Jade and Purple

由 SoulRise99

2.5K 19 10

MHA IzuJirou/DekuJirou fanfic with Izuku as an orphan and has a twin sister named Izumi. Both have quirks tha... 更多

Pre-Story Info
Dark Shadow Human Form
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19

Part 13

37 1 0
由 SoulRise99

Hey guys! Before I start the chapter just wanted to thank 0____T____0 for the follow! Also yeah that's the harem for Denki too. Enjoy the new chapter!

"Ahem, since you've all gotten to know each other better, I'd like you all make teams of 4 consisting of 2 people of each class-" Aizawa started to say as he let everyone into the building.

However, all the lights started to flicker and purple mist started to appear out of nowhere. People started to come out of the portal as Aizawa exclaimed they were villains. Everyone prepared to evacuate but Kyden saw someone familiar amongst the villains.

"Aizawa... that one guy in the middle near the giant portal with yellow eyes is someone I sorta know... not by name, but..." Kyden started as he was in shock.

"Who is it Kyden?" Aizawa asked with concern.

"He's the vice president of Italy's HPSC..."

"Why in the hell would he be here?!" The two thought to themselves respectively.

"Do you at least know what his quirk is...?" Aizawa asked.

"Not at all... as I said I don't know his name nor his quirk, just his position in Italy's HPSC," Kyden replied.

"Great just great... get everyone to safety as I try and hold them off! Once you and 13 get them out of here come back and help. Understood?"

"Got it... I'll get the maggots moving," Kyden said making the underground hero sweatdrop from him calling them maggots.

"YOU HEARD THE MAN! Also Tenya... run back to the school to get help from the rest of the staff!"

"Yes sir! Cmon everyone do what the professors told us!" The robot stated as he helped Kyden get everyone to safety when they're cutoff by the warp villain.

"Hello we are the League of-"

"Yeah no we don't wanna hear some stupid villain monologue buddy, so go to sleep," Kyden interrupted the warp villain as he erased his quirk, knocked him out, and detained him with quirk restraints he made.

"You guys carry him out and keep an eye on him. It'll be one less villain to worry about for Aizawa," He said as the others nod.

As soon as Kyden and 13 got the others out, Tenya ran towards the school as Kyden and 13 went back in to help. Aizawa had already taken out over 20 villains and Italy's HPSC vice president was getting tired and annoyed from the warp villain getting detained and the others getting their ass handed to them.

"Ya know this would've been better if Kurogiri didn't expose himself like that. I even told him not to go up there since the half-breed was there... such a pity and a waste," he said in a condescending tone.

"Hmph like you have any right to complain... so tell me why Italy's HPSC vice president siding with villains and attacking UA?" Aizawa said as he started to confront him.

"Ah where's my manners, I haven't told you my name and yet you know my former position in Italy. The name is Elohim and the reason... well that's for you to find out," the former HPSC vice president known as Elohim said.

"Former position... what happened to the HPSC? What happened?!"

"Hmmm oh yeah, they were of no use to me anymore and the president... Raiden Shisui as well as his wife who was with him... I killed them too," he said in a sadistic tone.

"You did what?" Kyden approached the two as he mauled through several villains with a angered, shocked tone.

"Ah yes I killed your parents half-breed. But not like it matters now. To be honest with ya, I'm glad that they're both dead now," he said with an evil grin to provoke Kyden who kept his cool.

"Why though? Just why? My father trusted you! And my mother... she saved you so why," Kyden said.

"Trust.. saved... like I need any of that... all I need is that man's help so I can have all my power's back instead of leeching off of a failed creation's power," he said as he started to create something in his hands.

Elohim enlarged the item and threw it straight at Aizawa as both the said hero and Kyden tried to erase it. However, the item didn't erase.

"What? Why can't I erase it? Unless..." Kyden's eyes widen as he ran to Aizawa.

"AIZAWA MOVE! IT'S NOT A QUIRK!" Aizawa didn't register the words until Kyden pushed him out of the way and took it head on.

When Kyden shouted, all the students ran back inside and were horrified from what they saw. Kyden was sent back into the wall and smoke covered him. As it dissipated, it showed the attack destroyed one of Kyden's arms and pierced through his left abdominal area. Everyone screamed their classmate's name in horror only to be relieved moments later from Kyden regenerating his arm and abdomen.

"That was a close one... but what the hell was that? That's not a quirk and it gives off some holy aura? Ironic since he's a villain ya know," he thought to himself.

"You good kid...?" Aizawa said with concern.

"Yeah, but what is with his power? It's like not of this world and it gives off a holy aura... have you noticed it?"

"Yes I've noticed it... and I think he was the one that destroyed the gate back at the school since there was a red spear that gave off the same aura," Aizawa stated.

"I'll deal with him since you only have Erasure and that's not enough to take this guy on... if I synchronize Channelize with whatever that is, I could retain my abilities with quirk, matter, and energy to it. Then I should be fine with my other quirks too," Kyden said as Aizawa nodded.

"You should probably fight big-n-ugly over there with 13's help and possibly Izuku's," Kyden continued.

