I love you, I hate you [MHA l...

By Rose_Romantica

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[!!!!THREE BOOKS IN ONE!!!!!] Book One Summary:Yuko Tanabe feels like she can't trust males around her anymor... More

Book Two-1
Book Two-2
Book Two-3
Book Two-4
Book Two-5
Book Two-6
Book Two-7
Book Two-8
Book Two-9
Book Two-10
Book Three-1
Book Three-2
Book Three-3
Book Three-4
Book Three-5
Book Three-6
Book Three-7
Book Three-8
Book Three-10

Book Three-9

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By Rose_Romantica

It was about two months after Keigo and Yuko had ended up getting together, that Keigo wanted to take Yuko out on a date. While he had lived with her, he had gotten a job offer to be part of the police force which he didn't mind as long as he was still able to go home to Yuko-which he was told he'd be able to do. So on one of his many days off, he chose to literally swoop Yuko off of her feet as she was watering plants outside and flew her to a place where he would take her for a date.

Yuko was taken aback by the fact that he had swept her off of her feet literally. It made her realize that he was going to be rather sneaky about taking her out on dates and such instead of asking her if she wanted to go anywhere. Which was just fine with her. She didn't mind being surprised by things from him, it made her realize just how much he really did care for her.

As she was set down on the ground again Keigo grinned at her. "I hope I didn't startle you babe."

"At first you did, but I'll be fine." Yuko said with a giggle before she looked at where he had taken her. "So is this where we're going for our date?"

"Yep." He said before he opened the door for her. "After you beautiful."

She smiled at him and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you."

Once they both went in, they were seated away from the windows. Yuko and Keigo's orders were taken immediately before the waitress left out. Once they were alone Keigo leaned against the table. "So, it's been two months now. How are you feeling about being with me? Any doubt so far?"

Yuko shook her head no. "no doubt, thankfully the place you work for is nice enough to let me know about your shifts so I know when you're working, what cases you're given and how long you'll be at each case."

"I was told that was going to happen, but I didn't want to believe it. So they actually tell you all that?" Keigo asked curiously

Yuko nodded her head and took her phone out. She showed him all of the messages she got from the chief of police. "I'm friends with the chief of police, Chief Ackerman knows how much I get bad brains, since he was the one who took the case of my parents and so many other disappearing from the city. He had interviewed me and many others about what had happened when we had lost those who we had lost."

"Huh...interesting. I was told by Ackerman that the group that I came with isn't the first group that came here, is that true?"

"I'm not so sure, your group is the first that I've known about. If there are other groups they've really kept that stuff hush-hush." Yuko said with a sigh

Keigo hummed out in thought. "Alright then, guess I'll have to ask Chief Ackerman what he meant by that since he was the one who told me that."

While the two of them talked they both saw a short raven haired male with steel eyes come into the shop. He saw the two of them and went up to them. "So this is where the two of you went off to."

"Ackerman, it's good to see you too." Yuko joked

The male rolled his eyes "Hardy-har-har Tanabe. I need to talk to the two of you about a situation that's come up."

The two of them looked at one another before looking back at the elder male. "Okay what's up boss?" Keigo asked curiously

"There has been two incidents that have happened in the last two months that I've been trying to deal with on my own. But I can't seem to figure out why they've happened."

Yuko moved over on the bench she was on and he sat down by her as he took out his phone and showed them both two different pictures. The first picture was a picture of Ruka hung up by her wrists, burnt to crisps with blood pooling beneath her.

"T-That's Ruka...She has....well had Todoroki Toya. A male who is a villain from the world Keigo is from." Yuko stated looking at the elder male

"Okay interesting to hear about, now here's the second picture."

The second picture was a picture of Missy, she was cuffed to a bed frame. But she looked beaten to death, she had burnt marks on one side of her as the other looked like she had frozen half to death. Yuko's golden eyes widened in utter shock as she covered her mouth.

"T-That's Missy, she had Todoroki Toya's younger brother Todoroki Shoto."

