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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1071 - A Battle of Four Armies!
C1071 - A Battle of Four Armies!
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Chapter 1071: A Battle of Four Armies!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


As everyone awaited Qutaybah’s reply, they all heard the crisp hum of a sword. Before anyone could react, a vast stream of golden Sword Qi shot into the sky. Kabooom! With an enormous explosion, this incredible golden Sword Qi descended and crashed into the ground.

Kacrack! The earth cracked open in a long fissure before Qutaybah, spanning the battlefield and extending all the way to the Tang steel walls. The earth swayed and dust churned as if the entire world was quailing at Qutaybah’s feet.




In an instant, the entire battlefield was ringing with Qutaybah’s name. At this moment, Qutaybah was the strongest existence in history.

Now that everyone had experienced Qutaybah’s terrifying strength that could make gods take fright and ghosts weep, Qutaybah’s prestige in the army had increased to its maximum.

Bwooooom! Following Qutaybah’s strike, the horns blared and the vast sea of Arab cavalry took formation and surged toward the Tang defenses.


“Lord Marquis, the Arabs have begun their attack!” Xue Qianjun gravely said as he gazed at the rows of Arab cavalry charging at them.


The air resounded with the clattering of metal as countless war halos began to emerge from the feet of the Arabs, rapidly forming a dense forest of halos. The momentum of this charge was enough to topple mountains and reverse the seas.

Wang Chong only glanced at them before turning his gaze to the nearby Su Hanshan.

“Su Hanshan, is it all ready?”


Su Hanshan waved his hand toward his rear, and gears immediately began to groan as five thousand ballistae were loaded and aimed, the sharp points of their bolts coldly glimmering under the overcast sky.

Wang Chong glanced at the more than twenty thousand ballista soldiers and gave an approving nod. Although these ballista soldiers had been formed from the bandits and brigands of the Silk Road, after Su Hanshan’s training, these soldiers had already begun to give off a tenacious and determined aura.

With his own unique form of charisma, Su Hanshan had succeeded in washing away any sign of their former lives as bandits. Even Wang Chong found himself admiring this feat.

In the future, he will definitely reach the goal he couldn’t reach in his last life and become a true Great General of the Great Tang, Wang Chong said to himself as he shot another glance at Su Hanshan.

Su Hanshan had an extremely sharp and incisive fighting style that excelled at penetrating defenses. Few Great Generals of the Great Tang could compare to him in this aspect. And only Su Hanshan was capable of turning unruly folk like bandits and brigands into top-notch soldiers.

“General Zhao!

“General Wang!

“General Long!”

Wang Chong loudly called out these names without turning his head.

“Milord, the Xuanwu Army awaits your orders!”

With the clang of a saber, Marshal Zhao Fengchen of the Great Tang Imperial Army reached behind his back and pulled out his seven-foot Earth’s Scar. In the gloomy light, the blade of Earth’s Scar seemed to be streaked with faint blood.

Behind him, the eight thousand heavily-armored soldiers of the Xuanwu Army began to move. In the face of the vast and crushing sea of the Arab army, their eyes showed no fear, only a burning will to fight.

Soldiers were raised for a thousand days to be used in a single moment. Zhao Fengchen had trained these soldiers using a special method, and this Xuanwu Army was already beginning to sense the enormous strength of this method.

The other units of the Imperial Army were already unable to compete with them.

The Xuanwu Army currently had the confidence to defeat any opponent.

“Milord, Wang Sili awaits your orders!”

Not long after Zhao Fengchen spoke, another voice spoke from a nearby army, wholly distinct from the ranks of the Xuanwu Army. At the front of this army was a man with wise and profound eyes. On the left breast of his armor, seven stars brightly twinkled.

Starving Wolf War General Wang Sili!

This dauntless general serving under Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han now stood tall and straight, his body brimming with the will to fight as he stared at the approaching Arabs.

No matter what grudges Wang Chong had with Geshu Han in the past, at this moment, in this place, none of it was important.

Everyone had only one identity: Tang!

Everyone had only one thing that they needed to protect: the Great Tang! And they only had one thing that they needed to defeat: Arabia!

“Long Jian of the Dragon Stallion Army awaits your orders!”

“Du Wuwei of the Roaring Tiger Army awaits your orders!”

One voice after another sounded out from behind the first defense line. Armor clanged and clattered as these soldiers turned to the battlefield, their eyes bursting with energy and will to fight. The Divine Martial Army, the Ultimate Martial Army, the Dragon Stallion Army… one elite Tang force after another stood tall behind the defense line, their bodies exploding with incredible energy.

Farther back, the stalwart figure of Cui Piaoqi stood tall upon his horse, and behind him were ten thousand strong and disciplined Wushang Cavalry. Even farther back were the several thousand warriors of the Iron Wall Army.

Behind the Iron Wall Army were the nearly ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers, their long sabers held high in the air as they formed a human wall at the very back of the defense line.

Although the battle had yet to begin, the Great Tang side exuded a somber aura that was not one bit inferior to the Arab side.


As the winds howled, the neighing horses and cries of battle seemed to even alarm the heavens. The vast army of Arab cavalry approached like an avalanche, accelerating to incredible speeds.

Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Wang Yan, Cheng Qianli, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief… all the highest commanders of the Great Tang had gathered behind the first defense line, their expressions solemn. Other than the occasional neigh of a horse and the flapping of clothes in the wind, the one hundred and ten thousand soldiers of the Great Tang were silent in the tense atmosphere, forming a stark contrast with the Arab cavalry.

Eighty thousand feet!

Fifty thousand feet!

Thirty thousand feet!

The earth shook and trembled as the Arab cavalry exploded with an astonishing power, covering tens of thousands of feet in the blink of an eye. Soon, the Arabs were not even one thousand feet from the Tang defense line.


A few moments later, the tens of thousands of Arab cavalry collided with the Tang defense line. Boooom! As if a comet had crashed into a planet, the sound of this impact was so loud that it could almost rupture eardrums.


As warhorses crashed into the line, countless soldiers were thrown more than a hundred feet into the air by the impact.


At almost the same moment, Su Hanshan waved his hand down, causing the five thousand ballistae to fire in unison. Thudthudthud! Like wooden pillars toppling down, tens of thousands of Arab soldiers dropped to the ground.

With just a single volley, Su Hanshan’s five thousand ballistae had immediately filled the skies with the screams of more than twenty thousand dying Arab cavalry. In mere moments, warhorses crashed into warhorses and corpses piled up in front of the first defense line as Arab bodies were strewn across the field.

A large open space immediately appeared around these corpses.

Even the mighty Arabs couldn’t help but take fright at this sight. Beneath the black war banners, Dalun Ruozan and Duwu Sili blinked several times. Even now, the ballistae of the Great Tang were still the most terrifying killing machines of the Central Plains.

Even the Arabs, who had dominated the world through cavalry, appeared to be as fragile as paper before the ballistae.


Su Hanshan’s cold eyes didn’t even glance at these fallen corpses. His stalwart figure appeared to be a spear thrust into the earth as he stared at the approaching Arab soldiers.

For this volley, Su Hanshan had deliberately chosen to wait until the Arabs had collided with the front line, waiting until they were the most packed together to maximize the lethality of the first volley.


The air howled as the five thousand ballistae fired again, the bolts leaving scars in the air as they shot at the Arab cavalry. Thudthudthud! Another pack of soldiers dropped to the ground. Although it was less than the first volley, fifteen thousand Arab cavalry had still been slain.

These two volleys had already brought down thirty-five thousand Arab cavalry!

If not for the fact that the soldiers Qutaybah and Osman had brought were elites dressed with thick and superbly forged armor, the Arab losses would have been even greater!


At the same time, Chen Bin commanded his own one thousand Tang ballistae to fire, and countless bolts shrieked through the air. Thudthudthud! More and more Arabs fell in front of the first defense line.

In the distance, Aybak and Osman widened their eyes, but nobody said anything. None of them had any intention of backing down.


Tens of thousands of soldiers had fallen before the first Tang defense line, but these losses had no effect on the Arab assault.

“Send our soldiers as well!”

Dalun Ruozan, standing next to Aybak and Osman, gave the order to charge, his eyes flashing.

With war came casualties. The Great Tang was not an easy opponent, so such losses were only to be expected. In this decisive battle, there would be no conclusion until one side was completely crushed.


With another wave of heaven-shaking shouts, one hundred thousand Tibetan and Turkic soldiers charged forward like a tiger lunging down the mountain, their scimitars and sabers unsheathed as they followed up behind the Arab army. The cries of battle and the sounds of fighting rang out over the entire battlefield.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1072 - Su Hanshan's First Battle!
C1072 - Su Hanshan's First Battle!
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Chapter 1072: Su Hanshan’s First Battle!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The ballistae were still firing, but the vast wave of Arabs showed no signs of stopping. And there was a particularly loud rumbling that could be heard over the sounds of fighting.

“Look over there!”

A voice suddenly sounded from the army. Zhang Que, standing on a transport carriage, was pointing into the distance with a look of shock on his face.

“It’s those silver war machines!”

Following Zhang Que’s gaze, everyone saw the enormous silver siege weapons gleaming in the distance, slowly proceeding toward the Tang.

All of them were rather familiar with the power of these Arabian siege weapons. They had been brought over from Qutaybah’s northern war zone for the express purpose of dealing with the Tang defense line. They were incredibly sturdy as well as offensively powerful, and no one could underestimate them.

“They’ve changed their tactics!” Huang Botian suddenly called out, his expression grim.

On the first day, Qutaybah had sent several hundred of these Silver Behemoths. The Arabs had pushed forward the Silver Behemoths as quickly as possible to the Tang defense line in the hopes of ending the battle quickly.

But this time was completely different. The Silver Behemoths were now moving extremely slowly. More than a thousand of the Silver Behemoths were arrayed in a single line, forming a steel wall. Behind this steel wall were tens of thousands of Arab soldiers.

“They’re using those silver war machines as defensive tools to cover the approach of their soldiers. Our ballistae will find it very difficult to pierce through this defense, and it will be impossible to deal any harm to the soldiers behind them.”

Sun Zhiming sat atop his horse, in the third row behind Wang Chong, his face tinged with deep concern.


A ballista bolt shot forward, immediately striking one of the Silver Behemoths. There was an enormous clang, but the ballista bolt snapped without even piercing through this Silver Behemoth. Su Hanshan’s eyes widened at this sight and he gestured behind him to bring this probing assault to a close.

“Their defenses are extremely formidable, but we don’t need to worry about that. Change targets and attack other Arab cavalry!”

Su Hanshan’s face remained aloof and his eyes remained emotionless as he gestured at the ballistae to his right. Quickly, three thousand ballistae began to move to another area.

There were more than a thousand of these Silver Behemoths, but the battlefield was long and vast. There were not enough of these machines to cover the entirety of the Arab army.


Once the ballistae had finished moving, Su Hanshan’s men once more began to fire their volleys. Squelchsquelchsquelch! In a chorus of meaty thumps, one Arab horseman after another was sent flying backward together with their horses, their corpses stirring up clouds of dust.

“The Earth Shield Army still hasn’t arrived yet?”

Beneath the fluttering black hell flame banner, Qutaybah coldly spoke, his face calm and unperturbed.

A general so fully wrapped in armor that only his eyes were showing spoke from behind Qutaybah. “Milord, the Earth Shield Army has already been deployed. They should be arriving on the battlefield soon.”

The Earth Shield Army was the only defensive army under Qutaybah’s command. Qutaybah had made his name through constant and unending war, and he was rarely ever on the defense. But nothing in the world was absolute. The Earth Shield Army was a heavy shield army Qutaybah had established to deal with enemy attacks.

This army did not have many soldiers, only around ten thousand, but each of them had undergone strict training and been tempered through a hundred battles, in the end forging an army made of steel.

They had stopped countless foes on the battlefield, some even approaching the Mamelukes in terms of power.

Qutaybah’s basic requirement for this army was that it had to take one hundred attacks from him.

This general had barely spoken when a shift occurred on the battlefield. The soldiers on the right flank of the Arab army suddenly parted, allowing a vast and powerful flood to surge forward.

There was a metal clattering as massive shields, glimmering beneath the overcast sky, suddenly appeared before everyone’s eyes.

These shields were each seven to eight feet high. Only the shields were visible, completely obscuring the soldiers behind them.


With this loud howl, the ten thousand Earth Shield warriors pressed forward like a moving wall.

Boom boom boom! These soldiers marched in unison as they charged forward, their discipline and cohesion producing an intimidating tempo.

Even Su Hanshan was taken aback by this sight, but he almost immediately regained his composure.


Without the slightest hesitation, Su Hanshan swung his hand down. With a sound like a roaring dragon, five thousand ballistae fired, their bolts reaching the Earth Shield soldiers in a flash.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a heaven-shaking rumbling. Countless people were paying attention to this very first clash, and everyone was waiting with bated breath to see the outcome.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. A massive shield nearly eight feet tall and half a foot thick suddenly trembled, and then it was struck by a terrifying power. Part of the shield caved in while its surface was instantly covered in tiny cracks. The Earth Shield soldier behind the shield went pale. He had experienced many intense battles and had even witnessed the power of these Tang ballistae from the rear, but there was no doubt that this was the strongest weapon he had ever seen.

But the dreadful power being exerted on the Earth Shield rapidly faded. Even though the impact left his arm numb, the Earth Shield soldier had managed to hold on.

At this moment, the Earth Shield soldiers in the rear breathed a sigh of relief.

Similar scenes occurred all across the line. In this intense clash, the ten thousand Earth Shield soldiers did not sustain a single casualty, fully stopping the attack of the Tang ballistae.


The army exploded with cheers as the tens of thousands of Arab soldiers celebrated the success of the Earth Shield soldiers, even more ecstatic than the Earth Shield soldiers themselves.

The Arabs regarded war as their mission, and none of them feared death, but this did not mean that they didn’t want to live. These thousands of Tang ballistae were nothing but their worst nightmare.


Both Su Hanshan and Wang Chong slightly grimaced at this scene. Wang Chong had seen all kinds of heavy shield armies, but this was the first time he had seen one that could stop a ballista volley through sheer physical strength and the power of its shields. There was no doubt that this was the strongest force of shield soldiers Wang Chong had seen in his entire life.

Su Hanshan immediately changed his plan. “Everyone, hear my order!

“Cease firing. Ballistae, form groups of five and concentrate fire on the upper part of those shields.”

Creakcreak! Su Hanshan could control the five thousand ballistae like they were extensions of his body, and his order was quickly carried out. As the ballistae grouped up in fives, they shrunk their targets from five thousand men to one thousand men.


Su Hanshan coldly swung his right hand down. Boomboomboom! Five ballista bolts shot forward, swiftly covering several thousand feet of distance and striking a single large shield.

The Earth Shield soldier behind his nearly eight-foot shield barely had time to catch his breath before he was struck by an attack like never before. The massive shield seemed on the verge of shattering as it boomed and clattered. Meanwhile, a terrifying power had traveled through his shield, up his arm, through his shoulder, and into his body. Plush! The Earth Shield soldier almost instantaneously vomited blood.


A few seconds later, an Earth Shield soldier could no longer hold and was sent flying into the air. The other soldiers had managed to hold through their immense physical strength, but the simultaneous attack of five ballista bolts had still forced them back, causing them to dig deep furrows in the ground.


Su Hanshan’s eyes seemed to glow as he stared forward. Upon seeing the result of this first strike, Su Hanshan ordered another volley without even thinking.

No one could last against the attacks of the Tang ballistae through physical strength alone. In Su Hanshan’s view, no matter how powerful his enemies were, as long as this method proved effective, all these shield soldiers could only die before his ballistae.


As the second volley descended, the ten thousand Earth Shield soldiers finally began to take losses. Those massive Earth Shields that had been tempered many times and had endured countless attacks shattered, the pieces flying more than a hundred feet into the air. The soldiers behind them were also flung into the sky, the bolts piercing through the bodies and carrying them more than one hundred feet through the force of inertia.

“Release! Release! Release!”

Su Hanshan’s hawkish gaze was ever fixed on the Earth Shield soldiers. As soon as he spotted a gap in their lines, Su Hanshan immediately seized the chance and ordered his ballistae to fire through the gap at the Arab cavalry behind it. Blood spattered and corpses dropped to the ground as the Arab soldiers were caught off guard and thrown into chaos.

“Release again!”

Su Hanshan’s eyes coldly flashed as he once more ordered his soldiers to fire. In this contest with the Earth Shield soldiers, he had already completely grasped the initiative.

On the side, Wang Chong had been watching everything from atop his White-hoofed Shadow. Only now did he give a satisfied nod of approval.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1073 - The Divine Martial Army Moves Out!
C1073 - The Divine Martial Army Moves Out!
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Chapter 1073: The Divine Martial Army Moves Out!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

It really was the right move to give the ballista army to him. Su Hanshan made his name through his vicious attacks, and with the power of the Tang ballistae, he’s practically unstoppable. Not even Chen Bin would be able to get this much power out of the ballistae, Wang Chong inwardly remarked.

Some people were born to be brilliant Great Generals. Even when they were still in training, they shone with a dazzling light. Su Hanshan was one of these people. No matter how powerful his opponent was, he would always be seeking opportunities or creating them so that he could defeat his foe.

The battle with the Arab Earth Shield Army was a fine example of this.

But Wang Chong didn’t have the time to worry about these things. In the distance, the more than one thousand Silver Behemoths were now less than two hundred feet from the Tang defense line. If these Silver Behemoths were allowed to get up close, the entire defense line would immediately collapse and any defense would become impossible.

“Divine Martial Army, get ready!” Wang Chong said suddenly, his eyes coldly glimmering.

Boom! There was an earth-shaking stomp as the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army stepped forward as one, their bodies exploding with energy that caused space itself to twist.

The soldiers of the Divine Martial Army had serene expressions while the aura around their bodies seemed to be as sharp as a sword.

Geshu Han’s elite Divine Martial Army made their first appearance west of the Cong Mountains. Their eyes shone with determination as their bodies tensed for battle.

Rumble! The more than one thousand silver war machines were now less than one hundred feet from the steel walls.


Starving Wolf War General Wang Sili unsheathed his sword as he gave the order and rode out from behind the defense line. Behind him, the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army gripped their swords and firmly marched behind him.


The sight of the three thousand soldiers emerging from behind the defense line immediately had thousands of Arab cavalry converging on the location, their weapons gleaming in the sky. All of these Arab cavalry were elites, all of them powerful. Not only that, they continued to maintain cohesion and cooperation with each other as they charged.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Divine Martial Army strode forward to face this sea of Arab cavalry, no sign of fear on their faces. Clang! As the two armies clashed, the three thousand Divine Martial Army soldiers pulled out their sharp swords, the edges of their weapons reflecting the gorgeous light of their halos. With a single strike, three thousand Arab cavalry along with their horses were cleaved in two.

Before these Arab corpses even had time to drop to the ground, the soldiers of the Divine Martial Army had already resolutely marched past, charging into the Arab ranks with an unstoppable momentum.


“Kill them!”

“Their target is the Silver Behemoths! Don’t let them approach!”

The sounds of fighting blocked out all other sound while sabers and swords clashed. It was already impossible to tell which man or horse belonged to which side, or even tell saber from sword. Mists of blood hung heavy in the air, the pungent odor saturating one’s senses.

But no matter how many Arab cavalry charged in, they were incapable of stopping the Divine Martial Army. Clang! A wave of a sword and a flash of light left two Arab riders and their horses in two pieces, the tremendous strength flinging their remains into the air.

Each soldier of the Divine Martial Army was the best of the best and further honed through ten-some years of war. In Longxi, they had stopped the charge of countless Tibetan cavalry. In countless outnumbered battles, they had managed to reverse the tides and save the Big Dipper Army from defeat.

In terms of strength, speed, and agility, these soldiers of the Divine Martial Army had already transcended the realm of elites. Even the elite cavalry of Arabia appeared to be fragile and helpless before them. The attacks of these Divine Martial soldiers were fast and vicious, and all their moves were simple and straightforward. All of this was for the sake of preserving strength and killing many foes over a long period of time.


Wherever the Divine Martial Army went, the Arab ranks collapsed while the feet of the Divine Martial Army never stopped. In just a few moments, they were on the verge of reaching the Silver Behemoths.

“The Tang elites have moved out. We should also send in our men!”

Beneath the four black banners, Governor Osman of Cairo observed the region of the battlefield where the fighting was most intense, a sharp light in his eyes.

“This force is not one bit weaker than the Anxi Protectorate’s Iron Wall Army. Ordinary elites won’t be able to stop them. Have the Beheader Army get ready!”

The Beheader Army, also known as the Wrath of the Nile, was one of Osman’s two strongest forces. It had played a major role in the destruction of the Sassanid Dynasty.

The symbolic weapon of the Beheader Army was the massive black swords they wielded. Each of its soldiers was incredibly strong and had a cruel personality. They were fond of using their weapons to behead their opponents. They believed that this act was an offering to the god of the Nile, a giant crocodile.

