๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง โช ๐—‡...

inviernorosy tarafฤฑndan

7.1K 432 109

๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง โธป โ ๐—‚ ๐—Œ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐—๐–บ๐—๐–พ ๐—ƒ๐—Ž๐—Œ๐— ๐—Œ๐—๐–บ๐—’๐–พ๐–ฝ ๐—๐—ˆ๐—†๐–พ...... โž ๐—œ๐—ก ๐—ช๐—›๐—œ๐—–๐—›... Daha Fazla

๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four

chapter one

2.2K 117 47
inviernorosy tarafฤฑndan

nayeon's pov

MY BREATHING HITCHED as i suddenly jerk awake, disoriented and confused.i blink a few times trying to shake off the remnants of the dream rubbing my eyes that was a weird dream. i glance out to the window taking a moment to reorient myself to reality.

now fully awake, i look around to see my classmates chatting and laughing, i let out an annoyed sigh why are they always so damm loud, i should have just stayed home, i turned to glance at my two friends yoonseo and jungwon. i focused my attention at them, jungwon she held eye contact for a few seconds before she went back to writing in her laptop.

" i just had the weirdest dream ever" i whispered to yoonseo, she looked at me, but she didn't even bother replying to me, puzzled i followed her line of sight she was staring at the sleeping class president kim junhee, "just next to him if you'll keep staring like that" jungwon teased the girl smirking, " i wasn't staring." the raven haired girl tried to defend herself. i lightly shook my head her crush on the boy was so obvious.

yoonseo briefly looked out the window before shifting her attention to me, " what were you saying" she uttered, " oh i was saying i had the weirdest dream ever" i repeated back, she looked at me puzzled, i took the hint and explained my dream, " i woke up from this nightmare and i was in some hallway and a girl was standing on the other side of the hallway and she screamed at my saying something but i couldn't understand what she was saying and i woke up" i briefly explained my dream i couldn't remember the rest of it, " it's probably those horror stories you watch" jungwon muttered. i shrugged my shoulders sitting back to my seat, something in my gut was telling me that wasn't some random nightmare, i shook the weird feeling and put on my headphones and put on my favorite song, drama by aespa.


third person pov

nayeon felt someone shake her shoulder, slowly opening her eyes, she looks up to see who woke her up, it was jungwon. " let's go, we've arrived" she said softly, nayeon stood up walking out of the bus, going to the side of bus to take her bag, as she was about to take her bag, someone removed it for her, it was non other than ko kyungjun.

she swiftly grabbed her bag from his grasp and was about to walk way from the boy, but he held her wrist, " how long are you going to ignore me nayeon " he exclaimed, she tried to make him let go, but he was too strong.

"let me go kyungjun, i don't want to talk to you" she barked, that seemed to fuel the boys anger

" no you can't just ignore after what happened " she let out a sigh of annoyance, " cause i don't want to be associated with a person like you" she whisper yelled at the boy, kyungjun got even more angrier at her response, as the conversation was about to get heated, jungwon suddenly appeared next to the girl, "let's go inside" she said " don't think this conversation is over nayeon" he whispered in her ear before jointing his friends.

" what was that about ?" jungwon looked at the girl, but nayeon just shook her head, the shorter girl got the hint and kept quiet.


nayeon's pov

we were all gathered in the hall, waiting for the other class to arrive, i sat in the corner with jungwon and yoonseo. i watched the others in the hall chatting and goofing around, the dance group was practicing and they were dancing in synch when abruptly the music stopped playing " stop being annoying kyungjun" mina shouted at the boy. " yah, stop looking you're making it obvious" i heard jungwon tell yoonseo, " i wasn't looking" the girl retorted back, i simply side eyed her, " of course you were" i said giggling.

i noticed the home room teacher calling junhee over causing everyone to stop what they were doing, i couldn't hear they were talking about but i could see the tense expression on the teachers face must be about the other class i thought, the teacher quickly left us again.

" am not getting any signal" jungwon muttered in a confused tone, i took out my phone and i also didn't have any signal, the three of us exchanged confused glances at each other "maybe that's why the teacher left, trying to sort out the issue" i said but i didn't get a reply as the light suddenly went out, making everyone whine and scream. out of the blue there was someone covered in a white cloth the middle of the gym, causing everyone to scream.

" why did you turn off the lights" someone yelled, " turn the lights on" someone else shouted. hyunho threw a ball at the figure, causing the "ghost" to fall down " yah stop goofing around." another person called out.

