Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)

Re_andra tarafından

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The story, far from a mere clash of powers, delves into the intricate layers of morality and consequence. Wha... Daha Fazla

Full Map
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 4
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 5
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 6
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 8
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 9
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 10
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 11
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 13
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 14
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 16
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 17
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 19
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 21
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 22
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 23
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 24
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 25
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 26
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 27
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 29
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 30
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 34
Covert Expedition - Chapter 35
Covert Expedition - Chapter 36
Covert Expedition- Chapter 37
Covert Expedition - Chapter 38
Covert Expedition - Chapter 39
Covert Expedition - Chapter 40
Covert Expedition - Chapter 41
Covert Expedition - Chapter 42
Covert Expedition - Chapter 43
Covert Expedition - Chapter 44
Covert Expedition - Chapter 45
Covert Expedition - Chapter 46
Covert Expedition- Chapter 47
Covert Expedition - Chapter 48
Covert Expedition - Chapter 49
Covert Expedition - Chapter 50
Covert Expedition - Chapter 51
Covert Expedition - Chapter 52
Covert Expedition - Chapter 53
Covert Expedition - Chapter 54
Covert Expedition - Chapter 55
Covert Expedition - Chapter 56
Covert Expedition - Chapter 57
Covert Expedition - Chapter 58
Covert Expedition - Chapter 59
Covert Expedition - Chapter 60
Covert Expedition - Chapter 61
Covert Expedition - Chapter 62
Covert Expedition - Chapter 63
Covert Expedition - Chapter 64
Covert Expedition - Chapter 65
Covert Expedition - Chapter 66
Covert Expedition - Chapter 67
Covert Expedition - Chapter 68
Covert Expedition - Chapter 69
Covert Expedition - Chapter 70
Covert Expedition - Chapter 71
Covert Expedition - Chapter 72
Covert Expedition - Chapter 73
Covert Expedition - Chapter 74
Covert Expedition - Chapter 75
Covert Expedition - Chapter 76
Covert Expedition - Chapter 77
Covert Expedition - Chapter 78
Covert Expedition - Chapter 79
Covert Expedition - Chapter 80
Covert Expedition - Chapter 81
Covert Expedition - Chapter 82
Covert Expedition - Chapter 83
Covert Expedition - Chapter 84
Covert Expedition - Chapter 85
Covert Expedition - Chapter 86
Covert Expedition - Chapter 87
Covert Expedition - Chapter 88
Covert Expedition - Chapter 89
Covert Expedition - Chapter 90
Covert Expedition - Chapter 91
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 92
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 93
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 94
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 95
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 96
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 97
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 98
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 99
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 101
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 102
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 103
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 104
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 106
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 107
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 108
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 112
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 113
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 114
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 115
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 116
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 117
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 118
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 119
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 120
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 121
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 122
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 124
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 125
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 126
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 127
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 128
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 129
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 130
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 131
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 132
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 133
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 134
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 135
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 136
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 138
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 139
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 140
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 142
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 144
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 145
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 146
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 148
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 149
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 151
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 152
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 158
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 159
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 160
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 161
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 162
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 163
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 164
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 165
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 166
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 167

Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111

4 3 6
Re_andra tarafından

Valoron wasted no time, swiftly closing the distance between himself and Jiighual with a determined stride. With a fluid motion, he unleashed a rapid arc of his longsword, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision and catching Jiighual off guard, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake as it grazed his cheek.

"Damn, he's quick!" Jiighual muttered through gritted teeth, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he dodged the flurry of attacks that followed.

Valoron pressed his advantage, moving in close to deliver a punishing knee strike to Jiighual's abdomen, followed by a swift elbow to his face that sent him reeling backwards with a pained groan.

The relentless assault continued, Valoron launching into a flurry of powerful sword strikes, each blow finding its mark with unforgiving accuracy and leaving Jiighual struggling to defend himself against the onslaught.

"Shit, he's relentless!" Jiighual grimaced in agony as the razor-sharp edge of Valoron's sword carved deep gashes into his flesh, leaving him battered and bloodied.

Desperate to turn the tide of the battle, Jiighual attempted to shove his pavise shield towards Valoron, but the knight stood firm, his unwavering resolve rendering Jiighual's efforts futile as the shield remained motionless in his grip.

Encouraged by Valoron's dominance, the surrounding warriors erupted into cheers, their voices echoing across the battlefield in a chorus of support and encouragement for the lone knight.

"Keep it up, Valoron!"

"Show him what you're made of!"

"Finish him off, Valoron!"

The fervent cheers of the warriors served as a rallying cry for Valoron, spurring him on as he pressed his advantage, determined to emerge victorious in this one-sided duel.

"Not today! I refuse to meet my end like this!" Jiighual's defiant cry pierced through the chaos of battle, his voice resolute despite the odds stacked against him.

Caught off guard by Jiighual's sudden surge of determination, Valoron's brow furrowed in confusion as he attempted to anticipate his opponent's next move.

With a swift motion, Jiighual seized control of his pavise shield, wrenching it back towards himself and catching Valoron off balance, forcing the knight to release his grip.

"I let my guard down for just a moment, damn it!" Valoron cursed under his breath, his frustration evident as he struggled to regain his footing amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Seizing the opportunity presented to him, Jiighual surged forward, his strength and determination propelling him past Valoron and hurtling the knight against the warriors who surrounded them.

The impact sent Valoron sprawling amidst the throng of fighters, his body jolting with pain as he collided with the unforgiving mass of bodies behind him.

