Death Won't Do Us Part (RWBY...

Av SilverPheonix6

5K 148 222

ah, yes. the teenage years of ones life. arguably the most important years. take (y/n) and Ruby for example. ... Mer

Teenage years, but with some added spice.
Dancing With Potential Death. 10/10 Would Do Again.
Life Is Grand When You Have A Wife.
Extra Curriculum.
More Effort Means More Results.
Connection Without Words.
Late Night Adventures With The Wife!
Going Back To Beacon!
One Ruby, Two Ruby, Three Ruby, Four... (side chapter, non-canon?)

New Adventures.

583 16 18
Av SilverPheonix6

you didn't want to wake up.

truly, you didn't.

but never the less, you did.

at least Ruby was the one to wake you up.

your ears twitched slightly as you sat up.

you and Ruby were the only one's awake.

you wondered why she woke you up.

that was until she pulled out a whistle from somewhere.

you got off the bed, landing on the floor and she did the same.

you made your way over to the door and opened it.

before you left though, you gave Ruby a kiss.

'my wife is always so considerate of me.' you thought to yourself.

your hand lightly touched your ears and they twitched slightly.

due to having faunus ears, your hearing is enhanced.

which means if she were to blow a whistle in a room you were in...

large amount of pain.

so she always made sure you were not nearby if she was going to blow one.

you opened the door to your team dorm.

your team was still asleep.

the second you closed the door, you heard the faint sound of the whistle.

then you heard Ruby shout.

'now then. who will be the  easiest to wake up?'

you looked at all 3 of them.

'...i have no idea.'

so instead, you went and poked all 3 of them in the cheek a few times.


you looked at the time.


normally it was easy to wake someone up....

then again, your wife just woke up no matter what you did.

poke her, kiss her, lightly tap her with your tail, she always woke up.

so waking someone else up would obviously be harder.

'what do i do to wake them up?'

although you didn't have to do anything.

Claire had woken up.

"LEADER NEEDS HELP!?"" she said, shooting up.


she got out the bed and appeared infront of you.

"what ya need help with?"

'how did she even..?'

you pointed towards the other two.

"need help waking them up huh?"

you nodded your head.

you watched as Claire walked up to Onyx.

you had a bad feeling.

you watched as Claire jumped up and elbow dropped her brother in the stomach.



he was now awake.

you deadpanned at them.

'....two children. i have two children on my team.'

instead of sticking around, you went into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

from outside the bathroom, Onyx and Claire woke up Alice.

once the shower was hot enough, you got inside, placing your bed-wear on a radiator underneath your towel.

you silently sighed in pleasure as the hot water made contact with your back and dripped off your tail.

your tail swayed from side to side, showing your clear happiness.

you loved being in the shower.

not only does it remove any dirt or grime, but the sensation of the water hitting your back provided a sense of comfort and tranquility.

it often led to you daydreaming in the shower.

you couldn't even account the amount of Times Tai told you off about it because of how much the water bill would cost.

and lakes aren't the same.

lakes are cold and sometimes very dirty.

you have bathed in a lake once, but it was to cold for your liking.

'what was i thinking about?' you thought, snapping out of your daydream.

although you entered one shortly afterwards.

oh! another thing.

your tail normally gets really fluffy after a shower.

and that leads to Ruby sinking her face into it or running her hand along it as you rest it on her lap.

and that led to you feeling the soft sensation of her hand running along it or her squishing her cheeks into it.

and it always made you happy.

"HEY HEY! YOU GONNA HOG IT ALL MORNING!?" you heard a voice shout.

you snapped out of your daydream once more and quickly got finished in the shower.

you dried yourself as much as you could and dressed yourself in underwear first. you then put on your school unifor-

it was outside.

you slowly opened the door just enough so your head could stick out.

you had a blush on your face as you pointed towards your clothes.

Alice noticed what you were after and got them for you.

you nodded your head as thanks and closed the door again.

as you put your school uniform on, you noticed something.

the bottoms had a hole just big enough for your tail to sprout from.

you put them on and your tail shot out from the hole.

you shook it from side to side to see how comfy it was.

it was good.

you then put on the top and the blazer.

then the tie.

you hated ties.

it always felt like it was going to choke you as you could always feel them on our neck.

at least the shirt wasn't that tight.

you emerged from the bathroom and Claire jumped inside.

you then made a glaringly obvious realization.

your blazer was to big for you.

Onyx looked at you for a second.


you pouted and looked away.

"he looks cute in it though." Alice replied, walking over and lightly patting your head.

and that's when she noticed something else.

the ring on your left hand's ring finger.

'did he put it on the wrong hand or is he married already? hmmmmmmmmm...'

she removed her hand from your head afterwards.


you lightly smacked him with your tail.

he looked down at the floor with a dead look.

