Without You

Per the_night_sky07

549 61 13

Here's to the girls who find Bad Guys more appealing than Good Guys. In the vibrant world of an Arts and Lite... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

13 2 0
Per the_night_sky07

As the weekend unfolded and a new day revealed its charm, I made the decision to rejoin college after a three-week break for healing. Stepping onto the familiar college grounds, I couldn't escape the sense of every student's gaze fixed upon me. While being a subject of attention was nothing new for me, this time it felt slightly different. There was a shift in the way everyone looked at me.

Whispers floated around as our peers exchanged comments, "Thank god, she finally overcame the heartbreak," "Alex was a bastard, he played with her heart," and "She is very kind-hearted. We misunderstood her earlier. She didn't report the police about the bitch, Nancy; otherwise, that bitch would be behind the bars. She let karma decide Nancy's own action." The air buzzed with a mix of sympathy, judgment, and acknowledgment, casting a spotlight on the chapters of my life that were now laid bare for scrutiny.

Suddenly, like a burst of sunshine, Olivia leaped before me, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Iris and Jordan followed suit, creating a warm cocoon of welcome around me. "Hey, Emily! Welcome back to college. How are you right now? We heard everything from Jordan," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"I'm fine right now, and a big thanks to Jordan for saving me at that moment. I won't forget your contribution," I replied, my eyes expressing the depth of gratitude. Amidst the welcoming chatter, I discreetly scanned the surroundings for Sheldon, but he remained elusive. I hesitated to inquire, fearing the barrage of questions that might follow.

Iris, perhaps sensing my thoughts, interjected, "You know, Emily, the news of that night's incident spread across the university like wildfire. People were talking about you three. Some even organized a voting session for you and Nancy. Fortunately, you garnered the maximum votes. Subsequently, the college decided to rusticate Nancy for her fatal actions and suspended Dan for three months. I also heard that Nancy moved out of the city to her hometown." I responded with a nonchalant smirk, signaling that I was unperturbed by the gossip.

Olivia, displaying the seasoned wisdom of a senior, held my hands with genuine concern. "In my opinion, Emily, you should break up with Alex; he's a damn bastard who just used you."

"Yeah, you are right, Olivia" I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the sincerity in her eyes and the weight of her advice.

"Anyways, bye. I have to go; I have to find out where Jessica is. See you soon," I excused myself, concealing the true reason—my quest to locate someone else.

As I hurried through the corridor, my fingers typed out a message to Jessica, 'Should I really face him?' The question hung in the air as uncertainty clung to my thoughts. Lost in contemplation, I suddenly collided with someone, my eyes meeting the chest of none other than the mysterious soul I had been searching for—Sheldon. "Oh... um... sorry... sorry for that," I stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected encounter.

"Oh... it's okay," he replied, locking his eyes on mine. We found ourselves caught in a brief but intense gaze, lingering in the silence for two awkward seconds.

"Th... thanks... a lot, for that night, for carrying me to my home, safely. I don't know what would have happened to me if I stayed there for one more minute," I added, expressing my genuine gratitude.

"It's okay, it was my duty towards you," he responded, the unwavering eye contact sending a shiver down my spine. His words, like honey, had a subtle impact on the atmosphere.

What did he say? His duty towards me? What is the fucking duty? Why would he have a duty towards me? Who am I to him?

"And, so... sorry for the craziest things I have done or said to you when I was drunk. Don't let them linger in your mind. Forget them, forget everything," I continued, my words slightly stumbling as I realized I was speaking more than I had intended.

"How can I forget that?" he replied with a slight smirk on his lips, lowering his gaze momentarily before fixing them again on mine. Despite the flirtatious undertone, it didn't register as such to me.

"So, why did you go to that nightclub?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes, and delving into the mystery that surrounded him.

"Oh... I went there to meet one of my clients. Client, in the sense, I am actually an artist, and I sell some of my paintings," he revealed, unveiling another layer of his identity. The revelation added an intriguing aspect to the mysterious aura that surrounded him.