"So they are connected after all then." Ackerman asked

Yuko nodded her head. "Yes, they are. I...I think both of them are going insane. Two months ago I had Infatuated myself with the two of them, one more than the other. I had tested both of them to see if they were even listen to me while I had talked to the two of them. I gave them both three days and equal time to find me in a different place than they knew me to be. I had talked to both of them about the place I am now staying at. The fact that neither one of them even thought to remember that tidbit of information made things easier for me when I broke up with Todoroki Shoto and told both of them to pound salt. It was Keigo who ended up giving them places to have as shelter with Shyla and Ruka." Yuko explained

"I see, interesting to hear. You may be in danger if they killed those girls to get to you Tanabe." Ackerman said seriously

"As much as I know that's true. They don't know where I live, if they had one of them would have been with me instead of me being with Keigo." Yuko said with a shrug and sighed out

"Even still, do be careful." Ackerman said before he looked at Keigo "Since your girlfriends life is at risk here, I want you to protect her as your new case project. Still come in to clock in, but afterwards get your ass back to your girlfriend and keep her alive got it?"

Keigo was stunned to hear what he had from his boss. "Yes sir, I understand."

"Glad I don't have to tell you how important it is to keep your woman alive." Ackerman said as he got up "If either one of you have questions don't hesitate to ask me."

"I have one boss." Keigo stated

The elder male raised his eyebrow at him. "What's that?"

"You said to me when I had first joined the police force that my group wasn't the first group...what did you mean by that."

He 'tch'ed' before he crossed his arms after placing his phone away. "I'm not from this shit hole time line. I'm one of ten people from my time that were pulled from it. But I'm the only one that survived the process, I ended up marrying the woman that kept me from disappearing like the others did." He said seriously "My wife also told me that her elder sister is married to a male who is from somewhere else as well. This place loves fucking with other times just to amuse themselves."

It was rather obvious that there was sarcasm that came out of Ackerman's voice.

"Wait...what is your first name Chief Ackerman?" Yuko asked confused

"What haven't figured that out yet? I would have thought someone as dorky as you would have found that out already. Especially reading and watching where I'm from in front of me." He said seriously

Yuko blinked her eyes a few times before she stared at him. "No fucking way you're the Levi fucking Ackerman!"

Ackerman chuckled amused before he showed his ID. "I am." He said "Now you use your fucking head kid."

"So how long have you been here for?!"

"Long enough that my wife is pregnant with her second kid already." Levi said seriously "Now I need to go-take care and watch yourselves."

Once he was gone Yuko leaned forward as she held her head. "What the actual fuck!? I had no idea so much was going on with the system here...T-That would explain a lot though...Not that many years ago things started to change...Now I know why."

"Let's hope that things don't get stranger babe." Keigo said weakly

Yuko looked at him and nodded her head in agreement. "I agree."

Two weeks after getting the warning from Levi, Keigo felt as if something was off as he was watching a movie with Yuko. He paused the movie which confused her. "What's up babe?" Yuko asked confused

"Go to your hiding spot, something feels off."

Yuko nodded her head as she went to the bathroom and locked the door. After the warning that they had gotten from Levi, the two of them had talked about where would be good for her to hide in her home just so she didn't have to worry about getting involved with Shoto or Toya. The only place that didn't have a way for them to get into was the bathroom. So that was her safe space-her hide out. The door locked from the inside so she didn't have to worry about one of them busting the door down.

Keigo and her also made a up a secret knock just so she knew when it was safe for her to get out of the bathroom. Yuko leaned against the bathroom door with the light off as she had her headphones in one ear so she could watch videos while she waited for Keigo to get her. One of the videos that she had watched was a video from Shoto's account. It showed the back side of her house.

"You can't hide from me forever Tanabegirl...I'll get to you soon enough. No one else can have you. you're mine!"

The video then ended, she sent the video to Keigo who instantly answered back.

Keigo: Got it babe, stay there. deep breaths. I'll be back in soon

Yuko did what he told her to do and while she did she heard loud boot like foot steps.

"Come out-come out-come out where ever you are little Yuko."

Hearing Toya's voice she panicked and called directly to Levi, knowing that Keigo couldn't be at two places at once.

"What do you want brat, do you have any idea how late it is right now?" Levi said grumpily

"I know, I apologize. But the two todoroki's have found Keigo and I! Keigo went to take care of the younger one but the elder one is in my home and wanting to find me. I'm hiding in the bathroom but I'm afraid of what's going to happen. He can kill Keigo! He almost did in their time-line and I think this time he might actually finish the job!" Yuko said softly in tears

Levi let out a loud groan sigh before he spoke. "For fuck sakes woman, I warned you two about this."

"I know you did! It's why I'm hiding! I can't fight! I don't have it in me to do that! I'm a wuss when it comes to shit like this! I'm a peace keeper not a fighter! I feel like I'm about to get a fucking anxiety attack Levi! Please!"