The Beheader Army would always leave behind many heads in every battle, with many of the strongest soldiers of the enemy army amongst them.

It was through these many battles that the Beheader Army had made its name. As a result, their original name was forgotten, so Osman simply had the name of the army changed to the ‘Beheader Army’ so as to intimidate his foes.

Qutaybah, seated upon his horse ‘Victor’, suddenly spoke. “Pass on my order! Mobilize the Blood Beast Army!” His expression remained calm and his eyes emotionless.

The generals around Qutaybah had still not responded, but Abu Muslim, Aybak, and Osman were all already slightly taken aback.

The Blood Beast Army was one of the strongest forces under Qutaybah’s command, an existence far stronger than the Crimson Moon Vanguard.

In every battle, Qutaybah would always have the Crimson Moon Vanguard take the lead, but if it encountered any difficult opponent, he would send in the Blood Beast Army.

This army had a ruthless personality and an extremely savage strength. They were as ferocious as wild beasts on the battlefield, not falling back until they had torn their opponents to shreds.

In the northern war zone, this army of Qutaybah’s had crushed countless opponents, including powerful foes like the Army of Tarsus.

“Yes, Milord!”

With this ringing reply, a messenger swiftly left.

Abu Muslim suddenly turned to Ziyad and ordered, “Ziyad, pass on my order. Have the Ironblood Army get ready!”

“Yes, Milord!”

Ziyad waved his hand and quickly dispatched a messenger.

Boomboomboom! With a deafening rumble, an army of soldiers whose suits of armor were covered in complicated patterns and designs gathered behind the four war banners. These soldiers had somber expressions, and their energies were fused into a single whole. They gave off the feeling of veteran soldiers that would be unstoppable on the battlefield.

By the mere act of standing, the soldiers seemed to generate a metallic drone in the surrounding air.

Light and shadow twisted around the Ironblood Army, condensing into Arabian scimitars whose blades were covered with fine patterns.

Although these were merely created through light, the sight of these illusory scimitars would make one feel as if they were real and that each one was capable of cleaving through a mountain.

The Ironblood Army!

This was one of the strongest forces under Abu Muslim’s command. It was essentially equal in power to the Anxi Protectorate’s Iron Wall Army.

They were a tenacious and incredibly skilled fighting force, an extremely effective killing machine. Many of the Iron Wall Army had been wounded or killed by the soldiers of the Ironblood Army.

If not for the high walls of Talas and the fact that the Ironblood Army was not skilled at scaling walls and opening up enemy formations, meaning that a good deal of the force had been left on the ground, the battle might have turned out very differently.

The Ironblood Army was skilled in field battles, not in besieging a city!


A gale swept through the battlefield from the Arab side, sweeping toward Talas. No one noticed the mood hanging in the air undergoing a subtle shift.



As the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army were endeavoring to break the Arab line, slaughtering a path to the Silver Behemoths…

Turmoil suddenly broke out on the Tang’s left flank, with countless horses neighing and whinnying. Before anyone could react, a powerful force of soldiers charged out of the Arab ranks.

These soldiers were different from the other Arab cavalry. Their entire bodies were covered in thick armor and all of them wore helmets that completely encased their heads, leaving only a thin ‘T’-shaped opening.

Most unique of all was their heavy swords, which were more than four feet long and covered in terrifying spikes.


A heavily armored soldier gripped his sword with both hands as he jumped off his horse, his eyes bulging with rage as the sword swung through the air. The enormous power of this blow cut diagonally across a Tang soldier, from his left shoulder to his right hip, cleaving open both him and his armor. Before the corpse even had time to drop, the sword swept up and sent the head flying into the air.

More and more of these armored soldiers dismounted, their hands swinging their massive swords and cutting off head after head.


Cries of alarm resounded through the army. The soldiers on the left flank put up a fierce resistance, but these heavily armored soldiers were unstoppable and swiftly routed the Tang.

This local defeat rapidly expanded into general chaos. Countless soldiers were felled by these large and muscular soldiers.

Mountains of corpses began to pile up.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1074 - Divine Prison Army!
C1074 - Divine Prison Army!
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Chapter 1074: Divine Prison Army!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Milord, it’s one of the Arabs’ top-class armies!”

Kong Zi-an turned to Wang Chong with a deeply worried face. Others had yet to notice, but Kong Zi-an had noticed at a glance that the army that had appeared on the left flank was not made of ordinary elites. This was a powerful existence on par with the Iron Wall Army. No ordinary soldiers could possibly stop it.

“Zhao Fengchen!” Wang Chong immediately said without turning his head, his eyes coldly flashing.

“Yes, Milord!”

Zhao Fengchen turned his head and glared at the heavily armored soldiers on the left flank. With a wave of his hand, he charged forward.

“Xuanwu Army, hear my orders! Follow me!”

In the blink of an eye, the eight thousand soldiers of the Xuanwu Army had departed from behind Wang Chong.

Mere moments later, a bestial roar came from the rear of the Arab army.

The Arab cavalry behind the thousand-some Silver Behemoths that were frenziedly charging at the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army suddenly acted like they had encountered some mighty flood, and began to run off to the sides.

At almost the same time, Wang Sili’s mind trembled as if he had sensed something. Raising his head and looking at the origin of the disturbance in the Arab ranks, Wang Sili clearly saw clouds of bloody mist rapidly charging in his direction. Even though he couldn’t see anything in this bloody mist, he could sense an unprecedentedly terrifying killing intent.

“Everyone, hear my order! Assemble the soldiers and stand ready!”


The crisp cry of a scimitar resounded through the sky. Before Wang Sili had any time to investigate, a figure leapt out of the distant Arab army like a ghost, drawing an arc over the battlefield as it descended with thunderous momentum at Wang Sili.


A strand of sharp saber energy as thin as a hair flickered toward him. When Wang Sili had first noticed this man, he was still more than one hundred feet in the air, but now, the man and his saber were already right in front of him. This slender saber edge was as thin as a sheet of paper, but it rapidly expanded in Wang Sili’s eyes as it slashed down at him.


Without any time to think, Wang Sili raised up his Starving Wolf Greatsword and barely managed to block this terrifying strike.

The Arabian scimitar clashed with the Starving Wolf Greatsword, unleashing a powerful shockwave that swept through the area.

Bang! The act of blocking this attack immediately sent Wang Sili flying more than one hundred feet backward.

At the very last moment, Wang Sili stomped his foot down, slamming through the rock to firmly anchor his body in the ground.

Wang Sili immediately raised his head to his distant opponent. Across from him was a bearded Arab general with hawkish eyes and a high nose, equipped in dark red armor and seething with red mist as he stood where Wang Sili had once stood.

This person was clearly rather stunned to see that Wang Sili had managed to stop himself, but he quickly broke into a savage smile.

“Are all of you clear on Lord Qutaybah’s orders? Retreat means death! Kill all of them!”

Mansur savagely laughed as he waved his saber forward.

Rumble! Countless Arab cavalry dressed in the same dark red armor rapidly galloped past him. The cruel and savage auras on their bodies made them seem like a pack of beasts lunging at the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army.

“Hmph, so it was a top-class Arab army!”

Wang Sili snorted in derision as he instantly understood what was going on. It was clear that the Arabs, seeing that the Divine Martial Army had moved out, had dispatched their own top-class soldiers. But the Divine Martial Army was the strongest and most elite force in the illustrious Big Dipper Army of Longxi. It had never feared any opponent.

“Come! I’d like to see just how formidable the Arabs really are!”

Wang Sili’s eyes glimmered with cold light as he raised his Starving Wolf Greatsword, his eyes exploding with determination.

The Divine Martial Army would never retreat from this foreign battlefield, nor was there any force that could make this veteran and experienced army retreat, not even the Blood Beast Army.

“Everyone, follow me! Charge!”

Wang Sili waved his sword, not waiting for the opponent to attack as he led his three thousand men in a charge against the clearly numerically superior Blood Beast Army. Bang! With a stomp, Wang Sili shot into the air like a cannonball toward the commander of the Blood Beast Army, Mansur.

A dazzling halo exploded from his feet, almost tangible as it rumbled and clattered. Seven stars could faintly be seen in this halo.

Behind Wang Sili, light and shadow intersected, forming what was clearly a massive starving wolf as large as a mountain!


The three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army showed no hesitation, much less fear. Raising up their three thousand swords, the dense ranks of the Divine Martial Army marched forward with incredible speed at the enormous pack of beasts that was the Blood Beast Army.

“Hmph, seeking death!”

Mansur coldly chuckled, a hint of sinister cold flashing through his eyes. Clang! Raising his scimitar, Mansur shot toward Wang Sili like a ghost.

The Blood Beast Army was the most valiant and pugnacious army under Qutaybah’s command. In the northern war zone, Mansur had never encountered anyone who was a match for him. Even these Tang would be incapable of stopping his Blood Beast Army.


There was a heaven-shaking explosion as Mansur and Wang Sili crashed into each other like meteors, producing fierce gales and a sandstorm that rapidly expanded through the battlefield.

Bangbangbang! Scimitars and swords collided in the air, creating a deafening metallic cacophony.


In an explosion of Sword Qi, a soldier of the Divine Martial Army clashed weapons with a muscular soldier of the Blood Beast Army. Both possessed incredible and ferocious strength.

A massive shockwave was created by their clash, but both soldiers were unperturbed and both showed no signs of backing down.

Strength, speed, agility, and experience forged through hundreds of battles… the abilities displayed by these two men far surpassed those of any other elite soldiers. Even in terms of weapons, the two found it hard to find any advantage.

The armor and scimitars of the Blood Beast Army had been produced using Qutaybah’s influence, forged by the best weaponsmiths from the finest materials the empire could provide. As for the Divine Martial Army, Geshu Han had similarly used his status as Big Dipper Great General to request resources from the Sage Emperor.

The armor and weapons of the Divine Martial Army were made by the finest smiths of the imperial household. Their weapons were tough and dense. Even a thousand cruel and intense battles would not be able to harm them.

Boomboomboom! In the blink of an eye, the three thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army were engaged in pitched battle with the Blood Beast Army.

Each move and technique of the Divine Martial Army soldiers was exquisite and clean. These were moves meant to swiftly dispatch their opponents, but were also difficult to defend against.

Although the Blood Beast Army soldiers were a little lacking in this aspect, they were also skilled in the art of killing. More importantly, they had the numbers on their side.

“Divine Prison Army, move out!”

Atop his White-hoofed Shadow, Wang Chong had been keeping a close eye on the battle between the Divine Martial Army and the Blood Beast Army. The two armies had very similar levels of strength, but the soldiers of the Blood Beast Army were more numerous. The Divine Martial Army alone would not be able to pierce their defenses. If he wanted to defeat the Blood Beast Army, he would have to dispatch an even stronger force.


With a mighty rumble, the four thousand soldiers of the Divine Prison Army pulled out their swords and marched out from behind Wang Chong.

As they moved out, a dreadful flood of murderous energy surged out of their bodies.


At almost the same moment, the air droned as a vast and magnificent Sword Qi appeared in the sky. It spanned across the heavens, creating a momentary vacuum and seeming to cleave apart the sky. Let alone the Arab army, even the Tang soldiers around the Divine Prison Army felt an intense shock.

The sharp and fierce energy exuded by the Divine Prison Army was like tens of thousands of extremely sharp little swords. It made one want to get as far away as possible.

The Divine Prison Army was the most unique of all the reinforcements. These soldiers did not talk or smile, and the energy rising from their bodies was even sharper than that of the Divine Martial Army. They were like an unsheathed sword that was ready at a moment’s notice to commence the slaughter.

Most puzzling of all was that no one knew where this Divine Prison Army had come from. There was no record of this force in the military records of the Great Tang.

Boom! As the Divine Prison Army moved out, all the soldiers behind the first defense line rushed to the sides to open a path for it.

“A good chance! Kill them all!”

The opposing Arab cavalry rejoiced at this sight. Even though they had been charging at the defense line for so long, they had failed to open any sort of gap. But now, the Tang had made a gap themselves, an extremely rare chance that they had to exploit.

Neeeigh! Warhorses cried out and metal clattered as thousands of Arab cavalry gleefully charged into the gap.

The four thousand Divine Prison Army soldiers seemed unperturbed as the flood of Arab cavalry rushed in, but they suddenly began to march faster. They raised their swords and charged forward with an unstoppable momentum.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1075 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (I)
C1075 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (I)
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Chapter 1075: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (I)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


There was a massive explosion and complete mayhem as the four thousand soldiers of the Divine Prison Army stabbed into the Arab ranks like an enormous sword.

Boomboomboom! No one could even see how the Divine Prison Army attacked, only that rows upon rows of elite Arab cavalry were being cut down like weeds.

Their corpses were pockmarked with thousands of small holes, but the soldiers of the Divine Prison Army didn’t even glance at them as they swept past and rapidly marched toward the Divine Martial Army and Blood Beast Army.

Bangbangbang! As soon as they passed, those Arab cavalry that seemed to be fixed in place instantly collapsed into piles of meat on the ground.

In this brief clash, more than seven thousand Arab cavalry had been rendered into pulp.

The four thousand soldiers of the Divine Prison Army continued to silently advance. Amidst this pitched battle, their speed only increased.

No matter what kind of soldier they faced or how many Arab cavalry charged at them, they would all be cut down as if they were made of paper.

“What are these soldiers?”

Even the distant Osman, Ziyad, and Aybak grimaced at this sight. Although no one would dare say that the hundreds of thousands of Arab soldiers were on the same level as the Blood Beast Army or Beheader Army, they were still not everyday elites.

In ordinary battles, not even powerful foes would be able to so easily slay them. Not even the Blood Beast Army or the Beheader Army were capable of such a feat. But this small force of Tang soldiers displayed a fighting power that would make anyone pale.

These soldiers were working through the dauntless and veteran Arab elites like they were cutting melons.

“We’ve underestimated them. I must correct my previous judgment. This eastern empire is stronger than any enemy we have faced before!” Aybak said.

All was quiet beneath the four black war banners. At this moment, no one dared to treat this eastern country as some small and insignificant kingdom. This army at Talas was an existence that deserved their full attention. Not even the formidable Arabia could be careless.

“But this only makes things more interesting! Compared to dealing with the remnants of the Sassanid Dynasty or those other weak civilizations, taking down a country like this gives a far greater sense of accomplishment! I’m finding myself a little impatient!”

Aybak licked his lips and a savage smile appeared on his face. His eyes turned to the motionless and orderly ranks of the Wushang Cavalry arrayed behind Wang Chong.

“Still not sending them out? These groups of soldiers are already this strong. I really wonder, just how strong are these Wushang Cavalry Abu Muslim spoke of?”

On the battlefield, the Divine Martial Army and the Blood Beast Army had reached the most intense point of their battle. Clang!A dark red scimitar weighing nearly eighty jin slammed down with a shriek, seemingly capable of even shattering steel. Bang!There was a shower of sparks as a sword came up to meet the scimitar!

The Divine Martial Army soldier holding this sword sank into the ground, but the armor of the opposing Blood Beast Army soldier cracked and groaned. One had a cold and emotionless face while the other had the appearance of a vicious beast. The Divine Martial Army had minor advantages in strength and technique, but there was no avoiding the disadvantage in numbers.

More and more Blood Beast Army soldiers were gathering around the Divine Martial Army. Each soldier of the Divine Martial Army was gradually forced to contend with two enemy soldiers, and more were continuing to pour in. Although they remained calm and unyielding, it was clear that they were slowly losing control of this battle.

Qutaybah had sent his entire Blood Beast Army while Geshu Han had only sent a part of his Divine Martial Army.


A soldier of the Divine Martial Army was wielding his Big Dipper sword to and fro, but he was slowly being surrounded. Suddenly, just when two dark red scimitars were about to attack him from two directions. there was a flash of bloody light. A long sword thrust into the chink in the armor of a Blood Beast Army soldier and pierced him through.

Plush! A second sword soon arrived and pierced a Blood Beast Army soldier through his neck. The action was simple, swift, and efficient. Swoosh! With a sweep of this sword, the head of the Blood Beast Army soldier went flying high into the air while the headless corpse fountained blood and trembled before dropping to the ground.

The Divine Prison Army soldier drew back his sword, stepped over the corpse and emotionlessly approached the next Blood Beast Army soldier. Behind were a second, a third, a fourth… Four thousand callous and determined soldiers of the Divine Prison Army strode toward the Blood Beast Army.

Unlike the soldiers of the Divine Martial Army, the soldiers of the Divine Prison Army all had pale and bloodless faces, but their killing intent was far greater than the Divine Martial Army’s. Plush! Another sword thrust forward. Although the Blood Beast Army soldier could see this sword, he could not block it. He could only watch as the sword plunged through his body and brought him down.

The Divine Prison Army continued its advance. These soldiers didn’t have any complicated techniques, but their swords moved with incredible speed. Even though the Blood Beast Army soldiers did all they could to block, they were just a tad too slow, but this minor difference in speed yielded completely different results.

For soldiers that had reached the level of the Divine Martial Army, Blood Beast Army, and Divine Prison Army, the slightest boost would result in a qualitative transformation. Boomboomboom! The moment the Divine Prison Army entered the battle, the course of it was swiftly reversed. The Blood Beast Army simply didn’t have the strength to stop the Divine Prison Army and were swiftly routed. The combined seven thousand soldiers of the Divine Martial Army and Divine Prison Army immediately put the Arabs at an extreme disadvantage.

Abu Muslim’s eyes flashed as he suddenly ordered, “Ziyad, pass on my order! Send out the Ironblood Army!”

Ziyad appeared slightly stunned.

“But, Milord, the Blood Beast Army just entered the battle and hasn’t been fully routed. If we move out now, won’t we…”

Ziyad shot a glance at Qutaybah.

The Blood Beast Army was one of Qutaybah’s forces, and one of his most elite. To send out the Ironblood Army without Qutaybah’s agreement would be to challenge and offend him.

The battle had only just begun. Although Abu Muslim, Aybak, and Osman had not said anything about it, deep inside, they were doing their utmost to not conflict with the Arab War God.

“Qutaybah has already agreed!” Abu Muslim lightly said.


Ziyad was startled. He had been standing by Abu Muslim’s side the entire time, only a few dozen feet from Qutaybah, but he did not recall there being any conversation between the two.

“In truth, the moment Osman’s Beheader Army entered the field, Qutaybah had already agreed. From that moment, he relinquished his authority, so there’s no need for you to worry about these things,” Abu Muslim lightly said.

Ziyad glanced at Abu Muslim and then back at Qutaybah. He was at first still stunned, but then he began to understand.

The governors of the empire shared a sort of tacit understanding. Without any words and only a few glances, or perhaps even sometimes just a feeling, they would be able to understand what each other was thinking. In the assault on Khorasan, Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak had shared this sort of tacit understanding, and it appeared that the same thing had happened here.

But it was very difficult for Ziyad to understand this sort of tacit understanding.

“Ironblood Army, attack!”

Ziyad waved his hand and swiftly gave the order.

Brrroooom! The Ironblood Army marched forward, rapidly approaching the front lines.


The situation on the battlefield was constantly changing. As the Divine Prison Army was reversing the tides together with the Divine Martial Army, on the left flank of the Tang army, the battle between Osman’s Beheader Army and the Xuanwu Army had reached a white-hot level.


The clanging and clashing of metal filled the air as the more than eight thousand soldiers of the Xuanwu Army battled with the nearly nine thousand soldiers of the Beheader Army. Thumpthumpthump! The strangely shaped swords flew through the air, leaving scars in their wake as they slashed at heads and limbs of the Xuanwu Army. The Beheader Army’s attacks were clean and simple, but also extremely threatening. But whereas in past battles, they would have already cut off the heads of many of their foes, they had encountered an extremely tenacious foe this time.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1076 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (II)
C1076 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (II)
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Chapter 1076: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (II)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Boomboomboom! The heavy swords of the Beheader Army were constantly blocked by the Xuanwu Army. Even though each attack seemed capable of sundering mountains, they were useless against the Xuanwu Army. The eight thousand soldiers of the Xuanwu Army seemed to be firmly rooted in the ground and fused with the earth. There was even a moment where the Beheader Army felt like they were attacking a mountain of steel, not a body of flesh and blood.

It would be fine if the Xuanwu Army were just skilled in defense, but these soldiers also had vicious and weighty attacks that could tear apart the heavens. Even the soldiers of the Beheader Army were extremely threatened by them.

“Everyone, hear my order! Follow me and kill these barbarians!”

Zhao Fengchen’s voice resounded over the world. He stood tall, his long hair blowing about in the wind and his hands clenching his Wootz Steel greatsword, ‘Earth’s Scar’. He slashed it down, and like a lightning bolt flitting across the skies, a pitch-black Sword Qi more than one hundred feet long howled through the air and descended into the dense ranks of the Beheader Army.


There was a massive explosion and a chorus of screams. Zhao Fengchen’s sword immediately tore a massive gap through the tight ranks of the Beheader Army. Wherever the edge of the sword passed, the soldiers of the Beheader Army were knocked flying into the air.

