Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)

By NovaFornax

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Dracoria: A New World (Book 1) Story Description: The story revolves around a woman from earth named Ashley S... More

Story Details
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: Distant Emergence
Chapter 3: Visions
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: A Uncle's Message
Chapter 6: Preparations
Chapter 7: Entering the Portal
Chapter 8: A New World
Chapter 9: A New Town
Chapter 10: A Taste of America
Chapter 11: The Meeting with the King
Chapter 12: Choosing a Master
Chapter 13: The Eye
Chapter 14: First Tasks
Chapter 15: Imprisonment
Chapter 16: Echoes of Genesis
Chapter 17: Kidnapped
Chapter 18: Verax's Vengeance
Chapter 19: A Second Chance
Chapter 20: Peaceful Day and a Mystery
Chapter 21: A New Home
Characters of the Story: [From Chapter 1 to 21]
Chapter 22: Exploring
Chapter 23: Unknown Facility
Chapter 24: The Change of Laws
Chapter 25: Draconic Tyranny
Chapter 26: American Bloodshed
Chapter 27: Plans for a New Kingdom
Chapter 28: Silah's Encounter
Chapter 29: Foundation of a New Kingdom
Chapter 30: Project Genesis
Chapter 31: Days of Training
Chapter 32: Freeing Sidney Village
Chapter 33: Drexath's Treason
Chapter 34: Love and Binding
Chapter 35: Facilities
Chapter 36: Mysteries of the Precursors
Chapter 37: Destiny
Chapter 38: Krex's and Sarah Marriage
Chapter 39: Sarah's training
Chapter 40: The Forest Guardian
Chapter 41: Amilda's Master
Characters of the story: [Chapter 20 to 41]
Chapter 42: Xantarian Attack
Chapter 43: Dragon Rider Training
Chapter 44: Arc Magic Bound
Chapter 45: Locking
Chapter 46: Protonic Rise
Chapter 48: Remnants

Chapter 47: Starfall

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By NovaFornax

Planet Dracoria / Worldwide / Evening / Starfall

After the destruction we all have witnessed, danger is about to happen and we saw the cannons retracting and the platform as it submerged back to the waters safely. One hour passed and we were talking with the Queen of the city about allegiance with our Kingdom.

Queen Isa: I truly agree with these terms King! Im so glad theres at least some friendly dragons out there in our world that care for our kind.

King Verax: I use to be very repulsive and rebellious against humans before my Queen... but it was for several reasons, ive moved on and changed my stance. My kind can change their stance too and overcome from their old ways and become a new person like I did. Now I care for my humans citizens.

Queen Isa: It always please to hear dragons like you saying stuff like this, I use to think your kind were evil as a child, but I was wrong after we met with the Sea Kingdom.

King Verax: I use to say the same with your kind too and I was too wrong about that my Queen.... You see, you and I we had similar past views and we both overcome it and changed.

Queen Isa: Yes! Yes! We do! (Chuckled) Im glad we are somewhat the same!

King Verax: (Draconic chuckled) We are. Well, I guess you and I we are on a agreement with our allegiance, right?

Queen Isa: Oh we do my King! (Raised her hand to hand shake him) Your terms are acceptable!

King Verax: (Looks at her hand and smiles and proceed to hold it wrapping her hand completely)

Everyone clapped and cheered as we have established a new alliance with the human kingdom of Winterland. It marks a historic day for them and us. Then disaster is about to happen but was predictable....


Ashley: (Looks up and see hundreds of meteors) Guys!! We need to move!!

Varath: (Looks up) Gods!! King!!

King Verax: (Looks up) We need to move now!! (Looks at Queen) Your people must seek shelter now!

Queen Isa: Yes!! Everyone take cover!! Daughter come with me!! (Everyone scattered around to take shelter in their homes)

King Verax: Allies!! Lets head back home quick and be care--- (Sounds of a meteor falling and crashed)

A Meteorite had fallen and impacted a building nearby collapsing it and everyone is screaming in terror.


King Verax: EVERYONE GO!! GO!! GO!! (All dragons started leaving and Ashley mount on him quick and took off)

It was a nightmare, Starfall as I call this. We were flying and we can see nothing but hundreds of meteors falling from the skies from small to medium. Several rushing us as I was evading and dodging them. Some are crashing in buildings and collapsing it and some crashing in the waters in the bay.

King Verax: (Flapping wings hard and flying fast and dodging meteorites)

Ashley: (Holding on his neck hard) Come on you can do it!!

King Verax: Theres hundreds of them!! Everyone we need to return back home!!

