《My way of doing things 》OC x...

Autorstwa Anyaforfriends

10.6K 663 386

Following the grand Football Frontier events of the previous year, misfortune befell upon Suzuki Sumire, as s... Więcej

《Quick introduction 》
《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 25》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 28》
《Chapter 29》
《Chapter 30》
《Chapter 31》
《Chapter 32》
《Chapter 33》
《Chapter 34》
《Chapter 35》
《Chapter 36》

《Chapter 27》

234 12 16
Autorstwa Anyaforfriends

Sumire POV:

The message from Ichinose piqued my interest, as our communication had been sparse since we exchanged numbers at the hospital. He had only been there for a routine check-up, whereas I still had extensive rehabilitation ahead of me.

Despite this, we maintained contact to provide me with some companionship during that period.

I pondered over the reasons behind his message, speculating that it might be due to my upcoming birthday in just 2 days or so, the one keeping track of that is either Dad or Shuuya, anticipating a thoughtful gesture, or perhaps he is contemplating an impulsive and nonsensical action.

The keyword "might" is crucial as I cannot remember ever sharing my birthday date with him, yet the accuracy of the time is highly suspicious.

Looking back at Ichinose's character, the second one seems like a more probable option.

Before sending a brief message to Ichinose, I took some time to consider my words carefully.

Sumire ♡
"Feel free to catch me off guard,"


Upon being escorted home by Shuuya and Kidou, leaving Endou to diligently continue his training, I was suddenly met with the intense gaze of my father, who seemed to have caught wind of my recent escapade.

I'm fucked, to be precisely correct.
I thought, at least.

But still my father's familiarity with my antics spared me from a harsh reprimand, allowing me to escape with only a gentle scolding.

Once the next morning arrived.

After donning my uniform, I carefully lowered myself onto the small chair next to the vanity kit, using my cane for support. I picked up the brush and began smoothing out the tangles in my unruly hair, which had grown considerably over the course of the year.

With a light touch, I delicately gather a few strands of my luscious brown hair, elegantly intertwining them into a sophisticated pin adorned with a flowing ribbon of vibrant green.

I chose to forget about breakfast, as I knew no one would take notice; my parents both depart for work early, so I might as well allow that precious family time to fade into oblivion.

When asked to characterize my bond with my mother, I would simply say - distant.

Surprisingly, even my connection with Hibiki-san surpasses that.

With my father, however, it's a different story altogether. He is someone who is dearly close to me, a presence I appreciate, yet I have grown accustomed to solitude.

I had a few errands to attend to in the bustling Inazuma City, bidding farewell to Fujimura-san as he meticulously dusted the elegant dining table upon my departure.

The gentleman with striking blue hair graciously flashed me a warm smile before resuming his diligent work, embodying a sense of refined sophistication in his demeanour.

In leisurely fashion, I strolled around, allowing my thoughts to wander freely as I made my way towards the prestigious school.


The captivating scene that unfolded before my eyes compelled me to abruptly halt my stride. Standing poised in front of the Raimon's grounds were two girls adorned in the unmistakable uniforms of Kidokawa Seishuu.

My fingers tightened around the top of cane, a symbol of my accident and inability to move freely, I observed the distinctive features of the two young ladies before me.

Nanami Akame, with her delicate soft pink locks cascading down to her shoulders, exuded an air of grace and poise, while Hitori Shina's chestnut straight hair, stylishly cropped just below her ears, hinted at her bold and modern sensibilities.

These were not just acquaintances, but my companions from the prestigious halls of Kidokawa Seishuu, a testament to my discerning choice of best friends in social circles.

The Managers of the Kidokawa Seishuu Jr. High team, the one and only.

I recognised them immediately as they remained oblivious to my presence until the sound of my cane tapping against the concrete ground caught their attention.

In an instant, their gaze shifted towards me, revealing a mix of relief, subtle annoyance, sorrow, and astonishment.

With a graceful stride, I approached them, swallowing nervously as I drew nearer.

"Nanami... Hitori... What a pleasure to see you both."

A profound sense of anguish enveloped me, I must confess. The piercing gazes of my dearest companions were laden with an unmistakable malevolence, causing my heart to ache. Nanami was the one who broke the silence, her voice dripping with disdain as she remarked

"A pleasure? Is that truly all you have to offer after a year of absence, Sumire-san?"

