No Love Spells and Potions (T...


22 4 121

For over two months now, Yang Jungwon has been receiving a rose each night from a secret lover; inside his lo... Еще

Day -7 (Prologue)
Day -5
Day -4

Day -6

3 1 28


Objectively speaking, it was bold of everyone to accuse Park Sunghoon for all these misdeeds when absolutely no one has ever seen him, how he looked like, in this school.

Funnily, teachers, staff members and the headmistress would throw some white drapery over his silhouette to identify his presence when most needed. That is to say, when he is convocated in their offices, and which happened quite oft. Thus, he became the stereotypical, stupid image mortals gave to a 'ghost'.

Sunoo finds himself wondering if infamous ghost Park Sunghoon would be rather draped in a red or pink textile for Valentine's Day.

"- He would look awesome in a red curtain..." Sunoo says to himself, feeling as though he has already seen Park Sunghoon once, and blushing about his dream of being the first and only one in school to see him.

If you dress in red, as minimal as the red piece of clothing or accessory would be, it means you are in love. That, at least, was the rule of Valentine's Day in their school. If you wore pink, however, it meant that you had a crush on someone. That was a code recently added by some popular people in their school a few years ago, and it was adopted in the following valentine's days because students found it amusing and exciting.

Sunoo throws the door of his wardrobe open, determined to find a piece of garment pretty enough to catch his crush's attention during the Day of Love.

"- Am I in love...?" He asks himself in a hushed voice. He quickly checks out the red clothes, which he had meticulously organized on the right side. It took three days to do so. "- Or is it just a crush..." He squints his eyes and looks at the left side, which only held pink garments.

"- Oh. My. My!"

Just like a thief, or perhaps more like a kidnapper, Lee Heeseung throws Sunoo's room's door open and barges in. He also throws some dramatic 'my, my, my!' that Sunoo does not care two hoots about.

"- And they call you a gentleman." Sunoo grumbles as a greeting.

"- Sunoo, hello." Heeseung, the annoying vampire that never seems to get weary of Sunoo (no, not in the good sense), greets back with the loveliest voice he could master.

Anyone would be fooled by how soft and sweet it sounds, yet when Sunoo glances at him, he immediately rolls his eyes when he sees his dumb face.

"- What do you want?" He sighs and begins rummaging through his pink clothes. He cannot be in love with Park Sunghoon; it was too early.

He grabs a pretty, bubblegum pink jumper and unfolds it in front of himself. It would match his pastel pink hair; he had dyed it purposefully for Valentine's Day, and it was the very first time he tried a color other than black or brown. He did not care that much the previous Valentine's. He hopes Park Sunghoon likes it. They have not met yet, tonight, and Sunoo bites on his lower lip softly, thinking of his reaction and getting as nervous as impatient.

Sunoo hears the hiss of his tomb's door being opened and heaves a sigh deeper than any well ever known to this universe. He turns around and finds Lee Heeseung, crouched ridiculously, peering inside the tomb.

"- Don't even think about-" The vampire jumps inside the tomb and the door falls on his silhouette after it disappears into darkness.

"- It's so cramped inside." His muffled voice echoes.

"- It's the nth time we're having this conversation, Lee." Sunoo huffs. "- Yes, I feel absolutely comfortable sleeping inside." He walks away from his wardrobe and stands before his bed.

"- The vampires' ones are HUGE!" Heeseung exclaims. "- Like my di-"

Sunoo sits atop the tomb and crosses one leg over the other. The motion luckily shuts the stupid vampire up, and Sunoo allows himself a moment of triumph paired with a satisfied smile. He has always wanted to do it, in fact, and it felt much better than he expected.

However, he cannot lock Lee Heeseung there forever, since there was also where he sleeps at day.

"- Sunoo..." Heeseung starts, and knocks a few times on the door of the tomb. "- ... You're not thinking of locking me inside, right? Argh! It's so narrow. And as a matter fact, I'm claustrophobic." From knocking, he moves to trying to push the door open, and he almost succeeds, so Sunoo pushes his hands on the door and holds it still.

"- You talk too much." Sunoo pouts, folding his arms over his chest. "- And I don't see why I wouldn't. You keep pestering me. I don't like you, and you still think we're friends, which oh, we're not!"