As we are flying fast away from the kingdom of Winterland, the meteors are continue crashing below us and more continue falling from the skies and from the distant horizon we can also see thousands of falling stars like meteors falling in the distance.

Krex: (Dodging meteorites) These things can kill someone!!

Varath: (Dodging too) All we need to do is praying to the gods that we come alive!!

Mirnevir: (Dodging too) Im so worried about Amilda!

King Verax: I hope everyone is safe in our home! Keep dodging these things!!

This is a global catastrophe as all around our world experienced these fragments. As for Firewall Kingdom, it was one of the few nations that got really badly affected by this. The dragons scattered around the cannons as they saw hundreds of meteorites falling from the skies and crashing in every direction.

Xyrath: (Scared flying fast from the meteors) KING!! WHATS OUR PLAN!?


About that..... One meteorite crashed on the massive citadel, and it destroyed a large part of the structure, now half of the citadel is collapsed.

Caralex: NO!!


Federith: LETS HEAD TO MY HO----(A decent size meteor hit him and killed him)

King Draco: FEDERITH!! NOOO!!!!


Vurkas: Kid.... You literally aren't paying attention.... Those cannons have saved our world from a rock that was going to destroy us all but of course these are the remains of that rock.

Xyrath: I DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!! THIS HAS TO BE AN ATTACK AGAINST AAGH!!! (Got hit by a small meteor on his back and injured him badly)


Xyrath: Im.... Im fine!! I can keep up!!

More meteors continues to crash into the city capital and crashing on top of buildings and another one crashed on the Citadel and this time the ancient structure got completely demolished as the dragons that was perching around all fly to avoid from getting caught up from the collapse, they all took off and the Citadel is now history and large fragments are impacting the city leaving large craters and setting fire its proximity. Many dragons around in the skies are also getting killed from the meteors.

In our home is also getting devastated, many people are seeking shelters and meteors are crashing on waters and the Islets. The meteor shower continues and Silah is also dodging and evading the meteors.

Alvir: Mom!! Whats going on!!?

Silah: (Flying fast and making sudden moves as she is dodging meteors) Starfall!! These are Falling Stars!! I never seen anything like this ever Aaagh!!! (One exploded near her)

Alvir: MOM!?!

Silah: (Continues flying) Im good!! Im good!! Hold tight sweetheart!! (Flying fast and dodging more of them)

She is also seeing hundreds of fragments crashing down in all directions around her. As for the Overseer, he is calling his Custodian to inform what is happening.

Elvan: (Hand clasped on his back) As I predicted my Custodian.... I knew this would happen.

Sarayah: There was no other choice, I knew too that this was a huge possibility. But hey I prefer a meteor shower than a whole massive rock destroying all life on our world don't you think?

Elvan: I agree, lets hope the damage that these fragments will leave behind is minimum. The cannons did their job now.

More meteors continue to fall but the intensity is diminishing now and is mostly small pieces of fragments but still doing damage below.

King Verax: (Continues dodging and making sudden moves) Girl are you alright!?

Ashley: Im good..... Im going to get nausea!

King Verax: No! don't throw up on me!! Can you hold it??

Ashley: I... I can!! Just keep going!! (One fragment exploded near them) Shit!!

King Verax: Come on people!! We can make it!!

Syleth: (Looks down and see a cavern large enough for them) I see a large cavern!! Over there in the forest!!

Varath: Lets head there now!! (He proceed to head there)

We all followed Varath and heading to the cavern that we see on the surface of the forest below us while more rocks keep crashing but some are exploding by the entrance of the cavern like they are hitting a barrier or something. We proceed to enter the cavern and landed and theres a large forest down there and we look up and the rocks are hitting an invisible barrier by the entrance.

King Verax: (Breathing for air and looks at everyone) Everyone okay??

Ashley: (Dismounting and collapses to the ground)

Sarah: Gods! Ashley!?

Krex: (Concerned) Girl!! Are you alright?!

King Verax: (Checking on Ashley as he is holding her and lowered his head close to her) Do you need help?

Ashley: (Coughing) I.... I need to stay still! (Nauseous)

Varath: Is she alright King??

King Verax: (Holding by her back) She's having nauseas.... You all stay here. Ill remain with her.

Sarah: Well if she needs something let us know.

King Verax: Ill take care of her. You all rest until the shower of meteors stops.

Ashley: Im feeling somewhat better..... Somewhat.

King Verax: Ashley, rest here with me. (He laid down to rest)

Ashley: (Went to use his front arms rest in there)

King Verax: Now stay here until you are feeling better...