"Argh!" Valoron's groan of pain mingled with the taste of blood in his mouth, a visceral reminder of the brutal impact he had just endured.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, this isn't how Jiighual, member of the Renaissance band, meets his end!" Jiighual's defiant voice reverberated through the chaos of the battlefield, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

"You rebels truly are something," Valoron remarked, a note of admiration coloring his words as he struggled to rise, his longsword serving as a makeshift crutch to aid his ascent.

"Your name's Jiighual, isn't it?" Valoron inquired, his gaze steady as he locked eyes with his adversary.

"That's right, and you'll remember it well once I've bested you and emerged victorious!" Jiighual declared with unwavering resolve.

Valoron's laughter echoed across the battlefield, a mixture of amusement and genuine appreciation for his opponent's tenacity.

"What's so funny?" Jiighual's confusion was palpable, his brow furrowed in puzzlement at Valoron's unexpected reaction.

"I said, you're truly remarkable," Valoron reiterated, his tone earnest as he sought to convey his respect for Jiighual and his fellow rebels.

With a pause to catch his breath, Valoron continued, his voice tinged with curiosity as he posed a question that lingered in the air between them.

"Tell me, Jiighual, what is it that drives you and your comrades? What is your ultimate goal?" Valoron asked.

"Goal? Me? Well, it's straightforward. I'm here to support our captain's vision for reshaping the world's system!" Jiighual's voice rang out with conviction, his words reflecting a deep sense of loyalty to their leader.

"Ha! And what kind of vision is that? Massacre? Bloodshed? Destruction? The annihilation of humanity?" Valoron retorted, his skepticism evident as he challenged Jiighual's allegiance.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure," Jiighual admitted, a note of uncertainty creeping into his voice as he acknowledged the ambiguity surrounding their captain's true intentions.

"It's rather baffling, isn't it? How can you follow a leader whose goals and ideology remain shrouded in mystery?" Valoron pressed, his brow furrowing in disbelief at the notion of blindly following someone without understanding their motives.

"It's simple, really. We trust him, and he looks out for us," Jiighual explained, his unwavering faith in their captain evident in his words as he sought to justify their loyalty.

"And maybe... just maybe... it's not always about knowing the destination, but rather about believing in the journey and the ones who walk it with you," Jiighual murmured, his voice tinged with a sense of reflection as he pondered the complexities of loyalty and trust.

 Jiighual whispered, "With Yzavynne's unwavering courage, Kazaks' righteous fury, Andhur's quiet determination, Nert's boundless optimism, Leeani's steady aim, Ruby'ck's infectious laughter, Qarek's indomitable spirit, and Captain's guiding hand, we've walked this road as one, bound by trust and forged in the fires of adversity."

Valoron's gaze softened, his eyelids drooping slightly as Jiighual's words washed over him like a gentle wave, carrying with them a weight of emotion that tugged at the corners of his heart.

"Jiighual," Valoron began, his voice thick with emotion, "in all my years as a knight, I have faced many foes on the battlefield. But never have I encountered such unwavering conviction, such unyielding loyalty, as I see in you and your comrades."

His gaze softened, the hardness in his eyes giving way to a glimmer of understanding. "You may follow a path veiled in uncertainty, but it is the strength of your bond, the trust you place in each other, that shines brightest in the darkest of times."

Valoron took a steadying breath, his resolve renewed. "And though our swords may clash once more upon this field of battle, know that I do so with the utmost respect for the journey you have undertaken. May our struggle be not of enemies, but of warriors bound by the ties of honor and mutual understanding."

With those words hanging in the air, Valoron readied himself for the fight ahead, his heart heavy yet resolute as he prepared to face Jiighual once more.

Valoron's whispered farewell lingered in the air, a poignant tribute to the warrior standing before him, a symbol of the bonds forged in the crucible of conflict.

"Farewell, Jiighual, warrior of the Renaissance band," he murmured, his words carrying the weight of their shared struggles and the unspoken camaraderie that had sustained them through the chaos of battle.

"Come at m---," Jiighual began, but his words were cut short as Valoron surged forward with a speed born of determination and purpose.

In a swift and decisive motion, Valoron closed the distance between them, driving his blade deep into Jiighual's abdomen with a force fueled by both sorrow and resolve.

The clash of steel against flesh was drowned out by the weight of their unspoken farewell, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of duty and honor.

As Jiighual staggered back, his expression a mask of pain and disbelief, Valoron's heart ached with the weight of their shared destiny, a testament to the bonds forged in the crucible of battle.

"It's... It's impossible!" Jiighual gasped, blood spilling from his lips as he struggled to comprehend the severity of his wounds.

"It was an honor to face you in battle, warrior," Valoron said solemnly, his voice tinged with respect for his fallen foe.

With a grim determination, Valoron withdrew his sword from Jiighual's abdomen, eliciting a pained groan from the wounded rebel as blood continued to flow from the grievous wound.

"Is... Is this how it ends for me?" Jiighual whispered, his voice barely audible above the din of battle, his strength waning with each passing moment.

"Heh. I never... imagined it would end like this," Jiighual murmured, his voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos of battle. "I always... dreamed of becoming a cook someday, of crafting dishes that would bring joy to others."

Consciousness slipped away and darkness threatened to engulf him, Jiighual sank to his knees, his world fading into oblivion.

The air crackled with tension as Gargeal and Zach stormed onto the scene, their usual composed facades shattered by the sight of their comrade.

"Jiighual!" Gargeal's voice echoed with anguish, his eyes widening in disbelief at the grim scene unfolding before him.

"Jii--- Jighual..." Zach's expression mirrored Gargeal's shock as he took in Jiighual's condition, his eyes widening in horror at the sight of his injured ally.

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