RWBY: Meta-Static

Bởi Thorneblade

798 166 183

Ruby and her friends have been through a lot over the years but now things are really changing. Dealing with... Xem Thêm

Author's note
Author's note 2
Chapter 1 Crossing paths
Chapter 2 Self-Defense
Chapter 3 Sea Unfairing
Chapter 4 Dust Off
Chapter 5 On the Loose
Chapter 6 Atlas At Last Part 1
Chapter 7 Authority
Chapter 8 She Friend
Ch 9 Muffled Truths Part 1
Ch 9.5 Muffled Truths Part 2
Ch 10 The Seventh Gem
Ch 11 Planning Ahead
Ch 11.5 Arresting Development
Ch 12 Disillusion's Elusion
Ch 12.5.1 What Do You Know?
Ch 12.5.2 Trial by Fire
Ch 12.5.3 Shattered Remains
Ch 12.5.4 A Rose's Resolve
It Comes Home!
Ch 13 A Rose's Thorns
Ch 13.5 A Wilted Rose
Ch 14 By Any Other Name

Chapter 6.5 Atlas At Last Part 2

35 8 8
Bởi Thorneblade

Alias' POV:

I ran across the tundra of Solitas happily on my way to Atlas. It's really barren out here, but it's so empty and free that I like it. Oh, look, there's Atlas in the distance.

Man, I never get tired of seeing this kingdom from a distance, but then I get sad because it reminds me of my mentor. Oh well, it's time to get friend number five. I rushed to the kingdom on a light sprint. I noticed a blue light glowing around the kingdom as I approached it. Oh, it looks like they put up the hard light shields, and they finally took my suggestion to put some on Mantle. The upper crust is finally thinking of the lower crust.

3rd Person POV:

"Are the shields operational!?" Ironwood demanded.

"Yes sir," said Elm, "all shields are up and operational. Both parts of the kingdom are shielded!"

"People are currently evacuating to their homes," said Penny, "knights and paladins are getting in a defensible position."

"We're ready too, sir," Ruby said, standing next to her team, "just tell us what to do!"

"Be ready for his attack!" said Ironwood.

"Here he comes!" said an officer.

Everyone readied their weapons as the mutant approached. The mutant stopped at the southern gate and inspected the hard light shield. The shield on Mantle's wall was linked to a post on top of Atlas, so one big barrier covered both places, but there was still the one Atlas had for a total of two. He zipped to the east gate, then north, and finally south. He returned to the north and began slowly circling the kingdom, not knowing everyone was watching him. Suddenly, he jumped and went so high he could look down on Atlas. He opened his mouth, and a pale pink beam with sparkles formed.

"Garrr," he yelled, charging up the beam, "bleeaagghhh!" He fired the blast from his mouth, and it collided with the shield, causing an explosion. The beam charged straight through the outer barrier and quickly tore through the second one. The beam went through the kingdom and hit a mountain behind it, causing a massive tidal wave of glacier water to flow to the kingdom, threatening to flood it. 

The people of Mantle began to panic when a blue light appeared. The mutant had a blue orb in his mouth and launched it at the water, freezing it instantly. Then he grabbed the newly formed ice, took it to the mountain, and fixed the terrain.

Much to his surprise, he teleported back to the southern entrance and stared at the shield to see that the holes he made were repairing themselves. The mutant flew in the air again and rammed into the shield, shattering it like glass. He gently floated in the sky and began flying slowly while observing the kingdom on the ground. A missile hit him in the head. One of the military operatives fired a rocket at him by mistake.

When the smoke cleared, Alias slowly glanced up at the ship which fired it. The people inside were scared to death. Then he breathed so deeply that it made his body puff like a balloon. Then, with a mouth as big as a teryx, he let out a devastating scream that caused all the glass in Mantle to shatter. It made every faunus, even the ones in Atlas, Blake, and Marrow, fall to the ground, covering their ears in pain and thrashing on the floor. Everyone else could hear it but wasn't in as much pain.

"Blake, what's wrong!?" cried Yang.

"Marrow, get up!" yelled Harriet.

"My ears!" whined Blake.

"Agh, make it stop!" shouted Marrow.

"It's not just them!" said Elm, "every faunus in the kingdom is like this!"

"It's that scream," Weiss said, trying to fight through the pain, "it's hurting them!"