Ashley: Your evasive maneuvers made me sick...

King Verax: I know it did but it save us.

Syleth: (Looking up) I wonder how this cave is generating that barrier?

Then a young male voice came in and sounded.

"Welcome to our home guys!!"

Sarah: (Recognized the voice) Wait!! Is that Jaime!? Jaime is that you!?!

"Sarah!! You here too!?!"

Krex: Is that one of your friend??

Sarah: Yes!! Jaime come here!!

Then from the Forest, her friend appeared.

Jaime: Sarah....

Sarah: Oh my!! What are you doing here!? And what are those clothes you are wearing!?

He was wearing some green robes with yellow glowing lines around and his face also has some runic lines around his eyes.

Jaime: Well.... Is lot to expla-

Sarah: Wait a moment!? Why you have those glowing lines around your face!? Is that magic!?

Syleth: That's Ancient Forest Magic!! How did you learn this Jaime?!

Jaime: Well! I say I have a great lovely master!! And somewhat I see her like.... Mother to me?

Sarah: Mother?? You got adopted?? I mean you are like what? 17? And your parents died right?

Jaime: Yes and I am! But this one is the sweetest! Gods I love her so much!! Me and her we are protecting these forest!! Im not saying I hate my real parents but I never was treated like the way she is treating me!

Sarah: How exactly?

Jaime: Literally everything I wished my parents did for me. They weren't like the best and you know something they use to be extremely rude with me for no reasons. But she takes care of me so much!

Krex: Is that you who is powering that barrier??

Jaime: Oh that's her!

Varath: And where is she??

Jaime: Shes in her own chamber now!

Syleth: Chamber?? I don't understand, she lives here??

Jaime: Yes! She does!!

Krex: Do humans use to live on caves??

Sarah: Not really but Jaime being in here is weird...

Jaime: Shes not a human....

Sarah: What?? Then what is she?

Jaime: (Chuckled) Anayath!!!

Syleth: Anayath??? That sound more dragon like!!

Anayath: (Appeared from behind the group) Is because I am... (Everyone turned to look at her)

Sarah: WHAT THE!?

Krex: It is me or is that a Forest Dragon!?

Syleth: No you are not wrong Krex! You are a Forest Dragon!?!

King Verax: Forest Dragon!? Where you guys are???

Varath: King!! You need to come to us!!

Jaime: I guess they are shock to see you master!!

Anayath: (Draconic soft chuckled) They really are my disciple!

Sarah: I cant believe this!! You are her student too!!

Jaime: Her apprentice!

King Verax: (Coming from the woods and shocked) Gods!! You look.... Beautiful!! you are really a Forest Dragon!?

Mirnevir: I thought your kind was extinct!!

Anayath: Well im the last Relysian in all Dracoria.....

Drexath: The last Forest Dragon.......

Anayath: I am.... Im ancient if you believe me.

King Verax: How old are you???

Anayath: 300 years old.

Syleth: (Shocked) 300!?

Anayath: Im very old but im the youngest of all my kind after they all died except for me.

King Verax: What happened the rest of your race??

Anayath: My kind died by a dark plague from the Crimson Dominion.... Those scumbags redeemed my species almost to extinction!

Syleth: (Sighed angry) These Elves are getting on my nerves now... We need to find a way to save your species!

Anayath: Maybe we could.... But that's not my primary mission.... My main focus is to protect these forest from Elves.

King Verax: Yes these Elves are getting a problem to deal with.

Anayath: Trust me they deserve nothing but being extinct! If you guys want, you all can stay in here while the meteors pass.

Syleth: That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

All of us decided just to rest in the cavern and we can still see more meteors falling but it was becoming less and less. We decide to spend the night in here until tomorrow.

It was night and after everyone ate dinner, which was fruits and vegs, it was time for us to sleep and the meteors stopped falling, I rest on my left side and Ashley proceed to rest on my arms and sleep as ive wrapped her with my wings. Once she is asleep, she is having a vision and she is seeing a white dragon with white beautiful hair in all of her top body from horns to tail tip staring at her with blue pupils glowing eyes and it's a female. They are on a valley and in the distant horizon, she can see tall buildings like a city of something that looks too modern and too futuristic.

Ashley: (Looks at the dragon) Who are you??

White Dragon: I am the future that you will witness girl.... You are seeing the future of Dracoria, because thanks to you.

Ashley: Thanks to me?? Wait, this is Dracoria?? And what are those buildings??

