These Inhibitors' Flaws (Rewo...

Da RosyShySpirit

1K 39 50

After an incident where Sonic loses control and goes Dark, Knuckles convinces Tails that it's time for Sonic... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight

Chapter Seven

93 3 6
Da RosyShySpirit


So I'm back. Again. Is stress-writing a thing?

Anyway, so... this will probably (maybe?) be the last for a while since I literally start university again tomorrow, but we'll see I guess. I really fuck up Sonic in this one. As always I love reading your comments. I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you when I see you!


Sonic stared into the bowl of soup Rouge had set in his hands. He was still on the floor in the bathroom, not sure if his legs could take his weight right now. Rouge didn't question it, or tell him to move. She just handed him the bowl, set down a plate with buttered bread next to him and left. It smelled pleasant. A translucent yellow broth with sliced carrots and potato, thick, flat egg noodles and what appeared to be parsley, thyme and flecks of fresh cracked pepper. It looked like an improvised chicken noodle soup, just missing the chicken part. He took a spoonful, blowing on it lightly to avoid scalding himself, before taking a bite.

His eyes lit up.

It was peppery. Very peppery. But Sonic loved it. Despite its black-pepper-forward flavour, the smooth broth was just as pleasant as it smelled. The carrots gave the soup a little snap. The potatoes were soft, but not mushy. The noodles were perfectly cooked, just slightly al dente which he loved. He ripped off a chunk from the thick-cut bread and dunked it in the broth. It must have been a salt and pepper loaf, judging by the black specks on the crust.

He had to ask Rouge for the recipe. It was so good.

Sonic didn't cook as often as he used to anymore. When he and Tails were younger, they would eat whatever they could find. Sometimes Sonic would heat up what they scavenged from bins over a fire or make a rough stew from the vegetables they managed to forage. Once they built their house, and were finally getting money for their heroism – granted, those checks from the president were infrequent at best – Sonic had a whole kitchen to work with and he could go to the shops in Central City. He would cook for them every day.

Sonic didn't think his cooking was particularly good. It was edible. Tails acted like whatever he cooked was the best thing on the planet. But he was his brother. Sonic had a feeling he was either trying to make him feel better or he'd ruined the kid's palate.

Eventually, Tails had found an interest in cooking himself. They traded off making meals for a few years. And then, one day, Sonic just sort of... stopped. Tails insisted Sonic cook on his birthday, and he would sometimes make a little something for special occasions. But only ever for Tails. He never cooked for anyone else.

He wanted to cook again.

He missed it.

It gave him something to focus on. Perhaps he could just forget about Dark and his inhibitors and Knuckles for a few hours. Just lose himself in the repetitive act of cutting vegetables, meat and fruit, or stirring something in a bowl or pot. He just wanted to listen to something sizzling in a pan, smell the aromatic scent of spices.

Sonic had finished off the whole bowl before he'd even realised.

He set the bowl down on the plate beside him. After pulling himself up to his feet using the sink, Sonic took a few tentative steps to see how well his feet would co-operate. Passable. He picked up the bowl and plate and made his way to the kitchen. Shadow had healed his arm and the other scrapes and bruises his body had taken from his little tumble in the forest, so at least his body was no longer protesting with every movement he made.

The entire time Shadow hadn't said a word though. Sonic wasn't much better; he'd been frozen, expecting a punch or worse. It had taken him off guard when he'd held his upper arm (much more gently than the last time he'd touched that arm) and healed him.

Sonic had seen the gauze on Shadow's own arm, knew it would be gone by the next time he saw the dark hedgehog. But it still bothered him. He couldn't begin to describe how ashamed he felt still. He'd wanted to apologise to Shadow, but he'd left while he was still trying to formulate the words. Sonic wasn't sure how he'd face him after that.

Thankfully, Shadow seemed to be either in his room or out of the apartment entirely. He found Rouge with her own bowl at the table in the kitchen. He took a step into the room.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Rouge looked up and smiled. "No problem. I know it's no chili dog but I hope it was to your liking?"

Sonic blinked. "Oh, no, it was good. I really enjoyed it."

He placed the bowl and plate in the sink. The urge to wash it was high but was it rude to wash up in someone else's home, or rude not to? Before he could do it anyway, Rouge stepped up beside him and ran the tap herself. For a moment he stood a few steps away awkwardly.

"Could... could I maybe get the recipe for it?"

