The Story of Us - Quinn Fabray

נכתב על ידי anamascarell1

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"Isaac?" He's grown, she noted. "Hey," he greets nonchalantly brushing sweaty brown curls off his forehead. H... עוד

Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave
I love you, Luce
Room 403
Quinn Fabray
Isaac Hargrave
Gardenias, why?
Sabrina...who?'s me
Prince Charming
Ride or die
Girls like roses...right?
Where does a broken heart go?
There's noting worse than missing something that never happened
People fall in love in mysterious ways
Honestly, boys sometimes...
Home for Christmas
You've got to be fucking kidding me
The Rachel Berry House Party Train Wreck Extravaganza
You're going to be okay
Do you love him?
Love me or leave me
Standing in the hall of fame
Touch me like you touch nobody
Do you think we would have made it and me?
Like father, like son
We'll be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
Home is wherever I'm with you
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Living for the day, worries far away
The Robin to my Batman
Remember me for centuries
Follow the stars
Sparks fly
What to expect when you're expecting
You're my cute featherweight whale, remember?
Hockey or figure skating?
Taylor Swift, wedding officiant
Strawberries and Bananas
Honeymoons are NOT some Disney Channel program
We've only just begun
Forever and always
With every broken bone I swear I lived
Long live all the magic we made
Author's Note

The problem isn't what, the problem is who

352 19 0
נכתב על ידי anamascarell1

"I hereby call the Celibacy Club to order," Rachel announced with a bright smile, her eyes scanning the room filled with the new members of the club, her posture exuding a sense of authority.

Puck scanned the room as he looked around for the absent school psychologist who typically led the meetings. "Where's Ms. Pillsbury?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

"She decided to take the hour she was spending here to fix her sham of a marriage. In the interim, I'll be taking over."

"Because you annoyingly take over everything?" Santana quipped, her tone laced with sarcasm as she examined her nails with exaggerated nonchalance.

Rachel's expression faltered slightly at the comment, but she quickly regained her composure, "Because I realized that while all of us making our celibacy pledge is wonderful, one day we're going to fall in love with someone and we're going to choose to be intimate with them," she continued, her tone earnest as she emphasized her point. "What are you two doing here?"

"We had nothing better to do."

Puck's attention wandered until it settled on Quinn, specifically on her neck, and a sly grin spread across his face. "Speaking of intimate, what's with the hickey, Quinn?" he teased, pointing a finger at the faint mark on her skin.

The cheerleader's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, shooting the boy a glare. "It's not a hickey," she insisted firmly, her tone defensive as she readjusted her varsity jacket.

"Oh, I know hickeys. I'm a freaking connoisseur. I can make them into shapes like balloon animals."

"I burnt myself this morning with a curling iron. Can we get back to this damn meeting? Berry, start talking."

Santana leaned closer with a Cheshire cat smile."What happened to 'it's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing', Fabray?" she whispered teasingly.

Brittany pulled her chair closer to Santana, her curiosity piqued. "I thought you were trying to keep it a secret," she added, her tone playful as she exchanged knowing glances with her girlfriend.

"Can you lower your voice? Let's just say we had a conversation about it."

"Before or after he gave you that hickey? Who thought Lover Boy had it in him? Do you have that much time in the mornings?"

Quinn couldn't help but smile at the memory, her thoughts drifting to her boyfriend. "He always gets up early to go for a run, so no one suspects anything," she explained with a fond smile. "Besides, this," she gestured to the hickey, "is payback because I gave him one last week, and they gave him the talk birds and bees talk."

"So you haven't moved past second base?"

"No," she confirmed, her cheeks flushing as she bit her lip."Obviously, we already saw each other topless last summer, but it hasn't happened again."


"He's not pressuring me at all, which is a relief, but it worries me a little. What if he doesn't find me attractive? I'm hot, right?"

"Of course, silly" the blue-eyed cheerleader chimed in with a beaming smile, "You're Quinn Fabray."