"Izuku, you heard Kyden... help 13 and I with this thing," Aizawa shouted to Izuku, who rushed down to help the underground hero.

"Now start from the top asshole... what did you mean by all that?" Kyden demanded from Elohim.

"Hmmm about your parents? Oh to be frank with you... nothing. They meant nothing to me. I didn't ask for either of their help nor did I need it. And they would've gotten in my way with my experiments on cybernetics back in Italy," the villain replied.

"Cybernetics... don't tell me your gonna enhance quirk users or even the quirkless with that... or even the bird brain over there," Kyden cringed at the idea.

"Who says it isn't," Elohim smirked evilly.

"Great just our damn luck."

"Ha! Like you'd do anything to the cybernetics! I've made sure the cybernetics is like your hero costumes that are made from the hero/students DNA so it retains the properties of the user's quirk."

"You gotta be shitting me... no matter, I have faith in the others," Kyden said.

The two clashed with one another as Elohim sent spear after spear at Kyden. This only allowed Kyden to be stalled momentarily then he charged in at the villain with him delivering a kick to his solar plexus. This sent the villain skidding back a few but Kyden continued to unleash a barrage of attacks consisting of moves from taekwondo, dim mak, iaijutsu, jujitsu, and karate. Elohim was nonetheless surprised by Kyden's skills in each art and how relentless he was too.

Kyden even mixed in various different quirks, matter, and energy into each attack to ensure Elohim couldn't fight back. However, Elohim did get a few jabs in especially with his other powers he had in store, such as a pulse of scarlet energy pulsing from his body to a power enhancer that gave off a green glow. The villain did not let himself be defeated so easily that he started land better counterattacks trying to deter Kyden's regeneration quirk.

It was proven useless since Kyden's regeneration quirk started to show that it wasn't normal regeneration since it used the power to create in place of it. This only angered Elohim as he wanted that power for himself. He would go off on a tantrum towards Kyden which only made the latter sweatdrop and question "how did this motherfucker beat his own parents?" which is honestly true since the villain was way too overconfident in his otherworldly power.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Elohim yelled as his made his yellow spear grow bigger and bigger and then lunged it into Kyden intending on it to destroy him.

However, as soon as it hit Kyden, the yellow spear shattered. Channelize had synchronized and allowed itself to become immune to the power now. This made Elohim irate as he tried to use other holy powers but only for them to not work either. Kyden brushed off the attacks as he proceeded to land more brutal attacks ok Elohim. The two's fight was interrupted as soon as they took a glance towards the abomination being short-circuited by Kaminari; Elohim was even more irate while Kyden smirked at his friend.

"Was that it? What was that thing anyways?" Kaminari asked himself.

"THAT THING WAS MEANT TO KILL ALL MIGHT!" Elohim shouted in anger.

"...welp I have to say one thing... that right there is a fucking joke because no way in hell could this thing beat him," Kaminari deadpanned in disbelief.

Before Elohim could go any further, a shadow grappled itself around him and a yellow like spiral appeared from it and he got sent flying back.

"If you we're gonna kill my wife and I, you should've made sure we really were dead, you traitor," the shadow said as it revealed itself as Kyden's dad and his mom coming out of the shadow.

"Ara ara, you really think you could get away with that huh," Kyden's mom said as she walked towards Elohim and delivered a wave motion-infused punch towards his solar plexus.

"GAH- but how?!"

"Easy, Raiden sunk us into his shadows and traversed us into his shadow dimension."

"I've had enough of you Shisui's! I will make sure next time to kill you all profusely!" Elohim exclaimed as he was teleported away by a ooze-like substance that "swallowed" him.

As Elohim left, Kyden bear hugged his parents as they reciprocated it. UA staff also arrived at the last second as they rounded up the students to make sure they were okay. Police had also shown up to question the students even more specifically Kyden since he engaged Elohim. UA staff and the police had Kyden in for questions for hours on end about the villain especially with him possibly being from another world.

As soon as they finished questioning Kyden, he was let go along with his parents. Raiden would got back to Italy to reform the now destroyed HPSC to reprise his position as president. Mira, however, went to UA with Kyden so she could stay close to him and the others specifically to become apart of the staff and protect her loved ones in the school.

"You really sure about this mom?" Kyden asked.

"Yes I am, it's best for me to do this," Mira replied.

"It's probably best for me to be Sorathia again especially since 'you know what' with All Might," she continued.

"Yeah that's probably for the best... maybe you could help train Melissa too... having two Channelize users teach her to use 'that' would really help," Kyden stated.

"Of course! I'd be happy to help her."

"Also... she's actually All Might's daughter..."

"What do you mean? Her parents are David and Sara Shield."

"Here's the thing... I've felt her blood flow and it actually matches All Might's..."

"..." both stood in silence as Kyden spoke up again, "I think she might be a result of him donating his sperm for them."

"I see... we should confront the two of them about this tomorrow," Mira said as the two of them made way to their respective rooms.

Welp that's it for this part! I hope you guys enjoyed. Also I'll make sure to actually focus on Izuku and Kyoka next chapter since I've mostly focused on the others especially my OC. Sorry about that.

I also plan on making these sometime in the future too just so you know. Cya next part!


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