You Say We Are Just Friends

By PN_Productions

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This is a fiction, that imagines our GauRup in a parallel-verse. To this universe Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav K... More

Premise of - You Say We Are Just Friends
Chapter - 1 The One With The Star Parivar Awards
Chapter - 2 The One Where Reel Faded Into Real For A While
Chapter - 3 The One With The Touches
Chapter - 4 The One Where They Get Wet
Chapter - 6 The One With The Queen's Gambit
Chapter 7 - The One With The Hunger and Thirst
Chapter - 8 The One With The Refused Birthday Wish
Chapter -9 The One Where They Had & Lost
Chapter - 10 The One Where They Work It Out
Note To Readers

Chapter - 5 The One With The Red Love

1.4K 51 21
By PN_Productions

Recap- GK and RG got carried away in the terrace at the Pune event. RG broke the moment, pushed him away and ran down, on hearing people looking out for them. RG's refusal to acknowledge their moment hurt GK and he announced that he is going on a vacation with his girl friend Chavvi.

Both travelled to mumbai in the same plane with Kets sitting in between them, but refused to acknowledge each other.

Once they landed they parted ways like nothing happened- nothing on the terrace in the rain.

RG entered her house. The living room was dark and she knew it was too early in the morning for her mom to be awake. As she marched towards her room, she was pulled by her waist and pinned to the wall.

RG- Rajat!! What the!? How come you are here?

Rajat- How can I not keep waiting for you after you had texted me an 'i miss you'. For the first time. First time!! Darling.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

RG felt bad. It was always annoying whenever Rajat got close to her but now for the first time she felt bad for him. She felt she had wronged him by leading him on.

RG- Rajat, am sorry I did not mean that.

Rajat- come on! Don't be shy. Its ok to miss me.

RG- no I.... (she fumbled)

He went close to her again. Her instinct did not permit his advances. She pushed him away gently.

Rajat thought she was just being conscious about the surroundings.

Rajat- babe, your mom is asleep. Even if she is awake she wont mind. But we can get into the room.

RG- no. am tired Rajat. I need to go.

Rajat- but you had messaged me that you missed me. Now am here and you don't want to be with me. What is happening Rups?

RG- I told you. I did not mean it that way. I was just missing being here.

She was fumbling and couldn't come up with any proper reason behind her words and actions.

Rajat who was keenly observing her asked her the question that was always in his mind.

Rajat- you love me na?

Now that's one question that every cell of RG knows the answer for. She did not know how to tell to it out loud.

She walked past him. But he kept walking after her.

Rajat - I asked something. At times I too want to hear it out aloud. You never express your feelings Rups, it should not work this way.

RG's patience and tolerance with him was always volatile. Just seconds back she was feeling sorry for him and now his overbearing nature irked her.

RG turned around and snapped.

RG- why cant you let me be? Ever? You know what this is what makes me NOT want to share my feelings with you.

Rajat- I did not ask for anything much. We are engaged and it is my right to feel loved by you. I make you feel special right? For once cant you do the same.

RG- what are you? 5 year old? You really think love can be demanded out of someone. It has to come from within Rajat. If you think I am not sufficient the way I am, you should probably call this off.

Rajat dragged her into her own room and locked the door. He couldn't tolerate her talking about calling off their relationship.

Rajat- call this off?!! For what? Baby, calm down.

RG pushed him away and undid the latch of the door. She left the door ajar and sat on her bed.

Rajat sat in front of her. He knew he cant push her, so he decided to let the matter go for time being and make her say that she loves him somehow later.

Rajat- baby lets not discuss this tonight. Its ok. You take your time and I am happy that we had our first serious fight.

RG sighed and turned away. She did feel bad for hurting him. He was only trying to be sweet and it was she who gave him that space.

Rajat was about to leave the room when he heard her say.

RG- yes. Mom loves you. All my friends think you are the best for me. All this means something to me, Rajat.

Rajat smiled.

Rajat - this is more than enough, baby. Good night.

Once he left, she leaned back on her bed.

Rajat going away with her one firm no, made her feel good and powerful. 'I can say a 'no' to anyone. I can stop anyone from touching me. That's me. That's the powerful, fierce and independent Rupali. The Rupali. The world looks up to. That's why Rajat is the right person for me. He makes me feel powerful. Unlike Gaurav. With Gaurav, am weak. I can't stop him from anything - not from touching me, not from playing with my feelings. I get hurt and let myself to be hurt. He isn't the person for me. He is not good for me. He is just a distraction.' her eyes started to shut down.

She felt drowsy, tired but everything reminded her of him.

She touched all the places he kissed her, bit her, every inch of her skin that his fingers grazed, re-lived every sensation he gave her, remembered his dark eyes looking at her soul and caressing her heart - involuntarily 'Love you, GK' came out of her mouth.

GK entered his locked apartment. He was pounced on by a force that he wasn't expecting.

Chavvi- baby you are back! How I missed you!

She kissed his forehead and climbed on him wrapping her legs around his waist.

He held her and started walking inside.

GK- when and how did you get inside jungli?

Chavvi- you gave me the keys remember?

