Crushing On My Tutor

Par Zalenciaaa

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🖤 Welcome 🖤
Chapter One: Rough Start.
Chapter Two: First Day.
Chapter Four: A Change In Plans.

Chapter Three: I Win.

428 28 67
Par Zalenciaaa

*wattpad is buggin so I can't put the shit in the middle of the page. Also I skimmed it so prob mistake ahhh wtv I need to get a chapter out I've been starving you guys🥹😭*


So. I took the quiz on Friday. I had spent the previous night cramming and pouring over my notes, determined to do well. And luckily, all that effort paid off with an impressive eighty-five.


As proud as I was of my score, I couldn't show that to Sasuke. He said I needed a hundred for that to happen. So yes, I may have sneaked a copy of the quiz, used photo math to get my answers, and wrote a perfect one hundred on there.

Sitting in my living room, I couldn't help but smirk as I proudly had the fake quiz lying innocently on the coffee table. My plan was foolproof, no way he'd figure out that I cheated, the quiz looked totally legit. I played games on my phone and texted a few of my friends as I waited for Sasuke to arrive for our second tutoring session of the week.

And soon enough I heard a knock at my door. I excitedly got up and walked over to the door. I opened the door and it revealed, yet again, the most stylish man I've ever seen in my life. He always has such bold pieces and today it was the dark blue-jeaned vest that had all sorts of cool patches and lettering around it complemented with his usual oversized clothing. He wore his normal jewelry as he stood there holding his backpack straps, waiting for me to let him in.

"Hi." He said quietly, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Sup?" I said, enjoying the awkward energy that was starting to appear.

"May I come in?" He asked and I nodded and moved out of the way. He came in and I closed and locked the door behind him.

"So you remember our bet?" I asked him with a smile plastered on my face.

He said something as he walked to the couch but I didn't quite catch it. This is starting to become a frequent thing. He's so quiet and acts like he has no confidence despite having such a bold appearance.

"Can you speak up?" I asked him as I walked over to meet him on the couch. "I swear I can't ever hear you sometimes."

"I said I remember." He said and I noticed his eyes glance over at the coffee table. My smile grew wider.

"You see it right?" I asked him. He glanced at me for a second before reaching over to grab the paper from the coffee table. I could see his eyes widen as he held the paper still as water.

"How?" He uttered. "You weren't even getting hundreds on the worksheets we did." He scratched at his head, turning the paper over to look at the work on the back. "It's correct, but how?" He mumbled.

I bit the inside of my cheek. He won't figure out I cheated, will he?

"Well, limits are easy. It's plausible." He sighed. I smiled watching the turmoil he was going through because he had to give me his number. It's hilarious.

He let out a deep breath.

"Okay." He said, his voice sounding defeated.

"Okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'll give you my number."

My smile lingered as I did a small dance as I grabbed my phone from my pocket and handed it to him.

"I'll call you tonight," I said as he typed in his digits.

"Text me."

"Nah. Imma call you."

"I suck at calling."

"Practice makes perfect and I hate texting because I'll forget to respond. Bad habit."

He just stared at me and I stared back with a smirk on my face. After a few seconds, he handed me back my phone and I gladly took it. I called him just to make sure and his phone rang.

"Really?" He asked.

"What? You can never be too sure."

"I wouldn't cheat you like that." He said, sounding a bit offended.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I trailed, drawing out my words. "You seemed pretty reluctant to give me your number."

"Because you're a client."

"Ahhh whatever. We're friends now."


"Can you even spell that?"

"Yes. I can," he shot back. "But I know for a fact you can't."

My jaw dropped and his eyes widened as he put his hands out.

"I'm sorry that wasn't—."

I burst out laughing.

"Look at you!" I said letting out a few more chuckles. "You're getting more comfortable with me."

He huffed and went to take out his supplies. I did the same, digging into my backpack to get my laptop, notebook, and a pencil, ready to take some notes.

Once he set everything out he turned to me.

"So we're going to still work on limits as that's what your course schedule says you're working on for next week." He explained. "Judging by how well you did on the quiz the worksheets we are going to work on should be fairly easy. Though I will be challenging you a bit so the questions on your test and quizzes in class will be easy."

"Sounds good," I said, nodding at his plan.


"Can we take a break?" I whined, struggling to wrap my head around this new concept.

"Is everything okay? I mean this was a question that was on your quiz." He pointed out.

