«The King And His Oblivious H...

Από Nico-00

48.8K 3.4K 701

Wei Ying knew that a normal office worker like his husband should not be able to afford a Tesla. He had just... Περισσότερα

«Authors note»
«Pick A God And Pray»
«Lan Wei Wuxian, is it?»
«A vacation? can we afford something like that? »
«The Lan's only love once. What makes you think they let go»
«Will He?»
«Taking A Trip Is The New Running Away»
«Don't Try To Escape»
«An Entitled Emperor And His Army Of Fools»
«Where Letting Go Isn't An Option»
«Lying Is In Fashion, Didn't You Know?»
«It's Your Royal Highness»
«A Life Where Running Isn't An Option Anymore»
«Hatred Precedes Love»
«Not Too Smart? Or Too Smart?»
«I Still Love You»
«Living A Lie Is The New Normal»
«The Past Meets The Present »
An apology
«Just A Delusion»
«An Ideal World That Doesn't Exist»
«A Paradox»

«Wei Ying Just Wants A Kiss»

1K 81 12
Από Nico-00

Wei Ying didn't expect that he would be back to square one so soon.

When he was told that his husband was trying to bring back execution, he simply assumed that he was in a room; all by himself probably making calls. Wei Ying knew that he wasn't the smartest bulb in the box when it came to politics. So he never assumed the worst of it.

Usually, the monarch would only have to give the royal assent for a bill to be passed. The monarchs never really had any rights to influence or change the laws of the government. But, this was different. Wei Ying never realized that the monarchy worked differently in different countries where it still existed.

And, the Lan's might just be the last of their kind to exist who can overthrow the government and declare absolute monarchy. Though that was far from happening, Lan WangJi and his intentions made anything seem possible.

He no longer tried to escape from the monarchy, nor did he try to put an end to it. It was quite the opposite, Lan WangJi was now an active participant in every decision that was made in the parliament. He had taken full control of everything unofficially and nobody no longer knew if it was for the best or for the worst.

As Wei Ying walked along with Song Lan to see what Lan Zhan was up to Madam Lan had finally noticed who had been closely following her. Wei Wuxian was trailing her looking as if he had a million questions to ask her. And, all she could think of was only one thing.

' He's a bit clingy.', Qingheng said looking at the three-year-old with amusement in his eyes.

Behind his amusement was a small boy, barely reaching up to his knees, who now clung onto his wife's legs. It was truly an adorable sight to behold. The boy had no trouble wrapping himself around her leg and remain steady as she walked.

' I don't mind.', She said looking at the kid who was currently grinning at her with his two front teeth sticking out.

' He wants to see the crown.', She said and also noticed someone closely trailing them from behind.

She smiled, 'So I will show it to him.'

Behind them, trailed her very young son who looked at her with what she could only assume was disapproval in his eyes.

"Aren't you a bit overdressed?", She asked Wei Ying who looked at her with annoyance in his eyes. He didn't realize that she was being sarcastic when she pointed out how he was dressed.

"It's not like I'm going to see the president now.", He said not caring for how he was dressed. He hardly even noticed things anymore.

"Are you sure about that?", Qingheng asked with a smile on his face. Wei Ying had automatically assumed that he was sarcastic with his comment.

"Why should I even bother? It's not like I go around wearing a crown.", Wei Ying shot back. It was a weak attempt at a comeback, Wei Ying knew that too.

"We don't wear a crown wherever we go.", Madam Lan stopped in her tracks and looked at Wei Ying who currently didn't seem to realize the impact his words had on the people around him. Song Lan looked shocked, as shocked as Xue Yang did at that very moment.

"I've only worn the crown once in my life. So has everybody else in this family.", She didn't have the heart to scold Wei Wuxian, nor the time to explain why his words were received with so much offense by everybody else.

"If we are lucky this time around, your husband might be the only person who wears it more than once.", If he lived any longer for a second time to occur. Or if Wei Wuxian lived long enough to see that happen. She didn't expect much to come out of it.

"Am I supposed to be scared?", Wei Ying asked laughing at the words she had put so gently almost as if it was a warning that he was supposed to heed.

