Aetherean: River Of Blood

Da PaulineArissiaUltima

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The Aethereon kin, has remained unconquered by the foreign lands and other kins for countless myriad centurie... Altro

Preface: A Story Foretold
Chapter Two: Rumors of Truth
Chapter Three: A Secret Passage and Spies
Chapter Four: Her Feat, Their Solicitude
Chapter Five: The Seventh
Chapter Six: Victory in Vain

Chapter One: No Beast

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Da PaulineArissiaUltima

First Person Point of View: Princess Vheneess Aethereon, the seventh (VII)

Along the peak of the High Keep  - the greatest and tallest sanctuary of Grand Felidonts, a royal rider mounted on its gigantic beast sauntering towards the edge of the cliff, and ready to take a flight anew. The air is strong and flows quickly at these heights...a perfect current of winds for royal riders to roam over the mountain ranges. Such a grave task for every young lord, but this rider is not one of them. He is an old stager. A veteran, a king, and has matters to attend to beyond the vast riches of his land. It is a precious moment that only a few relishes, and only one name, beyond all others, is chosen of destiny to have control over the Aethereal skies...the Aethereons - the royal riders of the Grand Felidonts, dwelling in the most powerful kingdom of Aetherea called the Deep Royal Palace - nestling at the zenith of the high Aetherean mountains, this colossal landscape is being occupied by the royal family and descents of King Vaeghor Aethereon, the present ruler and the purest ruling bloodline in all of the land...he is a great king, but he was not the one who united the three was another king before him.

At a time only Aetherean beings could remember, even before King Vaeghor succeeded his late-father and late-king, Rhaegon, there were the ancient-kings many centuries before them and the land was said to be in grave chaos. Draelaryons and Daerothrions, have been advesaries, locked in enmity that endures to this day. They had been fighting over Western Compass, a western strip of land stretching across both the paths leading to the two rival palaces. It was a prized possession of Draelaryons as they won a hundred of years ago with the help of the royal riders. However, it caused them thousands of brave soldiers and innocent's blood shed in the dreadful war, even their grand beasts...a River of Blood witnessed across the land. Only It was all because of Daerothrions. - sons of the conquerors who take anything that the wild winter touches.

The Western Compass is important for the kin in the name of prosperity and the land's strategic position, it likewise covers the path leading to the woodlands in the east providing them ample victuals harvesting before the coming of harsh weather storms and, perchance, unwelcome wild winters. However, despite Draelaryons voicing their claim, the land became a lone piece of great solid ice conceived as a wintry gift for Daerothrions. The Daerothrions believe all the freezing landscapes in Aetherea belong to their kin and they will never stop until they concur the last piece of it. Unfortunately, Draelaryons never thought their prized possession would be in such a plight.

They know it is the most unwonted tradition of Daerothrions, a domineering and selfish reasoning, as the Draelaryons whisper in their ears. It's a historical promise passed through Daerothrion generations, and for that reason, as long as there is a Daerothrion awaiting for the coming of a wild winter, a chaos is no different with a beast awaiting for its jaws to open and engulf everything on its path.
The ancient-ruler, King Arthemion would not prefer sacrificing innocent blood for the cause of one lifeless state, so he made an offer beyond anything else...a golden offer. And it was set forth in the Western Compass, a place that itself caused a dreadful war a hundred years before.

The Draelaryons and Daerothrions armies were about to march on opposite fronts, with the commanders readying the factions of their legion. The rays of sun dazzle the cold breeze embracing the mountain tops. A daylight and a foreseen sign of nature that means every soldier is up for battle and is only waiting for the horns to be heard.

As the war was about to begin, a loud strident sound came from the skies scent on the ground. The brawny Draelaryon commanders and the staunch Daerothrion men-at-arms stood their ground and are seen dauntless, a war pride, as they call it.

It is not a normal day for the two kins to see the colossal wings of a Grand Felidont flapping them mightily along the Western Compass, especially that it is the only full-grown beast remained after the last river of blood.