Hitori quickly approached me, expressing concern about my absence and questioning what had happened, all while calling me an idiot. Nanami eventually decided to follow in her footsteps.

Anticipating our eventual encounter, I was well aware that our paths would cross sooner or later.

However, to my astonishment, I never fathomed the unexpected turn of events that would unfold...

As a manager, my reputation preceded me, ensuring that our destined meeting would transpire in due course.

With the presence of recorded matches conveniently aiding in the discovery of my whereabouts...

How can I even explain this?

"How could you leave like that?!"

"We were not just worried-... H-How could you leave like that?!"

Our presence is now drawing the attention of onlookers, creating a sense of unease in the air. The next words Nanami whispered caused my heart to drop.

"Did you betray us...?"

Inhaling deeply, I proceeded to answer slowly.

"Let's take it elsewhere, alright?"

3rd person POV:

With a sense of reluctance, they silently consented to Sumire's and followed her towards the Riverbank.

Their body language indicated their hesitation, but they still followed their "friend" as she led the way to the nearby river.

The trio of elegant young ladies glided away from the grand entrance, completely oblivious to the presence of a dashing young man standing nearby.

With his sun-kissed complexion and a head full of luscious brown locks, artfully swept to the left side, he exuded an air of effortless charm.

His piercing black eyes, like pools of mystery, gazed upon the passing girls, but they remained unaware of his existence.

He easily identified his friend amidst the bustling crowd, her presence unmistakable due to her eloquent speech, striking appearance, and confident posture, of course, her white cane too.

Despite his immediate recognition, he made a conscious decision to proceed through the grand gates without rushing to embrace her or display any overt signs of affection upon noticing the troubled expression etched on her face.

It was a poignant moment of restraint, a testament to his ability to prioritize her emotional well-being over his own desire for a joyous reunion.

The memory of that pained expression lingered in his mind, a haunting reminder of the vulnerability she had revealed to him in the serene setting of the hospital garden.

He pondered over the idea of sending her a text to clarify his intentions but ultimately decided to hold off until the girl was done with whatever she's currently occupied with.

It was a tough decision for him, as he wanted to make sure she understood where he was coming from, but he also didn't want to interrupt or distract her from whatever she had going on.

So, he opted to exercise patience and wait for the right moment to have that conversation.

While he made his way over to the pitch, 3 girls took a seat on the ancient stone steps that descended towards the sandy expanse by the Riverbank.

The atmosphere was serene, with only the sound of the gentle breeze rustling through the nearby trees breaking the silence. After a few moments, the one who broke the silence was the girl with the most one her mind currently.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark for a year."

Sumire POV:

I started off with not the best response I could think of, but the tension was so thick I could only muster that much.

"I've got so much to share about the past year, but the truth is, I have no idea what went on during the 9 months I wasn't around."

Their faces ranged between anger and sadness, yet I couldn't watch it for too long, so I shifted my eyes toward the flowing river.

"Why? Why did you leave without a word. Goenji didn't speak to us about it either, like hell. He kept his mouth shut and walked the other way."

Nanami's voice was filled with betrayal, and I couldn't blame her for that. In the end, it does seem like I betrayed everything and left Kidokawa Seishuu and run to Raimon for fun.

My recollection of what occurred during my transportation to the hospital with Yuuka is hazy. Shuuya received a phone call alerting him about the accident, causing him to swiftly abandon the Football Frontier and make a beeline for the white hallway.

"Is Raimon really that dandy and cool for you to leave Kidokawa Seishuu wordless?

Hitori's voice was really harsh, yet I could see both of them looking at the cane leaning against the stairs every now and then.

"What happened?"

I took a deep breath while recalling and saying the story over again, I stopped counting how many people already get a grasp of this at that point.

I will have to write a book about that accident to get everyone to stop asking about that damn memory, I'm too annoyed to continue on explaining over and over again.

Flashback/Goenji POV:

The grand Stadium hosting the prestigious Football Frontier Nationals is brimming with a sea of eager spectators, all eagerly awaiting the thrilling upcoming match. Within the luxurious confines of the locker room, the talented soccer players are meticulously preparing themselves for the intense competition ahead. As Sumire and I, were one of the star players, exudes an air of impatience as I anxiously taps my foot in anticipation, my mind focused on the impending showdown on the field.

