Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X R...


15.6K 436 20

Y/n Swann has always had to live by her fathers rules including her forced marriage to someone of the British... Více

1.1. A boring life for me
1.2 The Day You Never Caught
1.3. The taking of the Swanns
1.4. Day 1 on the sea, get me back to land
1.5. Skeleton Crew
1.6. Help is coming, maybe. Eventually.
1.7. More bloody pirates
1.8. The walking of a plank
1.9. Evacuating paradise.
1.10. Part Of The Crew.
2.1. Another Adventure
2.2 Sense Of Direction
2.3. Maybe the right direction this time
2.4. To the lady of truths
2.5. The Flying Duchess
2.6. Collecting Souls, Basically
2.7. Heart in a Box
2.8. The Pulling Of Cutlasses
2.9. More Win Than Losses
3.1. The Search
3.2. Terrain Change
3.3. Jack?
3.4. Men Ashore
3.5. Breadcrumbs
3.7. Stormy Rains
3.8. One Last Adventure

3.6. Meetings Adjourned

133 5 0

As this fight was only going to continue. I knew that it wouldn't calm down anytime soon. Let's just say the only way it stopped was when Barbossa fired his pistol. "It was the First Court what imprisoned Calypso. We should be the ones to set her free. And in her gratitude, she will see fit to grant us boons." He said to them all as he was talking whilst standing on the table.

"Whose boons? Your boons? Utterly deceptive twaddle-speak, says I." Jack said as he helped Barbossa down from the table.

"If you have a better alternative, please, share." He told us all and I looked at him.

"Cuttlefish. Aye." Jack said and I have never been more confused. "Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish. Flipping glorious little sausages. Pen them up together, they'll devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn't it? Or...or fish nature. So yes, we could hole up here well-provisioned and well-armed. Half of us would be dead within the month. Which seems quite grim to me any way you slice it. Or...uh...as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we pretend she's anything other than a woman scorned like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio. We are left with but on option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth...Captain Swann. We must fight." Jack said to us all doing his spiel. And he was right at some points.

"You've always run away from a fight." Barbossa said to him and that was right on some occasions.

"Have not." Jack said to him.

"Have so." Barbossa said back.

"Have not." Jack said to him.

"Have so." He said back.

"Have not!" Jack shouted back to him.

"You have so, and you know it." Barbossa said to him and I was on Barbossa's side here.

"Have not. Slander and calumny. I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit that here and now that is what we all must do: we must fight...to run away." Jack said and that was proving Barbossa's point. Running away.

"Aye!" Gibbs shouted going along with Jack's plan.

"Aye!" Everyone else shouted. Bunch of cowards.

"As per the code, an act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the pirate king." Barbossa said and that's when Jack pointed a finger at him.

"You made that up." Jack said to him. I didn't know if it was real or not.

"Did I, now? I call on Cap'n Teague, keeper of the code." Barbossa said and that's when Jack looked nervous.

"Sri Sumbhajee proclaims this all to be folly! Hang the code. Who cares a...?" Another lord shouted and that was when a gunshot could be heard. He was shot and killed. We then looked to see where the shot came from.

"Code is the law." The pirate said and that's when people who could, sat down. He then walked over to Jack. "You're in my way, boy." He said before he made a signal. His crew came in with something. It was a book. The code. He then whistled. Our old friend of the dog came in.

"That can't...How did..." Glass Eye started saying.

"Sea turtles, mate." He said and the dog barked.

"Sea turtles." Glass Eye's friend said. The book was opened and he started to read the code.

"Ah. Barbossa is right." He said to us all and I wanted to smile but couldn't.

"Hang on a minute. 'It shall be the duties, as the king, to declare war, parlay with shared adversaries...'" Jack read and he wasn't too happy about this.

"There has not been a king since the First Court. And that's not likely to change." The French said and then there would have to be a miracle.

"Not likely." The unnamed pirate said to us.

"Why not?" Liz asked us all.

"See, the pirate king is elected by popular vote." Gibbs said to us and that made sense.

"So what's the issue." I said to them all.

"And each pirate only ever votes for hisself." Barbossa said and that's just made perfect sense of everything.

"I call for a vote." Jack said before the new guy started to play the guitar.

"I vote for Ammand the Corsair." Ammand said and I could see where this was coming from.

"Capitaine Chevalle, the penniless Frenchman." Chevalle said and they were voting for themselves.

"Sri Sumbhajee votes for Sri Sumbhajee." He said and I started to shake my head. We were getting nowhere.

"Mistress Ching." She said and I was giving up.

"Gentleman Jocard." He said and I looked at Liz.

"Elizabeth Swann." She said and I wanted that one as the Queen. I trusted her.

"Barbossa." Barbossa said.

"Vallenueva!" He said and I looked at Jack.

"Elizabeth Swann." Jack said and I smiled. He didn't chose himself.

"What?" Me and Liz both asked him.

"I know. Curious, isn't it?" He asked me I went over to him.

"I love you too much." I said to him with a smile.

"And I love you too." He said to me making me smile as everyone else started to argue at the table.

"Vote for me. Vote for me." Jocard said but he was too late. I then couldn't even make out what anyone was saying.

"Am I to understand that you lot will not be keeping to the code, then?" Jack asked them all. That's when I heard a string break.

"Very well. What say you, Captain Swann, king of the Brethren Court?" Mistress Ching asked her and I looked at Liz. I trusted her judgement.

"Prepare every vessel that floats. At Dawn...we're at war." She said and I looked at her with a smile and a nod.

"And so we shall go to war." Sri Sumbhajee said in a high pitched voice. That's when everyone started to shout. We had to get out of here. We then started to leave but Jack stayed behind. We then started to sail as a collective. We then saw a ship approach from a distance.

