Two Halfs of One Warrior • Ob...

De BuckyBarnesLover19

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My favorite One-Shots of Obikin/Vaderwan. Mai multe

Kneel... Before I Make You
Who's Loving You
Dreams Of Old
Full Of Silver Moons
Full Of Silver Moons Part 2
Compulsion, Beyond Our Knowledge
The Fall of the Master
The Fall of the Master Part 2
The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Mine
Immortal and Divine
Not Enough
Stay With Me (sequel to Not Enough)
Decrepit Flowers Will Still Bloom
No One Will Leave Me Again
A Smile I Love
An Inevitable Outcome
(It Could Be Wrong) But It Should've Been Right
Hangin With My Clone Boys
You Can Sit Down But The Chairs Are Electric
All Tied Up On The Inside
I Kissed a Vampire (And I Liked It)
Keep On Loving You (Cause It's The Only Thing I Wanna Do)
Let Me Use You
Tastes the Sweetest
Unwelcome Guest
The Outlander
Please, Daddy?
Salvaged From the Lost and Found
Heat Haze
Heat Shimmer
You've Taken Most Of Me (So I'll Give Up The Rest Freely)
Make Your Siren's Call
Hand In Unlovable Hand
Should You Need To Come Undone
It's How You Learn
You're Mine, Master
All Over My Teeth
Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss
Tangled Garlands
Park That Big Mac Truck Right In This Lil Garage
Oldest Game In History, Repeated
Anything For You
Why Sex Education Is Important.
In the Dark
To Love and Be Loved
Until We Are Left Skinless
This Was Obi-Wan
Sear Me
Need You Baby (Like I Breathe You Baby)
Things Freely Given
You Wanted to be Found, Didn't You?
Darkest Desires
Of Fawns & Fangs
Willing Surrender into his Embrace
Give Them Blood
Death By Any Other Name
Prove It To Me
That Golden Fiddle
Feathers and Wax
To Regain Composure
Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Secrets Revealed
Let It All Burn
If Only They Knew
Nothing Is Sacred If It's Wasted
I Can Feel Him In My Bones
"Date: me"
Somebody To Lie in the Dark With
They Say Sex is a Weapon, You're My Executioner
Go Fuck Yourself Obi-Wan
Teething Years
We Sin, We Don't Repent
Treat Me like Something so Precious
He is the Lamb, He is the Slaughter (Moving Too Fast)
Starless Skies
Bound by the Force
I Belong In Your Arms
Wants and Needs
Make Every Last Moment Last
Jewel of the Desert
A Man Cannot Be Too Careful in the Choice of His Enemies
You Want Blood (And I Promised)
There Comes a Time When Both Sides Consider Themselves Beaten
Altering Life by Holding It Still
From Falling For You
Keep Your Enemies
Confused Adversaries Who Are Ourselves In Disguise
Can't You See You Belong to Me?
Erotic Nightmares
Doubt Truth To Be a Liar
Howling Outside Your Door
Alpha | Alpha
I Want To Be Everything You Need
Pullaparts and Soul Twins
Use My Body To Break Your Fall
Use My Body To Break Your Fall, Part 2
Use My Body To Break Your Fall, Part 3
Whatever We Had Was Wonderful
Escape Plan Still In Construction
Wedding Planner and Wedding Wrecker
Straight to Lover's Paradise
Like An Arsonist to a Perfect Match (sequel to EPSIC)
Original Vampire Obi-Wan and Doppelganger Anakin
Sith Obi-Wan and Prisoner Anakin
Prayers and Proclamations
I Feel The Rush, I'm Addicted To Your Touch
Can't Turn Back Now, I'm Haunted
Scruffed - Anakin vs The Cat
Only Poetry Or Madness
Carnal Pleasures
Lead Me (Not) Into Temptation
Starting Wars and Burning Bridges
Fan Mail
Taming Feral Loth-Wolves
Clone Wars AU
Get My Way
Because It Brings Me Back To You
Out of Sync
Coming Home
To the Victor, the Spoils
Abuse of Power
Life Imitates Art
Snake in the Grass
Anakin vs. Kinky Obikin Fanfics
To Long For, to Get, to Take and to Give
Sex Pollen
Mace Windu and the Disaster Couple (aka The Two Idiots)
You're How I Pray
The Butterfly Effect
My Master
Obi-Wan Fell (sequel to My Master)
Sun, Sun, Sun, Here It Comes
Kidnap Victim is a Whore
Keep a Stern Hand
Aggressive Negotiations
Ani Sky, The Drag Queen
Solitary as an Oyster
I'm Finally Home
Let the Music Play
The Negotiator and the God of the Lost
Code Infraction #6969 (Or How Obi-Wan Has No One to Blame But Himself)
Seeing Stars
I Didn't Want To Break
Stubborn in the Bones
Smuggler's Den
The Acrid Taste of Betrayal
The Force Wills It
Shut Up, Snips!
Congratulations, You are Bonded!
Fuel to Fire
You Can't Just Leave Me
Obikin Shameless Smut Snippet
Totally Legitimate Fool-Proof Ways to Inconspicuously Flirt with Your Master
Silver Tongue Truths
Sleep Won't Come The Whole Night Through
A More Perfect Union
A Guide to Ignoring your Feelings and Being Rude to your Intended
Running Away, Running To You
How To Get Married Without Falling in Love - A Failed Case Study Conducted on AS
The Anakin Skywalker Crash Course on Being Married
How To: Resolve A Fight Even Though Your Feelings Are Still Hurt
The Kenobi-Skywalker Manual on Accidental Child Acquisition
Praise You
The Days That Belonged To You And I
The Lay of Kenobi and Skywalker
The Art of Seduction
In The Family
Coming Onto You (sequel to In The Family)
Lost You, Found You
At Long Last
During a Summer by the Sea
Your Heart Got Teeth
He Who Can Never Be Thought To Be The Same
And The Sun Will Shine Upon Us Again
My Heart and Soul Were Never Mine to Own
And For Dinner (Something Needy)
What Could Have Been (But Will Never Be) (sequel to HWCNBTTBTS)

