Miraculously a Miracle: 500 S...

Random1ofAkind द्वारा

92 12 0

This is a story about a girl. A girl who is Y/N. Y/N has live in Paris for three years with her parents. Alth... अधिक

No. 1
No. 4

No. 3

15 2 0
Random1ofAkind द्वारा

"France gave the Statue of Liberty to America in 1886. Gustave Eiffel himself built the armature for the inside of the statue!" Mr. Gate says. "Y/n, could you go and take a quick pic of Lafayette's sabre? I completely forgot and I gotta film Dean Gate!" Alya whispers to me. "Seriously? Fine." I groan. I grab my phone and go into the other room where the Sabre was. I take a picture of the sabre and turn around to see Adrien. "Huh? Uh...? Adrien?" "Y/n?".

The doors close out of nowhere. "No,no!" I kick the door. "What's happening?" I ask. Me and Adriens phone get a notification. Adrien turns his phone on and I watch it. "Akumatized villain, Robostus, is spreading panic in Paris. And, so far, no sign of Wolverine, Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Nadja says. "Robostus?! But Markov can't have been akumatized in Paris, he's right here with us in New York!!" Adrien stresses.

I grab onto his hand. The lights go out and I squeeze Adriens hand. "Okay, I feel like I'm in a horror movie." I tell Adrien. "I am Solitude, and I am here to take captive of those who are loved by no one!" some villain says. "No, no!" I bang on the door again.

Then something comes through the ceiling, breaking it and concrete comes falling.

The guy from the plane takes the saber. "Hey! I thought your thing was new technology?!" Sparrow asks. "Hey at least I got a picture before he got it." I squeeze Adriens hand again. I start to play with my ring on my finger, the one me and Nathaniel both have. "What are you planning to do with the sabre? Use it as an antenna?!" Uncanny Valley asks. Me and Adrien split up.

Zinna flies out of my bag. "Y/n you okay?" Zinna asks. "Yup, I'm just worried about my friends! Also Cat Noir should've told me that Robostus is back. I hope he's not in trouble!" I groan. "What are we going to do Y/n?" Zinna asks. "What we always do, save the day right?" I ask.

I feel something hit my head. I look up and see the pillar I was hiding behind about to collapse. "Zacations over Zinna, full moon!" I transform and help Uncanny Valley up. I see Chat Noir. "Chat Noir?" I ask "Wolverine?" he asks. "I'm glad you're here, but shouldn't you be in Paris?" I ask him. "Long story, where's Y/n?" he asks. "I got her to safety, where Adrien?" I ask him. "I got him to safety as well," Chat Noir nods. "You've come all the way from Paris to help us out?" Sparrow asks us "Yeah! We thought it'd be friendly to give you a hand in honor of French American Friendship Week!" Chat Noir says. "See that?! They don't need anyone's permission to take action!" Sparrow says.

Techlonizer shoots at the four of us, Uncanny Valley and Sparrow run another way. "That's right! He never asks for anything! Do you, Chat Noir!" Ladybug jumps down. "Sparrow, did you warn Knightowl and Majestia?" Uncanny Valley asks. "I couldn't! But you know what?!-we don't need anyone's permission either!" Sparrow says. "Maybe you should! We can't fight someone this big!" I tell the New York Superhero's and hit Techlonozier with my staff. He hits me back and I got flying into Chat Noir. He lands ontop of me. "'Just go and rest easy! Yeah, leave Paris with me!'" Ladybug repeats Chat Noirs words. "I-I didn't know I was going to leave! It was a last-minute decision, that's all!" Chat Noir frowns. He helps me up.

"Do you realize that because of you there's no one left in Paris to protect the city?!" Ladybug says. "Oh my god! Ladybug did you not just hear him?! We are doing something right now! I'm sure everyone in Paris will understand!" I tell her and scoff.

"He's running away!" Ladybug says. We all jump out of the building and follow after him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?!" Ladybug asks while we run from building to building. "I was afraid you guys would get angry!" Chat Noir runs. "And you were right, because as you can see, I am angry!" Ladybug says.

"Lucky Charm!/Cataclysm!/Distraction!" we activate our powers. "A bicycle pump? What are you going to do with that?" I ask Ladybug. "I may have an idea, but Chat Noir wouldn't like it!" Ladybug glares at him.

"Ladybug, I didn't tell you because I was afraid of losing your trust!" Chat Noir frowns again. He spins his staff.