"- ... But you need this tomb, it's your bed!"

"- I can always throw it in the lake for the mermaids to feed on it, then I will ask for a new tomb. Easy, and I heard that they have a lot of mummy tombs left since not much unrolled this year and a lot of senior mummies left." He counters. "- Don't worry about me, Lee~"

"- ... The mermaids are scary..." The vampire mumbles.

Sunoo starts to laugh.

"- Oh, but you're Lee Heeseung!" He twits. "- What do you say again? Oh right, any girl would fall head over heels for you~ so use those ✨incomparable✨ charms of yours to convince them not to eat you alive."

Lee Heeseung is silent while Sunoo cackles uncontrollably.

A moment of distraction from Sunoo, and he soon gets flips to the other side of the tomb, falling on the hard wood of the floor and on his butt.

"- Damn, you're much stronger than I thought."

Sunoo starts to whine when stands on the other side, is the tall, insufferable vampire. He cringes at his crimson red eyes, and eyebrow and lip piercings.

"- Go away? What do you want!" He yaps a little more.

Lee Heeseung walks idly with his hands inside the pockets of his uniform pants and approaches Sunoo's silhouette, still lying on the floor. Then, he extends his hand towards him, and Sunoo stares at it. Lee Heeseung has this cringe responsible, gentleman-like, considerate but cold and expressionless face on when he offers him his hand. He likes to act cool like this in front of girls, SO WHY SUNOO?

Sunoo accepts his hand nonetheless, feeling just a tiny bit guilty for trapping a vampire prince inside a mummy's tomb. Bad for himself and his own reputation which was now at risk of being stained, and not for almost suffocating Lee Heeseung.

"- Ugh. Remind me why I did take your hand again?" Sunoo makes a face.

Loyal to his playboy self, Lee Heeseung lifts him up to a standing position, yet does not stop there, and thinks they are in some cliché romance scene, as he wraps one arm around his waist and brings him closer to his chest. He intertwines their fingers together, and Sunoo frowns at them.

"- Cuz you fell for me, admit it. You love me so much, and you like to pretend that I drive you crazy because you find me annoying and not annoyingly attractive."

"- Oh, wow." Sunoo deadpans. "- I didn't know someone could be this delusional."

"- Don't play hard to get." The vampire murmurs. He probably thinks he is being super-hot right now, which sort of makes Sunoo want to burst out laughing.

"- I'm not playing. I'm truly hard to get." Sunoo sighs, as if it is something he cannot help.

"- Yeah, and I'm just hard-"

"- What in heaven, why did you come here? What do you want from me?" Sunoo cuts him off. He wishes Lee Heeseung would not talk at all, let alone make lame, dirty jokes.

"- Be my valentine."

His red eyes are quite scary, and if not, they only make Sunoo feel very nauseous, a lot like throwing up his insides, even if he had none.

"- Nah." Sunoo snorts and untangles himself from the vampire prince. He indulged Lee Heeseung enough tonight, and for a deathtime.

He returns to his wardrobe, wondering what Park Sunghoon likes most in a lover. He seems to be into the cute ones. Sunoo stares at his reflection in the mirror of the wardrobe's door. Was he cute?

"- You know." Lee Heeseung begins, and Sunoo grimaces as he suddenly remembers that the vampire is still here.

He hears the sound of some paper being fiddled with, and when he turns around, Lee Heeseung is sitting like a child of the tomb, with both legs crossed and a pack of honey flavored corn chips on his lap. He wonders from where he got them, then again, vampires are said to have all sorts of abilities that Sunoo did not bother learning about.

Sunoo wants some as well, though. The corn chips, not the weird abilities. He had enough of the latter.

"- If you were a girl, I'd have definitely fell for you and dated you."

Sunoo rolls his eyes again, walks over to him and sits prettily beside him.

"- Especially with this hair color. You look very pretty." He pats his head, and Sunoo swats his hand away with a lighthearted laugh.

Secretly, Sunoo wanted to hear these words at least once from someone else before Park Sunghoon sees him. Getting them from students in the corridors in class was one thing; people complimented him all the time, and let us say that they were fully biased.

Lee Heeseung would not praise him if there was nothing to praise him about in the first place.