Away From Me (Don't Fall)

101 1 0
De BuckyBarnesLover19

Summary: Anakin had been horrible at hiding his naked want, had worn his emotions on his sleeve for all to see, like a mountain that was simply too great to bury. Vader didn’t even try. Obi-Wan had stopped trying too.


Obi-Wan stood facing the viewpoint, the endless stretch of black space and an infinite array of stars, already dead and buried. Their light, as it reached his eyes, was merely echoes of their ghosts.

It was almost fitting.

"Are you alright?"

The question surprised him. Though perhaps it shouldn't have. A glance over his shoulder confirmed that Vader was standing by the door, hands clasped behind his back, shoulders straight, head held high. His long cloak cut a sharp line down the floor, giving him a rigid, severe appearance. It reminded Obi-Wan painfully of Anakin, the proud set of his chin and the concerned tilt of his eyes. But Obi-Wan was not so easily fooled, now. He knew Vader too well.

This wasn't Anakin. Not anymore.

Anakin was dead. And the thing that stood before him was just an empty shell left behind by the passing storm.

Still, it was difficult to completely divorce the image before him from memories long past. To remove the cape, the armor, to strip him of his name and leave behind the man he once was, or could have been. It was hard not to see the familiar there, in the curve of his jaw or the arch of his cheekbones. In the full pout of his mouth, a hint of a smile, a glimpse of softness, long vanished.

Obi-Wan forced himself to look away. "I’m fine."

His answer hung in the silence, punctuated only by the steady hum of the ship's engines and the muffled roar of the vacuum outside. Obi-Wan turned back to the stars. He heard Vader approach. A step, then another. Footsteps, heavy and hollow. The sound of a heartbeat out of time with his own. Obi-Wan had once found the beat comforting. He supposed he still did, in a way.

Vader moved to stand beside him. He tried not to think of the last time they'd been like this, on a balcony in Mustafar, watching their future burn. It felt like a lifetime ago. So much had changed. And yet, everything still felt so horribly the same.

When Vader spoke again, his voice was low, as if someone might overhear, even though there was no one else for miles. "Did I do something wrong?"

The question caught him off guard. He looked over at Vader, at the vulnerability in his features, at the quiet question lurking behind those bright eyes, and his heart gave an unbidden lurch.

"No," he said softly.

Vader frowned slightly, as if unconvinced, and Obi-Wan resisted the urge to reach out, to soothe him like he once might've done. Instead, he looked away again, letting the familiar view of endless space take the place of that haunting face. He watched the stars drift by and wondered, as he often did, how long it had been since he'd seen any sun. How long it had been since he'd breathed real air without filters or masks or sterile purifiers.

It felt like years. Maybe it was. Perhaps he'd lost track. Time meant nothing on this ship. They were always moving, always searching, always hunting. Trapped in the dark, never resting.

And yet, somehow, it wasn't that which worried him most.

What worried him was how little he minded it.

How far he'd come, that such a thing hardly troubled him. He, who had spent a lifetime dreaming of peace, of a home, of warmth and life and living things. Who had cherished the green grass beneath his feet, the flowers in the Temple garden, the soothing breeze that rustled the leaves. Now, he would give anything for the weight of a lightsaber in his palm, to feel the hilt cold and ready in his hand, the energy thrumming within him like a heartbeat, burning across his skin.