As for those soldiers of the Beheader Army who faced down the tip of the sword, they didn’t even have time to scream before Zhao Fengchen’s dreadful Sword Qi obliterated their bodies.


Countless Xuanwu Army soldiers charged into the gap.

The Xuanwu Divine Art!

This was the technique that Wang Chong had given Zhao Fengchen back then.

The Xuanwu was an ancient divine beast with the neck of a snake, the body of a turtle, and the head of a dragon. Besides formidable defensive capabilities, it also had astonishing offensive power. The eight thousand soldiers of the Imperial Army had cultivated the Xuanwu Divine Art and had obtained the traits of the Xuanwu. They could attack while defending and defend while attacking.


Just as the Xuanwu Army under Zhao Fengchen was on the verge of breaking through the Beheader Army’s defense, another terrific explosion came from more than four hundred feet away.

There was a frenzied storm of sand and stone, and then ten-some Xuanwu Army soldiers screamed as they were blasted into the air by a terrifying wave of energy. Before they had even hit the ground, their blood was already misting the air.

Zhao Fengchen grimaced at this sight and immediately turned his head to where the explosion had come from. What he saw was an Arab Brigadier General, his entire body pitch-black as if made of steel. Both hands gripped his sword as he plunged into the ranks of the Xuanwu Army.

Bang! A Xuanwu Army soldier waved his sword and charged at this Arab general, but a single palm from this general crumpled the Xuanwu Army soldier’s thick armor. A majestic surge of energy traveled through the armor into the soldier’s body and made all the blood in his body explode out in a bloody mist.

Without even a groan, the Xuanwu Army soldier dropped to the ground.

“Damn it!”

Zhao Fengchen paled, then suddenly altered course and began to charge at the Beheader Army commander. Clang! A blazing halo that was as heavy as steel erupted from beneath Zhao Fengchen’s feet. The edge of this halo was even sharper than a sword. Swoosh! Several Beheader Army soldiers jumped through the air to lunge at Zhao Fengchen, but before they could even get close, they were struck by the halo. Kaclack! These soldiers had all the bones in their body shattered by Zhao Fengchen’s halo, and their corpses fell to pieces as they were sent flying outward.

“Barbarians! I’d like to see just how capable all of you are!”

Zhao Fengchen had an icy expression and his killing intent soared to the heavens. In his view, a manly man needed to imitate Fu Jiezi1 and serve on the border to kill barbarians. Leading this expedition of eight thousand Xuanwu Army soldiers to the distant Talas could be said to fulfill Zhao Fengchen’s greatest dream.

Across the eight desolations and the four seas, wherever the light of the sun and moon touched, no barbarian could scorn the Central Plains, and no one was permitted to so brashly kill the soldiers of the Great Tang!

You are doomed!

Zhao Fengchen stared at the Arab Beheader Army commander, his eyes narrowing. Carrying his Earth’s Scar, he strode forward.

“Hmph! Infidel!”

At almost the same time, the distant Karim licked his lips as he spotted Zhao Fengchen, a bloodthirsty light flitting through his eyes.

Karim had participated in the final battle with the Sassanid Dynasty. As the commander of the Beheader Army, Karim couldn’t even remember how many enemy commanders he had killed. One infidel general after another had displayed their courage and confidence before him, but in the end, he had beheaded all of them and stomped on their corpses.

“In a little while, I will personally take your head. Let’s see how much ability you really have.”

Karim viciously laughed.

Hwoooo! There was a rush of wind as bloody mist began to drift out from beneath Karim’s feet. Under Karim’s feet was a sea of blood and a mountain of corpses, all of them belonging to the Tang. Karim couldn’t even keep count of the number of people he had killed since the start of the assault on the Tang’s left flank.

But no matter how many people he killed, Karim still desired to kill even more.


Extracting his sword from the corpse of a Xuanwu Army soldier, Karim confidently strode toward the distant Zhao Fengchen. At almost the same time, Zhao Fengchen gripped his Earth’s Scar and strode toward Karim. Around him, one Beheader Army soldier after another was felled. No matter how many there were, any who approached Zhao Fengchen would be cut down like a weed.

Zhao Fengchen left rivers of blood and piles of corpses in his wake. These powerful soldiers who had taken part in the wars with the Sassanid Dynasty and Kushan2 as well as many other countries were nothing but ants before a powerful existence like Zhao Fengchen.

Bang! A roaring Beheader Army soldier leapt upon Zhao Fengchen like a tiger, but a moment later, an enormous surge of energy collided with his body. This energy passed through his armor and impacted against his organs and meridians. This veteran Beheader Army soldier who had killed countless other soldiers now died without even a groan.

Before his corpse even had time to drop, a saber sent it flying dozens of feet. It drew an arc through the air before landing in front of Karim, creating a hole in the ground and causing blood to splash and sputter.


Karim’s eyes twitched as they flashed with anger. There was no question that this eastern infidel was challenging him.

“If you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish!”

Karim’s eyes turned cold as he picked up speed, his feet thundering against the earth and his body blurring.


With a bestial roar, Karim soared into the sky and shot toward Zhao Fengchen like an eagle.

“Barbarian, hand over your life!”

Zhao Fengchen’s body exploded with Stellar Energy as he also accelerated. Rumble! The earth trembled as Zhao Fengchen soared into the sky to meet Karim.


Sword and saber clashed with a thunderous explosion. The heavens themselves seemed about to tear apart as lightning crackled. The sound of their collision suppressed the clashing of all the other thousands of weapons on the battlefield. Stellar Energy exploded in a shockwave that sent the soldiers of the Beheader Army and the Xuanwu Army flying like ragdolls.

“Lightning Fury!”

With a roar, Zhao Fengchen changed up his movement technique, transforming into a thin lightning bolt that streaked through the air with unimaginable speed, attacking Karim from every direction. His attacks all had enough weight to cleave open mountains and sever rivers.

On the other end, Karim’s large sword was also moving like a lightning bolt, stirring up a storm as it slashed out in every direction. The halos of the pair were also constantly intersecting and clashing. Bangbangbang! Intense metallic clattering rang out all over the battlefield.

As the two commanders battled in the air, on the ground, the thousands of Xuanwu Army soldiers and Beheader Army soldiers were also in pitched battle. Clangclangclang! Sabers gleamed and swords flashed, mixing together in the melee.

Clang! A Xuanwu Army soldier was caught off guard, and a Beheader Army soldier managed to stab his sword through a gap in his defense and into his ribs. At almost the same moment, the Xuanwu Army soldier counterattacked by stabbing into the chest of his foe through a chink in his armor. Both only showed a brief flicker in their eyes before continuing to attack each other, each acting like it had been someone else that had been wounded.

Bang! These two soldiers engaged in an intense battle, their weapons clashing so many times that their edges were pockmarked with dents and gaps. But neither showed any sign of backing down.

This was a battle of top-class armies, a contest of supreme wills. The Beheader Army would not retreat, and the Xuanwu Army, a part of the Great Tang’s supreme Imperial Army, also would not retreat.

With bitter battles, there would be death, and as the Xuanwu Army and Beheader Army fought, both armies quickly began to suffer large losses. Squelchsquelchsquelch! The meaty sounds of weapons meeting with flesh were constant. Thump! Thump! A Beheader Army soldier crashed to the ground, his body a mangled mess. At almost the same moment, a Xuanwu Army soldier also crumpled down.

Blood and death were the best seasoning on the battlefield. Slowly, the eyes of the Xuanwu Army soldiers began to turn red.

As more and more soldiers fell, the battle intensified, and yet this was only the beginning.


1. Fu Jiezi was a man of the Western Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Zhao of Han, he traveled to the kingdom of Loulan in the Western Regions. The King of Loulan had killed several Han envoys, so Fu Jiezi was tasked with assassinating him. Fu Jiezi first enticed the king with treasure and wine, and then took him aside for a private conversation, whereupon Fu Jiezi stabbed the king to death. With the death of the king, the Han court set up the king’s younger brother as the new king and also had the name of the country changed from Loulan to Shanshan.↩

2. The Kushan Empire was an empire that spanned across parts of India and Central Asia and was active in the second and third century, centuries before the rise of the Great Tang. By the third century, it had fragmented into various kingdoms which were eventually conquered by the Sassanids.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1077 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (III)
C1077 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (III)
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Chapter 1077: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (III)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


On another battlefield, behind the more than one thousand Silver Behemoths, countless Arabs suddenly bellowed. An army of soldiers with the symbol of a blood-red saber on their left breast was rapidly approaching the battlefield.

“Milord, it’s Abu Muslim’s Ironblood Army!”

Before the army could get close, Cheng Qianli spotted it from atop his stalwart horse and his eyes instantly narrowed.

“The Ironblood Army is one of the strongest armies under Abu Muslim’s command. There are many soldiers in this army, and I’m afraid that the Divine Martial Army and Divine Prison Army won’t have enough men to hold.”

Cheng Qianli turned his head to Gao Xianzhi.

The Ironblood Army and the Iron Wall Army could be said to be fated foes. Both of their names even had the word ‘Iron’ in them, as if to symbolize that no matter how far away Gao Xianzhi and Abu Muslim were from each other, they were destined to have a decisive battle. In the end, only one of them would reign over the lands between Samarkand and the Cong Mountains.

In the more than two months of intense battle, many of the soldiers of the Iron Wall Army had died to the Ironblood Army, and many of the Ironblood Army had died to the Iron Wall Army. The conflict between the two was already on the level of a blood feud.

“Get ready! Pass on my order! Iron Wall Army, move out!”

Gao Xianzhi waved his arm and gave the order.

No matter how long this battle went on, the Iron Wall Army and Ironblood Army needed to decide which was the better.

As this thought occurred to Gao Xianzhi, he looked past the vast army of Arab cavalry to the distant figure of Abu Muslim standing beneath his black war banner. At the same time, Abu Muslim also seemed to sense something, his gaze swiftly rising to meet Gao Xianzhi’s.

In that moment, the entire world seemed to be devoid of sound. The two people who had started this war exploded with incredible fighting intent.


The humming and clanging of swords rose into the heavens. The soldiers of the Iron Wall Army had unsheathed their swords and turned to face the approaching Ironblood Army.

Rumble! Finally, there was a tremendous turmoil as the thousands of soldiers of the Ironblood Army parted the crowd and appeared behind the Silver Behemoths. Taking out their weapons, they charged at the Divine Martial Army and Divine Prison Army.

“Attack! Kill them all!”

With a furious roar, the more than three thousand soldiers of the Iron Wall Army raised their swords and charged at the Ironblood Army.

“Kiiiill!” There was a bellow in response, and the two armies collided against each other.


At the moment of impact, the entire world seemed to quake and time seemed to freeze.

Gao Xianzhi and Abu Muslim both gravely watched as their armies battled.

In the rear, Wang Chong, Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan, as well as Osman, Aybak, Dalun Ruozan, and Huoshu Huicang were also focused on this area where the most elite armies were locked in the most intense battle.

Swords and sabers clashed as the Iron Wall Army of the Anxi Protectorate fought with the Ironblood Army of Arabia. This time, however, neither Arabia nor the Great Tang dispatched any more soldiers. Everyone was waiting for the outcome of this battle to be determined.

Time continued to slowly pass. The Great Tang had committed four of its elite forces to the battle: the Xuanwu Army, Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, and Iron Wall Army. Arabia had committed three of its famed and dauntless armies: the Beheader Army, the Blood Beast Army, and the Ironblood Army.

Any one of these armies was capable of threatening an empire and making its people go without sleep in worry and concern. Two of these armies appearing would make one feel that the destruction of an empire was imminent. Three of these armies appearing would even pulverize into dust a powerful empire that had reigned for millennia like the Sassanid Dynasty, let alone smaller empires.

But now, not only had the Arabs failed to annihilate the Tang at Talas, they had suffered significant casualties in this effort.

“Milord, we still haven’t managed to break their defenses!”

Ziyad turned his head to Abu Muslim and Osman, his brow deeply creased.

This sort of situation had never occurred in any previous battles. Even Ziyad didn’t know what to do.

Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak all frowned. The combined power of three governors and nearly five hundred thousand soldiers was still unable to deal with these Tang. None of them had ever expected such a thing.

“Have the Fearless Army move out!” Abu Muslim finally ordered after some thought.

Osman and Aybak were both startled by this name, and a hint of nostalgia appeared on their faces.

The Fearless Army!

It had been a very long time since they had last heard this name. The last time it had appeared was in the war with the Sassanid Dynasty. This was the true most powerful army under Abu Muslim’s command! The Fearless Army was the basis on which Abu Muslim had managed to squeeze his way into the post of Governor of the East, and it was also the strongest force under his command.

But like anything else that was ‘the strongest’, Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army was very small, only around four thousand people. For any loss in this army, ten years would be needed to train a replacement. Thus, after the Sassanid Dynasty of Khorasan had been destroyed, Abu Muslim had ceased to use this army.

After an interval of ten years, the Fearless Army that Abu Muslim had kept in the rear this entire time was finally being deployed once more, deployed onto this eastern battlefield.

“This subordinate will deliver this order!”

Ziyad’s eyes gleamed with respect as he galloped off to deliver the order.

The Fearless Army!

This army was a most glorious force that was almost tied together with Abu Muslim’s reputation. The only two people capable of commanding this army were Abu Muslim and Ziyad.



A horn suddenly blared out from the rear of the Arab army. There was a hint of turmoil as if something was approaching the battlefield.

“Milord, there’s more movement from the Arabs!”

Zhang Que stared into the distance, a worried look on his face.

A battle of this intensity had far exceeded the bounds of his imagination. Not even the war of the southwest could compare. And he would have never imagined in his entire life that this battlefield would be the gathering place of so many elite armies from the Great Tang and Arabia!

Zhang Que was just a scouting soldier, and from a certain perspective, he didn’t even count as a soldier, because he was not meant to enter the fray and kill the enemy. But he held a strong conviction in his mind.

As long as Wang Chong did not retreat, he would not retreat either!

Zhang Que was confident that there were tens of thousands in Talas who believed the same! Wang Chong was the most powerful backer they could ever have.

Wang Chong gazed at the distorted sky and noted, “Abu Muslim is sending the Fearless Army!”

The aura of soldiers was normally intangible and unable to affect its surroundings. But the aura of this army was so powerful and tangible that it was causing the air around it to distort. More importantly, it was still early in the day, but the sky where the space was distorted was gloomy and dark as if night had come much earlier than usual. This was an extremely unsettling feeling.

This feeling made Wang Chong think of only one name: the Fearless Army!

In the Battle of Talas, this name was tied together with Abu Muslim. Amongst countless names and countless armies, the one most associated with Abu Muslim and the most dazzling army of all was unquestionably the Fearless Army. Abu Muslim had two top-class forces under his command. One was the Ironblood Army, which had already entered the battle, and the other was naturally the Fearless Army.

“Wang Chong, the Fearless Army is even stronger than the Ironblood Army. None of our forces will be able to stop it on their own!”

Gao Xianzhi turned to Wang Chong, extreme wariness in his eyes.

Great Generals were far more perceptive than ordinary people. Even though the Fearless Army was still out of sight, Gao Xianzhi could already sense the destructive storm that it was bringing to the battlefield.

“We still have three forces that we haven’t deployed. Which one will you send to deal with the Fearless Army?”

Although they were both the highest commanders at Talas, Gao Xianzhi had given complete authority in this battle to Wang Chong. This was an unprecedented situation and was a sign of the great regard Gao Xianzhi had placed on Wang Chong’s abilities.

“Heh, the Fearless Army might be powerful, but we have one army that can stop them.”

Wang Chong’s expression was calm and relaxed. No normal army would be able to stop the Fearless Army, which was even stronger than the Ironblood Army, but Wang Chong knew that there was one force under their command that could go blow for blow with the Fearless Army.

“Pass on my order! Have the Roaring Tiger Army enter the field!” Wang Chong indifferently said.

“The Roaring Tiger Army?”

Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and Xi Yuanqing all looked at Wang Chong in confusion. They weren’t very familiar with this army, but they felt that it was similar in strength to the other armies. None of them had expected Wang Chong to have such confidence in this army.

Wang Chong didn’t explain, only lightly smiled.

The Roaring Tiger Army was an army trained by the number two man of the Great Tang!

Zhang Shougui was an existence second only to the Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian, Wang Zhongsi. How could any top-class force trained by a man like this be regarded lightly?

From Longxi to Youzhou, Zhang Shougui had lived a life of legendary proportions. He had conquered far too many foes. In terms of age, even Geshu Han and Gao Xianzhi were his juniors. But due to the division between the Hu and Han, as well as the vast distance between the Western Regions and Youzhou, it was clear that Gao Xianzhi didn’t have much understanding of Zhang Shougui.

The Roaring Tiger Army was the most powerful army under Zhang Shougui’s command, one he had spent his entire life training. Each soldier had an inconceivable fighting power. Purely in terms of strength, not even the Xuanwu Army, Divine Martial Army, and Iron Wall Army could compare to it. Wang Chong had some confidence in the Divine Prison Army that he had trained, but it had existed for a very short period of time. In terms of tempering and readiness, it could not compare to the ferocity of the Roaring Tiger Army which had been honed through hundreds of battles.

Zhang Shougui, it’s time for you to show your abilities!

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1078 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (IV)
C1078 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (IV)
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Chapter 1078: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (IV)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Wang Chong quietly mused to himself. It was not on a whim that he had personally written a letter to Zhang Shougui for soldiers despite the grudges between the two. Zhang Shougui was a master of acting clumsy, but Wang Chong would not allow him to keep acting.

Rumble! In the distance, in a churning cloud of dust, the Fearless Army marched onto the battlefield. One thousand feet, five hundred feet, three hundred feet…

“Move out!”

With an earthshaking bellow, Wang Chong ordered the four thousand soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army to set forth and enter the battle.

The aura rising from their bodies was about the same as the Divine Martial Army’s or the Iron Wall Army’s. Even Gao Xianzhi couldn’t help but feel a little worried as this army fearlessly marched into the battlefield, but Wang Chong remained unperturbed and incomparably calm.


Suddenly, the vast sea of Arab cavalry parted in a rumbling of horse hooves. Clang! In a cold flash of light, two Arabian scimitars parted and fell to the sides as an Arab warrior charged forward and plunged into the battlefield like a storm.

Raaaa! This soldier of the Fearless Army, wearing the symbol of a pitch-black demon god on his left shoulder, lunged at a soldier of the Divine Martial Army. Clang! The latter immediately raised his sword to block the scimitar, but the immense power in this scimitar sent the Divine Martial Army soldier flying backward more than one hundred feet.

Besides that, the scimitar also flitted across the soldier’s body. Swish! His armor split open and blood sprinkled the sky.


After sending the Divine Martial Army soldier flying, the stalwart Fearless Army soldier turned his head and lunged at a nearby Divine Prison Army soldier. This soldier showed no sign of emotion in his eyes as he raised his sword and stabbed at the Fearless Army soldier.

Clang! The close-combat scimitar at the Fearless Army soldier’s waist suddenly slid forward and barely managed to stop this simple and yet extremely fierce attack of the Divine Prison Army soldier.

Bang! The scimitars flashed as they revealed their full power. Before the Divine Prison Army soldier had time to retreat, a bloody light flashed across his left shoulder and his arm plopped to the ground.

This was actually the first time in this first battle of the Divine Prison Army where one of its soldiers was the lesser and had an arm cut off.

“The Divine Prison Army doesn’t have enough defensive capability!”

Behind the first defense line, Gao Xianzhi’s brow rose as he turned to Wang Chong, a hint of gloom flitting through his eyes. The Divine Prison Army had an inconceivable offensive power. In terms of pure lethality, not even the Iron Wall Army or the Divine Martial Army could compare to it.

But the flaw of the Divine Prison Army was also very obvious. Although these soldiers had impressive offensive power, their defenses were extremely fragile. In other words, Wang Chong had sacrificed their defense for their inconceivable killing power.

There wasn’t a problem with this weakness if one’s opponent was on a similar level of strength or attacked slower, but once one encountered an opponent with the same level of speed, like the Fearless Army, with two incredibly sharp scimitars, one for attack and one for defense…

Not only would the Divine Prison Army soldiers not be able to exhibit their lethal killing power, the fact that their attacks had been blocked would force them into an extremely passive position.

Clang! Clang!

Upon seeing that the Divine Prison Army soldier had had his arm cut off, two of his fellow soldiers immediately attacked with their own swords, their weapons as fast as lightning bolts. This Fearless Army soldier immediately had his hands full with fending off these attacks, but he showed no signs of backing down versus these two Divine Prison Army soldiers.

The Fearless Army soldier was able to rely on his own ferocity and astonishing fighting power to simultaneously block the attacks of two Divine Prison Army soldiers.

This sight left countless Tang soldiers stunned and dazed.

“What formidable fighting power!”

Even Li Siye was deeply stunned. This army that had appeared out of nowhere seemed to have been born for the sake of killing. Their techniques were sharp and vicious. Even just watching from a distance struck fear into the hearts of spectators, much less actually fighting these people.