"But why are they in more pain?" asked Nora.

"It must be their Faunus traits," Jaune theorized, "they have better senses than us, so it's more painful!"

Alias' scream got louder and suddenly became extremely high-pitched, like a screech and claws on a chalkboard, making the Faunus scream in pain until their ears began to bleed. Then they all fainted.

When Alias was done screaming, he landed on the ground and looked at the mess. He snapped his fingers and fixed the glass. Then he ran down the street towards one of the cables connecting Atlas to the ground when a bunch of knights and paladins appeared to intercept him. Alias smiled. He rushed to the knights, who started shooting at him.

He punched one's head off, then kicked the other. The military operatives gasped. Alias ran to another knight and stomped on its head. He used the recoil, backflipped, and slammed his heels into one behind him. Then he skipped to a third one, turned his fists into hammers, and slammed it to the ground. A squad of paladins charged at him. Alias ran to them, jumped, slammed down on the first one, flattening it, then slammed into it again, smashing it. Another paladin appeared behind him, and he slid underneath it. As he got up, he it with his heels, shattering the mech, then he flew across the street. 

He tackled another paladin and detached one of its arms and legs. The thrusters activated, causing it to skid down the road. Another paladin was in the air preparing to attack when Alias grabbed the one he was sliding on and smashed it into the one flying. The pilots were unharmed. Three more paladins appeared behind him.

Alias twirled in the air. He slammed the first one down with his foot, somersaulted, and smacked the other. Fireballs appeared under his feet and hands, propelling him to his next target. Then he grew a tail and slammed down the last one. Alias landed on the ground and ran to another knight, knocking off its head with his knee. Then he jumped onto another knight, smashing its chest plate. He hopped off that one and did the same to another nearby knight.

"Oh. My. God," was all Ironwood could say.

Alias ran to one of the cables and straight up the underside of Atlas but ran into the second hard-light shield. Alias flew into the air above Mantle and looked around. He raised his arms and launched them through the shields, immediately making a hole, but instead of coming in, he just waited for the hole to close up. 

Then he grabbed one of the pillars that made the shield and flung it into the distance, breaking the barrier.

"Get to the manual turrets!" commanded Ironwood.

The Ace Ops all ran to different turrets, as did Oscar.

"Why do I have to come!?" Oscar asked as Harriet dragged him through the base.

"Cuz you need experience, kid!" Harriet said angrily.

The Ace Ops (and Oscar) all reached their turrets and aimed the barrels at Alias as he ran to Atlas. More knights and paladins deployed and attempted to intercept Alias.

"Fire the ammo!" called Harriet.

Mantas began shooting missiles at Alias while the others launched bullets from the turrets. Alias swatted the missiles away and danced around the turret bullets. Harriet was the most serious about shooting him.

"Don't shoot the knights!" Ironwood instructed, "there'll be problems if we do!"

Unfortunately, Harriet didn't hear him. She kept launching her turret at Alias, one of which hit his head. Alias glared in Harriet's direction angrily. He pointed his finger at her and shot out an energy blast that destroyed her turret; she used her semblance to escape just in the nick of time. She ran over to Oscar's turret and squeezed in with him.

"Shoot the missiles at him!" Harriet commanded.

"But the drones are down there," said Oscar, "won't we lose numbers if we hit them by accident?"

"It's not the time to worry about that! Just fire the missiles at him!"

"But Harriet-"

"Do it now!"

Frightened, Oscar launched his missiles. Alias saw them coming and smiled. He clicked a button on his shoes, causing them to glow light blue. Hardlight appeared on their sides while flames appeared underneath them as purple light coursed through a circuitry pattern on the sides. Alias moved around on his shoes like he was skating.

 Alias skated around the knights as the missiles and turret bullets missed him.

"What are you doing!?" Ironwood yelled angrily at Harriet.

"Taking out the enemy sir!" Harriet replied proudly.

"Uh, this wasn't my idea," Oscar said worriedly.

"A knight has been hit!" Elm called out.

Everyone watched Alias dance and skate around the knights and paladins as the missiles and bullets hit them.

"Cease fire, cease fire!" Ironwood commanded.

They all stopped firing their weapons, but it was too late. The robots were destroyed on the ground at Alias' feet. Alias' body grew and became almost snake-like, towering over many buildings.