"...he hit me...." he mumbled.

you tilted your head to the side, completely confused.

Claire emerged from the bathroom, her hair no longer looking like a dead squirrel.

bathrooms open- oh my god he looks adorable."

she walked up to you and kneeled slightly.

you stared at her as she pat your head just like Alice did.

you  slightly hunched over as she did so.

Alice left for the bathroom and Claire stood up and looked at her brother.

"what's wrong with you?"

he didn't respond, and instead went straight into the bathroom when Alice emerged.

"eh, whatever."

you facepalmed before looking at the time.

you had 10 minutes until lesson starts.

you looked away.

then back.

'10 MINUTES!?'

you quickly tapped the two of them and  pointed at the clock.

they seemed to understand.


you were suddenly grabbed and practically dragged out the room at a fast pace.



you excitedly bounced up and down as you stared at one specific thing.

Ruby, who was by your side, lightly giggled.

if your tail wagged any quicker it would cause a large gust of wind.

now you may be asking.

what made you so giddy right now?


"welcome to music class!"

the piano right infront of you of course!

you loved playing the piano.

it was a hobby of yours that Ruby was often gifted the experience of listening to.

and she knew...

she knew that you were an excellent player.

you didn't make her just hear the notes.

you made her feel the notes.

you made her understand that each and every note themselves possessed a seemingly godlike individuality to them.

she was excited to hear you play it again

and she just might get the chance to.

"so, for today's lesson, we will be creating a short musicale tone using these instruments right here! if you can't play an instruments that is fine, instead you will help those who can using outside criticism!"

you, somehow, got even more excited.

"i can't play anything." you heard Onyx mumble.

"suck it up." his sister replied.

within a second of the teaching saying you could move, you were already sitting down at the piano.

you pressed a key, and all of your excitement died.

the piano was horribly out of tune.

you slowly craned your head to look at the teacher, who awkwardly laughed.

"may...have forgotten to tune it...sorry."

you pouted and looked away.

your entire team shared one thought.

'I've had him for a day, but if anything happens to him i'm killing everyone then myself.'

you pointed at Ruby and motioned for her to come to you.

she happily skipped over.

you stood up and began to tune it, using Ruby to test out the notes to make sure they were indeed sounding correct.

practically everyone was surprised apart from Ruby and Yang.

they were well aware of your seriousness about musicale tunes.

if one minor thing is wrong you will have a fit.

and you can only be stopped by Ruby.

and sometimes she can't even stop it!

once it was tuned, you sat back down and pressed a key.


as you did so, you heard a mumble.

"he probably can't even play the damn thing."

to be honest, it hurt you a little.

you were always a little insecure about the things you could do.

and sometimes you questioned if you were even any good at what you could do.

Ruby noticed as your ears and tail slightly drooped.

she placed a hand on your back and you looked at her.

"you'll do great!"

you nodded your head.

Alice who watched the interaction, noticed the ring on Ruby's left ring finger.

"hey Onyx."


"what's (y/n)'s last name?"

"Rose, why?"

she pointed at Ruby.

"what's hers?"

"it's also Rose. i'm guessing he's an adopted brother."

'holy shit he's married already.'

Claire snatched her brother.

"help us over here you waste of space!"

"OI! i'm better at music than you, you're tone deaf!"


Alice just blinked before sighing.


she walked past you and Ruby, but eventually stopped.

everyone did.

the soft, glorious sound of piano keys rang out.

it overshadowed any and all futile attempts at conversation.

they all looked at you.

your hands elegantly glided along the piano, creating a grand symphony that even master players of the piano would be stunned at.

you were in your element.

a smile which spoke billions of words manifested on your face.

although one music fanatic within the group noticed something even more insane.

'that's an original composition.'

that's right.

the tune ringing out along the room.

the tune that elevated those beyond such a mortal plane of music.

a tune that brought the stars themselves down.

a tune that people felt as if they were drifting within the cosmos themselves.

a tune so glorious, so elegant.

some would dare to say divine.

was a tune that you made for one person that day....

a tune that you had hoped brought the love of your life to you.

and it did that day.

Ruby knew this tune well.

it was the first tune you played for her, even if not on purpose.

dare she say, the first tune that made her fall for you so hard to begin with.

she always remembered how you met.

entering a music store with her dad finding loads of instruments that could be tested, and finding a small boy playing the piano under the watchful eyes of their own parents.

she remembered being entranced by the sound.

she remembered letting go of her father's hand and getting closer.

the closer she got, the more grand the tune became.

she remembered the soft look you gave her from across the piano.

she remembered the graceful smile you gave her.

she remembered, for the first time in her life, feeling a warmth like no other.

a warmth that nowadays was all to natural.

due to that day.

due to her getting closer....

due to her telling her dad she wanted to be friends with him...

it led to now.

married to the boy.

even if young, it was a decision she did not regret when he asked.

it was a decision she would never regret.

the words she spoke came out so quickly.

the 'yes' that opened a door of wonders.

for both the present, and the upcoming future.

you lightly chuckled to yourself as you remembered the cringy name you gave it as a child.

the tune you called 'For You Alone.'

although it did work in the end so hey ho.

as you pressed the last key, you finger lingered on it.

making the last note cry out for a period of time.

those new to music would dare to class that as a mistake.

something that ruined the tune so much.

but those who had a brain.

those who appreciated music.

knew it just made it just that more captivating to listen to.

once done, you looked up and then around.

everyone was staring.

you shrunk slightly.