"I know, but it's not about that," I interjected quickly, hoping to divert his attention before he pieced together that I cheated. "I just need a small brain break," I said but his brows furrowed as he glanced at the worksheet, he was about to say something but I quickly interrupted him.

"Tell me about your week," I said.

He furrowed his brows, clearly not fully convinced by my attempt to change the subject. "It was a regular week," he began, his tone cautious. "I'll give you five minutes to rest before we get back to it."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I nudged him, trying to coax out more details. "Come on, I know you're not that boring," I teased. "There had to be more than that. Did you go anywhere? Do anything? Hang out with your friends at least?"

He sighed. "I went to my clients' houses, the library to study, then back to my apartment to do more studying."

"You have your own place?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"No, I live with my brother and his girlfriend."

"Oh, that's cool. Housing is pricey nowadays. I mean my little shack is eight hundred a month."

"It's not that I can't afford my own place," he clarified. "If I really wanted to move out I could, but I like living with them."

"You don't ever want to be independent?"

He tilted his head from side to side.

"I do every now and then but I think I'll move out when I finish my degrees as that's our arrangement at the moment."

"Got it. So what made you want to be a tutor?" I questioned, leaning back on the couch.

"It's easy money." He said plainly.

"I bet for someone who's as good at explaining as you," I said and he shooed away my compliment.

"No, I'm not..." His voice fizzled out as even though he had on a mask it was clear that made him blush. "Anyways." He glanced around the room. "Are you feeling better? Can we continue?"

My face instantly dropped hearing him divert the conversation back to school. I didn't want to do school, I'm trying to get to know him.

"Nah. So what do you do for fun?" I asked him as I adjusted myself on the couch.


"Just like five more minutes then I'll focus for the whole time."

He was quiet for a few seconds before letting out a soft sigh.

"I don't do much. I like to go shopping for clothes and sleep."

I waited for a few seconds for him to continue but he didn't speak. I furrowed my brows.

"That's it?"

He nodded.

"No video games? Clubs? Parties? Hanging out with friends?" I probed further.

He shook his head.

"I keep to myself," he explained and that simply didn't make any sense to me that a guy who looks like this is this much of a loser. He has to be lying to me. "What about you? What do you do?" He asked.

I leaned back on the couch as I thought about myself.

"Let's see," I trailed. "I mostly just hang out with my friends or the girls. We do a lot, we party, go to each other's houses, karaoke, escape rooms, name it and we probably have done it. But yeah I mostly chill with my friends in my free time."

"Do you–. Nevermind."

"Nah, go ahead."

"I doubt you do, but do you read?"

"Of course I read."

"Really?!" His eyes lit up. "What books?"

"Nah, I'm just fuckin' with you. Reading is lame," I admitted with a laugh.

"Mm," he mumbled and pulled out his phone to look at the time. "Two minutes."

"Fuck. Uhhh. Ummm." I said, struggling to find another topic to talk about. Fuck what do I say? I asked him about his week, what he likes to do, uhh damn.

"How did you meet your friends?" He asked.

"Oh! Good question. We met during high school and we all decided to go to the same university. If you want I can introduce you."

"I'm fine," he declined, shaking his head. "I'd probably have a panic attack," he confessed softly, and I chuckled.

"What do you have like anxiety or some shit?" I joked.

"Yes." He said and I instantly felt bad.

"Oh," I uttered. "I'm sorry you have that. Does it like, affect you bad?"

"Yes, but I manage," he replied, clearing his throat and reaching for his water bottle.

"I've never met someone who has anxiety before. What is it? Like I know it makes you like nervous a lot."

"It's a constant feeling of uneasiness. At least, that's how it is for me," he explained.

"What does that mean?"

"I feel on edge. Just uneasy? I don't know how to describe it well."

"Hm. That's weird." I said. I never understood having anxiety. Sure I get nervous sometimes but I don't understand having that feeling all the time. How can someone be anxious all the time? That's just weird is it not? I wouldn't think someone like Sasuke would suffer from something like that, but there are a lot of things he does that I wouldn't expect from him. Like the quietness, barely having friends it seems, and how shy he is. Maybe he just needs to warm up a little more?

I soon realized that Sasuke was quiet but not like how he usually is. This quiet felt different. I couldn't quite describe it but something was off.

"You good?" I asked him as I tilted my head to the side. It was hard to read him with his mask.

"Yeah. Let's get back to work."