"Wow, you're an artist. Who was the guy in your car? Is he your client?" I asked, adopting a tone that bordered on FBI interrogation, my curiosity piqued.

"No, he is my br... umm...best friend," he replied, the slight stammer in his response injecting a subtle nuance into the revelation.

"Oh," I nodded, absorbing this newfound information. "So, what kind of paintings do you make? I mean, my father is also an artist, so I have a bit of knowledge about artistry," I added, steering the conversation toward his artistic endeavors.

"Oh... wonderful, nice to hear that you know art. I make figurative art. What kind of art does your dad do?" he inquired, reciprocating the interest but unknowingly touching upon a sensitive topic.

"He... he usually does some kind of abstracts," I replied, the mention of my father inadvertently adding a bitter note to the conversation.

"Oh, that's wonderful. If I get a chance, then I will surely love to visit your house, to see your dad's artwork," he exclaimed, showcasing his genuine appreciation for art.

"Oh, fuck, I'm late. I have to go to the English Literature class. Would you like to join?" he asked, a sudden change in tone as he extended an invitation.

"Yeah, I have to go too," I replied, reciprocating the abrupt shift in the conversation, preparing to part ways as the demands of our respective schedules beckoned.

As we strolled down the corridor toward the class, he leaned in close, his voice a soft whisper in my ears, "We will continue about that topic later. It's quite interesting." A sly smirk played on my lips in response, acknowledging the shared intrigue that lingered between us.

"Oh, fuck. We are late. The class has already started, and this time Mrs. Stanley won't let me in," I exclaimed, leaning against the closed door of the class. He stood opposite me, a mere two feet away.

"She will let you in, just hold my hand," he replied, a chuckle escaping him. As he pushed the door open, our hands connected, drawing the attention of everyone, including my best friend, who looked utterly shocked.

"May we come in, Mrs. Stanley?" he asked politely, breaking the classroom silence. "Sorry for being late," he added, attempting to appease the situation.

"So, Miss Andrewson, you also let the quickest guy come late with you?" Mrs. Stanley teased; her tone surprisingly light. Laughter filled the room, a rare occurrence when it came to my tardiness. Thanks to Sheldon, things were taking an unexpected turn.

Without further delay, we made our way to the last seats, side by side. Mrs. Stanley continued, "So, students, we are here to quote all the important dialogues from Anna Karenina: Part 2, 11th chapter. Every student by pair, quotes the important dialogues." "Today, Miss Andrewson will get the best assistance," she playfully laughed at my expense for the second time.

"So, shall we start?" he asked me, pointing to the pencil on the page. I simply nodded, grateful for the unexpected turn of events.

"How could someone be so ashamed after having sex with the person he loved the most?" I murmured to myself, caught in the intricate web of my thoughts. Unfortunately, he overheard my whispered contemplation.

"Oh, it was not like that. Anna was just struck by the thought of whom to choose Vronsky or Alexis Karenin. Moreover, she had sex with Count Vronsky, which was a complete cheat on her husband. That's why she was so confused. What would you do in her situation?" he questioned, drawing parallels between the fictional character Anna and my own predicament.

"What? I can't. I mean, I never have this kind of stupid situation," I replied, a sudden hesitation coloring my response as I grappled with the realization of what he might be implying.

"It's a silly example to make you understand," he clarified, sensing my discomfort. "Okay, but I can't... I can't even imagine that," I replied, my uncertainty laid bare. For a fleeting moment, the story resonated with my own emotions, prompting me to entertain the possibility that Alex might love Nancy more than me, mirroring Anna's dilemma with Vronsky.

As we walked out of the class, Sheldon couldn't resist summarizing the intricate love triangle in the novel. "Hey, please stop. It's a very complicated love story," I chuckled, trying to divert my attention from the complexities of the plot, but on the other hand, I didn't want to stop his deep honeyed tone, which was melody to my ears.

"Sorry, it's kind of complicated and annoying," he remarked, acknowledging the convoluted nature of the narrative.

"So, Sheldon, tell me more about your artistry," I asked, sensing an awkward silence settling between us after he halted his storytelling. "What do you want to know?" he replied, turning his gaze towards me.