"- So, you won't be my valentine?"

Sunoo will only accept this question from Park Sunghoon.

"- One tip, Lee Heeseung." Sunoo answers instead. "- Next time you ask that, start with a 'will you be my valentine?' Instead of just 'Be my valentine' which sounds a lot like an order. Drop your prince habits."

"- I won't need to do that, anymooooore." He drawls, looking so pathetic.

Sunoo steals a corn chip from his pack.

"- They keep asking me." He tells him.

"- Who?"

"- The girls!"

Sunoo scrunches up his nose.

"- Like, I understand that I'm so gorgeous and handsome." Sunoo shakes his head, but Lee Heeseung continues. "- I'm such a charmer, and I don't blame any girl for falling for me and being so obsessed with me. I'm just the ideal type of every girl."

Sarcastically, Sunoo starts to act empathic; he nods and pouts while looking at the vampire prince. However, his act falters when he starts to cough, and it sounds pathetically like wheezing or a dusty air conditioner.

"- Oh my GOD! Are you fine?" Heeseung grabs him by the forearm and starts to gently pat his back.

"- What was in your corn chip!" He gasps and pushes Lee Heeseung away.

The vampire looks down at his packet and then at Sunoo again.

"- Blood-flavored corn chips! The best!"

Sunoo stares at the brand 'Bloody Corn Chips!' and the drawing on the packet is a jar filled with very vivid red blood.

"- O negative, of a chiefly slaughtered angel! And with a hacksaw!" Lee Heeseung kisses his fingers while closing his eyes to sign chef kiss, and sighs deeply as if thinking of his lover. "- Perfect."

"- Whatever, you wacko." Sunoo side-eyes him and hits his own chest twice to block any other cough. "- You should probably leave, now." He stands up, but the vampire catches his wrist, and Sunoo lets out an annoyed whine.

"- Nooooooooo, I need you to be my valentine!"

"- I thought you had thousands of other options."

"- Exactly! That's the problem! They all want to be my valenti...nes."

"- Not my problem. You can only blame yourself for your playboy tendencies." Sunoo shrugs and pries his wrist away. "- And I don't want to be seen with you, be seen as your friend or hang out with you, so let alone be your damn valentine."

"- ...Why?" Lee Heeseung frowns and pouts; he may be thinking he looks angry and intimidating, yet minus his horrifyingly, piercing, crimson red eyes, he looks like a cute, upset hamster. "- Why, Sunoo, I like you."

"- And I don't... Listen, does your girlfriend even know you're here?" He sits down again and sighs.

"- Weeeeeeeee broke up!"

"- Again?" Sunoo stresses. "- It hasn't even been a month!"

"- Weeeeeeell, you seeeeeeeeeeeeee," Lee Heeseung lies back on the tomb and looks at the ceiling. "- I'm a loyal boyfriend."

Sunoo explodes in full laughter at that. The vampire looks over at him and offers him the most sincere and lovely smile Sunoo has ever seen on his lips since he has known him. It reaches his eyes very soon, and he starts to chuckle a little with Sunoo. Sunoo's heart almost leaps at his genuinely amused mien.

"- Girls are so gorgeous. All of them." The vampire prince whispers, and Sunoo hums. "- Whenever I start looking at a girl other than my girlfriend, I break up with her."

"- Oh, how-so considerate of you, Lee Heeseung." Sunoo jibes playfully. "- You're the one seducing, flirting with every girl that comes to you, it's only natural that they all want to be your valentine! In fact, it's no different from last year."

"- If you accept to be my valentine this time, they'd think I'm gay." Lee Heeseung points out. Sunoo frowns, not understanding the point, or the plan, if plan there was in the first place. Sunoo doubts Lee Heeseung has the capacity to plan anything, anyways.

"- And... You want that...?" Sunoo asks him feebly, shrinking unconsciously from the vampire as if the latter is a ticking bomb.

Lee Heeseung springs to a sitting position again.

"- It will save me from the crazy fangirls." He explains and continues munching on his disgusting snack.

Sunoo decides to tease him a bit more.

"- Nonetheless, you will end up with both fangirls and fanboys once Valentine is over, Lee."

Lee Heeseung starts to sulk.