GK- haan haan we are official then.

And he smiled. That was a very hurt smile, the thought of RG pushing him and running down from the terrace did not leave him.

He wanted someone's lap to lean and cry on. Those moments meant a lot to him. He had lost himself in Rupali, without any second thoughts and without any conscience only to be treated like a nothing.

His chain of thoughts were broken when chavvi got down from him and ran inside.

GK fell on his couch. All he wanted was to shut RG out of his mind but the more he tries, the more he finds himself thinking about her and their terrace encounter.

Chavvi entered with his favorite green tea.

Chavvi- tired?

GK- hell yes!

Chavvi - hmm.. I thought you will be all over me. Take me in your arms and get wild with me. It has been a couple of days and you don't miss me that way??

GK felt weird. He was wondering why he wasn't missing Chavvi. He thought Chavvi to be his girl friend and not having these thoughts for her did feel weird to him. As he thought about it more, he was getting anxious, he realized he has been thinking about Rupali instead. It has not even been an hour since RG moved out of his proximity and he already had this urge to see her and be around her.

Chavvi had been jumping from one topic to the other but his mind was stuck with RG.

He suddenly quipped.

GK- baby! We are leaving for a trip tomorrow. 3 days to a jungle.

Chavvi threw her hands up and scrambled a 'yayyy'

Next morning, RG woke up to the sound of a distant bhajan. The gentle sun rays fell on her face. She woke up with puffy eyes and a messy hair. She fetched her phone from the side table. It was 9AM already.

There were 2 messages. One from Rajat, which she ignored as usual. 'Not first thing in the morning', she told to herself.

The other was from kets. She tapped to open it.

'Hey girl! You ok na? Its a good news. Its an off for you today. Go celebrate Sindhoor Khela. Pass on my wishes to aunty. Love you.'

RG grinned. Replied Kets with a thank you.

She felt empty again. There were times she used to rejoice when they gave her a holiday. There were times when she so wanted to work and did not like getting even a day off. But now, she felt empty. She wasn't very keen at going back to work, knowing that her Gaurav wont be there. She did not want to be reminded of him whenever the dog he loved came near her, whenever someone drank green tea, whenever his ch's name Anuj was mentioned, she did not want to be reminded of the fact that she is always thinking of him. So she should like a day off. But she couldn't. She had no idea what to do that day. It hasn't been more than 15 hours since she saw him get into a cab at the airport, but she wanted to see him.

She opened her Instagram. Found his story. She immediately tapped on his profile pic. It was him sitting on a jeep, bare bodied with camouflage pants. His thick mane peeking out of a cowboy hat. She quickly held the screen to ogle at him more. The insta given 15 seconds is never enough for her when it is his story. She wished he had removed the dark cooling glass he was wearing. She wanted to see his eyes. She let her eyes run through his well shaped biceps, muscular chest and his strong stomach. 'Uff! I will kill you Gaurav'. She released her finger, eager to see the next. He had posted them just 15 minutes back. The next picture felt like someone choking her. He was standing next to the same jeep, with Chavvi. Just that chhavi had her legs wound around his waist and arms around his neck. He was holding Chavvi flashing an evil smile at the camera. She could feel her face heat up in rage.

She locked her phone and threw it away. 'I hate you! Hate you'

She hated to realize that her tears were already flowing down her cheeks. Flashes of him rubbing his stubble throughout her face came to her mind. His words. The way he said ' I cant, Rupali' in the rain at the terrace, echoed in her ears.

'Why GK. why? What am I to you!?, is it that easy for you to feel the same with her? Why are you special to me when I am just a fling to you' she cried and fell on the floor.

'I hate you. I will never come to you. Rajat it is.'

She heard a knock. She quickly wiped her tears and ran to the door.

It was her mom

Mom- Rupali, I was waiting for you to wake up. How are you, my child? Trip was good?

RG hugged her mom tight and cried.

Her mom got confused and worried.

Mom- what happened Rupali. Is everything alright? Why is my girl crying?

RG realized she should not be making her mom worried. She quickly composed herself.

Mom- what happened? Look at me. Is everything alright at work?

RG smiled and replied yes.

Mom - then what? Did you fight with Rajat? I asked him about you when he wished me in the morning. He did not answer. So my guess is right.

RG was speechless. She never has had enough words whenever it was her mom questioning her.

Mom- you have to be good with him. He is a nice man, Rupali. I know you are a workaholic but don't push him away.

RG- no mummy. It is not that. I will talk to him.

Mom- yes. Ask sorry. Please decide on the wedding soon.

RG tried to resist the conversation by shaking her head and fumbling with words.

Mom- you are now engaged. Someday it is going to happen. Why delay?

RG- mummy everything is happening so fast I only want some time to adapt.

Mom- what adapt. A man like Rajat is a blessing. How understanding he is.

RG felt like running away from her own house and mother. For a moment she wondered if the world has any place which she can call her home and suddenly she remembered Gaurav in her dressing room on the sets cracking jokes about her accent 'yeh nerrrvous kya hota hai.. Nerrvous' he once said and laughed. She smiled remembering those moments. How her mind went from wondering if she had a place she could call her home, to this man - God only knows.