"Depends.", She said blankly and continued to walk leaving him behind.

Wei Ying watched her walk away and noticed the shocked looks that he received from the army of bodyguards that followed her from behind.

"Come quick.", Song Lan signaled him to follow and Wei Ying shrugged it off and caught up with them.

The more he walked the more he saw how Madam Lan interacted with others when she was angry. Her anger resembled how Lan Zhan looked when he used to get angry. Her questions were point-blank. She didn't try to be friendly with her words, nor was she ruthless. Something about her anger was unpleasant which made you fear living up to the day to see it for yourself.

They finally came to a stop a few minutes later in front of a huge door that went all the way up to the ceiling. Wei Ying remembered seeing one of these doors which led to the floor where Wei Ying's room. Wei Ying still couldn't figure out the way out of the floor, he was always led by someone whom Lan WangJi or Madam Lan sent.

The door was opened by Xue Yang and Madam Lan was the first to walk inside the brightly lit room. Wei Ying swore he heard more than just one person's voice behind the door.

"You were right.", Song Lan said reminding him of something which Wei Ying couldn't even think of as he realized just how fucked he was.

"The president isn't here today.", He said leading him inside and Wei Ying found himself frozen and stuck to the ground. Anxiety coursed through his veins when he realized that it wasn't just one or two people behind the door.

"Half the parliament is.", Song Lan added welcoming him inside a room that was so grand that he didn't it was right to call it a room. This place could fit an entire zoo inside of it and still not run out of any space.

From the center of the room hung a grand chandelier which looked simple yet so expensive that Wei Ying was suddenly more interested in the vast wealth that the Lan's had accumulated over the years.

All the sounds that the crowd made which compiled together made no sense came to a stop. And, suddenly everything was silent. In front of him sat the most powerful men and women of the parliament, and perhaps even the entire country.

He noticed the long rectangular table in front of him which was so big that for his eyes it looked never-ending. At the very end, sat his husband who had just noticed his presence inside the hall.

He was the last to stand choosing not to give his mother or his father the respect that the rest of the people present in the now deathly silent room did. He only stood up when he saw Wei Ying standing behind his mother.

"Your Highness.", They said bowing down in unison at the sight of Madam Lan and Qingheng-Jun.

Wei Ying silently took a step back, he knew that this wasn't good for his anxiety. Everybody who had been around him for the last few weeks knew that too. And, yet they watched him dig his own grave.

People looked at him with surprise in their eyes, he couldn't see anything other than malice and an odd interest of sorts in their eyes hidden behind their eyes. He recognized Jin Guangshan first and oddly enough he seemed to recognize him too.

Jin Guangshan was Jin Zixuan's father, Jin Guangyao was the bastard son that Wei Ying knew that he had. Jiang Yanli, his ex-sister was married to Jin Zixuan, the marriage happened in a hurry because neither of the families wished for the world to know that they were going to have a child out of wedlock.

It was all that he knew about the Jin family, minus the little information that Jin Guangyao gave him just this morning. He never knew that a man as influential as Jin Guangshan would also be a part of the parliament of all the things in this world that he could have chosen to ruin.

"Where are you going your Highness?", Xue Yang asked catching him in the act of leaving by taking very few steps.

"I'm a bit overdressed, aren't I?", Wei Ying asked trying to lighten up the atmosphere. He chuckled nervously hiding his shaky hands behind his back. He made sure that Xue Yang looked at his messy hair that stood static like he was about to get struck by a lightning.

Xue Yang smiled at him and Wei Ying had never once wanted to punch the living daylights out of someone this hard before.

"I think it's quite the opposite really.", Xue Yang pointed out at his outfit to prove a point. He wasn't wrong with it either.

Wei Ying was anything but overdressed, and as he took note of the clothes that he wore at the very moment he couldn't help but agree with Madam Lan inside of his head.

He was dressed in a knitted baby blue sweater which he knew was old by just the looks of it. His pant wasn't even his, he had grown out of his pants just a week ago and had to begrudgingly borrow one from Lan Zhan. When he looked down at his feet he wanted to chuckle at the sight of his crocs that weren't even the color.

