De TheHolyPeanut173

9.9K 297 294

"Ye who enter, abandon all hope." This was the warning given to Dante Alihieri, the poet who wrote about his... Mai multe

E1M1: Aliens Pt1
E1M2: Aliens Pt2
E1M3: Aliens Pt3
E1M4: Aliens Pt4
E1M6: SCP Foundation Pt2

E1M5: SCP Foundation Pt1

1.5K 39 64
De TheHolyPeanut173

"It's only natural to imitate success. Throughout video game history, there are countless examples of clones: shameless mimics that ride aboard the coattails of others. Call it inspiration, an homage, or just a plain ripoff: no good idea goes without a few retreads. On rare occasions, a game's influence will be such that it won't just inspire a few imitations, but forge an entirely new genre.

'DOOM' is a massively important step in the development of 3D action games, one that defined the first person shooter, and changed gaming forever."

-Stuart "Ahoy" Brown.


Incident DM1-5

"So has re-containment been accomplished for the surviving SCPs?"

"Yes, sir."

"And what of the anomaly?"

"Gone, he was nowhere to be found after the incident."

"Was the security footage recovered?"

"Most of it was barely intact when we recovered it, but it works."

"Play it."


Audio interview Log DM1-5-1

Interviewer: Dr. ███
Interviewed: Agent Ulgrin

<Begin Log>

[Dr. ███ calmly sits across from Agent Ulgrin, who was rubbing his casted right hand]

Dr. ███: Can you start from the beginning, please?

Agent Ulgrin: let's see, uh... I was escorting some pipsqueak D-Class to the peanut's containment chamber before the shit hit the fan.

Dr. ███: Please elaborate. The... peanut?

Agent Ulgrin: Yeah. You know, the statue, 173?

Dr. ███: I see. Please refer the SCPs by their designated numbers for this interview, here on out.

Agent Ulgrin: Right, right. Anyway, after that, I was about to leave and head to the cafeteria for some pizza... but that was when the sirens went off.

Dr. ███: Can you describe your actions directly after the containment breach?

Agent Ulgrin: Yeah. I went to the lower office outside of 173's chamber and came across Security Chief Franklin. Dude saved my ass when he warned me to turn around, and saw 173 behind me. I had my gun on it as we glued our eyes on it while backing away from the office. We planned on wasting no time to escape the facility and regroup with the others, but then...

Dr. ███: But then?

[Agent Ulgrin rubbed his casted right hand with an agitated expression]

Agent Ulgrin: That was when it showed up...

<End Log>


The Doom Slayer stepped out of the red portal before it dispersed, finding himself in an office with no one inside. Loud sirens blared, followed by a male's voice alerting everyone through the intercom.

"The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breaches! Full site lockdown initiated!"

He walked to the metal door to open it, but found it needed a keycard. So he just grabbed onto the door, and pry it open with ease, bending and breaking the metal.

The Doom Slayer stride through the facility, encountering mutilated bodies of men wearing white coats and glasses on the way, most likely scientists. Some of them had their necks twisted in unnatural angles, mutilated by something one would assume to be a large beast, bodies rotted and covered by black mucus substance that also covered the walls and floors. Hell, one hallway was covered in a large amount blood, but no body to be found. All of it started to infuriate him the more he came across.

Eventually, the Slayer pressed the button to open a door, revealing Security Chief Franklin and Agent Ulgrin. The two didn't seem to notice his entrance as they stared at a statue that resembled a peanut to him.

But the moment his eyes shifted downward, he spotted the body of a scientist sprawled on the floor with his neck twisted in a 180 degrees. It was enough for the Slayer to know that this thing was responsible for breaking their necks.

Agent Ulgrin and Security Chief Franklin came across a scientist before SCP-173 seemingly appeared out of nowhere and snapped his neck like a twig. Agent Ulgrin felt his eyes drying up as he continued to stare at the statue that followed them. He felt the tears formed up as he gritted his teeth in fear of sharing the scientist's fate.

"I gotta blink," he alerted Franklin.

"Alright. Go for it, agent."

Security Chief Franklin kept his eyes as Agent Ulgrin blinked. They started to slowly back away as Franklin reached for the button to open the door while staring at SCP-173.

But in that moment, everything happened so fast.

A large hand was placed on Franklin's shoulder before it shoved him aside. He let out a gasp as he fell to the floor. Agent Ulgrin was about to ask him what happened, but what can be described as a juggernaut ran past him. He jumped in the air with his right leg fully extended while momentarily airborne, the end of his boot was met with SCP-173, and shattered the statue upon the fatal kick.

