A Glimpse of Necessity (Elite...

Von AltairNeedsCoffee

293 134 7

After a long brawl in the city of Yin, the Grandmaster, Ruminasu, along with the entire city has fallen. With... Mehr

[Announcement] Official Poster!
[Ch 2, Act 1] Rendezvous.
[Ch 2, Act 2] Together, forever.
[Ch 2, Act 3] 'Til the end.
[Ch 2, Act 4] Head off Shoulders.
[Ch 2, Act 5] Sumiko and Inzagi
[Ch 2, Act 7] The delusion.
[Ch 2, Act 8] The meetup.
[Ch 2, Act 9] The recruit.
[Ch 2, Act 10] Ryoria.
[Ch 2, Act 11] Top Dog.
[Ch 2, Act 12] Under dog.
[Ch 2, Act 13] The monsters.

[Ch 2, Act 6] The uprising.

20 10 0
Von AltairNeedsCoffee

In the streets of Shitosan, a man is seen lying down on the ground, his face being completely burnt off... Sumiko and Inzagi swiftly check the health status of the man, finding out that it was too late, for him.

"Is there anyone who has intel on who could've done this?" — Sumiko asks the crowd, as a girl squeezes through the crowd.

"I-I might know..." — The innocent girl implied as she was filled with anxiety

"Yeah? Come with us, we'll be interrogating you... As for everyone, kindly stay put, I will get blue soldiers to surround you all and interrogate you! No one is getting arrested, just questioned! Kindly cooperate, the future of Shitosan relies on it!" — Sumiko ordered, as she taps around her levitating tablet, calling for blue soldiers.

The girl immediately ran away in a panic, jumping over the roofs of the city's structures.

"Well, that's suspicious... Come on, Inzagi!" — Sumiko hops onto the roofs of the houses, and begins to chase the girl, calling her, telling her to come back.

Inzagi runs as well, and began to chase the girl, from the lower ground as they arrived in an alleyway. The girl then runs on the ground, pulling down some boxes, to stall Inzagi.

Sumiko continues to run on the sturdy roofs of Shitosan, as she looked down at the girl.

"Hey! We just want to talk, we won't hurt you!" — Sumiko screamed, as the girl continued running, tearing up in fear.

Eventually, Sumiko jumps down the roof, and began chasing the girl on the ground. However, at the end of the alleyway, two boys pull a piece of rope up, after the girl passes, tripping Sumiko, making her sling onto the wall of the structure in front of the alleyway.

The two boys pull out their bats and and run near Sumiko, screaming in rage, as they raise their bats, preparing to hit Sumiko.

Eventually, Inzagi arrives and karate chops the two children on their napes, knocking the both of them out. Inzagi asks if Sumiko was okay.

"Yin's children... I knew that they'd be trouble... The things I do, for the goodness of people, only for them to return this act, towards me..." — Sumiko sighs, as she got up, swiping her shirt down, to remove any dust.

Sumiko taps on her tablet, as three drones arrive on top of them.

Two of the drones were taking off Sumiko's clothes, revealing her nano suit, and swiftly preparing her kimono for her. Meanwhile, one drone was setting up some fine steel armor for Inzagi's body.

"We gotta be ready, pfft—" — Sumiko smiles at Inzagi, as she calls for another drone, giving both of them blades, made with the finest steel of Shitosan.

"Now, let's go after the girl." — Sumiko implied, as Inzagi nods

"But, what about these two boys?" — Inzagi asks as Sumiko thinks of a plan

"Ah, I've got just the plan... Bring the children with you, and follow me." — Sumiko runs to the direction of the girl, and the girl was unaware that Sumiko was behind her.

Inzagi carries the two children, as he follows Sumiko's direction.

"Alright, try your best to make a puppet of the kid's body." — Sumiko giggles, as Inzagi was both confused and amused by Sumiko's plan.

