yuki objected.

"Maybe visually, but believe me when I tell you that the Longfin Mako Shark is the most aggressive species of shark," she told him confidently.

The girl loves watching shark documentaries when she's at home and has time. Not just about sharks, she loves watching Animal Planet. She loves animals, and documentaries about them always make her happy. When she travels, she visits local zoos and aquariums because she doesn't want to miss such beauties. She also contributes to charities that deal with almost extinct animals - always under a false name or anonymously because she doesn't need it to be talked about publicly.

"Why do you think it's the most aggressive species?" he asked her.

"Because most shark attacks have been caused by the Longfin Mako Shark," she told him. She knows about these things, so he couldn't catch her with any argument. When she starts a conversation, she makes sure she's the one who comes out on top. She won't start a conversation where she knows she won't have a chance to be the smartest.

"Okay, but the Great White Shark can reach up to 5 meters, how big does yours grow?" he asked her, surprising Mira because she didn't expect him to know how big the Great White Shark can grow. She underestimated the Asian next to her a bit because she didn't expect him to know any more detailed information about sharks.

"Just under two meters, but that doesn't change the fact that most attacks are caused by the Longfin Mako Shark," Mira argued.

"Okay, I'll believe you that your shark is the most aggressive, but that doesn't change the fact that for me, the Great White Shark will still be the scariest," Yuki laughed when he saw that the opinion of the girl next to him couldn't change. The brunette was stubborn when it came to sharks, and maybe in other respects, she was stubborn too, but Yuki hadn't found out yet.

"I can change your mind. Give me a few weeks, and you'll have the same opinion about sharks as I do."


@danielricciardo has just posted on his story



❤ 12 658

F1uptades_ We didn't get a photo of them together, but thanks to Danny, we got this moment. Do we have any Japanese fans here who can translate what they are talking about?

💬 845

👤 OMG! Thank you Danny

👤 We get their moment together. We get their moment together

👤 Our small besties
👤 They never said they are friends
👤 Do you not see how they close they are?

👤 Danny: They are plotting our murder. Yuki and Mira: So this shark is most dangerous because...

👤 They talk about sharks. I want to know why XD

👤 Why are they talking about sharks? XD They are cute

👤 So famous singer and Fromula 1 driver are talking about sharks in their free time...I didn't expect this

👤 They look cute together


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