"Well, I can't trust you anymore, can I?!" Ladybug says. I look at her in disbelief and disgust. I hear a metal sound, Chat Noir dropped his staff. Techlonizer grabs Chat Noir by the hand and throws him at me. Chat Noir holds his hand up. I stand still not knowing what to do.

Uncanny Valley stands in front of me and gets cataclysmed. I gasp and catch her. "No!!" someone screams and punches Techlonizer making him go through multiple buildings. Majestia flies down and takes Uncanny from my hands. I stand up and hug Chat Noir. "Are you okay?" I whisper to him, "You're not mad at me?" he asks. "No Chaton." I dig my head in his chest. "I'm sorry Chat." I whisper.

I pull away and wipe a tear from his cheek. "What have you done!?" Majestia cries. Uncanny turns into the girl from the hotel. I cup my mouth in shock. "Oh my god." I whisper. "It's my fault..." Chat Noir says. I grab his hand "Why didn't you call us? And, you, what are you doing here?!" Knightowl asks us. "I-I might be able to help." Ladybug says. " Oh, really? With your magical bicycle pump?" Knightowl asks in an angry tone.

"Precisely. Miraculous Ladybug!" She repairs everything, "Rebooting.." Uncanny says. "Oh thank you Ladybug!" Majestia hugs the girl. "You three are dangerous!" Knightowl tells us. I scoff "Dangerous? W-we just brought the girl back and you're calling us dangerous?!" I shout at Knightowl. Chat Noir puts hit hand on my shoulder. "No they tried to-" Sparrow tries to speak. "So are you! You disobeyed me! You were supposed to call us, and you didn't!" he turns to us. "I'm ordering you to revert to your civilian identities and hand me the source of your powers! You will have them back when you leave town!" Knightowl holds his hand out. I touch him with my hand that still hold my power. "Cmon!" I tell my partners.

We jump into a sewer and we stand together. "Okay! Let's feed our Kwamis and get back to Paris to take care of Robostus." Ladybug says. I pull up the Paris News. "Today, Paris was attacked by a villain who ultimately disappeared on his own! Clara Contard is on the scene." Nadja says through the phone. "No..." I think about my dad and Nathaniel's mom. "Parisians are surprised! Why didn't Ladybug and Cat Noir step in? And will Ladybug repair the damages caused by the villain?" Clara asks.

"We waited too long to return to Paris." Ladybug sobs. "There's nothing I can do anymore!" Ladybug says. I put my yo-yo away. "Can't you just do a Lucky Charm when we're back in Paris?" Chat Noir asks. "My powers allows me to create a magical object that repairs damages caused by a specific villain! But the villain is already gone!" Ladybug shouts at Chat Noir. "Hey! Stop shouting. That won't fix anything at all." I tell Ladybug.

"It's all my fault. You were perfect as always. Knightowl was right to want to confiscate my Miraculous. I left Paris without telling you. I ruined everything! And if Uncanny Valley hadn't been a robot, I would've caused irreparable harm." Chat Noir frowns. I pat him on the shoulder and my bracelet beeps. I run behind the two exits from the sewers. "New moon." I hold Zinna in my hands. I smile at her and hand her a berry.

"Please forgive me my friend." Chat Noir says. "No!" Plagg gasps. "I renounce you Plagg." Chat Noir sighs and places his miraculous by me. "I never wanna risk harming anyone ever again. Least of all you." Chat Noir sighs and runs. "Wait!" Ladybug says but gasps.

I take the ring and put it in my bag. I go to where Chat Noir was and leave. "Y-y/n? Where are you going?" Marinette asks. "Nowhere when you'd care, right?" I don't look back and run out of the sewer.

-~-3rd Person-~-

"Adrien Agreste!" Ms. Mendeleiev asks. "Not here ma'am." Nino says. Marientte walks over to Alya. "Hey." "Neither is Y/n!" Alya says. "Hey girl what's wrong?" Alya asks Marinette. "Nothing." Marinette smiles all the pain away. Once Alya turns the smile fades away.

Olympia, Barbra, Aeon and Jess walk in the hotel. "You had one mission, to keep an eye on the French students!" Barbra angrily says. "We did! And that's how we discovered Y/n was unclear about her relationship with Adrien, and consequently help them we created a supervillain in order to clarify their feelings!" Aeon smiles. "You did what?!?!" Barbra shouts. "Barb, honey." Olympia rests her hand on her wife's shoulder.

"Mother, I don't understand. You always say that all that is is necessary from the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing! What did I do wrong?" Aeon asks. "My darling, by trying to help them, you've put the French students and yourselves in great danger. Doing good doesn't necessary mean fighting." Olympia shrugs at Aeon.