The royal rider's Grand Felidont was named Red Serpent, was the tenth biggest of its time. It is twice as large as a house. The ancient-king Arthemion dove deep into the valley until they got to the ridge. A ground that is for landing. Both the kins felt his presence, and as they do, the whole armies showed respect, ordering by their commander to keep their swords and thrust their spears to the ground then later kneeled down before Arthemion Aethereon, the Generous, the Overlord, and King of Aetherea.

Red Serpent roared like any other as it senses the superiority of its master. The loud strident voice of the beast quivered the canyons. A powerful roar that even the commanders blinked their eyes for a second.

For many generations, the Aethereon lineage has been bound by marriages within the family. This longstanding tradition was maintained to strengthen their lineage and safeguard the purity of their bloodline, not allowing an Aetherion blood to bind from others. King Arthemion understands the significant challenge of abolishing this revered custom, but he discerns it's the most interest of other lords in Aetherea and that it would be the sole way to appease them.

Threatened by the loss of brave and innocent lives, the venerable ancient-highness, King Arthemion, dismounted his mighty beast and declared a treaty for the good of Aetherea. He permitted the union of Draelaryons and Daerothrions be wed with his daughters and other Aethereon-ladies, uniting their bloodlines as one, and putting an end to the marriages within the Aethereon family. A one-time offer for a lifelong pact. Arthemion thought the binding of their blood and nature could become a bridge for the two kins to end their ceaseless warfare...and it did. The truce has endured for over centuries.

The Aethereons know that peace is a vital element for the realm's long lasting reign. As late-king Rhaegon and others ascended the Aethereal throne after Arthemion's successors, Aetherea is powerful at such times, and its full strength is only yet to come by the ascension of Rhaegon's son, Vaeghor Aethereon.

Vaeghor, the Good, the Overlord, and the King, has a legacy of its own to fulfill. Just like his ancestors, he has to keep peace and strengthen the Halls of his fathers, especially keeping the grand laws formed within the halls of King's Imperial hundreds of years ago, with the other two powerful kins, Ancient-Lord Daerothrions of Coldwrath, and Ancient-Lord Draelaryons of Daybreak. 

Naming its coat of arms 'The Grand Tusk' - a mark that holds the ancient and present constitution of the realm.

For centuries passed, the land has been both a haven for Aetherean mankind and a great sanctuary for Grand Felidonts - the unparalleled entities ever walked the old Earth.

Not all Lords in Aetherea own Grand Felidonts - winged creatures that resemble one of the greatest clawed and winged beasts of all time. Only Aethereons are rightful to claim them for they are bonded with these creatures in blood and nature.

The sons and daughters sheltering in Deep Royal Palace and bearing the name of 'Aethereon' are rightful to take their ride with the Grand Felidonts, while those sheltering in other Palaces are bound to inherit none. This law symbolizes the dominance of Aethereons. Only them can venture the highest peak of their heirloom, the skies. This is the law embedded in the sacred pillars of the kingdom.

When the time comes for the Aethereon-daughters be wed to either Draelaryon-sons or Daerothrion-sons, and even to other lords, their grandeur would no longer pass down to the next, and it would lead their future sons and daughters to lack of right in inheriting a beast.

On the contrary, being an Aethereon-son leads to the inheritance of the Grand Felidonts, and their grandeur would forever hold their souls and the next generations to come after them.

It is by law and by might of the realm which only represents how powerful the birthrights of the Aethereon-sons are.

To not lift up these laws too much, rumors have grown too fierce in the years passed about a certain matter: about the wit of Felidonts. The people thought only the law of The Grand Tusk is the truth and righteous judgement as regards to inheriting a Felidont. They are unaware that these creatures have a character that is even more remarkable than they had once thought.

A word has circulated through the Royal Halls of every kingdom. They deem it true at times: the beast is to choose its rightful inheritor. Although it's not seen all the time, the watchers in the sanctuaries are mindful of it.