"The enemy is here! Let's take them!" Someone shouted before the rest of the crew started to shout. That's when we saw a whole army of ships. There was more of them then us. We then looked at Jack.

"Parlay?" He said to us. We then managed to get to a small strip of land. That's when I saw Davy in bucket. He was with Beckett and Will. The four of us approached them.

"You be the cur that led these wolves to our door." Barbossa said to Will and I couldn't believe he'd do this.

"Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left." Beckett said and that's when we all looked at Jack. I slapped him. How could he do this.

"Deserved that." He said to me and he looked away before looking at us. "My hands are clean in this. Figuratively." He said to us and that was a lie completely.

"My actions were my own and my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it." Will said to us and I was hoping that this was all lies.

"Well spoke. Listen to the tool." Jack said to us and that's what I was doing.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman. I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost." Lizzie said to him and he looked at her. This wasn't going down well.

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." Will said and that's when he looked at Jack. It went silent. I was hoping someone would speak up.

"If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this? You made a deal with me, Jack to deliver the pirates. And here they are. Don't be bashful. Step up. Claim your reward." Beckett said as he gave back Jack's compass. He'd been lying to us this whole time.

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied. One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman. As a start." Davy said to us and I couldn't believe that my Jack would get taken from me.

"That debt was paid, mate. With some help." Jack said to him and we got men for him. But clearly they never showed.

"You escaped." Jones told him and he did, barely.

"Technically." Jack said to him and Liz looked at them both.

"I propose an exchange. Will leaves with us...and you can take Jack." She said and I looked at her.

"No, don't do that Elizabeth." I said to her and I couldn't believe this.

"Done." Will said to us and I shook my head.

"Undone." Jack told him.

"Done." Beckett said to us. This wasn't happening.

"Jack's one of the nine pirate lords. You have no right." Barbossa told him and she looked at him.

"King." She said and then looked at Jack.

"As you command, your nibs." Jack said as he took his hat off to her.

"Blackguard!" Barbossa shouted before taking Jack's nine pieces of eight. "If ye have something to say, I might be saying something as well." Barbossa told him and I looked at them both.

"First to finish, then?" Jack asked as him and Will swapped places. I hated this.

"Do you fear death?" Jones asked Jack and I looked at him.

"You've no idea." Jack answered and Beckett walked forwards.

"Advise your Brethren, you can fight, and all of you will die. Or you can not fight, in which case only most of you will die." Beckett said and that's when Liz walked forwards.

"You murdered our father. You also murdered Sam." Liz said as she looked back at me. This whole time I'd been gallivanting around. Not knowing that Sam had died. I never got to apologise and that was causing me to feel hurt.

"They chose their own fate." Beckett said to her.

"And you have chosen yours. We will fight. And you will die." Liz said and I looked at him.

"Trust me, I will make sure that you have myself." I said before we all walked away. He was a dead man sailing.

"King?" Will asked her and I forgot he wasn't there.

"Of the Brethren Court. Courtesy of Jack." Liz said as we walked away. I hope she had a plan of getting him back.

"Maybe he really does know what he's doing." Will said and that's when we started to sail back to our ship. Once we got aboard I went to Gibbs.

"Where's Jack?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"With Davy. Who knows what's happening." I said to him and that's when I saw them get Calypso out. It was time. I then went over to Barbossa.

"Apologies, Your Majesty. Too long my fate has not been in me own hands. No longer." Barbossa told her before snatching her necklace off. We needed to release Calypso now. All the pieces were now all together. In the dish in front of her.

"Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked us and I looked at him.

"Aye. The items brought together, done. Items to be burned...and someone must speak the words: 'Calypso, I release you from your human bonds.'" Barbossa said to us and I nodded. That was easy enough.

"Is that it?" Glass Eye's friend said to us all.

"'Tis said it must be spoken as if to a lover." Barbossa told him.

"Ooh!" Everyone got out.

"Calypso, I release you from your human bonds!" Barbossa said before setting the items alight. She then looked at him.

"Is that it?" Glass Eye's friend asked him.

"No, no, no. He didn't say it right. He didn't...you have to say it right." Glass Eye said before looking at Calypso. "Calypso...I release you from your human bonds." He said and the items went on fire. He did it right. She inhaled all the smoke.

"Tia Dalma." Will said but she was changing. "Calypso. When the Brethren Court imprisoned you, who was it that told them how? Who was it that betrayed you?" Will asked her, who was this son of a bitch.

"Name him." She said to him and I wasn't ready for this.

"Davy Jones." He said to her and she started to cry. Then she started to grow.

"This is it! This is it!" Glass Eye's friend shouted. We all started to back away. I grabbed the end of the rope. She was growing taller and taller. The ship was starting to give. She then was at her full size.

"Calypso!" Barbossa shouted and we all started to kneel before her. "I come before you as but a servant, humble and contrite.I have fulfilled me vow and now ask your favor. Spare meself, me ship, me crew...but unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters...or mine." Barbossa said to her before Calypso shouted indistinct incantations. We all stood up. She then dissolved into crabs. Hundreds of thousands of crabs.

"Is that it?" Will asked and I looked at him.

"I think so." I said to him as I looked around the ship.

"Why, she's no help at all. What now?" Glass Eye's friend asked Barbossa what could we do.

"Nothing. our final hope has failed us." He said to us and we watched as something got swept up in the wind. It was a strong wind.

"It's not over." Elizabeth said to us and I looked at her.

"It won't ever be over." I said to her, we had a battle.

"There's still a fight to be had." Will said to us and he was right. A fight we still had to have.

"We've an armada against us, and with the Dutchman, there's no chance." Gibbs said to us and I looked at him.

"Never say never." I said to him and I had so much hope.

"There's only a fool's chance." Liz said and that was a chance worth taking.

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