The situation instantly turned against the Divine Martial Army and Divine Prison Army, but Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, and Cheng Qianli did nothing.

In the distance, Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Osman, and the others also watched. The elite Great Generals of both sides maintained their delicate balance.

Just when the four thousand soldiers of the Fearless Army were about to completely alter the course of the battle, the fifth elite force of the Great Tang finally stepped onto the stage.

Bang! As the twin scimitars of a Fearless Army soldier wreaked havoc through the battlefield, a black sword bearing the fierce image of a white tiger slashed down like a blazing flame.


Both scimitars immediately swept up to block this heavy strike. Not only that, the Fearless Army soldier wielding these two scimitars waved both arms and exerted tremendous strength to jolt this Roaring Tiger Army soldier back.

Similar scenes occurred all across the battlefield as the more than four thousand Roaring Tiger Army soldiers were thrown back by the Fearless Army.

Gao Xianzhi shot another glance at Wang Chong, his eyebrows rising, but he remained silent. Wang Chong had said that the Roaring Tiger Army could stop the Fearless Army, but it now appeared that the Roaring Tiger Army was at about the same level of strength as the Divine Martial Army and Iron Wall Army. It was simply incapable of overcoming the higher-level Fearless Army.

“Wang Chong, should we… send in another army?” Gao Xianzhi hesitantly asked.

“That’s not necessary. Believe in them,” Wang Chong said lightly.

As if in response to Wang Chong’s words, the Roaring Tiger Army soldiers once more lunged forward and began the second round. But the results of this clash were completely different.

As the four thousand soldiers of the Fearless Army gripped their scimitars and went to meet them, a cracking and groaning began to rise from the bodies of the Roaring Tiger Army soldiers. As others looked on in disbelief, the bones of the Roaring Tiger Army groaned, their energy swelled, and even their bodies grew larger.


A heavy black sword once more slashed at the two scimitars. The same technique and same attack resulted in a completely different result. Bang! The scimitars blocked the black sword, but the tremendous power within the sword had the Fearless Army staggering backward several steps.


In the distance, Aybak’s eyes went wide in shock. No one understood the power of the Fearless Army more than he did. He had once personally witnessed the four thousand soldiers of the Fearless Army use their dual scimitars in the capital of the Sassanid Dynasty, carpeting the grounds of that city with the strongest soldiers of that ancient empire and drenching the streets in their blood. The last bits of courage in them had been utterly annihilated.

The strongest warriors of the Sassanid Dynasty had been filled with despair.

Aybak had never seen any force in the world that was able to drive back the soldiers of Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army.

But now, everyone had seen Abu Muslim’s strongest soldiers being sent staggering back by these infidel warriors. A second ago, the Fearless Army soldiers had been wreaking havoc through the battlefield, suppressing the strongest soldiers of the enemy army, but in the blink of an eye, they were now being pushed back.

They still didn’t even know what had happened.

How had those soldiers wielding black swords been no match a second ago and then so powerful in the next moment!

Abu Muslim said nothing, but his complexion was extremely gloomy. He had already sent the two strongest forces under his command, the Ironblood Army and the Fearless Army. He had no more elite soldiers to dispatch.



No one was happier than Gao Xianzhi at this moment. After overcoming his initial shock, he immediately understood what was going on.

“Prefectural Duke of Nanyang, you truly are a deep schemer. Gao Xianzhi truly admires this clumsy act of yours!”

The Prefectural Duke of Nanyang was a noble title that the Sage Emperor had bestowed upon Andong Protector-General Zhang Shougui. Gao Xianzhi had never interacted with the Andong Protector-General before, as the two were on opposite ends of the empire. In addition, both of them were border commanders who needed to preside over their garrisons, making a meeting even more difficult.

In the court, Gao Xianzhi had once heard that this influential figure of the Great Tang, the number two figure of the military who was only second to Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian Wang Zhongsi, was an extremely shrewd and farsighted man. Gao Xianzhi had never understood what it was about, but now, he finally understood.

In this clumsy act, though perhaps it was done to protect himself, he had placed a seal on each soldier of the Roaring Tiger Army that restricted their cultivation. At a glance, the Roaring Tiger Army appeared on par with the Divine Martial Army and Dragon Stallion Army.

But once they encountered danger or an opponent that was hard to overcome, such as Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army, the soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army could unlock the seals on their own and reveal their powerful cultivation.

This was the elite force trained by Zhang Shougui. It wasn’t just on par with Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army, but even a little stronger.


The heavy black swords hacked and slashed with astonishing speed at Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army. Explosions rang through the air as the bright Arabian scimitars were wholly suppressed by the black swords of the Roaring Tiger Army.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1079 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (V)
C1079 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (V)
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Chapter 1079: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (V)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Bangbangbang! The Fearless Army soldiers, unable to block the heavy yet nimble strikes of the Roaring Tiger Army, were forced back and back. In the end, they had only the strength to block and not counter. Once, twice, thrice… the Fearless Army soldiers waved their scimitars in a flurry of attacks like wolves assailing the Roaring Tiger Army.

But this time, they realized that their opponents had seemingly transformed into completely different beings.


The two scimitars glimmered with dangerously cold light as they attacked from above and below, back and front, left and right. But no matter the angle they attacked from, the heavy sword would come down with its enormous weight and block every single attack.

These heavy swords were stronger, faster, and more ferocious. It simply wasn’t possible for these Fearless Army soldiers to block them.

The Fearless Army soldiers swiftly began to grimace.

The Arab cavalry also became ghastly pale at this sight.

The Roaring Tiger Army’s attack had only one distinct trait: frenzied, ever more frenzied. The extreme speed of their attacks completely suppressed Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army.

Abu Muslim was known as the Governor of Iron and Blood, the strongest commander in the history of the Arabian east. But Zhang Shougui was one of those who competed for the position of Great Tang War God, a person second only to Wang Zhongsi. Moreover, he had even once had an opportunity to leverage his military achievements to attain the position of Great Tang Prime Minister.

Although Zhang Shougui was not personally at Talas, there was no doubt that in this contest with Abu Muslim, Zhang Shougui firmly stood above him.

“The Prefectural Duke of Nanyang is truly a legend of the army. Qianli is bursting with admiration.”

As he watched the rapid suppression of the fierce twin-sabered Fearless Army by the Roaring Tiger Army, Cheng Qianli couldn’t help but sigh in heartfelt admiration.

But the distant Abu Muslim and the other Arab commanders all wore gloomy grimaces.

For this Battle of Talas, the Arabs had already invested four powerful armies, more than twenty thousand men, but they had failed to break through the defenses of their enemy. On the contrary, they were the ones being suppressed. Such a thing had never happened before.

All of them turned solemn. As the elite forces of Arabia, whether it was the Ironblood Army or the Blood Beast Army, they all had their own dazzling histories and had rarely suffered defeat. Each army had its own reason to be proud. There was no question that Arabia had encountered a truly formidable opponent this time.

At this moment, an icy voice devoid of emotion spoke.

“Pass on my order! Deploy the Death Army!”


Four individuals raised their heads in shock toward the imposing and divine golden figure. But Qutaybah remained motionless. All of them could only see the dazzling profile of his face enclosed within his golden helmet. No one could see the look on his face.

The Death Army!

This was the second strongest army under Qutaybah’s command, above the Blood Beast Army. Abu Muslim’s army was the Fearless that did not fear death, but Qutaybah’s army was the true ‘Death’. It was rumored that for the sake of training this army, Qutaybah had designed a hellish training regimen.

Each battle, he would dispatch a group of around one hundred men to charge into the enemy ranks. When there were only two or three people left in this group, Qutaybah would mobilize his army to save them. If more than one person survived, Qutaybah would have them fight amongst each other until only one survived.

Qutaybah claimed that only a person like this had the strongest will to live, a steely resolve that did not fear death, and the strongest martial arts and talent. This was the kind of person he needed the most.

But even so, this was only the first stage of many in Qutaybah’s training regimen. The forging and tempering that came afterward was far crueler. By the time a soldier had become a proper Death soldier, they would have already relinquished all human emotion, leaving behind a steely resolve, tenacious fighting power, powerful martial arts, and a desire to carry out orders and crush the enemy!

Qutaybah’s method was so harsh and caused so much loss of life that it had always been the target of much criticism and censure.

But later on, Qutaybah altered his policy so that he also recruited the strongest and bravest warriors from other regions and empires into his Death Army. Even though the losses continued to be astonishing, since a significant portion were the warriors of conquered empires, Qutaybah had gradually managed to obtain the tacit consent of the Caliph.

This was the only elite army under Qutaybah’s command that had more than half its ranks manned by non-Arabs!

From the moment the Death Army was established, it had always maintained an astonishing casualty rate. But through Qutaybah’s all-encompassing policy, the Death Army had always maintained a rather high number of soldiers and was very frequently replenished with new blood.

As the second most powerful army under Qutaybah’s command, the Death Army also possessed incredible fighting power.

Qutaybah had his Crimson Moon Vanguard to take the lead, and following that was the Blood Beast Army. If there was an opponent that not even the Blood Beast Army could overcome, or if Qutaybah determined that his opponent was stronger than the Blood Beast Army, he would send in the Death Army. In the battles in the northern Arabian war zone, the Death Army numbering ten thousand men was recorded to have defeated an elite enemy army of two hundred thousand while suffering very few losses.

In that battle, countless heavy cavalry of Tarsus had fallen to the ground and become the foundation for the Death Army’s invincible reputation.


As Qutaybah’s voice rang through the air, the earth began to rumble and a gale howled out from the rear of the army, causing the four massive war banners to snap in the wind. At almost the same moment, a thick killing intent soared into the air along with a metallic clattering.


The Arab soldiers rushed to the left and right as a black-armored army, its soldiers equipped with long spears and scimitars at their waists, marched out in an orderly fashion. Black mist seethed on their bodies, tinged with the aura of death.

But the most striking things about them were their faces.

All the Death Army soldiers had their features obscured behind masks of black and silver rendered into the faces of demons from hell. The nearly ten thousand soldiers of the Death Army marched forward, the masks on their faces perfectly fusing with the somber and gloomy aura of death around them.

“Get out of the way! Out of the way!”

“It’s the Death Army!”

There was chaos in the Arab army as the stalwart Arab cavalry fled in stark fear, getting out of the way of the emotionless Death Army as if it was the bearer of a plague.

Not a single soldier dared to get within a hundred feet of the Death Army. It was like an invisible wall had formed around them.

The Death Army!

This was one of Qutaybah’s legendary armies of the north. Even soldiers from Khorasan, Samarkand, and Cairo had heard its name. These soldiers had been forged from mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They were death incarnate. The other soldiers had witnessed the ten thousand men of the Death Army spend all of the previous night standing like sculptures, neither resting nor moving.

There was a rumor amongst the soldiers that the Death Army didn’t even need to sleep or that they stood while sleeping. They had nurtured an instinct to kill. Anyone who approached, even an ant, would cause them to wake up. Thus, the Death Army soldiers even maintained a strict distance around each other.

This oddity meant that while the Arab army had been stationed in this place, a very large area around the Death Army had been left vacant. Even though all of them were Arab soldiers, they all regarded the Death Army with dread.

Hrooom! The black war banner of the skeletal god of death was held aloft over the seething mist of the Death Army as this army continued its heaven-shaking advance.


“Milord, the Arabs are moving!”

Behind the first defense line, the mounted Xu Keyi stood next to Wang Chong, his eyes extremely grave. Besides the battles between the elite soldiers, the Great Tang had also been keeping a constant watch on the Arab rear.

The Death Army had only just moved out, but the Great Tang had already noticed its movements.

According to the report from the Khorasani, the Arabs had gathered two-fifths of the empire’s military strength, meaning that they had also gathered numerous elite forces. Arabia had a different system from the Great Tang’s. They divided their borders into four large war zones: East, South, West, and North. These large war zones were further divided into smaller war zones.

Qutaybah and Abu Muslim were undoubtedly the commanders of two major war zones, so they commanded immense armies. These armies together with the armies of an elite commander like Osman meant that the Arabs had many top-class soldiers ready to deploy.

“Xu Keyi, how many soldiers do we have right now?” Wang Chong said.

“We still have the four thousand Dragon Stallion Army soldiers of the Beiting Protectorate as well as the two thousand Ultimate Martial Army soldiers from the Duke of E! In addition, the Mo Saber Unit and the Wushang Cavalry have still not been deployed!” Xu Keyi sternly said.

This battle was far more intense than had been imagined. This was only the first day of battle, but the Great Tang had already committed more than seventy percent of its elite forces. The Arabs had committed about the same percentage.

Wang Chong slightly creased his brow.

In comparison to yesterday’s battle, both sides had now received all the reinforcements they would be receiving, and the level of this war was also on a far higher level. This time, the Great Generals had remained in the background. Qutaybah was still observing from the rear on the Arab side while on the Great Tang side, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief had yet to move.

Both sides were probing each other’s strength!

They were both waiting until the forces of the other side began to collapse or show some weakness. This was a battle of resolve and strength!

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1080 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VI)
C1080 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VI)
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Chapter 1080: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VI)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Have the Dragon Stallion Army get ready. In addition, inform the Ultimate Martial Army to be ready to enter the battle at any moment!” Wang Chong suddenly said.

“Yes! Your subordinate will go!”

Xu Keyi immediately turned his horse around and galloped off.

Seconds ticked by as everyone continued to wait.

The skeletal god of death on its black banner was getting closer and closer, held high from out of a cloud of churning dust. In the howling wind, Wang Chong quietly sat upon his White-hoofed Shadow, his expression composed and maintaining a state of absolute calm.

The sounds of fighting continued unabated, with people dying at every second.

The battle had entered a state of eerie calm, but this calm could be shattered at any moment and bring on an even more intense melee. The Great Tang could not lose here and the Arabia also could not accept a defeat. This battle was vital to the morale of both sides and to their future battles.

The massive war banner of the Great Tang snapped in the wind, and beneath this banner, Wang Chong slowly surveyed the battlefield.

On the left flank, the Xuanwu Army was still fighting with the Beheader Army. The two sides had similar numbers and similar strength, making an outcome nigh impossible in the short term. Far on the other side, the intervention of the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Iron Wall Army, and Roaring Tiger Army had brought to a halt those more than one thousand silver siege weapons that were threatening the Tang defense line.

Nearly twenty thousand of the Great Tang’s finest soldiers were gathered in this area. Any Arab cavalry that dared to approach this region would only face death.

Elsewhere, the five thousand ballistae were completely suppressing the Arab Earth Shield Army. In every moment, an Arab Earth Shield soldier would be shot down by the concentrated fire of ballistae, his shield exploding into smithereens. The intense fire of the ballista army made it impossible for the Arab cavalry to approach the steel defense line through this method.

On the right flank, Chen Bin was commanding his one thousand Tang ballistae in constant attack.


Chen Bin’s Wootz Steel sword was constantly swinging down, each volley sending countless bolts shooting toward the Arab cavalry, toppling countless Arabian warhorses amid clouds of dust and plaintive neighs.

Farther along the defense line, countless Arab cavalry were charging forward.


With shrill whistles, the numerous beehives stationed on the steel walls fired hundreds of thousands of short arrows, so many that they blotted out the sun. Each Arab horseman was fired upon by sixty to seventy arrows. Blood gushed out from them as these elite horsemen fell to the ground as pincushions.

For the time being, it would be difficult to determine the outcome between the elite armies of Arabia and the Great Tang. But Wang Chong had to consider the reality of the vast sea of Arab cavalry.

“Li Siye, Xi Yuanqing, Gangke King, pass on my order. Prepare to lead the Mo Saber Unit into battle!” Wang Chong said without turning his head.


Li Siye, Xi Yuanqing, and the Gangke King confirmed their orders and left.

Li Siye was originally the commander of the Wushang Cavalry, but ever since Cui Piaoqi had arrived with the second group of Wushang Cavalry, Wang Chong had merged the two forces and had Cui Piaoqi command the combined force. One of the strongest war generals serving Wang Chong in the apocalyptic era had finally returned to his service.

As for Li Siye, in another time and space, he had always been the highest commander of the Mo Saber Unit. And it was only Li Siye’s fearless and loyal heart that could unite the will of the Mo Saber Unit and have it display its maximum power.

Rumble! As time slowly passed, an unnerving rumbling began to fill the air.

The ten thousand Death Army soldiers marched in orderly formation from behind the silver war machines. The earth trembled, the stones on the ground almost jumping into the air from how intensely they quivered.

Even before the Death Army had arrived on the battlefield, a somber and icy aura of death surged out and flooded the battlefield.

This aura was so thick that even the soldiers fighting could sense it.

“It’s the Death Army! Milord has dispatched them.”

The first to sense this aura were the soldiers of the Blood Beast Army, who were in the middle of fighting the Divine Martial Army. This was not their first time fighting alongside the Death Army.

This powerful army surpassed the top-class armies of the enemy side and was enough to break this present stalemate.


At almost the same time, the crisp cry of swords being unsheathed could be heard from behind the steel defense line.

Rumble! The four thousand soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army surged out from one of the gaps in the steel defense line.

The Dragon Stallion Army!

This was the strongest force under Beiting Protector-General An Sishun’s command. This force had allowed An Sishun to reverse the tides of battle time and time again, preventing the soldiers of the Eastern and Western Turks from invading the south.

The Dragon Stallion Army was made up of soldiers that An Sishun had carefully selected from amongst his troops. Each of these soldiers had a prodigious strength—An Sishun’s minimum requirement for them was that each one could use a sword to cleave in two an elite horseman charging at full speed and emerge unharmed.

This strict requirement meant that An Sishun’s Dragon Stallion Army didn’t even have one hundred people when it was first established. In the process of bolstering its ranks, An Sishun altered his plans to develop a comprehensive training regimen. As a result, the ranks of the Dragon Stallion Army slowly expanded.

Moreover, the position of the Beiting Protectorate meant that An Sishun could deal with the Western and Turkic Khaganates at the same time, even Ü-Tsang at times. The high frequency of battles proved to be an enormous advantage in training his soldiers.

The Dragon Stallion Army was able to benefit from this unique position such that in certain aspects, the tempering of war had made it even more skilled and refined than the elite armies of other protectorates.


On the other end, the ten thousand Death Army soldiers with their demonic masks of black and silver swiftly advanced to the front line.

Boomboomboom! The four thousand Dragon Stallion Army soldiers swiftly began to do battle with the Death Army soldiers.

Clang! A Dragon Stallion soldier raised his head, strode forward, and slashed at a Death Army soldier, but in a flash of light, this thunderous blow was blocked by a long spear.

At the same time, the left arm of this Death Army soldier trembled and his scimitar swept across the left shoulder of that Dragon Stallion soldier. Splush! The armor was cut open and a stream of blood shot into the air.


Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and all the other Tang commanders stared in shock.

The strength of the Dragon Stallion Army could not be doubted. After all, this was a force that An Sishun had relied on to pacify the border. But in this one-on-one match, a Dragon Stallion soldier had already been wounded by a soldier of the Arab Death Army. This was almost unimaginable.

“Wang Chong, this army is different from any other. Each of them is trained in at least two weapons, and both weapons have been trained to a proficient level where their arms can wield them separately. The four thousand soldiers of the Dragon Stallion Army won’t be able to stop them alone,” Gao Xianzhi said, his brow fraught with worry.

The further along they went in the Arab army, the more elite the soldiers became. There was no question that the Arabs had sent one of their strongest armies. In the current situation, the Great Tang side would find it very difficult to stop this force.

“Lord Protector-General, there’s no need to worry. This battle has only just begun!” Wang Chong indifferently said, his face devoid of emotion. “Pass on my order! Deploy the Ultimate Martial Army!”

“Yes, Milord!”

A messenger behind Wang Chong galloped away.

In a clattering of armor, a storm of energy rapidly began to march onto the battlefield.

The two thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army marched forward according to a unique tempo, their heads held high and their armor shining.

As they watched the Ultimate Martial Army depart, the commanders behind the steel defense line all showed a sliver of concern.

The Death Army was too large. The four thousand Dragon Stallion soldiers and two thousand Ultimate Martial Army soldiers would find it very hard to stop so many soldiers. Even if the Ultimate Martial Army was extremely powerful, it wouldn’t be able to overcome the gap of four thousand men.

Cheng Qianli turned to Gao Xianzhi and uneasily said, “Milord, what do we do? Should we send another army? Perhaps the Mo Saber Unit!”

This was a decisive clash between the most elite forces of both sides. Defeat would deal a massive blow to the morale of the entire army.

Gao Xianzhi shook his head.

“Wang Chong is the commander of this battle. Since we’ve passed authority to him, believe in him. If more soldiers are needed or if we need to enter the fray, he will definitely say so.”

Gao Xianzhi was no less worried than Cheng Qianli, but as an Imperial Great General, he needed to be more composed than his subordinates.

Everyone had already witnessed Wang Chong’s abilities, and there was no doubt about them. Gao Xianzhi was confident that Wang Chong would always make the right decision and judgment at the right moment.