"Pathetic!" Alias yelled to Oscar, "Let me show you how it's done in the real world, BOY!"

Alias put his hands in the air, forming a massive ball of lightning and fire. He shot a blast wave from the ball aimed straight at Oscar's turret. Harriet grabbed him, and they escaped as soon as the attack hit. Alias clapped his hands and spread them out, forming balls of purple energy, blasting lightning that destroyed the other turrets. The Ace Ops managed to escape just in time. Alias landed on the ground and skated through the city to the military compound.

"Mantas, take him out!" Ironwood ordered through the com-link.

The bigger airships launched lasers at Alias, but he absorbed them and reflected them back, causing the ships to be damaged. One of the Mantas shot a barrage of missiles at Alias. He smiled and ran along the ground further into the city with the missiles right behind him. He bolted straight for the highest point in Atlas and jumped. The rockets were all around him, but he planned on this. Alias made a black orb appear and sucked the missiles inside. Then he forced the missiles back out, causing them all to hit the mantas, making them explode and careen to the ground. Alias raised his left hand and swung it down, making huge lightning bolts blast the other airships to pieces, much to the horror of everyone in the kingdom.

The entire military kingdom had only the huntsmen as the last line of defense, and they were all scared and senseless by this powerful adversary. Alias landed on the ground in front of the military base in front of two guards. The first guard pointed his gun at him. Alias stared at the guard. He bit the barrel of his weapon, sliding more than half of it into his mouth. Then he chewed it into pieces and swallowed it. Alias sprouted horns from his head that turned into the same gun design. He aimed the guns at the two guards who stood there scared. Then they let him pass.

"Thanks, guys," Alias chirped, "and don't worry, I'll make sure you won't get fired."

Alias walked straight into the compound.

Ruby's POV:

My group was in central command, watching what happened.

"That...that didn't just happen!" said Yang shakily, "tell me that didn't just happen!"

"He's on his way here," I said, trying to be brave, "he's headed to the gem, right?"

"Yes," said Ironwood, "get team JNPR together. I'll have the Ace Ops guard Penny. We may be diplomatically compromised if he hacks her again while in the base."

"Right," said Weiss, "where's team JNPR?"

"Oh, and Oscar," I said, "he was with Harriet, right?"

"That's right," said Ironwood, checking his scroll, "this is their location. Now go!"

My team and I raced through the hallways, calling our friends on our scrolls. We found Penny sitting on the floor near some knights who were trying to comfort her. I love how they are more personable now.

"Hey Penny," I said, walking up to her, "you ok?"

"I am afraid of Ruby," Penny said meekly, "what do I do if he controls me again? I don't want to hurt anyone again."

"I promise you, you won't! We'll find that guy and stop him; he'll never control you! Maybe we could get your dad to make something to stop it."

"I don't think that will work, Ruby. But if I see him again, please help me. I don't want to hurt my friends again."


We looked up and saw Oscar and the Ace Ops entering the hallway.

"Oscar," I said, rushing to him, "are you ok?"

"Yeah," said Oscar, "I'm fine. Though I'd be better if I hadn't almost been blown to bits!"

"You're alive, aren't you?" scoffed Harriet.

"You almost got us blown up!"

"Yeah, just another Wednesday."

"Today's Thursday, Hare," said Marrow.

"Hush up, puppy dog," Harriet punched Marrow's arm, "anyways, we're here to protect Penny, so you can leave now."

"Wha-no!" I hissed, "We're going to protect Penny too!"

"Your mission is to keep the gem safe," said Vine, "watching Penny is our job."

"We promised Penny we'd protect her too! Besides, if we protect Penny, we can stop the guy who controlled her last time! We need to work together!"

"And what makes you think you kids can stop him?" scoffed Harriet, "clearly, we don't possess the power or skills to match him. If you stay here, you'll just get in the way."


"Oh, guys!" we all turned to see Jaune and his team, along with Ironwood, "has the mutant come through here yet?"

"No, not yet," said Blake.

"So who's guarding the gem?" Ironwood asked, "Even if he doesn't come for Penny, we should still have a plan!"

"We'll guard the gem," said Jaune, "team RWBY can watch Penny with the Ace Ops. Maybe we can be on the lookout for him and tell people to move the gem if we need to."

"That won't work," said Ironwood, "the gem is hooked up to a machine that contains its massive energy. If we move it, its power could destroy the compound!"