Each young descent of the exact same age visits the sanctuary of their own to bond with their half-grown Felidonts, for the first time. All Felidonts are not likely to be forced, therefore sometimes the young lords and she-lords stay in the sanctuary with the beasts for more than a year or two to train together and be used to one another. Only time could tell how they earned each other's trust and unfortunately, how it literally ended their lives. Because sometimes different tragedies had claimed the souls of young descents along the way, who weren't able to hold on to the saddle long enough and control their beasts.

Certain accidents have occurred when these young Grand Felidonts and their masters aviate together over the high cliffs and mountains of Aetherea. Some ended up being thrust by the wild woods of the forest, others fell into the cliffpits and never seen again. Nonetheless, some succeed and take their first flight with the other successful Grand Felidont riders while the others witness joy on the ground as they see their future masters fly above the heavens.

Draelaryons stand to whom they are allied to. The kin is ruled by Roeon I Draelarion, the present lord of Daybreak Palace and is known for their loyalty. Their sacred mark is sculpted as three deformed bodies of beasts without wings, chasing each other, then all forming like strange three petalled flowers. It is the mark of their brotherhood and loyalty to Aethereons.

The Aethereon-daughters sheltering in Daybreak and other inheritors' Grand Felidonts are nestled in what they call the 'Bloodrock Sanctuary' situated near the palace. These majestic steed symbolize their brave spirits to the realm. Every time Draelaryons are in battle they group themselves and look at each other's back. They form a lance-like figure, the coolest battle formation as the people of Aetherea say.

Daerothrion's sacred mark is the second most powerful kin in Aetherea. Daerothrions shelter the Coldwrath Palace which is ruled by Baeron I Daerothrion, the present lord of their kin. Their mark forms a dagger without a shaft carrying a sharp fine snowflake on each side. Just like their mark, Daerothrions are said to be as cold as the heart of snow. They frequently wear thick and black coats made out of fur and hide of their past Felidonts...a full memory of the Aethereon-daughters' beasts. Their dresses are said to be the coolest and good-looking yet they seem to smile and feel warmth on just rare occasions. 'Snowstorm Sanctuary', the most frozen sanctuary in all of the land, is where the Grand Felidonts of Aethereon-daughters inhabit.

Aethereons, on the other hand, possess Grand Felidonts. Their sacred mark draws the folded sharp wings of the Grand beast whilst facing its left. Vaeghor Aetherion's male beast namely Bravewing is seen as the second largest Grand Felidont in its time, weighing as heavy as quarter the weight of a huge mansion, although others say he is only second, no one has seen the biggest but seeing Bravewing is a fair chance. The beasts are the most precious possession of the Aethereon Highnesses, thus are kept safe in the gigantic sanctuary they call 'High Keep'. Among the three sanctuaries it is situated the farthest and highest and is closer to the northern skies. The sanctuary lies in the heart of the Aetherean Mountains for when the Grand Felidonts are called in battle flying would not be too necessary...diving will. It is an airborne spectacle that is quite a performance to see for the people residing in the land. During battle tournaments, the common folk couldn't help but watch and wait for how the Grand Beasts fold their enormous wings and let themselves fall into the air. It is clearly a breathtaking view to witness how the magnificent creatures slowly unbolt their wings and let themselves be carried upon the clouds.

With these three powerful kingdoms and their unyielding beasts, no enemy had ventured Aetherea for over hundreds of years. Despite their formidable prowess in battle formations, Aetherea is renowned not only for its control over the neighboring city states, but for its unwavering commitment to humility and compassion. 'The Grand Tusk' is built as a promise to protect and keep the boundaries between both the weak and strong. It stands as a beacon of hope and harmony in a world that is yet to be torn apart by strife and ambition, or so they thought.