Her mom kept talking for a few minutes about Rajat and what a perfect suitor he was for her. While her mind was full of Gaurav laughing and goofing around.

Mom- are you listening?

RG- haan haan mummy. I will call up Rajat.

Mom- no need. I told you right. I have invited him to join us for the sindoor khela party. Its your first year together as a couple. So I want you both to seek blessings from Durga Maa. dress up well for him. He will meet us there.

RG strolled out to the garden with a cup of black coffee. The picture of GK and Chavvi came back to haunt her. Her mom's words about sindoor khela kept echoing in her ears.

'If he can be happy with someone else. I can at least try. If I am just an option to him, I can try not making him any special. Anyways he is not good for me'

She took her phone and messaged a good morning to Rajat.

He immediately replied to her saying he is waiting for the evening to play sindoor khela with her.

She shut her phone again. The thought of him towering over her amidst a crowd, the thought of him touching her was making her uncomfortable. But she knew she could stop him and nobody could get close to her, without her consent. She knew no one could touch her the way he does, the way Gaurav does. Why? She asked herself. The answer was something she knew but felt ashamed to answer.

Just then she got a call. It was from IndiaTalks a channel that runs a segment for ITV stars. They called to ask her if she would like to do a live QNA on insta for them. RG was too exhausted for this, she was about to decline politely when she heard the person on the other end of the line say 'GK & Chavvi have agreed to go live together tomorrow. So we thought of asking you for today'. She fumed again. They were the MaAn, the best couple of ITV, Gaurav's romance has to be exclusive for her but he goes around giving bites with his girlfriend that too someone who has just entered the show to play a character that eyes on him. RG immediately agreed that she would do the live. 'If he can make it happen with anyone but me, I am no less', she told herself.

Somewhere near Lonavla, GK was in no mood for a trek. He was exhausted mentally and physically. After futile attempts to not think about what transpired in the terrace with RG, he finally gave in. he asked Chavvi to go have a nice long spa session and decided to sleep for a while. He flipped his phone to check it once before he sleeps and found RG going live.

When he joined her insta live. she was talking about her love for dogs. Her smile, puffy eyes and messy hair were like a drug to him. He kept seeing the way her mouth moved and touched the band aid she had put on his forehead the previous day.

The IVer asked about her work, the show and complimented her for her looks. She was engrossed in talking and blushed on the compliments. For a moment he forgot all the tension between them and wished she was always this chirpy friend he had.

The next question was about the talk of the town MaAn chemistry which people feel too real to be fake. Their nuances, always get noticed and the way they romance on screen doesn't just look aesthetically pleasing but also makes the the viewers blush because it reminds them of either their real life experiences or fantasies.

He got excited to hear what she has to say about them and him. He sat straight and leaned closer to the screen. She looked a little hesitant. Throughout the iv she was very spontaneous but this question made her think of the right words to be said. He laughed at her state. But the next words from her were like a pin bursting his bubble.

RG- anything that happens between 'action' and 'cut' is never real.

She said with a straight face.

The IVer probed more.

IVer- but your scenes with Gaurav have this authenticity. You both respond to each other's touches so naturally.

RG- oh you have to understand that with 20 odd people around you in the shooting spot nothing is authentic. We just follow the director's instructions to tilt our head or breathe heavily. Not just with Gaurav Khanna, with anyone it is the same for me, Rupali the actor operates. I follow what I am told to do.

GK was baffled. They were never given any such instructions by anyone on the sets. With him this was never the case. Not in anupamaa at least. But the way she was generalizing this made him furious.

IVer- that's very cool to know ma'am. So this is about on screen chemistry. What do you have to say about off screen chemistry and how romantic is Rupali in real life?

RG faked a blush.

GK was damn annoyed.

RG- in real life romance is nothing like you see onscreen. It is not about getting carried away in proximity. It is never about physicality, 'oh I always want to be all over you' kinds. But it is about listening to and respecting your words and feelings - which Rajat does! I must tell you he is the most perfect thing that has ever happened to me.

She said and stopped. She stared at a screen with a wide smile.

GK couldn't take it anymore he swiped up. Locked his phone and sank into his bed.

'Most perfect thing that has ever happened to me', kept ringing in his ears.

'Then why the hell would you look at me that way, Rupali? Why would you run to dress my wounds? Why would you lose yourself and struggle to stand the moment I get close to you? Why would you get a suit made for me? Why would you let me touch you like a lover does? I need my answers'

He got down from his bed and called his travel manager.

RG kept staring at the IVer for a while. One of the moments where you run out of words because you were just bluffing and you never felt anything that you just spoke.

She did not know what else to say about Rajat. It felt like she knew nothing about him and the bond they shared except the fact that she has the ability to push him away even when he gets pushy. Everyone around her including Rajat said he is a perfect match for her and she is lucky to have a guy like him and so she parroted those exact words. But why? She asked herself. She isn't someone who went by the societal norms. She chose her profession because she knew that was her calling. But here why does she pretend to be in a relationship with Rajat. 'It is for my mother' she thought. But her mind screamed 'you want to show off that GK means nothing to you and you are with someone else because GK refuses to acknowledge your feelings and reciprocate the same'. She felt like crying so she quickly wanted to wrap it up.

