Scary Girl X Male Reader

Bởi RealMemey

31.5K 689 984

You're a normal everyday guy who signed up to be apart of the reboot of the hit show Total Drama Island to wi... Xem Thêm

[Prologue] The Letter
[Chapter 1] New Screams, Old Ways
[Chapter 2] A Sinking Feeling
[Chapter 3] Leap Of Faith
[Chapter 4] Bone Head
[Chapter 6] When Campers Fly
[Chapter 7] Horror On TDI
[Chapter 8] Bird Brained
[Chapter 9] Throwing (Up) The Game
[Chapter 10] Head Over Falls

[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails

2.5K 64 110
Bởi RealMemey

[You're coming out of the cabin as a skull comes out of nowhere and scares you, you jolt back and almost fall to the ground but catch yourself. You hear giggling and look up to see Scary Girl holding the skull from last challenge laughing to herself as you just sigh.]

(Y/N): "I just woke up and you're already trying to give me a heart attack huh?"

Scary Girl: "Maybe~ I just like keeping you on your toes!"

[She steps off the side and lets you out, you see Zee leaning against the handrail drinking his usual soda.]

Zee: "Hey! Sup man!"

(Y/N): "Morning Zee."

[He finishes his can and stuffs it into his pocket, where he pulls out another one and cracks it open.]

Damien: "You know you could get some severe cavities from drinking all that soda Zee."

[The three of you turn and see Damien standing there. He spots Scary Girl where she gives him a creepy look as he jolts back a bit.]

Zee: "Cavities?"

Damien: "It means you'll start losing your teeth.."

[Zee looks at Damien with worry.]

Zee: "Will I be able to find them again!?"

[Damien just sighs as you shake your head.]

Damien: "You'd have to get false teeth or dentures."

Scary Girl: "Yeah! Like what smelly old people like Chef wear!"

Zee: "Oh no! I don't wanna be like Chef!"

[He looks at the can and tosses it over his shoulder.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef can be seen against the side of the cabin, his eyes welling up as he runs off crying.]

*Scene Change*

Zee: "No more soda for me man..."

[He pulls out another can of soda.]

Damien: "What did you just say!?"

Zee: "Nah man, this isn't soda, it's pop."

[You and Scary Girl look at each other and shrug as Damien just facepalms.]

Damien: "They're the same thing!"

Zee: "No they're not, one's called pop the other's called soda."

Damien: "*Sigh* Whatever. Hey, any of you three want a pin, I made plenty!"

[The three of you turn as Damien goes through a box and pulls out a pin, it's a got a blue outline with a large white circle in the center, Damien's face being in the middle of that and a giant circle with a diagonal cross going through it.]

(Y/N): "What are these for?"

Damien: "I'm campaigning!"

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "I've had enough! So I'm running a 'Vote Damien Off The Island Campaign, I'd rather leave by drone today, than in a box tomorrow. I made buttons."


Scary Girl: "For what?"

Damien: "Being eliminated! I've had it being here, this place is a letteral death trap!"

Scary Girl: "But that's the fun of it!~

Damien: "No it's not!"

Zee: "Oooh! I'll take some!"

[Zee walks over and takes a handful.]

(Y/N): "Yeah that's fair, but I don't really think you had to make, these."

[You hold one of the pins and play with it in your hand.]

Zee: "I dunno man, they're pretty neat!"

[You look over and Zee has them almost everywhere on his body.]

*Confessional Booth*

Scary Girl: "Aww, but if Damien leaves, I'll won't be able to hear him scream whenever I watch him from the corner of his room!" [She looks at the camera with a pout.]


Damien: "See, Zee gets it! Anyways I need to go hand these to the others."

[He walks off with his box, as Zee walks up to you.]

Zee: "Hey you gonna use that?"

[He points at the pin as you just hand him it.]

Zee: "Thanks! I'm gonna put one on my can."

[He pokes the can with it as soda bursts out.]

Zee: "Agh! Wait, I have an idea!"

[He puts his lips over the can and starts to drink the geyser of soda coming out as you look at Scary Girl.]

(Y/N): "Wanna just go to the main lodge."

[She looks back over at Zee as some of the soda can be seen leaking out as he continue to drinks it.]

Scary Girl: "Yeah.."