The Force felt different, ever since Mustafar. It hadn't stopped screaming. At all times, a constant din that battered his mind, driving him further and further away from the man he once was. It made him hungry. Made him restless.

Made him... yearn.

The darkness sang to him now, and he could not deny that it was a beautiful song. The numbness of the past was fading, replaced by newfound vigor, sharpening into clarity. And he realized, looking back, that the Force had never seemed so keen before. Not during the Clone Wars, not in all the battles he'd fought, not once in his entire life. He'd always thought there was something holding it back, dampening its power. He had thought it was incomplete. But now he knew better.

The only thing incomplete had been himself.

And he had the man at his side to thank for that.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes, searching for that spot inside his mind that was always open and raw, like holding fingers over a burning flame. His and Anakin’s fire, once, before it cooled. And now.

Vader drew in a sharp breath.

Obi-Wan turned to face him. He traced the well-defined muscles of his jaw, the long column of his throat, the broad slope of his shoulders. He remembered how it felt the first time he’d relented. The first time he’d grabbed that dimpled chin, had kissed the pulse that thrummed at his neck, pressed his chest against those shoulders and felt the strength that lay beneath.

He looked up.

Anakin had been horrible at hiding his naked want, had worn his emotions on his sleeve for all to see, like a mountain that was simply too great to bury. Vader didn’t even try.

Obi-Wan had stopped trying too.

He stepped forward and kissed him.

It was like being struck by lightning.

A shock wave rippled through the Force, the darkness singing sweetly, drowning out the screams. Obi-Wan pulled him closer. Vader groaned and surrendered, sinking into the touch.

They had fallen together, and yet Obi-Wan knew the truth: this was not about love. This was about possession. About control. About power. About pain. He needed to feel Vader in every sense of the word. He needed to remind him who he truly belonged to. He needed to reclaim what was his.

He wanted to mark his skin and tear it apart, to consume him whole. To devour him and fill him to the brim. To make him his again and again and again.

The way they always were meant to be.

As if hearing his thoughts, Vader shifted his stance, widening his legs slightly, and Obi-Wan took the invitation for what it was. He pressed forward until he had Vader pinned against the viewport. His hands roamed freely, touching, grasping, squeezing. Vader arched into his touch, a whimper escaping his lips. Obi-Wan closed the distance and captured those lips, plundering them in a deep kiss.

His tongue swept inside, claiming, conquering. He tasted the faintest trace of copper and something bitter, a lingering hint of blood. It sent a thrill through him.

Obi-Wan grabbed at Vader's tunic, his fingers digging into the fabric. With one swift pull, he tore it open. Vader gasped sharply, his eyes flying wide.

"Obi-Wan," he whispered, sounding dazed. “Obi-Wan.”

But Obi-Wan did not stop. He kept pushing, until the cloth came loose and slid free, slipping down to pool at Vader's feet.

A strangled moan escaped Vader's throat. "Oh."

Obi-Wan ignored it, tracing his mouth along his jawline, nibbling his way down his neck.

"Is this what you want?" he murmured, lips brushing the shell of his ear.

Vader shivered, his eyes fluttering shut. "Yes."

Obi-Wan hummed, pleased. "Then ask me for it.”

Vader trembled. Obi-Wan stroked a thumb over his bottom lip, swollen and wet, red with their shared heat. "Ask, or I'll stop."

Vader groaned. "Don't stop, please don’t stop."

"Beg for it," Obi-Wan insisted. "If you truly wish for this, beg."

"I - I can’t." His voice broke on the word.

Ah. “I see.” Obi-Wan leaned back. “You’re afraid of what he’ll do to you, what he’ll see.” He tapped a finger against Vader's temple.

Vader shuddered at the touch. But when Obi-Wan tried to move his hand away, Vader grabbed his wrist, stilling him. He looked at him, his eyes filled with an insurmountable rising anger at being denied. Rage.

Vader was nothing but rage, sometimes.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Let go."

Instead, Vader tugged him closer and surged forward to capture his mouth in a bruising kiss. He growled, low in his throat. "Make me."

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. Two could play at that game.

With a simple flick of his wrist, Vader went sprawling, crashing onto the floor. He hit his shoulder hard and cursed out loud. Obi-Wan loomed above him, unconcerned. He brought his foot down on his chest, pinning him in place. "I warned you not to test me, Anakin."

Vader scowled up at him, the yellow tint in his gaze darkening. He hated when he called him that. Obi-Wan smirked. "Poor thing. Did that hurt? Is there a boo-boo?"