More importantly, even though there was some distance between him and Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi had been keeping a constant eye on the young commander. Wang Chong had maintained a confident and assured expression. This was someone whose plans were going smoothly, not one who was in a state of panic.

Just as they were speaking, the situation on the battlefield changed…


A cold and intimidating Sword Qi flitted through the air. A soldier of the Ultimate Martial Army gripped his sword and slashed it down at the nearest Death Army soldier, the edge of his sword suffused with a destructive energy that could cleave apart the earth.

When this Ultimate Martial Army soldier first pulled out his sword, he was still more than ten feet from his foe, but in the blink of an eye, that long and heavy sword had slashed through the air and was coming down on that Death Army soldier’s head.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1081 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VII)
C1081 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VII)
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Chapter 1081: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VII)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Stellar Energy swept through the field in a heaven-shaking explosion. In the middle of a roiling cloud of black mist, the Death Army soldier raised his scimitar and barely managed to block the Ultimate Martial Army soldier’s stunning blow.

But even so, the enormous and unstoppable force of the sword jolted him back. Bzzz! The Death Army soldier’s body trembled and his face paled.

Whether fighting one-on-one or charging en masse, the Death Army soldiers rarely encountered anyone who was a match for them. Their infamous reputation had been built upon a mountain of corpses made of their foes.

Even top-class armies like the Dragon Stallion Army and Iron Wall Army were incapable of halting their offensive, but the brightly-armored Ultimate Martial Army had managed to force them back in a single clash. This was truly an incredible strength.

They had unquestionably encountered a truly formidable opponent.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The swords of the two thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army came as fast as lightning, as heavy and unyielding as mountains.

This sight wasn’t just a surprise to Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak. Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli were rather taken aback as well.

The Ultimate Martial Army had restrained its aura as it stood in the rear, making it appear no different from the other armies.

But once it entered the field, it seemed to become a completely different army. These soldiers were as swift as the wind but had as much weight as a mountain. Each one of them was a storm in human form. All that was visible was the flickering light of their swords while the clashing of weapons rang out incessantly in everyone’s ears.

In terms of speed, strength, agility, and fighting techniques… this Ultimate Martial Army displayed a high level of proficiency. The fighting style employed by these soldiers was perhaps not the most efficient for killing a foe, but it was upright, honest, and imbued with an unstoppable momentum.

Moreover, their techniques were extremely tight and close, presenting no flaw to their foes. Even those Death Army soldiers who had grown numb from all the time they had spent killing couldn’t find any weakness. All their fierce and vicious attacks were stopped by these Ultimate Martial Army soldiers.

No matter how crafty the angle, how fierce the method, or how swift the speed, the Ultimate Martial Army soldiers would always be able to use a simple and obvious method to block these attacks, and even launch a counterattack. Qutaybah’s Death Army began to feel an enormous pressure.

“Ah!” Cries of alarm came from the dense ranks of the Arab army.

The soldiers Qutaybah had brought from the northern war zone had all witnessed the Death Army soldiers slaughtering enemy soldiers, and had also seen the gruesome trail of carcasses they had left in their wake.

They were the most efficient killing machines, avatars of the god of death.

The sight they were witnessing now gave them all an unprecedented shock.

Even the distant Qutaybah couldn’t suppress a slight twitch in his eyes.

He had seen all kinds of crafty, vicious, and fierce opponents, but he had never seen anything like the Ultimate Martial Army that used simple and honest techniques to overcome the Death Army. There were merely two thousand of these soldiers, but Qutaybah sensed that they had undergone an entirely different training regimen compared to the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, or Iron Wall Army, its own unique brand.

These two brands seemed to be of two entirely different eras!


Behind the steel defense line, the Tang soldiers exploded in cheers when they saw the two thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army display their strength. Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli also showed expressions of delight, as this Ultimate Martial Army had been far more outstanding than they had imagined.

“Alas, the Ultimate Martial Army is too small! Only two thousand people!”

At a time like this, the most apathetic person was probably Wang Chong.

He was not at all surprised by the transcendent fighting power of the Ultimate Martial Army, as they symbolized the power of another era, the supreme might of Tang Taizong’s era. That was an era of chaotic war. The Great Sui had just collapsed and all the world was seeking power. In many places, warlords had set up their own kingdoms. This was truly an era in which heroes vied for supremacy.

Although the people were in misery in that chaotic era, this era had produced the strongest and most valiant soldiers of the continent. The Ultimate Martial Army was the strength that had been passed down from that era.

Even though the Great Tang had reached an unprecedented golden age and hegemony under the Sage Emperor, its age of peak martial prowess had probably been under Emperor Taizong.

As a top-class army of that era, the Ultimate Martial Army was distinct in the forthright, open, grand, and honest nature of its style. The brands on the bodies of these soldiers symbolized the tyrannical power of that age. But as that era faded away, those elite armies that had vied for supremacy over that era faded with it.

Only the two thousand soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army remained.

But even though there were only two thousand, everyone could see their power.


Regardless of what the commanders of the two sides thought, the Ultimate Martial Army had once more altered the course of the battle. As the soldiers of the Ultimate Martial Army pulled out their swords and entered the battle, bright and imposing halos of multiple colors burst from their feet, rapidly spreading to the entire army.

Hwooo! All the Origin Energy in a radius of one hundred li suddenly began to gather in the area, flowing into the bodies of the Divine Prison Army, Divine Martial Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Iron Wall Army, and Roaring Tiger Army.

Besides that, the boost provided by these halos caused the energy in the bodies of these soldiers to come alive, their Stellar Energy to flow even faster.

The Ultimate Martial Halo!

This was the halo for which the Ultimate Martial Army was famed. The purpose of this halo was not to increase strength, but to increase the speed at which soldiers could recover Origin Energy and Stellar Energy while in battle, as well as the speed at which energy and blood flowed through the body. It also increased the body’s physical strength and endurance.

This halo allowed the army to have more explosive bursts of strength, but also endure for longer.

The situation around the one thousand stalled silver war machines underwent a clear and obvious shift. The soldiers of the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, Iron Wall Army, Dragon Stallion Army, and Roaring Tiger Army appeared to have more energetic movements, and their attacks and reactions both became faster.

With this shift, the Blood Beast Army, Ironblood Army, and Fearless Army instantly came under tremendous pressure.

Even the Death Army lost much of its advantage.

This made all the Arabs widen their eyes in shock.

After some time, Gao Xianzhi finally spoke. “Wang Chong, this still isn’t enough! We don’t have the numbers. We should consider sending in another army!”

This was a battle in which neither side was willing to give an inch, and no one had begun to retreat as of yet. But the Great Tang’s disadvantage remained as obvious as ever: it was outnumbered. As time passed, the Death Army began to swiftly exert its advantage in manpower.

As the four thousand extra men surrounded the elite forces of the Great Tang, the situation once more became tense.


A soldier of the Iron Wall Army was too slow to react and was stabbed through the right breast by a Death Army soldier. At the same time, an enormous force flung him into the air, and he crashed back down, his impact creating a large hole. Soon after, a Divine Prison Army soldier was wounded. Elsewhere, the Divine Martial Army and the Roaring Tiger Army were beginning to be pushed back.

“Wang Chong!”

Gao Xianzhi shot another glance at Wang Chong. Although his expression remained calm, the look in his eyes and tensed muscles revealed his unease.

The numbers were not equal!

The Arabs had more men, so once one corner began to collapse, the rest of the Tang army would follow like dominoes.


In the time it took Gao Xianzhi to call out Wang Chong’s name, several dozen more soldiers were heavily wounded by the Death Army. In this round, even the soldiers of the Roaring Tiger Army were wounded. The elite warriors trained by Zhang Shougui had even managed to suppress Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army, but they were also finding it difficult to hold up against the stronger and more numerous Death Army.

The howling winds blew about Wang Chong’s black hair, but his young face remained unperturbed and calm.

“There’s no need to worry! Have them continue!”

Wang Chong’s expression was firm.

The battle continued and intensified…

Swords and sabers flashed in the air as the weapons on both sides took aim at the vital points on the bodies of their foes. In this dangerous battle, both sides were displaying their best skills. The slightest lack of care would result in injury or death. And from start to finish, the Great Tang did not retreat.

The Arabs also did not dispatch any additional armies.

At this stage in the battle, almost all the elite forces of the Arab army had been deployed. There weren’t many reinforcements left to send.

In comparison to the white-hot battle, the area under the four black Arabian war banners and behind the steel defense line of Talas were both eerily quiet. The commanders on both sides maintained a silent stalemate.

The Blood Beast Army, the Divine Martial Army, the Ironblood Army, the Iron Wall Army… these armies were battling not only over Talas. They also represented a clash between Arabia and the Great Tang, a rivalry between the two strongest empires of the east and west, a contest of wills between their commanders.

“The Great Tang and Arabia! For one continent to have two such powerful empires is truly a misfortune for our Ü-Tsang!”

To the left of the four great war banners, the Eagle of the Steppe, Dusong Mangpoje couldn’t help but emotionally sigh.

These elite armies of the east and west were far too powerful, so powerful that they exceeded the realm of soldiers.

Any one of these soldiers could cleave in two a Tibetan horseman charging at full speed. These were the most powerful of warriors, but such powerful armies were an incredibly rare sight in Ü-Tsang. At the very least, in the Tibetan army present at Talas, only the Mutri Great Cavalry was capable of contending with these armies.


Dalun Ruozan’s only reply was to give a very long sigh.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1082 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VIII)
C1082 - A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VIII)
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Chapter 1082: A Battle Between Top-Class Armies (VIII)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

How could not Dalun Ruozan not understand what Dusong Mangpoje was feeling? Ü-Tsang was itself a very formidable existence of the east, but in front of supreme empires like the Great Tang and Arabia, it instantly appeared insignificant. Although Dalun Ruozan possessed superb intelligence, even he could only sigh when confronted by this discrepancy in strength between countries.

In the distance, in the howling wind, the battle was still continuing!

The entrance of the Death Army had made an enormous impact on the course of battle. In a few short moments, the Great Tang had lost several hundred of its best soldiers. The Divine Prison Army, the Divine Martial Army, the Dragon Stallion Army, and the Roaring Tiger Army had all taken casualties… but gradually, a subtle shift was taking place. Plush! In a cold flash of light, a sword around three feet long plunged through a gap in the defense of a Fearless Army soldier and thrust through his armor, stabbing right through his heart.

Without even a grunt, the Fearless Army soldier dropped to the ground as a corpse.

Elsewhere, a Blood Beast Army soldier fighting a Divine Prison Army soldier was suddenly stabbed through the neck and his body was instantly pockmarked by Sword Qi. After trembling for a few moments, he dropped to the ground, his eyes wide open. Thudthudthud! One after another… For the first time in this battle, the Arabs had a higher casualty rate than the Great Tang.

Although the number of people killed still wasn’t that obvious, the trend had already emerged and was increasing. There was no questioning this.

“Pass on my order! Concentrate the army; close the ranks! Have the Ultimate Martial Army serve as the core while the other armies surround it!” Wang Chong coldly ordered as he stared ahead.


A signal banner waved through the air, quickly passing on this order. The Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Roaring Tiger Army… the five armies immediately adjusted their formation into a dense circular defensive formation. Their soldiers were no longer fighting one versus one or one versus two.

As the twenty thousand elite soldiers closed ranks, the Death Army found the area available for them to attack decreasing. The change in formation had minimized the impact of their numbers.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Sharp swords flashed through the air like lightning bolts, instantly piercing through the bodies of the Death Army soldiers. Scarlet tips emerged from their backs, the edges of the swords dripping blood, and these soldiers of prodigious strength began to fall.

Thudthudthud! The soldiers of the Blood Beast Army also began to topple. The power of the Ultimate Martial Army’s halo began to rapidly show its effect as the Arab losses began to rapidly climb. Although there was a gap of four thousand men, the Great Tang forces were able to stabilize the situation through their defensive formation and their teamwork.

This sight caused a ripple of emotion to appear in Gao Xianzhi’s eyes.

“The hard is easy to break! The strength, Stellar Energy, and fighting power of the Arabs clearly can’t keep up!”

Cheng Qianli also began to realize what was going on. He gave an admiring glance at the composed Wang Chong.

The Divine Martial Army, Ultimate Martial Army, Roaring Tiger Army, and the Arab Death Army were all top-class forces of this world. When they were fighting against weaker opponents, they wouldn’t encounter many problems, but when they were fighting powerful opponents on the same level, they would consume large amounts of both physical strength and Stellar Energy.

But the Great Tang had the power of the Ultimate Martial Halo. Its armies could recover their physical and Stellar Energy far faster than the Death Army and the other Arab armies. As time passed, this advantage would grow more obvious.

There was no doubt that this had been a part of Wang Chong’s plan.

The battle was still continuing and the number of dead on both sides was continuing to climb.

“Pass on my order! Deploy the Mo Saber Unit!”

Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he suddenly gave the order.

The Ultimate Martial Army’s halo was proving effective, but the army was still suffering under enormous pressure elsewhere. The tens of thousands of Arab soldiers were crashing against the Tang defense line in endless waves.

The Arab advantage in numbers was still a hole they could not cross. There were even many places where the Arab cavalry had managed to break through the defense line and charge into the Tang ranks.

“This subordinate will deliver this order!”

A messenger turned and left to deliver the order.

The Mo Saber Unit was not to be recklessly deployed, but Wang Chong was forced by the situation to use them early. There were times when routs could happen almost instantly. If one could not notice them ahead of time and stop them in a timely manner, a local rout might turn into a wholesale defeat.

But once the Mo Saber Unit entered the battlefield, Wang Chong wouldn’t have many cards left available to him.


Cold light glimmered under the overcast sky as the soldiers of the Mo Saber Unit raised up their nearly eight-foot Mo Sabers and marched forward. The gleaming of their weapons instantly drew the attention of everyone present.

Rumble! The ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers advanced like an unstoppable torrent, causing the entire battlefield to quake. Even before the Mo Saber Unit had marched past the defense line, their imposing and majestic aura had already caused the enemy warhorses to neigh in fright.

“Haha, it’s about time. Faisal, let’s move out!”

Under the black war banners, Aybak turned away from the battlefield and toward his subordinate.

“Qutaybah and Abu Muslim have deployed all their soldiers, so it’s time for our Mamelukes to go in. Let’s give those infidels a taste of our power!”

Both sides in this battle had committed nearly all their soldiers to the battlefield, but the finest force of cavalry in Arabia, as well as to the west of the Cong Mountains, had still not entered the field. But now that the situation had changed, the Mamelukes would finally have to step onto the stage of Talas for the first time.


Behind the black crescent moon war banner, a pitch-black warhorse snorted and stomped a hoof down. Boom! At this moment, an icy power, heavy and red, shot out from under this horse’s hoof.

The aura of the entire Arab army changed with it.


This heavy energy that seemed to come from another world swept through the battlefield like a storm. The temperature instantly plunged, and at the same, everyone heard an inhuman shriek, like the howling of departed spirits.


This heart-rending noise did not resound through the real world, but in everyone’s souls.

Everyone immediately paled. Even Dalun Ruozan, Huoshu Huicang, Dusong Mangpoje, and the nearby Duwu Sili couldn’t help but turn to look at that force of pitch-black soldiers, seething with killing intent. These soldiers seemed like they had ridden out of the abyss.

Neeeigh! The highland steeds seemed to sense something and began to back up.


Huoba Sangye was infuriated at this sight.

“What are all of you doing? Restrain the warhorses!”

This time, it was actually the Mutri Great Cavalry that was drawing back. The riders were all pulling on their reins to restrain the horses, but their efforts were in vain. These highland steeds which had been strictly trained and had experienced many battles seemed to be overcome by fear.


The Mutri Great Cavalry was not the only force affected. On the other end, the Celestial Wolf Cavalry also began to back up, and even Duwu Sili was jumping around as he cursed and bellowed, though his efforts were similarly useless.


There was a metallic clattering as the ten thousand Mamelukes rapidly appeared before everyone’s eyes. The halos under their feet were black embedded with gold, and spewed forth a black mist suffused with the stench of death. But these icy halos were also suffused with a power that made every Mameluke seem dignified and majestic beyond compare.

Darkness, decay, death, majesty, divinity… these completely opposite energies were all gathered on this army.


Above the Mamelukes, space twisted, forming a majestic and masked figure in the air. This mask was made of pure gold and embedded with all sorts of jewels, agate, and jade. But its most striking feature was that terrifying cobra on the forehead of the mask. Its icy eyes seemed to look down upon the world like a god, piercing through time and space to judge all living beings.

And behind this figure was a massive four-sided golden building looming into the air. This was a pyramid!

The Pharaoh Halo!

This was that most powerful halo that Aybak had obtained from the High Priest.

Countless ancient and powerful civilizations had once existed to the west of the Cong Mountains, and the civilization of Pharaohs1 was one of them. This was a powerful empire that worshiped the god of the underworld and the god of the sun. The rulers of this civilization were known as Pharaohs, and were believed to be avatars of the gods, so powerful that they could communicate with the world of the dead and the god of the underworld.

This was the origin of Aybak’s Pharaoh Halo.


The dense ranks of the Mamelukes slowly trotted to the sides, allowing Deputy Commander Faisal to slowly emerge. Faisal slowly raised his head and swept his gaze over the Mamelukes, a savage and cold smile appearing in his eyes.

All of them were equipped with armor and weapons forged from Meteoric Stars, and with the brand-new Pharaoh Halo, the Mamelukes were stronger now than they had been at any time in the past. Whether it was the Sassanid Aswaran Cataphracts or the eastern Wushang Cavalry, all of them were bound to be no match.

These were foes of unprecedented valor, but in the end, their corpses would be used to forge the invincible legend of the Mamelukes.


1. The Pharaohs were the rulers of ancient Egypt. They were considered to be manifestations of Ra, the Sun God, and in death, they were associated with Osiris, the god of the underworld. The mask as described above refers to the death masks worn by the Pharaohs after they died and their mummified bodies were entombed, with the most well-known being the Mask of Tutankhamun. The upright cobra featured on these masks is known as the Uraeus and is a symbol of the serpent goddess Wadjet.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1083 - The Mamelukes!
C1083 - The Mamelukes!
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Chapter 1083: The Mamelukes!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Faisal slowly drew the scimitar from his back and held it high over his head.

“Move out!”

Boom! Faisal swung his scimitar down and charged forward. Behind him, the ten thousand Mamelukes who lived to fight and kill roared and charged forward in a mighty wave.



The Great Tang commanders were on constant guard, and so the moment the Mamelukes began to move, Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, and Cheng Qianli immediately sensed something and turned to look.

“Milord, the Mamelukes have moved out!” Xue Qianjun said.

The Sassanid emissary from Khorasan had given the Great Tang a great deal of information. Thus, even though the Mamelukes were appearing in Talas for the first time, almost all the elite commanders of the Great Tang were able to recognize them at a glance.

“Banahan, I’ll have to trouble you to move out,” Wang Chong suddenly said.

“Haha, I’ve also heard much about the Mamelukes of Arabia. To exchange blows with them at Talas can be considered fulfilling one of my dreams.”

Banahan faintly smiled and rode off.

The greatest weakness of the Wushang Cavalry was that it lacked a Brigadier General commander. This was because Wang Chong had spent too little time in the military and did not have this kind of individual under his command. Thus, selecting an appropriate Brigadier General commander for the Wushang Cavalry was a decision that Wang Chong had needed a very long time to make.

Banahan was very powerful, a famed general of the Western Regions. More importantly, Wang Chong had helped Banahan by fulfilling this Ferghanan Chief’s long-cherished wish of upgrading the Great Fire Crow Art to its highest level.

This was also the reason Wang Chong had chosen him.


In the rear of the Tang army, a warhorse snorted and stomped the ground, its mane fluttering in the wind. Banahan and Cui Piaoqi stood side by side, while behind them were the ten thousand Wushang Cavalry. Tempered by war, this force of cavalry had grown even stronger. The clashes with the Mutri Great Cavalry and Celestial Wolf Cavalry in particular had honed the skills of these soldiers and endowed them with an aura which seemed to hold the entire world in disdain.

There was no one in the world that the Wushang Cavalry could not defeat.

“Everyone, hear my order! Move out!”

Cui Piaoqi had a somber expression as he pulled out his sharp Wootz Steel sword, which coldly glimmered beneath the overcast sky. Rumble! The ten thousand Wushang Cavalry took up formation and charged out from the rear with a thunderous momentum.

Neeeigh! As the cries of the horses rang through the air, time seemed to stop. In this moment frozen in time, a black warhorse completely covered in armor shot through the gap in the steel defense line, its mane blowing in the wind while its pitch-black eyes reflected the dense ranks of the Arab cavalry and the countless scimitars in their hands.


The warhorse collided with one of the Arab horsemen beyond the defense line, sending both the rider and horse flying. At the same time, an inky-black war halo exploded from beneath the hooves of the horse. In a flash of light, the sharp edges of this massive war halo cut two approaching Arab horsemen asunder.