"What!?" we all yelled.

Then, at that moment, the whole base shook, and a wave of light washed over everything, and the lights flickered out.

"You guys ok?" I asked as the lights turned back on.

"Yea," said Yang, "we're fi-woah Ruby. What's up with your aura?"

"Huh?" I looked down to see my body was shimmering in my aura, making me glow entirely red, but it wasn't just me, "you guys are like that too!"

The others looked at themselves to see their bodies were glowing in their aura colors and very brightly.

"What is this?" asked Oscar.

"I don't know," said Ironwood, "it was probably the mutant. Now, we should all."

"Sir!" gasped Clover, rushing down the hall, "the mutant is coming!"



We all heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway and a voice singing. We all knew who it belonged to. Penny was scared stiff.

"I've got guards watching the gem!" Ironwood explained, "It may not be much, but I think we ought to try talking to him."

"Now what!?" Harriet asked as the footsteps got closer.

"Uh uh," Ironwood said, worried, "hide!"

We never knew him to say that. But he tapped a panel on the wall, and metal doors began closing in the hallways as military officers scrambled around, trying to get somewhere safe. Ironwood and the Ace Ops opened doors to closets for us to hide in. Penny stayed with my team as we huddled together quietly.

".....and my sheep," sang the mutant, "I see another prey

can't wait to have a taste! 

Extending limbs will cause you harm if you don't expect my game! 

You feel something strange, a hand with so much range! 

Arms outstretched, I'm on the hunt! Oh, ready or not, here I come!"

"What is he singing?" groaned Weiss.

We peeked through the doors and saw him walking through the hall.

"Run, run, run away, my prey, and try to beat me in this race! And if I catch you by the toe, then you'll be howling in my cage!"

Author's note: the song he's singing is "Run Away" by Or3o at 1:24. You can find it on YouTube, the reason I don't post the link to the actual music video is cuz the thumbnail has a weird cat in it that creeps me out.

"I'm going to talk to him," Penny whispered.

"Penny, wait," I whispered, but she already walked out.

3rd Person POV:

Penny appeared before Alias looking upset.

"Oh, hello," He chirped.

"I ask that you stand down and leave the gems alone," Penny said confidently, "They are essential to Atlas."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear you say that. Now, can you take me to where the gem is?"


"Ok, I didn't want to do this again, but command over-." The walls exploded, and the huntsmen appeared, "Oh joy, the gangs are all here."

"Stand down and come with us quietly," Harriet ordered.

"Why? I'm literally here for no other reason than the gem. Just let me get it, and I'll leave. It  couldn't be simpler."

"That gem is military property! You do not have the right to have it!"

"Right? Right?! If it is a right you speak of, these gems belong to me! I made them! They came from me; they are a part of me; no one but me has any right to them!!"

The huntsman drew their weapons. Alias groaned.

"Command override-" Alias started to say.

"Wait!" gasped Penny, "please don't make me do that again. I don't want to hurt my friends again."

"Neither do I. Do you think I like doing that to you?! Treating you like a machine!? You're a person, Penny! A real person, a girl! I don't want to treat you like some random appliance for my convenience. We can avoid that if you help me get to the gemstone and your friends back off! They just have to stay out of my way, and there's no problem. Take me to the gem, and I'll leave."

"Now stand down," said Harriet, "don't make us-"

"Drop," said Alias firmly.

Everyone but he and Penny slammed their bodies on the ground as if a massive pressure pushed them to the floor.

"I can't move," moaned Yang.

"Me neither," said Pyrrha.

"Damn it this is heavy!" growled Harriet.

Penny took a few steps back in fear. Alias took one step forward and teleported in front of her.

"Why are you doing this!?? Yelled Penny.

"I told you why! Just take me to the gem, Penny!" said Alias angrily, "your friends won't have to suffer. They've suffered enough, surrender the gem to me, and they won't suffer any further."

"That's not going to happen."

"Simply accept the situation, and this can all be over."

"But why do you want the gem? Aren't you powerful enough?"

"This isn't about power, Penny! I made the gem! It came from my soul! I used my own aura to make that gem and the other ones That gem is a part of me, and I want it back! Now you can take me there, or I can tear this place to pieces finding it!"