"Shit....I keep forgetting you have that mental bull shit wrong with you. Hold on...I'll be there soon with reinforcements. Just keep quiet and don't fucking move."


Levi then hung up, once he did Yuko took her headphone out of her ear as she covered her mouth as tears went down her face. Everything that happened really scared the shit out of her. It wasn't long before there was a lot of yelling, thudding and screaming. When it was silent Yuko heard the knock that Keigo and her made up, which meant that Keigo had survived what had happened with Shoto and him. She quickly got up and unlocked the door only to see Keigo and he didn't looked hurt at all.

Yuko tackled him into a tight hug as she cried against his chest. "Keigo I'm so glad you're okay!"

Keigo gave her a weak smile and petted the back of her head softly. "It's alright babe, they aren't going to be doing anything to anyone for a while. Levi took off with them after we knocked them both out."

"I was so worried about you."

"I can only guess after all of the shit I know you know happened to me. But it's okay, I'm not hurt. I actually had a bit of help from a rather...interesting source."

Yuko was confused and it showed upon her face, Keigo took her out to the living room only for her to see a blond haired male with his hair over his left eye.

"Sanji Vinsmoke?! What the hell?!"

"Greetings, so you're the little girl that destroyed that stupid ass contraption that took us all here." The male said looking at her amused

"Mhm, I'm Tanabe Yuko. Pleasure to meet you Sanji." She said as she bowed her head

"I still can't get used to the culture of this place...it's so odd." Sanji said with a sigh

"You can't leave Japan can you?" Yuko asked

"Not without my wife, and she refuses to leave her younger sister." Sanji explained

"You mean Levi's wife?" Yuko asked

"Mhm, She so worried about her. But anyways-I wanted to thank the person who finally placed that stupid project to a stop. That crazy ass scientist had been pulling people from timelines and killing us off one by one just for amusement for years now. The male you are with is part of the third project she was doing. She had made mention to my group that there were ten projects all in total she was going to do. So you really cut things off quickly kid."

"I guess it's a good thing I have a bad temper then?" Yuko asked confused "Cause that's why I destroyed it. I hated how she treated people especially her own two daughters."

"Yeah, for that sake. It is a good thing. I should go though-I don't want my wife worrying about me."

"I hope one day I get to see you and your wife together Sanji. I'm rather curious to see just who ended up marrying you."

Sanji gave her a card and smiled at her. "We work together at a restaurant that she owns. Come by some time and you'll see her and Levi's wife. she works there too."

Yuko took it with both of her hands and nodded her head. "Okay, thank you Sanji." She said with a smile

Keigo took the card from her and slipped it into his pocket to do research on the place later. Keigo had Yuko sit down on the couch as he got her some ice cream to calm her down. Once she was eating the ice cream he unpaused the movie they were watching, he had her lean against him while they watched the rest of the movie.

Once Yuko was done with the ice cream, she chose to sit on top of Keigo and cuddle closely to his chest only to fall asleep part way to the end of the movie. Keigo looked down to check up on her only to see that she was asleep against him. He smiled at her and picked her up before he placed her down onto their bed. He tucked her in before he lied down beside her, cuddling with her that night.

He didn't want to concern Yuko, but he had been hurt by shoto. But it wasn't by a physical means-it was all mental and emotional. Keigo knew that Shoto and Yuko were rather active. Yuko came clean with him about all the times that Shoto had forced himself upon her. Shoto told him that if she ever got pregnant it'd be because of him. That any child that would come out of Yuko would be his and he'd be second best. He didn't want Shoto's words to be right, yes he wanted to have a family with Yuko...but with his own kids. Not someone else's kids.

Keigo fell asleep that night with a heavy heart and mind. The next day, he woke up and Yuko wasn't next to him. He tweaked out a bit and called out for her as he was in the hall only to hear her in the bathroom, he went into the bathroom to see she had blood on her skirt and panties. Which registered into his mind that she wasn't even pregnant yet. Which meant that anything that Shoto had done to her hadn't done a thing to her.

It also meant that he had the chance still to have the family he always wanted with her. Keigo was quiet as he slipped into the bathroom and shower with Yuko, he knew he'd take her by surprise but it wore off as he toyed and pleasured her small body. Keigo refused to let her be without him inside of her that entire day since Levi had let him have the day off just to make sure that Yuko was mentally and emotionally alright.

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