"Yeah, maybe we're just trying to be helpful, because we had nothing better to do! We're not babysitters! We're super heroines!!" Jess crosses her arms. "Superheros, Whose mission was to keep an eye on the French students, and you both failed it!!! You're forbidden to take part in the hunt for Techno-Pirate! You're not ready to fly the nest!" Barbra tells her children. "How will I ever be ready if you never let me spread my wings?!!" Jess asks her mother.

"No one prohibits Ladybug and Cat Noir from fighting villains!!" Aeon says. "And I almost lost you because of that." Olympia touches Aeons shoulder. "Come on, Olympia! We're expected." Barbra turns around not even looking at her daughters. Olympia hugs her daughters and follows behind Barbra.

-~-Y/n's POV-~-

"This is all my fault." Plagg sobs. I hold Plagg and Zinna in my hands. "It's neither of y'all's fault. Plus he made his choice. What were we supposed to do?" I shrug.

I walk to the hotel still holding Zinna and Plagg in my hand. We talked, we cried, and slightly laughed. "Plagg I'm sorry I don't have camembert." I tell him. "I have berries somewhere in there." I place them in my bag. "I'm just hungry, I'd eat a horse." Plagg rubs his belly. "I know." I smile and close my bag.

My mind starts to turn back to Chat Noir and how he just left me and Ladybug.

I walk up to the hotel and Adriens I front of me. His car pulls up. "Adrien, get in the car at once. I should never have listened to your friend, this city is much too dangerous." Gabriel's voice speaks. "Dude, no! Stay!" Nino says. "I have to go. I'm sorry, Y/n. You guys fought so hard for me to be here. I wouldn't have minded being stuck here a little longer with a friend like you." he smiles at me and I just look at him. He goes to his car and frowns.

"My father's right. I should've never come to New York." Adrien says and slams his car door. I feel a tear drop down my cheek.

"What is wrong with you, Y/n? Couldn't you see that he was just waiting for you to tell him to stay?" Chloe asks.. "I-I couldn't! I don't know why! He... he made his choice. What did you expect me to do?" I ask her. Then Nathaniel walks up beside her. "It doesn't matter what we expected you to do! Who's Adrien to you? A friend or more than a friend? There will never be a better time to be clear with yourself, Y/n! Do you want him to leave or do you want him to stay?" Nathaniel asks.

I look back at the speeding car, then at the two. I hug them and pull away.

"I-I'll be right back!" I run after Adriens car. I see a bike and helmet. "Adrien stay!" I shout. "I've already lost Cat Noir, I can't lose Adrien too!" I grab my phone and call him riding the bike. The ringing stops and I check my phone and see it's dead. "No!" I look up and see the car still moving. "No, no!" I peddle faster toward the car. I fall off the bike and the rain pours on-top of me. "I'm too late." I cry. Zinna and Plagg fly out of my bag and look at each other. "I'm sure it's okay Y/n." Zinna holds my hand. I look up. "Yeah..sure." I frown. A car honks nearby. I stand up and run to the sidewalk and as soon as I do a car passes by.

"It's okay...right?" I ask.

I walk around the city and play with Chat Noirs ring. "Oh how I wish you were here right now Chat Noir." I sigh.

"Y/n M/n L/n, New York needs Wolverine!" Uncanny flies next to me. "I-I'm sorry... I-I-I can't help you. I don't know her!" I laugh. "Your suit's quantum masking is meant to confuse-" she detransforms "-human minds, Wolverine. I am not human!" she continues. "What?" I ask her. "Miraclonizer is really an akumatized Techno-Pirate. Which means Hawk Moth is in New York too! We cannot defeat them without the girl who can capture the akumas." she tells me. "Ladybug can capture the akumas too. I'm useless, I also can't do this without him. He's like my other half of when I'm Wolverine. When he's not there it's just like my world fell apart. Especially now. I-I can't." I shake my head.

"This, I can fix!" she holds her hand out. I put the miraculous in her hand and whisper into her ear. "I swear do anything, I mean anything I will find you and god knows what next." I pull away and smile. "See you later then." I wave and she flies away.

Zinna flies out of my bag and crosses her arms. "Oh you heard that?" I ask her. "Yeah you don't whisper very quietly." Zinna giggles. "I will find her though." I shrug. "Zinna, full moon!" I transform and swing to the hotel.


Im sorry that there's gonna be 5 chapters including the intro. Once again thank you guys for almost 500 reads. Thanks have a good day/night!

Bug Out!

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