Penny was silent for a while. She looked at Alias, then her friends on the ground; she thought of her father, Atlas, and Argus. Finally, she made a decision.

"No," Penny said firmly, "I will not take you there!"

"Ok," Alias said nonchalantly.

He stretched out his hands and slammed Penny into the wall, causing a massive dent.

"Penny!" wailed Ruby.

"Penny," said Alias, "command override sequence!"

"No!" Penny cried, thrashing in his arms, "Not again!" her eyes turned yellow, "override code needed."

"S03 E09 PVP!"

"Code acknowledged."

"Take me to the gem."

"I can't. I don't have clearance to the floor level."

Alias pulled out an ID card and held it before Penny's eyes.

"Card verified," said Penny robotically, "access to lower floors given. What is your request?"

"Take me to the gemstone."

"Request acknowledged."

Penny activated her thrusters and flew down the halls.

"Stand," Alias commanded, then ran down the hall to catch Penny.

Everyone was freed from the pressure holding them down.

Alias and Penny headed downstairs to a room where two knights guarded a door.

 Alias flashed a badge, and they let him in. He found a magenta and blue gemstone sitting in a round glass dome with tubes connected to it.

"There you are," said Alias

The huntsmen were all rushing down to the room, trying to find Penny and Alias.

"Where are they?" grumbled Ironwood.

"Shh," said Blake, "I hear him singing again."

Author's Note: 0:29

"Welcome to the show," they heard him sing,

"Are you ready to go?

With your swords up high and your guns down low

Have you come for the action, come for the sport?

There's a million ways to spill blood on the court,"

"Over there!" said Elm.

"It's a free-for-all, it's a dog-eat-dog

Don't be surprised if, when you die, you're met with rigorous applause

Wanna win?

You got a chance.

All you gotta do is dance.

Oh, move your feet, and move 'em fast

Who knows how long your limbs will last?"

Just like the last one, the gemstone glowed as he sang to it. Alias put the gemstone in his hair.

"And that makes five!" he exclaimed happily, "I just gotta find three more, and the family's complete! Isn't that great, Penny?"

"Yes," Penny said robotically.

"You know it's not as nice when you sound like that, but thank you. Ok, deactivate override sequence."

Penny's eyes returned to normal, and she collapsed on the ground. Alias helped her up, and she stared at him nervously. Alias cupped her face and looked sad.

"I'm so sorry, Penny," Alias said, "I didn't want to, so believe me, but these gems are too precious. They are a part of me. I made them; they're fractions of myself that I spent a long time trying to find. They're me, so no one but me can have them."

"But why?" asked Penny.

"It's complicated."

They both walked out of the room as Ironwood and the others appeared. Penny looked down ashamed, and Alias just walked down the hall.

"Stop right there!" yelled Ironwood.

Alias glared at him and rolled his eyes, which then fell on Ruby. Yang jumped in front of her and got ready to attack when the alarms went off. Alias sighed, then ran full speed into the wall, making a massive hole.

"A massive Grimm horde is closing in on Mantle," said the loudspeaker, "prepare for battle!"

"We can't do that," said Marrow, "because someone destroyed the defense systems!"

"We're the defense systems," said Clover, "alright huntsmen, let's move out!"

Everyone rushed out of the base to see a massive swarm of Grimm coming in from all directions, even in the sky.

"Oh man, we can't deal with this!" said Jaune.

"Hold your ground," said Harriet, "we can at least-"

An intense light erupted from the sky, and everyone in the kingdom looked up to see Alias floating above the kingdom. He raised his hands to the sky, forming a giant ball of green energy. He made his body grow until he was fifty feet tall. He slammed his hands in the orbs, and the light engulfed everything. The only thing anyone could hear was thousands of grimm screaming.

Ruby's POV:

All the Grimm were ash when the light faded, and the kingdom was saved. The huntsmen looked up at Alias, who, in turn, looked at them. He smiled, gave them a thumbs, turned into a lightning bolt, and flew off. The entire kingdom stared dumbfounded.

"Penny," said Ironwood, "please tell me he didn't get the gem."

"I'm sorry, sir," Penny said, sounding like she was on the verge of tears again, "but I couldn't do anything again. I'm a failure of a protector."

I held my friend as she sobbed.

Ironwood got so mad that his face turned red.

"Where's Pietro!?" Ironwood growled through clenched teeth.

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