Rouge rose a brow at him. "For what?"

"The soup?" he clarified.

"Of course. I didn't realised you cooked."

"I do... on occasion. Not... not often. Not anymore."

With a stomach full of warm soup, now all Sonic wanted to do was find somewhere sheltered or high up and sleep. But he was also wary. He just wanted a peaceful night tonight. He just wanted to actually feel rested for once. He was probably not going to get that with Dark around.

And he also had to leave.

But how was he supposed to leave when the door was locked? He supposed through a window...


He turned to Rouge, unaware that he'd zoned out. He hummed in acknowledgement.

"Could you stay here? Just for tonight?" she asked, as though she'd read his racing thoughts.

She wanted him to stay? Well, he supposed they did lock him in the apartment. And they must have spoken to Tails and Knuckles. He wasn't sure he wanted to stay. What if they called them while he was stuck? Sonic still didn't think he could face them. Definitely not Knuckles. And... and he still wasn't quite ready to look Tails in the eye. Not yet.


"Please? We won't call your friends. I promise."

He stared at her for a moment, looked into her aquamarine eyes. She looked sincere. She sounded sincere. But Rouge was a master at deception. She could be lying. He didn't know her tells.

"I just want you to be safe."

Sonic's ear flicked. He could hear a light pitter-patter against the windowpanes. He supposed he could use a roof over his head tonight. He wasn't a fan of rain.


Rouge let out a breath and smiled at him. She led him to a door down the hall painted black. It stood directly opposite a black door with a red stripe across the top. Huh. Shadow's room, he guessed. He would have snorted if he hadn't felt so uncomfortable. That meant the purple door opposite the bathroom would be Rouge's. He kept that in mind.

This was a spare room. There was, surprisingly, a bed in here, though Sonic wasn't sure what guests Rouge would ever have over. Perhaps that lady from G.U.N. she seemed fond of? Topaz, he believed. Figures Rouge would be drawn to her, considering her name. He couldn't think who else would use this room otherwise. Perhaps she had other friends. It was not Sonic's place to know or judge. He just wasn't expecting the apartment to have a guest room.

It was plain, only a bed, wardrobe and bedside table were in the room. Everything was dark wood and black. Even the carpet was black. Sonic's own room was dark; his walls were painted a midnight blue and dotted with white paint. He'd painted it with Tails years ago to mimic the night sky. They'd made the constellations all over his walls and ceiling. It was pretty and cosy and sometimes helped trick his brain into thinking he was outside.

This room just felt empty and small and depressing.

Rouge left him with a quick "good night" as he was taking the room in.

There was always something about unfamiliar buildings that still made him as wary as when he was a kid. He loved his room back home but when they'd first moved in, when it was all new, Sonic had been uneasy. This felt no different. Sonic supposed there was still something in him that thought of four walls and a roof as a cage.

Sonic ended up rolling into a ball under the bed. He was pressed against the corner of the wall, bundled up with a blanket. Tight spaces were not something he was entirely fond of, but when he was anxious, old instincts kicked in. He liked being surrounded on most sides so he could see any threat that could be coming, while ensuring that nothing could attack from behind.

It took him a long while to drift off, but eventually sleep came. He accepted it readily.


When his eyes fluttered open, he was lying in verdant grass. There was a light, pleasant breeze but he could feel the sun beating down on him. The warm feeling came in spots over his skin. He was lying under a tree, the leaves leaving the light dappled across his pelt.

Sonic moved to sit upright, frowning.

How did he get here?

Where was here?

He glanced over the landscape, taking in very familiar details. He was sitting on a hill dotted with only a handful of trees. Looking down the gentle slope, the grass stretched on into semi-flat meadow. The meadow was flowering. He knew this area. Knew it like the photos that lined his living room. This meadow was close to the Lab Tails used for some of his more... delicate experiments. This spot was halfway between that Lab and their house. He looked to the left, taking in the rolling hills. Their house lay just beyond them. Then he swept his gaze over to the trees that lined the path to the Lab.

He stilled.

There was a curling line of smoke against the sky above the trees.

Sonic felt his fur prickle. He shot to his feet.

Smoke. Where there was smoke there was fire. Fire was bad. Fire was very bad. And it was coming from the direction of the Lab.

The Lab.


Sonic was running before his brain even told his legs the command. All the questions he had were gone. They didn't matter. Of course they didn't fucking matter. Tails was in danger. His brother, his world, his life.

