Crossing Boundaries

By deblaru

14.2K 200 28

To my astonishment, I saw Reece situated between my legs, his actions mirroring those of someone savouring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 36

180 3 0
By deblaru


"Come on, Reece, focus!" Dad grinds out, swinging at me but barely missing.

Dad, I'm exhausted. I'm panting, with sweat pouring off my head and down my face. Dad has been really pushing me today. You do realise this is just a friendly fight right?" I say as dad throws another punch and then a kick my way. I manage to block them, but it's not easy. Dad definitely doesn't hold back when he spars with Lance or me before a fight. He says it'll toughen us up, no point in taking it easy on us.

"Yes, I know, Reece, but that doesn't mean you should train any less. These friendly fights are a test for you to see how you will fare in a real match. Take them seriously, okay? Besides, I've checked this guy out and he's good. He may not have your build, but he's quick," dad conveys. "You need to channel all your concentration and effort into training, as if you're already in that ring fighting your opponent."

"Okay, dad, I will," I assure him. "Good, let's go one more round, and then we're done for the morning. I want you to hit the weights and then do some cardio for the next two hours after." You'll be training with Lance later on as I've to head to the office and then meet up with my lawyers about that piece of shit Jorge..

Sure, okay.

After building a case against Jorge, my dad had thrown him out of the company. It turned out Jorge had stolen important documents and millions from my dad's company and also caused my dad to lose important clients by feeding them lies about him. As a result, those clients had pulled out from certain projects, leading to a significant loss for my dad. However, they quickly realised that Jorge was a fraudster who had lied and defamed my dad, so they came crawling back.

Yara has also had to leave the school, thank goodness. She had called me last week, begging me to ask my dad to let her stay in the school. Of course, it wasn't up to him, and I told her where to go, especially after she threatened to harm Lorna. The nerve of her. Last I heard, they moved out of their modest four bed house. I'm not sure where they are now, except for Jorge, who is in jail, awaiting his trial, he had no one to bail him out,  "Good enough for him .." The money he stole was in an off shore account which my dad had mange to get back.

After I finished, I hit the showers. I texted Lorna to see if she was awake and if she wanted to have breakfast with me. We hadn't seen each other much lately,and when we did it was only for a short amount of time, which is not as much as I would've liked. My fight is in a few more days, so I'm hoping to spend a little time with her before I push myself even harder for the next couple of days.I'll see if she wants to go to the cinema with me later. I know she wanted to see that new comedy that just came out. I don't really care what movie we watch as long as I get to spend some time with her. I miss her plus I'm feeling really horny, I need some release before Saturday.

She texted me back saying she'll be ready, which makes me smile. Ten minutes later, I'm outside her house.

"Hi, baby. I'm outside," I text her.

"Hey, I'll be out in two," she replies.

Two minutes later, she comes strolling out. Damn, she looks good. How did I get so lucky? She's wearing a pair of black jeans with a knitted grey sweater that fits snugly against her body, and a little leather bomber jacket with a scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Hey, you," she says as she gets into the Jeep. Leaning over and kissing my cheek, she pulls away. I pull her back, placing my hand behind her head. I place my mouth on hers, kissing her deeply and nipping her bottom lip. She groans putting her hand on my chest, while opening her mouth to allow my tongue to dance with hers. I deepen the kiss, ravishing her lips. The taste of her sweet lip balm causes me to lick around them, savoring the flavor.Only then do I pull away, leaving both of us breathless.

"Hi," I smile at her. "Hey," she returns my smile, her cheeks turning a rosy color. "Where do you want to get breakfast?"

"I'm easy," she replies. "You choose." I cock my brow at her response she slaps my arm,Laughing. "You know what I mean."

"Oh, I do," I wink at her. She shakes her head, telling me to choose. "Okay," I say as I start to drive toward the little Irish cafe where I got the takeout breakfast for us when Lorna had stayed over.

"Breakfast was amazing. Thank you," she says as we get back into my jeep. "But the next time, I'm buying, okay?" she tells me with conviction.

No way, I will never let you pay for anything. Reece. Seriously, you can't keep paying for me all the time. I want to pay sometime.

No way, baby, you're my princess and I want to spoil you all the time. I place a small peck on the back of her hand.

She pouts, causing me to chuckle. I tell you what, I'll let you buy me a water later when we go to the movies, and some popcorn. How about that?

We're going to the movies later?

Only if you want to. I thought we'd go see that new comedy with Will Farrell I suggest,her face lights up. Oh yes, I've been dying to see that. Okay, deal. She beams, holding out her hand for me to shake. I take it, pulling her closer to me, our faces almost touching.

On one condition though. What's that? She whispers.

You kiss me again, I say as our mouths start to move against each other. "I already am," she murmurs against my lips, and you let me do some naughty things to you while we are watching the movie. She gasps as my hand sneaks up her top, squeezing her breast.

Mmm, she moans and I feel myself growing hard. I need to stop, otherwise, I'm going to drive to a remote alley and have my wicked way with her.

"I better get you to school," I say as I stop kissing her. Damn, it's so bloody hard. I love how good her lips and tongue feel against mine. She has no idea what she does to me, to my body,to my mind. It's insane. If I were to die today, I would die happy knowing I got to kiss her beautiful lips one last time. I know it's corny, but it's true. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life, except her. All the other girls were just temporary distractions until I figured out how to tell Lorna how much I adored and loved her. Because I always knew, she was always rooted in the back of my mind, even when I was with other girls. It was always her that I thought of, wishing the girls were her and always hoping that one day she'd feel the same way. Thankfully, she does, I thank God.