As this warhorse landed on the ground, time regained its normal flow. Ten thousand Wushang Cavalry surged into the Arab cavalry like a horde of beasts, a torrent of water.


Shrill screams resounded through the battlefield as the Wushang Cavalry charged through all opposition in their way, knocking down the Arab cavalry like dominoes. Four thousand, six thousand, eight thousand… the Arab losses were climbing with dizzying speed.

Not since it had been established had the Wushang Cavalry ever reached the scale of ten thousand men, and now that it had, it underwent a quintessential transformation. The ten-thousand-strong Wushang Cavalry possessed completely different levels of momentum, offense, and ferocity.

“Out of the way! Out of the way! It’s that force of Great Tang cavalry!”

“Run! We’re no match for them!”

“Have the Mamelukes deal with them!”

The Arab cavalry outside the defense line were in complete disorder, with the forces under Abu Muslim especially already beginning to flee.

All the soldiers under Abu Muslim had already experienced the horror of the Wushang Cavalry, with many of their fellow soldiers having died to the swords of these cavalry. In terms of lethality, the Wushang Cavalry were tantamount to a moving group of Great Tang ballistae.

Rumble! The ten thousand Wushang Cavalry kicked up a cloud of dust as they charged at the Mamelukes, throwing the surrounding Arab soldiers into chaos in the meantime.

“Huoba Sangye, you should move out as well! We can’t miss out on this feast!” Dalun Ruozan suddenly said.

A few moments later, the earth rumbled and clouds of dust billowed as the six thousand Mutri Great Cavalry transformed into a blazing torrent and followed behind the Mamelukes.

“Shamask, Chekun Benba, go as well!”

Not far from the Tibetans, Duwu Sili gave a similar order, his eyes flashing.

Of the three parties in this alliance, the Arabs had already committed nearly ninety percent of their soldiers, and even the Tibetans had dispatched their men. Duwu Sili naturally couldn’t open himself up to criticism by doing nothing.

A few moments later, there was yet another massive rumbling as the five thousand Celestial Wolf Cavalry charged out.

The tension of the battlefield once more increased. Ten thousand Wushang Cavalry, ten thousand Mamelukes, six thousand Mutri Great Cavalry, and five thousand Celestial Wolf Cavalry… This was a battle between some of the finest forces of cavalry in the world, and it instantly became the focus of everyone’s attention.


As the armies approached, the quaking of the earth intensified and the air practically groaned with tension.

Cui Piaoqi, it’s time for you to show your abilities! Wang Chong thought as he gazed at that heroic figure.

All of the officers at Wang Chong’s side had served him for a very long time, with a significant number having served with him in the war of the southwest, experiencing that cruel and bloody battlefield. It was precisely because of their shared experiences that Wang Chong deeply understood them and was confident in giving them command over soldiers.

A case like Cui Piaoqi’s, where someone who Wang Chong had no relationship with whatsoever was given command over his most elite Wushang Cavalry, was simply unheard of. But even though Cui Piaoqi had no astonishing achievements on the battlefield, Wang Chong trusted him the same as he would Li Siye or Xu Keyi.

Cui Piaoqi was different from the other people at Wang Chong’s side. When they had first met at Wushang Village, Cui Piaoqi had already been very strong, but this was not the reason Wang Chong had selected him. The most important reason was that Cui Piaoqi was born to be a most outstanding and most valiant commander.

His ability to observe and learn was on a level that most people would find difficult to imagine. In his last life, Cui Piaoqi had been the strongest war general under Wang Chong’s command. He was completely capable of commanding an army and holding his own, and his abilities were only a little less than Wang Chong’s.

“Second Brother, I hope you did as I said and gave those things to him,” Wang Chong muttered to himself as thought back to that scene from more than two months ago…

“Little Brother, what is this?”

In the Qixi Protectorate headquarters, Wang Bei looked doubtfully at the thick stack of papers Wang Chong had given him.

“Second Brother, keep these things for me. In a little while, someone will come here, and I need you to give these things to him. If there’s something he doesn’t understand, I hope that you will be able to give him a detailed explanation,” Wang Chong earnestly said.

Wang Bei was still confused, but in the end, he nodded.


Cui Piaoqi’s talent for war and comprehension ability were only second to his own. Wang Chong had originally intended to keep him out of this war, but if the nest were overturned, would any egg survive? If he really did need reinforcements for this Battle of Talas, Cui Piaoqi would be the best man for the job.


The supreme forces of the east and west drew closer and closer together, their auras intensifying. Roooar! A grim and solemn aura appeared around the ten thousand Mamelukes, and as their halos began to oscillate at higher frequencies, the light over their heads began to darken.

A shroud seemed to descend over the Mamelukes, placing them in another world.

The terrifying roars from within the shroud grew louder and louder. These were the cries from the world of the dead.

At this moment, the Mamelukes seemed to connect the worlds of the living and the dead. The energy of an ancient civilization from several thousand years ago was surging into this terrifying and bloodthirsty army. As the ten thousand Mamelukes built up speed, it seemed like nothing could ever stop them. Whether living or dead, they would all be cast into that horrific world of death!

Two thousand feet, one thousand feet, five hundred feet…

The distance was closing!

Faisal’s eyes glowed with a sinister light while a bloodthirsty smile floated on his lips. At this distance, he could already clearly make out every soldier of the Wushang Cavalry. Their aura, equipment, strength, halo, and that valiant will… They truly surpassed any kind of soldier he had ever fought before.

Faisal had no doubt that this dauntless force of cavalry charging at full speed would be capable of even pulverizing a mountain.

But the more this is the case, the more worth killing they are! Faisal gleefully thought to himself.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1084 - The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (I)
C1084 - The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (I)
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Chapter 1084: The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (I)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

Only defeating the strong was a feat worthy of honor and glory!

Although the Mamelukes had accepted the decree of the Caliph and mobilized to Khorasan to suppress a peasant revolt, they had taken no interest in it. However, the decree of the sovereign could not be defied. Of course, the greatest hope of Faisal and the Mamelukes was that they would be able to find the remnants of the Sassanid Dynasty’s Aswaran Cataphracts. In thoroughly annihilating that strongest cavalry force of the Sassanid Dynasty, they would be able to bring an end to that unfinished battle.

But now, there was an existence just as powerful as the Aswaran Cataphracts before them.

Destroying them would be just as meaningful as destroying the Aswaran Cataphracts!

“Pharaoh Halo!”

Faisal raised his scimitar to the air, and in a flash, a halo burst forth and spread to the army. The Mamelukes, which had already been charging at a very high speed, now became even faster, leaving behind blurs as they charged.


A hoof stomped down, immediately causing the hardy earth to splinter as if it had been struck by an enormous weight. Gravel and debris flew into the air, but by the time it had landed, the last Mameluke had already vanished, leaving behind only a deep hoofprint on the ground.

Two hundred feet!

At this distance, the winds stirred up by the two armies were so firm and tough as to seem like giant iron fists punching at the opposing army. Whether it was the Mamelukes or the Wushang Cavalry, they were both at an incredible risk at this distance. Neither side had any room to turn or even slightly alter their trajectory.


Both Tang and Arabs waited with bated breath, their expressions stricken with anxiety. Even Wang Chong couldn’t stop his eyes from twitching and his breathing from becoming a little hurried.

Everything had already been changed, and even the Mamelukes seemed to have undergone some minor alterations. They were even stronger than they had been in his last life, and this was not merely in terms of equipment. Even their halo had changed. As for the Wushang Cavalry, this was the first time he had ever gathered ten thousand of them.

One was the number one cavalry force of Arabia and was publicly acknowledged as the strongest pre-calamity cavalry force. The other was the number one cavalry force of the Great Tang and was publicly acknowledged as the strongest cavalry of the calamity!

These supreme cavalry forces should have never had a chance to meet, but his intervention had resulted in this decisive battle that would shake the world! Not even Wang Chong could predict just how this clash that was taking place for the first time ever would turn out.


In the distance, right as the two armies were about to collide, Cui Piaoqi’s horse suddenly stamped, releasing a powerful halo that spread to his army.


Tens of thousands of ghosts seemed to wail in unison, space twisted, and a torrent of blood surged out from the depths of space to drench the army. The ten thousand Wushang Cavalry vanished, replaced by an inconceivable sight.

They had been replaced by a world of darkness, countless bones and corpses appearing in the depths of the darkness while great streams of blood surged across the earth. In the center of this land, innumerable devils and monsters were crazily battling.

This was a world of death, a forbidden region for the soul, a butchering ground of the living. Anyone who glanced at this world would feel like they were being drawn into their worst and deepest nightmare.

“What is this?”

Faisal was startled by this sight, and all the warhorses also neighed in alarm. This was clearly a sight that none of them had ever imagined to see, but it was too late for them to do anything about it.


With a thunderous boom, the two armies crashed into each other like primordial beasts. So great was this impact that all the other sounds on the battlefield were drowned out. Not even the sounds produced by this battle of two mighty empires were capable of comparing to the collision of the Mamelukes and the Wushang Cavalry.

Bzzzz! Time seemed to slow down to a crawl. A pitch-black halo that seemed to rise from the depths of the underworld swept out from a Wushang Cavalry’s hooves across the ground, knocking away dust and rock. On the other side, the Pharaoh Halo emerging from the hooves of a red-eyed Mameluke collided against it.

Boom! The collision of these two halos unleashed a metallic clatter as both halos exploded into smithereens. To spectators, the shards of these halos didn’t seem to be made of Stellar Energy, but of actual metal. Hwoooo! As the two halos simultaneously neutralized each other, both the Wushang horseman and the Mameluke displayed no hesitation and heedlessly charged at their counterpart.

One had a gaze as sharp and cold as a saber while the other had bloodshot eyes brimming with a desire to kill and slaughter. As these gazes met, neither showed any sign of backing down.


Not even a second passed before the fully-armored warhorses burst through the fierce winds and collided into each other like two mountains. Kacrack! With a bang, both warhorses had innumerable bones pulverized into powder, and gouts of blood exploded outward from the point of impact.

And at the exact moment these warhorses collided…


Furious bellows shook the heavens. The cruel-faced Mameluke stabbed his scimitar with astonishing speed at the Wushang horseman, his actions clean and simple without the slightest bit of wasted movement. Moreover, his strike was both incredibly swift and incredibly lethal, with the goal of killing his opponent as quickly as possible.

In terms of attack speed, even soldiers like those of the Divine Martial Army and Dragon Stallion Army were a little slower.


This single saber had such enormous weight behind it that the warhorse beneath the Wushang Cavalry was immediately cleaved in half, drenching the earth with blood. But this mighty blow of the Mameluke had missed. It had killed the horse, but the rider had vanished. Even this veteran Mameluke was taken aback by this sight.


At almost the same moment, a sharp and fierce energy appeared. Before the Mameluke could even react, the sharp tip of a sword rapidly expanded in his vision, somehow approaching him from below. This sword was abnormally fast and abrupt. By the time he noticed it, it was only a few feet from him.


The hilt of the Mameluke’s scimitar was suddenly drawn back, managing to block the lethal blow of the Wushang horseman by just a hair. That the Mameluke had thought to use his hilt to block this attack was a testament to his frightening power, and from his reaction, this wasn’t even the first time he had been in this situation.

As warriors that were born for the sake of fighting and killing, the Mamelukes were able to react to all kinds of attacks with almost absurd speed. But even so, this veteran Mameluke had still underestimated his opponent. Bang! A foot came flying out from under his horse, striking the Mameluke on the waist and sending him flying into the ground.

The Wushang horseman agilely moved from beneath the horse to riding on it.


This Wushang horseman’s victory caused time to return to normal speed. Bangbangbang! Similar situations were occurring elsewhere as the Wushang Cavalry bitterly fought with the Mamelukes. All was chaos as the neighing and shrieking of horse filled the air. Boom! A Mameluke was unable to endure the massive power of a cavalry charge and flew through the air like a ragdoll. At the same time, an Arabian scimitar made from Meteoric Star metal swept across the neck of a Wushang horseman.

Not even Meteoric Metal armor could completely protect these weak points.

Blood freely flowed across the earth as countless warhorses were crushed into pulp by the force of this dreadful charge. The Wushang Cavalry and the Mamelukes were both supreme fighting forces of the continent, and a battle between them was far more intense than anyone could imagine.

In a cacophony of screeching metal and impacting horses, innumerable Mamelukes and Wushang Cavalry were pulverized by this ferocious collision of the Asura Hell Formation and the Pharaoh Halo, both extremely lethal powers suffused with the energy of death.

The earth trembled and groaned beneath these two armies as if frightened and alarmed by this clash of cavalry kings. Dust billowed and churned in the air, and the battle was so intense that even light seemed to be distorted.

The fight between these two supreme forces of the continent was locked in a complete stalemate, unable to decide which was superior. These few short moments seemed to have lasted for a long epoch, and it seemed like the stalemate was set to continue. But at this moment, at the most intense moment of the battle…

As the vanguards of these two cavalry forces battled, the ten thousand Wushang Cavalry suddenly split in two. Four thousand cavalry in the rear suddenly broke off and split to the left and right, curving around to the flanks of the Mamelukes and stabbing toward them like two sharp knives.


All the Mamelukes were in full charge, all their attention focused on the Wushang Cavalry in front, when they suddenly noticed the two forces of cavalry charging at their flanks. Caught off guard, they fell into disorder. When two warriors met on a narrow road, it was the courageous one that would emerge victorious. The Mamelukes were so used to charging down their opponents and crushing them that they had never imagined that their foe would use this kind of tactic.

Moreover, there had been no sign that these eastern Wushang Cavalry would employ this kind of tactic. They had succeeded in changing their formation in the very moment of the collision. This was a nigh unthinkable ability to execute tactics.

Hwaaaa! The ranks of the Mamelukes instantly fell into chaos.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1085 - The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (II)
C1085 - The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (II)
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Chapter 1085: The Kings of Cavalry Clash! (II)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

“Not good!”

“Careful! They’re attacking from the flanks!”

The flanks of the Mamelukes fell into panic and disorder, but the Mamelukes were able to exert their formidable fighting power and organizational abilities to immediately form basic defense lines on their flanks before the four thousand Wushang Cavalry could impact.

In this world, probably only the Mamelukes were capable of forming two defense lines in less than a second.

But even so, it was still too late.

Both were supreme cavalry forces with similar levels of strength, so no matter what measures were taken, the result had already been decided.

In a flash of scimitars and swords, the cavalry clashed, but the defense line set up by the Mamelukes was only able to last a few moments before the torrent-like charge of the four thousand Wushang Cavalry dashed them to pieces.


All was mayhem as the four thousand Wushang Cavalry knocked countless Mamelukes to the ground to be trampled to death by countless warhorses.


Beneath the fluttering black war banner, Aybak’s pupils constricted. The Mamelukes were used to crushing their opponents with overwhelming force through a direct charge, so they had never expected the Tang to take this line. Moreover, the area those four thousand Wushang Cavalry had chosen to attack was exactly the weakest part of the Mamelukes’ defense. Aybak had wanted to issue an order, but he had been too late.

Rumble! Dust billowed into the sky as innumerable warhorses fell to the ground. In a single clash, the Mamelukes had suffered severe casualties. They had not lost in terms of strength or formation, but to Cui Piaoqi’s tactical mind and ability to command.

“Mass charge! Break them!”

Cui Piaoqi’s cold and deep voice resounded like a bell over the battlefield as he led the charge into the Mamelukes from the front. Meanwhile, the four thousand Wushang Cavalry were continuing to charge back and forth, cutting apart the Mamelukes and preventing them from reassembling and organizing a defense.

Ten Charges Ten Victories!

This was originally the very last of the ten great formations of the apocalyptic era, and in terms of offense, it was inferior to the Asura Hell Formation. But Cui Piaoqi, after deep thought, had decided to divide his army into two. Six thousand Wushang Cavalry would directly oppose the enemy using the Asura Hell Formation. Meanwhile, four thousand Wushang Cavalry would use the Cutting Formation of the Ten Charges Ten Victories Formation to attack the Mamelukes at their weakest point and throw their formation into chaos.

Reality proved that Cui Piaoqi’s tactics had played a decisive role.

In this clash of armies, the Mamelukes had never even planned to deal with this kind of eastern tactic. They had immediately been routed and thrown into disarray. No one had expected this.


Aybak clenched his fists, his face immediately contorting into a nasty grimace and his body trembling in rage. But no matter what he said, it was already too late.

Cui Piaoqi, this really is your style. I knew that you wouldn’t let me down.

As Wang Chong watched all this take place, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Back then, Wang Chong had chosen Cui Piaoqi to be the number one general under his command not only because of his extraordinary strength, but more importantly because of his ability to make impromptu decisions on the battlefield. No matter the occasion, he would always make surprising and unconventional decisions that were suited to the situation on the battlefield. No one else under Wang Chong’s command could compare.

In this clash, the Wushang Cavalry had indisputably crushed the Mamelukes and determined their place as the strongest cavalry in the world.

“Congratulations to user! For defeating the Mamelukes, you have been rewarded 1000 points of Destiny Energy!

“Congratulations to user! The Wushang Cavalry have obtained the title of ‘Strongest Cavalry’. You have been rewarded 2000 points of Destiny Energy!

“User has completed a hidden side mission, ‘Heroes vie for supremacy, cavalry contend for dominance’, and has been rewarded an extra 1000 points of Destiny Energy for a total of 4000 points of Destiny Energy!”

A string of messages rushed through Wang Chong’s mind, but he didn’t have the leisure to worry about them. This battle was no longer a clash between soldiers, but a war in which the fates of the east and the west were on the line. As the strongest force of the Great Tang side, the ten thousand Wushang Cavalry were not only facing the Mamelukes. Behind the Mamelukes were the six thousand Mutri Great Cavalry and the five thousand Celestial Wolf Cavalry.


There was a thunderous rumbling as the Wushang Cavalry, Mamelukes, Mutri Great Cavalry, and Celestial Wolf Cavalry descended into a melee. The ringing of weapons, screams, and the trembling earth created a mighty din as these four elite cavalry forces fought, and the situation of the battle became uncertain once more.


Screams suddenly rose from another direction. While the Wushang Cavalry were defeating the Mamelukes and descending into a battle of three versus one, the Mo Saber Unit had appeared and had immediately begun to deal a massive blow to countless Arab cavalry.


The ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers stepped forward as one, cutting down ten thousand Arab cavalry in the space of a single breath, sending severed limbs flying into the air. Although there were only ten thousand of them, the fact that they were using the human wall formation meant that their lethality was even more startling than the Wushang Cavalry, their aura even more intimidating.


After killing the foes before them, the ten thousand Mo Saber soldiers advanced once more, their seven-foot Mo Sabers swinging down. Chaos ensued once more and the earth groaned as another batch of nearly ten thousand Arab cavalry was felled. In two swings of their sabers, nearly twenty thousand Arab cavalry had been slain. Nothing in the world could be more intimidating.


At the front of the army, Li Siye gripped his saber with both hands as he led his soldiers to march over the corpses and advance for a third time. This time, many of the Arab cavalry backed up in fear, but there were still many Arab cavalry who charged at the Mo Saber Unit.


An Arab horseman shot toward a Mo Saber soldier near Li Siye in a streak of light and slashed down with his scimitar. If this scimitar struck true, even a mountain would be sundered.

But the Mo Saber soldier didn’t even blink in front of this attack. As the Arab horseman charged up, bang! The long Mo Saber struck the Arabian scimitar. The ease with which the Mo Saber slashed was fully displayed here as the Arabian scimitar shattered into pieces with a ringing clang.

“This is impossible!”

The Arab horseman’s face was stricken with fear, but it was too late. The sharp saber cut through his flesh, and this Arab horseman that had charged so valiantly forward was cleaved in half along with his armor and horse.


Chunks of flesh dropped to the ground as the Mo Saber soldier stood with his saber gripped in his hands, a warrior god descended to the earth.


Two more Arab horsemen who were charging over took fright, pulled on the reins of their horses, and immediately began to fall back.

This army’s tyrannical fighting style, dreadful killing power, and unique method of advancing had an enormous psychological impact on the Arab elites.


Li Siye’s voice rang out once more, and the Mo Saber Unit formed back up into their straight and grandiose human wall. Of the four words of ‘Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain’, ‘Mountain’ was the most unique. It wasn’t merely used for heavy attacks, but also served as a signal for the army to gather and reconsolidate.

As the Mo Saber Unit advanced, it was certain to run into various problems that would cause shifts in the formation. Thus, at times like this, the ‘Mountain’ order was used to call for a reconsolidation.

The power of the Mo Saber Unit lay not just in the Mo Sabers, but also in the human wall formation. Without this formation, the Mo Saber Unit would be unable to produce as much psychological impact or exert as much lethal force.

In the distance, beneath the black Arab war banners, Abu Muslim turned to Osman.

“Osman, send out your other army. Normal soldiers won’t be able to stop them.”

The individual strength of the soldiers in the Mo Saber Unit wasn’t very great, at least not when compared to the Blood Beast Army or the Fearless Army. But when they gathered together, not even the Fearless Army was as deadly.