Pieces of SCP-173's concrete and rebar flew aimlessly from the fatal kick. A large chunk collided with Agent Ulgrin's chest, causing him to fall on his back. He let out a groan as he pushed the concrete piece off him, and his eyes widened when he saw what became of SCP-173.

Pieces of SCP-173's concrete and rebar scattered the floor. And its killer stood with his boot planted on a large chunk of the statue's head, making eye contact with Agent Ulgrin through the helmet's blue visor.


Audio interview Log DM1-5-2

Interviewer: Dr. ███
Interviewed: Agent Ulgrin

<Begin Log>

Dr. ███: So you're saying that the anomaly terminated SCP-173 with a single jump kick?

Agent Ulgrin: Damn right! He just kicked it to death like he was Bruce Lee!

Dr. ███: Can you give a description of the anomaly.

Agent Ulgrin: Yeah, uh... At first glance, it looked like one of those MTF juggernaut operatives for serious duty. Profile was that of an adult male, I'd say, uh... height standing more than six feet. It covered head-to-toe in some advanced green armor, something straight out of those sci-fi movie or video games. The only part of it that wasn't covered were the biceps, and they were HUGE! The whole suit must've weight a ton, but it had no issue with jump-kicking that statue.

Dr. ███: Had you or Security Chief Franklin attempted to communicate with the anomaly?

Agent Ulgrin: It understood English just fine, but didn't bother to say a thing to either of us. I pointed my gun at it and ordered it to identify itself, due to the fact it snuck into one of the most secretive and secured facilities on the planet and killed an SCP. The bastard just ignored me and went deeper in the facility.

Dr. ███: Unlikely, agent. The security footage and Security Chief's testimony says otherwise. But please, continue.

Agent Ulgrin: I kept my gun on it and gave one last chance before I start shooting. But whatever that thing was, it ran toward me like a blur and grabbed my hand. That son of a bitch squeezed my hand until it broke every damn bone.

[Agent Ulgrin lifted up his casted right hand to show Dr. ███]

Dr. ███: What did the anomaly do next?

Agent Ulgrin: I thought it was gonna kill me and Franklin. But by a miracle, it just left us alone... hm, guess I got to live another day to try out that pizza.

Dr. ███: Right... but if you're referring to SCP-458, then I'm afraid that's not possible.

Agent Ulgrin: what? Why?

Dr. ███: Before the anomaly went to the surface, it went to the cafeteria, found SCP-458, and took it. The cafeteria will be serving tuna casserole as compensation for the loss of SCP-458.

Agent Ulgrin: ...

Dr. ███: ...


<End Log>


After making quick work with Agent Ulgrin, the Doom Slayer resumed with his bizarre adventure as he dived knee deep in the facility.

At one point he came across a tesla gate found in the center of a corridor. He walked past the gate as he was unfazed by the shock that can kill a human, but he was far from that.

Opening the door, he came across a hallway with a door leading to an SCP storage chamber. He walked over to the door and ripped the door open, revealing a small storage room with a desk with a computer, and a pedestal with a wooden box on top with a sheet of paper lying on the floor next to it.

The Slayer opened the wooden box and found what seemed to be a heavily modified Nerf brand dart gun.

The Slayer was confused on why the scientists would have a toy gun stored away in this place. He'd take it if it were a real gun and add it to his collection.

He looked down at the piece of paper and saw the printed image of the toy gun with information about the object. Interested, he picked it up and gave the document a read, and boy, he was surprised when he learned what the gun actually does.

The toy gun is designated as SCP-3108 by the eggheads. Apparently, if he were to shoot someone with it, will turn it into something perceived as "worse" or "inferior" by the person holding the toy gun.

The Slayer quickly changed his mind, now viewing this magic toy weapon to be really useful. The only problem was that it needed ammo, which were designated as SCP-3108-1, and there was only one.

He picked up SCP-3108 and checked the chamber, confirming there were no rounds like the document said. He closed the toy gun and stored it in his hammerspace backpack, now intrigued in finding ammunition for his toy gun. But he didn't have to look far when he approached the computer desk and saw a single foam dart laid atop, it was SCP-3108-1. He picked up the dart and saw the phrase "OP PLS NERF" inscribed on it with red ink. He pulled out SCP-3108 and loaded the foam dart into the chamber.

Whoever put SCP-3108-1 in the same room with SCP-3108 was definitely gonna get fired.