"I'm going to start charging you for these counseling sessions, Prom Queen. But let me do some simple math for you; he's hot, you're hot, and together you're like a volcano about to erupt. Isaac may be a gentleman, but in the end, he is a boy, and boys are constantly thinking about sex."

"San is right. Plus, we're teenagers, who isn't constantly thinking about sex? It's like a universal law," Brittany added matter-of-factly, while her girlfriend nodded.

"Isaac only thinks about music and hockey, I swear. He's been like that since we were little. If he could marry his hockey stick, he would."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the meeting, the Unholy Trinity rose from their seats and began to walk through the bustling hallways. People instinctively moved aside, a remnant of the fear inspired by the days of slushie attacks, even though the assaults had ceased.

"You guys are so cute. Seriously, you're like a fairy tale come true. I can't wait for you to get married."

Quinn laughed softly, her heart warmed by her friend's words, as she opened her locker to find a delicate paper flower waiting for her. With a smile, she took the flower as she tucked away her books.

"Oh, spare me. How does he do it?" Santana snorted as she reached out to take the flower.

"I asked him once, and he told me that he had his ways."

Suddenly, they noticed Finn approaching them with a shy smile, "And that's our sign to leave," her friend declared, taking her girlfriend's hand from the opposite side and pulling Brittany away. "See you this afternoon at practice, bitch," she called over her shoulder as they made their exit, leaving Finn and her standing in the hallway.


"I was wondering if you wanted to run for Prom King and Prom Queen with me," the boy proposed, his expression marred by a slight grimace as he awaited her response.

"And your girlfriend?" Quinn countered, her skepticism evident in her gaze as she assessed him carefully. "Is Berry okay? She hates me."

"We're on a break," Finn explained with a shrug, his demeanor casual despite the underlying tension. "She said something about being inspired to write better when heartbroken or something." He offered a boyish smile, attempting to diffuse the seriousness of the conversation. "What do you say? For old times' sake."

"Finn, I love you, I really do. We dated and we're friends now, but when a girl says you're on a break, that doesn't give you a free pass to ask another girl to be your date for Prom."

"I talked to your boyfriend, and he said he agreed." The football player trailed behind her causing her to halt in her tracks and turn to face him with a furrowed brow.

"You've talked to who exactly? I don't have a boyfriend."

"I thought you and Isaac were dating," Finn frowned, his confusion evident in his expression. "Are you cheating on him?"

Quinn glanced around the hallway, ensuring no one was within earshot, before ushering them both into an empty classroom, "First of all," she began, "My slip-up with Puck was a mistake, and I know that's no excuse, but you cheated on me before with Berry, so you and I are at peace." She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing, "Second, Isaac and I are dating, and I haven't cheated on him. Why are you doing all this?"

"Okay, Scary Quinn." he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, his tone tinged with amusement. "I'm not trying to win you over again. We'd just be forming some sort of alliance. If you don't trust me, call him."

Quinn retrieved her cell phone and dialed her boyfriend's number, her brow furrowing in concentration as she waited for him to pick up.

"Baby," Isaac's voice sounded slightly breathless through the phone, the sound of distant activity audible in the background.

"What are you doing?"

"Jay and I are hitting the gym with the team. Coach has us training hard now that the hockey season has started. Why were you calling me?" He asked, his interest piqued. "I was planning on picking you up this afternoon after cheer practice."

"I have Finn in front of me, and he just asked me to rally together for Prom. He also said you agreed."

Her boyfriend chuckled softly, his laughter carrying through the phone as she toyed with a strand of her hair,"I know you're aiming for Prom Queen, baby. I've seen the tiaras you hide in your room," he teased gently, causing Quinn to curse under her breath in embarrassment. "Finn needs a little cheering up since Rachel supposedly left him, and you would fulfill your dream of winning Prom Queen. It's a win-win."

"I thought you were going to be my date."

"The boys and I have to perform at our own Prom, but save me a dance, and I'll try to sneak out. Anyway, think about it and say hello to Finn for me. I'll see you this afternoon, yeah?"