He dug his heel in. Vader winced, but a slow, malicious grin spread across his lips. Obi-Wan snorted in annoyance. "Give it up. You're not getting out of this that easily. You started this. Now we're going to finish it. No matter what happens."

Vader grit his teeth and glared. He let out a low hiss.

"Hush." Obi-Wan applied more pressure, using the Force to keep him down. Vader struggled. His wrists twitched, the muscles in his arms and stomach flexing, straining as he pushed back. Obi-Wan could tell it was taking considerable effort not to throw Obi-Wan clear across the room. They both knew whose power reigned supreme, here. No, Vader wanted this, the illusion of helplessness, of submission. "You know there is no point in fighting me."

Vader strained harder. Obi-Wan upped the amount of power he used, tightening his mental grip and squeezing the air out of Vader's lungs. "Stop. Resisting."

Vader let out a choked cough, struggling to draw in air. His head fell back, eyes half-lidded as he gasped for breath. Obi-Wan paused, loosening his hold enough that he could breathe easier. Then, he tightened his grip on Vader's clothing and yanked him upwards so he was half sitting, his elbows bent, Obi-Wan looming above him. Obi-Wan reached for his belt. "Open your mouth."

Vader obeyed. Obi-Wan guided him, placing his palm at the nape of Vader's neck. "That's right. Relax."

When he released Vader, he remained where he'd been left. Obi-Wan placed two fingers under Vader's chin, tilting his head up to meet his gaze. He held it for a moment. Then he unbuckled his belt and slipped the leather from around his waist. He draped the belt across his forearm, adjusting the weight. With the other end, he began to stroke the side of Vader's face, rubbing the soft leather against his cheek. He let it caress the line of his jaw, his collarbones, down his chest and across his abdomen.

He nudged it between his thighs.

Vader gasped, his body trembling. "Obi-Wan..."

"Shh," he cooed, continuing his exploration. He traced the seam of Vader's pants and along the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. When he reached his knee, he slid the tip of the belt upwards, dragging it across the swell of his calf and over the curve of his ass. Obi-Wan nudged the edge of the belt beneath Vader's balls. Vader's hips bucked wildly. Obi-Wan hummed. "Lovely."

Vader flushed and averted his gaze, a shudder running down his spine. Obi-Wan smoothed a hand down his side, stroking his flank. "Keep your hands on the floor."

Vader obeyed, his breathing ragged. Obi-Wan increased the pressure of the belt. He reached up with his free hand and cupped the front of Vader's throat, applying the barest of pressure. "Lift your arms and grab your own forearms."

Again, Vader obeyed. Obi-Wan smiled. He teased his fingers along the line of Vader's jaw, enjoying the soft rasp of his stubble. He slid his thumb into Vader's mouth, pressing down on his tongue. "Suck."

Vader did, his cheeks hollowing around Obi-Wan's digit, pulling the taste of sweat and leather into his mouth.

Obi-Wan gazed upon his work and nodded. "Good boy."

Vader moaned around the thumb, his eyes fluttering shut. He sucked eagerly, drawing off to run his tongue up and down the pad before swallowing it again.

"Beautiful," Obi-Wan breathed. He removed his thumb and wrapped the belt around Vader's wrists several times before tying it off. Vader tested the bonds, tugging against the leather, but found his range of movement severely limited. Obi-Wan held one of the ends of the belt, the rest wrapped firmly around Vader's wrists, and looped it around his neck, leaving him suspended, bound and restrained. Vader swallowed hard, his pulse pounding visibly in his throat.

Obi-Wan rewarded his obedience with a brief kiss. He bit down hard on his bottom lip, breaking the skin, then ran his tongue across it to catch the welling droplets of blood.

Vader sighed contentedly, then seemed to catch himself, biting back a curse. Obi-Wan chuckled. "Done playing coy already?" He kissed Vader again, this time softer, teasing his tongue with his own. "I expected better from you." He patted Vader's cheek, then stood and moved away.

Vader tracked his movements with his gaze. "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready." Obi-Wan glanced back. "Don't move. I want to see your pretty face as you sit there and wait for me like a good pet."

Vader bared his teeth.

Obi-Wan grinned back. He sauntered over to one of the chairs and sank into the cushions, stretching his legs out in front of him. He crossed his ankles. He rested an elbow on the armrest and propped his cheek in his palm. With the other hand, he undid the clasp of his trousers. He lifted his hips and shimmied them halfway down his thighs. Then he sat back down and palmed himself through his underwear. "Go ahead, dear. Show me how badly you need me."

Vader stared at him, his gaze dark. He glanced away briefly, then met Obi-Wan's gaze again and exhaled sharply. "Fuck."

Obi-Wan snickered. He fisted himself lazily and squeezed, making sure to keep his strokes light. He would have plenty of time later for release. He could be patient. "I'm waiting."