'did i do something wrong?' you thought.

your tail stopped wagging.

'did they hate it? am i not good at playing the piano? was Ruby just telling me i was to not hurt me?'

you looked down and bit your lip.

you felt uncomfortable.

you were proven incorrect by Onyx himself.


you straightened back up and looked around.

most people were smiling.

although some were gritting their teeth or scowling or even glaring.

they may have whispered, but you heard them.


"whatever, it wasn't that good."

"what a dumb thing to like."

"attention seeker"

Ruby watched as you used your semblance.

two small hands sprouted from your hand and very slowly went to your ears, pulling them down.

they began to be submerged into your head.

she quickly walked up to you and softly touched your ears, stopping the hands from submerging them.

you looked at her, small tears beginning to brim in your eyes.

you see, due to a large amount of racism you have experienced within Remnant, you were insecure about your faunus appearance.

hence why you named your semblance Dysmorphia.

if Ruby hadn't told you that she adored your faunus features, both your tail and ears would have been submerged into your head years ago.

you would still have them, they just wouldn't be visible.

she softly smiled at you.

the hands that tried to submerge your ears subtracted back into your head.

"please, don't remove them. i love them very much." she whispered to you.

she lightly pet your ears, causing your tail to wag in happiness.

by this point, everyone else was looking away and trying to make their own little musicale score.

they knew it wouldn't be as good as yours, but they still wanted to do as best as they could.

and so, noticing her chance, she leaned down and gave you a quick peck on the lips.

you gave her a closed-eyed smile before standing up and leaving the piano.

you both sat down on some chairs at the end of the room.

the teacher noticed.

"are you two alright?"

"ah yes, we're fine, he was just a little uncomfortable from the stares."

"alright then, feel free to stay there until you want to come back okay?" she said, looking at you.

you nodded your head at her.

she smiled before walking off.

the both of you watched the class as they messed around.

well, only some of them did, majority of them was actually trying to do what they were told to.

you fell to the side, your head falling onto her lap.

she looked down and blushed hard.

her hand moved to your head and scratched behind your ears.

you closed your eyes in bliss as the girl continued to scratch you softly, and your tail continuously brushed along the back of the chairs.

she looked back up at everyone in the class.


now it was Ruby who was excited.



she would be able to see so many weapons!

from her seat next to you, she bounced up and down.

just like you did.

you grabbed her hand in an attempt to stop it.

instead it led to you seemingly vibrating up and down.

'this is fine.'

Onyx. who sat next to you was none the wiser of this.

Alice was.

she kept an eye on the both of you.

not because she was jealous or anything.

it was the opposite.

'i must protect this precious relationship.'

Claire had also noticed.

'(y/n) is so cute.' 

she didn't find you cute in a romantic way.

she found you cute in a platonic way.

yeah, your 3 teammates thought you were a precious little bean.

an innocent little bean.

a bean that can kill somebody, but a bean none the less.

eventually, combat class started.

as you listened, you managed to catch something about a team

team CRDL or something.

you didn't hear the next thing.

although when Onyx pat you on the shoulder and got your attention, you had an inkling of what it was.

and you were correct.

"come on, let's go win this!"

you let go of Ruby's hand and stood up, something she noticed.

"good luck (Y/n)!" she shouted as you left.

as you walked into a small room and equipped your gear, you were nervous.

again, you didn't like fighting that much.

it was easier against grimm.

but you never thought you would fight people.

then you realized it was kind stupid not to think that.

you trembled, and everyone noticed.

"you good leader?"

you took a deep breathe, but it don't shake your nerves.

you shook your head slightly.

from behind, you felt someone push you into them.

"you'll be fine, we will be here to back you up."

you looked up, seeing Onyx stare down at you with a grin.

you could also see his axe on his shoulder.

he then lightly pat your shoulder.

you nodded your head and he took a step back, giving you some room.

you looked down at your hands.

you balled for them for a second.

you nodded your head and walked to the door.

the three followed after you.

eventually, you entered the small looking arena.

you looked up to your left, seeing Ruby who gave you a silent cheer.

you took another deep breathe and looked at the opposing team.

you noticed them stare at you. was as if a predator was looking at their prey.

it made you feel very...very uneasy.

it made your tail stand on end.

it gave you goosebumps.