"Hey, girlll!~ Come here, we got Sumiko! Hihihi!" — Inzagi effortlessly said, as he moved the limbs of the knocked out child

The girl was joyful of the news, as she walked towards her the knocked out child. Sumiko jumps from the roof and hugs the girl, keeping her from running away

"Gotcha!" — Sumiko joyfully said as the girl squirmed around, trying to run away, as she tries to hit Sumiko on the face.

"N-No!! Let me go!!! I don't want to go to jail!!" — The girl screamed, as she continued to squirm.

"C-Calm down, I'm not gonna put you in jail! I just need to ask some questions!" — Sumiko replied as she dodges the fists of the girl.

The girl eventually calms down, and gives in to Sumiko

"That's a good girl... There there... May I ask what your name is?" — Sumiko asked, as Inzagi puts the knocked out children down on the ground.

"M-My name is... Akuma.." — The girl said, in a shy tone

"Akuma..? As in, devil..?" — Sumiko hesitantly asked.

The girl maniacally laughed, as she scratched and twisted her head. Sumiko was startled and lets go of the girl. However, the girl continued to laugh maniacally, as Inzagi notices a red light beeping on the back of the knocked out children's neck.

Inzagi immediately realizes what situation they were in, as he swiftly runs to Sumiko, to push her away.

"SUMIKO, GET DOW—" — Inzagi pushes Sumiko away, as Inzagi gets caught in the flames of the explosion, as Sumiko gets blown away from the explosion.

Sumiko screamed out Inzagi's name in disbelief, as she scurried back to Inzagi, after getting blasted off. Her legs were badly injured from the explosion and the landing, but she continued to run in a stumbly way.

Sumiko teared up as she was filled with worry, for Inzagi. However, Inzagi was seen kneeling on the ground, taking the explosion like it was nothing. Inzagi stands up and hugs Sumiko tightly.

The explosion sets an alarm for the other elites, as a green portal opens, the four ladies going through it, with their weapons ready.

"I-It's alright guys—" — Sumiko stated, as she hugged Inzagi

"What happened, Sumi?! Are you two okay?!" — Ruru asked, filled with worry, as the four ran to Sumiko and Inzagi, checking their injuries

"Something sinister happened... It didn't feel real at all..." — Inzagi replied as the four were concerned.

Sumiko looks at Inzagi concerned, telling Hecate to heal Inzagi immediately

"P-Please, lady Hecate... Heal Inzagi immediately! He was consumed by the flames of the explosion..." — Sumiko teared up, as Hecate immediately tapped her staff onto the ground, releasing a green light into Inzagi's body, readjusting his bones back, putting Inzagi's blood pressure back to normal.

Sumiko coughs, as Hecate heals Sumiko as well

"What happened, to you two? At such an early time, too..." — Ruru asks Inzagi, as her eyes are filled with concern.

"There was a guy, in the middle of the streets, just a block away from here... His face was burnt to a crisp, like lady Syu's... Then, this girl, implied that she knew what happened... But, when Sumiko ordered everyone to be interrogated, the girl panicked and ran..."

"Then... When we caught the girl, her two 'friends' began to make a beeping noise, as a red light was beeping through their skin... I knew it was a bomb, when the situation was so pressured... When the beeping was happening, the girl who ran just- began laughing and scratching her face, in such a sinister way..." — Inzagi explained to Ruru, as the four ladies sighed

"I pushed Sumiko away, thinking I was done for... But, the armor she gave me saved me, it blocked all the flames, besides my face... But, luckily, I was able to cover my face with my hands, blocking the flame from my face..." — Inzagi explained, as he trembled in an unsettled behaviour, not being able to forget the behaviour of the child.

Rizette hugs Inzagi tightly and thanks him for saving Sumiko. The other three ladies hug Inzagi as well, as they thank him.

Sumiko smiles and coughs from the smoke she inhaled.

"Alright, get up you two, slowly." — Rizette and Hecate assist Inzagi to stand up, as with Ruru and Haruna, helping Sumiko.

Hecate opens a portal back to the hospital, soon going through it.

"Alright, we'll solve that case later, but for now, you two need to rest." — Hecate scolds Sumiko and Inzagi, as the two nod.