"And I think we can call it here," Sasuke said as I handed him the worksheet I just finished. The worksheet I did horrible on mind you. "I'm going to text you the answers to this with explanations and I expect you to do the homework I give you this time."

"Whatever you say professor," I replied as I looked around the room.

"Don't call me that," he warned as my eyes landed back on him.

"Why not? Aren't you my professor Mr. Sasuke."

"It's too formal."

"Oh, now it's too formal." I laughed. "Yet you refer to me as a client."

"Because you are."

"And you're my professor."

"I'm your tutor," he corrected as he began to put his supplies in his backpack.

"Tomayto tomahto," I said but he didn't have anything in response. He simply finished putting his supplies in his bag. "Hey, you want to stay for a little bit? Maybe get a bite?" I offered.

"No thank you," he said. "I have things to do today. Sorry."

I threw my hands up with a small shrug. "No problem. Thought I'd ask. You're not too busy to call tonight are you?"

"We'll see," he said and stood up. "I'll see myself out now."

He walked from the living room to my door. I stood up and walked after him. He opened my door and walked out then turned around to face me. I leaned against the door frame and gave him a small smile.

"Guess I'll see you..." I trailed, not really knowing if I'll see him sooner than Thursday. I hope that's the case. "Maybe tonight?"

He looked at me, with a hint of hesitation, and replied, "I already told you I'm busy."

"Too busy to grab some snow cones or something?" I offered, lifting a brow.

He took a deep breath and said, "Maybe."

"I like maybe," I said and we held each other's stare for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Bye Naruto."

"Bye Sasuke," I said with a smirk plastered on my lips and I watched as he walked away.

We're hanging out tonight. I just know it.



I knew he cheated me. He had to have gotten a fake test and wrote a one hundred on there because judging by how he did this session there's no way he could've got a perfect score. I even tested him by giving him a question that was on his quiz and he got it incorrect. I can't believe I fell for that. He got my number before I could put two and two together. I mean I knew something was up but I was too late to figure it out.

I let out a heavy sigh as I got into my car and headed back to my apartment. I drove listening to my music as I made the twenty-minute drive back to my place. When I got home I walked in and saw Itachi sitting on the couch with his arm around Izumi as they were watching television together on this nice Sunday afternoon.

"Sasuke!" Itachi exclaimed, sitting up from his lounging position as he looked back over the couch at me.

"Hello," I said as I walked over to the couch and sat on the edge.

"So how'd it go with your super duper hot client?" Itachi asked and I instantly rolled my eyes.

"I say he's attractive one time and here you go," I said as I shook my head. This is why I don't tell him anything. What possessed me to tell him that I thought my client was attractive? Seriously I know better, he's never going to let it go.

"What? It's rare for you to have a crush." He pointed out and he's not necessarily wrong. I'm very picky when it comes to liking people. There's a lot I look for in a person and Naruto doesn't meet a lot of those standards besides his face and body that I had no choice but to see.

"No it's not," I told him and he looked at Izumi as she was already giving him the same look. "What?" I asked and Izumi shrugged.

"I don't know Sasuke. This just seems a little, unprofessional don't you think?" She said and I felt my cheeks get warm. Unprofessional? I've been nothing but professional about this little attraction I have towards him. I'm not being unprofessional...


"No no she's right! I mean liking a client Sasuke? He's a client!" Itachi added, being as dramatic as possible making my heart rate quicken with all this attention on my nonexistent love life.

"Seriously how dare thou sleep with one of his clients!" Izumi sighed, placing the back of her hand on her forehead as she fell back onto the couch.

"Lord please forbid it!" Itachi begged, putting his hand out towards the sky.

"Guys stop it," I begged as I covered my face with my hands. I could feel all the heat in my body being concentrated on my face from their stupid comments.

"God forbid I report you to your job for your vile acts!" Izumi stated as she dramatically sat up before falling against Itachi. Itachi held her in his arms as he gave me a playfully serious look.

"Going against their code of conduct you ought to be ashamed!" Itachi exclaimed.

"Guys stop it," I begged again, thanking god I still had my mask on to hide my red face. They need to stop it! I'm not being unprofessional!! I'm being perfectly normal in this situation and it's a small crush if that, nothing major.

They both started laughing together and I grew more annoyed by the second because of it. They're just making fun of me now. This is the last time I tell them anything about my love life, that's for sure.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Sas—hahaha." Itachi could barely apologize, he was laughing so hard.