Vader flushed bright red and mumbled something incoherent.

Obi-Wan shook his head and tsked. "Pathetic."

Vader bit his lip, scowling.

"I could help you, you know," Obi-Wan continued. He spread his knees and placed his feet flat on the ground. "Why don't you come over here and ask nicely, and I'll give you whatever you desire." He ran a hand down the front of his chest, trailing a fingertip across his nipples through his tunic. When it reached his trousers, he let it fall to his crotch and squeeze himself suggestively.

Vader inhaled sharply through his nose. His gaze darkened. He began to tremble.

Obi-Wan made a sympathetic sound and rolled his head to the side to look at him. He tucked his hair behind his ear. "But only if you beg, of course."

"Shut up," Vader snarled.

Obi-Wan sighed dramatically and lowered his eyelids. "We've been through this before. I only give rewards to those who ask. Beg me, and I will give you exactly what you want, what we both know you’ve always wanted." He paused. “Padawan.”

Vader spat at his feet.

Obi-Wan considered his response, then shrugged. "Alright, have it your way. Let me know when you change your mind." He turned away and focused on himself. He swirled his fingers across the hard shape tenting the front of his briefs. "Hmmm."

He slipped his hand beneath the band and trailed his fingertips up and down his length, watching as Vader's expression changed, first to dismay, to disbelief, and to that beautiful, beautiful rage again.

It was intoxicating.

Obi-Wan grinned. "Careful, or you might bite your lip right off."

"I will kill you." Vader hissed the words like a threat, like a promise.

Obi-Wan pretended to think it over, then sighed, as if resigned. "No, I don't think you will. Because you're going to come over here, and get on your knees, and do what you've been dying to do all along. Isn't that right?"

He snapped his fingers. "Come here."

Vader flinched. He actually flinched. His fingers dug into his skin, cutting indents into his palms. "What did you just say to me?"

Obi-Wan stretched languidly and adjusted his cock, letting his hand linger as he drew it out. "On. Your. Knees." He enunciated each word slowly, giving it its full weight. He made certain that the way he spoke it carried all of the force, all of the weight, that it deserved. "Now."

Vader clenched his jaw, the muscle ticking furiously.

Obi-Wan scoffed and brushed his hair behind his ear, and waited.

Seconds passed. Vader moved.

First his torso, twisting slightly, then his hips. It wasn't long before he'd crawled across the distance and knelt, finally, between Obi-Wan's legs. His shoulders were hunched, his entire form tense and coiled like a spring with the belt still keeping his hands trapped around his neck, but Obi-Wan decided not to push it. Not yet. "Well done," he praised, and gave him another reward. He let the Force ripple through the bond and Vader stiffened, groaning. "That's it," Obi-Wan said, sending another pulse through the bond, this time stronger. "Just let it happen."

Vader's eyes fluttered shut and he bowed his head, leaning forward, resting his forehead against Obi-Wan's knee. Obi-Wan reached out and gathered the short hairs at the base of his skull in his fist. He tugged at the roots, hard. Vader inhaled sharply and opened his mouth, and Obi-Wan guided him forward to rest his open jaw against his cock.

Vader moaned. Obi-Wan sent another pulse of energy through the bond. Vader jerked, his lips moving over Obi-Wan's erection. "Your mouth looks so good on me, darling. Look at you, just desperate to please me, aren't you? So eager." Obi-Wan smiled wickedly. "You should be glad, my love. After all, you asked for this."

Vader shuddered, the heat of his breath warm against the damp fabric of Obi-Wan's briefs.

Obi-Wan set aside his boots and drew his leg up, bending his knee slightly to create a space for Vader between his legs. He tangled his other hand in the belt and pulled until he'd forced Vader to press his cheek against his cock, the heavy weight of him resting on Vader's face, smearing a shiny spot against the pale skin. Vader's eyelashes fluttered at the contact. Obi-Wan crooked a finger beneath his chin and tipped it up, admiring the sight. "What do you have to say for yourself, hmmm? Do you enjoy having your Master's cock on your face like a needy little whore? How many times did you think of this, of how it would feel to be my little slut?"

Vader licked his lips. His gaze lifted to Obi-Wan’s, those golden eyes burning.

“You’re not my Master.” He said the words as though they were a matter of fact, as though it didn’t rip out a little piece of Obi-Wan each time he heard it.

Obi-Wan answered with a soft sigh.

"Perhaps not." He tightened his fingers on Vader’s jaw. “But you’re mine.”

And then he pushed the head of his cock into that mouth, forcing his way inside. Vader moaned, and Obi-Wan pressed in deeper, filling that perfect mouth as far as it would go. He only stopped when the tip of his cock touched the back of Vader's throat. "Ah, yes. Just like that, nice and easy."