RG- okay got to go. Sindoor kehla is my favorite event of the year and I need to get dressed up for the evening.

IVer- all of us are looking forward to spot you and Rajat sir ma'am.

She smiled and waved good bye.

Once she was offline she sat on the garden bench and took a deep breath. She was clearly losing herself to stress. She wasn't any excited to go show up in the evening and the thought of her mother pushing Rajat on her made her feel sick.

She walked back to her room and her mom called her. She went and sat next to her in the living room.

Mom- since this is the first festival after you and Rajat got engaged privately, why don't we invite all your friends and the cast and crew of anupamaa?

RG protested and told her she wanted to keep their engagement a private affair for a while.

Mom- but why

RG- I am not saying I wouldn't reveal. But please give me another week. Take it as, I am waiting for a bigger moment to reveal

But her mom knew RG too well. These are excuses. She felt something was off with Rajat and her child and she wanted their marriage to happen at any cost. Something told her that whatever was going wrong with Rupali, was because of her co-star Gaurav. She felt he was decent and fun guy. But not the ideal man for her. He was too playful to look after her daughter, she thought. That wasn't the exact thing bothering her. She was afraid if Rupali was feeling something for him. It has been days since she saw Rupali genuinely laughing. Days back when Gaurav had entered the show, Rupali had begun to act her age – not the mature, woman with a mission mood which she was always in. but she had started laughing and playing like a little girl. Her mom was too happy to see Rupali enjoying her life even with a hectic schedule, for which she would always be grateful to her friend Gaurav. But now she sensed something has went wrong with these two. Rupali used to be always talking about him 'gaurav said that, Gaurav did that, Gaurav teased me, Gaurav stole my lunch...' but now she doesn't talk about anything to her. The few times he met Gaurav he behaved all normal with her but he was distant from her child. These developments made her mom skeptical and so she began to probe.

Mom – you know... I saw GK's insta story. What a beautiful girl friend he has got! Cute pair na.

RG hated it. Hated to be reminded about it. If it was someone else she would have just made a face and walked out.

She forced a smile and nodded.

Mom- I wanted to invite him.

RG snapped 'don't'

Her mother was taken aback

Mom- I said I wanted to...but I did not. He is clearly on a trip. So I did not.

RG was already on her feet. 'good great', she said and walked swiftly to her room.

'cute pair na..' kept echoing in her ears.

She made a mental note to click a couple of pics in the evening with Rajat, just to show off to GK.

Sindoor Khela

Rupali was dressed to kill. No one who looked at her could spot the thunderstorm happening inside her. Dressing up was always her way of coping and she looked gorgeous and sizzling in the Bengali attire. The off white soft silk saree, clad in the Bengali way hugged her petite frame. The red border and blouse added a glow to her. Her hair was left open, the thick dark hair that was his favorite was let loose in all its glory.

She was already stealing all the eyes and hearts in that evng. Women rubbed the bright red sindoor on each others faces and her face was smeared in red in no time. It only made her look extra hot.

Rajat couldn't control his emotions looking at her. Whenever he got close, she walked away. She did not even let him take her in an embrace except once when they were being clicked by the paps. He was waiting for an opportunity to drag her to a corner but she was always amidst a crowd. He was getting irritated.

Rajat- Rups you look gorgeous. And to be very honest I want to steal you for a while.

RG was stunned. She wanted this night to go away soon without having to have any conversation or interaction with Rajat.

Rupali- listen, it is a huge event. There are big stars and all big media houses in one place. Can we just make use of this opportunity? This can be a nice PR. you always ask me to focus on image building na.. Am just on it now.

Rajat- oh ok. But just 5 mins.

RG- we have a lot of time. Just that, now is not that time.

She said and walked away.

Rajat's mind automatically went to her mom. He was thinking of some way to convince her mom to send Rups with him.

The cast of Anupamaa entered. Alpana came dancing and hugged her tight.

RG- baa.. It has been days.

Alpana- haan you left me and went to pune. Missed you.

Rg- dont lie. I heard you were enjoying your lunches without having to share them with me.

Alpana- leave that. You look so hot!! Rajat should have gone crazy!! Where is he. I cant wait to see you both dancing.

RG rolled her eyes. It felt cringe whenever alpana shipped her with Rajat.

Kets came to her rescue.

Kets- its dance time. Lets get to the floor.

Alpana - but Rajat.

Kets - he will join if he wants to. Come now.

They all started dancing and the dhol music and her friends made her forget her worries for a while. She began dancing with all her might. Jumping and twirling gracefully.

Rajat joined in and tried to get close to her but she did not want to lose the peace she got for the first time in the day. She twirled and went to the other side amidst a group of women. She was dancing with all her heart.

After some 20 mins, there was a shift in dhol sound and it felt more pleasant to her ears. She was enchanted by the rhythm. Her body started swaying more gracefully like a snake swaying to a snake charmer's music.