"Babe stop look he's so embarrassed," Izumi said as she finished off her laughs.

God I hated them sometimes.

"Okay we're done," Itachi said before he coughed a few times to clear his throat.

My lips were pressed in a hard line unamused by how hard I just got clowned for having a normal attraction.

"How'd the session go?" Izumi asked.

"Yeah, was he shirtless this time too?" Itachi joked, nudging Izumi who smiled and playfully hit him back.

"Maybe he took his pants off again at the sight of Sasuke." Izumi joked and I stood up.

"Okay I'm done," I said and started walking away.

"Wait Sasuke! We're sorry! We were just joking." Itachi called out but I was already down the hall, speed-walking to my room. That's enough of that, one more joke and I might actually pass away from embarrassment. I got to my room and closed the door behind me. I shrugged off my backpack and collapsed into my bed.

Jesus that was awful. What's so wrong with having a small crush? I wouldn't even call it a crush. I just think he's attractive and I don't understand why he has such an interest in me. I'm boring. I don't have any friends or a social life. I don't party, drink, or smoke. I just study most days and when I don't, I'm out thrifting for new clothes. It was my brother and I's favorite activity to do together. I got my fashion sense from him and it's kind of the thing we do to stay close to each other.

But he's so interested in getting to know me but I don't have much to offer friendship-wise. I've been a loner most of my life, sure I had friends in high school but since we all went to different universities we don't talk anymore. And yeah, good luck making friends at university. That shit is impossible. I remember I worked up the courage to approach these two guys and asked to be their friend and they completely dissed me. Yeah, never doing that dumb shit again.

I let out a deep breath thinking back to today. I think I acted normal? I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions so he probably thinks I don't even want to hang out with him. Which isn't really true. It's just hard for me to let people in. I'm finally content with being alone and having someone so outgoing constantly trying to probe his way in is scary. I subconsciously push him away when that isn't really what I want but I can't help it. Especially in the tutoring situation we're in. I'm there to help him ace his course, not socialize.

He said he was going to call me tonight. I thought as I turned onto my back and I looked up at the ceiling. I wonder how that's going to go. I suck at talking, I don't talk much, I really never have talked much. I don't have anyone to speak to. Especially having to tutor my voice gets tired pretty fast which is why I'm so quiet. At least that's my theory. I think I just naturally have a quiet voice because I don't even notice how low I'm speaking till Itachi or someone points it out.

"Naruto Uzumaki," I said aloud. His name flowed nicely, it had a nice ring to it. I've been trying to ignore him to be honest. He's weird, rude, loud and I don't really see us being compatible as friends let alone dating. I wonder if I should even entertain him.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said and the door opened to reveal my brother.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," I said back and he came over and sat on my bed. I stayed rested on the bed as I waited to see what he needed from me.

"Sorry about earlier," he said and I shrugged.

"It's okay."

"Yeah, well, I just wanted to know how today went. Seriously. No jokes."

"It was fine."

"Come on, give me more."

I sighed and sat up as I braced myself for his reaction to what I was about to say.

"He has my number now."

"Sasuke!!" He said and started shaking me by my shoulder out of excitement.

"Okay okay," I said and shook my head. He's so annoying.

"Good! This is great! I was getting scared my baby brother was going to be alone forever." He sighed and the last sentence irked me.

"Whatever, it's not like I'm going to text him back," I said and Itachi furrowed his brows.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because he's a client. It's unprofessional to be friends with him."

"We were joking about the whole unprofessional thing. If you two are the same age I don't see the problem with being friends with a client."

"Really?" I said as I slightly tilted my head to the side. "I mean I don't think I should..."

"Sasuke, you don't talk to anyone. You have no friends and the guy you like is basically throwing himself at you and you're saying no? You need at least one friend, just be friends with him at least." Itachi basically pleaded as a frown began to stain my lips.

No need to call me out like that. Sure I could use the friend but I don't know...

"So what else happened."

"He invited me to get snow cones tonight," I told him and his eyes lit up.

"You're going."

"That's if he even calls, which I doubt will happen."

"Oh he'll call and I'm forcing you to go. You're going to be friends and then maybe more?"

"He's not gay Itachi. No way I'm getting my hopes up like that."

"You never know."

"Trust me. If you saw him you'd say the same thing."

"You need to sneak me a picture or get his Instagram."


"But again you never really know. You said the last thing about your ex—."