"When the fuck did this happen.", Wei Ying muttered under his breath taking another look at his crocs. He swore he owned only one pair and it was red in color, and neither of them was red. They were white and gray and Wei Ying almost concluded that he was colorblind.

"Weren't you about to help us?", Madam Lan asked turning around to catch Wei Ying in the act of leaving. She looked at him with interest in her eyes almost as if she anticipated for him to do something and stop her son from forcing the government to pass the bill which would legalize execution.

"Is that your husband your Highness?", One of the older woman asked making Madam Lan snap out of concentration and turn around to see who it was.

Wei Ying could already feel himself losing control over his legs. This wasn't what he expected, he blamed himself for putting himself in this situation.

"Scared?", Xue Yang asked looking at him with a snug look like the asshole he was. He knew and so did everybody else, they knew that Wei Ying could not stand being in a crowd and Song Lan had led him here anyway. He stopped himself from blaming anybody else, it was him, he was the one who said that he wasn't going to take no for an answer this time and that he could stop whatever Lan Zhan was trying to do.

"It'll be your legs next time.", Wei Ying said smiling back at him hiding his fear masterfully. Xue Yang looked at him with amusement and came closer.

"I will break your legs the next time I see you.", Wei Ying said once again making it clear to him that he wasn't going to spare him once he gets out of here.

"That really scares me.", Xue Yang retorted back with a grin.

Xue Yang expected a punch, or even Wei Ying trying to break his legs in front of everybody in the room.

"I'm going to throw up."

It was the last thing that he expected Wei Ying to say. Xue Yang choked on his spit and looked at Wei Ying with doubtful eyes.

To his horror Wei Ying did look like he was going to throw up, worse he looked like he was about to pass out.

"What?", He asked hoping he heard everything right.

"He's going to throw up.", Song Lan repeated it so that he knew what was happening.

"I don't like him.", Wei Ying whispered shakily. He remembered everything about Jin Guangshan one by one and it wasn't the most pleasant feeling ever given how he felt like his entire body was shutting down one by one.

Jin Guangshan was a disgusting man and everything related to him only made things worse for him.

"Who? Jin Guangshan?", Xue Yang whispered back. If it was Jin Guangshan who he didn't like then it would explain a lot. Nobody liked that old hag, not even Madam Lan. Now that he looked at Madam Lan who looked more displeased than ever, he understood that Jin Guangshan was likely the reason behind her anger.

Jin Guangshan and Madam Lan had been rivals for decades. And, the public did not know the reason for it nor did the people who worked for the Lan's.

"Explains, your sister did marry his son.", Xue Yang whispered back with his face scrunched up.

"She is not my sister.", Wei Ying said with gritted teeth. In this lifetime, or in any other lifetime, he wasn't going to claim those people as his family.

"Alright I'm sorry.", Xue Yang apologized noticing the change in Wei Ying's behavior. He assumed that he had pressed a nerve that nobody had done before.

Everybody else whispered among themselves and the noise was once again back. Wei Ying couldn't help but think that all of them wanted him dead.

It reminded him of Yu Ziyuan, it reminded him of what she did. And, he didn't know if he would ever be able to move on.

' It's alright. Let them watch. It's not like they will do anything to save you.'

It's what she would say before she whipped him in front of all the workers in the Jiang manor. With every strike the pain only increased, it felt as if fire hungrily lapped up his wounds that had yet to heal.

Lan WangJi gave the woman a one-word answer and noticed the hesitation in Wei Ying's eyes.

"I hear that congratulations are in order!", Jin Guangshan looked at Wei Ying with a huge grin that looked nothing short of malice. Everything about Jin Guangshan gave him a million different reasons to not associate with him. And, that came from just seeing him from afar. But, right now everything was surreal, he was standing within a close proximity and his eyes were trained on him with a disgusting smile.

"You must be Wei Wuxian.", He said walking towards him. Wei Ying took a step back and the next thing he knew Madam Lan pushed him behind her and stood in front of him almost as if it was her attempt at protecting him.

If there was anything that he knew about the Lan's it was that when the queen moved so did all her pawns. It wasn't how chess worked, but he knew that it was exactly how it worked in the Lan Family.