"Okay," she answered before they both hung up simultaneously. Turning her attention back to Finn, she sighed, "Talk to your girlfriend, Finn. The last thing the Glee Club needs is for Berry to go on strike before Regionals."

"I need to talk to you two before Isaac gets back."

Jayden and Asher exchanged a glance, their eyebrows raised in curiosity, before they halted their game of football and turned their attention to Gabrielle, who stood before them with her arms crossed firmly over her chest.

"Okayyy, what do you need?"

"I need to know who the girl our brother is dating is," she stated bluntly, holding up her phone to show them a photo. In the image, Isaac was captured kissing a blonde girl whose face was obscured by his cap.

"I know she's not one of my cheerleaders or any girl from Columbus because otherwise I would know. And Charlotte is blonde, but she has a boyfriend, so it's not her either. So, who is it? You're his best friends. You have to know something."

Both boys exchanged another silent glance, a wordless communication passing between them. "Jayden, look at me," Gabrielle commanded, her tone firm as she sought answers from her boyfriend.

"Ellie, it's his decision to tell you. Isaac told me, but Ash found out by accident.I-I can't betray his trust like that."

"Why don't you want to tell me who she is? It's not like it's Quinn Fabray," Gabrielle snorted, her disbelief evident as she dismissed the possibility. When neither Jayden nor Asher corrected her assumption, her eyes widened in realization. "No," she snapped, her voice tinged with incredulity. "Don't tell me he's dating her."

"Ellie, calm down," Jayden urged, reaching out to place a soothing hand on her arm in an attempt to quell her rising agitation. "This is exactly why he didn't want to tell you. You or Aunt Sabrina."

"Don't 'Ellie' me, Jayden. Mom doesn't know? Unbelievable," she huffed, her frustration evident as she folded her arms tighter against her chest. "Are you being serious right now?"

"No, Mom doesn't know, and I'd rather you didn't announce it to the entire neighborhood, okay?" Asher mirrored his sister's defensive stance, his tone firm as he echoed Jayden's attempts at calming her down. "At first, I didn't like it either, but I had to resign myself. She makes him happy, and that's the only thing you should care about, Ellie."

"How long have they been dating?"

Before anyone could answer, the sound of Isaac's car pulling into the driveway caught their attention, and they watched as he emerged from the vehicle, his face adorned with a beaming smile.

"Is this a family meeting I haven't been told about?" he quipped, his tone light as he approached the group. However, his jovial expression quickly shifted to concern as he took in the furious countenance of his sister and the guilty looks exchanged between his best friend and his brother. "What's wrong?"

"How long have you been dating Quinn?" Gabrielle demanded, her voice tinged with accusation as she thrust her phone toward him, the incriminating photo displayed on the screen. "And don't lie to me because Jay confessed."

Isaac's expression hardened as he absorbed his sister's question. "Since January," he admitted, his tone guarded, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features at her reaction.

"Four fucking months?" she exploded, her finger jabbing accusingly at his chest, her brown eyes blazing with fury. "She broke your heart."

"Is that the only argument you have, Ellie? "You don't know anything about me or her."

"I know enough, Isaac. She's going to end up hurting you, and you know it. There are millions of girls willing to go out with you, why her?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER, OKAY?" His voice rose with intensity, his words reverberating through the tense atmosphere, eliciting surprise from them. "I love her, and I'm tired of having to explain what I feel or don't feel. You have no right to react this way, you know that, right? Because I didn't when you started dating my best friend."

"What does Jayden have to do with all this?" Gabrielle cried out, her voice tinged with desperation as she gestured wildly with her hands.

"He's my best friend. When you started dating, I was happy because I thought that if there was a boy who deserved you, it was him. But I could have perfectly said no. I could have told you that I didn't like you dating him at all because he's my best friend, and you are my sister. If you'd hurt each other, the family gatherings were going to be awkward, and I wouldn't want to choose between the two of you."

