My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JI...

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'We... we took the wrong girl.' 'So, you're telling me that we just kidnapped someone?' Getting abducted was... Daha Fazla

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'Mister Park, would you be able to tell us why you are here today? In your own words.'

'Of course.' He nodded. 'I was recently let go from the company where I worked for 2 years, and ever since the day I lost my job, I have been having a hard time. Truthfully, the hard times started about 2 months into Miss Dowen taking over the company. I was a photographer, and I used to go wherever they sent me. After some times, I was suddenly transferred to work directly under Miss Dowen, which I didn't really understand, but it wasn't an issue in the least. That is until Miss Dowen started making slight remarks and comments that I thought were odd at the time, and in the beggining, I'd shrug them off as I thought that it might be a normal way to joke around in America. I didn't really understand just how wrong I was. Those little comments were mostly in a form or what I'd assume were compliments. She would keep telling me that I look like a little pretty doll and that she would just have me stand there and look pretty. That was only the start. Soon enough, Miss Dowen started brushing up against me or touching me where it really wasn't needed. She would often touch my hair, or squeeze my biceps and such. I have asked her at that point not to do it, but all it did was make her become worse. She often called me into her office out of nowhere, asking me random questions like how was my day, or if I had eaten. And then one day she called me in and asked me to have dinner with her, which I refused. I explained to her that I don't think that's a good idea as she was indeed my boss, and even if she wasn't I was not interested. She laughed it off and told me that I will surely change my mind. After that, she asked me for lunch or dinner almost daily, even going so far as to calling me on the phone outside of the working hours, and it was becoming really frustrating. I didn't know who to go to. I threatened her that I will report her to the HR, but she told me they work for her and to not bother. I didn't understand at the time how HR worked. But a few days after that, she called me into her office one last time, and nearly jumped me when I walked in. She kept trying to kiss me, asking me to have sexual intercourse with her, pushing and pulling me around the room. It was way too much for me, and I am not the proudest to say that I had to push her away and that she fell on her bum, but I was not getting out of there any other way. She threatened me and told me that if I didn't sleep with her, I wouldn't have a job anymore. I admit my vocabulary was not the nicest, and I told her to... fuck off and stop being pathetic. And the next day I wasn't allowed to walk into the company. The moment I stepped through the door, I was escorted out by security. And ever since then, every other job application that I have sent to another company was declined before I even had an interview. Even from people that I have worked with prior to that. I had a feeling that Miss Dowen could have something to do with it, but I couldn't prove it. Not until Miss Moon told me about her findings.'


We all looked over, waiting for the attorney to explain.

'I want his entire testimony stricken out of the record. Everything he said lacks foundation, and it is ruining the reputation of my client.'

'Attorney Yung, he was asked to give his side of the story. This is the reason we are here. This is his truth. Striking his speech out of the records is like striking away the entire trial, which you sure tried to do outside of the court. And I can assure you that there is more than enough proof to his words, and not just through him. As for you client's reputation, I am certain that it is no one else's fault but your client's that this lawsuit has happened. She does not need my client's help to ruin that reputation.'


He sat down and sighed deeply.

'Thank you, Your Honor.' I Bow my head. 'Mister Park, can you tell us in detail what kind of physical contact did Miss Dowen make?'

'Objection! Leading the witness.'

'Let me rephrase. Mister Park. You mentioned earlier that Miss Dowen would often make unneccessary physycal contact. Could you please explain to us in detail what you meant by those words?'

'She would touch my hair and pulled on it sometimes when she would call me into her office. She would touch up my arms or shoulders when no one was watching. When she would pass me something she would purposely brush her fingers against mine. On one occasion, she even... she groped me and then laughed it off, saying it was just a joke.' He seemed really embarrassed about it, but I can't blame him. 'And obviously when she tried to kiss me. She even managed to leave a scratch on my neck with her nails.'

'I would like to bring up evidence number 1.' I walked to the table and took out a few pictures that Jimin was smart enough to take after what she did, and brought them to the judge.

'The pictures have a clear time stamp of the night before Mister Park was let go from his job. As another suporting proof, I would like to provide the court with the Termination contract that was printed off on the same night.' I pass the judge the contract that had her name signed on it.

'The reason for termination has never been given. It was left blank.' I looked over to her as I said it, but she was just smiling cockily

'Objection, Your Honor! The evidence could be staged, He could have easily scratched himself to keep his story plausible.'

'It is very clearly a scratch made with sharp nails, much like those your client has.'

She instantly hid her hands under the table

'I will overrule the first picture. But as for the contract, it stays in evidence. Sustained.'

Better one than none.

'Mister Park, you also mentioned that Miss Dowen called you outside of the working hours. Do you have any proof of that?'

'Yes. In my phone. There are multiple calls from her number in the list.' He took out his phone and opened the list, passing it to the judge.

'Hmmm.. These are quite late at night.'

'Objection. Lack of fundation. It could be anyone's number.'