And, all of a sudden they had their guns out and had it pointed at Jin Guangshan's direction. It was the only thing that they were advised against.

"Don't come any closer.", Someone advised Jin Guangshan when they realized that the chances of him being obliterated by an army of bullets were higher than he thought because not even the guns pointed at him seemed to make him stop.

Anybody, and it did not matter how high their position in the family was, was not allowed to carry arms around the crown prince's husband. And, they had just broken the only rule that they were supposed to follow. It was all because of one woman. And, Wei Ying for once didn't think that her intentions were bad.

She just wanted to protect him. As the realisation slowly hit her she looked more terrified than angry. He would have laughed if he wasn't finding it hard to breathe.

' Kneel.', She threatened pointing the gun at him.

'This time around nobody will help you.', She snickered. Wei Ying finally noticed the malice in her eyes that he had failed to notice for years.

She was going to shoot him and there was nobody in this place who was going to help him.

"Hey, Are you alright?", Xue Yang asked putting the gun down for a few seconds when he saw Wei Wuxian losing balance. Things only got worse from there, as Wei Ying's eyes fell on his pistol he was taken back to the very moment when his life went downhill.

He didn't he could see properly or hear anybody speaking any longer. All he knew was that seconds before everything went down he had already disconnected from everything.

He was back to square one. It was like starting from level one in a game that he had worked hard in.

He was dying of pain unable to even cry any longer because he feared that he might bleed out of his wound if he did. It was raining and his body was heating up, every inch of his body burned making him feel as if he was burning in hell.

For the few seconds or so he snapped back to reality he could no longer feel his left hand. It was numb. He couldn't move his hand nor did he feel even the tiniest speckle of a sensation.

He tried to remain calm even though he knew that he no longer behaved like it. He blinked his eyes and tried to clench his hands but nothing was of avail.

He opened his eyes and he was back where he was. He was bleeding out and hoped that Lan Zhan would appear out of nowhere like he usually did to help him out of trouble.

He remembered praying then and he mirrored his actions from when he was a teenager now. And, he only hoped that Lan Zhan would be there for him when he opened his eyes. Like he was when he had nowhere to go to, when he had lost hopes in humanity realising that nobody was going to help him. Not even the woman who he thought was his sister. Not the man who picked him up from the orphanage to raise him. Not even the people who saw him bleeding out when he stumbled across the rainy streets to get help.

He didn't believe in god any longer. And, it was that exact moment when he stopped believing.

"Is he going into a cardiac arrest?", Xue Yang asked nudging Song Lan's shoulder. For someone who claimed to hate him the most out of everybody else, he was the only one who had the guts to keep on asking the ticking time bomb questions over and over again to make sure that he was fine even though now it was confirmed that he clearly wasn't fine.

"You must be out of your mind.", Song Lan retorted back only after checking to see if Wei Wuxian was still responding.

"Get out of my way.", Song Lan instantly moved out of his way and realized that it was just him and Xue Yang who had forgotten to notice Lan WangJi standing in front of them.

Wei Ying was already touching his knees unable to stand any longer.

"Put your weapons away.", Lan WangJi didn't need to say it twice. Another look from the queen and they knew that they had to put it away.

In an instant he was by his husband's side and knelt without saying anything to help him, "Wei Ying.", he said, his voice barely heard.

It was like Lan WangJi had been unraveling the entire time that he had been here. He was showing sides of his that nobody had ever seen before. And, Song Lan was surprised to see that this side of him existed. He did not think that Lan WangJi and Wei Wuxian had a good relationship, or even close to a normal one.

But, he had been easily proven wrong.

This man loved his husband. So much so that he was willing to overthrow the monarchy and leave it in the ruins.

"I see that this is not the right time.", Jin Guangshan smiled looking at the guards who had their guns pointed at his head just a few seconds ago. Xue Yang felt a shiver go down his spine at the sight of the smile that he had on his face.

"Yes, it isn't.", Madam Lan said coldly.

"Fuck this senile old man.", He cursed under his breath forgetting that Lan WangJi was right next to him holding his husband.

It took a few more minutes than they had thought for Wei Wuxian to get better. Song Lan couldn't help but feel bad for how things had turned out. He was tasked to protect Wei Wuxian and do whatever it takes to keep him alive and safe.