"Figurative painting as far as I know means drawing nudes, right?" I quired with a playful glint in my eyes. I know this sounds a little odd because we have only met for an hour and I am asking him this kind of question. But what can I do, once I've said it, I can't take it back. Also, I have a huge curiosity about his interests.

"Well, that's not true that it only means painting nude figures, it also includes portraits," he replied, with a little time of thinking.

"So, do you paint nude figures?" I asked my curiosity at its peak. I know him as a nerdy geeky good guy, but now if he says that he paints nudes, especially of women, then he's not the kind of guy I was thinking of, he is far more spiced up than my imagination.

"Why? Do you want to have one?" he smirked playfully, turning his gaze to me.

"Seriously, no, never. I mean, come on, I have my boundaries, you know? And I will never strip off in front of anyone other than my boyfriend," I shook my head. Whether I believe it or not, after hearing this from him, I started getting butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh, come on, I was just kidding," he laughed. "Basically, I didn't make any real-time nude figures. I have just practiced on some statues," he added, returning to this normal face.

"Okay, nice, men or women?" I asked with a chuckle. "I've painted both, but more women than men," he replied, with a small smirk.

"Why are you interrogating me like a possessive wife?" he added with a hint of tease.

Wife? What the fuck. Gotta admit he's a pretty good flirter.

Before I could respond anything, Jessica's presence interrupted us. She seemed to be deliberately ignoring me as if I wasn't even there.

"Excuse me, Sheldon, just for a moment" I excused myself, rushing towards Jessica, while he stopped there waiting for me from a distance. 

"Hey! Why are you ignoring me like that?" I exclaimed, holding her shoulder from the back. "Oh, you were talking to him, so I thought it would be better if I didn't disturb you both," she replied, playfully winking at me. "Hey, stop. We'll have lunch together," I suggested, as we usually do that. "Sorry, Emm, today we can't," she replied before leaning towards my ear and whispering, "I have another date with Diego, and I have to go there. It would be better if you share your recess time with your crush, who also has a crush on you. Look, he's waiting for you. Bye," she said, escaping down the corridor.

As I returned to Sheldon, he was leaning against the wall, a playful smile on his face. "What happened? Won't you go out with your best friend for lunch?" he asked, chuckling. "No, not today, she has another plan," I replied, sharing a summary of Jessica's sudden change in plans. Before I could think further, Sheldon invited me to have lunch with him.

We found a quiet round table for two, and as we settled in, the atmosphere transformed into something refreshing and serene. Soft sunlight pierced through the clouds in the blue sky, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. The changing weather of mid-October seemed to bring about a subtle shift within me. In the company of Sheldon, it felt like my heart was experiencing a new season, a fresh start. It was as if the clouds that had lingered in my heart were now floating away, and much like the fall of maple leaves from the trees, I found myself falling for him. This was a feeling I had never encountered before—something special, something that made me feel cherished in a way I had never experienced.

"So, what do you prefer, coffee or something like hot chocolate?" Sheldon inquired before heading to get our drinks. "Whatever you like," I responded. In any other circumstance, I might have chosen coffee, but with the changing flavors in my heart, I decided to go with his choice.

While I sat alone for a few moments, I couldn't help but notice Olivia, Iris, and Jordan engaged in a discussion about us. Their smirks when our eyes met hinted at their playful banter. Soon after, Sheldon returned with two cups of hot chocolate, exactly as I had anticipated. Alongside the steaming cups, he placed a plate with two cinnamon croissants on the table before me.

Our eyes locked for a moment, his deep green gaze meeting mine. In that instant, it felt like we were both lost in each other's eyes, a silent understanding passing between us. The connection was so profound that he had to close his eyes, breaking the intense eye contact.

"So, why do you not believe in love, passion, and perfect romance?" Sheldon finally broke the silence, a blush accompanying his smile as he locked eyes with me. His question felt like a refreshing breeze, stirring something within me.