For a moment everyone else slowed down to watch her dance in a trance, with closed eyes, with an energy that lit up the environment, she looked divine dancing to his tunes.

Yes it was him playing the dhol. 'Gaurav Khanna in the house everybody!', shouted Sudanshu from a corner.

Clad in a dark red kurta and white pyjama, dhol across his torso, he was playing the dhol with utmost perfection. His rhythm was matched perfectly to the t by her dance moves. His eyes saw nothing but this woman lost in his music.

He had never seen her in a Bengali attire before. His jaws dropped looking at the divine feminine beauty in all its glory. His hands just translated on the dhol, his heart's beats. So she was literally dancing to the beats of his heart. The red on her cheeks, the glow on her face, her dark hair and soulful dance, transported him to heaven.

'What a sight it was to behold', everyone's heart said.

'They look so good together. Better than them onscreen', whispered one woman to another. Rajat was irked.

Rajat walked fast to a dancing RG and held her hand.

Everyone around who was lost in the beauty of her dancing to his tunes, was brought back harshly to reality.

RG for a minute did not know what happened. She looked at Rajat with confusion. The dhol sound too stopped.

Everyone returned to dancing. She looked at Rajat demanding an answer while pulling her hand out from his hold.

But Rajat's eyes were fixated somewhere behind her. She turned to see who it was

There he stood. Her throat went dry. It was him. Even subconsciously this man has been affecting her in ways she cannot control. She was surprised and shocked all in one go, to realize that it was his tunes she was dancing to.

The cast went to hug and meet him.

Rajat whispered in her ears 'why did he come here? He wasn't invited right? He does this for spotlight. Am sure'

RG snapped 'so do we. why are we here? For the same spotlight. That's why you suggest that I visit these events. And for your information, he doesn't need to go after spotlight. Wherever he is the light finds him'

Rajat- aww you are so touchy for him.

RG- I am offended when you are mean with my co stars for no specific reason. This is just hypocrisy.

Rajat- I don't like him. Period.

RG- I don't care.

Rajat- stay away from him.

RG- excuse me! You cant dictate me

Rajat- we are engaged..

GK- and congratulations for that.

Rajat and RG turned to see him approaching them.

He hugged Rajat and winked at RG.

GK- am so happy for you Rajat sir! Finally you slipped a ring into Rupaliji's finger.

Rajat- thank you! How come you are here!? I heard you were holidaying.

GK- ah you have been following me even after unfollowing me on insta.

Rajat was awkward as he had just unfollowed GK a couple of days back.

GK- just kidding sir! I know insta glitches...

He laughed.

RG noticed his tone. He was taunting.

She tried to move away.

GK- rupaliji. Wouldn't you welcome me? After all its your first celebration as a couple.

She winced and glared at Gaurav. She wanted to punch his sharp nose.

Rajat- she is just too tired dancing.

GK- to my tunes.

Rajat- whatever. We are just leaving now.

GK- but I just came in. wait. Sir, are you leaving because I came in? Let me assure you, I wont steal anything of yours....

He eyed RG. she looked at the ground and fidgeted her saree. Rajat stared at him open-mouthed.

GK- thunder I meant. I wont steal your thunder. Its your evening you both are the couple of the night. So please stay and dance. I am here only to watch my favorite couple groove together.

Rajat- no no. it is not about that. All of us are tired.

GK- haan haan. Don't bother lying. How sizzling Rupaliji looks. You want her all for yourself right?

He asked with a very rude face glaring at RG.

RG's face turned crimson red with rage. 'How dare he!! What does he think of himself. Who is he to make such statements about her and her personal life!?' she wanted to slap him. She was always awkward when people treated her and Rajat as a couple. But GK was making her damn uncomfortable with his below the belt comments. And so was Rajat.

Rajat- to be honest, yes. We just want some private time.

RG felt embarrassed and wanted to not see these men's faces for the rest of her life.

She quietly walked away.

Once she was out, both the men quickly parted ways.

Rajat kept eyeing them both from a corner.

GK kept going behind her to the people she was talking to. He spoke about her to them but never uttered a word to her.

RG ignored his existence. But was fully conscious of what he was up to.

RG saw alpana and her mom talking in a corner but since they were going non stop about her and Rajat's wedding, she excused herself and went to Kets.

Kets, Romi and Ashlesha were chatting near the exit. They were laughing over a prank pulled out by GK on the sets. Rg joined them.

Kets- the man is insane! I was relieved that he wont be there for 3 days and I can be in peace. But look at him landing up here. From tomorrow he is going to be after my life for samosas, maggi, good suits and time pass.

Romi- thank God he is back. It will be boring without him. Sudanshu looks happy that he is back. Look at him pinching his cheeks.

They all turned to see Sudanshu clinging on to GK.

All of them had a hearty laugh while RG was still shocked and confused.

'Why did he come here? Am sure he wants to give back for leaving the terrace. But what am I supposed to do? He doesn't acknowledge that what we have is something more than friendship. But he is expecting me to be okay with being spotted with him. He has sworn to make my life a hell.', she thought to herself.

In no time, she found him standing in front of her.