We hold hands as I drive her towards the school. As we pull in, there aren't many students here yet as it's still early.

"So I'll be picking you up later for the movies, around 7.00pm." Connor said he'll drop you home as I have another training session with Lance at 3.30. " Okay," she replies, giving me a pearly white smile. While gently placing her hand on my jaw and caressing it, I sighed and closed my eyes, suddenly feeling tired.

"You should go home and get some sleep, you look exhausted," she commented. My eyes open. "Can't you come with me and keep me company?" I cheekily asked, a big grin spreading across my face. She smiled again while still stroking my face and replied, "I'd love to, but I need to catch up on my homework. I might head to the library since we are early and start on my art assignment."

"Ugh, fine," I fake pout at her, causing her to laugh. "You are such a baby," she teases. "Yeah, but I'm your baby," I confess,grabbing her face. I was about to kiss her again when we hear someone shouting.

We both turn to look to see who is causing all the commotion, we spot Mia running after Nick, pulling and grabbing him. He didn't look happy. She ran in front of him. Trying to stop him from walking towards the school, she looks distraught while pushing him back. She grabs the front of his jacket and starts shaking him, but Nick's face remains stoic as he attempts to walk around her. However, she refuses to let up, screaming and shouting in his face once more.

"Should we go and help?" Lorna suggests, looking on with worry before glancing at me.

"No babe, let them be. It's not our business," I respond, my voice tight. "But he's our friend, Reece. He looks like he doesn't want her near him." Lorna's eyes plead with mine, why the hell does she want to help that dick ? I have remind myself to stay calm. She's just trying to be a good person; helping others is what Lorna does. I gently touch her face, "Lorna, sometimes it's better to stay out of other's disputes. We don't need to give Mia another reason to torment you, okay? Besides, they don't know we can see them. Remember, my windows are tinted."

"Okay, but I feel awful just watching. She's being really aggressive, and Nick looks like he just wants to be left alone," Lorna argues.

"I'm about to lose my cool with her, but suddenly we hear Nick shouting. We look again to see him pushing Mia to the ground. Lorna lets out a gasp as we look on. Nick is yelling at Mia, telling her to fuck off and to get rid of it, that he wants nothing to do with her and to leave him alone, otherwise she'll be sorry. He storms off towards his car, jumps in, and speeds off, leaving Mia on the ground weeping.

Lorna jumps out of the car and runs over to Mia. I follow, as much as I don't like Mia. Nick was out of order pushing her that way, although I do wonder why he did it. I doubt he'd do it for no reason, even though I'm not his biggest fan for obvious reasons. I know he's not the kind of person to lose his cool that easily. Me, on the other hand... So Mia has clearly said something or done something to really push him so far that he'd physically harm her. Still, it's not nice to see a guy pushing a girl to the ground, no matter how much of a bitch she is...

"Are you okay?" Lorna asks, trying to help her up."

"She stands up, glaring at Lorna, then smack!!! She wallops her across the face. Lorna is stunned, and so am I. She starts yelling, 'This is all your fault, you slut! Why couldn't you just get lost and leave Nick alone? I hate you, Lorna!' Lifting her hand up she tries to slap her again, but I grab her hand, twisting it slightly. Okay, maybe this bitch did deserve to be pushed down. No one puts their hand on my girl and gets away with it. She winces and screams, 'Ouch, you're hurting me.'

Am I? Listen to me, you little tramp. If you ever lay your filthy hand on my girlfriend again, I swear to God, you won't be able to use it to even pick your nose, let alone wipe your dirty, smelly hole. You hear me?' My voice is full of malice and anger. Twisting her hand again, she groans.

"Reece, stop, let her go," Lorna places her hand on mine to pull it away from Mia. "Please," she looks into my eyes, causing my anger to soften for a moment. But then I see the big red mark on her face, causing my anger to rise again. "Do you hear me!" I tightened my grip on her hand, she hisses y-yes..

Good now get the fuck out of here, if I ever see you near Lorna again, you'll regret it.

Reece don't just leave it, Lorna says pulling me back, it's not worth it, Mia runs off towards her car getting in a driving off in fear.

No wonder Nick pushed her I say trying to calm myself down, I turn to look at Lorna, she looks frightened, oh shit baby are you okay, i go to cup her face, but she flinches, my hand pauses, I feel a little hurt, Lorna please don't think I'd ever harm you. That cunt deserved that, she slapped you for no reason blaming you for Nick pushing her..

I know but I've never seen you put your hands on a girl or threaten them and now it's happened twice because of me.

Baby I will always defend you, I would never actually hit a female, I promise but I'm not about to stand here and let some jealous little troll blame you for something you haven't done just because Nick rejected her, she's clearly done something to piss him off too, because I know he's has never lost his temper like that before.

I know I just don't want you getting into trouble for me. She sighs biting her lip, I step closer to her cupping her face looking into her beautiful blue eyes, my thumb swipes across her bottom lip, Lorna I would do time for you, I would die for you, don't say t-hat, she whispers lowly, tears glisten her eyes, I mean it baby you are my everything. My job is to protect you okay, I love you and I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise, my eyes move back and forth to hers, she nods as I lean down to kiss her, little did I know my words would come back to bite me in the ass.

Uh oh wonder what that fight with Nick and Mia was all about ?? What was he telling her to get rid off 🤔

Poor Lorna always getting the brunt of things.

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