Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires...

由 starflame_x

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Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to va... 更多

01: First Bite
02: Sweet Scent
03: A Tempting Offer
04: Complications
05: Rejected
06: Untouchable
08: A New Contract
09: Frightened
10: Predator and Prey
11: Impending Danger
12: Unexpected Hangout
13: The Happiest Day
14: Followed
15: Helpless Little Thing
16: Too Far Gone
17: No Freedom in Sight
18: Resignation
19: Crossing Paths
20: All He Needs
21: Unexpected Ally
22: To Seek Forgiveness
23: Still Living
24: Losing Control
25: Passion and Obligation
26: Taking Accountability
27: Honesty
28: Possessiveness
29: It's Okay to be Weak

07: Rude Interruption

7.5K 293 50
由 starflame_x

Life really is ironic.

Just a few days ago, you were the one who needed to be brought to the hospital, but now, Caleb has taken your place. You've swapped from being the patient to being the chaperone, and frankly, you're not sure if you want to laugh or cry.

"Ugh," Caleb groans. He's just stepped out of the doctor's office and is hobbling weakly. There's gauze taped to his nose, and his voice sounds vaguely stuffy when he talks. "That sucked. I sure as hell never want to do it again."

You offer him a sympathetic smile. "I'm guessing it hurt a lot when he set your bone back in place. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that must have been."

"It is what it is," he sighs. "At least I didn't need to have surgery to fix it. It's a good thing it wasn't a really bad fracture."

You bite down on your lip. No part of this situation is good, and it's ridiculous that he was attacked out of nowhere, meanwhile, the guy who injured him gets off scot-free.

Vampires face active discrimination every day. You know that for a fact. There are vampires like Elliot who don't even feel comfortable going to a coffee shop because they worry they'll scare people, and it's true that humans say all sorts of cruel things about them, without even giving them a chance.

Not all vampires are bad. But of course, not all of them are good either.

You used to think Felix was the perfect example of this rule. Up until you met that bastard, Kai. He's even worse than Felix. At least in Felix's case, he's simply an asshole who doesn't know how to hold back. He's greedy and childish, but you could tell that he wasn't trying to cause you any discomfort. He was simply too caught up in the taste of your blood to bother restraining himself.

But in Kai's case, he was very much trying to hurt Caleb. He did it just for the hell of it. Just to blow off some steam.

Vampire or human, it makes no difference.

Pricks like him are the fucking worst.

"If I ever see that douchebag again, I'm going to kick his ass," you grimace, shaking your fist in frustration.

Caleb chuckles weakly. "No offense, but I doubt even I stand a chance against him, and I'm bigger than you. Their bodies are completely different from ours. They're just way stronger."

True. An ordinary human can't possibly put up a fight against a vampire. Perhaps a skilled fighter, like a wrestler or a professional boxer, but between Kai, and you and Caleb, it's obvious who would lose that fight.

That's what sucks the most. The fact that he's got so much strength and chooses to hurt others with it. Worse yet, he's in a position of power thanks to his dad and doesn't hesitate to abuse his authority. He knows he can get away with all kinds of fucked up shit. God, some people are just given the golden ticket in life.

"It's okay, [Name]." He smiles, despite the fact that it probably hurts, and pats your shoulder. "I appreciate you getting angry on my behalf. But I'll be fine. Sometimes unlucky stuff like that just happens. To be safe, I should probably start going to a different arcade, though. I'd rather not get my nose broken a second time."

He laughs good-naturedly, and you briefly wonder if you would've been able to act the same way, had you been in his position., definitely not.

Perhaps that's the difference between you and Caleb. When life beats you down, you sulk about it and let it damper your spirits. You keep trying to push through day by day, but it eats away at your soul and saps your hope. You become more bitter every time it happens, and in doing so, the joy of life slips further from your grasp.

But when life beats Caleb down, he endures it with a smile. He doesn't lose the shine in his eyes and faces forward with no regrets.

You have to admit, you admire him for it. Even if he might not have suffered as much as you have in your lifetime, it takes a certain type of person to be able to stay optimistic in the face of adversity.

Caleb blinks. "What is it? Is there something on my face? Uh... I mean, other than all the gauze covering my nose."

"No. It's nothing." You smile brightly. "I was just thinking you're really cool. I like how you're always so positive, no matter what. It might be hard for me to pull off, but I'm going to try to be more like you from now on."


It takes a few seconds for your words to sink in, but once they do, Caleb's cheeks practically burst into flames.

"Y-You're giving me way too much credit," he chuckles bashfully. Even the tips of his ears are getting red. You wonder if he's not used to being complimented so earnestly. "It's no big deal. I just don't want to waste too much energy being upset about things. But... I'm glad you think I'm cool. I have to admit, it makes me feel pretty good about myself."

You smile again. Going to the hospital is hardly a festive occasion, but with Caleb by your side, somehow, it's actually kind of fun.


"...I'm not being a bother, am I? B-Because if you're not comfortable doing this, I completely understand," Elliot stammers.

You chuckle softly. He's as neurotic as always, it seems. You think it's rather cute how much he fusses over things, but at the same time, you'd rather he didn't get so worked up for no reason.