He had followed her to join this gang too.

Ashlesha- why are you here? And where is chavvi? Got bored of lonavala within a day?

GK- lonavala can wait. But the perfect couple's milestone cant wait. I am here to wish Rupaliji and Rajat sir.

He was riling up RG and she was getting irritated more and more.

She wanted to shout a 'shut up' at him.

Kets- you should have stayed back and enjoyed GK. we had chalked out the schedule for you.

RG- perhaps couldn't stay with Chavvi anymore.

And smirked.

Everyone forced an awkward laugh.

GK stared at her.

GK- yes yes! Not every couple is as 'perfect' as you both, Rupaliji.

RG- thank you. Garuavji.

She said with an expression that screamed 'if that could shut you up'

The OG trio kept turning their heads to RG and GK as they spoke.

GK was in no mood to stop.

GK- I see Rajat sir's art work on you. He has colored you enough, in red. After all the color of love.

RG has had enough. She stood up and faked a smile.

RG- ok guys am heading back home.

The gang was also happy to part as they felt it getting awkward second by second.

GK- yes! Rajat sir has been waiting to take you home with him, for a while now. Have a great night, Rupaliji.

Kets- Gaurav!! Shh.

RG turned to him with flaring nose. She had no more words. Another word from him would have made her lose all her patience and slap him hard.

Romi- ok guys see you all tomorrow. Ash, you want a lift back home.

Ash- yah! Bye guys.

Ash and Romi left.

Kets was pulling GK away.

GK- wait na Kets. whats the hurry. Let me go wish Rajat sir a good night and come.

Kets- Gaurav what is wrong with you?

RG- Gaurav, go home.

GK- why?

He smirked.

RG- because you aren't behaving.

GK- oh am hurt! A genuine RajRup stan in me is offended.

Kets- what the hell is RajRup now?

She cant stop laughing

RG was already clutching him by his collar.

GK- arey it is Rajat + Rupali = RajRup.

RG- Gaurav stop it. Its not fun anymore. You cant get personal.

GK- oh I can. Next year by now you will be mrs. Rajat ... with sindoor smeared all over you by the 'mr perfecttttt' Rajat...

RG dragged him by his collar towards the parking lot.

Kets - guys....

RG- Kets, manage mom.

Kets- but you both shouldn't.

RG- oh stop worrying. I am just going to kill this man.

GK- kets tell Rajat sir that his fiancé is dragging me out.

Kets- god these two!!!!!

Kets ran to RG's mom and told her that she had sent RG to the sets to finish off a dubbing and that she will be back in an hour.

RG pulled him to a secluded corner in the parking lot. She had lost the last ounce of her sanity and wanted to kill him for creating a scene inside. she shook him by his collar and hissed 'what do you think of yourself? Who are you to comment about Rajat and me?'

GK- relax rupaliji. I am just a well wisher. Your friend. Co star and somewhere on the queue only behind alpanaji in shipping you with Rajat.

RG- stop. Don't take his name.

GK- awww how sweet. Looks like you've played Sindoor khela quite well this year. Rajat's art work on your face...

RG - why are you here? Jealous of us? Or got bored with Chavvi within a day?

GK- don't talk about Chavvi.

RG got amused at how serving him his own tricks annoyed the hell out of him. She decided to continue.

RG- aww... Mr Khanna left his vacation with his hot girlfriend to visit me at the sindoor khela.

GK- I did not. I came to see you AND RAJAT. Came to see you playing Sindoor kehla with Rajat.

RG- so you saw? Happy?

GK- of course. Did you not see me out there? How excited I was! You had to stop me.

RG- oh I thought you were jealous. My bad.

GK- tsk tsk... why would I be jealous? Everyone here knows he is 'perfecttt' for you.

RG- you are not? And what is this perfect perfect thing you are repeating from the time you have stepped here?

GK- am I the only one repeating that. It was your words. 'Rajat is the most perfect thing that has happened to me...' rings a bell?

It dawned to RG now. 'Oh its the live. He had watched it and hence he is here. It has pricked him' a part of her rejoiced knowing that it is indeed jealousy that has got him here. 'Its not just me fuming at the thought of chavvi and him. He is equally affected with me and Rajat. If only he accepts. If only I get him to confess his dilemma.' she thoughts kept rash driving on her head.

All the while he was drinking the beauty of her face. Her dark kohled eyes smudged by exhaustion. The red smeared on her cheeks, forehead and neck, intoxicated him.

He removed her hands from his collar, held her by her waist and switched positions.

GK- you look divine.

He said in a husky voice.

The sudden change in the situation caught her off guard. She blushed. Couldnt see his face anymore.

GK- what happened? You have nothing else to tell this 'no one' of yours?

He said this while inching close to her. She held his collar again.

RG- Gaurav... I..

He noticed her getting mushy with his proximity. Now he decided to push her more to make her confess that Rajat is not what she thinks is perfect for her. So now it is both of them with their own missions in their head. For RG it was to make him accept that he is getting affected when she is with someone else. For GK it is to make her realise that Rajat means nothing to her and it is only him. Only difference is, he was already a pro at the game which she has just figured out.