5 minutes passed after the Doom Slayer collected SCP-3108. He walked in a two-way hallway with a door that had a sign next to it that read, "Surveillance Room." Interested, the Slayer walked up to the door leading to the surveillance room, but needed a level 3 keycard for access. Similar to before, he grabbed metal door, and pry it open with no struggle. He walked up the flight of stairs and found himself in a room with a hub of consoles. But what caught his interest was when he turned his eyes over to the left and found the surveillance booth. Upon walking in the room, the booth contained two chairs in front of a console with a wall of monitors and a computer hub on the right.

The Slayer walked over to the computer hub with some interest, finding a lever ripped off its hinges and placed ok the control console, to lift the Heavy Containment Zone lockdown. He pulled other lever that was still intact, lifting the Light Containment Zone lockdown, allowing him access through the checkpoint room that lead to the Heavy Containment Zone. Now, all he needed to do, was find it.

The Doom Slayer turned around to look at the monitors to find the checkpoint room leading to the Heavy Containment Zone. Through the monitors, he saw big of a problem the containment breach was for the facility. But his eyes shifted toward the monitor showing the camera feed of a strange man wearing a plague doctor outfit, walking down the hallway outside the Surveillance room.

The Plague Doctor, also known as SCP-049 by the Foundation, stopped in his tracks when he saw the doors to surveillance room had been opened by force. Curious if there was someone who had fallen victim of the pestilence, he walked up the stairs to find the person and have them "born again" with his cure.

When SCP-049 made it to the top of the stairs, he spotted the Doom Slayer standing motionless with a thousand yard stare at his direction.

"Good heavens," the doctor was surprised to see someone new at the facility. Someone with a healthy and strong build like him would be considered healthy by any doctors. But just like the rest of his patients, he sensed the pestilence within him. "I can see your not well, sir. The sickness has taken ahold of you."

The eyes of Scp-049 studied the Doom Slayer's praetor suit, wondering how he would make contact with his skin to start curing him. How convenient for him to have his biceps left uncovered. He approached the Slayer with, stretching out his right hand covered in blood to make contact with his bare skin. This action made the Hellwaker ball up his skin, and it didn't go unnoticed by the doctor.

"Fear not," SCP-049 assured him otherwise. "I'm not trying to harm you."

The doctor stretched out his right hand covered in blood to make contact with the Slayer's bare skin and save him with his 'cure.'

"I am the cu-"


Grotesque streams of smoke danced up from the end of the barrels of Lucifer's Bane. The Doom Slayer didn't let SCP-049 finish his sentence when he shot him point blank, reducing the doctor into shapeless chunks of meat, bones, and black cloth. Two shells leaped out of the Super Shotgun and his gauntlet hand jammed two fresh pairs into the barrels.


The Slayer sighed in disappointment as he closed his Super Shotgun, these strange creatures felt too easy for him. They didn't really put up a challenge. Maybe he'll encounter one that'll be a real challenge for him.


The Slayer's ears perked up when he heard a beeping sound coming from the surveillance booth's monitors. Turning around to see what it was, he found all the monitors no longer showing the camera feeds throughout the facility, but something else.

He tilted his head in confusion on what exactly he was looking at.

He didn't know what the creature was was on screen. It looked like a man, but its skin was devoid of pigmentation and devoid of color, no sign of hair. The thing's jaw was opened way more than an average human. This thing is... really skinny and lanky. The Slayer just turned around and left the surveillance room, unfazed by the photo of what he can described as a person that never went outside to touch grass.


Video and audio feed from security camera located in Security HQ of Site-██

[Security members of Site-██ can be seen talking rapidly as they furiously type away. Site Director ████ rushed into the room]

Site Director ████: I need status on that thing's location, now!

Security Chief ███: The anomaly is continuing to move through the hallways of the light containment zone. Wait-

Site Director ████: What's wrong?

Security Chief ███: It appeared to stop moving at high speed, now it's just moving at a slow rate when it turned left.

Site Director ████: Show me.

[Security Chief ███ taps in a few commands on the console to bring up the live camera feed. On the screen, the anomaly can be seen striding down the hallway until out of frame. The screen switches to the next camera feed showing the anomaly approaching the containment chamber of SCP-914.]

Site Director ████: Oh God... oh dear God. It found it.

Security Chief ███: Director?

Site Director ████: It found 914! Get Epsilon-11 on the line!


Minutes after leaving the surveillance room and aimlessly running down corridor to corridor like a lost kid on his first day of school, the Doom Slayer turned left to see what lied behind the door. The door opened for him, revealing a containment door with a sign of the object on the other side. He cocked his fist back and started punching the containment door as it started to bend and rupture until it fractured, leaving a hole big enough for him to walk through.

The Slayer walked into the containment chamber and inspected SCP-914. He looked over to the shelf to his right and walked up to it, picking up the SCP's document and read through it.