Sonic tore down the path, feet pounding so hard against the dirt it sent shockwaves through his legs, his body. He pushed himself faster, the initial boom echoing through the trees far, far behind him. He'd broken the sound barrier in a matter of seconds.

The Lab came into view moments later.

He skidded to a halt when he saw it.

The little building modelled after Tails head was up in flames. Flames were climbing up yellow-painted ears of the building, they left the paint blackened in their wake. The two windows were closed, but he could see hot blue fire engulfing the room behind them. At the moment the fire was at the far end of the house but it was creeping closer and closer towards the front at an alarmingly rapid pace.

He bolted to the door.

Once he was closer he could hear the pounding of fists against the wood.

"Tails!" he called, hand grasping the doorhandle.

He let go with a yelp immediately. The handle was screaming hot, so hot he'd felt it through his gloves.

"Sonic!" Tails' muffled voice cried beyond the door. "Sonic help!"

"I'm coming, buddy! J-just hold on!"

He grabbed the handle again, trying to ignore the stinging agony that shot through his fingers, his palm. He tried to turn the handle but it wouldn't budge. His body took back control and released the doorhandle without his input. The skin on his hand was definitely burned. He couldn't care less.

How the hell was he supposed to open the door without-

"T-Tails... Tails, can you back up at all? I-I'm gonna try and kick the door in!" he called.

"No! N-no, no, no! Sonic, I can't! The f-fire... I... the fire!"

"Can you step to the side of the door at all?" he asked frantically.

He glanced at the window, seeing the fire already engulfing half the space he could see. They were running out of time. Tails wasn't responding. All Sonic could hear was coffing. Really, really bad coffing.

"Tails? I'm kicking the door down," he warned.

Sonic levelled his foot against the door, bracing his hands against the doorframe. Even the wood felt scorching hot, especially against his already sensitive hand. He brought his leg back and slammed it against the wood. It cracked slightly but didn't give way. Sonic could feel his heart hammering against his ribs as he brought his leg back to kick again. Some of the wood splintered off. Still, it did not budge.


The blood in his veins turned to solid ice when he heard his brother's tone. Quiet. Filled with dread, terror, knowing... acceptance.


"It's by the hydrogen canisters."

Sonic didn't have time to react.

Didn't have time to land another kick.

Didn't have time to say another word to his brother.

The windows exploded out. The oxygen that raced through the opening continued to feed the fire. Sonic felt the force of the explosion race either side of him. He wasn't blown back by the explosion itself but the suddenness of it startled him. He stumbled back slightly. His ears were ringing. It felt like his heart had stopped.


Sonic took a running kick at the door. This time the damaged wood gave out under the strike. The smoke that erupted out at him clogged his lungs instantly. He swung his head left and right, eyes zeroing in on the limp body of his brother slumped to the right of the door. He grabbed the fox by his shoulders and dragged him out through the door, away from the smouldering Lab.

Sonic could feel himself shaking. He rolled the fox over, taking in the singed fur all over his back as he did. Tails' eyes were shut, blood seeping from the side of his head. Sonic called his brother's name, shaking him by the shoulders.

His chest wasn't moving.

He wasn't breathing.

And his head wasn't sitting right. When Sonic shook him, his head lolled forward, completely limp. His head was at a funny angle. His neck just didn't look right.

He was...

Was he...?

Oh Chaos.

He couldn't.

He couldn't just be...

Sonic screamed.


Shadow's eyes snapped open. A heart-wrenching scream tore through the apartment. He sat bolt upright. The screaming continued and Shadow was on high alert. He launched himself from the bed and ripped the door open. Swivelling his ears, he tried to determine the source. His eyes landed on the door across from his own.


He was opening the door as Rouge's bedroom opened down the hall.

"Shadow?" Rouge asked, alarmed but still slightly groggy from sleep.

He ignored her. He rushed into the room. The bed was empty, but that's where the screaming was coming from. It took his brain three seconds to figure it out.

The hedgehog was under the bed.

He didn't know why. He didn't care why. It didn't matter why.

Shadow dropped to his knees. He could see the silhouette of a shaking ball of spines pressed against the wall. The overhead light clicked on. Rouge was by the door. Shadow crawled halfway under the bed to reach Sonic. There was nothing in the room and, as he dragged the hedgehog out from under the bed, he could see he was unharmed. But his eyes were closed.