King Vaeghor knows the heraldry under his watch would not be as strong as his forebears' legacies if the revolutionaries against it, the liberators in particular, reigned in the kingdom. Though time has proven The Grand Tusk is a law so strong that made every man in the realm bend it's knees and pay homage to the king, the heraldry is said to be threatened by liberators, at these times as rumors have grown in the chambers of King's Imperial, the grand court in Deep Royal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Present Time: King Vaeghor's reign

The Truce has spoiled the people in a good way and they can't complain about it, it's just too good to resist. It's every Aetherean commoner's enjoy the vast riches of Aetherea. For as long as the sacred mark, these people are protected and will continue to thrive in the name of their highest ruler, the Aethereons.

It is noticeable how prosperous the realm is as even the beggars never beg for a single coin on the street nor the food of the poorest scarce. No wonder why the gold banks of the capital are plainly overflowing with gold and the workforce has never been inadequate nor the wages have gone meager.

A hundred kilometers away from Deep Royal Palace and a kilometer near the wild forest lies the capital city they call 'Armada's Peak'. It's a rich place for commoners situated near 'Bright Coast', a coastline abundant of sea resources and experienced sailors journeying beyond the reefs in search of one-of-a-kind fish...which is my Grand Felidont's favorite. His name is Catchfire, and he is Bravewing's firstborn cub. He is Bravewing's strongest offspring. Catchfire was named the greatest watcher at night and is the seventh largest beast. Even though, we are not close, I usually hear it from a handful of gossip maids in the Servant's Quarters. When he was of service in Aethereal palace, At night, he becomes riderless leading a band of royal guard riders with the other beasts, watching the towers, assuring the safety of the royal family from any threat. It's a service no one else can surpass indeed and one may perceive Catchfire making himself worn out in a way but it is truly because of a son only wanting his father to be proud of him. Catchfire has always looked up to Bravewing. It seems not only human offspring have sons and fathers issues. At present, the beast hides himself in the High Keep ever since my mother died.

As the sun glows in the east, the shadows of the tower lying at the center of the Capital begin to shed every common village nearby. It's a great day for the workers of the city, the fisher folks, to start fishing at seas and collecting their catches. While in the countryside, lies the huge chalets of hunters. Inside are a family of common-born hunters ready to march inside the forest and serve their kin with their spikes. These two different workers may serve distinctly but they do only one good purpose and that is to feed the realm. They have never complained about it for their nets and weapons are armed with costly metal provided by the good king which is in reality a supply comimg from the Daerothrion's inventory. The Daerothrions have weapons that are unmatched, they are called the beast slayers. No wonder why their sacred mark has a lot to say about their traditions.

Not long ago the Highest Supremacy Vaeghor Aethereon appointed Prince Valrhog II, a non-liberator, as second to the highest of order in the great Halls of the council they call King's Imperial. In the absence of the Aethereon king, the Daerothrion-authority is the one in command at court. The Daerothrion-sons have always shown their cold countenances as they plunge on their seats and steal everyone's attention, especially women. It's nothing new everyday. One would be uncertain whose handsome face made eyes turned all the time. The princes have such tempting auras.

Speaking of King's Imperial, here I am, silently standing beside my father who's sitting on the great Aethereal throne attached on the walls of King's Imperial. Yes, he is the king. He always tells me about the sacred halls of Deep Royal and its rich history.

He says the Aethereal throne is no more than a part of the Aetherion wall. If the lands should fall so is the Palace and its throne, but the Aetherean blood and its nature should live forever and hold its promise to its people.

My father often speaks this to me when I was younger and when the moon blooms, even before Catchfire takes a night watch with the common ones.

I am a princess and I am his youngest and the only Aethereon-daughter breathing in the sacred Halls of Deep Royal.

My father has always gave his best in promoting peace and prosperity to the realm. Every family of commoners and peasants would agree that he served best, but for some Aethereon relatives...they thought my father was missing his own. Draelaryons and especially the Daerothrions have grasped every power in the court. And it's not impossible for them to hold the Grand heirloom of our kin in the course of time. Outside the palace the common people may be happy, but inside these walls, their leaders are fighting a silent war awaiting to bring down our kin. These whispers only came from the uneasiness and apprehension of some Aethereon relatives thinking that the Aethereal crown would be ripped off from the Aethereon bloodline, but the king perceives the world differently...he quite ignores this and focuses on equitable judgement.