Isaac's words hung heavy in the air, his hazel eyes shimmering with hurt and unshed tears as he took a step back from his sister. "You know what? Fuck this. Don't expect me at dinner tonight," he declared abruptly as he turned on his heel and marched toward his car.

"ISAAC, WAIT!" Jayden's voice cut through as he rushed after his best friend, his expression a mix of concern and determination. The twins watched in silence as the two friends engaged in a heated exchange, the words lost in the distance as their older brother climbed into his car and sped down the street, disappearing from view.

"You had no right to do that, and you know it," he murmured, disappointment evident in his voice as he turned away, his steps heavy with resignation as he retreated into the house. Gabrielle looked helplessly at her twin, seeking solace or support, but Asher shook his head.

"I've told you before, Ellie. Quinn makes him happy, and that's the only thing that should matter to you and Mom. Now do you understand why he didn't tell you before? Precisely because of what just happened. Good luck explaining to our parents why Isaac won't be at dinner." he added before disappearing into the house leaving his twin to grapple with the consequences of her actions in the silent street.

The clinking of silverware against plates filled the Fabray household as the family sat down to dinner, the atmosphere cozy and warm despite the chill of the evening outside. Russel, seated at the head of the table, took a sip of his beer, his brow furrowing in annoyance as the screeching of tires pierced through the tranquil setting.

"God, people don't know how to drive or what? They give driver's licenses to anyone these days, I'm telling you," he muttered, his displeasure evident in his tone as he set down his drink.

Judy, sitting opposite him, glanced anxiously towards the door, her concern evident in her eyes. "Shouldn't you go see, Russ?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry. "Maybe someone has had an accident and needs help."

Sighing resignedly, the man pushed back his chair and rose to his feet, making his way to the door. He swung it open and stepped onto the porch, his gaze immediately drawn to the source of the commotion—a familiar black Audi parked haphazardly on the street.

"QUINN," he called back into the house, his voice carrying a sense of urgency, "CAN YOU COME OUT FOR A SEC?"

Within moments, her daughter appeared in the doorway, her expression curious as she looked at her father. "What's the matter?" she inquired, stepping closer to him to get a better view.

"Isn't that Isaac's car?"

Quinn followed his line of sight and her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the vehicle. "Yeah, what's he doing here?" she wondered aloud, her mind racing with questions.

"Find out and invite him in, will you? I'll tell your mother to bring out one more plate."

Quinn's steps were measured as she approached his boyfriend's car, her heart sinking as she noticed his agitated state. His hands clenched around the steering wheel, his knuckles white with tension, and his eyes, normally bright and vibrant, were now dulled with traces of tears. Gently rapping on the window, she watched as Isaac jumped in surprise, his head snapping in her direction. She motioned for him to unlock the door, her expression a mix of apprehension and determination.

"Hey, Sunshine, what's wrong?" she asked softly as she slid into the passenger seat.

Her boyfriend pulled her in and buried his face in the crook of her neck, his breath coming out in uneven puffs. His body trembled slightly against hers and instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him. With gentle strokes, she ran her fingers through his hair, feeling the familiar texture of his growing mullet beneath her touch.

"I've had a fight with Ellie," he murmured against her skin, his voice muffled by the fabric of her shirt, "she found out about us and we fought."

Quinn's heart sank further at his words, her own frustration simmering beneath the surface. She understood why Gabrielle didn't like her but she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger at her for causing Isaac such distress.

"She'll get over it, you'll see," she whispered softly. He pulled away slightly, his hazel eyes meeting hers with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow as she reached out, gently brushing her thumb across his cheek to catch a stray tear, offering him a silent promise of unwavering support.

"Do you want to come in for dinner? My mother has brought out one more plate."

As they stepped into the warm embrace of his girlfriend's home, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he glanced down at Quinn, the realization dawning upon him.