'Your Honour, would you allow us to make a call to that same number at this very moment?'

'I will allow it.' He passed me the phone and all I had to do was click the green icon

'As you can see, it is not my client's number.' Attorney Yung smiles

'If your client wouldn't mind showing us her phone?' I ask

'Objection, harassing my client!'

'Overruled. Miss Dowen, please let us see your phone.' Judge spoke directly to her

She looked at her attorney, but eventually took it out and it was given to the judge, who then watched as I called again. Her phone rang with Jimin's number still saved in it. It was on silent so of course no one heard it.

'Thank you, Miss Dowen. Please, let her take back her phone. And Mister Park, thank you.' He passed him back his phone as well

'I will accept this into evidence as well.'

'Thank you, Your Honor.'

'Mister Park, do you have any other evidence that you would like to share with us?'

'Unfortunately, most of it was her words which I can't prove. And also unfortunate that she said and did most of the things when no one was around. She was smart about it.'

'Objection, speculation.'


'Thank you, Your Honor. I am done with the witness.'

He nodded as I sat down and gave Jimin a tiny nod to tell him he's okay. He gave back a tight, nervous smile, and prepared himself for more quesitoning.

'Defense, please go ahead.'

'Mister Park, you keep telling us about how Miss Dowen was making physycal advantages at you, but you can not prove it. What then stops her from saying the same for you?'

'Objection, Your Honor. Argumentative.'


'Mister Park, why did you decide to do this now? You haven't filed in a complaint a single time, and then you came out with the lawsuit.'

'Objection. Argumentative.'

'I am only wondering why he didn't do this months ago.' Yung says

'Mister Park, please answer.'

He nodded and started talking. 'In the beggining I dinn't because as I already explained I wasn't quite sure how HR works. Then I was already out of the company, and I didn't know that I could file a complaint for unfair dissmisal. I don't know much about law unfortunately. And I waited because... because I was embarrassed. I didn't want to tell people that I have been sexually harassed at work by my CEO. And I didn't think that anyone would believe me. Until Miss Moon made me realize that it wasn't my shame to carry, I was honestly just afraid to come forward. But I realized that this is going to help more than just me. I can't even find work since I've been fired. I know that doesn't just magically happen. I don't deserve to be put down like this. I haven't done anything wrong.'

'Mister Park, you are telling me that you only raised a lawsuit because your lawyer told you to do so?'

'Objection, argumentative.'

'Sustained. Attorney Yung, keep your questions respectful.'

'Yes, Your Honour.' He bowed, and then walked around for a few moments before going back to Jimin. 'Mister Park, what is your relationship with Miss Moon?'

It's to be expected, I suppose.

'We are friends outside of the court.'

'Is that all you are? Friends?'

'Objection, haraasing the client.'

'Apologies. Let me rephrase. Is your relationship with your attorney of sexual nature?'

'Objection! Relevance!'

'I am only wondering if this is just a consipracy against my client. That's all.'

'You are asking my clients questions that have nothing to do with the trial. We are here because of the relationship between him and your client.'


'It is alright, Your Honor.' Jimin surprisingly spoke up. 'I do not mind answering as there is not much to answer. Miss Moon and I never had any sexual relationship. We are platonic friends. Nothing more than that. Just really good friends. And she offered to help me if I wanted it, and I did. There is no conspiracy, Mister Yung. I just want my life out of Miss Dowen's hands. That is all.'

'Say, Mister Park, are you absolutely positive your feelings for Miss Moon are purely platonic?'

'Objection. Harassing the witness. Mister Yung, would you mind sticking to the theme of the trial? There is no relevance in these questions and you are only harassing my client.'

'Well, Miss Moon, love can make a person do a lot of things.' He smiles

'I'm sure it can. But so can money and power.' 

'Mister Yung, that is enough. The objection is sustained. Please get to your next question.' The judge speaks to him

'No need, Your Honor. I am done with the witness.'

He didn't ask him a single thing, besides beating around the bush. He is grasping at straws because there is nothing to dispute. Weak.

'Mister Park, you may step down and go back to your seat. Thank you.'

'Thank you, Your Honour.' He came back with a neck that was glistening with sweat.

'Are you alright?'

'No. I need water.'

I passed him a bottle and watched him down nearly all of it. Must have sweated it all out. 

'Defence calls Eleanor Dowen to the stand.'

Please, lie so I can shut you down, you dumb bitch.

'Miss Dowen, could you please tell us more about your relationship with Jimin Park?'

'Well, we were never on first name basis, but we knew each other well. He was diligent and very talented. We never had any issues until he started behaving aggressively at work. He would often have mini temper tantrums and would curse for no reason. I tried to talk to him about it, but he became really angry. After a few months of it, I thought it was best to let him go.'

'What shitload of shitty shit.' Jimin mutters

'Don't worry. Let her spew her nonsense. I won't object to imagination. She is digging her own grave.'