*Scene Change*

[You both enter the main lodge and see that todays breakfast is beans for some reason.]

(Y/N): "Eww, beans? I'll pass."

Scary Girl: "Same."

[You both sit down as Julia comes over to your table.]

Julia: "Hey you two!"

[Scary Girl fidgets with the skull a bit as you look up at her.]

(Y/N): "Hey, Julia was it?"

Julia: "Yup! We haven't spoken much since we first arrived here so I'd might as well come over and say hi!"

(Y/N): "Yeah that's fair, given how we're on opposite teams and all."

Julia: "Yeah that stinks, and can I be honest, have you even brushed your teeth since you got here, because you could really use a mint."

[Scary Girl shoots her a side glare as you smell your breath, doesn't smell bad but not good either.]

(Y/N): "Yes I have been. I just haven't had a chance to yet this morning."

Julia: "I see I see. Well I'll leave you two to it then, it was nice being able to talk to you."

[She gets up and walks away as Scary Girl tracks her with her eyes."

Scary Girl: "...I don't like her.."

[You turn to her, confused.]

(Y/N): "What do you mean, sure her remark was a bit rude but it's not like she was lying either."

Scary Girl: "She's hiding something, I know it..."

[You sigh and put your hand on the top of her head.]

(Y/N): "I'm sure that she's fine, just a bit unfiltered is all."

[She looks away from you and sighs.]

Scary Girl: "Fine."

[She continues to fidget with her skull as you pull out an apple.]

(Y/N): "Crap, you think this place has knives?"

Scary Girl: "Don't worry!"

[She reaches into the waistband of her skirt and pulls out a pocket knife as she hands it to you, you look at it in surprise.]

Scary Girl: "What?"

[You look at her.]

(Y/N): "How long have you had this on you for??"

Scary Girl: "Oh! Since we got here!~"

(Y/N): "So you've just been, carrying this thing around the whole time..?"

Scary Girl: "Yup!~"

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "Okay, she may be cute, but knowing that she's had that on her the whole time makes me wonder what she was planning on doing with it..."


[You decide to say nothing as you just cut up the apple in to slices, half for you, half for her.]

[She smiles sweetly as she takes a bite of one.]

Scary Girl: "Thanks!~"

(Y/N): "Yeah.. no problem."

[You grab a napkin and go to wipe off the blade as Scary Girl takes it off you.]

(Y/N): "Hey what are you-!"

[You look over as she licks the juice off the blade as she folds it up and puts it back. You just sit there your jaw practically hitting the floor.]

Scary Girl: "Don't wanna let any of the good stuff go to waste!~"

*Confessional Booth*

[You can be seen making a bunch of gestures flailing your arms around in a bewildered state.]


[You shake your head as you rest your head on your hand looking straight ahead  as Chris comes over the intercoms.]

Chris: "Attention campers! Be at the beach on the far side of the island in 10 minutes for todays challenge."

[You finish the rest of the slices as you stand up. Scary Girls walks to the side of you.]

Scary Girl: "And if you were thinking I was gonna use it on you, of course not silly!~"

[She skips away out the door happily as you regain yourself and follow her.]

*Scene Change*

[Both teams are stood in front of Chris, each on your teams respective colors.]

Chris: "Morning campers! I hope you enjoyed breakfast, todays challenge is a race from one side of the island to the other side of, first team to have all of its members on the dock wins! And the losing team, as always, will be sending someone home."

[Damien leans into Priya's ear.]

Damien: "That'll be me right, can I count on you?"

Priya: "I'll see what I can do okay?"

Chris: "Ahem, something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"

Priya: "No nothing!"

MK: "Blah blah blah we know there's a catch, just tell us how we're gonna die!"

Chris: "Just because there's never not been a catch MK doesn't mean there's always going to be a catch."

Priya: "Sweet, so there's no catch!"

Chris: "Of course there's a catch!"

Damien: "Landmines! It's landmines isn't it!?"

Scary Girl: "Landmines!?"

[Chef storms over to Chris.]

Chef: "Woah woah woah hold up Chris, we specifically said no landmines!"

[Chris puts a hand on Chef's shoulder.]

Chris: "Relax, there's no land mines, in this challenge.." [He says that last part under his breath.]

Millie: "So what's the catch?"