After reading the important parts of SCP-914, he looked over from the intake booth, to the output booth, and gazing over to the panel in the center. The Slayer walked into to the intake booth, and started pulling a few of his weapons out of his hammerspace backpack, placing them inside the booth. He then went over to the center and read over the settings of SCP-914. He brought up a finger up to his helmet's chin while deciding what setting he should put it on. After a moment of giving careful consideration, he decided to set the knob to 'fine' and activated the machine upon turned the key.

The doors to both of the booths closed, and SCP-914 got to work as it began its refinement process. The Slayer patiently waited until the gears, pulleys, and other mechanical parts came to a stop, and walked over to the output booth when the doors opened.

The first weapon he picked up that was SCP-3108.

The weapon was now made of metal instead of plastic with some parts that glowed softly with a red light. And much like the UAC EMG Sidearm, no longer relied on the dart ammunition, for it shot directed-energy beams that will "Nerf" whatever it hit. And lastly, it had unlimited ammo, a massive improvement for the new weapon.

The next weapon is the chainsaw, aka the PAINSAW.

This weapon now has not one, but TWO saw sharp and deadly blades that can easily tear through flesh with little to no resistance with huge enemies. Its fuel is unlimited and will run forever.

The weapon after the Painsaw is the BFG-9000, also known as the BIG FUCKING GUN. Although its appearance didn't change at all, the same couldn't be said for its upgraded mechanics. The BFG-9000 now has a secondary setting, known as 10k mode. The advantages for 10k mode is that it takes less time to charge, and sets the BFG from a single shot, to full auto that can demolish anything at range with every shot.

The only disadvantages to 10K mode is that it has a cooldown mechanism if the Slayer fires it too many times, and 10k mode is less powerful than single shot. But to add the cherry on top, the BFG-9000 has infinite ammo, having the slayer to no longer search ammo for it.

The weapon after the BFG-9000 is the Unmaykr. It is completely understandable when one comes across this weapon and shout, "What the !@#%* is this!"

The Unmaykr, now going by its new name, the Unmaker, is no longer constructed of pure Maykr technology, but parts of spines, ribs, flesh, and unidentifiable technology. It has a high rapid rate that fires 6 powerful argent lasers in a horizontal and vertical arc. Much like Scp-3108, the Painsaw, and the BFG-9000, the Unmaker also has unlimited argent ammo.

After inspecting the weapons, the Doom Slayer picked up his final weapon from the Output Booth of SCP-914. The weapon in general was a dark gray metal hilt missing its blade.

But upon raising the weapon, a glowing blade of red-colored energy ending in a double-edged tip and covered in runes shot out of the hilt. Red electricity and sparks violently danced from the transparent blade, reflecting the Doom Slayer's unbridled, boiling rage and hunger for the blood of the wicked.

The CRUCIBLE has returned.

Satisfied with SCP-914's results, the Doom Slayer stored away all his weapons and left the containment chamber, now on the hunt for more monsters roaming around the facility.

Just as the Doom Slayer exited SCP-914's containment chamber, he paused when he heard something from afar. It was faint, but it sounded like it was getting closer. It sounded like someone was screaming likely in anger or terror, and was closing in to his position. He turned his head to the source while raising an eyebrow, wondering if it was a terrified scientist or one of those SCPs.

One of the metal doors in the four-way hallway suddenly bursted open, revealing a tall humanoid creature with pale skin that was covered in blood, stomping its way in the four-way hallway.

It had little to no muscle, arms grossly out of proportion along with the rest of its body. Its face with its jaw that opened unnaturally wide matched that of the one the Doom Slayer saw back in the surveillance room.

The hideous creature, known as SCP-096 by the Foundation, let out a scream as it wanted to tear the Doom Slayer apart for seeing his face. Despite the blue visor hiding the Slayer's face, the Shy Guy felt the his eyes upon its face.

Unlike the victims slaughtered by SCP-096, therse eyes stared at the Shy Guy with no fear or terror, but with malice...

The Doom Slayer's body temperature started to climb at an alarming rate. His fist clenched as the uncontrollable fire burned within, one that can never be put out. Underneath the helmet the face that represented sheer brutality with all his memories and thoughts were brushed aside.

His vision turned red the moment his furrowing eyes burned with extreme rage and his mind going full BERSERK.

SCP-096 let out a loud scream as it charged toward the Doom Slayer. The Hellwalker let out a loud and mighty war cry that drowned SCP-096's screams. He charged toward the terrible beast with only one thought that came to his mind for the carnage that was about to go down:

"Rip and Tear."




(A/N: Get Revanant jumpscared!)

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