Vader took him without protest, parting his lips, sucking greedily. His eyes were half-closed as he let Obi-Wan guide his head down. When he started to withdraw, Vader followed him, the flat of his tongue pressing hard against the glans. Obi-Wan shuddered. "Oh, well, isn't this a lovely surprise." He rolled his hips and thrust into the heat of Vader's mouth. He gripped the base of his shaft and pressed in until his entire length was engulfed by the wet heat. He let himself savor the sensation for a few more moments, then slid out again, pushing all the way to the very tip and then back down. Vader whimpered, his jaw flexing. "Perfect, dear, absolutely perfect."

Obi-Wan wound his hand around Vader's neck and pulled him forward. Vader choked and spasmed, but didn't pull away.

"Breathe," he commanded.

Vader blinked rapidly, his eyes wide, and then he went limp, relaxing his throat and opening his mouth wider. Obi-Wan tilted Vader's head back and pressed further in. The angle was awkward, but it was worth it for the way Vader gagged and groaned. He swallowed and gurgled, choking on Obi-Wan's cock. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes and his body shook.

Obi-Wan refused to ease the pressure. Instead, he gripped Vader tighter and forced his head down, until his lips were stretched obscenely around Obi-Wan's full length.

When Vader didn't fight it, when he took him in like it was second nature, when he buried his nose in Obi-Wan's pubic hair and swallowed hard around his length, Obi-Wan groaned appreciatively. "Oh, that's it. Take it, all of it." Vader took a deep breath, then held it, as Obi-Wan withdrew his hips. The wet sound of his cock sliding out was obscenely loud in the otherwise quiet room.

Obi-Wan could feel Vader struggling to keep from coughing. He ignored the strain and thrust forward again, driving his cock deep. Vader gasped for air, his entire body shaking.

Obi-Wan grinned. He released the belt, and Vader fell backward. Obi-Wan rose up from the chair to tower over him, the muscles in his arms and legs bulging as he balanced on his heels and toes.

Obi-Wan kept rocking his hips, fucking Vader's throat. He gazed down at the wrecked visage below him and grunted in approval. Vader looked so vulnerable like this. His eyes were screwed shut, his face flushed and streaked with tears. The leather belt still wrapped around his wrists and neck had gone slack, allowing him some freedom of movement. Vader tried to curl inward, but Obi-Wan slapped his cheek. "Up. Hands and knees."

Vader complied. He was still coughing and wheezing, but he managed to crawl back up into position. His palms were facing the floor and his elbows were tucked in tightly.

Obi-Wan eased behind him and positioned himself close enough that their bodies were flush, chest to back, knees on either side of his hips. Obi-Wan leaned in and placed a soft kiss to Vader's shoulder, his arms circling Vader's torso. Vader made a small, startled sound of pleasure when Obi-Wan grabbed his sides, holding him firmly in place while he rubbed his hard cock against Vader's lower back.

When Obi-Wan dropped a hand to fondle the erection trapped inside his trousers, Vader turned his head slightly to peer over his shoulder. Their eyes met.

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow expectantly. "Are you ready to play now?"

Vader's lips twitched and he looked away, nodding.

"I thought you'd never ask." Obi-Wan shifted, sliding his legs together to kneel instead. He placed his hands on Vader's hips and slid his thumbs into the waistband of his trousers. "Let's stop all this pretending, shall we?" He leaned forward and nuzzled the nape of Vader's neck and trailed kisses down the column of his throat. As he worked, he grasped the front of his trousers and unclasped the closures. "Are you ready to cooperate?"

Vader sucked in a breath, his eyes closed, head thrown back. When he spoke, his voice was rough. "Yes."

Obi-Wan beamed and slipped one of the fastenings loose. "Such a good boy," he murmured. "Do you like the sound of that? Being mine?" He dipped his fingertips into the front of Vader's trousers and cupped his hand against his balls. Vader choked back a gasp. He shivered. Obi-Wan stroked his sac, his movements slow and deliberate. When he let go, Vader shuddered, his breathing unsteady.

"Tell me what you want," Obi-Wan coaxed.

"I-" Vader stopped and swallowed hard, his mouth dry. He licked his lips nervously. "I want to feel you. Please, Obi-Wan, please let me feel you."

Obi-Wan grinned in triumph, thrilled by his answer. "Is that all you want to do?" He ran a finger lightly down Vader's back and tugged at his pants. Vader hissed and arched against his hand. "Or would you like something a little different? Something perhaps... more personal?"