"We'll handle the dirty work for now, Sumi. Don't worry, okay?" — Rizette smiles at Sumiko and pats her head

Sumiko giggles and nods, as she sits beside Inzagi, while Syu watches the television. The four ladies entering a portal, to solve the case of the burnt man

"You know, you two make a great couple. In fact, I heard that you two are the talk of the town, since morning." — Syu chuckles as she looks at the two

"E-Eh, really?" — Sumiko asked, as Syu nodded.

"Ah, I don't think Sumiko and I are ready for that kind of level, we just met a week ago. But, if you want Sumiko, we can give it a shot." — Inzagi implied, as he blushed lightly

"Ooo~ I love how straightforward you are, Inzagi~" — Syu chuckles as she teases the two

"What'll it be, Sumiko?~" — Syu asks, as Sumiko stands up

"I-I think I need to head to the bathroom!" — Sumiko abruptly replies as she hurries to the bathroom

Syu chuckles and sighs

"Ah, to be young and in love... Tell me something about yourself, Inzagi" — Syu requested, in a soft tone, as she looked at him with interest.

"A-Ah, okay, okay, I'm Inzagi Rier, and I'm just a normal dude, trying to get into the ranks, to contribute to the security of the world." — Inzagi replied as Syu claps softly

"Wooo~ truly an amazing motive~ I believe you can do it!" — Syu smiles at Inzagi

"So, what's the deal with you and Sumiko? She's never been attached like this, to a man, before... It seems so odd of her, but I just love seeing her adorable little face turn red! Do you?" —Syu asks as Inzagi giggles

"Yeah, it is pretty cute..." — Inzagi's eyes sparkled as he looked down, smiling.

"Ooo~ someone clearly has a crush~ you're in luck, she's the same age as you~" — Syu teases Inzagi continuously

"A-Ahaha, I don't really know... I mean, it would be a dream, to be with a daunting beauty like Sumiko, but... I don't think I've proven to myself that I am worthy of holding the hand of such a delicate... Lady..." — Inzagi spaces out, as he fidgets with his thumbs

Syu tears up as she smiles, nodding in agreement from Inzagi's statement

"Keep going" — Syu sniffles as she tears up from Inzagi's gentleness, while smiling.

"A-Ah? Okay, umm... I don't really think she holds those kinds of feelings for me, you know? I think she just sees me as a nice companion. I don't know, I've never been into the love game. But, whatever she sees in me, I hope I can enhance it for the potential future we both hold.." — Inzagi blushes brightly as he looked down, his heart beginning to pound rapidly and loudly.

"Mhm, mhm, I love it... This is truly the purest form of love.." — Syu cries from happiness, as she smiles at Inzagi, telling him to pursue his dreams for Sumiko.

"Pfft, I'll try my best, ma'am... It wouldn't be bad to add another reason as to why I want to be an elite.." — Inzagi scoffs and smiles.

Syu smiles and shakes Inzagi's hand

"You've definitely got my approval!" — Syu says, as Inzagi smiles brightly, shaking her hand back.

Meanwhile, behind the doors, Sumiko was listening to their conversation. Sumiko began to breathe heavily, unable to handle her extremely strong feelings for Inzagi. Sumiko held her chest, trying to calm herself down. But, no matter what she does, she cannot conceal her love for Inzagi.

Sumiko gulps as she sweats profusely, her body turning entirely red, metaphorically. Sumiko tears up from the thought that someone has accepted to hold her hand, to the gates of love, without involving any kind of physical desire from her.

Sumiko shakes her head over and over, trying to return to her normal expression, but she fails. Sumiko panics and slaps herself on her cheeks, trying every method to calm down. But, nothing works.

Sumiko realizes that she is deeply in love with Inzagi, for his way of speaking to her, his way of being straightforward with her, with his feelings. Sumiko remembers Inzagi's way of comfort towards her, as her heart began pounding louder than usual.

Sumiko then relapses through Ruminasu's death, to balance her emotions... Despite being in love, she disciplines herself to not love, because she has a greater objective.

Sumiko returns to the room, with a normal expression, hiding her true self once again...


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