I asked Sumire to take Yuuka with her, but they were both running late.

Sumire is known for her punctuality, always arriving on time and displaying unwavering diligence. It is quite unusual for her not to be present. One can't help but wonder what could have possibly occurred to delay her.

Regrettably, I exhaled softly as I deactivated the silent mode on my mobile device, only to be instantly greeted by a melodious beep. A call had found its way to me. As I cautiously brought the device closer to my ear, an icy chill coursed through my veins, compelling me to swiftly pivot and dash away from the confines of the opulent changing room.

Despite the incessant calls from my teammates, their voices became mere background noise as I detached myself from reality, sensing an intangible fracture within the depths of my consciousness.

Please, I beg you, say it's just a terrible prank.

Back to the present/Sumire POV:

I could see with a corner of my eyes Hitori wanting to start her rumble, but I immediately chimed in.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't face you that time. I thought I had failed... that's why I kept silent."

Eventually, I concluded my speech, but all I received in return was a deafening silence. Disappointed, I decided it was time for me to make my exit.

Despite the lack of response, I took solace in the fact that I had given it my best shot.

However, as soon as I turned to leave, Nanami and Hitori rushed towards me, tears streaming down their faces. They tightly embraced me, expressing their apologies and simultaneously scolding me for my foolishness.

I tried to bite down a smile, but it broke my icy face that soon turned into a grimace when we three fell down onto the step, causing me to bruise my right knee.

My leg is truly being abused all the way. Ouch, have mercy.

Nanami's words hung in the air, causing a moment of hesitation between the two individuals before she finally broke the silence with a sense of urgency and concern.

"There are unsettling rumours circulating about you and Goenji guy in Kidokawa Seishuu"

She revealed in a tone that hinted at the gravity of the situation.


"Mukata triplets...-"

Hitori quietly spoke, a trace of disgust lingering in her voice.

3rd person POV:

As soon as Ichinose reached the Soccer field, he saw the Raimon's team practicing. Two managers were sitting on a nearby bench, looking at him with curiosity when they noticed him stopping right next to the sidelines of the field.

Haruna observed an individual standing near the bench, observing the players. She pondered

"Is he considering joining?"


"Dragon Crash!"

Someoka shot, leaving the spectator in awe. As the ball soared through the air, young Ichinose's eyes shimmered with excitement, captivated by the sheer brilliance of the strike.

However, Endou swiftly intervened, employing his extraordinary Nekketsu Punch to halt the ball's trajectory.

With impeccable precision, the ball gracefully descended, finding its resting place at the feet of the talented Ichinose.

Ichinose gracefully retrieved the ball, his eyes flickering with intrigue.

"Ah! The ball!"

Exclaimed Endou with a sense of urgency. Rather than returning it immediately, Ichinose elegantly dribbled the ball, effortlessly manouvering past Kurimatsu and Handa with his exceptional skill.

"Wow, he zoomed past them in a flash!"

Haruna exclaimed. Kidou and Gouenji glanced at the boy, their eyes slightly widened. Ichinose had already reached the goal, facing Endou in a one-on-one situation.

Goenji had never witnessed the prowess of Ichinose firsthand. Despite hearing tales of his extraordinary skills from Sumire and catching glimpses of his brilliance on television, the experience of witnessing his soccer prowess in person was an entirely distinct and awe-inspiring encounter.

He flashed a closed-eye grin at captain. Endou was energized by the boy's moves as Ichinose performed a back flip and spun, creating a tornado around him.

"Spinning Shoot!"

He kicked the ball, and Endou countered with God Hand. Smoke was present in the head banded boy's hands as he caught lchinose's shoot.

The boy walked towards him and said that he won.

"It would've been your victory if you'd shot inside the penalty area."

Endou said.

"That's an amazing technique of yours I wish I could show it to my friends back in America."

Ichinose respond

"You play soccer in America?"

Endou asked, and Ichinose nodded.

"I was recently chosen as a candidate to represent the Junior Team."

He stated back. Kidou then mentioned that he had heard about it, stating that there is a talented Japanese player who is believed to have a bright future representing America. The others were surprised and gathered around him, asking if he was the one being referred to.

"Could it be you?"

Aki and Domon arrived at the field, coming back from the airport without seeing Ichinose there. They saw the members surronding someone, but couldn't see who they were talking to.