" gosh that psycho" i muttered annoyed it was heoyul the class clown.  " hey, listen. listen carefully, i heard something here a female high school student committed suicide here once,there's something you absolutely can't do." he paused for suspense. " don't look back after looking in the mirror past midnight and don't look even if someone grabs your ankle while you are asleep, if you don't follow these rules ......" he suddenly turned to the direction of the dance group, " it's a ghost" he shouted running towards the group making them scream.

" let's go to our room" i said looking at the two girls.


" nayeon i don't know if you've noticed but kyungjun kept looking at you in the gym" yoonseo pointed out. fuck why can't he just get the hint !!, " oh, i wonder why" i said turning to the girl, " yeah and that argument you two had outside, what was that about" jungwon said, the two girl were now looking at me expecting an explanation. " are you guys dating or something" yoonseo questioned me, " what are you talking about" i said crossing my arms " his just mad about something and can't get over it nothing serious" they didn't look too convinced, " am serious why would i ever date someone who bullies people for fun" i replied whining
" fine we believe you" jungwon said 


third person pov

immediately when they entered the room, nayeon threw herself on the bed groaning, she pulled out her phone and opened youtube but to her surprise there was no internet, quickly setting upright she let out a sound of disappointment, " the wi-fi still isn't working, how am i supposed to watch my jennie fancams now" she whined kicking her feet, the girl was about to put her phone away when she suddenly got a notification, she looked at the two other girls and noticed they also got the same notification

nayeon's pov

wtf is this ? i hesitantly pressed the app

( the mafia game starts now. check your occupation now )

i clicked the envelope and i showed me my occupation

( choi nayeon, your occupation is a police officer )

" what's this " jungwon muttered equally confused as me, " i'm apparently a civilian" yoonseo said showing us her phone, " what about you two ?" she said looking at us,  " me too" jungwon and i said at the same time.

i quickly started reading the rules

1. the participants will be secretly assigned as civilians, a doctor, a police officer or a mafia
the doctor can prevent the execution of a participant of their choice
the police officer can find out the occupation of the participant of their choice.
2. starting at 8 am to midnight, the participants will select the mafia members through voting.
3. at midnight, the participants with the most votes will get executed and their occupation will be revealed.
4. after the voting ends at midnight all participants except for the mafia members will go to sleep.
5. during the night, while the participants are asleep by 6 am, the mafia must execute someone themselves.
6. when either team civilians or team mafia kill all of the other team and win, it's game over civilians, the doctor and the police officer are on the same team.

participants, please find the mafia and start voting now.

if you push a name, a vote gets cast" jungwon said, "really ?" i said voting for heo yool.

choi nayeon voted for heo yool

" by the way, i didn't even sign up" yoonseo said confused, "how do they know all of our names ?" i replied back confused too, " the internet isn't working either" the four eyes girl replied back

okay this is getting weird  " how are we able to play the game ? " collective silence that hung in the air at yoonseo's question  leaving an unspoken tension.


third person pov

the three friends strolled through the center corridors, searching for their home room teacher. " what ? he hasn't come yet " jungwon said confused, " the teacher left a long time ago, nothing could've happened, right ?" nayeon asked.

" what if he got into an accident ?" yoonseo asked, suddenly junhee appeared, " junhee, you don't know when the teacher is coming back, right ?" jungwon asked the class president, " no i don't know because i can't reach him. are your phones working ?" he replied, we shook our heads no.

" is  the staff here ? " yoonseo said, junhee shook his heads no. " what do we do now " nayeon i asked him, " there must be a phone in the office. lets check it out" yoonseo said, as the three of them went to the staff room, nayeon decided to look around, maybe there's someone here who can help

" I'm going to scope out the area. maybe there's a staff member of someone here to help us. " nayeon told them, " okay text me if you see get any information" junhee said.

the group dispersed temporarily, each on their mission, weaving through the youth center's labyrinthine halls in pursuit of answers.

her journey took an unexpected turn when she inadvertently crossed paths with Kyungjun — the class bully and her ex . his unexpected presence caught her off guard. Kyungjun swiftly made his way towards the raven haired girl, he looked at her with pleading eyes, "please, let's get back together," he implored, his tone carrying the weight of remorse. nayeon's eyes were filled with anger and determination as she firmly told kyungjun to leave her alone.

however, kyungjun, desperate for a different outcome, seized her hand and leaned in for a kiss. Reacting swiftly, Nayeon pushed him away, her voice unwavering as she asserted, "Leave me alone, kyungjun. It's over" nayeon's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and frustration. kyungjun's face turned red with embarrassment and frustration. he had never expected nayeon to reject him so forcefully. he tried to regain his composure and coolly replied, "come on, nayeon. don't act like you're too good for me. we had something special, remember?"

nayeon straightened her back, her eyes flashing with defiance. "we had nothing special kyungjun. all we had was secrecy and lies, you changed, and I refuse to go back to that and it's better this way. " her voice was filled with conviction, demanding to be heard.