GK- you enjoyed playing sindoor kehla?

She was now too familiar with his proximity games. She knew she will never be able to resist him, because she just doesnt want to resist. She wants these moments and him, even if it means it is just a war between them. 'It is ours. The game and the war. Only ours and us.' she eyed him with uncontrollable lust.

GK touched her cheeks with his index finger.

GK- tell me. you enjoyed playing sindoor kehla?

She shivered as his finger traced down from her cheeks to her jaw line. She pulled him by his collar closer and hissed

RG- yes.

GK- with Rajat?

RG eyed him with a knowing smile. He too cracked that she is now aware of his games and is just playing along. He loved the wicked side of her.

RG- yes.

GK- yes? Are you sure?

She bit her lips and nodded. He was surprised that she wasnt giving in to him so soon. He decided to increase her dosage.

He rubbed left cheek on her sindoor smeared right cheek. In reflex, she pulled him by his collar close to her. His two day old stubble made rough love to her soft milky skin.

She gasped and her chest started heaving, thus closing the gap between them.

Thats it he lost his sanity now. He immediately pulled her onto him. Opened his car door, on which they were leaning on. Pushed her inside and shut the door.

RG- gaurav!!

She expected this out of him, when she got him to the parking lot to confront. She knew he would leave her like a mess whenever they got alone but always chose to repeat the mistake because she knew she wanted it more. She feels scared. Not of him. But for him and them. Until she is sure about what he feels for her, she cant let the world know what she feels for him.

GK held her head and pinned her down to the seat.

He fidgeted with the controls to switch on the ac.

RG- gaurav. This is not right. Someone might spot us. Let me go.

GK- oh you are back at it. First you drag me close to you, let me live these moments, make me feel that what we share is the most special feeling in this entire world and then snap out of it like nothing happened. Why? Because you dont want 'the world' to know. Do you even realise how this feels?

RG knew he was hurting by her flip flops but was wondering how this guy was expecting her to flaunt their relationship that has no name.

RG- i do realise how this feels to the world and thats exactly why I dont want to be around you.

GK- then why did you bring me here? Why did you let me rub my cheeks on yours? Why were you okay with me in the terrace yesterday?

He pulled her closer and rubbed his cheek on the other side of her cheek, thus getting both his cheeks smeared by red.

RG- Gaurav let me go.

GK- not today. I want answers.

He leaned on top of her. And stared at her lips. His gaze made her lips quiver. Unable to take the sight. He kissed her just below the lips and kept smooching.

RG was pushing him weakly. He took something from his pocket and rubbed it on her tender neck. She bent down to see her neck colored red. His palms slowly traced down from her neck towards her chest over her soft silk white saree which was all red now.

RG- Gauarav, leave. You are making this difficult for us.

GK- answer me Rupali. You let Rajat color you and enjoyed it? And have no objection with me coloring you now?

He blew air at her cleavage. RG gave up protesting and shut her eyes tight.

RG- Gaurav. please.

GK kissed her forehead and removed the knot of her saree on her left shoulder. Her hands ran and stopped his hand from pulling her saree down.

RG- now stop. Lets talk.

GK- you want me to stop. Really?

He went on to kiss her neck. She leaned back involuntarily, giving him the best possible access.

RG was getting breathless with his ministrations. His hands were now finding their way inside her saree to her bare stomach. He ran his fingers over her neck and bust slowly to get some sindoor and then rubbed the same hand on her bare stomach and pressed her belly. She bit her lips to contain her moan but he refused to release the skin under his palm until she let out a satisfying moan.

RG- Gaurav. I cant.

GK- louder.

RG- stop.

he removed his hand and held her chin to make her pout.

GK- And Rajat too colored you the way I do now?

RG- yes. We should talk this out.

GK- thats what we are doing.

RG couldnt take him anymore. She pushed him harshly and sat straight.

Looked panting at him, her eyes pleaded for some mercy, she was already turned on and helplessly vulnerable now. That sight unleashed the demon in him.

He immediately leapt forward and took her in an embrace.

His hands were roaming all over her back, while he nuzzled at the crook of her neck giving open mouthed kisses.

RG- gaurav... please.

GK- i cant Rupali. I cant stop. Tell me. Doesnt this mean anything special to you? Does Rajat also make you breathless like I do?

She held his head and kissed the side of forehead.

RG- Gaurav. Stop. please.

GK- not until you answer.

GK pulled her towards himself and took her in his lap. He came out of her neck and looked at her face. He held her face in both the hands and wiped the tears that was beginning to make their appearance.

RG- Gaurav, look at what you are doing to me.

She glanced down at her, smudged in red. Panting, sweating, breathless and wet with his kisses and bites.

GK- how beautiful you look!

He kissed her all over her face and she held his head gently pushing him away.

GK- but Rajat is perfect for you?

RG- yes.

GK groaned. She did not want to give in and let this man have the satisfaction of hearing that he is the most special to her when he makes her feel like just another girl.

GK pinched her waist and pressed the sides of her waist. One end of her saree was already on the seat. She was on his lap and his hand pulled her left leg and placed it on his right thigh. She immediately tired to pull it back but he was swift enough to hold it there before her vain attempt.