My father is the only remaining pure blooded Aethereon in the Palace, aside from me. I have nine older brothers but they are all half-bloods. Their mother was a Daerothrion-lady, the late queen Raeven The Eighth. After she died, she was replaced by an Aethereon-lady, Vhenees The Sixth, the second late-queen, and a mother to mine. My mom died giving birth to me. After she left us and her Grand Felidont, Catchfire, the king has never shown any interest in remarrying again. He knew that marrying an Aethereon-lady has been forbidden since the ancient-times and yet he still did it because of love. The other lords needed to be appeased again at such times so once again the incest will end in our kin as my father reaffirmed it. They knew my father couldn't be executed for his crime, he was the only prince and the only heir to the Aethereal throne during the late king- reign.

Although both my parents are Aethereons which makes me the only pure blooded Aethereon-daughter in the Palace, it still doesn't give me the full right to ascend the Aethereal throne...because I am only a young girl compared to my nine gallant brothers who already know how the world of royal politics works and even how to control their grand beasts. It's only been days since my training began and I haven't even passed the test yet, which is the reason for preventing me even from seeing Catchfire. This is how the law of claiming a beast works. One should pass all the tests in the South Bay laid near the Orange Sea before advancing to the final training being held in the High Keep. Since my mother died, my father always wanted me to be Catchfire's new rider. So, hopefully the beast won't eat me alive when we meet. Catchfire is one of the Grand Felidonts that can't be easily tamed.

At this moment, the gathering of court men has ended as my father took his steps afar from the Aethereal throne and bowed before it, as were all the people in this chamber. Kings were never known to bow before the Aethereal throne, but it's a law he demanded under the order of 'The Grand Tusk'. If he should bow before it then so are its people.

The court men gathered about a certain dispatch coming from the newsman and a few Aetherean delegates who sailed through the other lands. There will be a Grand offering tonight about my lovely cousin, Aemma, a half-blood Aethereon-lady. She is being courted by many lords outside the lands of Aetherea and they are all invited for supper. She is well-known for her grace, beauty, breeding, and refinement. Splendid features that every Aetherion lady or princess should possess to draw attention...but that's not clearly my thing. Honestly, I am still a simple girl and in training at the sanctuary.

"Princess." The voice of the handmaiden called me from behind.

I just realized the King's Imperial's massive doors had been closed as the nearby chambers had been emptied. I just recently saw my father talking to his guards and I did not catch their pace so now I was left behind with a handmaiden.

For a small princess like me it seems natural to others tailing at you. It's for safety purposes.
I wanted to ask the king if I could start the training early, at the South Bay - a training ground for young royal trainees like me, but I didn't catch him so I handed over the concern to the handmaiden to deliver the request to father, and here is she now calling me to inform the king's retort about my plea.

"The king wants you to go to his chambers. I'm sorry, princess, but your request did not turn out so well." The handmaiden stated as she lowered her head.

"I thank you for your efforts, miss." I said. I told her to leave and she submitted.

His chambers are located in the other tower. It's a long way to journey, yet I must carry it out. It's a king's order after all. And besides, I might even enjoy it. Because I get to pass to Bravewing, his Grand Felidont. The biggest one alive who sleeps just outside the cloister.

A handful of minutes passed, as I reached the doorway, the wide-open space where most commoners are roaming in, greeted me not with words but their preparations for tonight's event.

Everyone's doing their thing at present, and here I am, walking inconspicuously besides watching them taking care of their own affairs.