"Why have you come to Japan?"

Endou asked. Ichinose's face brightened with a smile, his eyes shimmering with excitement.

"There's a friend in this school that I want to see, actually, not just one friend but two."

He looked around the huddle.

"It's a surprise for her, I noticed her earlier but couldn't really disturb her while she was talking to someone."

All in attendance turned their gaze towards him, their expressions filled with curiosity as they wondered about the identity of the mysterious "her" he spoke of. Goenji blinked before looking back at Ichinose

"By 'her', do you mean-"

"What are you doing, everyone?"

Aki questioned, unintentionally cutting off Goenji, seeing all of them crowding something, or in this case, someone.

"Kino! Get over here! This guy is really great at soccer!"

Endou said, but got cut off by lchinose running up to Aki and hugging her, making her blush.

The rest of the group expressed their surprise.

"H-Hey, what do you think you are?!"

Domon started, but once he noticed who was hugging Aki, he stopped abruptly. lchinose pulled away from her.

"It's been a long time."

Ichinose said, and Aki only blinked as an answer.

"It's me"

He saluted with two fingers and winked


Aki exclaimed with a smile.

"I'm home, Aki."

He sent her a closed-eye smile while the team resumed practice while Aki, Ichinose, and Domon caught up with each other. Goenji and Kidou walked back together to the field.

"You know who he meant by 'her' right, Goenji?"

Kidou inquired after crossing out Aki from his list of possible person Ichinose mentioned he was left with...

His eyes filled with curiosity, and Goenji responded affirmatively, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he uttered.

"Indeed, I do."


"But, why?"

Aki inquired, with Domon and Ichinose seated beside her.

"I managed to catch an earlier plane than the one I had in mind, so I thought I'd catch you by surprise. I wasn't expecting Domon to be in the same school, though."

Ichinose replied. Domon crossed his arms behind his head.

"I'm just an afterthought compared to Aki."

He said jokingly, and the two laughed. Ichinose looked up at the sky.

"The doctor told me back then that I could never play soccer again. Everything around me became pitch-black, and I grew bitter and depressed. I didn't want you two to see me like that."

He looked down

"That's why I asked my dad to tell you that I died."

"I see"

Aki mumbled, and lchinose turned to them.

"But in the end, I just couldn't give up on soccer completely, That's why I kept up rehabilitating myself every day."

He started. In an instant, he was taken aback as a vivid recollection flooded his thoughts - the enchanting image of the hospital garden emerged before him.

"I met someone in the hospital in America. "

Aki and Domon gazed at him with astonishment, their eyes filled with wonder and intrigue. Starting to ask questions.

"Met someone?"

"Who did you meet?"

A hearty chuckle escaped him as he gazed back up at the vast expanse of the sky above.

"You are truly familiar with her, Aki, Domon."

He remarked with a knowing smile, noticing a newly arrived female. He jumped from his feet, running up to her while she had her thoughts in clouds, leaving Aki, Domon, and so the rest of the team watching the scene with opened mouths from shock.

Sumire POV:

Arriving at the prestigious Raimon Grounds, the conversation with Nanami and Hitori left me quite astonished. My knee had a minimal bandage wrapped around it, in a pink color with a small heart.

Nanami's idea, I couldn't oppose.

Rumors were abuzz in Kidokawa Seishuu, though not particularly favourable ones about myself.

The Mukata Triplets, whose names I couldn't be bothered to recall, had begun spreading gossip about the disappearance of both Shuuya and I.

While I must admit, I am the one with a more intriguing tale to tell, it is ironic that despite all the chatter and commotion, I never even arrived.

Shuuya, on the other hand, may have appeared to have fled, but in truth, it was his innate instinct to seek solace in the presence of Yuuka and myself.

Now, it has become a mess-

My contemplations were abruptly interrupted as an individual energetically embraced me, causing me to lose my balance momentarily.

Despite the unexpected jolt, I was able to steady myself with poise. Had it not been for my cane, I would have surely fallen down on the floor with an undignified thud.

My eyes fluttered in astonishment as the young man shifted back to grant me a clearer view of his features. I allowed my gaze to widen in response, taking in his presence with a sense of intrigue.


A charming grin adorned his face as he graciously released my arm, allowing me to confidently rely on my cane once more.