Chris: "Let's just say you'll wanna do this as silently as possible!"

(Y/N): "May we ask why?"

Chris: "Can I ask why you all ask so many questions?"

[You roll your eyes.]

Chris: "Let's just say that you don't wanna wake the raptors."

Raj: "The basketball team!?"

Chris: "Nnnoo."

Millie: "Maybe you missed this news, but dinosaurs are extinct."

Chris: "Are they?"

[A loud roar can be heard as the trees shake. Everyone looks around in fear as Scary Girl looks with a large smile on her face as Damien runs up to Chris.]

Damien: "What was that!?"

Chris: "Gee I might be wrong, but I'd say it sounded a lot like a raptor."

Damien: "I don't care what it is lets go!"

Chris: "Ah ah ah, I didn't say you all could leave yet let's say there's another part of this challenge."

Bowie: "There's more!?"

MK: "What else could there possibly be?"

Chris: "Soo, Chef runs a babysitting business, but he couldn't go in today, so we just brought all the children here to us! Hey this reminds me, haven't we done something like this before?"

[Chris looks over to Chef as he just shrugs.]

[A plane flies over head as babies fall out with parachutes. An eagle tries to fly into one but it just punches it as it falls to the ground.]

Bowie: "There is no way those are actual babies!"

[One lands in his hands as it's sound asleep, you each get one as Chris speaks up.]

Chris: "It also happens to be their nap time, sooo unless you wanna become a raptors brunch, I recommend that you let it get in its morning nap."

*Confessional Booth*

MK: "Nuh uh, I don't do babies."


Zee: "Aww yeah! I always wanted to be a mother."


Bowie: "Okay, there's no way that he'd stay on an island with raptors."

[You look over and point over to Chris as everyone looks over.]

Chris: "Let the challenge commence!"

[He rides off in a jet ski as Chef dives into the water and chases after him.]

Chef: "Wait for me!"

[You look down at the child, you look over to Lauren and see her gently bouncing the child, you remember the pocket knife in her waist band as that small feeling of dread over takes you again.]

Damien: "Uhh guys!?"

[You look up and see two raptors surrounding your team, you all run off and eventually break off as you and Scary Girl get partnered up as she giggles the whole way though. You eventually make it far enough and catch your breath.]

(Y/N): "Do you- find- anything- scary!?"

Scary Girl: "No not really!"

[You lean up against the tree and close your eyes, you feel something sniffing you but you don't open your eyes.]

(Y/N): "Lauren why are you sniffing me.."

Scary Girl: "Uhh, that's not me.."

[You open your eyes and see a raptor smelling you, it licks its lips and goes to bite your head off as you scream and run off as Scary Girl runs with you.]

*Scene Change*

[You both eventually find a cave and decide to rest in it, Scary Girl rests the kids in a small bed of leaves as you both sit down next to each other.]

(Y/N): "Wow, those kids can sleep through the end of the world if they can sleep through all that."

Scary Girl: "Yeah."

[You both sit for a bit as Scary Girl turns to you.]

Scary Girl: "(Y/N)?"

[You turn to her, meeting her gaze.]

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Scary Girl: "Why do you hang out with me?"

[This takes you aback as you look away.]

(Y/N): "I dunno, you're just, fun. You're the only person who's managed to make this whole thing bearable."

Scary Girl: "That's not the impression you had when we first met!"

[You both chuckle remembering the first day.]

(Y/N): "Yeah.."

[You sit in silence for a little longer until she speaks up again.]

Scary Girl: "Is that why you didn't want me to get eliminated?"

[You silently nod your head as you. Look out the entrance of the cave.]

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Scary Girl: "And you're fun to hang out with too!"

[You turn to her and smile.]

(Y/N): "Thanks. I've, never really been told that before."

Scary Girl: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I've always just been the boring one."

Scary Girl: "Well, it's probably because they didn't get to know the real you!"

[You turn to her and smile again.]

(Y/N): "Guess you have a point."

[You stand up.]

(Y/N): "Well, guess we shouldn't be hiding, let's go."

Scary Girl: "Yeah, lets go!"

[You walk over and pick up the baby and wait out side for Lauren. She's taking an oddly long time to do so, but eventually she runs out.]

(Y/N): "Jeez, what took you so long?"