According to Madam Lan, even if the monarchy had fallen; Wei Wuxian and her sons should be alive and breathing.

It left him curious. It made him wonder why Wei Wuxian was such a vital part of her life. So much so that she was willing to let him get away with anything that he did.

Even his husband never talked about Wei Wuxian, he only ever said that he felt bad for him and only remembered him from his childhood. He didn't blame him. Xiao Xingchen had a tough childhood, if he did not want to talk about it then he was fine with it. Down the road, if he wanted to open up about his past with Wei Wuxian, then he would be more than willing to hear. But, right now; he was going to find his own answers


Wei Ying woke up the next day to the sunshine blinding his eyes and a fever that was likely killing him. The splittling headache did him no justice either.

"Shut the curtain please.", He said groggily and hid under the sheets to protect his eyes. He hoped someone was in the room like always, the people inside the compound were tired of finding him when he wandered off somewhere aimlessly. Especially at nights, it was harder to find Wei Wuxian at nights. People found him sitting in the garden staring at nothing, it made them grow even more scared of him.

Scared because no matter how many times his room changed, Wei Wuxian always found his way to the flower garden. Even in the middle of the night when even the workers who had been here for years had a hard time getting to places.

"Alright.", And, with that the curtains closed. Wei Ying sighed in relief and poked his head out of the sheets. Now he could sleep relieved knowing that the sun wasn't trying to blind him, also with the fact that there was a woman sitting right in front of him staring at the news like his husband did.

It was mostly Lan WangJi who would be sitting in front of him, on the couch waiting for him to wake up. It was either him or nobody else. Lan WangJi wasn't a frequent guest anymore given how he had made it plenty clear to him that he wasn't going to escape.

If it wasn't Lan WangJi, and if it wasn't even a woman. Then who could it be?

"Fuck!", Wei Ying screamed feeling chills down his spine. It wasn't every day when he woke up to Madam Lan sitting right in front of him. This had never once happened before.

"Refrain from cursing.", That's all she said before she turned back to watch the news.

"What are you doing here?!", Wei Ying asked hiding his body with the blanket forgetting that he had indeed fallen asleep completely clothed. He did things when he was scared, he thought that this was definitely a new one.

"Refrain from screaming.", Madam Lan said patiently. She reminded him of Lan Zhan. He hated noise and also his habit of cursing.

"I am not here to hurt you.", She said standing up from the chair she sat to show him that she carried no weapons with her. It was not visible to Wei Wuxian's eyes at least.

"Fuck.", Wei Ying breathed back falling back down on the pillow. His fever was bad, so bad that it didn't prevent him from staying up for too long.

"What happened last night?", Wei Ying asked. He only remembered that he didn't embarrass himself by passing out.

"You walked yourself back to your room.", She said as if it was the truth. Maybe it was the truth. But, Madam Lan did hide a lot of it. It was up to Wei Wuxian if he wanted to remember how he got to his room or not.

"That's fantastic.", Wei Ying muttered under his breath knowing that something was wrong.

"Oh, shit.", And, he finally remembered.

It didn't take long for the people inside the room to realize that something was wrong with the crown prince's partner. The only intelligent thing to do would be to leave.

Under Lan WangJi's orders, almost half of the room was made to evacuate under a minute. But, Jin Guangshan stayed. Wei Ying couldn't give a damn about his presence.

Wei Ying was spiraling right now and it didn't matter what the repercussions of this was. Anything related to the Lan's was a big deal for the world. From the clothes they wore to the brand of tea they used. People were too eager to know everything about the Lan's and they consumed anything that they got to hear about them and made it their reality.

If they heard that their new son-in-law had created a scene in front of many important people; then Wei Ying knew a word or two of what people would declare him. A retard was definitely one of the few things he will be known as.

He didn't think about it longer than a few seconds. All he could think of was how he was in Lan WangJi's arms and it helped him.

"She isn't here." It made Wei Ying feel safe. It had been many years already, and he couldn't move on. Not anymore now that things had come to this. He was forced to reminisce about the past even though he desperately wanted to run away from it.