"I think this is the first time I've walked through that door as your boyfriend," he remarked softly, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and affection. His girlfriend rolled her eyes as she gave his hand a playful tug, urging him forward. Together, they made their way toward the table where Russel and Judy were already seated, their faces illuminated with warm smiles of welcome.

"Isaac, son, what a pleasant surprise. Sit down, come on," the man greeted him warmly, his voice filled with genuine warmth and hospitality, belying the fact that he and Judy had been eavesdropping on them just moments ago.

Both mother and daughter exchanged a knowing glance, a silent communication passing between them as they observed the interaction between the men. "Boys," they sighed fondly, shaking their heads with affectionate exasperation before turning their attention back to the meal before them.

"Sooo, is someone going to tell me why you two aren't sitting together," Sabrina pointedly remarked, her eyes flicking between her daughter and nephew, a perplexed furrow creasing her brow. "And why isn't my son having dinner with us?" she inquired, her gaze shifting to Isaac's vacant seat at the table.

"I don't know, ask your daughter," Jayden muttered disdainfully, his tone laden with frustration and tension. A stern silence fell over the table, broken only by the clinking of utensils against plates.

"Watch your tone, Jayden," Mason interjected firmly, his voice carrying a note of warning, though concern shadowed his features.

The tension at the table thickened as Jayden stood abruptly, his frustration evident. With a sharp motion, he tossed his napkin onto his plate and stormed toward the door, the sound of its slam echoing through the room as he exited.

"I'll go check on him," Bailey murmured, her voice tinged with apology as she rose from her seat, her eyes darting between her family members with a troubled expression. She bid a hasty farewell to her family before hurrying after her son.

Sabrina's brow furrowed in concern as she turned her attention back to her children, her expression demanding answers. "Okay, someone tell me what's happening right now," she demanded, her voice tinged with a note of urgency. "One of you, start talking."

"Ellie is to blame for this whole mess, let her explain it," Asher sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping with resignation as he met the gazes of his father and uncle Alec, the weight of the situation evident in his weary expression. "She found out."

"Shit," both men murmured simultaneously, their expressions darkening with worry as they exchanged concerned glances.

"If no one starts talking right now I'm going to start screaming, seriously."

"You know Isaac has a girlfriend, right?" Alec interjected, his voice measured as he carefully chose his words, his gaze meeting his friend's with a mix of concern and apprehension. Sabrina nodded slowly, her frown deepening with each passing moment, prompting him to continue, "Well, they've been dating since Christmas more or less."

"Okay," she conceded, her brows furrowing as she processed the information, "and what's the problem?"

"The problem isn't what, the problem is who he's dating," Mason interjected, his expression contorting into a grimace as he directed his words at his wife, his tone heavy with significance.

"Okay, who is he dating?"

"Quinn Fabray, mom. Isaac is dating Quinn Fabray," Gabrielle exploded, her voice trembling with the weight of her confession, her guilt palpable in the air.

"You've fought with your brother over that?"

The three men seated at the table looked at her with wide-eyed astonishment, their mouths agape in surprise as they registered her reaction. "Don't look at me like that," she continued, her voice tinged with a note of defensiveness, "I'm his mother. It's my duty to know these things."

"And you're not angry?" Alec inquired, his surprise evident in the way his eyebrows shot up in disbelief, "You hated her months ago."

"I was the first to know, seriously, who gets in the car at 6:30 am to go for a run? I caught him sneaking out one morning, and he ended up confessing. Look, Quinn may not be my cup of tea, but she makes my son happy, and that's what matters."

"Bravo, mom. Did you hear, Ellie?" Asher chimed in, sending a triumphant look to his twin.

"Now that we've cleared this up, Gabrielle, I hope that whatever you said to your brother, you apologize for it," Sabrina continued, her tone firm yet tinged with a hint of maternal concern. She watched as her daughter nodded silently, her gaze fixed downward in a display of contrition. Turning her attention to her son, she inquired, "Where is he?"

"At the Fabray's," her son confirmed, "he just texted me, saying that he's staying there and will return home tomorrow."

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