"Please don't bring him up." I hushed and Itachi instantly apologized.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought him up."

"It's okay," I said and started to mess with the ring on my finger.

"So yeah uh, who knows what'll happen, just try to be friends first. And there's nothing wrong with being friends with clients. I've done it when I was a tutor."

"Unprofessional," I said and Itachi rolled his eyes.

"You're such a hard ass." He said and pushed my forehead back with two fingers. I instantly grabbed my forehead, I hated when he did that, all these years and he still does that childish shit.

"Ugh get out," I grumbled and he threw his hands up as he stood up.

"Woah my bad didn't mean to make you angry little brother. Please don't beat me up again." He joked sarcastically as he headed for my door.

"Leave already," I said and he looked back and flashed me a quick smile before finally leaving.

He's so annoying sometimes but I know these days are limited. I'll miss living with my brother but eventually, I do need to be on my own. I'm not afraid to live on my own or anything but my brother has been my anchor for a long time in my life. He was there when I got kicked out of our home and thankfully he had his own place with Izumi by that time so I wasn't homeless. But him being there with me through that means a lot and made our bond closer than it ever was. I really appreciate him and Izumi for housing me.

I sat up and wondered what to do. I didn't really feel like working since I was ahead but I might as well so I can stay ahead. I left my bed for my desk and started doing more schoolwork.



"No way you got his number." Ino gawked as her mouth hung open. "I thought he hated you," she said and I shrugged.

"What can I say, I'm a genius babe," I said and my eyes widened once I realized I called her babe.

"Don't call me that." We said in unison.

"I know," I said. "Sorry, old habit." I apologized and went back to talking. "So I got another quiz from the teacher, used photo math to fill in the answers and the correct work, and put a hundred on there."

"Ohhhhhh," Ino hummed. "Yeah, no way you're smart enough to get a one hundred."

"Yeah exactly. Wait—. Ino fuck you."

She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"But I think he knows I cheated him," I said and she tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I did horrible during our tutoring session and he was like you should know this and I in fact did not know it."

She laughed again.

"Yeah you're fucked. I doubt he'll even respond to you."

"Imagine he leaves me on delivered."

"Imagine? That's about to be your reality."

"Aw don't say that. I need to get his Instagram and show you what he looks like."

"Invite him to hang out with us." She suggested but I shook my head.

"Already tried. He's shy."

"He sounds so boring to be honest Naruto. Does he even do anything besides study?"

"He likes to go shopping."

"Okay and?"

"That's all I got."

"Again, lame."

"Eh, I see more in him. Plus he's cool, he just needs to warm up to me."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You know what I'll call him right now."

"Add him to the call."

"I just told you he's shy."

"Whatever call me back," she said before ending the call.

I scrolled through my phone to find his contact and pressed call. It rang and rang and rang. Come on pick up. It rang once more before it suddenly stopped.

"Hello?" He said in his soft voice.

"Hey," I couldn't help the same smile spreading across my face at the fact he actually answered. "So snow cones? I know a place."

"I don't—. He'll go!" I heard a random voice yell. Is that his brother maybe? He told his brother about today? "Sure," he sighed. I heard some voices in the background but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm at my place but my brother and his girlfriend are being very annoying." He said but he sounded far away from the phone as if he was talking to them more than me.

"We are not."

"Did he say yes?"

"Can you two shut up? I'll meet you there, just send me the address." He said and the call ended.

I smiled. Fucking awesome. It's also funny that his brother's girlfriend and brother know and are forcing him to go. I appreciate them for that. I called Ino back and walked over to my bathroom to freshen up.

"So?" She asked, waiting for an answer.

"He said yes," I said matter-of-factly before I began to brush my teeth.

"No fucking way."

"Way," I said as I brushed my teeth. "His brother and his brother's girlfriend convinced him it seems."

"So it wasn't his own will. Now that makes sense."

"You are such a bitch." I spat in the sink, wiping at my mouth with a towel before swishing some mouthwash in my mouth.

"What should I wear?" I asked her and she furrowed her brows at me.

"That's a weird question. Just wear what you normally would."

"But he dresses so much better than me."

"That's a you problem. Don't overthink it."

"So helpful Ino," I said and grabbed my phone, walked to my dresser, sat my phone on top of it, and started looking through my clothes for a decent fit. "But I'll just wear something basic, we're just getting snow cones."

"Snow cones?"

"What? He doesn't like to go out," I explained. "I thought it would be a good icebreaker."