"I wouldn't have agreed to spend time with you if I wasn't comfortable," you reassure, setting your apron aside. Your shift is just about to be over, and you're closing again, so the coffee store is empty apart from the two of you.

Elliot blushes. "Oh. I-I guess that's true. Sorry. I just really don't want you to feel like I pressured you into doing this..."

"Of course not. I like being with you. You're my favorite customer, remember?"

You playfully pinch his cheek to emphasize your statement, and his blush deepens tenfold. He even shrinks in on himself, awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs. To think that a vampire with strength and senses far superior to yours would be so timid... it just goes to show there's all kinds of people in the world.

Before long, you've cleaned up and closed shop for the night, and then you step out into the dark of night, filling your lungs with fresh air.

"It's kind of chilly," you remark. "It's getting colder and colder these days."

"Really? I think it feels quite pleasant. It's a lot better like this than when it's warm."

Well, that answers your question from before. It looks like vampires are much more comfortable at lower temperatures. You briefly wonder exactly how hot is too hot for them, but ultimately, you decide not to ask.

You flash Elliot a smile. "Okay, well, we're here now, so what did you feel like doing? We could maybe grab a drink someplace nearby, if you're up for it."

"A drink? Oh, um... I guess we could. But truthfully, I've never worked up the nerve to try alcohol before," he admits. "I heard the taste can be pretty strong, and I'm not sure if I have the stomach for it."

"Well, not to peer-pressure you or anything, but sometimes it's nice to try new things," you grin. "And I guess part of me is secretly wondering how you'll act if you get drunk."

"That... probably won't happen."


"Um, nothing. But sure, let's try having some drinks. Like you said, new experiences can be fun. Especially with the right company," he adds shyly.

He really is adorable. So much so that you can't help the warmth that inevitably rises to your cheeks.

Shortly thereafter, though, your face is warm for an entirely different reason.

"These cocktails are so good," you sigh happily, tilting your head back and letting the sugary alcoholic beverage stream down your throat.

Elliot's brows knit together. "Are you okay, [Name]? I feel like you've been drinking a little too much. I don't want you to get sick."

"I'm fiiiine," you dismiss. You stretch out the word, slurring your speech a bit. You're getting pretty tipsy, but since no drunk person ever admits they're drunk, you're convinced that you're perfectly fine.

"If you say so," Elliot chuckles. "Don't worry. I'll be here to make sure nothing bad happens. But still... maybe try pacing yourself a bit more."

You groan and flatten your cheek against the table, feeling a sudden head rush. The room is starting to spin a bit, and your body's getting hotter by the second. If not for how intoxicated you are right now, the heat would have probably made you start sweating like crazy.

Actually, come to think of it...

"You've had more to drink than me," you protest, pointing to several of the empty glasses sitting next to Elliot. "So why should I be the one to pace myself? Don't you think that's a bit hippo-hippo, uh-hypocritical of you?"

"I guess so," he laughs. "Sorry. It turns out that I don't actually mind the taste of alcohol as much as I thought I would."

You purse your lips, and like every drunkard, you have the sudden urge to not be outdone.

"Let's do shots," you blurt. "First to get blackout drunk loses."

Elliot's brows jump. "Huh? I-I don't think that's such a good idea. More like, it's almost guaranteed that you'll be the one to lose..."

"Excuse me?" you gasp, visibly offended. "You only just started drinking today! There's no way I'll lose to a newbie!"

"Uh, no, you don't understand. Vampires can't actually-"

"Shots! We're doing shots!"

Despite his best attempts to dissuade you, you've already made up your mind, and you're not listening to any of his protests either.

In hindsight, you really wish you had.

"What's... happening?" you mumble weakly. "You've been drinking so much more than me... and you still look... completely fine."

Elliot's expression is riddled with concern as he watches your head slump onto the table for the umpteenth time.

"This is why I said it wasn't a good idea," he frets, pressing his hand against your forehead. Just like Xavier, his fingers are ice cold, and they feel amazing atop your flushed skin.

"'M'not... drunk," you babble semi-incoherently. "You're the drunk one."

"[Name], vampires can't get drunk. That's what I've been trying to tell you for the past thirty minutes."

It's probably not the first time he's uttered those words, but you've only just now registered them.

Suddenly, you jolt upright and jab your index finger towards him, accusingly. "So, you were cheating this entire time!"

"Does it really count as cheating if my body doesn't circulate blood the way yours does?" he chuckles weakly. "The alcohol in my blood doesn't affect me since it never actually reaches my brain. Which is why I can just keep drinking as much as I want. It mainly sits in my stomach."

"Cheater," you mumble, and it feels like your eyelids are getting heavier by the second. "If not for that... I would have won."

You pass out in your chair scarcely a few moments later, and needless to say, Elliot spirals into a panic. Normally, you're a bit better at holding your liquor, but your body must have been especially tired recently. You also can't remember the last time you drank like this. Perhaps you pushed yourself too hard.

Since you're out cold, you aren't aware of how much trouble you end up causing Elliot. In fact, you aren't aware of anything at all, not until you come to with a gasp and realize that you're lying in the backseat of a cab.