Osman nodded and waved his arm, after which a messenger quickly rode to the rear.

The Tiber Army!

This was the last elite army under Osman’s command, but Osman had far fewer resources than Qutaybah or Osman. As a result, this army was inferior to the Fearless Army in both strength and numbers. Moreover, in a campaign not too long ago, the Tiber Army had come under a powerful ambush and had suffered significant casualties. Thus, Osman had hoped to wait a little longer to deploy this army so as to avoid further losses.

But now, it was compelled to enter the battlefield. In addition, the strength of the Mo Saber Unit was still not able to compare to the strength of top-class armies. This was the only reason Osman could accept this decision.

A few moments later, another army rumbled onto the battlefield toward the Mo Saber Unit. At this moment, Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak had dispatched all their best soldiers. Even the Mutri Great Cavalry and the Celestial Wolf Cavalry of the Tibetans and Western Turks had entered the field.

The three empires party to the trilateral alliance had deployed almost all their men to the battlefield.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1086 - Revelation Army!
C1086 - Revelation Army!
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Chapter 1086: Revelation Army!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The battle was growing more and more intense. At every moment, large numbers of cavalry were falling, and a bloody mist was seething in the air, only getting larger and larger.

As the battle continued, Wang Chong was waiting, Gao Xianzhi was waiting, and beneath the black war banners, Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and Dalun Ruozan were all waiting.

No battle could continue forever. Even the most evenly matched opponents would eventually reach an outcome, and when the battle was decided, it would inevitably result in complete victory for one side and complete defeat for the other.

Several hours quickly passed and the losses on both sides continued to rise. Thumpthumpthump! Several Tang soldiers became fatigued, and the Arabs took advantage of this moment of weakness. The sharp Arabian scimitars quickly hacked up their armor and plunged into their organs, causing their lifeless bodies to drop to the ground.

On the other side, ten-some Arab horsemen had their heads cut off and dropped to the ground.

Neither the Tang nor the Arabs were willing to back down. No matter how many men fell, someone would always be there to take the place of the fallen.

Under the distant black war banner, Abu Muslim looked away from the battlefield and to a nearby deputy.

“Pass on my order! Send the Enforcers! Anyone who retreats is to be immediately executed!”


The stalwart and burly deputy quickly left, and a few moments later, a force of around five thousand Enforcers marched out from the rear in a straight row. Each of them held a bright scimitar in their hand while their eyes viciously looked forward.

The Enforcers!

This was not an unfamiliar name in the Arabian Empire. In the early years of the Arabian expansion, the Enforcers were meant to prevent soldiers from escaping, but this force had been disbanded a very long time ago. It was not because the army had changed its policies, but because the Arabs were such brave and pugnacious people that the Enforcers were completely unnecessary.

As the Arabs conquered empire after empire, they were practically unstoppable. There was no problem of fleeing soldiers.

But now, the intensity of the Battle of Talas had forced Abu Muslim to take an unusual stance and recreate the Enforcers so that the army would redouble its assault.

The ferocity and cruelty of this battle far exceeded everyone’s expectations, particularly with regard to the Arabs, who had the overwhelming advantage in numbers. Even the courageous Arabs were beginning to show fear in front of the terrifying lethality of the Tang.

Behind the first defense line, Xu Keyi turned worriedly to Wang Chong. “Milord, the soldiers can’t hold much longer!”

Not even the war of the southwest could compare to the intensity and callousness of this battlefield.

Xu Keyi could see that even the Ultimate Martial Army was showing signs of fatigue; beads of sweat rolled down their faces, seeping into their armor, and flowing into their boots. If even the Ultimate Martial Army was in this state, one could imagine how the rest of the soldiers were faring.

“We have nowhere to retreat. We can only continue. Retreat is death. And the Arabs definitely aren’t faring much better!” Wang Chong sternly said, his gaze turning to the right side, where Li Siye and the Mo Saber Unit were located.

The Mo Saber Unit had suffered large casualties. Five thousand of its soldiers had already fallen, their corpses scattered across the field, their armor shattered to pieces.

Though it had only been established a little more than a month ago, the Mo Saber Unit had lost half of its force in one battle.

But Osman’s Tiber Army had also suffered severe casualties, with three thousand of its soldiers joining the bodies of the Mo Saber Unit. Even elite soldiers like this couldn’t get much advantage in front of the tyrannical fighting style of the Mo Saber Unit. After all, the greatest advantage of the Mo Saber Unit was not in the individual strength of its soldiers, but how it attacked as a single unit.

“Xu Keyi, pass on my order. Beat the drums!”

“This subordinate will deliver this order!”

Xu Keyi bowed and quickly rode off.

Thump thump thump!

A few moments later, the loud banging of war drums began to rise from the back of the army. The sound of these drums caused the Tang soldiers to rally and roar as they once more flung themselves at the Arabs.

The beating of drums was a signal that could raise the morale of the army. After this period of sustained fighting, Wang Chong had chosen once more to raise morale by beating the drums. From this, it was clear that the situation of this battle was extremely precarious.

The Great Tang could not afford to lose, nor could it possibly lose!

Each soldier could sense the resolve carried by these beating drums. The blood rushed through their veins and their bodies exploded with every last bit of potential as they raised their weapons and brought them down on the Arabs.

For a moment, the screams of Arabs filled the air as the beating of the Tang war drums effected a subtle change on the situation.


Mere moments after the Tang war drums began to beat, the Arabs and Tibetans responded with their own rallying cry, the blaring of horns resounding over Talas.

The horns stimulated the Arabs into attacking with even more ferocity. Roaring and shouting, they blocked the suddenly-vicious attacks of the Tang.

As the drums beat and the horns blared, the battle became only crueler and more intense. The losses on both sides swelled once more, yet the situation remained a stalemate.


As time slowly passed and everyone was focused on the intense battle, the divine and dazzling figure of Qutaybah suddenly moved. His mighty Arabian steed, ‘Victor’, trotted two steps forward, its golden hooves stomping down on the ground. In an instant, a powerful energy traveled through the earth and spread in every direction.

This sudden movement immediately caused Abu Muslim, Aybak, Osman, and Ziyad to tremble and look toward Qutaybah.

No matter the moment, Qutaybah was always the center of the battlefield.

Abu Muslim, Osman, and Aybak criticized Qutaybah in private, but without realizing it, the three of them instinctively depended on him whenever it came to war.

“Pass on my order! Deploy the Revelation Army!”

A cold voice resounded in everyone’s ears as the golden figure of Qutaybah waved its hand and gave an order.

This order immediately galvanized everyone around the four black war banners. Even Aybak had a glimmer of irrepressible excitement in his eyes.

It’s finally being deployed!

This excited thought flitted through Aybak’s mind.

The Revelation Army!

This was the strongest force under Qutaybah’s command and the most terrifying army in the empire. In terms of fighting power, it was far above the Crimson Moon Vanguard, Blood Beast Army, and Death Army. Not even Abu Muslim’s Fearless Army could compare to it. This was an army renowned throughout the empire.


The ground quaked as if a giant hand had slammed against the ground. A moment later, the last elite force of the Arab army finally took the stage. Bzzz! This army of five thousand golden-armored soldiers equipped with golden swords appeared in the rear of the Arab army.

In terms of external appearance, this army was quite similar to Qutaybah himself. Even the aura from their bodies seemed to be of the same nature as Qutaybah’s, though this army was far weaker than Qutaybah himself.

But even so, this army gave off a bright, grandiose, dauntless, and ferocious aura. These five thousand Revelation soldiers didn’t seem like mortal warriors, but warriors of God who had descended from the Kingdom of Heaven!


The winds howled and the air was somber. The appearance of the five thousand golden-armored soldiers rapidly altered the mood of the battlefield. Even though they were still hundreds of thousands of feet away from the battle, anyone who saw them would immediately feel an immense pressure. The Revelation soldiers had not yet begun to fight, but their mere presence was like a massive boulder weighing down on each person’s heart, making it impossible to breathe.

The five thousand Revelation soldiers looked down on the battlefield, their eyes extremely callous and cold.


The five thousand golden-armored Revelation soldiers were as vigorous as dragons, immediately rushing forward in a golden torrent of light. The entire world seemed to be momentarily drained of noise. The energy rising from the five thousand Revelation soldiers seemed to be even more terrifying than the charge of five hundred thousand soldiers.

The entire world trembled beneath their feet. The dazzling golden light and their avalanche-like momentum made them appear like divine soldiers from Heaven, dealing everyone a massive mental blow. Their strength was far above that of every other elite soldier. Even the Death Army paled in comparison.

With the deployment of the Revelation Army, the Arab side had dispatched its final elite force.

The Arabs had now committed the entirety of their vast army. Not even Qutaybah had any more soldiers to send!

Both sides had now committed all their forces to the battle, and the battle was now beginning to lean in favor of the Arabs.

At this moment, the entrance of the Revelation Army had suddenly made the Great Tang’s situation extremely perilous.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1087 - The Invincible Revelation, the Terrifying Army!
C1087 - The Invincible Revelation, the Terrifying Army!
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Chapter 1087: The Invincible Revelation, the Terrifying Army!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Behind the first defense line, Zhang Que turned to Wang Chong, his expression extremely worried. At the same time, the other generals also looked over, their eyes tinged with despair. The Great Tang had already committed all its available forces to this battle. Andong, Beiting, Longxi… they had all sent reinforcements, and even soldiers of the Imperial Army had been transferred from the capital.

The Great Tang had already deployed all its soldiers to the battle, scarcely imagining that the Arabs still had such a destructively powerful force in reserve. This army’s aura was sharp, savage, and as vast as an ocean. Although it had still not entered the battle, merely looking at it from a distance was enough to understand its tremendous power.

The Divine Martial Army, the Roaring Tiger Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Ultimate Martial Army… none of them could compare!

This was the true supreme force of the Arab side!

The situation would have been manageable if the battle had just begun, but now, all the elite armies had entered the field and were locked in combat with the Arabs, and all of them were extremely fatigued. In this situation, the abrupt appearance on the Arab side of an army that was even stronger than the Death Army was a destructive blow to the Great Tang.

There was no force left on the Great Tang’s side that could contend against the Revelation Army.


The five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army were getting closer, the fierce neighing of their horses beating upon everyone’s heart.

Unease was rapidly spreading through the battlefield, and even the four elite armies battling with the Death Army felt tremendous anxiety. Contending with the four elite Arab armies had already taxed their strength. They could not deal with any more opponents.

There were only five thousand warriors in the Revelation Army, but this was fatal enough for the Great Tang. The Tang army was instantly standing on the verge of annihilation.


Gao Xianzhi had a complicated expression on his face as he sighed and pulled out his sword.

“Wang Chong, there’s nothing to be done. We don’t have any more soldiers to send. No matter how this battle turns out, we’ve maintained the dignity of the Great Tang. At the very least, the Arabs now know that they are not invincible in this world.

“Everyone, get ready! It’s our turn to enter the fray!”

The entrance of the Imperial Great Generals was exactly what Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong had been strenuously trying to avoid. At the very least, they had not planned to send out the Great Generals until the Arab army was on the verge of defeat. But they could no longer hope for such a situation. The Revelation Army posed an existential threat to the Tang army.

“Wait a moment!”

Underneath the Tang war banner, Wang Chong stared at the battlefield. The fierce winds caused his hair to toss and turn in the air, making it just as disheveled as his emotional state, but he showed no emotions on his face.

Using the strength of Great Generals to deal with the Revelation Army simply wasn’t plausible. While the Great Tang was observing the battlefield, Qutaybah was observing the Great Tang. This battle was intense, with both sides having committed all their soldiers, but Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, and the other commanders had yet to enter the battlefield, maintaining an uneasy balance. Once the Great Tang broke this balance, once Gao Xianzhi pulled out his sword and entered the fray, he would inevitably cause Qutaybah and the others to mobilize.

The final result would not necessarily be what Gao Xianzhi hoped to see!

Rumble! The thundering of hooves intensified as the Revelation Army rode in a straight line onto the battlefield. They ignored the intense clash of the Wushang Cavalry and the Mamelukes.

The pride of the Revelation Army made them view this sort of cavalry melee with disdain. Instead, they chose to charge at the Tang left flank.

On the long front line between the Great Tang and Arabia, the majority of the soldiers were in a stalemate. But on the left flank, the eight thousand Xuanwu Army soldiers under Zhao Fengchen were relying on their impressive defense to slowly overcome the Beheader Army. Osman’s Beheader Army had sustained heavy casualties and was showing signs of collapse.

“Kill them!” the leader of the Revelation Army suddenly ordered, his voice cold and emotionless. Clang! This officer pulled out his sword.

A moment later, the Revelation Army accelerated to several times their original speed, smashing into the Xuanwu Army like a golden sunbeam.


The earth exploded as the Xuanwu Army which was slowly beating back the Beheader Army was struck by a mighty impact. There was an explosion of golden light, the forceful shockwaves instantly sending hundreds of Xuanwu Army soldiers high into the air.


In the midst of this collision, a Revelation Army soldier slashed at a Xuanwu Army soldier. A second later, this Xuanwu Army soldier flew more than a hundred feet into the air as if he was made of paper, Stellar Energy wreaking havoc in his body. As if he was a leather bag being squeezed, blood gushed out from every pore of his body and drenched the ground below.

Elsewhere, a golden hoof flew through the air and slammed against the chest of a Xuanwu Army soldier. Kaclack! The armor shattered and the soldier was sent flying into another soldier, and then a third, a fourth… Boom! In an explosion of debris, the Xuanwu Army soldier brought ten-some of his fellows flying backward with him.


The more than six thousand Xuanwu Army soldiers were almost instantly routed. In this single clash, the Revelation Army had slain several hundred men.

The Xuanwu Army didn’t have the highest offensive power amongst the Tang reinforcements, but it had the highest defensive power, far surpassing the Ultimate Martial Army and the Iron Wall Army. This was also the reason the Xuanwu Army had been able to overcome the Beheader Army. But this defensive prowess was completely useless against the Revelation Army.


Screams filled the air as hundreds of Xuanwu Army soldiers were knocked here and there.

“Stop them!”

“Everyone, follow me! No matter what, we can’t let them get through us!”

A Xuanwu Army soldier roared as he got up off the ground and charged forward. But before he could get very far, squelch! A golden sword stabbed straight his heart, its blood-soaked tip emerging from his back. His eyes went round and his face froze in disbelief as he fell to the ground.

His armor had been superbly forged and had resisted hundreds of attacks from the Beheader Army, but it might as well have been made of paper to this Revelation Army soldier.

The reflection of a golden boot appeared in the soldier’s dead eyes. The Revelation Army soldier stomped on the corpse’s face, pushing the Xuanwu Army soldier into the dirt as he pulled out his sword.

“Continue! Kill them all!”

Without the slightest emotion in his voice, the Revelation Army soldier strode over the corpse and advanced. There were still many more infidels waiting to be slaughtered.

The Xuanwu Army was experiencing a landslide of a rout. It had defeated the Beheader Army only to welcome the even stronger Revelation Army. Any sort of resistance or attack seemed futile.


Zhao Fengchen clenched his fists, his eyes turning red.

“Die for me!”

Zhao Fengchen raised his Earth’s Scar and charged at the nearest Revelation Army soldier. But there was a flash of light, and before he could get very far, the neigh of a horse rang in his ears like the scraping of metal.


A golden bolt of lightning collided with Zhao Fengchen’s strike. As the dust settled and the shockwaves of energy subsided, the dazzling golden figure of the Revelation Army commander appeared before Zhao Fengchen.

“Infidel, your opponent is me!”

The Revelation Army commander had an aloof expression, and as he spoke, he unsheathed his sword.


Zhao Fengchen’s heart chilled and his face became grim.

“Then come!”

Although he didn’t know what this Revelation Army commander was saying, Zhao Fengchen raised the Earth’s Scar without hesitation.


The Xuanwu Army had been defeated!

No one had expected the Revelation Army to be this powerful. Not even a few moments had passed, but the Xuanwu Army had already been run through and routed, countless soldiers being thrown into the air by the charge of the Revelation Army.

Not only that, the Revelation Army continued onward after piercing through the Xuanwu Army, routing the entire left flank of the Tang army. The once-orderly soldiers of the left flank were now being cut down like weeds.

“Run! Flee! The Arabs are attacking!”

“They’re too powerful! The Xuanwu Army has already been defeated, so we’re certainly no match for them!”

“This is a battle between Arabia and the Great Tang! This isn’t our fight! Run!”

Panic rapidly spread through the ranks. The mercenaries were the first to break, their morale crumbling as they watched the powerful Xuanwu Army soldiers being cut down one by one, and they began to flee the field in terror.

Despair spread through the army like a wildfire. At the start of this battle, the Great Tang had only one hundred and ten thousand men, but it had managed to remain on equal ground against its foe. Now, however, it was already over. The five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army were the straw that broke the camel’s back.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1088 - The Tongluo Cavalry Arrive!
C1088 - The Tongluo Cavalry Arrive!
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Chapter 1088: The Tongluo Cavalry Arrive!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr

The rout on the left flank caused a chain reaction, spreading chaos through the Tang army. The center, the right flank, and even the rear were beginning to panic and despair. Even the Divine Martial Army, Dragon Stallion Army, Ultimate Martial Army, and other elite armies fighting around the one thousand silver Arabian war machines and the ballista army were affected.

The Revelation Army’s choice to attack on the left flank was fatal for the entire army. Now that the left flank had been routed, the five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army could pick any direction they pleased, dealing a destructive blow to the inner ranks of the Tang army and even the rear. And this was not the only effect of the Revelation Army’s deployment onto the battlefield.


There was an earth-shaking roar as tens of thousands of scimitars gleamed like fish scales. The Arab soldiers that had been kept out of the defense line for so long immediately smelled blood in the water and charged in behind the Revelation Army.

The local defeat was on the verge of becoming a total rout.

As they looked to the left flank, Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, and Wang Yan felt their hearts sink.

On the other end, Qutaybah stood motionless beneath his war banner. No one knew what he was really thinking, but behind him, Abu Muslim, Aybak, and the others all faintly smiled. There was no doubt that the Arabs now completely held the initiative in this battle. The Tang no longer had any hope of victory.


The cry of a sword resounded over the battlefield as Gao Xianzhi strode forward.

“Wang Chong, we can’t wait any longer! If we don’t act now, the army will be completely routed! Cheng Qianli, prepare for the worst-case scenario. The moment we go in, Qutaybah and Abu Muslim will definitely respond. No matter what results, we must kill as many Arabs as possible, completely depriving them of any ability to advance farther east!”

Gao Xianzhi’s expression was determined, his eyes glimmering with a resolve to fight to the death.

‘A hundred battles fought in sand make worn armor golden, but there will be no return until Loulan is broken1.’ The Great Tang had already sent all its elites into battle. Even if it couldn’t defeat the Arabs, it would definitely inflict such terrible losses upon them that they would lose all ambition and strength to advance eastward.

As for his own fate, Gao Xianzhi had already stopped thinking about that.

Wang Chong said nothing, only gave a long sigh as he unsheathed his Wootz Steel sword. This was definitely not the best moment to strike, and he worried that once Qutaybah entered the fray, the Tang would suffer even more losses than it was currently sustaining. Everyone had seen Qutaybah’s dreadful power yesterday, but the Great Tang had no other choice.

“Order Chen Bin to change the targets of his ballistae. Concentrate fire on the silver Arabian siege weapons!

“Order Wang Fu to take Chen Bin’s place and fend off the Arab charges. He must hold no matter the price!

“Order Su Hanshan to suppress the Arab shieldmen as quickly as possible. I give him only thirty seconds. Once this time is up, he must change position and suppress Qutaybah’s Revelation Army at any cost!

“Order Zhao Fengchen that no matter how many losses the Xuanwu Army takes, even if they all die in battle, he must hold down the Revelation Army! Without their restraint, the ballista army won’t be effective!

“Tell all the mercenaries that the pay will be increased. If we defeat the Arabs, they will receive ten times the original amount of gold!

“Inform all soldiers to prepare to fight to the death!”

Wang Chong issued a string of orders which were spread through the battlefield like a fierce wind. When they heard this order, the Divine Prison Army, Divine Martial Army, Roaring Tiger Army, Xuanwu Army, all the ballista soldiers, and everyone else seemed to instantly understand their fate, but none of them showed any signs of retreating. All of them gripped their weapons and charged fearlessly at the Arabs.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

“Fight! Fight! Fight!”


A roar began to resound through the heavens. It was only a few thousand people at the beginning, but very soon, all the soldiers began to add their voices to this cry. In the face of this unprecedented danger, no one backed down, and their will to fight soared into the heavens. Not only did the Divine Prison Army, Divine Martial Army, and Ultimate Martial Army stop being pushed back, they began to suppress their opponents.

“These infidels!”

Aybak’s eyes went wide at this sight. Even though he was their enemy, even though he believed that Arabia had the strongest soldiers in the world, Aybak was forced to admit that these Tang of the east were probably the most powerful and most troublesome opponents he had encountered in his entire life.