"Watch it be so awkward," she joked and I shrugged.

"Probably since he doesn't talk much but I feel like I'll see a different side of him today. At least I'm hoping he's not actually as boring as he acts during tutoring. Otherwise, this whole friend thing isn't gonna work."

"We'll see." She said as I took off my shirt.

"So, you still talking to Sai?" I asked as I noticed her staring at me and I smiled as I moved my pecs.

"Naruto!" She blushed as she rolled her eyes. "Uh, yeah, I'm still talking to him surprisingly."

"Woah, I'm proud of you. You might actually move on from me this time."

"Of course, you make it about us again. Never happening," she reminded me and I put on a fake hurt face before smiling at the small smile she was wearing.

"You know I'll always take you back," I said and she shook her head.

"Don't want you," she said and damn she knows just what to say to hurt me doesn't she? "You should be focusing on your little friend." She pointed out and I decided to mess with her.

"You better watch out. He might become my new best friend and I'll leave you in the dust."

"I doubt that'll ever happen. You're never getting rid of me."

"Damn it." I cursed.

"Oh shut up," she laughed and I laughed too.

I finished getting ready as I chatted with Ino. I texted Sasuke the address and we both decided we were going to head there in ten minutes. In that time I looked myself over and I thought I looked decent and Ino confirmed it. With that, I got in my car and took off towards the snow cone place.


I pulled up, parked, and continued to chat with Ino till Sasuke texted me that he arrived. With that, I hopped out of my car and saw him pull up. I walked to his car and went to the passenger's side. He let down the passenger's window.

"What are you doing? Aren't we going to go in?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Let's just eat in your car. Let me in, yeah?" I said pulling on the locked door handle. He unlocked the door and I went inside. I looked around his car and it was super clean, which is to be expected from him but I noticed a few plushies in the back seat and his dashboard had stickers and little figurines mounted on top of it. Of course his car is even decorated.

"Nice car," I complimented and he gave me a soft thanks as he pulled around to the drive-through. We ordered our separate snow cones through the intercoms. I got blueberry and mango whilst Sasuke got half pineapple and half coconut. I paid for both of our snow cones and we pulled into the parking lot. We were facing the street showcasing the cars that would drive past us. It was later in the day as it was already dark out and the street lamps were on.

He still had his mask on and I waited to see him take it off. But he never did, he just sat there facing the street as I stared at him.

"Well? Are you going to take it off?" I asked him. "I've never seen your face now that I think about it." Every time he takes a sip from his water he faces away from me.

"Yeah," he said softly and I noticed his hands start to shake a little as he went to touch his ear but then suddenly dropped his hand.

I tilted my head to the side slightly as I watched whatever that was. Just take it off?

"What was that?" I asked him because what the fuck.

"I'm thinking," he said and I furrowed my brows.

"Just take it off," I said as I raised my hand and went to take it off for him. He flinched away from my hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I told him as my hand was poised in midair. "I'm just trying to..." I trailed as my finger touched the back of his ear. "See you," I said as I hooked my finger around the string and released it. It fell and my eyes widened slightly when I saw him.

He's pretty.

I thought immediately when I saw his face. I reached up and turned the car light on to see him better and damn. Pretty is the only way I could describe his face, he had a soft yet sharp jawline, a straight nose, nice lips, long eyelashes, and full eyebrows. He was a good-looking guy. But my eyes fell on his facial piercings. He had two silver rings hugging his bottom lip. I think they're called snake bites. And right under his left eye, he had an anti-brow piercing with two small silver balls sticking out.

*Art by Surprisinglybrutal go show their art book some love!!*

I was shocked. It's rare to see facial piercings like these. I've seen pictures but I've never met someone with these kinds of piercings before. But I saw he had...? Is that...? Makeup? It looked like he had blush on.

"You're wearing makeup?"

"Is it obvious?" He asked, sounding panicked.

"No. No." I said immediately, trying to calm him down. "I hang around a lot of girls so I can tell. You're probably wearing concealer, blush, and a little mascara right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I like it."

"Thanks," he said, a hint of relief evident in his tone as a small smile tugged on his lips.

"Is that why you wear a mask? So people can't see your makeup?"

He nodded.

"Sasuke nobody can even tell you're wearing it, the blush looks natural and subtle, just show your face. You look really good."

"But you can tell."