Kyungjun's face twisted in anger, but he seemed to reconsider his actions. Maybe it was the stern face of nayeon or the realization that his attempts to win nayeon back were futile. whatever the reason, he finally stepped back, lowering his gaze.

"you're making a big mistake, nayeon," kyungjun muttered, she extricated herself from his grasp, leaving him standing there, a solitary figure in the corridor as she resumed her exploration.


still shaken up and angry about her argument with kyungjun, she decides to make her way to the staff room, maybe the others got some information about where the teacher and workers went, suddenly she heard jungwon's voice and she sounded like she was angry, nayeon's steps quickened as she followed the voice of her friend.

"what's going on?" she asked, only to witness the unfolding confrontation. " somi and her friends pushed yoonseo into the pool" Jungwon, clearly upset, continued to address the situation "what do you think you're doing, pushing yoonseo into the pool? that was completely uncalled for and unacceptable." Somi scoffed, her entitlement evident in her voice. "oh, please, it's not a big deal it was just a joke" nayeon's eyes narrowed as she raised an eyebrow, her voice filled with unyielding determination. " she's not your friend and pushing someone who's got asthma isn't some joke apologize to yoonseo right now." somi rolls her eyes, " i won't apologize. she'll get over it." "no, you will apologize right now" somi taken aback but nayeon's angry voice, agrees

finally relenting, Somi half-heartedly turns to enter the room junhee was keeping yoonseo company.  "sorry yoonseo" the girl said her tears clearly fake, yoonseo accepts the apology with an awkward smile. " it's okay stop crying". jungwon and nayeon exchange disappointed glances, silently expressing their dismay at yoonseo's acceptance.


nayeon's pov

" kim somi definitely faked her tears" jungwon said glaring at the said girl, " forget it. she said sorry" yoonseo shrugged her off. "she did that because you keep tolerating her" i said frustrated "what can i do then" yoonseo asked pouting "you need to stand up for yourself. somi will keep taking advantage of you if you don't." i replied back. just has we were giving advice to yoonseo a sudden sound of a siren wailing, " the voting ends in one minute" the sound of a lady on the speakers announced, and my phone started ringing, i pulled it out of my pocket " what's this" i muttered, it looked like a countdown.

" did you do it" yoonseo asked jungwon, " yes who did you vote for ?" she replied, " heo yool" we said at the same time.

the siren wailed again, " the voting has ended." the lady announced, " i'm sure everyone voted for him" one of the girls said pointing at heo yool, " we know you did this " she accused the boy, " what are you talking about ? and why did you guys vote for me, you making the game boring" the boy whined.

the siren wailed for a third time, " heo yool, the one with the most voted, will be executed" the mysterious lady in the speakers announced.

his friends started making fun of him, suddenly he started holding his head screaming in pain.

" gosh his begging for attention again" one of his friends said, others laughing at him whilst others were confused and begging him to stop pretending. with curiosity we went closer to him, without warning he stood up straight, his white eyes starting us, he suddenly went on all fours and started slamming his head on the floor, causing everyone to scream and move away from him. out of fear i moved to the back of the crowd grabbing the person closest to me unbeknown to me, it's was kyungjun.

heo yool hit his head on the ground again and again, his friends trying to stop him, but it was like he was in a trance, he simply pushed them off him and continued to harm himself. someone pulled him from the floor and he stood upright the same emotionless face staring ahead, just when i thought he was done he suddenly ran towards a framed picture next to him, without hesitation he ran to the other framed picture cracking the glass.

he stood up straight again and started running towards the window at the end of the hall, seeing him jump out kyungjun quickly pulled my head on his chest, protecting me from seeing the boy jump out.

the siren wailed again, " heo yool was a civilian." the lady on the speaker spoke.  i removed my head from kyungjun's chest, as he was about to open his mouth to say something, a sound of a school bell rang out suddenly, my vision suddenly blurred.

winter's note

wow, episode 1 was so good, what do you guys think of this chapter ? am so excited to write more !! and if you haven't noticed, it's a kyungjun fic 🤭.  don't be a silent reader :/ i love feedback and comments,, and if you have any ideas you can comment them !!. thank you for reading <3

Okumaya devam et

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