"You are safe with me.", It made him want to hug Lan WangJi even harder. His words would fall like rocks on his head the first few times he tried to comfort him. Lan WangJi really did do his best, Wei Ying may have hated him now. But, he did know that his husband did his best to comfort him when he was recovering.

He knew that it was the best he could give him as a sense of comfortability. And, Wei Ying loved every ounce of it.

"I'm done.", Wei Ying snapped out of it after a few Seconds. He blinked his tears away and pulled away from the hug. He wasn't harsh when he let go of Lan Zhan's hands but he could see how hurt he was when he let go.

"You don't look fine.", He recognised that voice as Nie Huaisang's.

"I'm fine.", Wei Ying said once again not looking at him in the eye. Nie Huaisang knew how one of these went, Wei Ying usually blacked out for a few minutes or had a full-blown panic attack. This was not how it usually went. And, Wei Ying did not look fine.

"Go away.", Wei Ying asked the people who would've stopped him from walking away any further they moved away when Lan WangJi also took a step back giving up.

"Thanks.", Wei Ying said and walked away. He didn't bother looking at anybody that he had left behind.

After not walking for even a minute he found Lan WangJi trailing his steps from behind.

"What do you want?", Wei Ying asked silently. He did not want to get angry at him. Lan WangJi didn't deserve it, not today at least.

"You are not fine, Wei Ying.", He stopped once again and maintained a fine distance between him and Wei Ying.

"Please let me help you.", He requested looking at Wei Ying with a solemn expression.

Wei Ying didn't seem to be bothered by his request, he barely looked put together as he walked outside of the room.

"You've done enough. Just go back to do whatever you were doing.", Wei Ying waved it off and walked once again.

"Please just listen to me this once.", Lan Zhan asked and continued to follow him.

"I don't want to.", Wei Ying retorted back.

He knew that Lan Zhan was still walking behind him. No matter what, it was hard to ignore his presence. For starters, Lan Zhan was tall and one could barely hear his breathing. It was like being stalked by a light pole that moved when he did.

Wei Ying then again did what he was the best at, he started walking faster. And soon enough he realised Lan Zhan was still keeping up with his steps.

He was starting to grow annoyed at how this man was trailing him from behind like he was a puppy. It made him want to scream at him and tell him how much he despised him for his actions.

Wei Ying knew that it wasn't a good day to do so. He was the one at fault for walking inside a room with a hundred people and then freak out at the sight of guns. He remained happy at the fact that at least his reaction hadn't been as bad as it used to be.

Though he could feel the aftereffects of it catching up with him, he felt content knowing that he hadn't made Lan WangJi feel embarrassed of him. It didn't matter at what everything had come to. Somewhere in his mind he still knew that he loved him. And, he would for the rest of his life, and even though he hadn't received a proper answer for all of this; he knew that he would continue to love him forever.

"Stop following me.", Wei Ying requested. He couldn't bear it any longer than this.

"What do you want from me?", Wei Ying asked on the verge of pulling his hair apart.

Wei Ying walked faster than before, his room was right around the corner, and if he got there faster then he wouldn't have to face him.

Fate must have hated Wei Ying. Because at that moment when he slipped on the carpet and proceeded to fall head first, he was not willing to let the floor welcome his body. Falling down hurt, it would hurt him a lot more if something happened to his baby.

He didn't want Lan WangJi to hold him in his arms either.

Wei Ying decided that he couldn't have it all.

"Fuck.", Wei Ying breathed out heavily realizing that he had been saved. He opened his eyes to see Lan Zhan breathing down his neck, he still stood tall and proper unlike him who was currently dangling in his arms.

"You have a fever.", Lan WangJi felt just how warm Wei Ying's body was and realized soon enough that he was burning up.

"Damn it.", Wei Ying softly cursed under his breath. The concern in Lan Zhan's eyes looked too real.

Wei Ying let Lan Zhan help him stand straight and he pulled him down by his collar so that they could be face to face.

Lan Zhan didn't look surprised, he didn't look as though he knew Wei Ying would do this either.

"You want this.", Wei Ying rasped out before he pressed his lips on Lan Zhan's. He drew Lan Zhan closer and kissed him without a care.