"I can only tell because I'm looking for it. Nobody can tell you're wearing makeup. It's super subtle and brings out your features."

My eyes fell back onto his lip piercings. I really liked those, they're unique and frame his face really well. The anti-brow is just cool, I'm sure that had to hurt getting it through the top of his cheek like that. He has such a bold appearance for someone who is so shy and reserved.

"Do you also wear a mask to hide your piercings?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I've learned from experience that it scares people off or they think I'm unqualified because of it."

"Oh, that's dumb."

"Yeah but to be expected. I get shit for my tattoo too." He said, holding up his arm.

"Do you have more?"

"No, but I'm planning on getting more soon."

"That's cool. Take me with you next time."

"Okay," he looked down, playing with his rings again as I noticed his mouth was slightly open like he was about to speak.

"I'm surprised you didn't call me gay or something," he said quietly.

"I mean. It's not not gay to wear makeup as a dude." I said and I noticed his features change into those of worry. "But!" I said quickly, trying to make sure he didn't freak out. "It's cool. I mean I'm not like homophobic or anything. You know you do you."

"I'm not gay. I just like to experiment with makeup." He clarified.

"Oh my bad. Well, it's cool you do makeup as a guy. I've never met a guy who does stuff like that." I said, hoping this conversation doesn't turn awkward. "Do you have any pictures of you in like makeup makeup? I asked and he nodded as he took out his phone. I watched as he went to Instagram and showed me his feed. I saw he had done a lot of cool eyeshadow looks. Some with stars, clouds, squares. He even had some photos of him in full makeup like he had lipstick on, eyeshadow, and noticeable blush. He looked just like a girl with his makeup done like that. I took a glance at him and then the photo again to see if that was really him.

That's crazy.

Like it's kind of weird but I fuck with it. Most of his pictures have pictures of him wearing an outfit with his makeup and it matched very well together.

"You look so cool Sasuke," I told him as I scrolled and swiped through his feed.


"Yeah–. Holy shit you have sixty-three thousand followers on Instagram?!" I shouted gawking at his follower count. "What the fuck? I didn't even notice how many likes you get a damn post. Fifteen to thirty thousand likes is insane."

I looked over at him and he wore a small smile as he simply shrugged at me.

"People like my style I guess," he said so nonchalantly it almost pissed me off. I thought I was the shit because I had seven thousand but sixty-three thousand! A man could only dream.

"Woah," I said handing his phone back to him. "You weren't going to share that information with me? Also follow me on insta."

"What's your username?"

"It's basic as fuck. I need to change it. Right now it's Naruto dot zero nine."

"Why nine?"

"My lucky number."

"Interesting," he said as he typed it all in. "Followed."

"We need to post a picture together so you can at me and I get more followers," I said with a cheesy smile and he rolled his eyes.

"I only post things that are stylish and about fashion. Two things you aren't and know nothing about based on your outfit."

"I knew you were judging my outfit! I just knew it! Also, fuck you I tried today, check out the rings." I said putting my hands up to his face. He let out a quiet laugh before pushing my hand away with his own.

"I need to take you shopping," he commented.

"Dude I'd fuckin' love that. When are you free?"

"We'll talk about that later," he dismissed.

"So you already want to hang out again is what you're saying."

"No." He said and I playfully dropped my jaw making him laugh again.

"Eat your snow cone, our shit is like a damn slushy now," I said looking and my blueberry mango slushy in the cup holder. I took it and just chugged it before I grabbed my head at the killer brain freeze.

"Naruto what the hell," Sasuke said as he held his spoon and cup in hand after watching me down my snow cone.

"What? I'm not about to just sip on it like a toddler."

"Why are you comparing me to a toddler?" He asked as he took a sip from his spoon.

"Because you're eating like a toddler just down it."


"Come on, chug it."

"No, I'm going to get a brain freeze."

"Twenty bucks if you do it."

"Show it to me."

I went into my wallet and sorted through my dollar bills before pulling out a twenty.

He sighed and put the cup to his lips.

"You got this!" I encouraged him before he started chugging it. He got like two swallows before he stopped for a brief second then went back to chugging and a few more swallows later he got it all down.

"My head," he groaned in pain as he grabbed his forehead.

"Haha good job," I said waving the twenty infront of him before he snatched it out of my hands and put it in his own wallet.

"That was idiotic."

"Crazy what a man will do for money," I joked and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I like easy money."

"I know you do, genius tutor."