Scary Girl: "Baby was stirring, had to calm it down."

(Y/N): "Aight, let's just go."

[You both take off again, as your shadows disappear off of the cave wall, a faint heart can be seen in the rock, with L and your initial in the center with a plus between them.]

*Scary Girl's POV*

[(Y/N) and I are running to the dock when I hear two screams and a roar coming from the side, I turn and see Chase and Zee running with a raptor behind them. Zee trips on a rock as Chase runs off without him, I run over and grab is leg, pulling it off as the raptor goes to eat him and whack its nose with it, sending it running off in pain.]

Zee: "Woah! Using my own leg against it! Cool!"

[I reattach is leg and help him up.]

Scary Girl: "Let's just go."

Zee: "Hey! Where'd Chase go? Aww man did he really leave me for dead!?"

(Y/N): "Uhh guys?!"

[I turn and see the other raptor running after us, we each run off in our own direction as I climb a tree, the baby starts to cry as I clasp my hand over its mouth, below the raptor looks around for a sec and runs off.]

[I jump back out of the tree and look for my future boyfriend but I don't see him anywhere. I hear Julia talking as I jump into a nearby bush.]

Julia: "So glad I skipped the beans this morning."

[She steps on a twig as her baby starts to wail.]

Julia: "Oh no, shhhh shhh!"

[A raptor comes up from behind and exhales on her, she turns and is met with a roaring raptor.]

*Confessional Booth*

[Julia can be seen filing her nails as her fair is stuck to the side like a flag.]

Julia: "No.. not today!"


Julia: "Mouthwash!"

[The raptor is taken aback as it looks at her.]

Julia: "Ever heard of it?? For reals they should change your name to to halitosis-aurus. Your breath reeks of K fan girl, and get some whitening strips and liners for your teeth already. Your grill looks like a fence made of mud! I can't even talk about your dry scaly skin because I will literally barf in my own mouth. You have bags under your eyes, you have puny little chicken leg arms, and your toenails, big yikes! It's actually no wonder you went extinct, because no one would wanna get with that!"

[The raptor runs off in tears as Julia stands there victorious.]

Scary Girl: "I knew it.."

[I slink off to go find my love, and to tell him about what I saw.]

*Scene Change*

[MK can be seen playing back the video of Julia roasting the raptor.]

*Confessional Booth*

MK: "Oooh! Let's upload the low down Julia to my Selfiegram account and see what all her followers think, #therealjulia!"

[She sends the post and slips the phone back into her pocket.]

MK: "Hope that raptors okay.."


[Wailing can be heard from inside a cave as the raptor can be seen crying while holding a bowl of ice cream while looking into a mirror, it throws the ice cream at the mirror as it continues to cry.]

*Your POV*

[You hear a giant explosion go off in the distance near where the main lodge was, you turn and see debris and a giant ball of fire bellowing out of the lodge.]

(Y/N): "Woah.."

[I hear running as I turn and see Lauren running at me.]

Scary Girl: "(Y/N)! I know the truth about Julia!"

(Y/N): "No time! Let's finish this challenge first!"

Scary Girl: "But-!"

(Y/N): "I said not now! Lets go!"

[You run toward the dock but it's already too late. The rest of the Frogs Of Death arrive to the dock as you, Scary Girl, Damien, Millie, and Priya finally arrive.]

(Y/N): "Did we just lose again!?"

Chris: "Currecto-mundo (Y/N)! Trout, hand me your children, and I'll be seeing you at the elimination ceremony!"

*Scene Change*

[Scary Girl just got done explaining what she say Julia doing as you sit on a stump.]

(Y/N): "Wow, really? Well I did hear shouting but, didn't know that was her."

Scary Girl: "Exactly-!"

(Y/N): "But I wanna see it with my own eyes first."

[She pouts at you.]

Scary Girl: "Are you saying you don't trust me?"

(Y/N): "I do! It's just kind of a he said she said situation right now."

[She sighs and sits on a stump across from you.]

Scary Girl: "Okay."

[You both sit in silence for a while, you look up as she does too. The evening glow of the sun making her look majestic as you get lost in her eyes. Your heads start to lift up as you both get a good look at each other, her purple hair blowing in the breeze and here eyes glistening with the sky.]