Vader didn't respond immediately, his attention focused entirely on the steady motion of Obi-Wan's fingers tracing a path down his spine. After several seconds passed, Obi-Wan stopped his progress and waited. Finally, Vader cleared his throat and rasped, "Whatever you wish. I am yours, Obi-Wan. Everything you want is yours. Always."

"Very nice," Obi-Wan purred, pleased. He unfastened the remaining closures and pushed Vader's trousers and underwear down past his knees.

Vader shifted his weight, bracing himself on the cool metal floor.

Obi-Wan allowed a beat of silence, then slid forward, positioning himself directly behind Vader. He draped himself across the broad expanse of his back.

Vader held himself perfectly still as Obi-Wan fitted their bodies together, the bare skin of their flesh brushing intimately against each other.

"Anakin, my love," Obi-Wan murmured, his breath ghosting across Vader's ear. "Are you ready?"

Vader let out a groan, his body tensing beneath Obi-Wan. "Yes," he gasped, his voice catching.

Obi-Wan traced his lips across the delicate shell of his ear and licked along its curves. He reached between them and took hold of his own cock, rubbing it along the cleft of Vader's ass. He circled the entrance of his hole with his thumb, his fingers, dipping them in and out, testing the give of his tight ring. He smiled in satisfaction and nipped Vader's earlobe. "Here, let me."

He gently nudged the head of his cock past the rim. The smooth skin slid easily into Vader's hole, and he groaned as he felt the resistance give way.

Vader moaned softly and leaned back.

Obi-Wan matched his movement, supporting him as he entered deeper, until he was fully sheathed inside.

The moment of absolute silence that followed was shattered by the sudden sound of Vader's sharp intake of breath, which broke into a ragged exhalation as Obi-Wan pulled nearly all the way out before plunging back in.

"Relax," Obi-Wan ordered. "Stay with me."

He repeated the maneuver, withdrawing almost completely and then thrusting forward once more. Each time, Vader shuddered beneath him and clutched at his own forearms, the belt wrapped around them the only thing keeping his hands from touching anything else.

His eyes were shut tight, his mouth hanging open as he gasped for breath. His shoulders trembled with the effort of keeping himself upright. Obi-Wan's hands never left his sides, anchoring him. The constant connection soothed him, grounding him, centering him. His bond with Vader flared, a feeling like flames licking across his skin, his entire being radiating warmth.

Anakin, his anchor. The one who always brought him back.

Obi-Wan licked and bit a trail across Vader's shoulders. His hips quickened their pace, slamming into the body beneath him. Vader's muffled cries filled his ears. It fueled the monstrous beast that sat inside him now, the thing that was ravenous and constantly hungry. He growled, burying his face in the curve of his neck, nipping and biting the skin there. His thrusts grew increasingly frantic as he chased the peak of his passion. He rocked his hips forward, his cock hitting that spot inside Vader over and over again, the slickness of his own precome easing the way.

"Say it," Obi-Wan groaned. He pumped harder, faster, deeper. His hands gripped Vader's hips tightly, holding him steady as he drove his length in and out, the tempo growing erratic, wild. "Say it, damn you."

"Yours," Vader groaned, his voice raw. His entire frame shuddered violently as he surrendered himself fully to the overwhelming intensity of Obi-Wan's onslaught. His head fell back and his mouth fell open, his breathing rapid, shallow, irregular.

Obi-Wan fucked him relentlessly, refusing to let up, even as his body trembled, threatening to break. His own climax neared, but he knew this wasn't enough. He wanted - needed - more.

He shifted his grip, wrapping his hand around Vader's swollen shaft, and began to stroke him roughly. "Yes, yes, that's it." He tightened his fist, working Vader's cock in tandem with his own rhythm. "Give in. Let go."

Vader whimpered helplessly, caught in the throes of his ecstasy. His cock was leaking steadily now, a thin trail of semen dripping onto the floor below him. "I can't. Oh, please, I need you, I can't, it hurts..."

Obi-Wan panted in delight. "That's it. You're close." He leaned closer and bit down on the sensitive juncture of his neck, his teeth scraping the soft skin. "I can feel you, I know it. You're nearly there. Almost..."

With one last twist of his wrist, he sent Vader over the edge, his orgasm exploding out of him. His entire body seized up, convulsing. Obi-Wan pushed his free hand against his shoulder blades and forced him down, pressing his chest against the cold metal surface. His hips bucked wildly, driving his cock further inside Vader, pumping in and out in quick bursts of friction.

Then he came with a cry, spurting his release into Vader's ass, flooding him, marking him, claiming him.

Vader sobbed. "Yes, yes. Yours, always."

They remained like that for what seemed an eternity, Obi-Wan still buried deeply inside him, until their panting subsided and the fog of lust had begun to fade. Obi-Wan withdrew slowly, easing out.