GK- alta looks beautiful Rupali. Hot.

He took her foot in his hands and massaged them. RG sensations were haywire. She leaned on his shoulder and lost her senses.

GK was elated to have the woman of his fantasies clinging to him. But hearing it from her was important to him now. Especially after being pushed away by her the previous day.

GK- does Rajat make you feel this, Rupali? Tell. and i swear i will never touch you or let my breath touch you again.

RG was crying now. She knew she lost it already. She cant lie anymore when this man had ripped her off all her emotions and inhibitions she had held as a fort around her, before ripping her clothes off.

GK- he is the most perfect thing that has happened to you right? I am just no one.

RG- no. no.

GK saw hope here.

GK- yes. Rupali. He can make you feel better. Unlike me. This is fake.

Rupali was hurt to hear this from him. This was their most intimate moment. She was on him and he says this.

RG- no dont say that. This isnt fake.

GK- it is fake to you. You said that.

He leaned on her chest hugged her tight and squeezed her.

RG- no. only this is real.

GK- only Rajat is perfect for you. Everyone says that. I am not good for you. You don't need me.

RG- I need you.

He turned and sank his face on her bust. She held his head tight and pressed him onto her.

GK- why? Who am I? You don't need me.

RG- I want you. Always. You are the best thing.

GK- I am not perfect for you.

RG- doesnt matter. I want you.

GK looked up and saw her face. She was close eyed, with dried tears.

GK- but Rajat is your sunshine. He is the perfect you need.

He pressed her feet and let his hand move up on her leg.

RG- no.

GK- he touches you and colors you so perfectly that you glow.

Even the thought of Rajat during these moments irked her. She winced and shook her head, nuzzled at the crook of his neck and meekly said

RG- no. never.

GK- he had colored you well Rupali.

His hand reached her knees. Her saree was scooped up now. Her glittery skin was turning him on. her alta adorned foot, the silver anklets and her milky white skin earned a trail of kisses from him.  

GK- he touches you the way you like

RG- no. stop. He cant touch me.

GK- why

RG blurted out in one go ' i will not let him close to me. Never. I will not'

GK- but what about me?

He kissed her shoulder blade.

RG- you can.

GK- why dont you stop me?

RG- I dont want to stop you.

He took her lips in between his teeth in a hurry. Her heart raced. This was their first oral encounter. He bit her lips gently and but for a prolonged time until blood started oozing out. When he was certain that he had spotted the red, he left her lower lip, without sucking the blood off her lips. he made sure he did not end up kissing her.

He removed his thighs from under her and she fell on the seat with a thud. He corrected his kurta and flashed a victory smile.

GK- then stop giving such silly statements, Rupaliji. It doesnt look good when the no. 1 actress lies in interviews.

She felt like being woken up by a deep slumber and brutally pulled out in sun

She got furious. He has won and is now retracing, she thought. 'How stupid of me to confess things, without getting him to speak up about his feelings for me' she wanted to cry for being such a dumb woman.

She wanted to get back at him immediately.

He was about to open the door when he looked back at her. She was as clueless as he was the previous afternoon in the terrace. He gave a satisfying laugh and stepped out.

RG was about to follow and step out when he leaned in and touched her forehead with his, thus transferring the sindoor smeared on her forehead to his.

GK- happy sindoor Khela. Correct your clothes a little before you step out. (he said eyeing at her saree that was lifted up till her knee and the loose end of her pallu falling down on the seat) Not everyone is Kets who will buy your 'i got lost'

He mimicked her line from the previous afternoon.

He winked and left.

She corrected her saree and hair and stepped out.

She still couldnt believe what he had just done. And who he had hopelessly fallen for.

She hated herself for losing to him again but the fact that he had fled his girlfriend and came to her just because she had called someone else perfect, made her realize he was as deep as her in this mess.

'Okay mr khanna. No 1 actress lied in an interview about her fiancé and you found that out. But that doesn't change the fact that the national crush left his girlfriend just because of no.1 actress's live. Its my payback time now. This is not going to be a one sided game anymore. I will give back and you will watch'

She walked back with a new found confident swaying her lips past him and Kets who were standing near the venue's entrance.

Kets eyes widened seeing her fully covered in red. This is not how she went out, kets figured out and turned to stare at GK, who was also smeared in red.

GK who was surprised to see RG walking in with so much swag smirked and turned to leave. 


Rupali buttoned up the buttons she undid. kissed his cheeks and took a step back eyeing at him slyly.

'rub off my lipstick marks from your cheeks before you get out, mr khanna. not everyone is Kets', she said in his cool accent and held the door open for him.

The anupama team was sitting out around the dining table as usual in their lunch time, chatting and teasing.


GK walks out of his room to the table where the team is sitting.

He looked angry but was smiling. They all were amused.

But wait. There is more.

RG too walks out of GK's room, swaying her hip confidently. Eyes fixed straight, but the attitude was only targeted towards one man with a mole.

He gave a raised brow smirk.

She reached them and said, 'you all are invited to our engagement party.'

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