I went near the balustrade where the huge banners of Aethereon kin are hung on. An hour succeeded as I kept wandering the clouds with my eyes, then all of a sudden, a huge wind gust came into view and disrupted everyone's focus. We followed the advancing huge silhouettes of five Grand Felidonts beyond the towering clouds. As the stratus disappeared beneath them, the mysterious five beasts forming in line like a spear and moving skyward were revealed. They are my brothers' beasts. Clutchstorm - Valrhog II's: my eldest brother, Talons Dread - Aemon's beast: my fifth brother, Xyren - Syron's: my eighth brother, Zyrax - Azhon IX's: my ninth brother, and Huntedcrown the fiercest in the group - Aeron's beast: my third brother. They are now flying towards the High Keep and preparing for landing. How I wish I could fly soon with my beast, Catchfire. I never removed my eyes from them since the moment I spotted their sudden arrival. I noticed the beasts' saddles were empty which means my siblings were carried back by ship rather than riding their beasts, so I viewed the ship from above.

Father requested my five siblings to escort the suitors of Lady Aemma...and now they will be here in no time to rest and prepare for the upcoming feast at night. However, my stealthy presence seems to end now as I heard another voice from behind again.

"Good morn, princess." A random handmaiden suddenly called me from behind and laid a tray along with a cup and a kettle on a surface. "A tea for you."

"It's so kind of you, miss." I retorted.

The handmaiden no longer uttered any words so I finally requested her to carry on and leave. It seems she is ordered not to tell who wishes to give me a drink.

It has a lot of cargo that evidently slows the vessel down. Meanwhile, at the very edge I finally beheld my brothers severally engaged in their own pursuits.

This is the reason I am fortunate to be a lady of different kindred, save that of the Daerothrion-blood. It is not that I detest them because they are my brothers; I simply do not find their atmospheres to my liking. How unfair the world is to my brothers. They could never explore the better side of the world.

"How miserable." I jested myself to how boring my brothers are. I simply can't see the reason why almost all the women in Aetherea drull as they see them just passing by.

I tried to gesticulate from where I stand so they can at least notice my arms but it's just too draining for a girl such as myself. No one from my brothers cast a glance, but later on, I observed Azhon, my youngest brother born before I, is gazing into the distance seeking something. He might sense that someone is observing him from afar, besides the ladies and commoners of Aetherea waiting for them to disembark.

"Azhon! Here!" I hollered with gladness but my voice wasn't loud enough for them to be heard.

The young Aethereon with the exact age as I named Theodore Aethereon, known for his charm and playful nature, approached me with a mischievous grin. "There's no need for shouting, Princess," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "They will be here in a while." His voice, smooth, and reassuring, carried a hint of amusement as he gently tried to calm my elation.

"Oh, you startled me, sir Theodore." I gasped. My mouth is agape in response to his sudden appearance.
Sir Theodore is a relative of our family and was a close cohort in the South Bay's training until he graduated. He is a half-blood, an Aethereon and a Vangonbrooke too. The Vangonbrookes is a loyal kin to Aetherea. They are known for their red hairs and perfect green eyes. They've always shown their strength in battle especially in closed combat. Our kin always welcomes them in our house like no other.

Theodore Aethereon was once a dweller in Deep Royal Palace, his Aethereon-father was a second cousin to my father but then he died which made his Vangonbrooke-mother to remarry a Valmorth-Lord. His mother decided to bring him to his stepfather, Lord Arryd Valmorth's second domain, Crossrim situated in the middle of the globe. Theodore never liked his mother's choice so when he aged, he decided for himself to live the rest of his life in the Woodland Palace, his mother's and the whole Vangonbrookes' only domain. Though he did not lose the name 'Aetherion' for abandoning the Royal Palace, it made the grand laws stripped his hundredth line of succession to the Aethereal throne. This act resulted in his grandeur being forever forfeited due to his mother's choice of remarrying and taking him away to his Aethereon-father's domain.

Any Aethereon-sons who would happen to desert the Deep Royal Palace will be judged the same and the Aethereon-mothers would ungladly take the blame and the weight of their selfish acts.