"- Don't call me 'Lee'... We've known each other for long enough."

For the last time, Sunoo stands up and walks back to his wardrobe again; however, instead of opening it again, he stares at himself in the mirror a second time, and briskly, he remembers the brochure of the event handed to him by the cheerleading team.

"- Lee, get out of here, I have something to take care of."


Drug Dealing might be a thing in the human world, but in Libingan Haunted Academia for Monsters, the big deal was love spells and potions on Valentines Day. It was a lot like luck potions during exam seasons, yet if the latter was considered cheating, the former wreaked havoc for several days.

The issue was not in consuming itself, yet rather in the doses consumed and the intensity of the potion during the day of love confessions.

Finally...! Kim Sunoo managed to get the vampire prince off his bandages. Lee Heeseung had obediently walked out of his bedroom, yet he had kept on following Sunoo around like his shadow. Yet finally, he was soon carried away by his wave of crazy fangirls, and Sunoo had joyously waved a sassy goodbye to him, blowing a kiss that seemed to have worked quite some wonders on the vampire's empty brain, as he had only stared with his lips mildly parted. Sunoo did not know how to feel about that, yet it surely made him feel immediately aware about his action, and he had bashfully turned his head away to avoid any eye contact with the vampire prince.

"- Are you sure it will go unpunished?" Sunoo asks, crossing his arms on his chest.

"- Um..."

To put it simply, the statement that had mostly attracted Sunoo's attention was that one phrase 'special potions sold with interesting reductions during the whole day, prepared by our elite witches!'

Unfortunately, the zombie who was supposed to be answering all inquiries about the event was not much helpful. He sat behind a desk inside one of the empty classrooms during club activities, and Sunoo is puzzled as to why is it that he is not answering him when he has been doing it perfectly with the past six students that were lined up before Sunoo.

Sunoo has waited long enough, especially since everyone seemed to be interested in the event, and everyone had questions about it.

"- Hello? Are you going to answer me...?" Zombies being mentally retarded was only a silly human assumption after all, and Sunoo has talked to a lot to know that they were perfectly capable of holding conversations and answering smart questions.

Instead of replying, the boy gulps, and Sunoo raises one eyebrow; he knows that he can have quite the intimidating aura on most people, yet it has been so long since someone had been scared by his presence, especially since the whole school described him as sun or sunshine or other lovely, harmless and pretty things. Perhaps, should he soften his voice a tad?

Nonetheless, he abandons the idea as soon as the situation clarifies itself, as the zombie's eyes are surely not holding Sunoo's out of fear, but because they are busy roaming over his body.

He has not bothered wearing anything over his bandaged body, carelessly so, yet also because he has not thought he would be encountering much students during his little errands. The subject of how mummies should dress was quite taboo in their institution, and most students claim that mummies covering their bodies with the traditional bandages only was distracting and thus why they should wear something above. Truthfully, Sunoo prefers the bandages only most of the time because they were comfortable in more than one way. He also argues that the students who are against the bandages only are just perverts who cannot control themselves.

Sunoo clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. He glares at the zombie as he prepares his scolding.

"- Are you going to-"

He is cut off by a sudden, loud gasp from the zombie. Strangely, he starts making some odd noises while grimacing as though he is choking or drowning.

Sunoo looks around; there was no one around besides him, the zombie and the three other students waiting for their turn behind Sunoo, all of them busy on their phones.

Sunoo should be asking him if he is alright, especially when the zombie's naturally sickish blue skin starts to turn a worrying shade of violet. Howbeit, he selfishly relishes in the zombie's suffering for ogling his body so shamelessly.

Soon, the zombie gasps again, this time as though he has been seeking air while drowning and he finally reached the surface. Sunoo pouts when he remembers that zombies cannot die, anyways. Yet, luckily, they could feel pain... Under some conditions...?

"- Icy..." The zombie whispers and shudders. If earlier he seemed like he was suffocating, he know seemed like he was about to turn into a statue of ice, clanking his teeth together and hugging himself as though he was a simple human, naked in the midst of a snowy mountain.

A frigid air blows on Sunoo's nape as well, and he shivers slightly.