"I'm not a genius," he said as his voice fizzled out. He turned to the side to hide his obvious blushing.

"What you don't get called that often?"

"New topic."

"Fine," I obliged and we began talking about whatever came to mind.

We started off with high school and I told him about my popular reputation that continued into university and he told me how much of a loner he was in high school to now. He's always just been this way and it still makes no sense to me. Outside looking in you think he'd be an insider to a lot of social groups and know where the best parties are or have something to offer but he doesn't party, drink, smoke, or go out at all. I'm definitely going to change that, this guy needs to be seen. I really think Sakura would have a major crush on this guy. He's totally her type. Maybe I can set them up.

Then we got to know each other. His likes and hobbies. He plays the piano and draws as he showed me his art on Instagram which has twenty thousand followers. He also enjoys various band music and really wants to go to a concert so I'll definitely take him to a concert. He obviously loves fashion and bragged about knowing the best spots in town to pick up clothes and I made him promise to take me and he agreed.

I told him more about myself. My likes and hobbies. I used to play sports, I was decent but not enough to get a scholarship for it. I loved going to concerts and told him my stories from the ones I've gone to. I told him about the times I snuck out in high school and did shit with my friends. I also told him about my decision to start college now instead of straight after high school.

We simply talked and talked getting to know each other till we stumbled across the topic of relationships.

"Yeah, I'm best friends with my ex-girlfriend," I told him. "Me and Ino are like this," I said locking my middle finger with my pointer.

"That's nice," he said, but it felt like he didn't really care. "My ex and I will probably never speak again and I'd prefer that honestly."

"Damn what happened."

"A lot."


"I don't want to talk about it," he stated and I shrugged.

"Whatever. Unlike you, I'm an open book so ask what you'd like."

"Why'd you and Ino break up?"

"Too many arguments, too much childish shit went on in our relationship. We were young so of course that happened but it just sucks because of that she doesn't want to give me another chance. Two almost three years changes a person a lot but she still sees our old relationship when she sees me." I shrugged as my lips formed a hard line. "Sucks. Any more questions?"

"What does she look like?" He asked me and I took out my phone to show him her Instagram.



What does this girl look like? What's his type? I wondered in anticipation to finally see her. He pulled up her Instagram and put his phone in between us. I leaned over to look and god damn it she was really pretty. She has long blond hair, pretty blue eyes, and a nice body. She had it all. Of course Naruto would date someone as gorgeous as that. Why am I feeling so damn jealous?

Maybe because this is the first time in five years I've had a conversation last this long with someone, someone who also happens to be very attractive, and someone I have no chance with so I'm being irrational with this jealousy thing going on.

"Sasuke?" He said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah? Sorry?" I said as I blinked a few times.

"I said she's beautiful right."

"Y-Yeah," I cleared my throat. "She's really pretty."

"I know," he sighed as he went back on his phone. "She's talking to this new guy. Sai is his name. They've been talking for like two weeks now and that's a record time. I'm trying to not be jealous but I kind of am." He admitted.

He has his eyes on someone else. Someone else who is also a girl. I have no chance.

"What do you think about her?" He asked me and he showed me a girl with short pink hair and a small frame with basic style.

"What do you want me to say? Is she pretty?"

"Is she pretty is outrageous." He laughed. "Damn you do not like her huh?"

"I mean. She's a beautiful girl."

"Nah you're just sayin' that. Man that's too bad," he trailed. "I was trying to set you up too. I know she'd be all over you. Maybe it'll be different when you see her in person." He said as he closed his phone.

Set me up with her? That's a cute thought but I'm not interested at all. Even if I liked women she wouldn't be my type.

"Hey so, I hate to cut our hangout short but, I have work and school tomorrow so I should probably start heading home." He told me and I totally got the hint.

"Oh yeah! That's cool." I said feeling like my nerves were evident in my voice.

"Cool." He put his hand out and I took it for a small dab up. "See you later Sasuke." He said and got out of my car. After I watched him get into his car and drive away I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding.

What a night.

I had a nice time with him. It wasn't as awkward as I thought and I talked a lot more than I thought I would. He still dominated the conversation though, not that I mind at all. I'm more of a listener than a speaker despite my job.

I should probably head home too. I thought as I turned my car on and put it in drive. On my drive home, I couldn't shake this one thought in my head.



*yooo sorry for not keeping up with weekly uploads school got in the way. But a lot is comin in March so stay tuned!!*

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