"Surprised you, did I?"

My visage radiantly embraced a tender smile, reflecting the profound joy and fondness within me.

"You certainly did."

Aki and Domon were the initial ones to approach us, interrupting our reunion, trailed by Shuuya and Kidou, and subsequently, the rest of the team arrived.

"You know each other, Suzuki-san?"

"How did you two meet?"


Everyone was asking questions as I looked at Shuuya with almost a pleading gaze.

"She met Ichinose during rehab in America."

With just one sentence, the entire team fell silent for a moment as heads nodded in agreement, and joyful squeals filled the air.

Ichinose chimed in while this time, he cautiously wrapped his arm around my shoulders, being considerate of my cane.

"That's true, Sumire and I met a few months ago."

Ichinose's casual use of my first name caught me off guard, but I chose to overlook it, considering his laid-back nature and relaxed demeanor.

"Hey! Ichinose! Let's play together"

Endou suddenly yelled while waving his hands up in the air.

"Okay! Domon."

Ichinose left my shoulders and ran to the field, and so did Domon with the rest of the team.

Endou and Shuuya stood by my side while lchinose played with the others. Kidou got in front of the boy.

"l've got you!"

The goggled boy said when lchinose raised the
ball from behind. He jumped to trap the ball using his chest. He was surprised when the ball suddenly curved back to lchinose.

Not bad, it was smooth.

Kidou looked at him in surprise before not giving in and running after him.

"He's on the same level as kidou? No, it looks like his skills go even beyond that!"

Shuuya said as a bead of sweat formed on the side of his face. I chuckled hearty.

"All right, lt's a penalty kick showdown between him and me next!"

Endou exclaimed in excitement.

"Here I come!"

Ichinose said as Endou was positioned
at the goal. He shot it, with the ball slightly curving, and Endou couldn't catch it.

"He's amazing to score at the last possible moment."

Kabeyama remarked.

"His abilities are the real thing."

Kidou stated, choosing to stand next to me while I sat on the bench.


"One more! l'l stop it next time!"

Endou proclaimed, Ichinose shot it again and this time, Endou was able to touch it.

Nonetheless, it went in the goal. Endou stared
at his hand that touched the ball with a grin.

"All right!"

He exclaimed.

"One more!"

Ichinose said, and the headband wearing boy agreed.
This went on for a while. They played back and forth. I answered few of Kidou's questions about Ichinose while we watched the events unfold. The two didn't run out of energy.

"lt's fifteen to fifteen! One more!"

Endou yelled.

"They've been at it for more than an hour now."

Haruna said.

"Both of them hate to lose."

Aki answered while sharing a laugh with Haruna and I.

"They're very alike, aren't they? Even if they
look completely different."

Haruna remarked.

"Yeah. I've always thought so, ever since I first met Endou-kun"

Aki said, to which I only nodded to.

Ichinose kicked the ball again, and Endou caught it. He sent him a thumbs up, and the head band wearing boy replied with a peace sign and a big grin.

"Keep it up, you two!"

We three cheered.


"Endou. There's something I'd like to try out with you in memory of us being friends.'

Ichinose told the boy who agreed.

"Could you help us out, Domon?"

He turned to the cyan hared boy, who seeed taken aback.

"You're not planning to do that move, are you?"

Domon asked.

"Yeah, the Tri-Pegasus."

Ichinose answered, and the boy nodded. He
looked at Aki just smiled at him.

"The famous Tri-Pegasus, huh? This is getting kind of exciting!"

Endou was visibly excited as he exclaimed this

A little while after, the team stared at the three with unreadable expressions on their faces.

I started at them wordlessly, my eyes shifed between the ground and each one of them.

Endou was lying on the ground, panting hard with sweat dripping off his face. Ichinose and Domon were pretty much in the same state as him, but they were sitting up.

All of them had dirt and cuts on their faces and bodies.

"Another failure..."



Ichinose is here y'all!

I want to clarify something too.

Kidokawa Seishuu did not have any introducted to us managers, so I had to improvise and had to come up with 2 characters who will be later playing a significant role with Goenji's dealing with Mukata triplets.

So to summarise, we have here, Sumire's doctor, her mother and father. From today onwards, her 2 female friends from Kidokawa Seishuu will join the story.

Thank you for all the support ♡

Czytaj Dalej

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