[You reach out a hand as she looks at it, but she out stretches hers and takes yours as you both close wrap your fingers around each others hands.]

[You suddenly realize what you're doing and just, kinda shake your hand and let go awkwardly.]

(Y/N): "Let's just.. forget about that."

Scary Girl: "Okay.."

[She bursts into a giggle as you look back at her.]

Scary Girl: "You're silly!~"

[You laugh a bit to yourself too and shake your head.]

(Y/N): "Come on, let's just go, ceremony will start here in a while."

[She jumps up and tilts her head, closing her eyes cutely.]

Scary Girl: "Kay kay!~"

[She skips off as you look at her go, a smiling like an idiot to yourself as you get up and walk after her.]

*Confessional Booth*

[Scary Girl can be seen looking at her hand, a faint blush on her face, as she sighs.]


(Y/N): "Well that was, something, not sure what that was bout or why I even did that.. it's not like she could like me too right?"


[It's nighttime, meaning the elimination ceremony is about to commence, Priya and Millie take the lead as Zee, Damien and Chase are in the middle, while you and Scary Girl stay behind.]

[You both face each other, a small look of worry on each others faces.]

[You all reach the campfire as Chris takes a tray of marshmallows off of a stump, revealing your teams emblem engraved into the stump.]

Chris: "Ferocious Trout, didn't expect to see you again so soon. Back to back losses means you're sending another team member home.

Chef: "Chase, when Zee's leg got stuck and he asked for help, you abandoned him, that's not what a good teammate does!"

*Confessional Booth*

Chase: "Come on it was life or death!"


Chef: "Scary Girl!"

[Your team turns to her as she looks at Chef.]

Chef: "For once, I want to actually congratulate you, you went back and saved Zee from getting attacked from a raptor after Chase left him, though you did use his leg as a weapon, you still defended him none the less."

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "Scary Girl saved Zee!? Am I dreaming!?"

[He slaps himself in the face as he rubs his cheek.]

Damien: "Nope, totally not dreaming."


Chris: "And because of that Scary Girl, you get the first marshmallow."

[He tosses her a marshmallow as you both smile at each other.]

Chris: "Now for the rest of you, you get a marshmallow you're safe, and if you don't you're off the island."

Chris: "Priya."

Chris: "(Y/N)."

Chris: "Zee."

Chris: "Millie."

Chris: "You are all safe, now the final marshmallow goes to.."

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "You know, I'm starting to get second thoughts about wanting to go home, after the day I had, I think I can survive anything! Million dollars, I'm coming for you!"


Chris: "Damien, you've been voted off!"

*Confessional Booth*

Damien: "Wait, what!?"


Chase: "Wait, what!?"


[Priya walks over to Damien.]

Priya: "You saved us back there when you tricked that raptor into eating the beans!"

(Y/N): "Ohh, so that's where the explosion came from."

Priya: "So, we managed to convince everyone to vote for you!"

Millie: "We know it's what you wanted so its our way of saying thank you."

Chris: "Aww, it's a happy ending! I don't care for that..."

[Chris walks off to the dock of shame with Damien behind him, his shoulder slumped as he looks miserable.]

Chris: "Follow me to the dock of shame please."

Damien: "When I wanted to be voted off, no one would do it! Then I changed my mind about leaving! *Sigh* Irony is a cruel cruel-" 

[Before he can finish what he's saying, the drone grabs him by his head and carries him off into the night as he screams.]

Chris: "Wow huh, today had everything! Child exploitation, explosions, dinosaurs."

[Chef can be seen running away in the distance as a raptor chases him.]

Chris: "Hahaha! We should probably catch those, so no one gets eaten on the next episode of Total, Drama, Island!"

*Scene Change*

[I walk over to see Scary Girl sitting on the stairs to the cabins, moping.]

(Y/N): "Heyy uh, you okay?"

Scary Girl: "Damien's gone! So now I don't have anyone to scare anymore..."

(Y/N): "Well, at least he got what he wanted."

[Scary Girl looks at you for a bit as you look at her, confused.]

(Y/N): "What's that look for?"

Scary Girl: "Or do I..?~"

(Y/N): "Uhh, what are you talking abou-"

[She pulls a spoon out from her waistband and runs at you with it as you run away screaming all the while she giggles like a maniac as she chases you around.]

[To Be Continued...]

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