Ruby instantly noticed how you took a step back.

all of your confidence had been destroyed within a single glare from 4 individuals.

didn't help that they towered over you.

you tried to ignore it, but even if you looked away...

you could feel them staring.

you could feel them staring straight into your soul.

you felt small.

you felt like an ant.

you looked down at the floor, your breathing slightly becoming unsteady.

"it will be fine."

you looked to your left.

Alice had nodded her head at you and pat your back.

you took another deep breathe and looked up at the opposing team.

'they hate me. they despise me. i can tell, they don't like faunus.'

you gulped.

'they despise them. they are going to hard target me.'

you shifted a foot back slightly.

'i'm going to try my best.'

you shook once more, but it stopped just as quick.

you patiently waited for the go sign.

and when you heard it...

you dashed forward.

you were definitely the quickest one there.

just as you suspected, they all attacked you immediately.


"why don't you pick on someone your own size huh mohawk?" 

your team took 3 of them off you just as quick.

so you were left with the leader, Cardin Winchester.

his swings were heavy and slow, but due to your speed, his attacks didn't hit you much.

you dodged to the side of a swing and punched him in the chest plate.

he retaliated with another swing, which you lightly hopped back to avoid.

the second your foot made contact with the floor, you jumped up and lunged towards him, kicking him in the leg.

you then slid underneath his legs and punched him in the bac.

you heard him mutter to himself.

"fucking animal.."

you got slightly offended.

but not at what one would expect.

'That was a swear sir!'

you spun and roundhouse kicked him in the side, causing him to stumble slightly.

you took a glance towards the scoreboard and....

well it wasn't even a fight.

your entire team's aura was full.

the person with the most aura on team CRDL was Cardin himself.

his 3 other teammates weren't doing to good, but they i guess?

you looked back at Cardin, watching as he wiped his face for some reason.

he seemingly chucked.

he slammed his mace into the floor and it caused a small explosion.

due to how close you were, you got sent back slightly.

you connected your hands with the floor and did a series of flips before landing on your feet.

you, what appeared to be, hopped on your feet a couple of times before dashing forward again.

you ran to his left, aiming to get behind him.


"get ya, animal."

he grabbed your tail, harshly, causing a large amount of discomfort.

he then slammed you into the floor.

you closed your eyes from the pain, but opened them slightly to roll out of the way of his mace.

you began to stand up, not at all noticing him standing over you with a smirk from behind.

you fully stood up and went to turn around, but that stopped when his mace slammed into the top of your head.

you fell back down with alarming speed.

Ruby could have sworn she saw blood when your head made impact.

everyone watching recoiled back slightly and closed an eye after the attack

your vision blurred and you moved a hand to your head.

you blinked once.



your vision did not become clear.

you placed a hand on the floor and slowly began to stand up, feeling heavily disorientated

you seemingly swayed from side to side as you shakily stood up.

'....what just...happened...?'.

you fully stood up and Cardin's smirk extended.

as if on instinct, your tail became as sharp as a knife and shot towards Cardin.

he barely dodged the attack.

you lightly hit your head and your vision cleared.

you then shook your head and turned around.

"you okay foxy?"

Onyx appeared by your side, seemingly finished wit his battle.

you looked at him and wobbly raised a thumbs up.

"you should get that checked when you can...looked like it hurt."

you still slightly swayed, but it stopped when you felt a pressure around your body hold you up.

you took a minute to re-correct your balance.

the strings that held you up left when you held another thumbs up to Alice.

turns out all 3 of your teammates finished their little 1v1 and stood by your side.

"can i get him? he hurt foxy."

"no, i'll do it. i'll shove my pole up his a-"

"first off, language. second off, i will, i can restrict him and watch him squirm.

to all of their surprise, you placed an arm infront of them. you took a step forward.

you dashed forward at incredible speed, appearing in Cardin's face.

from the stands, Ruby smiled and rested a hand on her leg, before resting her head on said hand.

"it's over."

Weiss looked at her perplexed for a second.


she looked back to witness the, most definitely, hardest punch of her life.

you punched him, and the impact ran gout.

he flied backwards and went straight into a wall.

his aura got completely destroyed.

you blinked in mild shock.

'...did i go to far?'

"woah..that punch was stronger than the last one!" Onyx laughed and walked up to you. "why'd you hit that hard?"

you grabbed a small notepad and wrote something on it.

when you showed him, you looked away awkwardly with a slight blush.

your other two teammates walked up and read it along with Onyx.

they all widened their eyes and slightly backed away from you.

'...i was mad?'


3 chapters.

2 days.


doesn't he have better shit to do?

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