'Eleanor, can you tell us if you ever made any advances at Mister Park?'

'Absolutely not. For god's sake, he is half my age.' She chuckles. 'He is basically a kid to me.'

'And what would you say to the accusations that you are somehow connected to him being unable to find a job?'

'I would say it's nonsense. I had nothing to do with it, nor would I ever go that far to make someone's life hard. Besides, he is a mere photographer. Why would I bother with him?'

I love this woman. She is actually quite stupid. Wow.

I was writing down as I was listening ti her nonsense, preparing to shit on her words with her own previous ones.

'The witness is yours.' Yung spoke to me

'Thank you.' I nod and get up. 'Good morning, Miss Dowen. How are you feeling today?'

'I am quite tired, actually. With all the work I have in the company, I was forced to do this as well. As you can imagine, it is a lot.' She smiles sarsastically

'Apologies. I will ask you a few questions now, if you don't mind. To get this over with quicker?'

'Please, do.'

'Miss Dowen. You just told us about how you thought Mister Park was diligent and talented. Do you still think that?'


'And these temper tantrums he threw, could you tell us more about them?'

'Well, he would just be angry for no reason. He would throw things around and hit them.'

'I see. What would he hit?'

'Just... things. Like cameras.'

'Has he ever broken anything?'

'Yes. I had to replace a few cameras. I have receipts.' She pulled them out happily

'Thank you.' I looked at them and internally facepalmed as I passed them to the Judge.  'Would you be able to tell us the date Park Jimin was let go from the company?'

'Oh, I wouldn't know the exact date.'

'I will help you. It was February 18th.'

'If you say so.'

'Miss Dowen, the dates on those receipts are from April. 2 months after Mister Park left the company.'

'I... I must have brought the wrong ones.' She chuckles

'I understand. It happens, right? In that case, would you be able to tell us, why is there no reason listed on his Termination?' 

'Objection, relevance!'

'Every termination needs reasoning. She never put one down. And the trial is also for unfair dismissal. Should she not clear her name?'

'Overruled. Miss Dowen, answer.'

'I didn't think to put one down, honestly. It was done in a bit of a hurry, so I must have forgot.'

'Did you not think to put it down or did you forget? Which one is it?'

'Objection. Argumentative.


'Have you ever done that before? Terminated someone without a reason?'

'No. I believe that was one and only time.'

'I see. And Miss Dowen, you also said you and Mister Park knew each other well.'


Gotcha. Again.

'Miss Dowen, Your Honor, Jury, I would like to play for you a tape. An interview between me and Miss Dowen recorded 29 days ago.'

'Objection! It is not written into the evidence list!'

'That is because not every evidence bit has to be in the list. You should know that, Mister Yung. And even if it is not accepted as evidence, I would still like to ask the court to allow it to play. It holds a lot of information that we are talking about today, particularly Miss Dowen's opinion on my client.' 

'I will allow it.'

'Thank you, Your Honour.'

I played the tape from our little meeting, and the further it went on, the more uneasy she became.

'So, Miss Dowen. Here on tape you clearly said some very very different things than we've heard today. Here you said Mister Park was diligent. In the tape, he is lazy. Here, you know him well. In the tape, you didn't know him, then you remembered him, then you said you didn't like remembering him. And as much as you say that you wouldn't go that far to mess with someone, you clearly told me that you told other companies not to employ him.'

'Objection, harassement!'

'Hardly, Mister Yung. I am merely stating facts. These are her own words.'

'That conversation was not agreed to be recorded, and you lied to the client about who you were.'

'I never lied. I never said that I was or wasn't a lawyer. I never impersonated an attorney. And of course, she didn't agree, but conversations are legal to be recorded. And there is the fact that your client told such things to a person they never met before. Isn't that a bit worrying?'

'I wasn't going to tell you the truth! Of course I would lie. You said so yourself. I didn't know you.' She argued

'No problem. Then, please, tell us the truth now. Which one of the two is truthful? Did you lie to me, or to the court? I do have to warn you, perjury is a crime.'

'Obection! Argumentative!'

'Miss Dowen, please tell us again, what are your thoughts on Park Jimin?'

'Objection! She already explained it.'

'She did. But we just heard another version. I am giving her a chance to clear her name and tell us the truth. Or would you prefer your client to commit perjury?'

'Overruled. Miss Dowen, answer.'

'What I said here was the truth.' 

'So, those cameras he broke 2 months after he was out of the company, that's the truth?'

'Objection, argumentative.'

'No more questions, Your Honor. Thank you, Miss Dowen.'

I walked back to our desk, watching my father surpressing a smile. He actually hasn't said a single word since we got in. I almost forgot he was here. Jimin was practically vibrating in his seat.

'You are actually incredible.' Jimin whispers, trying not to grin at me

'We only just begun.' I smiled. 

I looked back for a second to see Taehyung and Jungkook giving me massive thumbs up. Dumbasses. Even in court. At least they are not screaming.

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