Without saying anything, the zombie springs up from his chair and runs away, exiting the classroom and catching everyone's eyes. Sunoo decides to wait and see, though sheerly upset by the lack of answers, what will happen, curious as much as in need of the answers to his inquiries.

Soon, a cheerleader walks in, confident and with even, idle steps nigh the desk where she sits and crosses on leg over the other and intertwines her fingers around her knee.

"- What is it?" She asks directly; the simple words reveal her pointy fangs, and Sunoo tries to keep a straight and polite face. She ruffles her curly, red and brown hair and fluffs it, making it feel like she does not care at all about Sunoo and his questions.

"- It is said that potions will be sold during the event." He holds the brochure up to her face, and she sighs. "- Isn't that prohibited?" He taps his index on the statement, and she stares at him like he is stupid. Sunoo feels as sick as a dog as soon as he makes an impromptu eye-contact with her scarlet red eyes.

"- Does it say 'love potions'?" She asks him instead.

"- No?" Sunoo frowns.

"- Then, you have your answer. Next!" She calls over Sunoo shoulder.

"- I do-"

Someone tugs Sunoo away from the desk, and to his horror, he discovers that it is no other than another abhorrent vampire, Prince Lee Heeseung.

"- Oh, wow, how did you escape the swarm of furious fangirls?" He jokes as Lee Heeseung guides him out of the classroom. "- Where are you taking me? I need to go back to my room."

Violently, the vampire halts and turns around. Sunoo tilts his head to the side, pouting his lips slightly.

"- I don't know..." He whispers. "- Let's go to the Deathly Garden!" He beams randomly.

"- No?" Sunoo frowns. Lee Heeseung takes his hand in his, and Sunoo swats it away. He holds it in his other free hand, caressing it meekly, and eyes Lee Heeseung suspiciously. "- I need to go back. Perhaps, I'll find someone else at the desk, who can actually answer my query correctly."

"- What?" Heeseung frowns. His eyes widen as he looks above Sunoo's head, and quickly, he grabs Sunoo's wrist again and tugs him away into another hallway. He leads him to some strange, wooden door. "- Watch over." He instructs vaguely.

Sunoo looks behind himself; he hears some commotion away; numerous footsteps getting closer.

"- What are you doing, stupid Lee?"

Lee Heeseung slides his hand above his collar and under his sophisticated shirt to take out some pendent chain. A tiny, brown heart hangs from it, and when Lee Heeseung pushes it neigh the doorknob, it starts beating and glowing vibrant red, reminding Sunoo of the colour of the prince's eyes.

The door opens slowly, yet Lee Heeseung interrupts its dramatic opening and pushes it against the cobbled stone wall and yanks Sunoo with him inside. The place is dark as starless night skies, yet Sunoo can hear Lee Heeseung's ragged breath, and also, unfortunately so, feel it near his face. It tells Sunoo that the place is also quite small.

Luckily, Lee Heeseung takes the initiative of lighting the place by somehow lighting up a sconce light torch mounted on the wall by Sunoo's right.

The silent is louder than graveyards, and Lee Heeseung's eyes shine a scary but hypnotic red against strong, yellow light. From this angle, and with light hitting his face so close and so bright, the faint blue and green locks of his brown hair are revealed, and Sunoo finds it beautiful, and delicious, for it reminds him of mint-choco.

"- Are you okay?" The prince sighs and licks his lips once.

Sunoo looks away, feeling uncomfortable under his strange stare.

"- Soooooooooo? Is this where you take your dates?" Sunoo asks sarcastically. "- So romantic."

"- It's just a secret room."

"- 'room' is not the word. This is smaller than my locker. It's literally a corner."

Lee Heeseung sighs and does not explain the story of this strange, awfully tiny corner which he seems to own the "key" of.

"- By potions, they meant potions other than love ones." The vampire tells him suddenly. "- Like potions of bravery and courage to confess, or luck ones to reduce risks of being rejected, or glamour ones to confess in a charming way."

"- ... I see... You could have just told me so inside my room." Sunoo frowns. "- You're weird." He snorts.

Lee Heeseung drops his head on Sunoo's shoulder, and Sunoo's body stiffens.

"- So... You won't be my valentine?"

Sunoo pats his head a couple times and laughs quietly.

"- No."

Besides, he wants to be Park Sunghoon's valentine...

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