Even if Arabia could eventually emerge victorious, they would probably pay a grievous price.

“Aybak, Osman, Ziyad, prepare to move out!”

At this moment, Abu Muslim spoke, his horse suddenly trotting forward as he stared at the distant Tang army.

“The time is ripe. The Revelation Army has shattered the Tang left flank. The Great Tang Great Generals will probably be moving out very soon, after which it will be our turn to suppress them.”

If Abu Muslim, Aybak, and Osman had moved out at the very start of the battle, they would have definitely been able to inflict a major wound on the Great Tang, perhaps even easily destroy the steel defense line. But none of them had done such a thing, not because they had never thought of it, but because all of them were waiting for the perfect moment.

Before this moment, they would not waste a single bit of energy.

Now, everything had gone perfectly according to plan. The Tang would be defeated today!


Abu Muslim unsheathed his scimitar. At the same moment, Osman, Aybak, and Ziyad nodded and pulled out their own weapons while they poured mighty streams of energy into their warhorses.

“Haha, the time for harvest has come once more! Abu Muslim, Aybak, Ziyad, let’s do as we did to the Sassanid Dynasty and completely exterminate these eastern infidels!”

Osman bellowed in laughter as he took the long axe from his back, his eyes fierce and savage.

“Hahaha, Abu Muslim, Osman, it’s been a long time since I’ve had this pleasure. Once we kill all these Tang, we will reward the army and then hold a feast!”

Aybak also heartily laughed. He could already imagine how happy the Caliph in Baghdad would be once he heard the news of this victory.

Meanwhile, everyone on the Great Tang side grimaced as they saw Abu Muslim and the other Arab commanders prepare to enter the fray.

Just when Osman, Aybak, and Abu Muslim were prepared to set out, they suddenly heard a massive rumbling.


A massive trembling could be heard coming from behind the high hills on the eastern end of the battlefield.

The almost imperceptible noise rapidly became a thunderous uproar. It was clear that a force of cavalry was approaching Talas from the east.


This sudden event left everyone dumbstruck. Abu Muslim and the others had just been preparing to move out when they heard these stampeding hooves. Almost instinctively, the four Great Generals of Arabia turned in confusion to Dalun Ruozan and Duwu Sili.

If reinforcements were coming from the eastern end of Talas, it could only be the Tibetans and the Western Turks.

Dalun Ruozan sensed their gazes, and in that moment, he had an extremely bad feeling. Although the royal capital and the Great Snow Mountain Holy Temple could conceivably have sent reinforcements, the chances were extremely small.

“It’s not our men!” Dalun Ruozan said in Arabic, an extremely grave look on his face.

There was no need for Dalun Ruozan to further explain, as everyone soon spotted a mighty stallion wrapped in sturdy bronze armor appearing on the hills.

Soon after, a massive golden dragon banner was raised over the hills, the five golden claws clear for all to see.

“The dragon banner!”

The dragon claws on that banner made Dalun Ruozan’s mind shudder. He knew the culture of the Central Plains like the back of his hand. A four-clawed dragon and five-clawed golden dragon represented different things. The five-clawed golden dragon represented the highest ruler of the Central Plains, the Sage Emperor of the Great Tang!

Any army that could use the emperor’s standard was definitely not a normal army.

“The Tongluo Cavalry!”

This name immediately leapt to the forefront of Dalun Ruozan’s mind as he finally recognized this strongest force of Hu cavalry that served the Sage Emperor. At the same time, this was the strongest existence left from Emperor Taizong’s era!

“Kill them!”

On the high hill, Brigadier General Chuluohou of the Tongluo Army sat upon his stalwart Tongluo stallion, his eyes immediately locking onto the Revelation Army.

It had been many years since the Tongluo Cavalry had last been deployed. As an ancient and famed army of Tang Taizong’s generation, the Tongluo Cavalry had their own kind of pride. This battle had concentrated the strongest forces of Arabia and the Great Tang, and was being observed by countless people.

The Sage Emperor was watching from the capital, as was everyone else in the world. The Tongluo needed this kind of battle to prove themselves to His Majesty and to prove themselves to the Great Tang, to prove their strength and loyalty. The Arabs would serve as the finest foundation stone.

“Everyone, hear my order! Kill the Arabs! Let everyone know the power of the Tongluo Cavalry!”

Chuluohou’s eyes flashed even brighter than the stars. As the words left his mouth, an enormous will to fight erupted from his body. Boom! A black hoof, glossy and smooth, tough as iron, stomped down onto the hill.

As this hoof landed, an enormous halo covered with countless ancient and mysterious inscriptions erupted from Chuluohou’s feet, spreading across the battlefield like a furious waterfall.


1. This line is from a short poem by Wang Changling, famous for his poems of the Western Regions. This line conveys the resolve of a general who, despite his army being tattered and yellow from fighting in the desert for so long, has sworn not to return home until he has taken the city of Loulan, a famous city along the Silk Road.↩

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1089 - Tongluo Cavalry Versus Revelation Army!
C1089 - Tongluo Cavalry Versus Revelation Army!
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Chapter 1089: Tongluo Cavalry Versus Revelation Army!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


As countless people watched, one Tongluo horseman after another appeared on the hills, each of them with the same halo and wearing the same bronze armor.

Another change took place as a smaller golden halo appeared under the Tongluo Cavalry, three feet above the ground.

One big and one small, one low and one high, the two halos appeared and caused the strength of the Tongluo Cavalry to soar. Their speed, strength, and dexterity all rose to astonishing levels. They quickly surpassed the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, and Ultimate Martial Army to reach a level infinitesimally close to the Revelation Army!

The Tongluo Great Halo!

This was the most powerful ability the Tongluo possessed, a halo unique to their people. It could greatly boost every aspect of a Tongluo’s strength. The Tongluo had been able to become the strongest cavalry in the world, at least before the arrival of the Wushang Cavalry, precisely because of this special halo.

More than one hundred years ago, the Tongluo followed Emperor Taizong in his conquests, rendering great service as Hu and obtaining Taizong’s deep admiration and trust. For this reason, the strongest Great Generals of the Great Tang in that era were tasked with researching the war halo of the Tongluo. After devoting much sweat and blood to the effort, these Great Generals succeeding in refining the original Tongluo war halo into an even stronger version which was called the Tongluo Great Halo.

It was precisely this mighty halo which allowed the Tongluo Cavalry’s reputation and strength to soar to even greater heights until they became publicly acknowledged as the strongest force of cavalry in the Great Tang. The brand of Taizong’s era had been seared onto their bodies, and because they were favored by the imperial household, their glory and honor had never decayed, allowing this reputation to persist into the current era.


There was a mighty rumbling as the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry surged down the hills in a flood. The earth swayed and churned up dust while the warhorses neighed and armor clattered.

Even the distant Revelation Army was alarmed by this momentum, the soldiers turning their heads in the direction of the Tongluo Cavalry.

The six thousand Tongluo Cavalry were as fast as lightning. After just a few moments, they had crossed tens of thousands of feet and were only some fifty thousand feet from the Revelation Army.

“Everyone, hear my order! Kill them!”

The warhorses of the Revelation Army snorted uneasily as an officer pulled out his sword and aimed it at the Tongluo Cavalry.

The Revelation Army was powerful and confident. Their pride made them incapable of refusing any challenge, and there was no question that the Tongluo Cavalry were challenging them. Rumble! A moment later, the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers changed directions, their bodies burning with energy as they charged at the Tongluo Cavalry.

At this moment, Wang Chong breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Wonderful! They finally arrived!”

Wang Chong smiled as if he had been relieved of a great burden.


A few moments later, the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry clashed with the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers.

In a flash, the air resounded with the clashing of weapons, the clattering of armor, the screams of horses, and the vibrating of halos.

Swish! A flashing golden sword plunged into the shoulder of a Tongluo horseman. At almost the same time, a bronze-armored Tongluo horseman jolted apart the thick energy barrier around a Revelation Army soldier and stabbed into the chest of his foe.

The external barriers of energy around these two also scraped against each other. The strength of a Revelation Army soldier was enough to fling a Xuanwu Army soldier into the air with a single sweep of the sword, but they were unable to make any headway against the equally powerful Tongluo Cavalry. As the two horsemen swept past each other, it was clear that they were actually equals, with neither able to gain the upper hand.


At almost the same time, a bulky Tongluo warhorse slammed into the golden form of a Revelation Army warhorse like two boulders colliding. In the moment of impact, the Stellar Energy barriers around both warhorses instantly shattered, after which the two elite warhorses had their bones pulverized and snapped by the enormous force.

In this single clash, both warhorses were killed. Meanwhile, the riders on their backs were carried on by the inertia, flying forward until they collided with the ground.


The sounds of impacts rang incessantly through the air. The attacks of the Revelation Army were all fierce and savage, each one aimed at a lethal point, but the Tongluo Cavalry’s attacks were also finely honed and exquisite to the extreme.

Qutaybah had trained up the Revelation Army with great difficulty through his decades of campaigning. From their number of five thousand, one could see how much emphasis had been placed on their quality and strength.

While the Tongluo Cavalry did not have the same kind of experience as the Revelation Army, the skills they had inherited were the skills refined from an era of war. In terms of cruelty and ferocity, the wars of this era surpassed the wars executed by Qutaybah.

Thudthudthud! In this fierce clash, Tongluo Cavalry and Revelation Army soldiers fell to the ground. This callous battle had resulted in dizzying losses on both sides.

But this was only the beginning. As the six thousand Tongluo Cavalry battled with the five thousand Revelation Army soldiers, another chorus of neighing cut through the skies.

This neighing was completely different from that of the Tongluo warhorses. In the blink of an eye, a new force of cavalry appeared, charging out from the rear like a thunderbolt. Purely in terms of strength, this force wasn’t as strong as the Tongluo Cavalry, but the dark golden halos under their feet were as thin as paper knives and peerlessly sharp. They seemed even more frightening than the Tongluo Great Halo.

“For the War God!”

“For Senior Su!”

“For the Great Tang! Kill them!”

Their howls resounded through the earth. There were only four thousand of these soldiers, and they gave off a somewhat immature feeling, but the extremely composed and nigh unstoppable Revelation Army instantly fell into chaos.

The six thousand Tongluo Cavalry had already taken up all their attention and strength. The addition of four thousand elite soldiers, all at peak condition, was an unbearable weight for the Revelation Army. But it was already too late for the Revelation Army to do anything about it. The moment they charged into a melee with the Tongluo Cavalry, they had assured that they would not be able to retreat easily.

Rumble! There was a massive shaking as the soldiers trained by Great Tang War God Su Zhengchen charged into the Revelation Army, shattering the fragile balance between the Revelation Army and the Tongluo Cavalry.

The five thousand soldiers of the Revelation Army instantly fell into disorder. This was the most powerful fighting force on the Arab side, but the joint assault of ten thousand soldiers was simply too much. After only a few exchanges, the Revelation Army was routed.

And it was still not over.

“Ready! Fire!”

In response to a cold and aloof voice, gears groaned and creaked, and five thousand sharp ballista bolts were fired. Amid enormous crashes and rumbles, large swaths of Arab cavalry were cut down.

Su Hanshan’s five thousand ballistae had finally defeated Qutaybah’s Earth Shield Army and had arrived to deal with the rest of the Arab soldiers. In a single volley, they had sent more than ten thousand Arab cavalry dropping into pools of blood.

“Everyone hear my order! One thousand ballistae to a row! Arrange into five rows and wait for my order to advance!”

Su Hanshan had built up some rage over this battle. A powerful assault force had been gathered behind the ten thousand soldiers of the Earth Shield Army. If they had been able to successfully approach the steel defense line under the cover of the Earth Shield Army, they would have been able to exert significant pressure on the entire army. This was also why Su Hanshan’s five thousand ballistae had been constantly suppressing them.

But for this purpose, the ballista army had wasted a large number of ballista bolts and had also been unable to suppress any other part of the battlefield. From a certain perspective, this had allowed the Revelation Army to completely crush the left flank.

In Su Hanshan’s plan, the five thousand ballistae should have been used to suppress an elite army like the Revelation Army.


A moment later, the concentrated fire of the ballistae thundered over the battlefield. For the first time in this battle, the five thousand ballistae in five neat rows left the shelter of the defense line, emerging through the gaps between the steel walls.

This was the first time the ballista army had left its ‘trenches’ completely undefended. This sudden shift immediately attracted the attention of countless Arab cavalry.

The Tang ballistae had killed countless Arabs over the course of the battle. If there was one army that the Arabs wanted to destroy, it was unquestionably the ballista army that had been hiding behind the defense line the entire time.


In an instant, the Arabs charged forward like sharks sensing blood.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In a single volley, thousands of Arab cavalry fell lifeless to the ground, their corpses flying backward in clouds of dust. Then a second group, and then a third… Under Su Hanshan’s command, the five rows of ballistae didn’t simply fire forward. Instead, they fired in a rough circle, firing in every direction except directly behind them.

“Kill them!”

“Destroy their ballistae and they won’t be able to threaten us anymore!”

Even though the ballista army’s attacks were extremely vicious, they were not completely capable of stopping the frenzied Arab assault. One group of Arab cavalry after another surged out of the rear in giant waves.

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NovelFantasyThe Human EmperorChapter 1090 - Great Generals Move Out!
C1090 - Great Generals Move Out!
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Chapter 1090: Great Generals Move Out!

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr




Su Hanshan’s hair was blown about in the blustering wind while his cold and harsh voice rang out in everyone’s ears: composed, confident, and utterly emotionless. Even though the closest Arab horsemen were no less than ten feet from the ballistae, his voice remained as calm and unperturbed as ever.

Rumble! One wave of Arab cavalry after another collapsed in front of the ballista army. Six thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, fourteen thousand, eighteen thousand, twenty-six thousand… More than forty thousand Arab cavalry had left their corpses strewn around the ballistae before the seemingly endless shouts and yells finally died away.

In the distance, countless gazes stared at the ballista army in the sea of corpses and Su Hanshan in the very center with looks of deep fear. These elite Arab cavalry had fought in the cruelest of battlefields, through which they had forged their steely resolves. But in the face of this group of soldiers that truly seemed to be made out of steel, all of them felt a deep dread. They could sense no emotion in these soldiers, no fear, joy, panic, unease… none of them existed.

These were once just bandits and brigands of the Silk Road. Who could have imagined that Su Hanshan could train them into such a dauntless and determined army?

And it was still far from over. The appearance of the Tongluo Cavalry and the power exhibited by Su Hanshan’s ballista army quickly set off a chain reaction. The Divine Martial Army, the Divine Prison Army, the Ultimate Martial Army, the Dragon Stallion Army… all of the elite armies began to rally once more.

As one side waxed, another side waned. The morale of the Blood Beast Army, Death Army, Fearless Army, and Ironblood Army began to plunge as unease and consternation gripped their minds. Though they had been able to maintain a stalemate just moments ago, their fighting power now dropped and they became incapable of contending against the Tang elite armies.

No matter how strong an army was, once it lost its will to fight, it would immediately face defeat. Squelchsquelchsquelch!Blades sliced and hacked through flesh as row after row of the Arab elite armies were cut down.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand… In their exhausted and demoralized states, the four top-class Arab armies swiftly suffered heavy casualties. Even though the Arabs were a people that lived for battle, even they would find it hard to endure the deaths of so many top-class soldiers.

At the same time, the one thousand ballistae under Chen Bin’s command were also in the process of displaying their might.

“Release! Release! Release!”

One volley after another shrieked through the air. Although Chen Bin’s ballistae did not possess as much killing as power as Su Hanshan’s, they still could not be underestimated. Six thousand, seven thousand, eight thousand… ten thousand. From the moment the Tongluo Cavalry had entered the battle to now, Chen Bin’s ballistae had killed more than ten thousand enemies.

‘Pull a hair and move the entire body.’ The rout in three areas was fatal to the Arab forces. Three became four, then five, then six… More and more areas in their army began to crumble under the pressure.

In the short period after the Tongluo Cavalry had appeared, the Arabs had lost an enormous sixty thousand men!

The wholesale rout made the Mamelukes, Mutri Great Cavalry, and Celestial Wolf Cavalry fighting with the Wushang Cavalry extremely uneasy. The situation had reversed from ‘major victory’ to ‘major defeat’ far too quickly. It had only taken an eyeblink for the entire army to show signs of complete collapse.

“This is impossible!!” Governor Osman bellowed, his hands clenching into fists.

Abu Muslim and Ziyad had equally nasty grimaces on their faces. Each of them had believed that the Great Tang had exerted all their power, that the Tang no longer had any reinforcements. No one had expected this second batch to arrive, and that this wave of reinforcements would be even stronger than the first.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

“Blow the horns; order the army to retreat!”


Abu Muslim had an extremely gloomy face. This battle had gone completely differently from how they had predicted. If they did not retreat now, their army would truly utterly collapse, and the Tang would probably charge straight through it.

“Aybak, Osman, you must stop them no matter what!”

A sudden change had resulted in a completely different result from this battle.

Abu Muslim had planned to move out in the first place, but while the original intention had been to crush the Tang with overwhelming power, they were now moving out to suppress Wang Chong and the others and prevent the army from being completely wiped out.


The horns sounded the call for retreat, ringing in the ears of the Arabs, Tibetans, and Turks. The Arabs in the rear were the first to retreat, which caused the soldiers on the front line to collapse into disarray as they fell back.

“Lord Gao, Lord Cheng, now is the time for us to strike!”

Wang Chong faintly smiled from beneath the Great Tang war banner and flourished his sword. Neeeigh! The White-hoofed Shadow sensed its master’s will and leapt forward, covering more than one hundred feet in a single bound. Like a flashing light, it jumped over the steel walls and landed amongst the Arab troops.


Wang Chong raised his sword, unleashing the Art of God and Demon Obliteration. In a flash, thousands of strands of Sword Qi, as thin as fingers, shot in every direction. Swooshswooshswoosh! Rows of Arab cavalry were felled before they even had time to react, while Wang Chong continued onward without even stopping.

“Great Yin Yang Art!”

As Wang Chong rode forward, he raised his right hand in a fist, unleashing a crimson flash. “Aaaah!” An Arab horseman more than one hundred feet away screamed as he was suddenly caught by an invisible string. Pulled from his horse, he shot backward through the air.

Bang! While he was still in the air, his blood energy exploded out of his body and flowed into Wang Chong. This same scene occurred all around Wang Chong as one Arab horseman after another had their blood explode out of their body and stream into Wang Chong as if it had a life of its own.

Thumpthumpthump! With a chorus of thuds and the panicked neighing of horses, three hundred Arab cavalry died and dropped to the ground. Even their warhorses had the blood gush out of their bodies and collapsed onto the earth.

But all this was merely the beginning. Wang Chong raised his fists into the air and punched. The blood and various kinds of energy that Wang Chong had just absorbed from the Arab cavalry condensed into two massive spheres of blood-colored energy. They shot through the air like lightning bolts, catching up and exploding in the middle of the fleeing Arab cavalry.


A massive shockwave of energy sent tiny pieces of gravel and stone shooting through the air like sharp arrows. “Aaaah!” There was another chorus of screams as the hundreds of Arab cavalry were blown into the air, their mangled limbs and body parts raining down.


The White-hoofed Shadow continued to fly forward like a lightning bolt, finally reaching the Arab cavalry in the very rear.

Fwoooom! Explosive Stellar Energy erupted from Wang Chong’s body and swept over the earth, sending four to five hundred elite Arab cavalry flying more than three hundred feet into the air. By the time they fell back down, they were already dead.

“Run! Their Great Generals are moving out!”

The hundreds of thousands of Arab cavalry were in complete disarray, fleeing to the west like gazelles fleeing a pack of lions. However, Wang Chong did not continue pursuing. His gaze quickly locked onto the one thousand silver siege weapons and the Blood Beast Army, Fearless Army, Ironblood Army, and Death Army stationed behind them.


Wang Chong urged his horse into a gallop.

“Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”

The Blood Beast Army, Fearless Army, Ironblood Army, and Death Army were also in disarray. They had almost instinctively sensed danger when the Tongluo Cavalry had appeared to suppress the Revelation Army, but it was too late.

“Hold them down!”

The morale of all the Great Tang elite armies soared as they immediately rushed at their foes.

“Six Ultimate Majesties God Technique!”

As the two sides fought against each other, a majestic voice resounded through the sky. A second later, a majestic and fierce ray of Sword Qi shot down from the heavens. Boom! In an explosion of debris and dust, the Sword Qi bored out a massive pit one hundred feet wide and threw all the Death Army soldiers in this area into the sky.

They appeared unharmed on the surface, but their organs had already been pulped.

From a certain perspective, these Death Army soldiers were even stronger than the Ultimate Martial Army soldiers, but they were still just lambs to the slaughter for a Great General like Gao Xianzhi.


At almost the same time, a black ball of energy landed in the center of the Death Army. Shrill screams rang through the air as the black ball exploded, throwing hundreds of Death Army soldiers into the sky and showering the land with gore and blood.

Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God had also entered the field.

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