"It's not that I don't believe in love. I do, but I don't buy into those romantic novels that depict love as if someone can just die for their loved one. I mean, how could someone end their whole life for a single person? It's too excessive; love isn't like that," I explained, my response carrying a touch of skepticism.

"So, what do you think love is?" he asked, maintaining his intense gaze on me as if trying to delve into the depths of my perspective on love.

"Actually... actually... love... love, actually, I can't explain it. I have never felt that before, in that way, like in all those romantic novels," I confessed, my eyes shimmering with vulnerability as I gazed into him. I really don't know what is happening within me, I was feeling completely different than I ever felt before, a feeling that I couldn't explain.

"You know, love, passion, and romance are exactly the same as depicted in all the romantic novels and stories. Actually, you feel that kind of feeling only when you meet the right person, and at that time, you will feel completely different. Someday, someone will surely make you understand that feeling," he replied, a sweet smirk playing on his lips. His words carried an intensity and relatability that resonated with me as if I was beginning to comprehend the essence of his words.

"Did you feel that? I mean, did you meet that right person in your life?" I asked him, with a bit of uncertainty on my face. The air seemed to carry a different weight as my question lingered, heavy with the anticipation of Sheldon's response. His eyes, deep and sincere, met mine with an unspoken understanding. The vulnerability in his blush, a subtle acknowledgment of something precious, added a layer of complexity to the moment.

"Yeah, I met her, and then the whole world completely changed before me," he confessed, his words like a delicate melody resonating in the intimate space between us. His gaze, initially unwavering, faltered as a flush of pink tinted his cheeks. It was a confession wrapped in the warmth of a memory, a sentiment that transcended the spoken language.

The atmosphere shifted as if the universe itself acknowledged the revelation. I found myself caught between the ambiguity of his words, wondering if the 'her' he spoke of was me or another chapter of his life. The complexity of emotions swirling within me mirrored the nuanced dance of shadows and sunlight filtering through the cafe window.

For a moment, silence draped over us like a veil, carrying the weight of unspoken truths and unexplored possibilities. The narrative between us continued to unfold, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of our shared experiences.

"Anyways, leave this topic, tell me more about you, and your family," his voice broke through the silence, as he placed the warm touch of his hand on mine. The warmth of his hand on mine was a gentle anchor, grounding me in the present. As he sought to unravel the intricacies of my life, I found myself hesitating, a complex tapestry of emotions and experiences waiting to be unfurled. 

"Nothing special about me and my family, I will tell you everything later; it's too complicated," I murmured, attempting to shield the vulnerable chapters of my life from the prying eyes of our burgeoning connection.

"I've enough time to listen," he assured his words a silent promise that echoed with a genuine willingness to understand the depths of my story. The sincerity in his eyes mirrored the subtle intensity of his touch.

"Okay, so I live in Oakland, with my mom and my younger brother. My parents split up when I was six, and now my father lives in New York with his new wife. My family is kind of upside down, but it's fine, it's my fate," I explained, with complete discomfort on my face. 

"What about your parents? I mean your family?" I queried him.

"They live in Canada, and run a small business there" he replied, breaking out the eye contact. I just nodded at his reply.

"By the way, what about your boyfriend? Did you break up with him? He isn't visible around you nowadays" he added with a glint of genuine curiosity glinting in his eyes, his questioning was like the salt in my wound. 

"Okay, I don't have much time, I have to join the philosophy class right now; will see you later, bye," I excused myself, mustering a warm smile that masked the lingering uncertainties in my heart. Sensing that his words unknowingly stabbed the vulnerable part of my heart, he apologized. The specter of past heartbreaks cast a subtle shadow on the newfound connection, raising questions that whispered in the recesses of my mind.

As I navigated the corridors, the mosaic of emotions within me painted a canvas of both hope and trepidation. The journey into the unknown terrain of emotions was marked by the ever-present question: Would this attachment lead to heartbreak, or could it be the prelude to a chapter of deep connection and understanding?


𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀(𝗔/𝗡): This chapter was a rollercoaster! Get ready for more twists, romance, and suspense in the upcoming chapters. Your excitement fuels the adventure! 🚀💖 #StayTuned

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