White House: To answer your first question yes this is thanks to you for everything you have done, you may not know me, but you soon will find out exactly who I am. And to answer your second question, this is Dracoria and not Earth and you are seeing right. That distant city you see its going to be the future capital city of this world, you are seeing Dracoria in terms of your world calendar, the year of 2550 and this will become the capital world of the star nation known as the Prismatic Republic

Ashley: The year 2550!? Prismatic Republic!? This is real!?

White Dragon: Real it is girl.... So much happened in Dracoria that will be remembered thanks to you!

Ashley: What happened to Draco and my friends??

White Dragon: All I can say is you must fight Draco and face him down, without him this world will be a better place! And your friends will be remembered for what they have accomplished in your wars against the past evils.

Ashley: And what about the Dragon and Human relations in this future? Are they still enemies with humanity?

White Dragon: If you continue your path and if you follow your destiny to face down Draco, you will be able to achieve an unusual coexistence between our races and the rest of the others.

Ashley: But this Prismatic Republic.... What exactly are they despite is a nation?

White Dragon: Is a worldwide prosperous unification between all the races in Dracoria, Dragon and Human like. (A portal opened in the skies above them and a massive starship like a big grey and white freighter exited and the portal closes, and the ship is heading to the city)

Ashley: Wait! You are telling me humans and dragons will be a spacefaring civilization eventually?!

White Dragon: If you follow your destiny then yes... There will be several threats you will need to fight off, remember your enemies.... Draco, Makarin and Salyxath...

Ashley: Makarin and Salyxath..... those are two new names I never heard off....

White Dragon: In time you will learn more who those two are. Now is time for you to return back.

Her dreams vanished and when she wakes up it was morning and Syleth and I we started questioning her.

King Verax: Darling are you alright??

Ashley: (Waking up and getting u from Verax's arms) I had a weird dream..... I saw.... I don't know the future?

Syleth: And you said some names that sound very familiar..... Can you explain more?

Ashley: (Concerned) Names?

King Verax: You murmured something about Makarin and what was the other name??

Syleth: Salyxath..... Where did you learn this, Ashley?

Ashley: I saw a White Dragon telling me this are threats we must face from Dracoria after Draco! But who are these people!?

King Verax: You saw the same White Dragon??

Ashley: The same one!!

Syleth: This might be the Dragon Queen Sarah is talking about, but to answer your question Ashley.... Those names are indeed distant threats that we haven't heard from years! Makarin is a powerful High Elve sorcerer that we haven't seen him for over a hundred of years and Salyxath is the worst!!

Ashley: and who is he or she?

Syleth: Salyxath is known as The Dragon Witch by folklore story tale.... She is deep in necromancy! I remember stories of this dragon that manage to destroy entire Kingdoms by raising undead humans and dragons as her own army.

Ashley: Oh no! that sounds terrifying!! We need to face these two now!

Syleth: With how?? And with what?? Makarin cannot be beaten down with normal magic and Salyxath she is almost invincible, and she hasn't been seen for centuries.

Ashley: (Sighed) then I don't know how we are going to defeat them...

King Verax: Girl the only enemy we have to kill is Draco, we cannot wage war against other individuals that we haven't heard about for ages. I don't even know if they are still alive!

Syleth: Agreed!! I have no idea of those two are even still alive after so much silence from them.

Ashley: Well how's the meteors?

Syleth: It stopped... Anayath and I we had a good talk last night! She told me good stories of her previous tribe.

King Verax: I wonder if she feels lonely, like she is the last Forest Dragon in Dracoria!

Syleth: She will figure out if she is interested in finding a mate, but that's not her primary focus now.

King Verax: I hope she saves her kind, she is so beautiful!

Ashley: She looks pretty indeed! So what's our next move?

Syleth: We should head back to our kingdom, but first lets said farewells to her and Jaime.

King Verax: Agree I need to see how our people is doing, lets said goodbyes to her.

The three of us went and call up everyone to get ready for departure and we saw Anayath and Jaime sleeping together.

King Verax: Anayath.

Anayath: (Waking up) Oh King what is it?

King Verax: The group and I we are going to leave now, thank you for the hospitality in giving us this place to spend the night!

Anayath: It was my pleasure King! the meteors finally has passed!

Ashley: We will see again?

Anayath: Maybe! one day we will mee again!

Jaime: Goodbye my friends and goodbye Sarah!

Sarah: See you later Jaime and take care!

After our farewells we proceed to leave the cavern and heading back home, i cannot wait to see what the meteors has done to our home and if my people are safe.

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