When he felt Lan Zhan's hands trail down his back and stop on his waist he expected to be pushed away. It was the opposite of what he expected, Lan Zhan kissed him back and pulled him closer by wrapping his hands around his waist.

He could only feel the warmth that he radiated and didn't notice his legs moving by themselves along with Lan Zhan's. He wanted this. And for the first time in weeks, he couldn't bring himself to hate the man he married.

He was melting into the kiss and his mind screamed at him to not let him go, it asked him to keep holding onto him.

Even as he ran out of breath Lan WangJi continued to kiss him like it was the end of the world.

Maybe it was the fever that made his thoughts go invalid. Wei Ying couldn't let that bother him at that moment. That was until Lan Zhan pulled away.

For the awkward second when Lan Zhan looked at him as if he didn't know what to do Wei Ying knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Go away no-"

Lan WangJi crashed his lips against his not even a second after and Wei Ying almost cried out when he was picked off the ground and get carried inside of his room.

From afar watched Madam Lan standing alongside Xue Yang and Song Lan who were slightly horrified at what they just had to register. Madam Lan looked impassive as she always did, except she looked away when she knew that she had to. The other two didn't.

"Oh, wow.", Xue Yang almost stuttered out.

He had just watched two people make out with each other. And, it wasn't just any two people. It was the crown prince and his husband who hated him (Probably). He wasn't so sure about the hate part anymore.

"Oh, look at that now.", Xue Yang whispered out so that only Song Lan could hear him. Song Lan glared at him and pointed at Madam Lan who was now looking at him.

Xue Yang gave her an awkward smile and flinched when the door was slammed shut.

"Get back to work.", She said and it didn't take Xue Yang and Song Lan another word to run away from there.

"Fuck.", Wei Ying cursed louder this time. This was embarrassing. If she sat in front of him with not even a speckle of emotion on her face then she knew something, Wei Ying was now convinced that she had seen him kissing Lan Zhan.

"Stop cursing.", She said repeating herself once again. Wei Ying only groaned in return. There was no way that he was going to listen to her.

Wei Ying didn't know what to do with her sitting right in front of him. He couldn't bring himself to watch the news, the last time he did he saw his face everywhere. He saw pictures of himself that he had never once seen before. He turned it off before it got worse.

The Jiang cooperation stocks have fallen! At an all-time high of 14%!

"What are you doing here?", Wei Ying asked her again after having grown irritated with her sitting silently and do nothing.

Are they headed towards bankruptcy? Keep watching for more informati-

Wei Ying turned the television off before the news segment could continue. Madam Lan looked at him with nothing in her eyes and remained unmoving from her seat. It was starting to play with his head, Wei Ying found himself freaking out over how silent she remained.

"I heard that you were sick."

"So I came to visit.", She admitted without a second thought.

"Why are you doing this?", Wei Ying asked sitting upright to which Madam Lan didn't react.

"I was concerned.", She said calmly.

Wei Ying laughed at her answer, "You did the same thing yesterday. You've been doing this for a long time haven't you?"

"Do what?", She remembered how she had pushed him behind her when Jin Guangshan approached him which caused everything to turn explosive.

"Pretend to care. I've seen a lot of people do this when they feel guilty.", Wei Ying said as he reached for the glass of water by his side.

"I don't pretend to care.", She argued back quickly. Wei Ying realized that he may have pressed a nerve with his comments.

"Are you angry?", Wei Ying asked. He didn't think that it would be this easy.

"Or are you guilty?", Wei Ying asked noting the change in her behavior.

Madam Lan stood up and walked towards the door having had enough of the way Wei Wuxian talked to her.

"Wait a minute!", Wei Ying called her out making her stop before she could make her way out.

"Someone told me that the Lan's have a curse."

"A curse that kills people close to them.", Wei Ying did not look the least interested in what he spoke. He only wanted her to give him the answers that he needed.

"Do you think that it killed my parents too?"

Zhou Yue wanted to scream.


Sorry for the trash writing. This is probably the best I can give. Did you like this chapter? Hope you did.

If you like this story you can also support my fics on my Kofi account!


See ya!

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