Vader trembled. He let out a shaky laugh, sounding so much like Anakin it was vertiginous. "That was..."

"Something else," Obi-Wan finished, stroking Vader's sweat-soaked hair. Gently, he removed the belt from around Vader’s arms, his neck, rubbing his palm across the reddened skin. "Now, come here and kiss me."

Vader laughed again and lifted his head, turning to look back.

A dark hunger simmered in Vader's gaze, one Obi-Wan knew reflected his own. He had to admit, it was devastatingly attractive. He bent down, taking Vader's chin in his hand, tilting it towards his own, and captured his lips in a bruising kiss. When they parted, Vader made no move to pull away, merely gazing at him in wonder.

"Come," Obi-Wan commanded softly. He gathered the scattered articles of clothing lying around and retrieved their cloaks. He threw both items over his shoulders before lifting Vader up and guiding him into the seat at the console. "Let’s get you off the floor, dearheart."

Vader nodded, too exhausted to argue. He wiped at his eyes wearily, before slumping forward against the control panel. The ambient light of stars outside the viewport sent shimmering sparkles off his skin. Obi-Wan glanced back at him one final time, running his fingers through his damp hair, straightening it back into place.

As soon as his gaze fell on Vader's back, he froze in place. His heart lurched, and his breath caught in his throat.

Obi-Wan stared at the fresh mark that adorned Vader's shoulder blade, a deep scarlet wound with the letters 'O' and 'K'.

Dread filled him like ice in his veins. "Where did you get those marks?"

Vader looked confused. "What marks?"

Obi-Wan swallowed and forced himself to speak. "The ones on your back, the O and K. Where did you get them?"

Vader's gaze sharpened. He frowned. "I don’t know what you're talking about. There are no markings on my back."

"Anakin, I know you don't remember everything. But please trust me, this is important. Did you ever notice any markings on your body at all?" Obi-Wan pressed.

"What do you mean by 'markings?'"

"Anything out of the ordinary. Scars, tattoos, wounds, anything of significance."

Vader paused, considering. Then, he nodded.

"There was something on my right arm a long time ago, I think." He brushed a finger across his inner forearm, tracing the faint lines of the intricate mechanical workings, flesh long gone. "A birthmark. Obviously, I lost it a long time ago.” He shrugged.

Obi-Wan grabbed Vader's arm, squeezing it hard. Vader grunted. "A what? A birthmark? Did you say birthmark?"

Vader stared at him, bewildered. "Yes, that's what I said. What is so significant about a birthmark?"

Obi-Wan searched his face frantically, checking every inch, every contour of his features, desperately seeking any indication that Vader might be lying. Nothing.

Vader narrowed his eyes. "What is wrong with you, Obi-Wan?"

Obi-Wan released Vader's arm and stepped back, trying to calm himself. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. "Nothing. I apologize. I suppose it was just a trick of the light." He forced a smile and sat down next to Vader, trying to ignore the frantic pounding of his heart. "Shall we proceed?"

Vader stared at him for a long moment, then nodded and tapped the controls. A steady stream of data poured in, records and waypoints and mission report logs.

He glanced at Obi-Wan. "Have you given thought to my offer?"

"I will consider it," Obi-Wan answered absently. His mind raced with possibilities. He could not ignore this new information. If Vader truly bore the mark of the dyad, then that meant they were linked. Linked, and not simply through the Force, but through a physical, tangible connection. Their souls entwined. And if that was true, then it could change everything.

He wondered, idly, why he hadn't seen it before. Perhaps the bond between them had weakened over time? Or perhaps, in its own twisted way, Palpatine’s removal of Vader's memories caused the mark to fade as well? He certainly had access to Vader's mind, and the power to influence beyond anything Obi-Wan had ever been capable of. Had Palpatine somehow manipulated this, too?

Maybe. Perhaps he could use this new discovery to his advantage. But for now, he needed time to think. To plan. He couldn't afford to do anything rash. He wouldn't risk losing this opportunity.

Not after all they'd already sacrificed.

He glanced over at Vader, who was tapping away at the console in front of him, his brow furrowed in concentration. As if sensing his gaze, Vader lifted his eyes briefly to meet Obi-Wan's own, flashing him a quick grin.

Obi-Wan returned the gesture and gave a reassuring squeeze to Vader's thigh. He could not allow himself to fail, not this time. He would succeed or die trying. For both their sakes.

Because if this bond could truly save them, then nothing in this universe could stop him from destroying anyone who stood in their way. Not Palpatine, not the Empire, not even the damned Force itself.

They would survive this. They would endure. And eventually, he would return to Anakin what was rightfully his.

Even if he had to destroy the galaxy to do it.

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