He was having a nightmare.

Shadow felt his body relax slightly. There was no immediate threat. But this wasn't the sort of scream from a scary dream. This was something more intense. It wasn't fear so much as it was distress. It wasn't a sound Shadow was accustomed to hearing from Sonic. And that's what kept his heart thudding loud in his ears.

Shadow shook the hero, seeing Rouge kneel beside him out the corner of his eye.

"Faker! Faker, wake up!"

Sonic's eyes opened blearily with a stuttering gasp. His eyes were shiny, unfocused, darting around. He pushed himself away from Shadow, hyperventilating. His quills were standing on end. To Shadow he looked downright panicked.

"Faker," Shadow said, catching Sonic's attention. "Calm down. You were having a nightmare."

Sonic looked at him with an unreadable expression before letting out a sorrowful whine. He burst out in tears. Sobs wracked his body as he buried his face in his hands. Shadow felt something twist and subsequently snap inside him at the sound.

"Sonic... honey?" Rouge asked, hesitantly reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"I want Tails," he whispered. "But Knuckles is back home..."

"Sonic, what-?"

"I want my brother!" he cried hoarsely, unshed tears gleaming in his eyes.

He curled in on himself. His ears flattened as he continued to sob. Rouge exchanged a look with Shadow. She looked just as shell-shocked as Shadow felt. At this point though, to her credit, Rouge looked wide awake.

"Do... do you want us to call him?" she asked.

"Yes! No. I-I... I don't know... I..." Sonic whimpered through staticky breaths.

"Shadow, go call Tails. I'll stay with him," Rouge said.

Shadow nodded, leaving the room before switching on his communicator. It was five in the morning; the sun was not quite starting to rise yet. He was most likely going to wake Miles. But he had a feeling when the fox heard what he had to say that he'd be over here at the speed of his brother.

Shadow wondered what exactly Sonic had thought was happening when he was asleep. He wondered what could make Sonic scream in such a way. He wondered what would make the proud hedgehog cry for his brother like that.

Nothing good. That's what.

It hadn't escaped his attention what Sonic had said however. He wanted his brother... but clearly not Knuckles. So, whatever was bothering Sonic the last few days, whatever was making him stay away from his friends, must have to do with the echidna. The question was, what had the echidna done? Then Shadow paused. Was the only reason Sonic wasn't at home, the only reason he wasn't with his brother, because Knuckles was there? It was his house, wasn't it? Couldn't he have just kicked Knuckles out?

Was Knuckles even the whole problem?

Shadow frowned, scrolling through the contacts on his communicator. Tails' contact was pre-installed on every communicator he made, so Shadow didn't have to worry about not having it. He found the fox's name – written, he noticed, as his nickname and not his real name – and hit dial.

It surprisingly didn't take long for the fox to answer.

"Shadow? What's up?" he asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

Right. It was early after all. And Shadow hardly ever spoke to this kid, let alone called him. The poor fox kit probably thought the world was ending.

Shadow sighed. "I know where your brother is."

There was a frantic shuffling sound from the other end.

"Is he ok?" the small voice asked.

"I don't think so. He's asking for you."

"Where are you?" the fox asked.

He'd said it quick. He'd started before Shadow had finished speaking himself. There was a desperate edge to the kid's voice.

"Above Club Rouge," Shadow responded. "Don't tell the echidna."

"I won't," Tails said and ended the call.

Shadow was torn between going back to the spare room or waiting downstairs for Tails to arrive. In the end, he decided on the latter. Not before peeking his head into the room to check on Rouge and Sonic though.

Sonic still wasn't ok. He was sat by the wall now, Rouge at his side. She had her arm around his shoulder. Sonic's face was hidden in his knees, which he was hugging close to his chest. Shadow presumed, with a frown, that he was still crying. His shoulders were still quaking, but Shadow couldn't hear anything anymore.

Rouge looked up at him with a hopeful expression. He held up both hands. 10 minutes. He was probably being a bit optimistic with that estimate, he thought, but he wouldn't put it past the fox. His response had been enough for Rouge though. Either way, she knew the fox was on his way. If there was anyone that could help here, it was Tails. The brothers were super close, even Shadow and Rouge could see that. They had a bond that was stronger than diamond.

Shadow pulled the door to. Now he just had to wait for Tails.

Just how had he become this involved in the young hero's life?

And why wasn't he as bothered by that as he should be?

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