The Valmorth kin who mainly shelters in the Blood Tear Islands is a powerful ally of the Castercleys of Westerdame and Blackhelms of Hornbelth. The Valmorth-Lord ruler controls the Crossrim and Blood Tear Islands. Theodore's mother couldn't ignore the power brewing in the hands of her husband. In good faith, one would know their marriage holds an undeniable benefit to our kin since his mother is dead loyal to the Aethereon-Lords.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you, princess. I just wanted to reassure you that they will arrive shortly." He stated, accompanied by a mischievous grin.

"Your kindness is appreciated, sir." I nodded. "That being said, do I appear overly eager for my brothers arrival?" I sought a bit of discomfort, seeking reassurance regarding my exuberance at the thought of my brothers' arrival.

"Not quite so, my princess. It's only natural to be excited. Besides there is a sacred gathering tonight." He smiles warmly and spoke as though my apparent anticipation is of no concern.

"I am grateful for your calming presence, Sir Theodore. It has been a considerable time since I last saw them, and I offer the same sentiment to you," I said with a hint of nostalgia.

"I understand. I shared your sentiments as well, princess. It's been a while since we were both attending training."

"Yes, indeed," I glanced at him briefly and offered a gentle smile. "Regrettably, I found myself the sole one remaining in the training grounds. It appears that even fortune has chosen not to favor me." A chortle escaped my lips, and he reciprocated.

"I've heard you still have quite lessons left yet to finish." He expressed concern about my feeble performance at the South Bay.

"You speak truly, sir Theodore." I murmured softly and still had the courage to jest around as my voice slightly began to sound just above a whisper. "I'm starting to think if I'm trully worthy of being Catchfire's rider. That beast places a heavy burden upon me." As the words left my lips, a wave of uncertainty washed over me, "I am no longer certain if I can even make the father proud of his only daughter."

"Do not look down on yourself, princess," Theo's voice rang out with conviction, his gaze locked with mine. "You will learn it in due time. I, as well, was a greenhorn that is not-so-good of everything," he continued, his tone gentle yet resolute, "yet I applied myself further, and should I fail again, I would find some delight in it."

"What mean you by that, Sir Theodore?" I asked, my voice tinged with a subtle mix of inquisitiveness and mild authority in my speech.

"At times, one must place oneself above others to truly find one's own path." He ambiguously relayed to me.

"You may as well speak it plainly," I rejoined with a gentle tone of entreaty but brimming with curiosity regarding his notion. Truly, he is far from being a dull companion.

"What I aim to express, princess, is that..." He composed himself and sighed. "...escape your room tonight, and sneak into the High Keep." I caught my breath with a sense of intrigue the instant those words left his lips.

He must be out of his wits, but his words couldn't escape my mind. He truly had me reflecting. What if this is a chance to prove myself. After all... I am the only Aethereon with no beast.

As I stared at him, my mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. Sneaking into the High Keep is no small feat; it is heavily guarded, and the consequences of getting caught are severe. But there was a glint in his eyes, a spark of determination.

"Truly, an insane idea, sir Theo," I exclaimed, my voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. The very notion of what he proposed sent a shiver down my spine, yet a spark of excitement ignited within me.

We inquisitively spoke on the matter for some hours until the hornblasts were resounded from the outskirts of the citadel, 'tis a token that the guests and royal escorts have come ashore.

"It seems I have to go now." I told him as I heard the sounds from afar.

"I understand, princess." He answered.

"I enjoy your company, sir Theo." I farewelled him with flawlessly carrying a smile.

"The pleasure is mine, princess. Think about my counsel. Should you have a change of heart, come to the courtyard and meet me." He recollected.

I silently nodded as I cracked a smile. It was the time when we parted ways. I descended through the grand staircase and mingled among the throng awaiting the arrival of my siblings. Several among them are women who are ladies of their houses hailing from various kinds, until I was abruptly addressed by the guards, who directed me to immediately make my way to Father's chambers.

An instant thought crossed my mind that washed a sense of reality over me. Thinking about the night escape is clearly a mad option in making the king proud.

Now, is the time to begin.

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