"Oh, good." Elliot heaves a sigh of relief and gently pats your back. "You're up again. I was really scared. I swear you stopped breathing for a few seconds."

"How did I get here?" you gape.

"I called a cab, and thankfully, I managed to get you conscious long enough for you to tell me your address. I'm not sure if you remember. And I sure hope it's the right address, otherwise we're probably headed to the middle of nowhere."

"Hey, you're still paying me," the cab driver snaps. "It's not my fault if you got the address wrong."

"O-Of course I will, sir." Elliot smiles weakly, then glances back towards you. "More importantly, how are you feeling? Drinking is dangerous. I never realized how sick it could make people."

"It's only dangerous when the person drinking is an idiot," you groan. You rub your temples, which are throbbing like no tomorrow. "The address you gave him seems fine. We're going the right way. Anyways, how did you get me out of the bar?"

"I carried you," Elliot replies, as if it's obvious.

Right. Well, he is strong, after all. Unconscious bodies usually weigh a ton, but for a vampire, it probably wasn't much of a problem.

It's still pretty embarrassing, though. Having to be carried because you passed out drunk at your age.

"I'm sorry," you apologize. "I ended up being a major pain in the ass. I let my guard down a lot, probably because I feel so comfortable around you."

Elliot's eyes widen. "R-Really? You feel... comfortable with me?"

"Of course. You're super nice, and it puts me at ease. Even though we don't know each other all that well yet, I really like having you around."

He swallows thickly, then hastily averts his gaze, too embarrassed to look you in the eye. You can still feel the aftereffects of all the alcohol you drank, and you're far from being completely sober, but at the very least, the words you just spoke are completely genuine.

"...and you're not just saying that because you're drunk?" Elliot asks hesitantly.

"Whether I'm drunk or not, I wouldn't make something like that up," you reassure.

Unless the alcohol is seriously hindering your vision, you swear that Elliot's blushing again.

"Okay, we're here," the cab driver blurts. He reels to a halt, and you nearly whack your head against the window because of how suddenly he hit the brakes.

The last thing I need is whiplash on top of everything else...

"Here you go," Elliot says, handing the driver his fee. He smiles kindly, as always, but all he gets in return is a derisive sneer.

"Hurry up and get out. I've got a long night ahead of me."

Elliot's shoulders droop. You wonder if that was yet another instance of discrimination because he's a vampire, or if that cab driver just happened to be a massive dick.

You suppose you'll never find out.

"Is that your apartment?" Elliot asks, pointing towards the shoddy building that you have the misfortune of calling home.

You nod grimly. "Yeah. As you can see, I'm not exactly living in luxury, but then again, most people who work as baristas don't have mansions."

"It looks nice," Elliot says, clearly making an effort to be polite.

"Elliot, please. It's a dumpster fire. And even that is giving it too much credit."

He shamefully lowers his head, not knowing what else to say. You take a few steps forward, but soon realize that your legs feel like jelly after the car ride, and your head is still spinning from all the alcohol earlier.

"H-Here," Elliot blushes, offering you his arm. "You can hold on to me if it makes it easier to walk."

Even though it just makes you feel more self-conscious about how much of a mess you are, you gratefully accept, then cling to his arm in order to avoid stumbling.

His lean frame is rather deceptive, because you can feel how sturdy his muscles are underneath the fabric of his clothes. You're not sure if that's because he's a vampire, or if he actually invests a lot more time and effort into his physique than one might assume.

Whatever the case, he feels nice to hold onto.

"I hope you'll be alright by yourself," Elliot mumbles. He glances at you, shyly, out of the corner of his eye. "I'm worried that you might get sick overnight. Do you happen to have any family who can watch over you?"

Your expression darkens without you even realizing it.

"No," you scowl. "I don't have any family."

"Oh. I-I see."

Elliot awkwardly clears his throat. He must have realized that he said something to get under your skin, even though he couldn't possibly have known any better.

You try to muster up a smile. "Anyways, thanks so much for tonight. I had a lot of fun. Even if some parts of the evening are kind of fuzzy. I know I caused you a lot of trouble, but I hope it was somewhat enjoyable. Up until I blacked out, at least."

"I had a great time," Elliot reassures. "And please don't worry. It didn't bother me at all. I'm just glad you're feeling a bit better now. That's what's most important."

Your fingers tighten around his arm, and he blushes again, visibly conscious of your touch. For a brief, fleeting moment, you wonder if it's just because he's shy, or if there's any chance he thought of tonight as a date.

Right as you're about to ponder whether you consider it a date or not, someone brings you back to cold, unforgiving reality.

"Well, well, well," a familiar, disgusting voice chuckles. A man emerges from behind one of the trees, and he shamelessly waltzes right up to the two of you.

There he is. The bane of your fucking existence. That absolute shithead, Johnny.

"It looks like my cute, impoverished [Name]'s bagged herself a man," he muses. "Who would've thought?"

Elliot blinks in confusion. He clearly doesn't know what to say, and he can't seem to understand why you seem so apprehensive all of a sudden.

Just like that, you've instantly sobered up.


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